ESTACADA I ROC RESS PALACE MEAT MARKET DC D ri 00 Y KARS* EXPERIENCE Barton H E N H Y V.ADIX.M.D P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N Hold y«mr breath!” The T’ h iks A #*#* The dance at Barton Saturday haw arrived. H a n d le s th e B est F re s h a n d C u re d M eats O b ta in a b le Oao. U sti :*, Fueólent night was a grand success and those O FFIC E, ADJOINING R E SID E N C E The toot of the Messrs Myers iSc who were there report a jolly eve­ A . E . S p a r k s , V uil'rcH dcnt C h a s . B . I ic n o i* Wash's mil! whistle will soon lie ning. 0 < h Paid for hides and Market Products Local m 4 Long Outer«# Telephone O ow m j heard again. Since losing their CorKWQHTi Ac* X. S. V O M E R , Editor «ad Manager We Buy and Sell Mrs. Addie Tomlinson who is An ron» tending a i»k*H*h and dMHiltlaR muf The doctor'# phone can be connected I horse they have purchased Autoine tucurluin our opinion bi^ frt* whether a*» tile guest of her sister, Mrs. Grace quickly invent ion la Invention Is probably probably pnlfiRU pnlentahlfl .^HEEP LARD HEAD CHEESE Habelt's yoke of oxen and have re­ with your home phone at night it re­ fMarvd M Ih* r TAAihlM la f Marri,. Oltcon ** VEAL lions Rtrtctly contldeutlul. HANDUl Gibson, is convalescent again. ■out free, old est agoucy for aecui HOGS CATTLE EGGS ERESH MEATS at mali quested. One long ring. sumed logging operation. I ’uteuU taken through Maun HIDES CHICKENS SAUSAGE SMOKED MEATS Mr. Sherman Lyons who has $ptciul notice, without «liante, iu tl Mr. Lacy has been busy taking Ivan IlHridi> been quite ill is very much better. ESTACADA. OREGON cattle hack up into the mountains, A handsomely Illustrât «d weekly. Largest ett- _____ , ....... ....... . Terme. $S at of ___ any , _________ attenuilo tournai. Miss Lilas Scott is very slowly culalloti Dr. L.A. WEL L S he made four trips last week with a * *• fou r months, 4L -luid tìoìtl by by all alt n » « * SU B S C R IPT IO N R A T E S improving. bunch of steers. (Same Bunch) D E N T IS T O F _ _0.38,e O nt y tar .......................................................SI 00 urn™, nt r nu w . Miss Kate Custer and Mrs. Cre- R it momia , __ ____ _____ ___ ________ SO Mr. Gilmore lost u valuable SH EAR ER AND W ELLS' craft were guests ol Mr. and Mrs. --» ..I..I..1 . I. . a . . .a. . ..... .1--» --»--■--J -------- C. J --*--*- horse last week. D o n v sts o l P o r tla n d • rT T T T T T T T T T T 'rF T T W r¥ T T W P Fricker and family and Mrs. Cre- Thursday, February It. 1900 Will visit Iwturada on Friday aw) Mr. G. Keller and family and craft’ s brother, Mr. Earl Todd, Saturday ol each week Miss Francis took dinner with the from Friday until Sunday. They Appointments may be mud* (Spremi Correijtrndeiice to the Progress) HowardsJast Sunday. FARMERS! PROPERTY | attended the widding of Miss Anna wiUt Dr. Adix. University of Oregon, Feb. 13, Mr. Jim Marchbank of this dis­ Schwartz and Mr. J. M. Lind on OWNERS! 1909:—With the business section of trict has been doing good work Saturday evening. The bride was Mow about your crop*? D>w about your buildings? Eugene, ami Villani Hall, gaily blowing stumps. This is certainly beautifully gowned in white silk How about your furniture? decorated with the naticijal colors the best and quickest way to cleur and carried bride's roses. They Attorneys at Law *nd many colored shields, the Uni­ land and we feel proud to have such approached the altar at 7:30 p . m . versity of Oregon today welcomed an energetic farmer among us. “ Jim to the strains of a beautiful wedding R o c k w o o d , O regon ® ^ * N o r ta r y Public, Generul Law Phone Gresham , 311 • large number of prominent people we lift our hats to'you.” Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b­ march. The happy couple will Represents the from all parts of Oregon, inelnditig stracts furnished “ Well! By Gee! This is certainly make their home at 536 East 16th many members of the Siate Legis­ Oregon Fire Relief Associa­ one on me.’ ’ This is what Mr. St North. lature now in session, the occasion tion of McMinnville Lacy said when forty of his friends M ONEY LO A N ED Mis. Crecraft was the guest of being the first annual Common­ And six other lines of fire insur- gave him a surprise visit lffst Fri­ Mise Joyce Withey at Suuuy Side wealth Conference., At the morn­ day evening. After the men had Sunday Feb. 7. WRITE HIM O F F I C E S : Ï , 3 & 4 , ANDKKSKN HM». ing session, Chief Justice R. S, Bean stabled the horses and the ladies Or leave word at this office O r e g o n C it x © R K A iO N presiding, addresses were given by *.