•s > V Ä ESTA 1 NO. 31 of VOL. i Estacada E ST A C A D A . ORIÎOON, Bank State Capital, $25,000 T H U R SD A Y , f Judge Dimicks’ Decision C A L N EW S AND jj P LO E R SO N A L M ENTIO N , k L _____ __ ___ ______ 'J in the Close Case MARCH 4 1909 $1 A Y E A R ^Announcement t Clias. Ferry moved to his new home on Estacada Heights ou In the County Court of the State Tuesday. of Oregon, For the County of OTFICERS: FOR S A L K Jersey Bull. Full Clackamas. Plaintiff ) blooded. 3 years old. Kilgore State of Oregon Geo. Estes, President. S. W . Stryker, Vice-President vs. ) Brothers, Spring water, Oregon. L. E Belfils, Cashier AI Close and ) Miss Maggie I.amb, from Port­ Ed Close Defendants) E. M. Miller, Real Estate Officer land, visited at the home of her Now at this time this matter com­ brother, Mr. Willis Yonee, last ing on for hearing on petition of the week. atiove named defendants for their We learn that a new 9 '/1 lb. release from the custody of the D IR E C T O R S : W e are pleased to announce that with-in a few days we will open our store [ that ts baby girl came to the home of D. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore­ Bridenstine on Tuesday at Fern gon, upon the writ of Habeas Cor­ yours and ours | with the intention to make this one of the most complete stock of G E N ­ G eo . E s t e s , S . W . S t r y k e r , T. Y ocu m , Rock Farm. pus, the defendants appearing in E R A L M E R C H A N D IS E in C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y . Not only a complete stock, A baby boy was born to Mr person and by their Attorney, Geo. but a store in which you are interested and a store that you will take pride in pointing out J o h n Z o b r is t, A lb e r t D. S ch m id t and Mrs. Earl Day on Monday C. Brownell, and the Sheriff k . II. Beatie by L ivy Stipp, the duly ap­ last, which weighed q'/j lbs. to your friends that they can buy good goods as cheap as elsewhere. W hen we say as pointed, acting and qualified Dep­ Two desirable lots, small house cheap, it is not cur intention to crowd anyone out of business or in other words try to L og uty District Attorney for Clack­ TR A N SA CTS A GEN ERAL B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S with water on the premises. For amas County, Oregon, and it ap sale. Easy terms. E P. Scott, or it all. But on the other hand we know that the people of this community are fair minded pearing to the Court that the said inquire of the Progress Office. Writes Fire Insurance in Five of the best “ D O L L A R ” and will trade in Estacada, providing that proper inducements are offered, rather than defendants Al Close and Ed Close The smiling countenance of W. were charged by a criminal com­ companies. Handles Real Estate, Town Lots send their money away to a catalogue house where it is forever lost so far as local improve­ A. Cunningham, of Camas, Wash., plaint filed in the Justice's Court both Business and Residence, and Farm was to lie seen in our midst this for District No. 14, Clackamas ments are concerned. N o fair minded M E R C H A N T can blame the consumer for buying Property near Estacada week. Billy was on his way out County, Oregon, with the violation his goods where he can buy them the C H E A P E S T , C A N H E ? N O . W ell then it .is to the old home. of the local option liquor law, and NOTARY PUBLIC ON OUR STA FF up to the merchant to C O M P E T E if he desires the T R A D E and that is what we propose The P r o g r e ss and ‘Human thereafter on the 23rd day of Feb­ Life for one year. Price of loth ruary, A. D., 1909, the defendants C O R R E S P O N D E N TS to do. Further we desire our customers to become interested in this store, not only as an $ 1.5 0 P r o g r e s s and Weekly were found guilty by said Justice Merchants National Bank 01 Portland enterprise that they can point with pride as being interested in, but the holding of stock as Oregonian one year, $ 1.5 0 P ro g ­ and the defendant Al Close was sentenced to the County jail for a r e ss and Semi-Weekly Journal for National City Bank oi N ew York an investment. Y ou will not only be pleased with your investment but you will be pleased period of twenty days and to pay $ 1.5 0 a year. to know that the people in this community will be able to buy goods as cheaply as else­ a fine in the sum of £300.00 and At the Free Methodist Church in pay the casts of the action taxed at where. Buying in large quanities for S P O T C A S H we get the bottom price. There Estacada. the first Sunday of each $ 13 .10 . “ and that he be imprisoned should not be a person in this community that is not interested in the well-fare of this store. month the Gennan Lutheran pastor in such jail until fine and costs be from Sandy, Rev. Fred Dufferfuhl, paid“ and the dtfcndnnt Ed Close W hat we propose to do is to place 50 of the 250 shares in the hands of our friends and will hold services at 3:30. All are was found guilty by said Justice patrons. W e will sell these shares at the par value of $100. per share and guarantee 6 per invited, and it is esjiecially desired and sentenced to the County jail for that all German Lutherans be pres­ a period of ten days and to pay a cent interest if held for one year, in other words we the under-signed will