The Estacada Progress lM u«d C«ch Thursday ESTAC AD A OREGON RESUME O F THE WEEK’S DOINGS General Review o f Important Hap­ penings Presented in a B rief and Comprehensive Manner fo r Busy Readers— National, Political, His­ torical and Commercial. The governor of New Jersey de­ nounces state infringement of treaty rights. A new bunch of anti-Jap resolutions have appeared in the California legis­ lature. Germany has four battleships build­ ing which are said to be more power ful than the British Drcadnaught. Montana robbers after securing the savings of a couple 85 years old, mur­ dered them and set fire to the house. RIO T ANO PILLAGE. Score* Injured and Homes Burned or Wrecked at Omaha. Omaha, Neb. Feb. 23. Follow ing a harrangue at a mass meeting in the city hall, South Omuha, yesterday, at which two members o f the state leg's- lature and an attorney were the prin­ cipal speakers, a wild mob o f 800 to 1,000 men started for the Greek quar­ ter to avenge the death of Edward Lowery, who was shot and killed Friday night by a Greek whom he had placed under arrest. Before their thirst for blood had been satisfied, more than 30 buildings were burned, wrecked or badly dain aged and probably a score o f persons injured, half that number seriously By heroic work the police prevented actual loss o f life. The rioting con tinued far into the night. Governor Shallenberger was consult ed and expressed a willingness to call out the troops if necessary. No such demand was made last night, howev Fifteen arrests had been made up to midnight. The South Omaha police continu to arrest stragglers until late in the night, the station bt ing filled to its capacity. About 50 Greeks received medical attention and were given quar ters at the police station for the night. About 400 Greeks were removed to a place o f safety in South Omaha and are being guarded in a body. A simi­ lar squad is being cared for in Omaha. A WEEK WITH OUR STATE LAWMAKERS AT SALEM Saturday, February 20. Salem, Feb. 20.— Both houses of the legislature cleared away all accumu­ lated business before adjourning, but it w'as nearly 11 o’clock before all were finished. Appropriation bills amounted to $1.100,000 more than the session of two years ago. A number of laws needed by the state were passed and several of the new measures will in­ crease the revenues. The house bill appropriating $210,- 000 for new buildings and improve­ ments at the Agricultural college pass­ ed the senate by a unanimous vote this morning. The Weston, Ashland and Monmouth normal schools were aU left in exist­ ence, but both houses refused to pass appropriations for their maintenance. The house passed the game code practically as it came from the senate. Both houses passed a tuberculosis sanatoria bill carrying an appropriation o f $15,000. The dairy inspector bill, which had been killed Wednesday, was reconsid­ ered by the house and passed. Only 12 members of the house voted for the bill creating a state highway comnrssion. Whether or not Oregon shall have a con titutional convention will be de­ cided by the voters of the state at the election of 1910. By a vote of 10 to 9 the senate re­ fused to sanction the bill providing for an additional bank examiner. Repeal of the grant to railroads of valuable tide lands in Lincoln county was voted by the senate this afternoon. Only four members opposed the meas­ ure. ed the house bill appropriating $7,000 for claims against the Drain normal school. A t the night session the house ap­ propriated $362,OoO for improvements o f state insi tut ions at Salem and in­ creased the agricultural college main­ tenance appropriation from $50,000 to $80,000 a year. By the terms of the new military code bill Adjutant General Finzer will hold his place during good service, which practically means life. Wednesday, February 17. Salem, Feb. 17.- The governor sent a special message to the legislature to­ day urging the passage of a constitu­ tional amendment providing for state construction and operation of railroads. Central Oregon is the territory the governor aims to help and such a bill is pending, but its passage is doubtful. The house refused to consider the bill providing that county assessors should assess at actual value and fix the levy on a basis of 50 per cent of that amount. The senate passed the house bill fix­ ing a bounty on scalps of coyotes, ecu gars, wildcats and wolves. The charity appropriation bill as passed by the house carries a total of $41,618.35. Two examiners o f state banks and two deputies are provided for in a bill passed by the house. The house passed a bill abandoning the Drain normal and authorizing the regents to turn the