> ■ w i..# ■ .* ■ ,r. e..a . . . itiiiiii, . a ..a ..a . .lu eu f This elegant home in Estacada is for sale with either two or hud secretly hurried into the pan­ v 1 1 1 e r 'r*r*r“ rT i ; w - Hon. J. N. Teal on “ Oregon's try with all the mysterious parcels School Notes four lots. Terms to suit K_ P. Scott, Estacada, Ore. Hsritage; Conservotiou of it for the they so carefully carried beneath CONTEST NOTICE People as a whole” and by H011. , their cloaks, everybody set in to Please he 011 the look out for a Fredrick N. Judsou, of the St. hare a good time, and to say that good time Friday evening March Department of the Interior. United States Land GROCERIES* CONFECTIONARY, Lou is'Jar, on “ The National Proh- they succeeded hut poorly explains the fifth,"when there will he a Bas­ Office, Portland, Oregon. Jan. 15th 1909. V m and PATENT MEDICINES A sufficient contest affidavit having bean filed In lem of the Conservation of Resour­ j the situation. Nearly every fun ket Social giveu in Fraternity Hall this office by John S. Malcomson. contwsran». against ces.’ ' The discussion was led by Homestead entry No. 14630, made November 4, producing game was played and for the benefit of the school' 1902, for Wfc SW *. NEH'SWK. and N W * S I* Dr. Jauie ¿Withycombe, Mr. Wil­ | they took Shakespere at his word The high school students had a Section 27, Township 2S. Rangs 7E. by Willlsm bur'K. New-ell, and Hon. J. N. W. Weltmer Contestes, in which It Is alleged that ' when he said "Sing and dance, my vacation last week beginning with $10 a week $ 2 a day he Is well acquainted with the tract of land embraced Hart. j masters, Sing and dance, or let the Wednesday while’ Principal James in the homestead entry, and knows the preeent con* The afternoon session was largely ‘ drama die. A dull dog hanged on was away taking the state exami­ ditionof tne same: also that said William W. Weltmer H . H u g h e s , - Cazadero, O re . has wholly abandoned said tract of land ever since attended and was'devoted to a dis­ its own tag” For they both sang making said entry: that said entryman never before nation. cussion of Oregon's educational or after making said entry established his residence a little and danced a little, yes, and problems. A paperfon “ Co-ordi­ The class in Physical Geography on said land; that said land contains no Improvements A L L MODERN C O N V E N IEN C E S had short dramas. About mid­ of any nature whatever; that no portion of said land J . V . B AR R nation of Activities of Agencies of was ever cultivated and that said claim Is today in. Its night lunch was served (this ex­ had an examination Tuesday. original wild state of nature; and that the said alleg­ Secondary and Higher Education” Archie Davis spent his vacation plains the mysterious parcels afore ed absence from the said land was not due to his < One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast was read by Alfred C. Schmidt, Ph ployment in the Army. Navy or Marine Corps of the mentioned) and it was decidedly a at his home near’Oregon City. B L A C K S M IT H United States as a pr-. rale soldi or, officer, seaman or D ., of Albany, with discussions led sumptous repast. After supper the TheGoldenrod Society, which is marine, during the war with Spain or duping any Local and Tourist Trade Solicited by Dr. Luther R. Dyott, Dr. J. R. company were charmingly enter made up of the students in Miss other war In which the United States may be engag­ I* OO at the oM stand and witting b db ed. said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond Wilson, of Portland, and President tained by Mr. G. Keller's vocal Woraer’s room, gave a Lincoln pro­ and offer evidence touching said allégation at- 2 any of the week in his Une Harry Schafer, of Ashland. “ The effort, "Coming Thru ' The R ye” gram last Friday afternoon. o’clock p. m. on March 1 at l 909 before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Strengthening and Vitalizing of the also by Mr. Roy Roley’s splendid There were but few visitors on ac­ Portland. Oregon. The said contestant haying, in a GIVE HIM A CALL Common Schools" was presented recitation, “ Take hold hands and count of the muddy weather, hut proper affidavit, filed January 15th, 1909, a at forth facts which show that after due diligence personal by State Superintendent Ackerman, all get round." Mr. Jackson’ s piece those who were.ptesent enjoyed it service of this notice can not be made. It la. hereby and discussed by Hon. Jay Bower- (a musical monologue) entitled very much. Miss Pruner’ s room ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. man, Miss Jessie Goddar, Mr. J. J. “ Alamance" was given splendidly attended. ALCERNON S. DRESSER Retfate* Johnson, and Mr. H. H. Herdman. to the delight of the company. Mr. Miss Pruner's room will give a The very great success of the Lacy gave the speech of the evening Washington program Friday after­ first celebration of Commonwealth in which he impressed on the noon. Day has been very gratifying to “ crowd’ ’ to come again. After en­ The ninth grade book-keeping those in charge. It will hereafter joying themselves to the full, the class has nearly finished their work C e d a r Shingles be made an annual event. company left at an early hour hilly in book-keeping. W h e n in need o f F ir s t Class We manufacture uU kinds o£ Cedar determined to take Mr. Lacy at ni» All who care to do work in a C e d a r S h in g le s c o n s u lt m e Shingles anal ikie prepared At word and “ come ..gain.” • The Farmers’ Institute previous­ night school are asked to meet at S h in g le s d e liv e re d o r at the time* to dfclivur the same. A b ® ly announced in these columns to Heard at the party ( Voice from the residence of Prin. H. M. James m ill. N o s. I a n d 2 a lw a y s on to sellât the mill, having stock ou be held in the Grange Hall at Gar­ behind a six-lare cream cake) why W. A Jonti. Seles Aft.. on Friday evening Feb. 19. If a hand. hand at all times field has been changed to the I. O. can’t we have mote of these? Estacada large enough uuralier wish to take 0 . F. Hall in Estacada. Tuesday Messrs Buck and Stubbs of Esta­ the work to make it pay a class will R. FANTON Feb 33 is the date and the first cada preached at the Sunday School he conducted. Instruction will be We atso have stock on hand with session is called for ten o'clock in last Sunday. There was a good at­ given in all of the common school our agent in Estacada the morning. Subjects relating to tendance. branches, including book-keeping, Horticulture, Dairying, Chemistry, arithmetic, and letter writing. o' Soils, the Home and General ly and also the grange. There SPRINGWATER Mrs. Collins of Newberg was vis­ were three new members initiated iting Mr. Jacolson. The Fern Rock Farm of 144 a Agriculture will be presented. R E P O R T O F T H E CO N DITION OF -----PROPRIETOR----- Stereopticon Illustrated Lectures Saturday, and more names were cres has been platted in acreage, 10 (T O O L A T H F O R I, A S T W K K K . ) Estacada Agent—A. Morrow Mr. Jim Marchbank has lieen on E S TA C A D A S TA TE BANK proposed. Deputy Brother John acres and up, to plat. See D. Bri- will be the features of the evening the sick list. We are having all kinds of weath­ at Estacada, in the State of Oregon, at denstine, Estacada R. F. D. No. 1 A ssion. The institute is held un- Cheetwood from Damascus was in er, snow, rain, etc. Mr. Ed. Young and Mr. John the close of business, Feb. 5, 1909. d r the auspices of the Oregon A g­ attendance and installed the officers. Keller two enterprising farmers The Representatives to the Leg­ RESOURCES ricultural College and Garfield Master, Sister S. E. Bates; Over­ T IM E C A R D Loans and discounts.................................. $ 604 S3 A NEW Grange No. 317. The following islature appear to try and pass bills seer, Brother Sidney Smith; Lec­ were sawing wood the other dav. Bills 3664 09 Receivable . . ...................................... 0 . W. P. & R y . Co. p-rsons will be present: Dr. James opposite to the will of the people, turer, Brother Wm.’ Closner; Stew­ We don't know whether it was the Bonds, securities e tc ................................. 4847 50 4755 00 cold weather or their wives that got Banking house, furniture and fixtures.. although the ones from Clackamas Withycombe, Director; Prof. C. I. ard, Brother Charles Folsom, Ass't. B S T A C A JJA -P O R T tA N D Other real estate owned........................... 