ESTACADA PROGRESS (IxcoiiroiffKi») PALACE MEAT MARKET DIR KCTOK.S: G ko . KsTfc*, Preside* A. K. ÜTAHits. VicePreaident C ha «. K. D ubois Handles the Best Fresh and Cured Meats Obtainable Cash Paid for hides and Market Products E. S. WOMHR, Editor And Manager Km »r*d u thv Ivery fkursdav VEAL Morning In d e n ts HOGS HIDES SHEEP CATTLE LARD EGGS CHICKENS SAUSAGE of Inc Pioneer Life In Clackamas Co. By “Emigrant” We Buy ami Sell loitoM u:, !» BalacA la O rvcon. u ja mail H 's U rc J HEAD CHEESE FRESH MEATS SMOKED MEATS Continued from Feb. u own b -dding, 1 lothing, gun-, mid H'liiniiiiilion to save the whites from killed. He died before the government took steps to reimburse those that went. His widow, a resident of Ceilro VVooley, W ash­ ington, gets a widows' pension. ■ ih ü fli e o VEARS' EXPERIENCE P a ten ts D cbmni OOBVMMHTB AC. Sybell was the main doctor for this part of the country for a num­ tioMAMtricLlreouOdontUL MANI •ent free, tfldest M oney fo r •« ber of years, and in all her practice 1 'ntontfl token tfirouah Mu i x c i t i l nut ic e, w ithout chara*. of mid-wifery never lost a life or lelt a cripple. She was a devoted A huiidsoinelf IllnatrRted weekly. I x r M i t e . o f a n f eeieniiiln tonniiU. T erm «. *1 * Christian, to what light she had and dilution ) our : four month*. » L Bold b j all t»ew«dej»U died at a good old age. Her hus­ band having dropped dead in her arms five years previous. Both are resting side by si le in the Mt. Zion Cemetery. Few of the early pion­ eers of this part of Oregon but FARMERS! PROPERTY could testify of some kindly act hav­ I OWNERS! ing at one time or another been I low about your crop«? shown them individually. Anyone nendtnf • ekelrk end dneertpUmi m e» iilcltlr uiioertaln our opinion p o n jr n e t n «» m i Invention 1« p io b n b lf pu ten u r H E N R Y V.ADIX.M.D PHYSICfAN A SURGEON OFFICK, ADJOINING RBSIDHNCK «*4 Long DW »m Telephone Tile doctor', phone con be connect«* with your home phone at night ii re­ lucted. Oat long ring. Scientific BMcrk» “ü íífe m J S s i Surely those who think the early pioneer had great advantages Dr. L.A. WE L L S over those coming more recently SUBSCRIPTION RATES D E N T IS T O F SI 00 Ona raar had better try a diet of poor blue 50 9 lx month« venison and salt with boiled wheat SH EARER AND WELLS * for bread. No tea or coffee, no D e n tis ts o t P o r t la n d Thunday, M«rch 4 . 190« fruit or sugar, mail once in the W ill » » i t Kstacada on Friday am) ■ $2 a day Sataudu) td cacti week winter months, brought from Mil­ Appointments may be made March ist is an extremely im­ waukee, by some kindly neighbor Milk Dt. Adix. T k n portant one iu the growth ami ad­ five or six mile from your home. vancement of the state of Oregon. There was no place of entertain­ It is the opening day of the lowest- ment not even preaching, for a few A L L M ODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S Dmtick & Dimick, L‘ ow about your building»? priced one-way tickets to the Dock Palmateer and Mrs. Sarah years and they would say the pion­ How about your furniture? state sold for years, and calculated Palmateer, widow of John Palma­ Attorneys at Law eer paid dear for all he got. One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Oil the basis of rate per mile, Ore­ Mrs. Sybel! I’almatecr did house teer, are all of the pioneer part of Rock wood, O r eg o n OS^^Nertwy Public, General L aw gon has the advantage of every work in Portland and thus earned the family left at the old place, Phon« Gresham, 311 Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b ­ Local and Tourist Trade Solicited other state in the Union. Tickets the money to pay the first school known all over Oregon as the “ Pal- Represent» the stracts furnished for Oregon points will he on sale D ock's wife crossed | Oregon Fire Relief Associa- teacher that taught in this part of mateer F lat,” today aud continue until April 30th the county. Garrett, her husband, the plains in 1863, thus uot reckon­ t lion of McMinnville MONEY LO AN ED at every ticket office ill the United being a generous man invited all ed as a pioneer by the Pioneer So­ 7 And sut other line* of fire insur- Come in and hear the new four minute Edison Records at the children near enough to them, ciety. Yet she tasted of privations States and Canada, and if the buy­ WRITE HIM o r v ie a * 2 , 3 & 4 , ANiMtasKN litis er of the ticket is posted in advance the Estacada Pharmacy. Special attachments fitted free if pur­ to come to school. Old "N oisy” more than some who came earlier, X Or leave word at this tifficc he cat) get a ride from Winnipeg, chased of us. Smith was the teacher and taught as it is, Dock is really the last to O kkg o » C it y O n u s o n +•***► • Canada, to the farthest