property over to the common school district of Drain. The senate passed a bill providing for a free ferry over the Willamette at Independence and another measure re­ quiring all doors of public buildings and halls shall open outward. The house passed a senate bill mak­ ing 10 hours a day’s work for females in telephone and telegrah offices. The senate ways and means commit­ tee is not in favor of three normals and further changes may be made be­ fore the session is ended. MANY WIRES DOWN IN EAST. Telegraph Companies Expect Weeks ot Repair Work. BRIEF NEWS OF THE STATE Chicago, Feb. 19. In point of dam­ age done, it was learned today that the Cheese Factories Report. storms o f last Saturday, Sunday and Tillamook—Seven of the co-opera­ Monday were the worst ever experi­ tive associations have maile their an­ enced by the telegraph companies and nual reports for last year, v iz .: Fair railroads. Thousands upon thousands v iew Da ry association, Red Clover, of poles are still down, and hundreds South i ’rairle, East Beaver, Maple Leaf, Three Rivers and Clover Leaf. o f miles of yvirea are prostrate. These factories received 14,326,111 Throughout the states o f Indiana, pounds o f milk and the factory which Ohio, New York, West Virginia, Penn­ received the largest amount of milk sylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Dela­ was Maple Leaf Creamery association, ware and all of New England, tele­ with 2,619,494 pounds. This ussocia graphic service is curtailed, and in sec­ tion carried the banner for the largest tions discontinued. One Eastern rail­ amount o f milk in 1997, hut it is re­ road alone is said to have lo*t 80 miles ported that the Tillamook creamery of cable. Every repair man in the will out-diBtance the Maple Leaf for afflicted territory is still working to 1908. The amount of cheese these the limit, but resetting poles in frozen seven associations manufactured was ground is slow work and it will be j 1,574,329 pounds and this was sold for weeks, it is said, before normal condi­ $194,448.01. tions are restored. ENGULF PERSIAN H AM LETS. Quakes Swallow Whole Villages With Inhabitants. Another Organization Forming. Pendleton— Though the farmers of Umatilla county already have a strong organization in the Inland Graingrow- ers’ association, a second organization is to be formed. It is to be a county branch of the Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative union of America which is strong in Eastern Washing­ ton. An organizer has been at work in this state since the first of the year, and local branches have been formed among the farmers in the neighbor­ hoods of Helix, Adams, Athena, Wes­ ton and Milton. DEATHS MAY T O T A L 360. Acapulco Dazed by Theater Horror, Du* to Incompetence. Mexico City, Feb. 17.— Late dis­ patches from Acapulco, where the Flores theater was burned while the structure was crowded at a perform­ ance given in honor of Governor Dami­ an Flores, of the state of Guerrero, bring varying estimates of the loss o f life. Tney agree in declaring, how­ ever, that the dead will exceed 210, while some place the figure as high aa 359. Most of the dead were burned beyond recognition. Acapulco is dazed by the catastrophe. AU business at the port has ceased, the shops have closed and the people are crowding the churches where mass­ es are being celebrated for the dead. The fire, which spread with incredi­ ble rapidity through the immense wood­ en and adobe structure, was due, it is charged, tu the carelessness ami inex­ perience of the operator of the moving picture machine. There was an explo­ sion, a burst of flame, which ignited the bunting used for decoration, and in a few minutes the entire structure was in flames. The exits were all in the front part o f the building, which was almost im­ mediately turned into a wall o f fire and the people were entrapped. The wo­ men and children suffired most and comprise a majority o f the dead. A search of the ruins has thus far re­ vealed no recognizable human form. Charred bodies, from which legs and arms have been burned, have been taken from the ruins, ai d as there was no chance of identifying them, all have been buried in a common trench. Teheran, Feb. 19. The government of Burujurd, a town in Southwestern Persia, has sent out agents to investi­ gate the damage wrought by the earth­ quake of January 23. The center of disturbance apparently was two days’ Mrs. James Hamilton Lewis was robbed o f jewels worth $6,500 while journey from Burujurd. Up to the crossing the Atlantic from New York QUAKES FRIGHTEN SPAIN. present time only meager reports have to Liverpool. reached here. The devastation was Lumber Interests Active. Great Britain ha3 launched her sev­ Drive Out Worshippers, Who Trample particularly severe in the mountainous Women Under Foot. Elgin— The lumbering interests have enth battleship of thu Dreadnaught region between Burujurd and Luristan resumed great activity about Elgin. type. The vessel will be ready for Alicante, Spain, Feb. 23.