31860 01 Due from approved reserve 1. -wis, Horticulturist, who will County are to be congratulated that Steward, Brother Willis Cox; Chap­ them to do it. Has Fresh and »Smoked meats on hand Cars leave Estacada for Port­ Mr. Fred Horner has several pu­ tanks................................... S 1872 24 constantly. Also Groceries and talk on matters pertaining to fruit, they are trying to do something lain, Brother A, M. Shibley; Treas­ Checks and other cash items 2287 70 land: pils teaching them to play the vi, near what the voters sent them to Damascus Creamery Rutter Cash on hand..........................- 1223 95 5383 89 Pr >f. James Dry-den, who will talk urer, Sister Grace Closner; Secre­ olin. on poultry; Prof. C. E. Bradley, do, although they are getting along tary, Sister Erma Shibley; Gate­ Total ............................................ - ........ W l I 15 32 A Share of your Patronage Solicited 6:55. 9. 1». A. M. and St it ion Chemist; Mr. William rather slow. It would lie well to keeper, Brother Ed. Closner, Ceries I. 3. 5. 9 P. M. LIABILITIES • As pteviously announced by pas­ Capital stock paid In.......................... 25000 00 Schulmerich, a successful dairyman copy and keep the names of those Sister Mary Shibley; Pomona, Sis­ Cars leave Portland for Esta­ of Washington County, who will twenty-two salary grabbers. It ter Minnie Grace; Flora, Sister Lo­ tor Kuhlmati, Sabbath evening was Undivided profits, less expenses and 3311 18 cada: appears that they want to go hack J. R. Townsend made an evening when the business Individual deposits subject to check ..... 15293 03 talk on the management of the ra Storiner; Lady Assistant Stew-j 6-55. 8 45. »0:45, A. M. and 1963 58 men especially were invited to Demand certificates of deposit......... dairy herd; Dr. Withycombe will to the old graft rule. ard, Annie Folsom; Executive Com-1 430 00 Time certificates of deposit*...... ... ' 1^ 45. 2:45. 4 « . 6:45 P- M. I hear that some of our county niittee Sarah Bates, Ed. Closner, church. It seems strange that it ta'ce up subjects pertaining to gen­ 4624 97 159 86 ought to take special inducements eral agriculture. In addition it is officials were out from Oregon City and J. A. Shibley. Mail and Express (no passenger* 332 70 Trusts, Commissions and Eacrmwa. to get business inen of a community on Sunday to Curritisville to locate curried on thi» rum) leaves Portland; ’ desired that local assistance be given £ 51115 32 Last F 1 iday Mrs. L- F.stella Bard to go to church, yet nevertheless ffor Estacada 51*5 a. nx and 2:40 p. nu< ■ and that addresses or papers be pre­ the lines of a school district They l . eaves Estacada foe Portland 4 if, p.l [ was taken suddenly and violently their regular absence is unusually State of Oregon, County oi Clackamas, ss; pare 1 on some particular lines. All surely must lie limited in their of­ m. and 7 :10 a . at. ill. Dr. Adix was in attendance, more noticable. We say it is strange I, L . E . Belfils, cashier oi th e'ab ove ficial time if they have to desecrate are invited to come, and it is hoped She is better at the present. for it is a recognized principle a- named bank, do solemnly swear that the the Sabbath and get the Sunday much good will lie accomplished. Freight also leaves Portland Mrs. Matilda Neal and son, Jos­ mong men of business that the first above statement is true to the best oi my School Superintendent of Curritis- knowledge and belief. in the morning goes to Ca*a- ville to help them break the Sab­ eph, is visiting relatives. Mrs. thing they take note of and make L . E. B E L F I L S , Cashier. What was it George said he dero and returns to Portland inquiry alxnit when settling a new Correct Attest: Geo. Estes, S. W. Stryk- Neal is Millie Stormer’s Aunt. bath would do if a man tried to hold hint j community, is have they churches, er, Directors. Shiblevs have their gasoline cn- j up? It was you “ Louie" he said it ~ . schools etc. From this then it is an Main offices of the company: 13 1 i - j Mrs. 1 . A. Miller spent Tuesday . . . . , gine in good working order, the to was it not? F irst St. Portland, Oregon. R E l ’O RT O F T H E CONDITION OF E . W. Bartlett at