*í NO. 36 of E ST A C A D A , OREGON, VO L. i Estacada State B a n k Capital, $25,000 I Mrs. Homier and Mrs. Historical Geo. Estes, S. W. Stryker, T. Yocum, Progress on the new church building is being made. W. W. Boner is the boss carpenter. We will have more to say of it when we have an opportunity to see it. Willis Yonce has so far recovered as to be able to be down town on Wednesday. He is not feeling real strong but is better than he has BUSINESS been for a couple weeks. John Zobrist, Albert D. Schmidt TRAN SACTS A GENERAL B A N K IN G Writes Fire Insurance in Five of the best “ D O L L A R ” companies. both Handles Business Real Estate, Town Lots and Residence, and Farm Property near Estacada N O TARY PUBLIC ON OUR STA FF C O R R E S P O N D E N TS M e rc h a n ts N a t io n a l B a n k oi P o r tla n d N a t io n a l C ity B a n k oi N e w Y o r k ANNOUNCEM ENT The Clackamas Title Company IN PORTLAND Incorporated 19 0 1 At 509—511 Chamber of Commerce Building Statement of Taxes Will Be Furnished plication in Person or By Mail ine the Duplicate Tax Roll. Upon Ap­ Call and Exam­ Telephones Main 2 0 5 6 or Home 2036 H. COOPER W. D. HENTHORN _______ __ ________________ A T $275.00 will buy a Conover, up­ right piano, Colonial style, mahog­ any finish, practically new. Re­ tails at $425.00.— Estacada State Bank. Mr. Lockerby went fishing on Clear Creek on Wednesday. He will be gone for a few days and we expect he will add considerably to his piscatorial experience and be able to have the goods to verify his statements. The P r o g r e s s and ‘Human Life for one year. Price of both $1.50 P rog ress and Weekly Oregonian one year, $1.50 P r o g ­ r e s s and Semi-Weekly Journal for $1.50 a year. May Now Be Paid at the Offices of Established tá 9 j M. H. Richards has taken over the Palace Meat Market and is con­ ducting it himself. He is trying to get a man to put in the shop to aid in the work. The State Editorial Association of Oregon meets in annual session at the Assembly Rooms of the Com­ mercial Club, Portland, Ore., on Friday and Saturday April 9th and roth business of importance will be transacted. Clackamas County* Taxes L. M. HENTHORN T H E ------------------------------------- Estacada F U R N I T U R E Store A fifteen d o lla r B ru s s e ls R u g G iv e n A w a y M a y 1st. 33 1-3 % off on Kitchen Treasure« and Wall Paper. 15 % off on Iron Beds. 10 % off on Queenaware. A full line of Furniture on hand. C o m e in a n d be c o n v in c e d th at E s ta c a d a is th e P la c e to Buy These are our Cash Inducements Respectfully* H. Cooper & Co. of TRY O UR G RO CER Y D E P A R TM E N T In Gardner Clackamas Co. By The Palace Meat Market has had repainted and lettered their delivery wagon and we expect before long to see “ Mort' ’ taking a hike to the country with a wagon load of meat, prouder of it than the little boy with his first pair of red topped boots. Ferry did the work. We have several pieces of prop­ erty left with us to negotiate a sale for. Intending investors in Esta­ cada will do well to consult us as we may have just what you want. Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office. The Gresham Oil & Gas De­ velopment Co. ^ is the name of a new corporation, the' capital stock of which is $500,000 with head­ quarters at Portland. They own a tract of land at Gresham and have secured options on three hundred additional acres. It is their inten­ tion to drill for oil and gas. The company is negotiating for a 10 inch drill and expect to go down 3,500 feet if ’uecessary. Continued From M ar. 18 at $ 5.85. high Garde Flour Western Fruit at at $6.05 $ 1.35 per sack. W e have just received a car of flour and can sell at less than others ask for inferior gccds. Mr. Philip Foster settled on a Try a sack and if you are not satisfied donation claim in the Eagle Creek bottom, East of the river called by Call and get your money back. that name, and where Mr. Egbert The Real Pleasure of a Walk will be found in Foster's modern residence now A P a i r c f O u r O xfo rd s That’s Fair, is it not? stands, in the early days. He had Comfortable and Dressy. In all leathers and the first store of small supplies, Popular Patterns. that he kept to sell to the emigrants that came through the Cascade Range, over the old Barlow route. 3T. LOUIS. As it was the first place where they could get these supplies after leav­ The Housewife’s Favorite ing The Dalles many were the greenbacks he gathered in in those W ork s b y A ir days and as it was the fartherest Pressure. W ill Buy one of out-post where one could replenish draw a gallon a these cans and his supplies in going into the m inu te. No if you are not mountains to prospect for the S lop, drip Satisfied We waste. precious metals, many an ounce of w ill refund F unn els the glittering gold he had weighed you r m oney. M easures. out to him. Many an early pioneer There is a style and grace about O u r S h o e s still retains memories of being at that is at once noticeable when placed in com­ Philip Foster's place while their parison with others. Style and grace that Regular Price $ 2 .2 5 Our Price $1.50 teams rested.after^their hard trip show individuality and closely applied shoe through the mountains. He had thought. some small houses, standing where WE A R E SH OW ING A P R E T T Y A SSOR TM EN T. the Jacques buildings now stand, which were ten by sixteen built of small round logs. As high as three and four families were living in these houses at the ' same time, for a few weeks. As those pioneer families generally consisted of sev­ eral in each family, one can see how they had gotten used to being close together. But