W a k in g The Mission O f th ose corpu scles In your blood th a t have been called 11 L ittle S old iers,” le to fig h t fo r you a g a in s t th e d isea se g erm s th at con stan tly e n d a n ger your h ealth . T h e s e c o r p u s c l e s a r e m ad e health/ and stron g by th e use o f H ood 'i i Sarsapsrilla. This medicine is a combination of m ore than 20 different remedial agents in proportion!) and by a process known only to ourselves mid it has for thirty years been constantly proving its worth. N o substitute, uoue ‘ ‘ ¡uat-as-good.” H er It rten n an t fo r H im , “ Gentlemen ’’ nuid the toastmaster at lh« banquet, “ we have listened to some excel­ lent orators thfe evening and 1 ain sure we have enjoyed their efforts very much. I have purposely kept one of our b«*«t speakers for the last, and after you have heard him 1 know you will be glad to go home. Gentlemen, 1 have the honor to present Mr. Ketchuin A. Cumuiin, who will now address you.” —Chicago Tribune. About O b je c t io n . " I wish my dentist wasn't so realistic," ■aid Mr«. Jenuer Lee Ondego. “ He call» hia denial parlor fcis drawing room.“ IW g b t. 1 n t r o d u c i n u ; H e r lt t » * o lu t l o u . “ Johnny,” said Mrs. Lapsling, putting Shipbuilding in Jupan mploys 10,000 on her wraps, “ 1’vi. been in the house all men at Nngasikf. 8.000 at Kobe and 4,000 day and 1 need tt>a fresh air. If you’ll at Osakn. All the Japanese yards are mind buhy a littIt vliile I ’ll go and take a preamble nroiity the block.” full pf orders. C u r lo s l* / («r a t ifie d . The Grenoble district in France is Former Customer (after a long ab­ noted in the export trade of that country sence)— Whut ha. become of the pretty for two very different product«— walnuts blonde that used ;o feed the hungry at and kid glove«. this lunch counter ? James Warren, a farm laborer, 82 years Dark Skinned Waiter Girl— I ’ m her. old, died recently at Ed worth, England, What you goin’ to mler, sir? «fter having worked on the same farm for sever ; prayers at night That is the danger­ fewer than 397 replies. ous time.” — L ife New York City has more asylums, H e f o r e It I p W lu d o iu C o m e s . homes, hospitals and organizations for the relief of human suffering than any j There Is a dangerous stage in every­ other city in the world. one’s career when his friends are afraid to tell him a compliment for At Rheims, France, portable bathtubs, fear It will make him more conceited. filled with hot water, are delivered to or­ — Boston Globe. der. ■ U i i o d le i a H e v o l u t i o n . The folding envelope was first used in 1839. Officers Toasted by Roosevelt Amid Créât Enthusidsm. Reporter— But, Senator, in a govern­ ment like ours, don’t you believe in the There art 50,000 vegetarian« in Eug- principle of rotation in office? Eminent Statesman— I certainly do, land. There are in London over 304,000 per­ young man. T/iat’s why I have a revolv­ sons who live in one-room house«, and ing chair in U/ office. •ver 701.000 in two-room house«. W ot W o r t h W h ile . A Louisiana woman supports herself by raising mint, and a Jersey City woman makes a living by painting sign«. M uat Be H ard W o rk . In Russia there is a cheap reaping machine which has a reel, but no au­ There are 270 active volcanoes ia the tomatic rake. A man sits on the plat­ form and rakes off the grain with a world. pitchfork. The name of this machine Italy has 230 convicts to the million is “ lobogreika,” and since “ lobo” means inhabitants, which is the highest record. “ brow.” and “ greika” is “ a heater,” London 1ms 300 clubs, with a member­ the whole can be translated “ brow ship of 280,000. sweater.” Lamp accidents are the cause of 300 Some of the saloons in Liverpool dis­ fires annually in London. The six highest mountains known are play the sign : “ Indies can not be served without their hats on.