— Severe DECLARES WAR THREATENED province. It has been already estab- The recently incorporated Hackett service by the end of 1909. earth shocks were experienced this lished that 15villages were wholly or j Lumber company has completed ar morning throughout the whole district Judge Dickinson refuses to deny or partially destroyed and it is estimated rangements and with an entire comple- California Legislator Says He Saw affirm the report that he is to be T a ft’s o f Elche. The first occurred about 4 that the total number will undoubtedly J ment o f men will commence sawing at Letters to Prove It. secretary of war. He says he is still a a. m. The most serious, which came be more than 50. once. While the Palmer Lumber com­ Friday, February 19. while the people were in the village San Francisco, Feb. 17.— That this Democrat and did not vote for Taft. Only a small proportion o f the Inhab­ pany is supposed to be working up a Salem, Feb. 19.— The senate this a f­ church, caused a panic among the con­ itants o f the area where shocks were deal for its entire holdings of timber, 1 country was on the verge o f war with Honorary degrees of doctor of law gregation, which rushed to the doors, ternoon, on recommendation of the most severe escaped. Some villages it is actively engaged in logging and a naval power of the Orient recently was conferred upon President Roose­ trampling under foot a score or more ways and means committee, killed in disappeared completely, and no trace preparing a new setting, which is was the assertion o f State Senator velt, Governor Hughes, of New York, women and children. The furniture in succession house bills appropriating Richard J. Welch, who is here with a can be found o f the hamlets o f Bahrem about ready for business. and Bishop Alfred Harding by George the houses was overturned and crockery $106,000 each for Weston, Ashland legislative committee which is insti­ and Leben. It appears that not a sin­ Washington university, at Washing­ and windows broken. and Monmouth, by indefinite postpone­ gating the Islais creek project. Welch gle soul belonging to these communi­ ton, D. C., on Washington’s birthday. Farmers' Unions Growing. A t Orevedente, a town of 10,000 in­ ment, rejecte i minority amendments ties was left alive. A severe quake . Athena— The farmers’ union idea said: Carroll D. Wright, the noted econ­ habitants about 18 miles from A li­ to the Monmouth bill appropriating “ I f you had seen the correspondence was fe lt at Ispahan, 100 miles away, seems to be growing in Umatilla cante, two severe shocks were felt be $10,000 each for the normals for the omist, is dead. that passed between President Roose­ Tuesday, February 16. the morning o f January 23. county, notwithstanding the disap­ velt, Governor G illett and Speaker tween 8 and 8 :30 a. m. Houses rocked rest of the school year, and $70,000 for Mrs. Yerkes accuses her executor Salem, Feb. 16.— Appropriations for pointments that it has encountered in Stanton that I have seen, you would and swayed at an alarming angle and permanently continuing Monmouth. o f paying her income with talk. $318,000 passed in the house today, the past. H. D. G. Cox, who has know that there was only a short Mme Both houses have adopted the joint people ran to the countryside in terror. VON BUELOW IN C O N TR O L. and for $10,000 in the senate. Yes­ been looking ufter the organizations ago the danger o f a conflict between Harriman announces that he will They are now camping in the open resolution proposing a constitutional terday the total in the house was $1,« in this county, was in the city a few spend millions on railroad extensions fields. amendment for the division of the state German Chancellor Again In Kaiser’s days ago arranging for a meeting in two great naval powers of the Pacific.” in the West. into 30 senatorial and 60 representa­ 739,000 and in the senate $726,000. This statement was made in answer Favor as Advisor. The house tonight reconsidered the Pendleton at which all the local unions to the argument of an opponent o f the tive districts, with one member from CUPID IS LOSING HIS HOLD. English surffagettes are still busy in vote by which the $25,000 appropria­ each district. Berlin, Feb. 19.