:.V A ( .Al; (NtACHTowM s ta lle d n M v.d-hole PROGRESS -*<>K \TI I*) ..nd exhibit a cry oliere arc samplc I •¿U'^UR '! SIO.N C A to «li.*, li Uo.V l i .M l ) \ \ put il to a . cycle. Wcship lit i i y ou rei in tire U. is. '■• ithoui a . < A U h i ! T U I A I. timi t y i w» ,i icily f li y mu are tl i I the bit yi I and .'•> nut wish to •; it t . |His5ihlc to make V Ì '- : 1 ory cost. You save >io to r 1 ’.’cnu’ii’s pruiits tv l>„ mg ti > i « » t «>t u ami ha tlie m anufacturer's guar« anUi b.u ! yi'iir Li uie. JH> i«O T IH \ a , bicy ............ p a .ro t tire*from anyone a > ur i nheai l oi /actor} et any prue u n t i l you recti ve our c.u r u£t-:ilft. I pri. es an.l rcm-it ka!'ie ape tal <*//• » j t-> l .e o u r Ixautit'ul catal'irue and 70fJ /JaLL B £ A òlT C ÌÌl')/ !iiO ùiy r superi» ni.iilcls .It thè -.icnier/uilp ’ l,nv tr u c i we » au make you this year. We sell thè highestgrade blcyc le* for W-ss money tlun nny othor factory*, '» e are satistied «ith $i oo proni a’.xive iactory cost. H it v e l i : 1>I A l : KS. y I i : ! • r bit.yil.-s under your owu uuuie p ale at IFÀCTiiilfFKiCÉS L>r Mid Manager ce in Estacad*. Oregon, as Pu'jüstu-d Iv i*r> Ih u rsd a y M orn ing dt F ST AC ADA, CRIGON s u p s c k : f t i o n r » ; r i :i v I : «:r * . •• r «: ... ■ ■ * • II r oromptly at \ rice* rii,..::-; from 1 3 to e*s . r ( ¡ I O . Descriptive Des< rtpuve bargain---- b.irg.u onusta -------------- mailed Ire». - i*r clin ics . • ci p id u lii paru, repairs ana ** dda v s . u licclA f im p ort« «l roiti1 CCJihI t t i ’ C n s l i t O , cqm; ment of all kii.dó at hai/ Un usuai retai, prues. R A T I.' »5 9 SEKHifdRH PaSifBRE-FilOCF * SELF-HEALIJ18 TIRES .0 is H icaucE, arar One year S'.x mom!". Thurnlay. April 15 . 1909 , .v l..\ e y i - : 80 The regular rct.'.i! price c t these tires is tO p. r pair, but tax sell you a sample pa i r tor $4.S0v. what the and ' 1 quality r uriiich e:; ualTty o f rni.lu rubber, which ncvirticcom i:evcr hecor.ier, a special • • • c‘ • . up small punctures without allow- >us ami which N o tic e th e th ic k rubber trea d porous an candidates to he elected mauds fur jn gth cairtotcca p e.............. have .......... hundreds of letters from satis- “ A " and puncture strip s “ H” that their tires have only been pumped Mini also rim strip “ 11” Also as individuals nd pn>sptcti\i fitdi'ur.toinersstaiiiiR upoucc or twice in a whole season. I hey weiph no more than t o p reven t rim cu tting. T h is u-ilmarv lire, th Mincture rM!r.tlng<|«l«lHU-»I k n'KK-' . n t ir e w lil ou tla st any o th e r candidates are being misre) r scnlcil oil by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the n m fc e -S O F r. U L A S T IO and The regular price o f these tires is fS.50 per pair,but for m L on the license question would it not •'-ad. re rtising purposes we are making a special factory price to , n . rwt.r.rfV.nlv fa »1 r T.-iir. A l l orders shipped same day letter is received. V e ship C. O. D. on lie a wise thing to have placed the city ballot •' \gainst License" and pression of the pcopt th u tvo u ’ w ilVI • so w- 11 pleased that wLcn yo u w aiitn bicycle you w ill give us your order. question so far as our law making know W e waut you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. , . - • „ ¡ r i i - - +M O-srra • n’t buy a-iy ki.ul it nnv price until you send fer n pair o f and enforcing body goes. We I F x C U f o f L t ' J * He-igetb-*r 11 Puncture-Pro*-t t ir e s on approval and trial at the m i .1 introd.ii torv price i;u .ud ah . a . or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue winch understand that from a legal stand-, describes ind tiuotes all makes and kinds 01 tires at about half the usual prices. ^ ^ ib e s a n u ju lmt w riu . 11S a p„.