Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 11, 1909, Image 2

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Ceremony in Senate Chamber, Due to Winter
Weather Conditions Prevailing.
Tati’ s Policies Outlined
Will support Roosevelt's reforms,
and admits that he has been acting
in an advisory capacity in many of
the Roosevelt policies.
Pledges regulation o f the corpor­
ations in the matter o f issuance of
excessive bonds and mortgages.
Stability of American business to
be assured.
TarilT question calls for extra ses­
sion o f congress and question one of
most important that country must
Taxation should be made as light
as possible and g vernment expendi­
tures curtailed, avoiding all unneces­
sary expense. Public moneys should
be wisely protected but not hoarded.
Favors army and navy sufficiently
strong to maintain peace and pre­
serve Monroe duct ine. Army should
be large enough to I rm nucleus for
fighting corps sufficient to defend
country from invaders.
Country o ust oh erve treaty rights
o f foreigners.
Anti-foreign agita­
should settle all such que tions by
proper legislation,
inoffensive to
oth*r countries.
Congress should pass a postal sav­
ings bank bill.
Panama canal policies o f Roosevelt j
will be continue 1.
Race prejudice may be eliminated
by a fifteenth amendment to the con­
stitution o f the United States mak­
ing educational qualifications neces­
sary to obtain the electoral franchise.
Over 30,COO in Line Reviewed by
Present Tail end Ex-Presi-
Rocseveli—Sail at
Ki^ht Was Scene
of Gaiety.
office in the chamb r of the
nab in
76 years. Williai
came president o f the Unit« 1 States
Accompanied to the capitol through
a swirl of blinding snow by President
Roosevelt and a guard o f honor, Mr.
Taft returned to the White House
just as the sun began to force its way
through the clouds. A sudden blizzard
sweeping in from
Wednesday night set awry the weather
bureau's optimistic promise o f “ fair
and somewhat cooler,”
caused an
abandonment o f the outdoor ceremon­
ies on the famous east front o f the
capitol, much to Mr. T aft's chagrin,
and threatened for a time to stop the
brilliant pageant o f the afternoon.
However, a passageway was cleared
along the center of Pennsylvania ave­
nue, and for nearly three hours Presi­
dent Taft and Vice President Sherman
reviewed a passing column which was
replete with martial splendor and pic­
turesque with civic d splay.
A fter the inaugural ceremonies in
the senate, Theodore Roosevelt, again
a private citizen, bade an affectionate
adieu to his successor, while all in
the historic chamber looked on in si­
lence and then he hurried away through
a side door to take the train for Nc»w
York. As he passed out o f the cham­
ber, Mr. Roosevelt was given an ova­
tion quite the • qual o f that tendered to
the new president.
The ceremonies o f the inaugural
were formally begun when Vice Presi­
dent Fairbanks, in a farewell address,
which called out for him a spontaneous military estfibli hments of the United
tribute o f applause, declared the Six­ Stat-v ' . d- of »he National Guard of
tieth congress at an end. Turning many . Fates, w ith large contingents
then to Mr. Sherman, who had been of spruce cadets and midshipmen from
escorted co a place beside him, he ad­ the national military and naval acade­
ministered to his successor the oath of mies. The remaining 8,000 were citi­
office and turned over to him the gavel. zens from all parts o f the United
Mr.* Sherman, in rapping the senate States, bander! together in commercial
to order in special session of the Sixty- and political organizations, many of
first congress, made a brief address. them distinctively uniformed campaign
Then followed the swearing in o f many clubs.
The troops and civic bodies compos­
new senators.
This completed, Vice
President Sherman aid :
ing the notable parade o f the after­
“ The chief justice will now adminis­ noon mobilised in snow and slush which
ter the oath o f office to the presdient in places w as deeper than their leg­
ging tops. Down Pennsylvania ave­
The sudden announcement came as a nue, walled in with spectators, they
surprise and a solemn hush fell upon found dry fool ing, hut faced a lively
the assemblage.