— “ Upon the solu­ are to have delegates. The union here IulaiS creek project that supporters of an effort to secure recognition before The armory bill, practically the tion for the Alaska-Yukon exposition tion of the finance problem depends the has called a special meeting to elect the plan had attempted to gain sup­ parliament. Divorces in Canada Show Rapid In was defeated and passed the appro­ delegates. power and safety of the nation.” same as the people voted down last port for it by maintaining that a gov­ priation. A t a late hour the house crease in Recent Years. J. M. Dickinson, o f Tennessee, is These words, spoken by Chancellor June, has passed both houses. ernment navy yard would be estab­ also considered and passed the $200,- said to have been selected as T a ft’s T o Adyertise Oregon. von Buelow, in an address delivered During the evening session the mem­ Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 23.— One o f the lished at Hunters point. Welch ins st- 000 appropriation for an Eastern Ore­ secretary of war. before the German Agricultural asso­ Portland— The half million of circu­ ed that such a navy yard would be most noticeable features of the legisla­ bers of the house presented Speaker gon asylum. ciation, signalize the government’s lars advertising Oregon, which the built within the next ten years. The Utah senate has turned down a tive program at the present session of McArthur with a fine gold watch and Appropriations for about $1,000,000 purpose to push the fight for the Commercial club has had printed, have drastic anti-saloon bill for a more con­ the Dominion parliament is a long list, guard. more have passed one or both houses, finance bill with increased vigor, taken been issued and w ill be placed in all County division fights will not for Canada, at least, of divorce appli­ servative measure. M O N T / N A S T IL L AFTER JAPS cations awaiting hearing before the bother the legislature hereafter, a bill and continuing appropriations of past with the chancellor's declaration that business letters sent out of the state. A new branch railroad is to be built senate. They are as many in number having been passed leaving the matter sessions amount to $500,000 additional, he “ is likely to.remain in office longer The circulars advertise the $25 colonist with allowances made for items in this than his adversaries hope.” from Spokane to connect with the as were granted during the 20 years to the voters of the district affected. rate to Oregon from Middle Western Exclusion Memorial Expected fo Pass Crow’s Nest Pass line of the Canadian after the confederation. The house passed the bill raising ap­ session’s budget. These figures show They are thought to mean that points and announce that tickets can — Segregation Fight Ahead. that the state expenditures for the next Pacific. Prince von Buelow is again restored to be purchased to any point in Oregon as The average divorce application pre­ propriations for state fair premiums Helena, F’ eb. 17.— A fter having can­ two years may exceed $4,000,000, and | favor, since it is improbable that he cheaply as to Portland. Report says Ethel Roosevelt is on sented to the senate costs upward of from $20,000 to $30,000 for two years. vassed the house thoroughly, Repre­ will probably not fall short of that would make such a remark without the the verge o f becoming engaged to $1,000, and this is a good deal more The bill had already passed the senate. sentative Norton, o f Silver Bow, an­ The senate bill for an experimental figure. authorization of the kaiser. Few Peach Buds Frozen. W illim Phillips, third assistant secre­ than the aggrieved husband or wife nounces that the memorial of which he The senate today voted $20,000 for The forthcoming fight in the reichs- can ordinarily afforJ. Between 1888 farm in Eastern Oregon has passed the tary o f state. Pendleton— Umatilla county orchard- is the author, asking that congress and 1900, a period of 12 years, the house, carrying an appropriation of buildings and grounds for a tubercular tag promises to assume an acutely ists are counting on full crops of all continue in force the Chinese exclusion King Alfonso witnessed a flight by number o f divorces granted was 35, $7,500 per year. sanitarium; provided for a third judge critical character, as every important kinds of fruit this season, with the 1 and enlarge its scope to include all W right in his aeroplane, but the ruler and at this session of parliament, if all The w'ater code bill was passed by in the Second judicial circuit; passed feature of Prince von Buelow’s plan possible exception of peaches. A few ; act Mongolians, will pass the house by a was forbidden to accompany the fam applications are successful, the num­ the