-tal today. DO N O T T H I N K O F U L Y I N O a bicycle p lint, fri in the ruling of the courts £ ) 0 N O * V v t e S B or a pair ot t in s from any lie until you k n o w the new and wonderful oilers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. W rite it N O W . such a vote will only settle the question as to the wishes of the voters. Should the people vote it j ‘ dry’ ’ or " n e t " we believe n o: c mncil that did not recognize the j expressed desire of the voters could j have standing before the people. J . L . MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. We Invite the — Though the commercial bodies \ of the Coast were disappointed that the Chicago school children did not I accept the invitation tendered them through the Chicago Association of Commerce, the invitation has born fruit, and from June end to June i)th a large party of Chicago business men will come to the Pa­ cific North-west mider the auspices j of the Association, including var- ! ions Oregon points in their itiner- arv. Ladies and Gentlemen & Of Estacada and Vicinity To Examine Our S pecial I n v i t a t i o n to th e Ladies FO R List No. 01773 IT H M C A T IO N PALACE MEAT MARKET United States Land Oft ice. Portland. Oregon. A iril5 . 1909. Notice is hereby given that the Northern Pacific Railway Company, whose pest office address is St. A provoking as well as amusing Paul. Minnesota, l as this 5th day of April 1909 ,. filed in this office its application to select under the < incident happened ppeued ut at the corner of I provisions of the Act of Congress, approved July 1. I 3rd and Broadway on Tuesday I 1898 [30 Stat. 597. 6201 «3 extended by the Art I of Congress, approved May 17. 1906, the NW'-i' j morning. Max KUetSch, who has SWH Sec. 33. Tp. 2 S R. 7 East. W. M been hauling wood from the county I Any and all persons claiming adversely the land j described, or desiring to object because of the min- | had his team stalled on the middle j era! character of the land, or for any ether reason, VEAL HOGS of the most prominent business ' ,0 ,*ie '^isP°sa* 10 applicant. should file their affidavits j f s I of protest in this office, on or before the 24 th day of j HIDES O n E ro a d w a y Handles the Best Fresh and Cured Meats Obtainable Cash Paid for Hides and Market Products street of the city. 1 he \v;nr >n w as M..y. i»o». Algernon S. Dresser. Register ¡11 t!m mud up to the axle aud had Publish i Estaca-ia Pi > ress icx-a’ ed in Estaca-la. t-> I > piled out. This has not been Oregon. Algernons. Dresser. Register . the tiist time but a number of times the atne thing has oceured in the See F E R R Y F o r last month, aud Mr. Klaetsch was compelled to quit loading wood, P a in t i n g , P a p e i just on account of this bad piee'e of road right in the- city, which is a H ¿ m g in g a n d C a lc e tn i- shame and disgrace that such pi.u should be allowed to exist i nin g. 1st C lO S S W O r k without any effort on the part of j the authorities to correct it. G u a ra n te e d Just here and on the grade up the hill on Main St. would he a [ DODGE Iman to us energy I Continued from bast Week | itions better instead of fooling his time away I Oregon Library Commission. t ying to obstruct the construction I Traveling Library No. 51. of roads that neither cost him or' Stories and facts of Adventure and the city one cent, hut then the- j Heroism Mayor has a queer wav of figuring ! Grinnel. Jack, the young trapper. that he- is working for the- people's Moore. Leeds of daring done by girls. interest. St. Nicholas. Sea stories. Seawell. Little Jarvis. Notice constructed and Whereas, I did on, or about, the middle of May iqofi warn you to t j immediately cease your trespass and now I have made demand of a year's rent, twenty-five dollars (S25) which you refuse to pay. I now warn you to stay away from these premises