bind ourselves ent. fine in the sum of $150.00 and pay to pay $106. for every share presented to us at the expiration of one year. It is our intention At. the last regular meeting of the costs of the action taxed at $ 13 .10 “ and that he be imprisoned Clackam as C ounty' the Centennial Rebecca Lodge No. that each stock holder shall be perfectly satisfied with the conduct of this store, hence we 147 the following candidates were in such jail until such fine he paid" make the above proposition. The principal question which has given the Rebecca degree, Mrs. lieeu submitted to this court under Bates, Eva Jones, Mae Barr, Stella For further particulars call on any of the undersigned. Womer, Mary Dale, Mary Womer, this proceeding, calls for an inter­ W. F. CARY pretation of the charter of the City and Lora Stormer. M ay N ow B e Paid at the Offices of of Estacada, and as to whether the A. E. SPARKS We have several pieces of prop­ wording of the charter exempts erty left with us to negotiate a sale said city from the operation of the R W. CARY for. Intending investors in Esta­ local option liquor law, which was cada will do well to consult us as adopted by the people of the State we may have just what you want. in 1904, and which law has been in Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office. KsLiiiuhcd 1 S 94 IN PORTLAND Incorporated 1902 force from and after June 24, 1904. tains the following provision: The part of the sentence is void for the The saw mill of the Western '1 he Oregon Legislature in 1905 said laws of Oregon relating to li­ reason that it does uot prescribe the A t 509—511 Chamber of Commerce Building Lumber & Fuel Company was granted a charter to the City of Ks- censes for sale of spirituous, vinous time which the defendants shall heard running last Monday, every­ tacada,‘ and in said charter an at­ STABLE thing is in good condition and as tempt was made to exempt said city and malt liquors shall not be in serve as provided by Section 1443, Bellinger & Cotton’ s Code, and force within the limits of said city. the machinery is limbered up a from the operation of the local W . A . JO N E S The amended charter of the City of which Section provides that the ex­ PROPRIETOR little you will hear a noise like option liquor law above referred to, Statem ent of Taxes Will Be Furnished Upon Ap­ Medford, containing a similar pro­ tent of the imprisonment must be Gooil rigs inid careful drivers always making lumber. and the language employed by the vision has been hereinbefore ([noted specified. SPECIAL A TTEN TIO N Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jaeger have legislatiirejin attempting to exempt It is quite probable that the attempt plication in Person o r By Mail Call and Exam- The second question is as to Given Hunting and Fishing Parties said city from the operation of said returned from Australia and are thus to exempt the cities of Condon whether the complaints filed in said now at the home of Mrs. Jaeger's law is as follows, to-wit: Telephones Main ine the Duplicate Tax Roll. WOOD & LUMBER Estacada and Medford from the pro­ Justice Court charge a crime or i "T h e said laws of Oregon relat visions of the local option law and to misdemeanor. parents, W. S. Irwin, of Corvallis. Local and Long Distance Telephone Eacli of the We have been informed that they ing to licensing for sale of spiritous prevent any further encroachment fendants atÿ charged witli ” s 2 0 5 6 or Home 20 5 6 have returned with the intention of vinous and malt liquors shall not be thereon, impelled the amendment ing intoxicating liquors in the city j Clackamas County, Oregon, is cx- remaining in this country as neither in force within the limits of said of Section 2 of Article 2 of the or­ of Estacada, County of Clackamas, elnPl fro»> the operation of the of them enjoyed good health in city.” ganic law of the state, so as to pro­ State of Oregon, the said place l>e- local °P tio" IiT ,or law “ utl ‘ hat ‘ he Australia. Now the question naturally ari-.es hibit the legislative assembly from Ing in a district in which the sell- licensinK a»‘> sa>e of malt, spiritous -A T T H E The Roley, Horner Lumber Co. as to whether the wording of the enacting, amending, or repealing ing cf intoxicating liquors lias|and viuous li(luor:i is governed been prohibited, committed M | *»lely by the city government of of Dodge is a new enterprise. They charter as above set forth is intend­ any municipal charter.” * * * follows.” * * * i said city under and by virtue of its ed to exempt said city from the op­ There is also a further provision have everything in readiness to eration of the local option liquor in said charter which the Counsel Under the law a pleading is con- c'larler' place their machinery in position as * *lat l*,c defendants and each of soon as it arrives, which they ex­ law above mentioned, and in order for the Sheriff has dwelt upon and strued strictly against the pleader them are unlawfully restrained of to arrive at the intention of the which is the latter portion of said and in favor of the defendant, and pect will he Wednesday. The mill their liberty and that an order is expected to have a cutting ca­ legislature, other parts of the chart­ Subdivision 8 of said