NO. 32 oh VOL,. KST AC A DA. ORKGON. Estacada Bank State Capital, $25,000 LO CAL M A Y S AND M ENTION 1 'K R SO N A L T H U R SD A Y M ARCH $i A Y E A R ( A Reply to The Jouri' Cruiicsm -! The Kilgore Uros, are piantili}; | I On Friday last thè Journal trave fifteeu acres of orchard a higbly eolorcd article aliout how LOR S A L E Jersey Bull. Full a despera lo and ontlaw ha i been OFFICERS: blooded. 3 ycars old. Kilgore run to eaith by a Cali aliati o-Vuer and a .orciai car fri 1 thè l’ortland Geo. Estes, President. S. W. Stryker, Vice-President Brothers, Springwater, Oregon j Bonney, the “ picture m an," and Rail.vay. Liglit ¿c Power Co I L. E Belfils, Cashier family are home again after a couple presume the reason some news­ E. M. Miller, Real Estate Officer of weeks spent with their parents. paper correspondents put up news in this form is that the public .ire Two desirable lots, small house more tager to devour it It caught with water on the premises For the eye of the reader quicklv. Had sale. Easy terms. E. P. Scott, or this sanit reporter known of the an­ inquire of the Progress Office. guish of a poor broken heartttf Geo. Estes, S. W. Stryker, T. Mr. Parker was in town 011 Wed­ mother, who is blind, as well as the nesday hauling seed potatoes out. anxiety of a sister of the veiling They are planting about twenty-five mail, who lives in Portland, as also John Zobrist, Albert D. numerous friends who haw known acres of young orchard, also. this family for years and have Is your farm for sale’ If so, found them all to be good honor TRAN SACTS A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G BUSINESS write to or call on The Conant able people, except one boy who Realty Co., Room 5, 250*6 Alder has been in trouble for bis wav St.. Portland, Oreg. w trdness, and it is said it was to Writes Fire Insurance in Five of the best “ D O L L A R ” escape testifying against this! E. P. Scott is home again from companies. Handles Real Estate, Town Lots brother that young Cleve Newnr 11 Southern Oregon He praises the both Business and Residence, and Farm country he visited ain't says it is left his home in Newman, Wash ! Property near Estacada destined to have a great future. some three weeks ago and finally Mr. Scott invested in some lots | landed in'this vicinity. Wc repeal NOTARY PUBLIC ON OUR STAFF had this reporter felt these pangs down there. he would not have tried to [ A package containing a pair of this young man black in deeds even CO RRESPO ND ENTS baby shoes was found on the road imputing murder The facts as we : U v r '\ j Merchants National Bank 01 P o r t l a n d up in Garfield and brought to have learned them arc, a Washing National City B an k or N e w Y o r k Dales' Store, where they can lie ton officer came after th y nng had by the party who lost them. mail because he had disappeared t C C Saling is putting out twelve a lime when wanted as a witness acres of orchard and K. E. Salirg against train robbers and as one of gj I is also adding some trees to his his brothers was implicated iu tin ij | orchard. With proper care we will matter and ne not <1 siring to ap soon be able to convince the s k e p ­ pear agaiL-it him, left the late He W®3 fZT O tics that it does pay to raise fruit had been up at Ca/.adtro and at in Clackamas Co. the Bletch ranch for about three Wc have several pieces of prop­ weeks. The Bletcli’ family having erty left with us to negotiate a sale no desire to shield a criminal but for. Intending investors in Esta­ were not willing to accept the story cada will do well to consult us as as published in the Journal, of we may have just what you want. people they have known for] years and have always found them to be Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office. good people, with the exception of The P r o g r e s s and ‘Human the one young man of the family Life- for one year. Price of both “ Cleve Newman may be gtiiltv of May Now Be Paid at the Offices of $ 1.5 0 P r o g r e s s and Weekly wrong but 1 won’ t believe it until I Oregonian one year, S i. 50 P r o g ­ know it“ j is the language of one r e s s and Semi-Weekly Journal for who has known the family well 5 1.50 a year. made to the writer of this article. A. VV. Douglass, wife and two "W e have known him to be a good Established tHy.t IN PORTLAND Iticorpor ited 1902 .v children arrived in Estacada on young man