rail point at their home. In 1866 they had a see the labors of over half a century in Oregon for $25. T h is same fare school meeting to vote a tax to help in the Palmateer settlement. Com­ When in need of applies from St. 1 ’aul, Omaha and pay a teacher, and a family by the ing there a boy of to years, going Kansas City, while from St. Louis name of Tompson, not caring to hungry and hare footed, not overly G RO CERIES, CONFECTIONARY, it is $30 50, Chicago $33., New help and knowing they would be well clad, getting little schooling and PATEN T M EDICIN ES York City #50., and proportionate outvoted planned a fight on the from books, he has truly spent his Cedar Shingles rates from every other place. Palmateers, to break up the meet­ life in the Garfield country, always When in need o f F ir s t Class Don't forget I can supply your ing so the tax would not carry. cheerful, even called jolly, so one C e d a r Shin g les consu lt me. needs, and solicit your patronage It is idle talk that is being indul­ The Palmateers not thinking of would scarce think him uear the Shingles delivered o r at the mill. Nos. I and 2 a lw a ys on ged in as to what we will and will such a thing went unawares and elated 70 year mark. hand. W. A Jonet, Seles AgL, not do as a community as to wheth­ nearly got the worst of it for that (T o be continued) H. H ug h es. - Cazadero, Ore. er Estacada and the outlying dis- Estacada day. But in the law-suits that fol­ tiicts can each shift lor themselves lowed the Tompsons paid seventeen R. FANTON or not. It is simply idle gossip. hundred dollars for their fun. Had DODGE Estacada needs the country and the A V . BARR î S S ) i r i S ) ( î S ) 5^ ( î S ) ( À ^ ) ® it been at this date they would country needs Ivstacada. There have boarded at Salem a while. It is told of a young tnan, who were, are now, and always will te, Mr. Dock Palmateer still carries the was up in this district having a B L A C K S M IT H . those individuals in any community marks where the dirk knife was look at the beautiful scenery, how, The Fern Rock Farm of 144 a- who are a detriment to it, aud the stuck in the back of his neck by as lie was passing a certain ranch, cres has been platted in acreage, 10 It 4M at the M stand and willing b de community would be much better one of the Tompsons trying to cut any of Hi* work in hit kn« he was struck with the sound of a acres aud tip, to plat. See I>. Bri- without them. A s a rule they will his throat in the fight. This oc- great ringing as of some distant fire denstinc, Estacada R. F. D. No. 1 be in the way any place they go, a cured at a log house in the corner alarm. He did not think very OVC MW A CALL draw back and a hinderance. These of Mr. Yocum's field at the mouth much of this and resumed his walk are discouragements met with con­ of the lane, Nort of the house. The A NEW He had not traveled far however, stantly. The proper thing for any house had been built, for a general W e still have something good to offer you, when before he heard a similiar sound community to do is 10 go forward meeting house also and the school you need anything in our line come to see us. i coming from another direction and •nd do the right thing, these drones had been'taught in it. he stopped to gaze and wonder, yet Ila* Fresh aud Smoked meats 0 » ham! of society have their day, as the By this time other settlers had constantly. Also Groceries und more rings were heard from almost drone of the hive has, then they moved in. Mother Pierce had suc­ Damascus Creamery Iiutter every direction, even coming out of die or arg driven out. ceeded in getting the Methodist the woods. Feeling; rather scared A Share of your Patronage Solicited Episcopal denomination to organize at this uuusual noise in a place Shop next to Residence on a class and sometimes they had a Announcement comes that Rear where he expected to find the “ Sol Main Street meeting, hut never oftener than Admiral Robley D. Evans is to lec­ We mnnnf act tint all kind» of Cedar em Calm” of which the poet speaks once a month. The Palmateers j ture iu Portland and other Pacific J. R. Townsend Shingles aud are prepared at all he asked himself— could their be got young, unbroken, steers of the Northwest cities late in March. times to deliver the same. Also» some celebration of national impor Currius, to brake, and sent East j “ The Fleet from Hampton Roads to sell at the mill, having stock, on tauce? was it W ashington's Birth and got a breaking plow that weigh- j ■ to San Francisco” will be his sub­ hand ad all times day? was it Lincoln's Birthday ed 500 lbs. to which they would ! ject. it certainly was not the Fourth of hitch eight or ten yoke of those un­ July. After studying the question We a& obave slock on hand will) broken