entirely. — Mary Stubbe LO C A L N EW S I S. W. Stryker sjient Sunday Ü! in Dr. Estacada. Chambers. Lorraine. Crawiord. The revelations of Inspector Morgan. Crowley. I11 treaty with honor. Lefevre. Sampson Rock, of Wall street. Lumtnis. King of the broncos. Reagan. Locomotives. Roosevelt. Hunting in many lands. Stoddard. Little Smoke. Train. Prisoner at the bar. Trowbridge. Tack Hazard and his for­ tunes. W e Buy and Sell SHEEP CATTLE CHICKEN S LARD EGGS SAUSAGE H EA D C H EE SE FRESH MEATS SM OKED MEATS M . H . R ich ard s, P rop . AiTENTioN READERS THE ESTACADA PHARMACY H a s ju s t received a large a s s o r tm e n t o f P o p u la r N o v e ls Y o u r choice for 50 c e n ts F I R E | Outdoors and indoors, at home and % abroad Notice to W. A. Heylman, Mayor Barrows. 1 'iinciples cf cooker>. j Chandler. Habits of California plants. of the City of Kstacada: Elliott. Two in Italy. Whereas, you as Mayor and the Hendetson. Slior; history of Germany. City Council of Estacada have tres­ Mellvaine. Outdoors, indoors and up passed upon three hundred and the chimney. thirty feet of land over and above Penfield. East of Suez. that covered by a contract entered Wright. Four-footed Americans and their kin. into by me with the City of Estaca­ da at the time the pipe line was Books popular with boys and men ¡ S p r i n g M illin e r y ^ ! The Stale Editorial Association wh h convened at the Comme i mereiai : íft Clu -rro n s, Portland, on Friday $ and S turdav of la-t week was not ift as well attended as it shout uld have iQ been, however those present out lined work of import nice to the t craft a-ul if a united effort is made along these lines good will result. B ¡ker City was the place decided upon for the next annual meeting. It is expected to arrange a trip to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific expo­ sition sometime in July. 312 Portland N O T IC K i ^ | t ¥ FARMERS! PROPERTY OWNERS! llow about your crops? How about your buildings? How about your furniture? John Brow n R o c k w o o d , O regon Phone O FFICE, ADJOINING RKSIDKNCK Local and Long Distance Teleph n : The doctor’s phone can be com ect with your home phone at night it quested. One long ring. G re s h a m , 311 ¥ Represents the j Oregon Fire Relief Associa­ tion of McMinnville And six other lines of fire insur- WRITE HIM Or leave word at this office - i -1 r . r -.1 p . .2 i -. I. n . K p . -t. I.il.it» . ■. . r a. n . r. g i ” r r 1 * 1 * i ♦ n i -■ “ <..>.■*. I I ▼ [ T IM E C A R D P. R. L. & P. Co. ESTACADA-PORTLAND Cars leave Estacada for Port- ' ; latid: (Continued Next Week) H E N R Y V.ADIX.M .D PHYSICIAN & SURGEON D r . L .A . W E L L S DENTIST OF SHEARER AND D en tists of W ELLS' P o rtla n d \\ ill visit Kstacada on Friday and Saturday of each week Appointments may lie made with Dr. Adix. Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys at Law Nortary Public, General Law Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, Ab­ stracts furnished 6:55, 9, 1 1 , A. M. and M ONEY LO AN ED 1. 3 . 5 . 9 P. M. - í Cars leave Portland for Esta­ The Oregon State Sun-Jay School Andy Fatiton, the shingle mill cada: ■ OFFICES: 2, 3 & 4, ANDRESES 1ILD. Association will hold its Twenty- sawyer of note, left for his woik at fourth Annual Convention at Salem 6: 55 . 