and wc still believe he . Monday night from Norton, Kan., is good. If it should turn out that An Explanation and will likely make this their fu­ we have been deceived, it will then Pie Social a Success Feed & Sale At 509—511 Chamber of Commerce Building ture home. Mrs Douglass is a be time enough to chauge our The Springwater telephone mud­ daughter of Mrs. Clara Henthorn. mind." We prefer to give this The School Pie Social was quite S TA B LE dle is .1 matter we have been asked That very interesting magazine side of the story to our readers and to explain and we have endeavored a success, socially and financially. W . A. JO N E S about people, Human Life, which if it should bo wrong, of one thing to get both sides of the controversy The booths, arranged and made by PROPRIETOR Statement of Taxes Will Be Furnished Upon Ap­ we are certain, it cannot do the the teachers and scholars, looked is publishing the story of Horner and we will give it as related to us. Good rigs and careful drivers always very pretty and made money. They Davenport, will advance its sub­ harm the other has alreadv done. Th contention of the Spriugwater SPECIAL ATTENTION plication in Person or By Mail Ca!! and Exam­ were presided over by good looking Given limiting anil Fishing Parties scription price to $1.0 0 per year. people is that the order that went This makes our offer of Human Mrs. Weaver Talks in into effect recently of compelling vivacious, inquisitive, girls -young ine the Duplicate Tax Roll. Telephones Mdin ladies who inquired if you wished WOOD & LUMBER Life a remarkable bargain. See subscribers on the line to go through Ix>cal and Long Distance Telephone some candy, cake or coffee. The our ad. “ The Oregon Magazine the Redland Exchange is an arbi­ M. E. Church 2056 or Home 2056 teachers and children played “ Drop Hit of 1909.” trary one ,:nd is only “ red tape." the Handkerchief’ “ Pussy Wants C H U RCH SE R V IC E S While the local 'Phone company Mr. and'Mrs. P. C. Boultman of Mrs. C. L Weaver, National, as a Corner" “ Catch as Catch C an" St. .Johns, were visiting at Merchant well as General Organizer of the says it is simply a business propo­ and other modern games to their M. E. Church Next Sabbath Sparks’ and other Inends during Women’s Homo Missionary Society sition, and give as their reasons great enjoyment and the envy of that the Springwater people with the week. Perry is still with Barnes of the M. K. Church addressed a A T THE the larger school boy.-, and girls of 6 Lindsey making cross arms. He small audience on Sunday evening their line went to Redland, which 10 a. m. j other days. Dr. Adix proved him­ Sabbath School said that the company R. A. Strat­ at the M E. Church in this place. is a mutual service, and after free self to be a great auctioneer never Preaching at 7 p. m. ton was with had sold o u t'a n d it Those who gave Mrs. Weaver a exchange had en established with for once taking the “ bear’ ’ side of League fi:ts p. m. was probable Mr. Stratton would hearing had nothing to regret for ' Redland, the people who were on the market, lmt always giving it a Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even­ go to California. Mr. Boultman facing a rainstorm, to come out. the Spriugwater line who found it boost until pies went soaring sky­ ing 7 p. m. paid the P rogress Office a call. which we have 110 doubt prevented was to their interest to use the lo­ ward in price. But then no wonder cal exchange free, received this ser­ On Saturday evening, March 20, many from being present. Mrs. look at the wheat market how it vice free for which other surround­ the Pacific University Male Quar­ Weaver has an earnest, pleasing, has gone up. Prin. James had the Church of Christ— Next Sabbath ing lines paid twenty-five cents per tet and Prof. Orr, Impersonator manner in presenting the work of pleasure of seeing the money come month fi r. This being the case it and Reader, will be at the M. K. the Society, and with her wide e x ­ in and ps\ ing it right out again. Bifile School 10 a. in. A fifteen dollar Brussels Rug Given A w ay is evident that the Estacada Tel­ perience in it, she soon wins the Church, Estacada. This is the That is what money is for. They Preaching at 11 a. m. ephone X’ Telegraph Co. could not last number of the course of enter­ hearts of her hearers in the noble, realized enough to pay the rent of hope