The Estacada Progress Bakers of Chicago Will Add Two Cents to Price of Loaves. I m u « 4 Cadi Thar »da» E STAC AD A OREGON RESUME OF THE WEEK’S DOINGS General Review o f Important Hap­ penings Presented in a Brief and Comprehensive Manner for Busy Readers— National, Political, Hi»' torical and Commercial. Four cattlemen were lynched in Ok­ lahoma for murder. Roosevelt w ill make Mombasa his headquarters for ten days. Massacres were stopped Minor after 400 were killed. BREAD PRICES UP. in Asia Calhoun lawyers charge Heney with coercion of witnsses, butth is is denied. The property of the Waters-Pierce Oil company in Texas is to be sold by the state. The merger of Southern Pacific and Union Pacific lires is to have a hearing in Portland May 3. Chief Justice Beatty, o f the Califor nia Supreme court, subdued a bully by calling a bluff to fight. Chicago, April 20.— Following in the wake o f the action of Jewish bakers of Chicago in increasing the price of bread and biscuits, definite announce ment came today from President Ma thiaa Schmidinger of the Master Bak ers’ association that 1 cent and possibly 2 cents will be tacked onto the price of bread before May 1. A fte r a thorough canvass of the sit­ uation, Mr. Schmidinger declared that bakers throughout the city face the al ternative of charging more for their product or going into bankruptcy. The Master Bakers' association, which rep resents nearly all of the bread bakers throughout the city, will meet next Saturday, and it is said to be certain that at that time a decision will be reached to give bread prices a substan tial boost. The high cost of flour is not the only problem confronting the bakers of Chi cago. Their employes, including the bakery wagon drivers, are demanding more wages. More than 50 bakers in this city have been driven out of business with in a comparatively short time, on ac­ count o f the high price of materials and the enforcement of the ordinance pertaining to sanitation. MARS MAY BE HAILED. The Japanese government is investi- gatingthe grafting by members of the Professor Pickering Says it Would diet and more arrests are expected. Cost Only $10,000,000. The Great Northern and St. Paul are Boston, Mass., April 20.— “ I f man­ both struggling for the best route kind cares enough about it to put up through a narrow canyon in Montana. about $10,000,000, there is no very President T aft has completed all ar­ good reason why the human race should rangements for his summer vacation, not be able to talk with Mars, and that which will be spent at Beverly, Mass., so soon as next July.” in June. This is according to Professor W il­ Russia plans to deal directly with China in a settlement of the Harbin liam Henry Pickering, Harvard t trouble and then hopes to arrange versity’s celebrated astronomer. treaty with the United States on the Communication with Mars will be made possible, Professor Pickering de­ Far Eastern question. clares, by adopting his method o f flash­ Teamsters o f New York are ing messages when Mars approaches ■trike. the earth to within 35,000,000 miles, Italy has sent a cruiser to Turkey or about 5,000,000 miles nearer than to protect her interests. ever before. Ten millions o f dollars A Philadelphia man le ft $2,500,000 is a large amount, he admits, but he to establish a home for fatherless girls. predicts that once this means of celes­ tial communication is established, mes­ Dynamite has been used to break the sages will be easily recognized and un­ ice jam in the Niagara river near the doubtedly answered, if there is intelli­ falls. gent life on Mars; and that in such The Santa Fe road has a device case, hitherto hidden mysteries con which it is believed will prevent many cerning Mars will become an open book to the people of the earth. train wrecks. T aft wants to visit the Pacific coast and Alaska and will ask congress to provide the funds. G. M. McCain, of Philadelvhia, has been arrested in Turkey as a spy be cause he was taking photographs. A New York man has been arrested for attempting to bribe a naval officer to get a recommendation for a patent. Judge Hunt, of Montana, is coming to Portland to dispose of the remaining land fraud cases. He is expected about May 1. Philadelphia has not yet decided de­ finitely to let the Liberty bell come to the coast, but it is probable there will be no opposition. Castro has been ordered arrested by Venezuelan courts for murder. Hobson Easiest to Spare. San Francisco, April 20.— In the course of a lecture today on the Span- ish-American war, or such portions of it as came directly under his notice as commander of the battleship Iowa, Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, re tired, mentioned the sinking of the Merrimac in Santiago harbor, saying he never knew just why Admiral Samp­ son had selected Lieutenant Hobson to command that expedition, "unless it was the admiral thought he could spare him better than any other officer of the fleet.” More Than 1,000 Are Killed. Beirut, Syria, April 20.