The parade was replete with inter-
Mr Taft arose, took the arm o f Sen­
ator Knox, chairman o f the joint com­ e t. The ::.oi)0 bluejackets from the
mittee on arrangementa. and walked recently «‘turned Atlantic fleet shared
around to a pos t.on in the rear o f tin* honors among the military with the
presiding otli erY desk. He was fol­ Cuban army o f pacifiration.
Th«* trim cadets from West Point at­
low* d
officiating for the filth time at this tracted the usual interest and made a
fine showing.
historic ceremony. Mr. Taft took up a
position facing the members o f his midshipmen from Annapolis, snow­
bound within 20 miles o f Washington,
family grout ! in t e gallery.
The chief ju t ee began the adminis­ shared th«* fate of thousands o f sight­
who were unable to reach the
tration o f the oath in a low tone. Mr.
Taft repeated t v» words in a slow, city on account o f the storm.
The Phi ippine Constabulary band,
distinct vou •*. When he at last had
kissed the Is «!«*, th r» w s an outburst which arrived Wednesday from Manila,
of applause, a gra^p o f tne hand by was given the place o f honor in the
J im k .
i Pr ident Taft escort o f President Roosevelt and Mr.
pegan iomic ..uu iy the inaugural ad- j Taft to the capitol and attracted much
Plans Prepared for Big Undertaking State Board is Fighting Brown Tail
in Umatilla County.
Moth on Fruit and Shade Trees.
Pendleton— Plans have been made in
the west end o f Umatilla county for a
model town, to be called Stanfield, in
honor o f R. N. Stanfield, who owns
most o f the townsite and considerable
property in that section. The project
involves a $100,000 reservoir for the
Furnish-Coe Irrigation scheme, which
will supply water at all seasons o f the
year and an electric railway from Pen­
dleton to Umatilla, leading through
the Furnish and Umatilla projects.
Work on the town and reservoir will
be started immediately. The railway
will be installed in the near future by
promoters o f the scheme.
With the exception o f the govern­
ment project it is the biggest proposi­
tion ever undertaken in this section.
The Inland Irrigation company of
Umatilla county is the name o f the
concern backing the watering scheme.
The men at its head are W. J. Furnish
and Dr. H. W. Coe. Those interested
in the building o f the new town are R.
N. Stanfield and Dr. Coe. A fire limit
will be established at the outset and
nothing but brick or concrete buildings
will be permitted.
Several buildings
of this character have been proposed.
One will be a modern hotel, to be erect­
ed by the incorporators.
A sewer system will be installed and
a park is provided for.
The site is
considered the logical location for a
future city. It is situated in a very
fertile part o f the west end o f the
Portland—Oregon is face to face
with the danger o f a visit from one o f
the worst orchard pests known in the
shape o f the brown-tail moth, a pois­
onous little insect, which is said to be
coming into the country on trees ship­
ped from France.
The Oregon state
hoard o f horticulture is making every
effort to exterminate the moth before
it has a chance to spread and so far
seems to have the upper hand.
ever, should a hatch o f infected trees
been overlooked it may take thousands
o f dollars to exterminate the pest.
Massachusetts spent $.'l, 0 UU,UU(l a year
for nearly four years before the brown
tail moth was finally done away with
in that state, and it was thought that
the United States was thoroughly rid
o f it. Inspectors in New York city,
however, discovered that the pests
were being shipped into the country on
fancy and stock trees from France and
other Kuro|M>an countries, and that
several consignments for Oregon nur­
serymen were among them. The horti
cultural hoard was immediately noti­
fied by the New Yorkers and the in
spectors and nurserymen are working
together in an effort to kill them off
before they gain any foothold on Ore­
gon trees. All young trees are being
burned if they are found to have any
o f the nests o f the moths on them, and
the wrappings destroyed also. Other
trees which may become contaminated
are being dipped in poisonous baths.