steers and plow up the wild a few hours (in which there was no Resolution onr agent in Estacada land. Many times the steers would become unruly aud the leaders turn | T ^ 0" °! ^ iD<1Uired St a house what all the commotion Whereas: Death has again invad around aud cross the long log chain meant. The occupant of the house ed our ranks and taken from Earth between the other yoke and get the KRIEGER BROS. &CO. looked at our friend rather sorrt our beloved sister, Nora Looney driver so penned in that lie would --- PROPRIETOR--- fully and said, “ Young man, 1 Be it, Resolved by the membeis Estacada A g en t— A . Morrow have to climb out over their backs That has bought and sold more feed since opening up, i guess you have not been around of Garfield Grange 317, that we to keep from being trampled upon j here for a while, have you? If you have lost one of our most useful than had been previously handled in Estacada, and has a full and killed. The plow being so E . W. Bartlett had, you'd have known that the and talented members and one heavy it seldom left the ground and supply now, and wants your trade is the Dodge Rural Telephone Company whose life was worthy of emulation also the weight helped greatly in j have just had their phones fixed.” A tto rn ey a t La w and was an incentive to us all to do grubbing the land, for it set so deep U O. W. P. & R y . Co. our best, the Courts A meeting of tax-payers was held Practice in all that it went right under the grubs KSTACADA.- PORTLAND Resolved, that Christianity lias Special attention given to and thus they were removed by in the school room a week ago lost a bright aud shining light and Settlement of Estates. Cars leave Estacada for Port­ 'oxen power.” They would then Wednesday evening for the purpose whose life was full of good works land: make an " A ’ ’ harrow of two poles j of organizing a Library Association, Collections prom ptly atten d * but was never too busy to do for e d to . into which they would drive hazel (This was necessary in order to pro­ 6:53. 9. 1». A. M. and others. Office in Bank of Estacada pegs, about eighteen or twenty in- cure one of the free libraries which «. y. 5. 9 P M T o know her was to love tier and ches long so the grubs would n o t! are only sent out when such asso those who knew her best loved her Cars leave Portland for Esta­ ciations are formed. There was t clog it, and thus they would scratch CHURCH S E R V IC E S oiost, sl»e will l>e sorely missed by cada: over the newly plowed soil prepar­ good attendance and Mr. David the Grange, the Church and So- atory to sowing their grain. When Horner, Mr. W ill Myers and Mr 6:55. 8:45. 10-45. A . M. and ! > eiety, it was rifle they would cut it with j Fred Horner, were elected President M E. Church----- N ext Sabbath i »*:45. * 4 45. 6:45 P- M. Resolved, that a copy of these the old fashioned ‘ grape vine” or Secretary and Librarian respective Moil ami Kxprea* (no paaaeagere ltTolutions be sent to the husband “ turkey wing” cradles, then rake lv- The books, of which there are .‘sabbath School to a. m. curried on ÜI» nm.) leave» Portland •i:d the parents, it in bunches, bind it by hand and about sixty, are of a very varied for KstHoada j:*5 a. m. and *40 p. m. Preaching at n a. m. AK-; that a copy be sent to the flail it out, or tjump it out with character and are expected to he l . cave» Balacada lor Portland 4:26 p. 'tkstac-ad.i Progress ami to the Ore­ 6:13 p. m. m. and 7:10 a. m. their teams. Having no fanning I here any time now, we feel sure League gon City pipers for publication and mills they would smoothe a place that th*y will be to the taste of even Prayer Meeting on Thursday E ven­ that they he recorded on the min­ ~ Freight also leaves Portland ing 7 p. tn. ou Mother Earth's bosom and their the most fastidious. utes of this Grange. in the morning goes to Caza­ when the wind was blowing, they We understand that the "D odge In T h e N e w C o n cre te B u ild in g G: t field, Ore,,., dero and returus to Portland ; would pour the grain, to seperate Plural Bell & Phone C o.” are hav­ Chnrch of Christ— N ext Sabbath Feb. ¿7. 1909- it from the chaff. On account of ing a rubber collar made to fit any VV. H. Holder A fine individual specimen of the and climate this breed is especially the small particles of.dirt which re­ Main office»of th*company: 132 1-» < person whose ‘neck’ is of the same Mrs. E. J. Yocum Bible School 10 a. m. Belgian Stallion from the A . C. adapted, and the best there is for mained in with the grain, the pi­ First St. Portland, Oregon. ! material. Non-members not al­ Mrs, M K. Irvin Ruby & Co's. Stable, Portland, draft horses. Mr. Bartholomew oneer very often ate black bread. lowed to wear it. Services conducted «♦ ■ Mu»»«», 4 ,4 .>w»eike»'».