“ all in the Himalayas. The German soldier must be an expert ■wi miner. From the hawksbill turtle of the Car­ ibbean sea comes the tortoise shell of commerce. In London’s new Criminal Court, on the Old Bailey’s site, prisoners will climb up white marble stairs to reach the dock. ' Those who have wintered in Alaska say that it is not the cold, but the mosquito, ' that is the hardest thing to endure in the North. Lost in the Australian bush, near Fort Darwin, for five days, engineer-commander E. S. Silk was found alive and well by a black tracker. The average rent paid for New York A professor In Copenhagen University 1« said to chloroform plants. After sev­ City tenements and apartment housei built within five years amounts to $14(1 eral days they bud in great profusion. annually for each person living in them. “ Consulting fashion expert” is one St. Louis woman’s occupation, while packing It has been stated on British authority trunks is the trade of another. that American immigrants into Canada In Battersea, London, graves can now are taking fifty million dollars’ worth of be purchased of the Borough Council on property into that country each year. the installment plan. The following sign ia displayed by a C Z A R D IS S O L V E S D IE T. N ew Encroachments M ade Upon Lib ­ erty o f Finland. St. Petersburg, Feb. 23.— Emperor Nicholas today issued a rescript dis­ solvin g the Finnish d iet and ordering the holding o f a new election M ay 1, fo r the new d iet to assemble June 3. This step is due to the criticism o f the em peror’s policy in President Svinhufvud’ s response to the speech from the throne at the opening o f Feb ­ ruary 16. The establishment o f a jo in t Finnish- Russian conference to elaborate a new basis o f relations between the grand duchy and the em pire has been practi­ cally decided upon. Threaten L ife o f Priest. N e w York , Feb. 23.— Threats to blow up the church and k ill the assist­ ant rector, Father L ib era ti, it was learned today, have impelled the plac­ ing o f a day and night police guard at the Church o f Our Lady o f L oretta on E lizabeth street, in the low er East end. A Black Hand letter received by Father Lib era ti on Saturday demanded the payment o f $500 by Wednesday o f this week, the failu re to receive which, the epistle stated, would in­ volve the destruction o f the edifice and the k illin g o f the priest. Ex-Senator Clark, the Montana multi­ firm of cycle and motor manufacturer« at millionaire, once worked in the mines for Hornsey, England : “ To aeronauts: Drop here for Detrol.” $1.23 a day. The first plaster cast was made by The golden crested wren Is the smallest Verochio in 1470. of British birds. It is three and a half Dreadnoughts in Shade. them New York City completes forty-six new inches long and seventy-two of N ew York, Feb. 23.— Rear Adm iral buildings each day, averaging $13,000 weigh one pound. Goodrich believes that battleships each. The municipa lly of Copenhagen ho« tw ice the size o f the largest now build­ The average daily wage of Norwegian ipened war on rat«, and will pay 1 ^ in g w ill be launched in the not far dis­ printers is 93 cents. j lent« for every tail. The breeding of tant future. “ O ver in the Brooklyn The first almanac was printed in Hun- rata for their tails is a criminal offenasc navy yard w e are refittin g one o f the rary in 1470. m e postmen or Spain are unable to vessels that formed a part o f Rear A d ­ Advertisements first appeared in news­ read and write as a rule, and it is a com­ m iral Sampson’ s fleet in 1898. That papers in 1652. mon saying that who treat# the postman boat is o f 9,000 tons displacement. B. W. Leader, R. A., considers that to best gets the most letters. W e now have ships o f 18,000 tons and •n artist clouds are the most difficult of are building battleships o f from 20,000 all studies. The long feather, of a bird's wing art to 21,000 tons I f w e are spared for a Lava may be blown into beautiful fastened to the bone. It ia this which i fe w years* more, w e shall see ships o f green-colored bottles, lighter and stronger gives the wing the strength and surface 30,000 and 40,000 tons.’ ’ than ordinary glass. wherewith to beat the air. Norway's seaweed, used as fuel, yields Robs Sleeping O fficers. A youth of seventeen, who banged him­ a greater revenue than it« fisheries. self at Bristol, Ragland, painted Uimsell Bristol, Tenn., Feb. 23.