The brown tail moth is much like
common moths, but the fur from the
caterpillar gives a rash very much the
same as poison ivy or oak if it touches
the skin. The pest thrive* on snade or
G overnor Benson Issues Call to Leg­
fruit trees.
islature to Meet March 15.
Sheep on Range.
Salem— Governor Benson has issued
a proclamation calling the legislature
Drewsey Indications point to spring
in special session at 10 o ’ clock Mon­ weather. There is yet considerable
day morning, March 15, for the pur­ snow on the mountain peaks north of
pose o f passing the appropriation bill this place, hut the low lying hills are
which failed at the regular session be­ almost bare. Stock men have found
cause o f a defect in the proceedings.
sufficient grass on the foothills to al­
In a statement to the press Governor low o f turning out their herds from the
Benson says that a majority o f the feed corrals. Nearly all o f the sheep
members have voluntarily promised have been turned into the hills and a
that no new legislation will be taken great number o f cattle and horses. The
up, but he indicates that there may be farmers say they will have quite a
a number o f minor defects in acts of large quantity o f hay left over this
the regular session which will need cor­ year, owing to the early spring. Plow­
rection at the special session. In this, ing has commenced on most , o f the
he evidently has reference to the game ranches.
code, the tax commission law and some
minor bills in which defects have been
Vanilla Jag fo r Red Men.
Pendleton— Vanilla and lemon ex­
In his proclamation calling the spec­ tract jags are the latest things in
ial session, Governor Benson announces Pendleton. So far, however, the use
that the session is “ for the purpose of o f the flavorings as an intoxicating
enacting senate bill No. 254, introduced beverage has been confined entirely to
at the 25th regular session o f the legis­ the Indians.
Just when the redskins
lative assembly o f 1909, and upon discovered the extract made a good
which bill final action was indavertent- substitute for firewater is not known,
ly not taken, being an act entitled ‘ An but for several days past the number
act to appropriate money for the ex­ o f drunken Indians on the streets has
penses o f the improvements, equip­ been the greatest in years. An investi­
ments, betterments, supplies, repairs gation led to the fact that the local
and other necessary expenses at the grocers have been enjoying an enor­
Oregon state insane asylum, state pen­ mous trade in this line o f goods.
itentiary, state reform school, Oregon
institution for the blind, state institu­
Rain Delays Work.
tion for feeble minded and the Oregon
Monroe—The construction crew of
soldiers’ home.’
the Corvallis & Alsea railroad is now
in the “ Slough o f Despond,” otherwise
Children Work for Festival.
known as the Big Muddy slough.
Portland—School children o f Port­ Tracklaying is progressing slowly on
land have taken a lively interest in the account o f extremely soft mud ana
forthcoming rose festival, due largely much high water. A regular schedule
to the fact that they played such a will soon be in operation on the Cor-
prominent part in the setting out of vallis-Monroe run.
Merchandise has
rose trees on official “ Rose Planting been hauled for some weeks for the lo­
day,” which was celebrated on Wash cal merchants and flour mills, but no
ington’ s birthday.
This occasion regular runs have heretofore been
brought together boys and girls from made.
the sch«)ols in all parts o f the city and
to them was distributed literature tell­
Government Accuses Red Men.
ing all about the many attractive feat­
Pendleton— H. J. Bean, circuit judge
ures o f the celebration which will be o f the Sixth judicial district o f Ore
held here next June. Circular letters gon, which includes Umatilla and Mor
are being written by the young folks row counties, is charged by the gov­
to their friends and relatives in other ernment with having wilfully, wrong­
parts o f the country, and it is an ex­ fully and fraudulently proved up on
ample which the management o f the 160 acres o f desert land taken under
festival feels may well be followed by the Carey act. It is alleged that in
the school children throughout the proving up on the land he used a con­
state. The Oregon Development league tract for water with the Hinkle Ditch
has followed the festival’ s example in company, which was void and which
this respect and reports that many of he knew was void.
the cities and towns o f the state are
already taking up the campaign with
vigor and with promise o f fine results.