8:45, 10:45, A. M. and O reg o n C it y O rego n Eagle Creek 011 Wednesday. April 28-30. [ 12 :4 5 .2 :4 5 .4 :4 5 .6 :4 5 p. m . : Mrs. Jessie Andres and daughter A fine program has been arranged Can W e Realty Better Y o u r S a la ry ? Mail and Express (no passengers. visited in Kstacada at the home of and among the many names appear­ !carried on this run) leaves Portland; Cashier Belnls, on Sunday last. ing on the list are men and women -for Estacada 5:25 a. ni. and 2:40 p. in. HAT we can enable the average worker to increase liis earnings is a fact Robt. Snyder, up in the foothills of note all over our State. We are Leaves Estacada for Portland 4:26 p. C edar Shingles that has been proved bv 17 years of success in so doing. From an “ exper­ LO C A L N EW S has completed puting in his Spring to have with us Mr. E. C. Knapp m. and 7:10 a. m. When in need of First Class iment” with one Course of Instruction the I. C. S. has grown to lie the crop. of Chicago who is known as one of Cedar shingles consult me. largest educational institution in the world with 208 Courses and a million the brightest and most vigorous ; J Freight also leaves Portland ; Shingles delivered or at the The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific expo­ students enrolled. The proprietors of this institution (the I. T. Co.) have an in the morning goes to Caza- ; Sunday School speakers in the invested capital of nearly 6 million dollars, own ond occupy 5 buildings covering sition is called "the fair that will ; ’ dero and returns to Portland ’ mill. Nos. I and 2 always on United States. hand. W. A. Jon«, Sales Agt., 7 acres of floor space, and have a private printing plant turning "out 3 1-2 tons be ready.” The Estacada Commercial Club Also, we are to have Mrs. Mary • 1 Estacada of printed matter per day which is used exclusively by this concern. Over FOR S A L E —One 3!4 "agon, fyas rented the Warnock building Foster Bryner of Chicago aud Rev. ’ Main offices of the company: 132 1-2 125,0001. C. S. students have been awarded Diplomas or have made considerable w id e t ir e , w a g o n b e d . Inquire at R. FANTON First St. Portland, Oregon. uud the shelving is being taken out W. C. Merritt, both International progress in the advanced subjects of their Courses; 225,000 more have completed th e Pit O GRESS. g, ■» 4,4,4,4„|.,>„ 11,1,111,1 ■ ♦ 4.4.4- mi l the premises generally being Workers of wide experience. mathematics, physics, drawing, and other preliminary subjects with the assistance R. Fanton has been overhaulng cleaned up. It will be papered, E. W. Bartlett Each Sunday School in the State | of the faculty of the Schools; and several hundred thousand others without send his shingle mill and has improved is entitled to two delegates who painted and furnished throughout ing in written exercises for correction have successfully pursued their studies from it considerable. The mill is turn­ for the occupancy of the Club just will be entertained by Salem on the our unique home-study textbooks. ing out good shingles. as qui k l v as possible. It is the ‘ 'Harvard Plan,’ ’ that is, lodging Practice in all the Courts intention of the Club to arrange W A N T E D - A first class man and breakfast will be provided fer Special attention given to I. C. S. T E X T B O O K S the products of our soil as an e x ­ SEWING MACHINE. for clearing land, $40 a month and all delegates. Settlement of Estates. hibit of whv it is that Estacada is EASY TO LEARN. Because they are simple, clear, concise, exact. ROLLER B E A R tN a board. Address J. T. Snyder, Reduced railroad fare has been Collections promptly attend­ HIGH GRADI. the place to live. Do you wish to EASY TO REMEMBER. Because each Course is a logical chain; to remember one! Estacada, Oregon. R. F. D. No 1. secured on the one and one-third ed to. lend your assistance to this move- j link is to remember the chain. The Washington state live game Convention Plan, viz., all delegat s Office in Bank of Estacada incut? I f so, come to the meeting EASY f t ) A P P IY Because they are made to meet actual needs in actual practise. and visitors paying a full fare to j exhibit at the Alaska- Yukon-l’a- and see what is being done. Get cific.exposition will show all the Salem and taking a receipt from the spirit of ' boosting” instead of W HAT W E