— A ft e r hav­ The first pipe organ w«s mad« bj A r­ with green from head to foot just before ing been brought from Oregon, D. H. chimedes in 220 B. C. the act. Meads, wanted in V irg in ia for murder, escaped today from tw o officers a fte r robbing them o f th eir money, guns and watches. Meads was captured in Oregon several weeks ago. The offi­ cers, w ith their prisoner, repaired to a hotel to rest. The prisoner was hand­ CURE THE CHILDREN’S COUGH cuffed to one o f the officers. W h ile before the constant hacking tear, the delicate membrane o f throat and they w ere as!eep Meads secured the lungs, exp on n g them to the ravages o f deadly dimase. P ito t C u m handcuff keys. straight to the *cal~of the trouble, stops the cough, rtrengthens r lungs, and quickly relieves unhealthy conditions. Because o f its pleasant taste and freedom from dangerous ingredients it is the ideal r-rnedy fos children. A t the i n t symptoms o f n cough or cold ia the little ones you w ill save sorrow and suffering if you G IV E T H E M P I S O 'S CUR E Blizzard Hits W yom ing. Cheyenne, W yo., Feb. 23.— A gener­ al blizzard is ra gin g o ver W yom in g and W eatem Nebraska tonight. The snow is from 10 to 12 inches deep and is d riftin g badly. I t is feared that the storm w ill cause heavy loss to stock on the open range. Little as It R O LL. Rural Telephones Is, John Bull Makes It Hard to Get. London, Feb. 22.— England, Scot­ land, W ales and Ireland have 596,038 old age pensioners, according to official figures ju st made public. Previous statements o f the number have been Do you realize that rural telephones, more than anything else, teiul to increase the earning power ol every farm la r m e r . Do you realize A L L of tlie material needed to build the very best rural telephone line— exactly the same as the Hell Com pany puts up— will cost you and your neigh* bors less than half a hale o f cotton or twenty b jsheli of wheat each? low. A large number o f claims are also under consideration. When they have been acted on, estim ating again, the total w ill be about 600,000. The United K ingdom ’ s population at the last census was 42,000,000, so that about one person in 70 is on the old age pension roll. Inhabitants as much as 70 years old, the lowest pen­ sionable age, number only 1,254,286, are in use in the United States to-day. V.’e made the first telephones : nd w e have made however. This means that nearly half the most— in fact, we have made more than all other manufacturers co nbined. the country’ s population o f the requir­ ed age is poor enough to claim the ben­ A lc have brought the rural telephone within the reach of every farmc- and with our F ree efit o f the act. Bulletins before him a boy can install and operate the system. O u r ts lepbones are guaranteed. O f the 596,038 pensioners, 539,388 Cut out this advertisem ent, w rite you r name and address on the m argin and m ail it lo-di>y so that the receive the full allowance o f $1.201 Free T u lie 'ins, which describe the entire plan in detail, may be sent yo u unmet lately. w eekly. T o receive this amount it is necessary fo r the applicant to prove that his private income does not e x ­ ceed $1.92. Those whose incomes do C O M SOUTHERN OFFICES exceed this amount are pensioned only NÖ2THER.N ANT WESTERN OFFICES enough to bring the total up to $3.12 Mantifa* « rers and Suppliers Atlanta Kansas City Boston Philadelphia arums and Equip- Cm< innati Portsmouth weekly. Pittsburg Chicago ment u - 1 the Construc­ Dallas Saint I .oui« Denver Saint Wu ¡I t io n and Mainte* O f the 658,248 who hare been re­ lndmna polis bav ami ah Los Angel®» Salt l.t»ke City Téléphoné Planta. fused or have not asked pensions, it is New \ ork San Í auciieo Omaha Seal' .a not to be presumed that all or even a large proportion have private incomes exceeding $3.12. Anyone who has ever received public re lie f even to the e x ­ I V f L x a in p le . A F la v o rin g . I t make« a tent o f having a tooth pulled at a pub­ “ To raakp a long story short,” said Un­ lic dispensary or has been accidentally cle Chinner, “ we collected the maple sap, sy ru p L e tte r th a n M a p le . injured and carried unconscious into a emptied it into a huge iron kettle, and ' S o ld b y grocer». public hospital is classed as a pauper put it over a big wood fire to boil it j and is, as such, in eligib le. The same down----- “ A G ^ w n I i» l l n l i y . “To your long story short, uncle,” | applies to anyone e ver convicted even ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ “ 7 Nu’d liki to be in South America ♦ o f a minor offense, or who has been at Interrupted o** of the listeners, “ suppose ♦ duri:;/ a rev - ition, would you? What you boil that down, too.” any tim e in his life a permanent resi­ ♦ for?” ♦ dent o f a foreign country. P I L E S C U R E D I N 6 T O 14 D A Y S “ O. I ’d like to see the wheels go ♦ ❖ A s illustratin g the v a ryin g degrees P A Z O O IN T M E N T ia guaranteed to cure any j • • * i f n i , w u u 'i . u r . . \ i is gu aran tee« ro u n d .” ♦ O f prosperity in d ifferen t parts o f the ca.se of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding ♦ ♦ United Kingdom, 38 per cent o f the Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. C0c. U n t i m e l y 1 n l e r r o p l l u n . ♦ " ’ e w ant Ftock, w heat, dairy and fru it English and W elsh pensionables are Orlando Spoona more bent over the fair ♦ farms. H a v in g a large Eastern corre­ H a p p y E n fra a c iu e n t. ♦ spondence w e are in a position to make receivin g pensions, while in Scotland bond and respectfully kissed it. ♦ “ It ’s a good thing that man wants the percentage is 49 and in Ireland 98. “ Young man,” screeched the parrot in ♦ quick .-ales. Drop us a card i f you have hut little here below.” remarked the the cage overhead, “ is there anything the ♦ an yth in g or know o f any farm s fo r sale. ♦ hoine-grown philosopher. mj ,er wit! py lips?” L A N D C O ., ♦ A T '- A S * "Because why?” queried the youth. P A N IC A M ID F L A M E S . 420 Lu m ber E xchange ♦ “ Because that’s all there Is left after 60 els. « ♦ P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N Larfee S team er Burns and 2 00 Lives woman gets what she wantu” answered the philosophy generator. a lb. >3 R eported Lost. Over 4 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Western Electric TelepI loiies Fortress Monroe, Va., Feb. 23.—• “ N o t until some Am erican fleet re­ turns victorious from a great sea bat tie w ill there be another such home coming, another such sight, as this, drink to the Am erican n avy.“ This was the toast o f President R oosevelt yesterday as he stood radi­ antly happy in the cabin o f the little cruiser yacht M ayflower, at the con­ clusion o f the re vie w and the ceremo­ nies attending the welcom e home of the Am erican battleship fleet. He was surrounded by the admirals and captains o f the 16 world-encircling vessels, b rillian tly attired in all the gold lace and paraphernalia o f special fu ll dress uniform, and every glass was rasied in response to the president’ s suggestions. “ W e stay-at-homes also drink to the men who have made us prouder than eve r o f our country,” added the presi­ dent, and again the toast was pledged. “ When the fleet sailed from San Francisco, Mr. President,” replied Rear Adm iral Charles S. Sperry, “ you sent us a message saying that ours was a heavy responsibility and a great honor. That w e have today fulfilled the responsibility makes this the proudest moment o f our lives. I say ‘ W e ’ advisedly in speaking o f the fleet, fo r no one man could have done what has been done without the loyal and w illin g co-operation of^every man on the fle e t.” Thus briefly the commander in ch ief o f the returning ships made his official report to the commander in ch ief o f the army and navy. There is a daily average of one and I “ Don’ t you think, Mr. Sply,” said the one-half deaths in New York City charge­ boss, "you might as well tuke off your able to injurie« Inflicted by other persons. hat?” SLEE P ON ARM S. | “ What’s the use?” asked the new man, In the last five years, in New York who was filling a temporary vacancy in City, 503,714 tenants have gone into new I the clerical department. “ I ’ m only going Militia O rd ered Out at Omaha as P r e ­ I to hold this job two weeks.” flat houses. cautionary M easure. Three-story bedsteads are now made for M o re H um ane. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 23.