|.Aeei|M il i j has been exhibited on our streets sold one of these stallions to a stock Perhaps tlmt is wliv the pioneer by the Elder* 1 1 a. tn. T he Ladies' Aid Society will the past week. Mr. W. A. Bar- company at Needy, this county, La-t Sunday evening the Lady kept up his grit to stay, having it | Young Peoples' Meeting 6:30 p. m. meet Friday afternoon at the home tholomew, sales agent for the just before coming here and he is thus replenished with this bread. I’ reacl,trs Kave a service in the W. a WHITFIELD Prayer Meeting on of Mrs Cooper. company, is stopping at the Esta- hopeful i c..t of _z organizing such ' a com- Such grain as was then grown can­ can- j school house. There was a large Friday Evening at 7 p. m. and a very interest­ Mrs Weaver of Portland will cada Hotel and in an interview with panv here among the farmers. Mr. not be found at this date, even with , congregation . TWK HEW speak at the M. K. Church Sun­ him. he gave us the following infor Bartholomew seems a very affable ! all their newly improved agricul- ing and enjoyable sermon was given — F.. W . Sewalb Pastor j by Miss Jamison. A solo was nice- day evening in the interests of station. T he stallion, in addition gentleman and if a stallion can be tural implements. B LA CK SM ITH Home Mi-sions. to being a fine specimen, is bred placed by su»h a company he will John Palmateer had the first | |_y S“ ng Ml/® ^ ,w*rd a n d w a s The dance given by B. Genser- There lnrs been in the purple, his ancestors lieing certainly succeed. The horse is house built of lumber, in these mueh enjoyed, oski at Springwater last Friday Dow a* kirnt» o< work j*. hi* line andl Rem._-iiiiii.-r the Pie Social, Friday Rovermacut owned and approved 1 now at W. A, Jones’ Stable. 1 parts, the rest of the houses were preaching each night during the night was a decided success. There Solicit* a Skam at yam Patronage week. evening March 51b at the Odd stallions. He is three years old, built of logs. He married Mr. were over 60 people present and all Fellows' H 11 . All bring pies and weight 900 and was just imported Homer Davenport the Oregon Pierces’ oldest daughter when she reported having had a grand time. put your name on your pie. Child­ January ist, 1909. T o show the boy who is famous as a cartoonist was a 13 year old girl. They That very interesting megaz.ine Lunch was served at 12 o’ clock and rens' pies will be kept seperate. rapidity with which the Belgian was hurt in an accident on Kebru- shared the life of privation together aljout people. Human Life, which the crowd left about 6 a . m . on the The pies will lie sold at auction. has grown in popular favor at the a iy 28th by his taxicab running in­ until some years ago when he was is publishing the story of Homer tune of "W e W on't Go H o m e 'T ill Painting , Paper Hot c o k e at 5c per cup will be Davenport, will advance its sub- M orning.'' The older people were stock show held at Chicago in 1900 to a tree. The taxicab was wreck- called lunee. served by the school children. All Seth Palmateer was one of the scription price to $100 per year, very enthusiastic over the affair, Hanging and Ca Ice m i­ kinds of home made candy ami fifteen Belgian Stallions were shown ed and Davenport was cut by broken volunteers of 1835 50 to supress the This makes our offer of Human 25 numbers were sold, the money , . lr . „ . .. . . . . Hood fresh pop corn will be for and at the saane show in 1908 one glass. He was attended by phy- _ savage Indians. Indians. He H went, as all Life a remarkable bargain. . . . . . . c . , , , savage See to go for the benefit of the base ning. Ist class work sale. Games lor fun. The money hundred and twenty-five were sicians and it ts not thought he is those volunteers went, furnishing our ad “ The Oregon Magazine ball club. Music was furnished to pav for the school piano. shown. It is said that for this soil seriously hurt. I his horse and its equipment, his ., Hit of 1909. ” by Lewellen, Horner and Kindle. ISUCA9A. OREGON Yonce a I The Richards f F IR E Hotel Estacada t John Brown l W e a re h ead q u arte rs fo r P o s t Cards. C a rd s tinselled to o r d e r FANTON The largest assortment in the city from which to select For Sale ÍTo Our Patrons: W e wish to thank you, oneo »and all, for your very liberal patron-® Igfage during our February Sale. I Meat Market « f | I I W e are busy taking stock, butfo shall be glad to take time to wait*» Iff on you. Diamon d 1 Dyes $ CEDAR SHINGLES I :s [)AI LS F e e d S to re Subscribe for the PROGRESS $1.00 a Year TIME CARD A. D. SCHMIDT FEED STORE A Car Load of the famous Utah Land Plaster for your use. I B u y A n y th in g the farm er has to Sell and Sell him anything he needs in T h e F e e d L in e A. D. SCHMIDT See F E R R Y Fo r Guaranteed