Wheat— Bluestem, $1.16(0 1.18; club,
$ 1 . 06 > 4 ; red Kussian, $ 1 . 0 1 ; valley,
C rook at the A .-Y .-P.
Bend— The business men have start­ $1.05.
Barley— Feed, $28.50(0 29.
ed a movement to send an exhibit from
Oats— No. 1 white, $36.50.
Crook county to the Alaska-Yukon-Pa-
Hay—Timothy, Willamette valley,
cific lexposition. A mass meeting will
be held and a committee appointed to $13(0 15; Eastern Oregon, $ 1 6 ( 0 ,1 8 ;
ask the county court for an appropria­ clover, $12(o 13; alfalfa,
tion. A sufficient fund is desired to grain hay, $ 1 3 (ol4 ; cheat, $13.50(q
send a comprehensive agricultural and 14.50; vetch, $13.50(0 14.60.
Apples— 7f)C(o $2.75 per box.
livestock exhibit with a competent man
Potatoes $1.25 per hundred; sweet
in charge.
Bend people are greatly
potatoes, 2 'i,(o3 c per pound.
enthused over the exhibit and it is ex­
Vegetables—Turnips, $1.25 per sack;
pected that several hundred dollars will
carrots, $1.25 parsnips, $1.50; beets,
be taken up by popular subscription.
$1.50; horseradish, 10c per pound; ar­
tichokes, 90c dozen; asparagus, 15(9
Blunder in Game C ode.
with a pompadour. A single diamond
20c pound; beans, 25e; cabbage, 2 (o
spray decorated her coiffure and she
Salem As the work o f reading and 3>4c; cauliflower, $2 crate; celery,
wore no other jewelry excepting the preparing the laws for publication pro- $4.50 crate; parsley, 30c dozen; peas,
pearl collar, which is her favorite orna­ teeds in the secretary o f state’s office, 15c pound; radishes, 30c dozen; rhu­
a great many serious errors are being barb, $3.50(o 4.50 box; sprouts, 10c
Miss Hel«>n T a ft’ s gown was so ex­ found by the clerks. The most flagrant pound; squash, 2 S[C pound.
tremely simple that it is calculated to errors found so far relate to the game
Onions— Oregon, $ 1 . 75(0 1.90 cwt.
surprise the mothers o f overdressed | code. It is made lawful by one section
Butter—City creamery, extras, 36c;
school girls. Over a plainly fitting j o f the code to kill elk and sell the meat fancy outside creamery, 32(o35c; store,
foundation of w lrto a slip o f white | 11 months o f the year. It is presumed
18(o 20c. (Butter fat prices average
embroidered moufs« line de soie falls that "unlaw ful” was meant instead o f 1
cents per pound under regular but­
in graceful girlish lines.
The bodice, “ lawful” in this instance, but none ter prices.)
1 is slightly decolh t te, and is effectively but the legislature is authorized to
Eggs- Oregon ranch, 24(o25c.
trimmed in poir t ace. Artistic knots make a change so important as is nec­
Poultry— Hens, 16c; broilers, 20
o f pale blue ribbon, skilfully disposed, essary in this case.
(o25 c; fryers, 18(o20c; roosters, old,
add a touch o f chic to its simplicity.
(o l2 c ; young, 1 4 (o l5 c; ducks, 20(o
Miss T a ft’s abur int golden brown
Dr. Smith Will Land Plum.
22c; geese, 10(o ; turkeys, 18(0 ’0c.
hir was simply rire ed in a coil, and
Salem— Dr. J. N. Smith, state sena­
Veal Extra, 10«yf<illc pound; ordi­
she wore no jewelry.
tor from Marion county, has probably nary. 7(o 8 c; heavy, 5c.
won out in a race for appointment as
Pork— Fancy, 9c pound; large, 8(9
Japan Sees Omen.
physician at the state penitentiary, to 8.S c .