house with only one vote against it. the Columbia river pilotage bill; put for increasing the nation’s revenue is reports o f frozen peach buds have been ous aeronaut. The insurance bill, creating an insur­ to a vote of the people the question of ■ violently opposed by one faction or an- made, but the concensus o f opinion is large majority. There are many mem­ ber will be 24. bers of labor unions in the house, and ance commissioner, has passed the number and location of normal schools, other. On the other hand, the steady Fire at Lvoelock, Nev., destroyed that little or no damage was suffered many other members whose constitu- house. The measure will bring a net and provided $10,000 for a bridge increase in the annual deficit in time property valued at $40,000 and for i the result of the cold weather last ents are largely union men and they Kato Denies All War Talk. o f peace is creating a situation which month. income o f $20,000 a year to the state, across the Snake river at Ontario. time threatened destruction o f the en London, Feb. 23.— The newly ap­ will, they declare, support the measure. The house killed Orton’s bank guar­ the government feels to be impossible. it is estimated. tire town. The lives of 30 people were pointed Jaoansese ambassador to Great A t the present time the bill is in the antee bill; authorized counties to levy The senate passed the house bill for endangered. 35 Horses Bought. Britain, Count Takahira Kato, today committee on labor, but a report will extension of the portage road with only not to exceed a '¡.'-mill tax for adver­ The courts have decided that the said that he saw no reason why Japan­ North Powder— Twenty-eight horses be made this week. Object to Panama Line. tising purposes; appropriated $50,000 five votes against it. at $100 each, the second lot bought Snell fortune shall go to a niece. ese relations with the United States Speaker McDowell referred the bill Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 19.— By a A t the 1910 election the people will for Indian war survivors, and voted vote of 43 to 30, the amendment by here by Case E. Prescott and H. Bid- which would exclude Mongolians from Castro has le ft Berlin on account of should not remain excellent in the fu­ have a chance to vote on the Eastern $210,000 to the agricultural college. w ell; and seven more, purchased by C. ture. Count Kato declared that ther.* the public schools to the committee on Both houses will adjourn sine die Assemblyman Grove L. Johnson, of the large number of beggars bothering Oregon asylum, both houses having could be no dominant power in the vast Saturday and night sessions are being Sacramento, striking out all references Todd of Pendleton, at $100 to $212.50, military affairs and Norton declares him. passed the bill. all up to the requirement for United waters of the Pacific. he will have it re-referred to the com­ The game and fish laws of the state held in an effort to get all pending to the report of United States Senator The United States sent $1,000,626 “ We have no interests there,” he T1 a". this bill bills disposed of before that time. Joseph L. Bristow, of Kansas, special States cavalry service, were accepted mittee on education. in cash to the Italian earthquake suf­ said, 44that can clash with the United are to be published and 10,000 copies and by the inspectors and shipped a few w ill rot pass seems certain. Panama Railroad commissioner, in the distributed free, according to a senate ferers. days ago. States. We mean to have our own E XTRA SESSION NECESSARY. resolution by Senator J. B. Sanford, bill passed today. calling upon congress to establish a Prince Ferdinand has asked the pow­ sphere of influence in our own part of Argue Land Grant Case. The bill abolishing secret societies the Pacific, but not to the detriment of First Year Prosperous. ers to recognize the independence of in high schools has been passed by the Blunder Kills BMI Appropriating Money government owned line o f steamships Los Angeles, Feb. 17.— Arguments a single power.” between California ports and Panama Grants Pass— The Rogue River Fruit in the Oregon & Cali urnia railroad Bulgaria. for State Institutions senate and received the approval of was made this afternoon by the lower exchange has just closed its first year. and grant case will be made on a de­ the house today. Guardians have been appointed for a Salem— A special session of the Ore­ house of the legisliature. Chinese in Boxcar. This places The organization has shipped many car­ murrer in the United States Circuit gon legislature will be necessary, or the assembly on record as being op­ German prince of the royal fam ily be­ loads of fruit, all carefully graded, court at Portland on March 1. San Luis Obispo, Cal., Feb. 23. An Thursday, February 18. Tracy senate bill No. 254, a bill appropriat­ cause of his extravagances. posed to the proposedb plan to estab­ labeled and neatly packed. A fte r pay­ C. Becker, special assistant to Attor­ organized plan to smuggle Asiatics in­ Sab'm, Feb. 18.