— A terrible uprising has occurred in Adana. Street fighting has been going on for three days and at least 1,000 persons have been killed. The city has been de stroyed by fire. American mission­ aries named Rogers and Maurer are dead. All the other Americans are safe. The British vice counBUl, Major Daughty-Wylie, is among the wounded. A t Tarsus there was less loss of life. The Armenian quarter, however, was destroyed. Four thousand refugees are housed in the American mission. NEWS ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST FROM THE STATE OF OREGON PAPER FROM FIR STU M PS. ANO TH ER LAW INOPERATIVE. Smith Lumber Company of Coos Bay Measure Regulating Salmon Fishing in Umpqua Has No Penalty. to Test New Discovery. Marshfield— The manufacture of pa­ Salem -Owing to the omission of a per pulp from the wood o f the fir tree penalty clause in a law passed by the and waste products of sawmills will be last legislature regulating salmon fish attempted on Coos bay. Spruce is ing in the Umpqua river, the law is chiefly used for making paper pulp, inoperative. The text follows: Section 4069—It shall be unlawful but a new chemical discovery will be employed to make possible the use of to take or fiBh for salmon in the Ump­ qua river, or any of the bays or tribu fir. The chemical discovery was made by taries thereof, below the points herein- Dr. George B. Frankforter, a professor after named, from April 10 to May 10, in the University of Minnesota, and and from November 20 to December the experiment will be backed by C. 10 of any year, or to take or fish for A. Smith of Minneapolis. Dr. Frank- salmon by any means whatever, except forter is expected here in'about a j with hook and line, commonly called month, when an experimental plant: angling, and for propogating purposes, will be established. ¡ above the points specified on each The invention is a process of distil- stream, namely, North Fork above lation by means of chemicals which re­ point 600 feet below the dam at Win­ moves from the fir wood those proper­ chester, South Fork above the south ties which now make it impossible for boundary o f the town o f Roseburg. wood pulp. There will also be a num­ $1,000 an Acre tor Orchard. ber of by-products, among them alco Hood River— The record price for hoi, turpentine and rosin. From this j orchard land in young trees was paid rosin India rubber can be made. I f the newly discovered process is a here when A. L. Paddock, o f St. Louis, success the whole of a fir tree when cut Mo., through the agency of the Briggs- for lumber can be utilized. The by­ Ament Land compuny, paid $10,000 for products will also be a source of big 10 acres in 2 and 3-year-old Newtown trees. The place purchased has no im­ revenue. provements on it and has strawberries | set between the trees. The price paid Dates for Wool Sales. Portland—The Eastern wool buyers for the young orchard, which belonged who operate in the Northwest have to William Reavis, was net, the com­ The prepared a schedule o f wool sales dates mission being paid in addition. for Oregon. The dates differ in some orchard is situated on the west side of particulars from the schedule as pre­ the valley, a few miles out of the city. pared by the Woolgrowers’ association, University's Big Enrollment. as the buyers claim that it would be impossible for them to make railroad | University o f Oregon, Eugene— Five connections according to the associa­ hundred and fifty students are enrolled tion dates. The schedule of the buyers in the local departments o f the univer­ follows: May 24, Pendleton; May 27, sity, exclusive of the department of Heppner; May 29, Echo; June 1, music and the correspondence school. Shaniko; June 4, Pilot Rock; June 5, In addition to these, 110 students are en­ Baker C ity; June 7, Ontario; June 15, rolled in the school of law at Portland, Shaniko; June 18, Heppner; June 21, 75 in the school of medicine at Portland, Vale; June 22, Ontario; June 24, Jo­ 150 in the school of music at Eugene, seph; June 25, Enterprise; June 29, 306 in the correspondence school and 23 enrolled in the summer school in Shaniko; July 1, Heppner. — 1908. Total registration in the depart­ ments at Eugene is 700. Total regis­ Rail Facilities Examined. is 1,191. Salem— Railroad Commissioner Atch- tration in all departments ________ ison has returned from a week’s trip of 1 inspection into the eastern part of the Ainsworth Again Regent, state. The depots at Ontario, Vale i Salem— Governor Frank Benson has and Nyssa were inspected, also the [ reappointed J. C. Ainsworth, o f Port- stockyards at Baker City and The land, member of the board of regents Dalles. A conference was held with for the University of Oregon. Mr. delegations from Canyon City, Prairie Ainsworth is president of the United City and John Day regarding the serv- States National bank, at Portlannd. ice on the Sumpter Valley railroad re- He succeeds himself as university re­ garding which much complaint has gent, having been appointed four