Tokio, March 5. The press o f Japan succeed Dr. J. D. Shaw, the present
Hops — 1909 contracts. 10(o 1 0 S c,
continues to felicitate President Taft incumbent.
While the appointment 1908 crop, 7(o 8 c; 1907 crop, 2 S t" 3 c;
upon his inauguration and is unani- \ has not been announced, many indica­
1906 crop, 1 S c.
mous in rejoicing over the fact that tions point him out as the successful
Wool — Eastern Oregon, contracts;
his knowledge of Japan is based upon 1 aspirant. The other candidate for the
16c; valley, 15(o 1 6 % ; mohair, choice,
his personal observations while a visi­ position is Dr. F. E. Smith, a brother-
20(o 21c.
tor in the empire.
in-law o f Dr. J. N. Smith. The posi­
Cattle — Best steers, $5.10(o5.35;
tion pays $900 a year.
medium. $4.50(o4.85; common, $3.25
Keen Interest in Paris.
(o3.85; cows, best, $3.75(o4.20; me­
Paris, March 5.—The front pages o f
Defect in Dairy Bill.
dium, $3.25(o3.60; calves, $5.50*16.75.
the Paris morning newspapers today
Salem Whether Governor Benson or
Sheep— Best grain fed wethers, $5.60
contain long arti« les devoaed to the
Dairy Commissioner Baiey shall appoint ( 0 6 ; hay fed, $5(o5.50; mixed sheep,
incoming and outgoing American presi­
the three new dairy inspecotrs is a ques­ $3.56(o5.25; ewes, best, $5(o5.50;
dents. Illustrated profusely they con­
tion that may be put up to the courts lambs, $ 6 (o 6.57.
tain the usual array o f amusing errors
for determinat on, owing to an error in
Hogs — Best, $7(o 7.25; medium,
regarding the inaugurat.on.
enrolling the new pure milk bill.
dress. He read from typewritten man­
Mr. Taft won applause at the very
outset by announcing his adherence to
the Roosevelt j> licies and his inten­
tion to carry them out by means of
further leg slation, which would also
have for its purj»ose the freeing from
alarm o f those pursuing “ proper arid
progressive business methods. ”
In spite o f the bitter inclemency of
the weather and the slush piled moun­
tain high in the gutters, a crowd that
jammed Pennsylvania avenue from the
hou-e line to beyond the curbs gathered
to see the inaugural para ie. Nearly
everyone in the dense throng carried
■ an American flag o f some ort, and as
ihe marching troops passed these were
Th«» Taft Cabinet.
waved in welcome and applause.
Secretary o f State Philander C.
By dint o f great effort a regiment of
Knox, o f New York.
street cleaners got the center o f the
Secretary o f War J. M. Dickin­ avenue into shovelled into marching
son, of Tenneessee.
condition by 2 o ’clock, and their efforts
Secretary o f Treasury Franklin were cheered by the waiting crowds
MacVea^h, o f III r.ois.
almost as vociferously as were the
Secretary of Commerce and Labor marching columns that followed in
— Charles Nagel, o f Missouri
their wake.
Postmaster General
Frank II.
A t 2:47 p. m. President Taft and attention. The Filipi os saw their
Hitchcock, of Massachusetts.
Vice President Sherman left the White
first fall o f snow.
Attorney General — Guorge W.
House and took their place in the re­
President and Mrs. Taft were the
Wickorsham, o f New Y«>rk.
viewing stand.