— The senate killed ing $350,000 for improvements at state lish a steamship line to compete with ing all expenses, maintaining its ware­ ney General Bonaparte in the prosecu­ A number of the Danish royal fam­ to this country may be unearthed as a appropriation bills today which will institutions will fail to become a law. the Harriman interests. houses and making other improve­ tion of the Oregon eases, has juBt re­ ily were on the cruiser which was result o f the discovery of 22 Chinese mean a net saving of $101,091.69 to Owing to irregularities the bill was ments, there still remains money on turned from the East and will leave to­ rammed by a freight steamer. in a boxcar in this city today. The the state. not legally pas.-ed, and is invalid. The hand. High Honor to Dr. Angell. morrow for Portland. The case in­ F ifty villages and 50,000 acres of most peculiar feature ot the discovery The'senate bill exempting municipal special session, if called, will merely volves about 2,300,000 acres o f rich land are under water in Prussia as a w'as that the Celestials were in a bond­ bonds from taxation was passed by the pass the bill in the form in which it Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 19.— Dr. Polk County Farm is Sold. Oregon land, said to be valued at about result of the Elbe river being out of its ed car, sealed w'ith the government house. was intended to be passed by the ses­ James B. Angell submitted his resig­ stamp. The car was billed from A l­ Monmouth — Another sale of 300 $40,000,000 at a low estimate. Mr. nation as president o f the University banks. Reform taxation amendments allow­ sion just closed. giers, a town near New Orleans, which No special session has been called of Michigan today and was offered by acres of farm land was made last week, Harriman’s California lawyers, W. F. Trains cannot get across the Rocky it left February 10, through to San ing segregation o f state and county being the Cockle place, to the Southern Herrin and P. F. Dunne, will appear mountains in Colorado on account of Francisco. Owing to numerous land­ taxation, as favored by the state and none will be unless 20 members of the regents the position o f chancellor Oregon capitalists who are buying against Mr. Becker and B. D. Town­ the heavy snow. All roads have large slides and washouts, the car was de­ grange, will be submitted to the peo­ the senate and 40 members of he house j at a salary a f $4,000 a year, with the large tracts in Polk county. These send, who is associated with him. signify their willingness to come to continued free use of the president’s ple in 1910. gangs of men at work. layed on the Coast division. By a senate bill passed by the house Salem for a special session without ex-1 mansion. The duties of the chancel- tracts will be subdivided into small Grand Duke Vladimir is said to have Oil Concern Gets Reprieve today, minors w ill not be allowed to pense to the state. This decision was lorship are to be such as suggested by farms and orchards, and much o f the Doctors Desert Patients. been involved in a conspiracy to ap engage in any game of cards, pool or reached at a conference between Gov- the new president, and as Dr. Angell planting will be done this spring. Sherman, Tex., Feb. 17.— Judge H. point a regency for the czar and an in­ New York, Feb. 23.- The steamship other public amusement in a public ernor Chamberlain. President Bower- j may be willing and able to perform, O. Heap, counsel for Chester B. Dor­ Quarantine is Raised. vestigation had just started when he Prinz William IV brought reports of place. man, Speaker McArthur and Senator | Dr. Angell reccnt'y celebrated his 80th chester, Federal receiver of the Waters- Salem— Quarantine at the Oregon great distress at the hospitals at Cara­ died. Kay. Senator Kay has undertaken to birthday, and has been president of the The he use passed the senate bill re­ Pierce Oil company,Hast night received State Insane asylum, which has been cas. A short time ago the physicians university since 1871. quiring that all male persons before get the members to agree to come and a message from the clerk o f the Su­ An immense irrigation scheme is in force for some time on account of preme court of the United States stat­ and nurses in he hospitals went on securing a marriage license must pre­ believes he can do so. planned in New Mexico which will several cases o f diphtheria, has been ing that a mandate in the recent deci­ strike becaus the authorities had fa il­ sent a certificate of health not more Grand Duke Vladimir Dead. water 500,000 acres. The largest dam raised. sion upholding the state o f Texas in the Malady Kills Horses St. Petersburg, Feb. 19.