to secure any subscribers on Young Peoples' Meeting 6:30 p tn. self-sacrificing experiences she re- VVc keep a Full Line of Goods. All Prices in Plain tainment by the League. We be­ the piano lor a whole ytar and had lates, and they are surely self-sac- the South side of the river for by Preaching 7 p. m. Figures. New arrivals of Goods right along We speak for them a good house on rificing for it is much easier for -.1 simply getting on the Spriugwater a few dollars over to lie spent else­ this occasion. where in the schools. The sum of Prayer Meeting on woman of her ability to set dowt. 1'"« ‘ hey could get the advantages are agents for Friday Evening at 7 p. m. W. J. Potwin came in unexpect­ and take these matters as the great 'of a - rvice that suited their purpose $2o.2fi was clear money after expen­ edly on Iris -istir, Mrs. Kuhlman, majority do, as being simply unfoi letter, for nothing. By coming to. ses. Boye Needle Chart and Needle Threader —E. W. Sewatl. Pastor and treated her to a genuine sur­ tunate, than it is to be engaged in E<* ada they could use the 'phones Threads a needle in the dark On Tuesday night A! Close closed T1,e toP,c for the Yolln« »‘eoples’ prise oii last Friday. Mr. Potwin an effort to better the conditions as ; the ante as a subscriber or by up his establishment. He informs ,tudy '*• " VVhat are our >i«luor law* ' had lieeu employed at Taft. Mont , they are found. M r; Weaver has ‘ phoning could do the same tiling, Picture Framing a Specialty. House Furnishers. Un­ the P r o g r e s s that it is his intention and how are thcy ««forced." An ; for the past two years by the Chi­ recently moved from C h ic a g o , ! For these privileges, as we before to leave the city at an early date ' " ‘ «resting programme will begiven dertakers. A Fine Line of Queens Ware on hand. cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and where she was engaged in the w tk j sai ' others pay twenty-five cents and go into business elsewhere and Uver>’ one welcome at the Old ! just finishing his work he decided to Portland, her present address i per month, consequently it is not that he will not again open his ^«hool house, 1 to jiay his sister a visit. It is quite ing 55 L 14th St., where matters j ' putable to the Estacada Tcle- Come in and see our stock and be convinced you can get I likely he may remain if he can find pertaining to her work will always jihone lY Telegraph Company or place of business here. There has liecn much ill feeling engendered by —Free Methodist Church — something to his liking. receive attention. This congrega­ its [nitrons either. Now. if the in- the business lieing conducted by ---------- An effort is Icing made to resur­ tion should have been espei iullv ill ,uv., ituniliers of the Spring- him, charges and counter charges Sabliath School 2:30 p m . rect and reorganize the Business terested in her remarks for it has ", at r line willing to [my the twenty have lieen frequent and it was ap- Preaching 7 pm live cents per month to have these Mens’ Club. There is no room for received needed help from another parent that these conditions were Few individuals Rev. Roper of (»resham argument as to the merits of uch board of tile church work that made -itia privi! c s are denied to do >0 getting worse. Goods sold on the Installment Plan ■■ —1 I an organization, or the benefits to the splendid property of the con­ by the Spriugwater Mutual. We care to ( lit for a living when there v good ways in which it The Mis, Burneys who have fre- ^ lie derived from a thoroughly wide­ gregation possible. In a like man­ do not - e why the Estacada Tel- are so • til 1 1 ■ 1' '/ n u ll C o should ■ can be obtained. It is to be hoped , . , itili' awake up-to-date Club of this ner w w ho have been the recipients «PÏ enti „ ! to, demanding their it will result in the good to [*nh . q««ntly h««n at the Estacada have charac We will have more to oí oil hould contribute of our Lu li ut.- ., n ilion for purely the conimunty and Mr. Close, th at, returned again for a stay cf si in; is exjiected. ! tune. -ay of this n.atur in our next issue substauee tor the Lelteriug of others. 1 business principles. EYE DIRECTO RS: Yocum, FUTURE Schmidt y (A N N O U N C E M E N T CANTILE Clackamas C o u n ty Taxes i The Clackamas Title Company § _ _ ____ I ¡jyery, Estacada FURNITURE Store _ A B A R G A IN _ w h. Cooper & Co.