They were received centers o f interest at the culminating
Secretary of Interior — Richard with a mighty cheer. Ih e review of
feature o f the day
he inaugural ball
Ballinger, o f Washington.
the inaugural parade began at once.
in the Pension building. The scene in
Secretary o f Navy George Von
More than 30,000 marching men par­ the cavernous building, which has been
L. Meyer, of Massachusetts.
ticipated in the great military and transformed into a canopied court of
Secretary of Agriculture- James
civic pageant, which constituted the j i ivory and white, was another of the
Wilson, o f Iowa.
principal spectacular feature of the brilliant pictures quadrennially painted
presidential inaugural ceremony. Af>- here by the gathering o f a vast and
Washington, March 5. — The first proxin:ately 2.~,0W) of these were brilliant assemblage from every sec­
chief executive to take the oath ol -soldiers, sailors and marm» s o f the tion of the country. With all the color
and movement o f a military spectacle,
with f he softening influence o f deli­
cately tinted g >wns and the interest of
a personnel seldom equalled at a social
function, the inaugural ball holds a
place unique in the history making of
! the day.
While the ball was in progress in­
doors, a display of fireworks on the
: monument lot in the rear o f the White
House marked the end o f the outdoor
For hours the thinl
I clouded heavens were alight with roek-
I ets, with sun clusters that challenged
the brilliancy o f day, with fiery “ co­
bras” and all the fantastic creations of
modern pyrotechn'd skill.
All feminine Washington had long
been eager for details o f the gown
which Mrs. Taft wore at the inaugural
ball. In her choice o f the toilette in
! which he would appear for the first
: time as the “ first lady of the land,”
Mrs. Taft has shown not only exquisite
taste in dress but patriotism as well,
for the design in which the beautiful
costume is richly embroidered shows
America’s national flower, the golden
rod. The embroidery, in silver, ap­
pears not only on the chiffon overdress
but on the long court train as well.
The fo ndatlon o f the gown is of
heavy white satin, cut in princess
efTect. Over this the chiffon is draped
with consummate skill, giving the
effect o f long, straight lines. The
sleeves are formed of rare point lace.
The gulden rod design is also woven in
the lace
Mrs. Taft wore her hair rather high,
Seattle May Secure Department Now
at Vancouver.
Washington. Marcii 9. Representa-
tive Ellis has leurned that the general
staff o f the army is at last seriously
considering removal o f the headquart­
ers o f the Department o f the Columbia
from Vancouver to Seattle.
General Bell, chief o f staff, with
whom he has talked, says that in view
o f the growing importance o f army
posta in Alaska and the large ship­
ments o f supplies to those posts, the
headquarters should be mure centrally
located t.ian at present and personally
he believes they should go to Seattle.
Ellis also finds that ollicers o f the De
partment o f the Columbia are strongly
in favor o f the removal to Seattle and
have so recommended.
Indeed, it
seems that a movement to bring about
removal w as started by them.
Ellis is planning further conferences
with General Bell and the secretary of
war in the hope o f preventing removal,
hut said today the outlook was very
discouraging. It seems to he pretty
well determined that the headquarters
shall go to Seattle, though no order to
that effect has yet been issued.
Plait Says Roosevelt Will Retire From
Political Field.
New York, March 9 .— Elihu Hoot
will be the Republican leader o f New
York, according to a published inter­
view credited to ex-Senator T. C.
Platt, who has just returned from
“ Elihu Root will head the Republi­
can organization because o f donning
the senatorial toga ” Mr. Platt is
quoted as having said.
“ His powers
are only less than those o f the presi­
dent, and he and President Taft are on
good terms.”
When Mr. Platt was asked whether
Mr. Loeb’ s appointment did not indi
cate that Theodore Roosevelt planned
to control Republican politics in this
state on his return from the Africun
hunting trip, he said:
"A n y man who goes to A frica for a
year cannot expect to keep his hold in
a political way. I believe Mr. Roose­
velt purposes to retire permanently
from the field o f political endeavor.
Mr. Roosevelt will not be heard from
politically hereafter.”
Silver Notes Proposed.
Allahbad, British India, March 9.
The Allahbad Pioneer makes the cur­
ious statement that a project is under
consideration to meet the British bud­
get requirements for old age pensions
by revising the scheme o f the late Vis­
count Goshen, chancellor o f the ex­
chequer, for the issuance o f 10-shilling
notes secured on a silver basis. The
Pioneer adds that the United States is
considering a similar project and com­
ments on the appreciation o f the price
o f silver which would result from this,
and the consequent restoration o f the
value o f the rupee.