—Grand in the world w ill be built to store the ed to furnish sufficient supplies of food than 12 hours old. and medicine. Three hundred patients Owners of bank stock are not to be matter of a receiver for the company, necessary water. Pendleton Some mysterious malady j Duke Vladimir Alexandrovitch died in the huspitals were starving. The made liable for the mismanagement of PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. had been stayed for 30 days from Feb­ is killing horses in the Juniper eoun-1 here this evening. The Russian court, Hill has incorporated a company to passengers of the Prinz Wilhelm IV the bank or its debts, the house having ruary 18. The message states that try, according to a report brought to which had just emerged from mourn­ build a railroad in Canada. W heat—Bluestem, $1.106/T. 14; club, include U. Paulus Sannon, Haytien refused to pass such a measure. the mandate is stayed in the matter o f Pendleton by William Mills, a rancher, ing over the death of Grand Duke Governor G illett will sign the bill minister to Washington. The senate bill requiring operators who has lost six horses. He says the i Alexis, has been plunged again in 98c6;$1.01; red Russian, 95c6/98c; the fine, the state receivership and the closing all California racetracks. of warehouses to have storage rates symptoms o f the disease are well do- \ gloom, and the festivities of carnival Turkey red, 98c6/$l; valley, $1. I'ederal receivership. Barley— Feed, $27.606128 per ton. Clerk Spends $500 a Day. Three San Francisco firemen were plainly stated on receipts passed the fined and that death always follows j week have been interrupted by the Oats— No. 1 white, $34.506; 35. injured while rescuing Chinese from a Fairbanks, Alaska, Feb. 23.— A fte r house. Build Schools in Russia. 1 within a few hours. The stricken ani j death of Grand Duke Vladimir. One Hay—Timothy, Willamette valley, burning building. a five-days’ sojourn in Fairbanks, dur­ A t the night session the senate pass­ mal will suddenly appear sick and | of the attending physicians visited the St. Petersburg, Feb. 17.— The min­ i $136415; Eastern Oregon, $166/18; ing which time he threw money around then lie down with its hind le g s , Grand Duke this afternoon and spoke j clover, $126113; alfalfa, A permanent tariff reform organiza­ $146/15; ister of education today introduced a like a drunken sailor, Private William Fruit Company Formed. stretched out backward. These stiffen most reassuringly o f his condition. grain hay, $136/14; cheat, *13.506/ bill before the douma providing for a tion has been formed at Indianapolis. Lane, clerk to the paymaster at Fort Salem An investment o f $210,000 and remain in that position for four or Half an hour later the duke was seized 14.50; vetch, *13.506/14.50. building fund for the erection of 148,- English and Soctch suffragettes Gibbon, departed between two suns, 179 new primary schools throughout Apples— 75c6/$2.75 box. started a riot in an attempt to inter­ leaving a record o f expenditure that | is represented in the organization of five hours, at the expiration of which with asthmatic spasms and died. the Hubard Fruit Farms association, t me he is dead. view Premier Asquith. Potatoes —$ 1.256/1.30 per hundred; the empire within ten years. These beats anything the camp ever saw’, and | which has just been formed, with A. Forty Winks Wrecks Train. school« are to be built and maintained sweets, 2 ¡4c pound. The Kansas legislature has passed a starting an investigation that has dis­ A. Lee president, W. H. Burgardt, Jr , Revival o f Hop Industry. Billings, Mont., Feb. 19.