TEACH the Agent where the ticket is nur- j wild game of the region. "knocking." You will feel better. chased, will be entitled to one-third The mining exhibit at the Alas- Cut out this coupon, mark X before the Course that intercuts y o u . fare from Salem, provided fifty ■ ka-Yukou-Pacific exposition in Mrs. Dora B. Herring and daugh­ sign it, and mail it to us. such receipts are presented at the 1909 will be the most complete ter have moved to and located tem­ Convention for the General "Secre­ 1 mineral display ever shown at a — +---- porarily at Spritigwater with her tary to sign. Be sure and secure —* world's fair. brother. « your receipt. International Correspondence Schools Mrs. L. Y . Congdon came to F.s- The names of all delegates should Inlerndlional lexibook Ctonpout Sign Painting Structural Engineering Carman Church 011 last Sabbath was fairly has been given in Portland recent- ---- PROPRIETOR---- Stationary Engineering Architectural Drafting Spanish the lawn also. The citizens of Es­ Estacada Agent—A . Morrow well attended aud the pastor gave j Mechanical Engineering Heating and Ventilation English Branches tacada are ptoiul of the Hotel Esta­ Mechanical Drafting Plumbing Preparation for U. S. Civil his hearers a good sermon along Teaching Civil Engineering Service Examinations cada and the Park as accomplish­ We will prove that we can save theological lines, reviewing the 60 YEARS* ments that not every city of our your fare to Portland and freight EXPERIENCE death aud resurrection of CI11 i t. B L A C K S M IT H size can boast of. It is the inten-1 to Estacada, if you let us do so. amm Mrs. T. J. Reagan went to Port­ We do it on house fitting supplies tion of the management, so we arc It still at the old stand and willing to do land on Tuesday and came back on and furniture. II. Cooper & Co. } i.rm*il, to restore the old Sun­ »N tre e t h nh »4 a. any of the work in his line Wednesday. day rate of fifty cents round trip A new son is a welcome visitor! TRAOC MARRO from Portland also to advertise the The regular April term of Cir­ at lilnitr Davis’ home, ,S/i//i- D e s ig n s CY/y GIVE HIM A CALL resort. A band of musicians will cuit Court will be convened in CORTRIOHTS Ac. Anyone sendlnf » aketrh end description may Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bronson nnlrkly jweertrtln otir ©ur opinion free 1 . irlckljr iwcertrtln whether an parade the streets of Portland on Oregon City next Monday by Judge Invention Is la probably patentable. patenf “ Communie** tlonsRtrlctlyconfidential. HA ----------- ------ ä E HAN090QK oo Patent* the day of opening the Park here McBride. Eight criminal cases are returned from Montana a few days I •ent free. Oldeet agency for nectirin* pati it a m * . Patenta taken tnroaáh Muiin A Co. recel?« advertising Kstacada. An early on the docket and 126 civil suits. ago and are spending some time in ' •pft lal notice, without charge, tu t b « Sunday morning car will be run The docket is now living made up by Estacada. The Fern Rock Farm of 144 a- Sunday School Convention ;j FANTON T G et N ew R oom s Attorney at Law CEDAR S H I l»G L E S B o o stin g F e v e r is S p re a d in g KRIEGER BROS. &C0. J. V. BARR P atents H . V. R eed, - - - - R e p re s e n ta tiv e through from Portland for the ben­ efit of fishermau who wish to speud the day out, B o x 19 P o rtla n d , Ore. For Sale County Clerk Greenntan. Few im­ Mi-s Judith Snodgrass, from La- cres has been platted in acreage, 10 portant matters are slated for this Grand, is visitiug her sister, Mrs. .teres and up, to plat. See D. Bri- term. E. W. Bartlett of this city. dunstiuc, Estacada R. F. D. No. 1 Scientific American A haadaomefy IH u tm iw I weekly, l enrect c»r d ilation o f any arlenlidc Journal. T-rm *. f 3 * w itba, |E Sold b ja il n-w*