Sellwood. Ca*y de»ty ought to support churches with RESOURCES W M. Yonce and M. H. Rich­ machinery runs fine. Mr. and Mrs. them last week. their presence as well as with their 1 322S 50 ards purchased the Palace Meat Bard were over at Shiblevs to see 5948 e3 money. “ The advantages of a TOR Him M uki-t last week from Frank Van things go. i Principal Howard James and Banking house, furniture, end fixtures 3085 00 Collections prom ptly attend­ proper v ie w " was the subject of he 3916 66 Uuren and are now full fledged , family, who visited Oregon Citv ed to . B tA C K S M rm pastor’ s remarks, and incidents in Due from approved reserve banks ..... 12129 10 The school ts getting along nice- . . . . , , . , butchers. Both members of the * s h 1 last week for a few days, "returned Checks snd other cash Items .......... 27 0 0 | Office in Hank of Estacada T the life of Moses were the charact- ..... 1572 05 home on Sunday. tew firm are well known local men ly. 143 58 ers used. The Pillar of Cloud by Doe» a» kind» ei work is hrn. line andl who have plenty of friends who The young lady preacher* are ÍÍ0 0 5 0 72 1 Stanley Ott, son-in-law of Mr. We desire to call the attention o f ' day and the Pillar of fire by night Selitite a Share ol yout Patronage wish them well in their business with us still. Cross, on the Jim lin n place, has our readers to the eon -enience of meant one filing to the Israelites LIABILITIES enterprise. Mr. VanDuren has ......... . 1 10000 00 j Wen visiting with his wife's folks J p;«rl Shibley aud Willis Cox have | pa> 'nR their taxes to the Clackamas and an entirely opposite thing to Capita! stock paid in conducted a good maiket and was 522 90 made a commencement on Mr. j Title Company at Portland iu the I’liaroah’s hosts and the reason Individual deposits subject to check 17968 37 aud on Monday drove a team to u hard worker and understood the giveu was the use made of it. The Demand certificates of deposits------- 1545 0C Estacada where he secured a load ; business well. He leaves lots of Sherman’s new house, hut on ac- ! Chamber of Commerce. It is often inference Wing that had they both Liabllites other thsn those above stated 14 45 of goods and while driving down i count of the had weather have laid convenient to go to Portlaud and made use of it for like purposes the f ¡ends ill Estacada who are sorry Painting, Paper S 30050 72 i off work. J while there the other business in- results 10 each would have Wen the __________________ ________________- -■ j to sec him go away. His future j eluding paving of taxes can he at- same. The pastor’ s sermon through- State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: ened and started to run. They Hanging and Calcemi- plan ; art no yet determined. out contained thoughts useful in I W. A. HeyIman, Cashier of the above struck the ditch near fourth street And it still rains and occasional* tem,ed to without mak,,1K an cx,ra b u sin e ss o r a n y Other p la c e and named b.iuk. do solemnly swear that the A. N. Johnson went to Portland B0W, trip to Oregon City. You will find where the wagon parted, throwing ning. 1st class work w a s listen ed to with more than above statement is tr ie to the best of my on. Saturday Miss Primer aided in j the “ ad” of the Clackamas 1 itle u su a l atten tio n b y the large congre- j knowledge and belief. Mr. Ott, wife an 1 baby out. For­ the othc. in his absence. Our school is getting along nice- j Co. on another page. tunately they all escaped unhurt. 'gatiou gathered at the church. 1 W. A. H8YI.MAN, Cashier. DIR KC TORS; P a ten ts Scientific flimrkait Yonce C®> Richards FIRE Dtmick & Dmrick, *Jo h n B r o w n a a When in need oi Don’t forget I can supply your needs* and solicit yourpatronage The Hotel Estacada 1 Standard Lime and Sulphur Solution For Sale by Estacada Pharmacy Made of best sulphur and lime Clear, cherry red, free from sediment Reasonable in price, its work is perfect No boiling to be done; save fuel labor and annoyance PORTLAND PRICES FANTON CEDAR s ti i ite i r s Estacada Pharm acy For Sale KRIEGER BROS. 4 CO. Meat Market Shop next to Residence on Main Street Subscribe for the PROGRESS $1.00 a Year Attorney at Law Practice in all the Courts Special attention given to Settlement of Estates. C. W HITFIELD) See FERRY . G uaranteed. For