— Alleging Onions— Oregon, $1.756/2 per hun- by the Prov,nc'* 1 authorities on gov­ bill prohibiting the sale of liquor by closed the fact that the army funds at \ secretary, and B. F\ Meredith, treas- ernm ent subsidy. A substitute pro­ Salem— Hop contracts far in excess that Engineer Belsinger, o f the pas­ dred. druggists except as used in prescrip­ the post are short by about $10,800 and i urer. The association is composed o f of the contracts for a similar period senger train which was wrecked at Vegetables — Turnips, $1.25 sack; viding for general compulsory educa­ tions. everything not accounted for yet. 207 o f the leading business men of Sa­ j for last year, and advices received by Young’s Point on the Northern Pacific parsnips, $1.50; beets, $1.50; horse- tion is to be discussed as soon as the The California senate has gone on lem. They have purchased from L. H. ! growers and dealers here from every railway, on the morning o f September iadUhTlOc pound - , . , -------, — r ----- , artichokes, $16/1.25 agrarian debate is terminated. Town Plans Greeting. record as favoring election o f United McMahan something over 400 acres of hop center in Oregon, Indicate a won- 2o last, sending 20 persons to death, 'dozen; cabbage, 2 * 6 ; 3 k c pound - cau- States senators by direct vote of the Oyster Bay, F'eb. 23. A reception ! land in the Mission Bottoms, 10 miles ; derful revival of the hop industry. The was asleep, while the flagmen were Hflower, $2 crate; celery, $4.50 crate- No Boys to Be "Sporty.” people. will be tendered to Theodore Roosevelt north o f this city. The land will be prevailing price in contracts is 10 trying to give him the signal o f dan- ; parsley, 30c dozen; peas, 15c pound; Sacramento, Feb. 17.— The assembly when the ex-pres dent returns to his immediately planted to peaches, apples . cents, and thousands of pounds are be­ ger, James T. Hu-key and Willard F. gpjnach, 2c pound; sprouts, 10c pound; passed a bill today by Grove L. John­ The International opium conference Fireworks and illuminated and cherries, ing contracted for by all the dealers Smith, conductor of the freight *ram, 9quash, 2\ c pound; tomatoes, $1.7561 son making it a misdemeanor for a is in session at Shanghai, China, in an home. decorations on houses and stores will, here. Reports from Oregon City indi- were acquitted o f the manslaughter 2.25. endeavor to devise plans to stop the minor to attend a cockfight, prizefight it is expected, form part of the cele­ Buying Gilliam Sheep. | cate a condition even more favorable to charge tonight. us » of the drug. Butter—City creamery, extras, 34c; or horserace, and fixing a penalty o f bration. Mr. Roosevelt and his son Condon Gilliam county and Condon hopgrowers than that found here. fancy outside creamery, 326134c; $50 fine or 2.5 days in jail for lessees or Frequent quarrels betwen opposing Kermit are exported to leave here on have been visited this last week or 10 Porto Rico Given Tremble. store, *186/20c. Butter fat prices owners o f places where such contests attorneys mark the progress of the March 13 for Africa. T o Build Two New Schools. days by four or five sheepmen from San Juan, Porto Rico, Feb. 19.— average 1 > 4 cents per pound under reg­ are held to allow minors to enter. Calhoun trial in San Francisco. The Montana and Wyoming. One Montana Eugene The school board has de­ Heavy earthquakes were fe lt through­ ular butter prices. jury is not yet complete and 12 special Ex-Vice President is III. man from F’ort Benton bought 10,000 cided to erect two new buildings dur- out the island of Porto Rico at 3 o’clock Eggs— Oregon ranch, 276/ 30c dozen. Four Caught in Mine. venires have been exhausted. Chicago, Feb. 22. Adlai E. Steven­ head o f mixed yearlings for April de­ [ ing the coming summer. One is to be this mom ng. The inhabitants were Poultry— Hens, 156/15Hc; broilers, Benton, 111., Feb. 17.—Shaft No. 16 The opening o f the Portland gate­ son, ex-vice president of the United livery to Condon for $4 a head with built in Fairmount and the other in awakened by the oscillations and their 22\ c ; fryers, 186/20c; roosters, old, o f the Deering Coal company, south o f way, so that passenger traffic from the States, is ill at his home in Blooming­ the wool on. The prevailing price for Stewart’s addition, near the fair alarm was great. No damage was 116/12c; young, 146; 15c; ducks. 206J B- nton, blew up tonight The explo­ East could go to the Sound over Harri­ ton, III., according to rep< rts received sheep is $4 a head with the wooljon grounds. The large inc rease in attend­ done, however. The vibrations lasted 22c; geese, 10c; turkeys, 186i20c. sion wrecked and choked the main air man lines to Portland and from there here today. His activities in the re­ and $3 after being sheared. From all ance during the present term has made for at least 20 seconds, and the move- Veal— Extra, 106/11c; ordinary, 76/, shafts. It will be hours before aid over Hill roads, would affect railroads cent campaign are said to have proved indications wool w ill be a good price these new buildings a matter o f neces- ment was from east to west, The 8c; heavy, 5c. ran reach the four entombed men ther*. throughout the United States. a severe strain on his 74 years. this year. •ity. - weather today is very stormy. Pork— Fancy, 9