after being from under a roof, except a tent or wagon cover, for five or six months anything in the shape of a house was nice to be in and especially if they could once more sit and 1st their feet hang down, instead of sit­ ting flat on the ground. Mrs. Foster was a Mrs. Pety- grove, a precious good motherly old soul, the mother of three girls, Lucy Burnett, mother of the Bur­ nett boys, Mary Young, and Mar­ tha Lake. Also three sons, Frank, Isaac, and Egbert. Mr. Philip That has bought and sold more feed since opening up, Foster had other children by a W . A . JO N E S P R O P R IE T O R farmer wife, George and James, than had been previously handled in Estacada, and has a full G ood rigs and careful drivers alw ays who owned the property where supply now, and wants your trade is the SPECIAL ATTENTION Guss Burnett now lives, also one G iven H u n tin g and F ish in g Parties girl, who died quite young in an early day. WOOD & LUMBER Mr. Foster owned and operated Local and L o n g Distance Telephone the first grist mill’ in this part of Clackamas County. It was built at the point of the hill, near the M rs . d. D. M ille r Suter property, and many were the o f P o rtla n d grists he put through his mill. Eurrs that wouldn’t compare with Will Do Nursing the present patent process flour tor whitness or raising as there was so / B u y A n y t h i n g the f a r m e r h a s to I n q u ir y D r. A d ix much of mother earth mixed with the grain in the process of extract­ Sell a n d Sell h i m a n y t h i n g he needs in ing the berry from the straw, that CHURCH SE R V IC E S it was a hard matter to have the flour clean. The grain raised at M. E. Church----- Next Sabbath that date wa.- fine and large berried but as they had to tramp out ail Sabbath School to a. m. the grain or else flail it cut and Preaching at 7 p. m. then clean it from the chaff by let­ League 6:t5 p. m. I n T h e N e w Concrete B u ild in g ting the wind blow through it, it Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even­ was no wonder the flour was a little ing 7 p. m. dark. The mill was run by an old turbine water wheel. $10 a week ■ Ch„ rch of Christ— Next Sabbath $2 a day Peters Shoe Co. The Never Fail Oil Can Estacada Mercantile Company The Quality Store Our Policy To Sell Goods of Quality As Lo w As We Can. Feed Store Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE A. D. SCHMIDT FEED STORE A Car Load of the famous Utah Land Plaster for your use. Th e Feed Line Another cattle war has broken out in Big Horn, Wyoming. Fif­ teen masked horsemen rode into the sheep men’s campon April 2nd and shot Joe Allemand, Joe Etnge, wealthy and prominent sheepmen, and Jose Lazier, a herder. The telephone wires were cut and the news did not reach Basin until late. $2,000 reward is offered for the cap­ IR V IN -D A V IS ture of the raiders. The subscription price of Hu­ man Life the Magazine about people— which has made such a remarkable success, and is now in such great demand, has been ad- vanced to $1 00 per year. If you accept this offer now you can get this most unique and most inter- esting magazine and the P r o g r e s s for $1.50 a year. This offer must be withdrawn May 1st. Take ad- vantage of it now. W e Sell Beet Sugar “ E m igrant” Dr. Adix has had his house treated to a coat of shingle stain. Cassidy did the work. D IR E C T O R S: Incidents The Pioneer Life Geo. Estes, President. S. W. Stryker, Vice-President of Barton were shopping iti Estaca­ da on Tuesday. L. E Belfils, Cashier E. M. Miller, Real Estate Officer $1 A Y E A R A P R IL S . 1909. I to F tacada and decided to settle !down here in earnest- Mr. Smith continued his journey. LO CAL NEW S AND . PERSONAL MENTION The Palace Meat Market has bought niuetv dollars worth of hides in the past tweuty days. OFFICCRS: TH URSDAY, A. D. SCHMIDT N U P T IA L S The Hotel Estacada Alexander Irvin and Agnes Davis | two well known Garfield young A L L MODERN CO NVEN IEN CES people were married by Judge Samp- SOn at his office in Oregon City on I One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Tuesday. These young people need no introduction in this com Local and Tourist Trade Solicited niunity they are well and favorably known. Mr. Irvin has taken j c harge of his father-in-law. J. J Davis', ranch while Mr. Davis is in Mrs. D. M. Ratcliff, of Wood- the mountains. | Next Sunday is Easter Sunday burn, Ore., and her brother, Chas, and we should try on that day of Kachel, of Beaver, Pa., who has L. S. Wilson, who iu company been making a tour of the Pacific FOUND— A fraternity pm in the a|, SabUlhs to j*. at church with Mr. Smith, started for British Coast, spent from Sunday until Columbia last week went as far a* shape of star, bearing the print of vices. It will tie an evening ser­ Tuesday at the home of Mr. aud Spokane and found that the road “ "hield ami an elk head with the vice here. The subject will be The Mr, Henry Trapp, of Garfield. he was to travel was blocked by a letter«, F. of A. Owner can have The visitors were mother and wreck and that he would lose the same by paying for this notice at I Resurrection and its Meaning. At uncle of Mrs Trapp. Mr. Eachel the Methodist Church. was delighted with this region and , work he was to do, so he returned , this office. j Bible School to a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. Young Peoples’ Meeting 6:30 p. m. Preaching 7 p m. Prayer Meeting on Friday Evening at 7 30 p. m. — E. W. Sewall, Pastor — Free Methodist Church — Sabbath School 2 30 P M. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evening 7 p. m . — Rev. Roper of Gresham , . , . , . he has traveled extensively, having ma