Primary Bill in House.
Sacramento, Cal., March 9.— One of
the most important measures intro­
duced at this session o f the legislature,
the direct primary bill, will be dis­
cussed by the assembly during the com­
ing week. The bill was passed by the
senate and will he reported out o f the
election laws committee o f the lower
house tomorrow, with an amendment
providing for the nomination o f United
States senators by an advisory vote by
legislative districts. This amendment
is not objectionable to the proponents
o f the bill, and probably will receive
the indorsement o f the senate.
Roosevelt Helped Germans.
Berlin, March 9- -The North German
Gazette, in its weekly political review,
after paying ex-President Roosevelt a
glow ing tribute as one o f the greatest
statesman the United States has ever
produced, says:
“ From the German
standpoint, the development which
German-American relatons made un­
der President Roosevelt will ever be
remembered with satisfaction. The
tradition o f friendship, which has ever
marked the relations o f the two coun­
tries, acquired new security during
the past seven y e a rs."
Kearsarge at Drydock.
Philadelphia, March 9.— The battle­
ship Kearsarge, the second o f the
around-thc-world fleet to reach here,
arrived at League island this afternoon.
The vessel will be taken to the back
bay tomorrow and thoroughly overhaul­
Theodore Lentz, a blacksmith
aboard the Kansas, was publicly com
mended today in a letter from Secre­
tary Newberry for work in forging a
new high-pressure cylinder ring to take
•he place o f one which broke while
the Kearsarge was steaming from Co­
lombo to the Suez canal.
Oil Struck in Wyoming.
Cheyenne, W yo., March 9.— Reports
received from Fort Washakie, north of
Lander, are to the effect that a produc­
ing well o f black ashphaltum oil was
opened up last night on the Indian res­
ervation by the Washakie Hydrocarbon
Mining company, operated by Russell
Thorpe and Gould Dietz, o f Omaha; E.
J. Uhlein, o f Chicago, and J. K. Moore,
o f Wyoming.
Although considerable
prospecting has been done in this vi­
cinity, «his is the first oil found in
commercial quantities.
Great excite­
ment prevails.
Japanese Government Gives Out lig­
ures Showing Dii ferente.
Foreign O ffice Insists That Count Is
Conclusive P roof That Empire Is
Living Up to Agreement to Stop
Flood o f Laborers to America—
Is Proud of Record.
Tokio, March 4.— Returns just com­
pleted by the foreign office show that
between June and December, 1908,
1,354 Japanese left the empire bound
for the United States, while 3,500 re­
turned from the United States during
the same period. O f those returning
3,031 traveled third class across the
Pacific, which indicates that they were
o f the jaburing class, against whom the
emigation restrictions o f the Japanese
government are particularly directed.
The total number o f Japanese sailing
for Hawaii from Japan during the
same period is shown to have been
1,151, while those retuning from the
islands numbered 2,951, o f which num­
ber 2,889 were third elass passengers.
During the month o f January, 1909,
tne foreign office figures show that 152
Japanese sailed for the United States
from Japan, while 295 returned to
Japan during the same period from
that country. Two hundred and sixty-
four o f the latter traveled third class.
In the same month 145 Japanese
sailed for Hawaii, while 60 returned,
all the homeward hound coming third
The months embraced by these fig­
ure* include the period in which the
agreement relative to emigrants to the
United States, which was concluded
between Thomas J. O ’ Brien, the Amer­
ican ambassador, and the Japanese for­
eign office in January, 1907, became
actually operative.
The foreign office points out the
fact that it requested several months’
time to perfect a system whereby the
entire field o f emigration could be
brought under control, namely, those
months between the conclusion o f the
agreement and June 1, 1908, and that
consequently the showing for the
months beginning in June and up to
the present time is the only fair test
o f the effectiveness o f the system o f
restriction employed.