Section 21 of this indictment sets forth that the should be entered discharging the er should he taken into consider­ selling of intoxicating liquors lias said charter as follows pacity of 10,ocx) ft. per day. This Provided, however, that noth­ been prohibitod and leaves out the defendants from the custody of the lumber will be brought to Kstaea- ation. I11 Subdivision 8 of Section 21 of said charter there appears ing contained in this subdivision words “ and now is" following the Sheriff and it is so ordered. da to ship, so one by one these en­ G R A N T B. D 1 M ICK, Judge the following language: be so construed as to oust the words “ lias been” which in any A fifteen dollar Brussels Rug Given Away terprises are adding to our growth. “ To license, tax, regulate and to shall State Courts of Jurisdiction to in­ event would leave the indictment The P r o g r e s s is requested by restrain bar-rooms, saloons, tip­ dict or punish persons for offences vulnerable to a demurrer. Garfield to Build We keep a Full Liue of Goods. All Prices in Plain an official of the railroad to state pling houses and all places where against any law of the State com­ The charging part of the indict­ that three or four hoodlums, who spirituous, vinous or malt liquors mitted within the limits of the City ment is also faulty as it does not For some time plans have been Figures. New arrivals of Goods right along We should he called young gentlemen, are sold; provided, that no license of Estacada.” * * * contain the allegation that whiskty under consideration for the lmild- make it a practice to go into the shall be issued tor a less sum than are agents for That portion of Subdivision 8 is an intoxicating liquor. iuK 0f a Church at Garfield. T here Park and destroy property by provided for tinder the General has 110 bearing upon this case, for While that may seem technical, now seems but little doubt bu* that Boyc Needle Chart and Needle Threader breaking down tbc railing, throw-1 Laws of the State of Oregon.’ ’ if said charter exempted said city nevertheless in order that the in- the erection of a Me norial Church Threads a needle in the dark ing seats, for the accomodation of Now it enn be easily seen that if from the operation of said local op­ dictment he legal it should allege is assured. The name is to Ire the public, down the embankment the legislature in granting the tion liquor law it would not lie a that whiskey is either malt, spirit- "N ora Hale Looney Memorial.” Picture Fram ing a Specialty. Hduse Furnishers. Un­ and other like useless and distract- [ charter to said city did not intend crime against the State to sell liquor ous or vinous liquor, as the case Matters of location and details have ive practices. We are requested to dertakers. A Fine Line of Queens Ware on hand. to exem.pt said city from the ojer- within the corporate limits of said may he, as the law prohibits the not been determined but plans and say these young men should take ation of the local option liquor law, citv. sale of liquors describing them as financial progress are under way. warning from this and cease, or there would have been no necessity, There are two other questions "malt, spiritous or vinous liquors" The most central location will be more severe measutes are in store Come in and see our stock and be convinced you can get of that Section providing for li- raised under this proceeding which and the word “ whiskey" is not sought in that growing settlement, for them. censing the sale of spiritous, vinous] 1 will proceed to dispose of at this used iu the law. The building is to be a first clats Rus Wilcox, on Wednesday, arid malt liquors under the pro-! time. I do not wish to be considered structure and an honor to any com- went to Detroit, Marion Co. where visions of said charter. j T]ie first ¡, whether that part of technical iu construing this indict- muuity. Its total cost will not be he will be emp.oyed as timber S'aler The Supreme court of this state the sentence of the two defendants ment but as the case is liable to be far from **250.00 of which almut for the government on the Oregon in the case of Hall vs Dunn in ] above named which provided that appealed to the higher Courts I am l'alf amount is in sight- With Reserve. passing upon the question as to “ they be imprisoned in the County compelled to follow the rules of law plans for "cw stone roads, with the Goods sold on the Installment Plan whether the city of Medford was large Grange, with new arrivals Jessie Stubbs returned to his exempt from the operation of said jail until such fine and costs I e governing such cases. . . , . from the East, and the new Church paid." I am of the opinion that all of crected Garfield is sure to homestead in Washington, Wed- local option liquor law uses the nesday, after a visit with his par- following language; It is very manifest upon the face that territory lying within the cor- prove more and more attractive for “ The charter of Estacada con- of the commitment that all that porate limits of the city pf Estacada the building of homes. cuts here. gf W e ESTACADA MERCANTILE Co. AN N O U N CEM EN T Taxes The Clackamas Title Company Livery, Feed & Sale Estacada F U R N IT U R E Store Of A B A R G A IN H. Cooper & Co.