years come in recently. The officials of the ago to serve out the unexpired term of Sumpter Valley and the forwarding former Federal Judge C. B. Bellinger, company at Austin were also inter- j His term for which he has just been viewed by Commissioner Atchison. appointed iB 12 years. Oregon Milk Is Seized. Seattle— Pending a chemical analysis of samples o f about 300,000 cans of condensed milk manufactured by the North Coast condensery at Coos bay, Or., State Food Commissioner Davies is holding the shipment. Two samples furnished Mr. Davies by Philip Brady, broker, who is endeavoring to sell the milk here, will be e x a m in e r s t ^ The milk is claimed state university, to be “ lumpy,” but Mr. Brady far from attempting to disguise this de­ clares the lumps are butterfat and that the milk originally was the first-class article. Good Price tor Mohair. Dallas— The sale of the 1909 pool of the Polk County Mohair association was held here last week. The pool, aggregating about 50,000 pounds, was sold to Wm. Brown & Co., o f Salem, on a bid o f 25 cents a pound. U. S. Grant, of this city, entered a bid of 24 34 cents. Mr. Brown’s price is 5 ;™ ntf nh'Kher,tharl R e price for which i h« 1908 P °°‘ was 8old to Mr- Grant last year. Sugar Beets Being Planted. La Grande— Planting sugar beets in A pioneer miner of Sheridan, Mont., 2,000 acres of land owned or leased by has been killed for his savings. the Amalgamated Sugar company has begun here. This is not quite as large Famine in Macedonia and Servia are Rogue River Fruit Unhurt. an acreage as usual. When the irriga­ adding to the revolutionary troubles. Medford— So far the frosts have I tion project has actually brought water done no material damage in this sec on the land, the sugar business in this T a ft is having much trouble in find­ tion o f the Rogue river valley. This | valley will leap forward enormously. ing suitable persons for foreign posts. the consensus of opinion of fruit- \ President Zelaya, o f Nicaragua, is growers. Some peaches and apricots | Eberhardt in Office. preparing to move against Honduras. in the low spots have suffered, but j La Grande— Colon R. Eberhardt has The Cudahy Packing company has they form an infinitesimal P portion of ™ I been notified that his bond as receiver been indicted for wholesale oleomar the valley’s . . . . fruit crop. , In the foot- | 0f the local land office to succeed A. A. Alaska Miners Are Starviig. garine frauds. hills there has been no damage done of Robertg hag been accepted and has ag. Nome, Alaska, April 20. — News The University o f Nevada has just from the Kuskowim, derived from late any kind. It is the general opinion | gumed the dutieg here. received two gifts, one o f $250,000 and arrivals at Kaltag and the Russian that the usual April frost, which comes but once, has been experienced for the PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. one of $100,000. mission, is that there is much suffering year and that the danger o f frost dam­ The Waters-Pierce Oil company, re­ in that country from lack of provis­ age is at a minimum. Wheat— Bluestem, milling, $1.25(0 cently ousted from Texas, w ill pay the ions. Beans and flour now constitute 1.30; bluestem shipping, $1.17j^(g the bulk o f all available supplies of state $2,000,000 fines and costs. Gather Albany Rubbish. 1.18; club, $1.14(01.16; Turkey red, food, and these are held at high prices. Albany— Albany will soon inaugur­ $1.15; Russian red, $1.08(01.09; val­ Mrs. Castro hints at revolution in R elief expeditions are being formed ate a system o f placing receptacles for ley, $1.10*. Venezuela and advises present officials and food supplies w ill be sent with all rubbish on its streets. Oats— No. 1 white, $40(0 41 per ton. It is planned to “ make hay while the sun shines.” possible haste to relieve the prospect to place tin boxes, neat in appearance, Barley— Feed, $32.50(0 33.50. It is reported on good authority that ors. Hay— Timothy, Willamette valley, at uniform distances along the leading H. W. Scott, o f Portland, will be streets, probably on telephone poles, $14(yc per rific hail and wind storm struck Ilea county this week sent a letter to the Two dynamite bombs were found un­ Moines and Central Iowa today. Plate courts o f Malheur, Crook and Lake pound; broilers, 25c; fryers, 18(u22 '...c; der a Santa Fe bridge near Stockton, glass windows in down town stores counties, asking their co-operation in roosters, old, 10(u>lc; young, 14(iil6c; Cal. were plown in and cellars were flooded. the building and maintenance of a per­ ducks, 20(u22Lsc; geese, lO lu llc ; tur­ A t Stuart, hailstones weighing half a manent highway through these counties keys, 20c; squabs, $2.50(it3 per dozen. Several members of the Japanese Veal— Extras, lO fiilO ^c per pound; pound fell, doing much damage to peach that will make easy travel the year diet have been arrested for having buds. ordinary, 8 'a(ii9c; heavy, 7(u8c. round for carriages and automobiles, taken bribes. Pork— Fancy, 9>$(