The foreign officials are particularly
insistent upon calling attention to the
fact that upon the figures given, 4,000
more Japanese returned from Ameri­
can territory than sailed for it dur­
ing the last eight months, and they
state that this is extremely significant
of the agreement’ s effectiveness.
Stanford P rofessor Perfecting Instru­
ment of Engineering Use.
Stanford University, Cal., March 4.
— Prof. W. F. Durand, head o f the
department o f mechanical engineering
at Stanford university, announces that
he has invented a device which Will
doubly increase the ability o f man to
know and harness earthquakes. Its
power to regiser and measure the force
o f seismic disturbances will be o f enor­
mous value to science when combined
with the direction recording seismo­
Professor Durand is perfecting the
construction o f his instrument. It will
be completed some time in the spring
and will be installed here.
The idea
was born during his investigation of
the buildings at Stanford, wrecked by
the tremblor o f 1906. The only present
device o f vital use in the study of the
earth’s convulsions is the seismograph.
This records the movement o f the earth
— that is, the direction in which a par­
ticle o f the earth is shaken during an
The object o f Professor Durand’s in­
vention will be to register the force o f
speed with which a particle moves.
With it scientists will be able to de­
termine what volume o f seismic
strength is required to demolish a brick
wall, for example.
The benefits o f the instrument to
structural engineering will be invalu­
able. Professor Durand has been head
o f his department since he came to
Stanford from Cornell university sev­
eral years ago.
Sixteenth Venire Exhausted.
San Francisco, March 4.— The last
few talesmen o f the sixteenth special
venire in the case o f Patrick Calhoun,
president o f the United Railroads,
charged with offering a bribe, were ex­
amined today and all were rejected be­
cause o f prejudice.
The venire was
exhausted at 11 o ’ clock and an adjourn­
ment was taken until 3 o ’ clock this
afternoon, when the examination o f
the seventeenth panel was set to be­
gin. Including the seventeenth ven­
ire, a total o f 1,340 talesmen have been
summoned in the case.
New Crater on Colima.
City o f Mexico, March 4.— The form­
ation o f a new crater on Mount Colima
by the eruption o f rocks and lava from
the volcano is reported in dispatches
received here today from Prudencia.
The activity o f Colima was accompan­
ied by several tremblors, which did
little damage. Frequent outbursts o f
Big Ferry Contracts Let.
redhot rocks and ashes from the vol­
San Francisco, March 9 .—Contracts cano were observed and lava poured
for ferry equipment totaling $2,000,- from its sides. The erupt on showed
000 have been let by the Western Pa­ no indications o f subsiding.
cific Railroad company, and engineers
Uncle Sam is “ Slow Pay ”
are now at work on plans for two ferry
boats, which will connect the Oakland
Pontiac, 111., March 4.— A fter wait­
terminal with San Francisco.
An­ ing 45 years, John Baker, who was a
nouncement is mad» that regular ser­ grain buyer for the Northern armies
vice into Oakland will be instituted on during the Civil war, has received a
January 1, 1910.
Extra construction draft from the United States govern­
gangs will be placed on the line ment for $1,000 for a shipment which
through Nevada.
had been purchased by Mr. Baker dur­
ing the Civil war for the government.
Hawaii is Anti-Japanese.
Government Loses Point.
Honolulu, March 9.— The territorial
senate, by a vote o f 10 to five, has
Chicago, March 4.— The government
passed to its second reading the anti- in the re-trial o f the rebate case sgainst
Japanese bill, which prohibits aliens the Standard Oil company, o f Indiana,
from fishing in Hawaiian waters. Con-1 today attempted without success to
current resolution asking the suspen- I prove that the 18-cent tariff, which the
sion o f coastwise navigation laws he- [ officials o f the oil company profess to
tween the Pacific coast and Hawaii has know nothing about was published
been defeated.
legally in tariff No. 24.