— Although ttse in apartments, steamers, camps and “ They tell me, Mr. Smithers,” simpered a recurrence o f last n igh t’s rio tin g in wherever floor space is limited. the fluffy young thing, “ that you are quite South Omaha is not looked for, the a lady killer.” fe e lin g against the Greeks there is The secret of the glow-worm and firefly “ They do me an injustice, upon my 1« yet unsolved by science. Their light ia word. Miss Giggley,” responded the gal­ still very strong. entirely unaccompanied by heat. Three companies o f the state m ilitia lant old beau, laying his hand on his heart Three hundred girls are employed in the and making a profound bow ; “ I catch ’em in Omaha received orders tonight to sleep in their armories and mobilized harness trade In New York, and Kentucky alive.” fo r that purpose. I t is stated that the has a girl jockey. F a r A p art. order is given sim ply as a precaution­ “ Miss Easton,” said the hostess, “ this Manhattan’s postoflice receipts amount ary measure, but it indicated the anx­ is Mr. Weston.” to $54,370 daily. “ Delighted to know you, Miss Easton,” iety o f the authorities to prevent any further disturbances on account o f the The French unit of horse power 1« one- said the young man. “ Nominally, how­ presence o f the Greeks in this c ity and ever, we seem to be antipodes.” leventh less than the English. Late tonight 300 “ Actually, too, perhaps, Mr. Weston,” South Omaha. Much of the fuel used in Italy is mad« she answered, so distantly that he instant­ Greeks were rounded up in Council of the refuse of olives from which the ly felt himself to be 12,500 miles away. Bluffs, and, a fte r being disarmed, were oil has been pressed. locked up. A b a e n t -M In d e d A ld e r m a n . Appeals have been made to A . L. Black opals of great beauty are found A Lynn (M ass.) alderman at a re Coro-M i la s, the Greek minister at in Queensland, Australia, besides fifty-six cent uldermanic meeting inquired what Washington, and it is believed that other kinds of precious stones. had become o f an order he had intro­ he w ill come here to look afte r the Lord Selborne is the first British cab­ duced some time before calling fo r an w elfa re o f his countrymen. inet minister who has accepted an ap­ arc light on W illow street. The city I t is declared that suits aggregating pointment in the colonies. clerk, after digging into his flies, in­ about $25,000 w ill be filed against the formed him that the order had come town o f South Omaha by those whose The largest caravan of pilgrims for Mecca starts from Constantinople, aud before the board nearly a month pre­ property was destroyed. generally comprises about 40,000 persons. vious and that he had voted against it. M A N Y O N P E N S IO N mere estim ates and nearly 100,000 too A lx>y was noted to explain the d if­ ference between animal instinct and human Intelligence. “ I f we had In­ Admiral S perry R ejo ices at Response stinct,” he said, “ we should know bility Fulfilled— Splendid Line o f everything we vieedtd to know with­ Battleships Falsifies Predictions out learning it; foul we’ve got reason, o f D isaster--C rew s Vent Enthu and so we have study ourselves siasm in Volleys o f Cheers. ’most blind, or *>e i, fool.” — Universal* 1st Leader. The fact that no death from hydro­ \| *»’ . le « « . phobia luiM been recorded in England Man with the V tlging Brow— Awful ■ince 190*2 is cited as an illustration of sloppy, Isn’t it? the preventive treatro*»M nf «Mseaae. Man With the bulbous Nose— It ain’ t It is estimated tluil iLi.OUU persons in half as sloppy fo* you as it is for me. My overcoat’s in f,c«ak. New York City make their living by their wits, which means the lack of wit in other«. ARMADA OF PEACE WELCOMED HOME , W E S T E R M E L H C T R IC WANT Farms! m m u SEED - ¿ z x a . f t S alzer's catalog page 129. | tvouh lMseaon* perro»- Buenos A yres, Feb. 22.— The A rg en ­ cared by Dr. 1 .ine‘ n Great Nerve Re­ 1 Lari’ cst «ro w e rs o f o n ' -n and V' geta b lej tine steamer President Roca, from storer. nently ■ seeds in the world. Bi»i catalog fr e e : or.L Send for FREE $2.00 tnul bottle and treatine. Southern ports, acccording to reports Dr. K. 11. Kline. Ld., 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. ■ send 16 0 in : t s and n- eive catalog and | a iooo k :rn e l. ea h o f oni na, cat 1 t . < eli 1 jr, eceived here, has been wrecked be­ ■ radishes, 1500 each lettuce, rutabaga, tur-| le rm iD o lo gy. ■ nip:>, I- n p i: ley. : o toiiut* es, 100 melons, tween Puerto de San Antonio and r» , .. , j Officious Salesinau— Wouldn’t you like ■ 1200 ch arm in g flow er seeds, in all 10,00c Puerto Madrid, on the E ast coast The ' lo<)k ttt solne of our overeoatinS. or I fcei 1 1 1 .0 0 o f any man’ s I 1 morn O r. ; nd 2 0 c a d we w ill add one ( steamer caught fire, and it is believed \ a pkg. o f E arliest B eep O 'D ay S w eet Corn. the crew and 200 passengers have per­ Dyspeptic Looking Customer— No, but I S A l Z t R SEED CO., Bo« PC La Crosse, WIs. N obody ished. I t is reported also that the 1 if you will be kind enough to tell me can know e v e ry ­ thing. T o become expert steamer sank. where the drug department is I ’ll take a means to specialize. W e are spo- clallsts In producing the best power Press dispatches received here this look at your pillings and porous plaster­ ami vegetable seeds. In f.2 years we • • • * • • • * * • • - •• afternoon state the flames spread with ings.” — Chicago Tribune. huvo become experts. Bow F erry’s Seeds and reap the results o f our care. great lap id ity and the steamer was ! For sale everyw here. Head our 1!>09 Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing catalogue ami profit by our experience. headed into shore as rapidly as p ossi-' Byruptheb st remedy to use for their eliildrea Sent free on request. Address J.iriug the teething period. ble. A panic prevailed and many lives ® — ■■■ ■ (fr D M. FERRY & CO.. D etroit . M ich , I w ere lost, some o f the estimates reach­ I W IL L TR A D E N e w F L ih e a in t h e S ea. ing as high as 200. The President In a communication to the Royal So­ W a l l P a p e r , M o u ld in g s , Roca was on her way north from Puer­ P -c tu re s a n d o th e r s im ­ ciety of Queensland, Dongles Ogllby re­ to Madrid to San Antonio. ila r g o e d ^ , fo r t im b e r la n d , i a r m la n d o r c a s h . cords the discovery of one new genus L a ter official messages report that Low est w h o l e s a l e “ Ha! lia! It didn’t hurt a bit! and seven new species of fish. Among p r ic e s . W r i t e m e . the vessel sank, but only 20 lives were Now for my Alveolar Teeth.” lost. Three hundred and fifty passen­ these are slender dog shark, Howe’s gers and members o f the crew were needle fish, long-beaked garfish, the : E. H. M O O RE! IO U SE somber leather jacket and others. saved, according to these advices. « 144 Seventh St., Portland, Oregon (•) i§) The Prcsidente Roca belonged to the (•>*>.•>• • > • » « {•(£*■<. • • * • • • • • • • M ix f o r R h e u m a t is m . Hamburg South Am erican. She was The follow in g is a never fa ilin g re­ the largest steamer trading regularly between Buenos A y res and the N orth­ cipe fo r rheumatism. T o one-half pint o f good whiskey, add one ounce syrup ern ports o f the republic. sarsaparilla and one ounce Toris com­ pound, which can be procured o f any D E C ID E S S P O K A N E R A T E S . druggist. Take in teaspoonful doses before each meal and before retirin g. ; The cleanest.— 1 Rumored Com m ission Favors Conten­ lightest. —and -T' H a d a H e a io n . most comfortable tion o f C oast Cities. Fill tor (o f Daily ThunderRolt)— Yoop- ; W ashington, Feb. 22. The In ter­ er, you have fiillen down on two or three state Commerce commission has reach­ assignments lately. You used to have at the same time ed a decision in the Spokane rate case, the best nose for news there was in the cheapest in the and w ill announce its findings this office. end because it week. It is rumored that the decision Reporter— I think I had— but it’s been , wears longest is favorable to Portion 1 and other pulled once or twice lately, and I ’ m get- | Everywhere Coast points and adverse to the Spo­ ting cautious about using it. Every garment guar­ kane contention. In cases like the above, all dentists throw up A good, honest remedy fur Rheumatism, anteed waterproof their hands and say there is no hope save a The commission, according to report, Catalog free Neuralgia and Sore Throat is Ham lin’s plate or false set of teelh. but the Alveolar sys holds that Spokane is not entitled to A J TOWfO CO BOSTON U S A Wizard Oil. Nothing will so quickly j tern solved the problem and now plates are not ■ -.»,1 o . 1 • ■ ■ ! m 'r' P r-.m as low a rate on Eastern shipments as drive out all pain and infiamma ion. necessary un'ess all the tec h are gone. are cities on tidewater, which have the W e do dental w ork in all its branches, from the M a k in g S o re. advantage o f w ater competition. No sim ple piece o f fillin g to the complicated and sci- I I entitle A lveo la r w ork. I.et no one fool you into Country Cousin— Are you sure I am member o f the Interstate Commerce j 1 paying fancy prices. Consult us. T h e prices be- commission seen today would discuss In the right train? low are fo r the highest class o f dental work. The 2 P er Tooth the decision, and it is therefore impos­ Tow n R elative (w ho lias had about A lveola Tcdflt ............................ $ L 5 0 up sible to confirm the rumor. enough o f i t ) — W ell, I have asked sev­ Regular Gold Crown, 2 2 k .........................$3.50 enteen porters and thirty-two passen­ Regul 'r Porcelain C row n ................... $3 50 gers, and they all say, “ Yes,” so I W eavers Boycott A .-Y -P Regular Gold o rfn a m e l Tills $1.00 think you'd better risk it.— London T e l­ Regular Inlay Fillings, Painless and Per- Tokio, F i b. 22.— R esenting the anti- r«d $2 50 _ _ Japanese sentiment recently expressed egraph. 1 M ERCHANTS ! SLICKER “F L Y E R S ” throughout the length o f the Pacific coast o f the United States, the Ashi- kaga W ea vers’ league at its last meet­ ing decided that it would not p artici­ pate in the S eattle exposition. The weavi rs declared they were w illin g to sacrifice $1,000,000 in export trade rather than attend the fair. A com­ m ittee o f the league w ill m eet tomor­ row to discuss the fea sib ility o f pend­ ing emissaries throughout Japan to urge all o f the w eavin g towns to join. C a stro Loses His Title. Caracas, Feb. 20, v ia W illem stad, Feb. 22.— Cipriano Castro has lost his title as President o f Venezuela, the H igh Federal court having rendered a decision that sufficient evidence had been presented in the suit brought against him on the charge o f attem pt­ ing to bring about the assassination o f Juan Vincente Gomez, the acting pres­ ident. In its decision the high court transfers the suit to the criminal court and declares that Ca tro is constitu tionally suspended from the office o f president. P o w ers Will Mediate. London. Feb. 22. One or more o f the neutral countries w ill very shortly offer good offices to Austria and S ervia in the hope o f settlin g their differen ­ ces. Who w ill direct this has not been decided, but in any ease it w ill not be G reat Britain. The indications point to the selection o f I ranee, and there is reason to b elieve that such a pro­ posal would not be at all distasteful to Austria-Hungary as they are on the best o f terms. O n ly O n e “ B R O M O Q U IN IN E ” That is L A X A T I V E BROM O Q U IN IN E . Ia\xoxv N o . 9 -0 9 I W I lv e rtis e rg p lease m e n t i o n i b i s 1 p a p e r . ‘ ,K N wH,,n V to DISTEMPER Pink Fye, Fpizoolk, Shipping Fever and Catarrhal Fever i at any a ? « in fected o r "e x p o te d .” I. qu it, g iv e n on th e t "-gu e; ac*s on th s id and Glands, « onous g erm s f r o n th e body. Cures D is- «•r in I>ogs and S h eep and Cholera in Puultry. L a rg e s t s e llin g liv s . rem ed y. Cures Ln G rip p e arimi g human beings nnd Is a fine K id- • ■ e ly . f."c? and $1 n bo’ tie; $.'> and í lo a dozen. C ut this out. K eep Sh »w t o y o u r d u rgi >f._ w h o w i 11 g e t i t fo r you. F reo B ooklet, "D i* » P r Can i and C u res." Special agen ts w anted. SPOliN MEDICAL CO., ¿ ¿ » ¡ S ä S. GOSHEN, IND, Ü. S. A. pcrm axvexxXW To C g \\X* bexxejv&vaV e jje d s .a X w a y s W x j X W tfcxmwxc, ** riA-M urAcruPCD by the CALIFORN IA CRESCENT b AK iñc pqwdfr Egg-Phosphate W ireless fo r Railroads. G et it fro m Omaha, Neb., Feb. 22.— Dr. Fred A F U LL PO U N D 25c. y o u r G ro c e r M illener, experim ental electrician o f SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS SC a BCTTU the Union Pacific railroad, w ill leave tom orrow fo r a tour o f the East fo r the company. He w ill v is it mmny w ire-j less stations. Dr. M illener has been experim enting w ith wireless aparatus Color more goods brighter and (aster co lo n than any other dye. One 10c packajre co2ors JUS, silk^ w wuui o o l dllll and LUHUI1 cotton C equally l w e ll in connection w ith railroading fo r ves- 1 «nd la guaranteed to give perfect reaulta. Aak dealer, or w e w ill send a id a t iO c a p a c k a g e W r i t e fo r * e e b o o k le t wow to dys, bleac>4and mix colers. M O N R O E D R U G C O M P A N Y , Q u i n c y , , ! L L * '.Oelft. • a] months. Fic S yrup Co. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES