Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 18, 1909, Image 2

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    The Estacada Progress
Taft Says Most o f His Advisers Have
Been Tentatively Solicited.
General Review o f Important Hap­
penings Presented in a B rief and
Comprehensive Manner for Busy
Readers—National, Political, His­
torical and Commercial.
Austria is making secret prepara­
tions for a war with Servia.
A Mexican at Guadalajara has just
celebrated his 139th birthday.
Women suffragist leaders are pre­
paring to again storm parliament.
Chicago business men have protested
to congress against a duty on coffee.
State wide prohibition in South Car­
olina has been defeated by four votes.
A San Francisco woman has secured
$7,000 damages for seven hours' false
The Maya Indians, o f Mexico, are
causing troublel anil troops have been
ordered to the scene.
Rocks in the Santa Barbara channel
which were formerly 40 feet above
the water have sunk until they will
prove a menace to navigation.
During the last half of 1908 the
Denver & Rio Grande railroad earnings
showed a decrease o f $500,000 as com­
pared with the same period of 1907.
Farmers and others interested have
started another suit in an effort to stop
the smoke nuisance from Montana
smelters, which is killing vegetation.
The fact that Roosevelt will spend
11 days in Italy has caused on his way
to A frica has caused a stir in Rome,
and preparations are being hurried for-
a reception.
The Mexican volcano
spreading devastation.
Colima is
Buchanan has signed a treaty with
Venezuela settling all disputes.
The Montana legislature will take
up the Japanese exclusion question.
Cleveland shippers say competition
between the Harriman lines is a farce.
The order of Elks has asked congress
to protect Wyoming elks from starva­
The Waters-Pierce Oil company will
fight the Standard in the Missouri
Washington, Feb. 16.— As soon as
President-elect T aft finds a suitable
man for secretary of war, his cabinet
will be complete; that is, tentatively Joint Committee Expected to Decide
complete. It wi 1 be subject to change I
for Monmouth.
any time before the 4th of March, if
Salem —One normal school, probably
conditions arise which, in the opinion at Monmouth, will be the recommenda­
tion oi the joint committee on ways
of Mr. Taft, justify modification.
But it can be said on the authority and means. Should this recommenda­
tion be followed, it will cut off from
of one of Mr. T a ft’s closest advisers, the state treasury the schools at Wes­
that eight of the nine cabinet officers ton, Ashland and Drain. The appro­
have been conditionally chosen, and priation will be probably $150,000.
seven out of the eight have signified Provision will be made for paying the
railroad fare to the one normal of stu­
their willingness to enter the cabinet
dents in far-away parts of the state.
if the formal tender is made.
As Monmouth holds a balance o f power
It should also bt* said that, aside on the committee, it is likely to be fa ­
from the state and postoftice portfolios, vored in the report.
none of the cabinet offices have as yet
This will undoubtedly lead to efforts
been finally and formally disposed of, of the other normals to tack their de­
and the incoming president can, with­ sired appropriations on the Monmouth
out the slightest breach of good faith, appropriation bill or elsewhere.
make any changes in his present pro­
A t this time it is too early to foresee
gramme which to him seem proper. what success the change will have in
The selections so far are:
the legislature.
Secretary o f State -Philander C
Knox, Pennsylvania.
Cement Blocks in Albany.
Secretary of the Treasury George
Albany The Albany Trading and
M. Reynolds, Illinois, or some other lllock Cement company was incorpo­
Illinois man.
rated by articles filed in the county
Attorney General George WT. Wick- clerk’s office here. The company plans
ersham, New York.
to manufacture cement blocks and
Postmaster General — Frank II. brick in this city, as well as conduct a
Hitchcock, Massachusetts.
warehouse and do a general commission
Secretary of the Navy George von business. The incorporators are W.
L. Meyer, Massachusetts.
H. Stover, John F. Morrison, W. D.
Secretary of the Interior Richard A. McKinnon and Robert Ferguson. The
Ballinger, Washington.
capital stock is $10,000. All of these
Secretary o f Agriculture — James men came to Albany recently from
Wilson, Iowa.
North Dakota and will make their
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
homes on the coast.
Charles Nagel, Missouri.
English Doty Hits Oregon.
Salem— Some local hop dealers are
talking of taking measures to aid in
Ice Piles Up on American Side and combating an agitation which has
again started in England to place a 40-
Tw o Men Cross on Rocks.
shilling duty on hops. It is claimed
Niagara Falls, N. Y ., Feb. 16.
by certain local dealers that this duty
Only a tiny rivulet, not deep or swift will practically kill the industry in this
enough to carry a pulp log over the country among hop dealers. It is said
brink, is flowing over the American England practically uses up the surplus
side of Niagara Falls.
strong of American hops. It is believed that
northeast wind which has blown since
English brewers will assist in fighting
Friday, has held back the water and
the increase.
allowed the ice to gain a foothold. Two
employes of the American reservation
Oregon Leads in Wool.
walked from Prospect Point nearly to
Pendleton— With an average fleece
Bath island this morning.
A great wali of ice runs from the o f 8 1, pounds, Oregon sheep last year
head o f Goat island to the American sheared more w ool to the sheep than
mainland, through which only tiny those o f any other state in the Union
streams are able to trickle. This wall with the single exception of Washing­
has even encroached on the Canadian ton. Those in the neighboring state
channel, extending out some 200 feet on the north made an average of 8
beyond the Third Sister island arid pounds. In no other state was there
greatly diminishing the flow over th. an average of more than 8 pounds,
Horseshoe. Only the very apex of the while the average for the whole United
Canadian falls is left, and that is rob­ States was only 7 1-10 pounds.
Harriman has started on a tour of bed of half of its flow. The gorge be­
the South and West to inspect his rail­ low is choked and the rapids have lost
their fury, while the whirlpool is
barely in motion.
T a ft says the president and gover­
This is only the third time that this
nors should work together for the good combination o f wind and ice has thus
o f the country.
affected the falls since the white man
A big reception is planned when the came here. The other occasions were
fleet arrives home from its voyage on March 29, 1848, and on March 22,
around the world.
Prominent Canadians also favor the
exclusion of Japs from schools attended
by white children.
Lebanon Prepares for July 4.
Albany — Lebanon, Linn county’s
second city, has taken the lead of all of
the cities of the state this year in pre­
paring to celebrate the Fourth of July.
A t a meeting o f the Business Men’s
league of Lebanon this week it was
decided to celebratigthis year and pre­
liminary plans for a big celebration
were inaugurated.
Sawmills All Running.
Cottage G rove—Every sawmill in
Grateful for Aid Rendered to Earth­
this locality is running at full capacity
A preacher in Wyoming stopped a
quake Sufferers
and many expect to put on night shifts
train to get the crew to act as w it­
Baltimore, Feb. 16.— “ My govern­ to supply the urgent demand for lum­
nesses at a wedding.
ment has many things for which to ber. Business in every line is open­
Protracted drouth in parts of Texas
thank the people of America since the ing up beyond all expectations. A
have driven cattlemen to extremes tQ
earthquake in Southern Italy, “ said number of new dwellings are planned
procure food for their stock.
Baron des Planches, the Italian ambas­ and their construction will start as
Russia has violated the Portsmouth sador at Washington, in an interview soon as the weather will permit.
treaty and the United States and Great today.
Britain may protest jointly.
Free Delivery for Ashland.
“ Besides the great monetary assist­
Washington— Representative Haw­
Eastern wool buyers have formed a ance and the sympathy we have receiv­
ed, we are grateful for the scientific ley, who has been urging the establish­
information which we have received ment o f free delivery at Ashland, was
Several persons have been killed in and the valuable hints which have been today informed by the Postoffice de­
Mexican riots against landlord rule.
given us by the United States geolog­ partment that service will be inaugur­
A jury has been secured in the bri­ ical survey. This information will be ated about June 1. Letter-carriers
bery case against Calhoun in San Fran­ of more lasting benefit to Italy than will be appointed in the interim.
even the great sums of money that
have been sent to our people.”
A tornado in Delaware and Pennsyl­
Messina was going to rebuild, he
vania killed two persons and destroyed said, but profiting by the lessons of the
Barley- Feed, $27.50fu28 per ton.
many buildings.
San Francisco disaster, it would be
Wheat Bluestem, $1.1 Of»/1.12;club,
97c(r/$l; red Russian, 94<u97c; turkey
California fruit raisers failed to get done on different lines.
rod, 98c/u$l; valley, $1.
the increased rates on dried and can­
Oats -No. 1 white, $1)4.50(0 35 per
ned fruit rescinded.
Wheat Men in Combine.
Hastings, N» b., Feb. 16.— Organiza­ ton.
T a ft’s engineers say that a sea-level
Millstuffs — Bran, $266/26.50 per
canal is out of the question, as the cost tion o f the Winter Whoa’ growers’ as­ ton; middlings, $33; shorts, $280/30;
sociation of Nebraska, Kansas and Ok­
would be incalulable.
chop, $20(«i 25; rolled hurley, $290/30.
lahoma was completed Saturday at the
Hay -Timothy, Willamette valley,
President Gompers, o f the American close o f a three days* mass meeting of
Federation of Labor, says 2,000,000 farmers of the three states. The pur­ $100/17 per to/i; Eastern Oregon, $17
men are now out o f employment in the pose is to control the price of winter 0/18; clover, $120/14; grain hay, $12
United States.
wheat. About 200 farmers signed a 0/13.
Fresh fru its—Apples,
New Orleans is preparing a great pledge agreeing not to sell their next
box; Spanish malaga grapes, $8 per
welcome for the T aft party, the princi­ year’s crop for less than the price to
barrel; persimmons, $10/1.25.
pal feature of which will be a typical he fixed at a delegate convention, ex­
Potatoes Buying price, $1.100/1.35
Southern banquet prepared by Creole cept after 30 days’ notice to the direc­
tors and failure to get the agreed price. per hundred; sweet potatoes, 2 '¡¡c per
A Chicago firm has been awarded a A fund o f $500 was raised to push the
Onions Oregon, buying price, $2
contract to supply the British army work of organization.
per hundred.
with corned beef for a period of three
Sack Vegetables
Turnips, $1.25
“ Deadhead" Liberty Bell.
years. The first delivery, between
per sack; carrots, $1; parsnips, $1.50;
600,000 and 1,000,000 pounds, w ill be
Philadelphia, Feb. 16.— The Inter­ beets, $1.50; horseradish, 10c per
state Commerce commission ha3 grant­ pound.
made next July.
As a result of a search he has been ed a permit for the free transportation
V egetables— Artichokes, $ l(iil.25
making in the Interior department, of the Liberty bell and a guard of doz.; cabbage. 2 k, 0/'3c lb.; cauliflow­
Representative Hawley has discovered
er, $2 per crate; celery, $4.50 per
that the Corvallis & Yaquina wagon Yukon-Pacific exposition at Seattle, I crate; cucumbers, $1.750/2.25 dozen;
road bill, recently introduced in the
lettuce, $1.500/ 1.75 per box; parsley,
house, contains a joker which would old relic will be taken to the far West 30c per dozen; peas, 15c lb .; radishes,
operate to defraud the government out this summer. Mayor Key burn has re­ 30c per dozen; spinach, 2c per lb.;
of sevreal thousand acres of valuable ceived a number of petitions from sev­ sprouts, 10c per lb.: squash, 2,'^c per
eral Pacific coast cities requesting that It/.; toazntoes, $1.750/2.25.
land in Oregon.
the bell be sent West and w ill recom­
Butter--City creamery, extras, 34c;
Many more prominent men have been mend to the city council that the re­ fancy outside creamery, 320/84c per
indicted for Oklahoma land frauds.
quest be granted.
lb.; store, 18(i/20c.
Eggs— Oregon ranch. 36o/37>sc per
A terrible blizzard is ragingewer the
entire country east of the Rocky moun­
Poultry—Hens, 14c lb.; broilers,
sweeping anti trust law ever drafted 20c; mixed, 130/13 S c ; ducks, 200/
France and Germany have signed a in Iowa Will be introduced in the house
21c; geese, 10c; turkeys, 180/19c.
treaty of peace regarding Moroccan 1 today.
Its purpi^se is to stamp out
Cheese Farny cream twins, 15 So/
the grocers’ trust, the coni dealers’ and lfic per lb.; full cream triplets, 15’ .,o/
Mutual pledges o f peace and good the ice trust1», and even the doctors’ llie; full cream, Young America, 10
The latter are charged with 0/ 17c.
will were exchanged between King Ed­ trust.
ward and Emperor William at their fixing excessive price«. Imprisonment
Veal Extra, 10o/10Sc per pound;
in the penitentiary for not less than one ordinary, 7o/8c; heavy, 5c,
banquet in Berlin.
y< ar, nor for more than ten years, is
Pork— Fancy, 8S0/9c per lb .; large,
Certain senators have revived the provided for persons convicted of vio­
80/ 8 S c-
cry for a sea-level Panama canal.
lating the law.
Cattle- Best steers, $50/ 5.35; me­
dium, $4.250/4.50; common, $3.50<// 4;
Fire of unknown origin destroyed
cows, best, $40/4.25; medium, $3.250/
the Missouri, Kan as & Texas railroad
Chicago, Feb. 16. A heavy fall of 3.75; calves, $40/ 6.
creosoting plant, located four miles
Sheep — Best wethers, $5.50i</6;
from Greenville, Texas. The loss is sleet anil snow, driven by a high wind,
estimated at between $150,000 and inter erred with transportation and mixed sheep, $3.500/5.25; ewes, $5(z;
seriously interrupted wire communica­ 5.50; lambs, $6«/6.50.
$ 200 , 000 .
Hogs Best, $6.750/6.85; medium,
tion over a large portion of the Lake
The storm $6.250/6.60.
Mrs. Ruth May Swift-Eversz, o f Michigan district today.
1908, 60/8c per pound; 1907,
Chicago, who was le ft a fortune of was general through the central West.
$5,000,000 by her father, the late Gus- North- rn Illinois, Northern Indiana, 2o/3c; 1906, l o / l S c-
Wool Eastern Oregon, contracts,
tavus Swift, was granted a divorce Missouri and Kansas had little commu­
from her husband, Ernest H. Evens, nication with the outside world by 16c per pound; valley, 15oz 16 S c ; mo­
hair, choice, 20<y21c per pound.
wire tonight.
by Judge Gibbons.
m ay
sto p
D ig g in g .
Secralary Garfield Threatens to Sus­
pend Klamath Work.
Washington, F> b. 15. J. Newell,
of the reclamation service, stated to­
day that orders hud been issued to shut
down work on th«* Klamath irrigation
project, pending adjustment of differ­
ences between the government ami the
settlers. This announcement follows
a decision by Secretary Garfield that
settlers must pay the annual mainte­
nance charge of 75 cents per acre, be­
ginning May 1 mxt. and must make
ten equal annual payments o f $3 each
per a re for the water right, the first
water payment falling due May 1,
Many settlers have announced that
they cannot pay $30 per acre for w ater,
but, as this is the actual proportionate
cost of building the project, the secre­
tary cannot accept less. He requested
the Water Users’ association to inform
him what it is willing to do under the
circumstances, but as it lias not made
reply, he felt obliged to stop further
construction until satisfactory agree­
ment is reached. The seitiers, under
the first unit of the project, which is
completed, will be lurnished water
tliia coming season, i f they pay the
maintenance charge, but, unless there
is a speedy agreement, construction of
the Clear lake reservoir will not be
carried forward and the second unit
of the project will remain undeveloped.
Meantime, Engineer Murphy, in
charge of the Klamath project, has
been called to Washington and w ill be
succeeded by W. W. Siccht.
F. W. Hanna, another reclamation
engineer, has been sent to resume the
preliminary woik of the Mulheur pro­
ject and, if the Klamath controversy
is not adjusted, work may be concen­
trated at Malheur.
Daring E.irly Morning Holdup Carried
Out Near Denver.
Denver, Feb. 15. That the hold-up
o f the westbound Denver & Rio Grande
passenger train, near Denver, at 3 :15
this morning, was the work o f three
instead o f two robbers and that the
robbary o f the mnil car gave them a
loot of possibly $: .,000, are indicated
by the investigation of the railroad and
police officials today. So fur no tangi­
ble clew to the identity or w hereabouts
of the robb. rs has been found, but it
seems probable that the men came to
Denver and are now hiding in this city.
The exact amount secured by the
robbers cannot be ascertained. It is
known, however,' that the registered
mail sack from Colorado Springs to
Denver was empty and that little of
value was in the Pueblo-Denver sack.
The sack from Portland, Colo., to Den­
ver, however, cot tained $400 o f money
order funds coMigncd to the Denver
The robbery was remarkable for its
originality and-oaring. It took place
within eight mile of Denver, within
less than two miles of Fort Logan, the
United States military reservation,
and at a spot where habitations are
plentiful. Y et so thorough was the
work of the robbers and so well w'ere
their plans laid that they had fully an
hour and a half start of the officers.
Search of the vicinity of the hold-up
indicates thut a third man and possibly
a fourth were engaged in Hie robbery;
that a rubber-tired buggy was in wait­
ing for the actual hold-ups and that
torpedoes and red signal fires were
used unsuccessfully in an attempt to
stop the train before the automatic
revolvers of the two men on the train
were used in doing this.
| Work to Coniinua as Begun and Fin­
NEARLY 300 DEAD New Orleans, ish in Feb. 1916, 12. President­
Terrible Disaster Occurs at Acapulco.
Mexico, Playhouse.
Thre** Small Exits Rulckly Blocked by
Panic anil One-Third ol Audience
Are Crushed and Roasted Alive
Performance in Honor o f Gover­
nor Ends in Catastrophe,
Mexico City, Feb. 16. Between 250
and 300 people were burned to death
and many others injured in a fire which
destroyed the Flores theater in the city
of Acapulco last night. The news of
the disaster reached here this after­
noon, telegraphic communication with
Acapulco having been destroyed last
night and today, owing to the fact
that the telegraph office adjoining the
theater was destroyid and all wires
put out o f commission.
The Flores theater was a wooden
structure and last /light more than 1,-
000 people crowded i/ito it to witness
a special performance given in honor
of Governor Damian Flores, o f the
state of Guerrero. One o f the num­
bers on the program consisted of a
series o f moving pictuYes. While the
operator was exhibiting these, a filn
caught fire and the blaze was quickie
communicated to some bunting which
had been used for decorative purposes.
In an incredibly short time the flames
spread to all parts o f the structure.
There were but three narrow exits
and the panic stricken audience rushed
to them, many persons falling to be
crushed to death, their bodies choking
the way to escape for others. The
screams of those imprisoned were ter­
Owing to the rapidity with which
the lire spread and its intense heat it
was impossible to attempt rescue work,
and those imprisoned were literally
roasted alive, as the tire burned with
little smoke and few were suffocated.
elect W. H. T aft landed here shortly
before 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon
from Panama and wus enthusiastically
received. He will be the city ’s guest
until Saturday morning. Mr. Taft
made a brief speech this afternoon,
heartily approving the lock type o f ca­
nal across the isthmus.
Tomorrow he will address the negro
Y. M. C. A. and at night he w ill be the
guest of honor ut an elaborate banquet.
Mr. T aft received by wireless tele-
gruph yesterday the news o f the con­
stitutional question raised against the
appointment of Senator Knox us secre­
tary o f state. He was somewhat dis­
turbed over the situation last night,
but early today he received the news
of the dis)H>sition of congress to amend
the cabinet salary law. He was in­
clined to take this as a happy solution
of the difficulty.
On the trip from Panama, Mr. T aft
made the first draft of his inaugural
address. This he intends to submit to
certain friends in Washington next
In his address here today, Mr. T aft
made what he said was his summing
up of his trip.
“ I am here on my way from a great
constructive work,” he said,
greatest entered into by any nation
during the present two centuries, and 1
am glad to say to you that the work is
going on as you would have it go on,
that on the first o f January, 1915. at
h ast, if not before— and I am very
much interested in having it within
the next four years that canal will tie
completed. And when that time comes
you will see floating down this river
your great commerce, bound through
those straits to the west coast of South
America, tortile Orient and to Austra­
“ The hoard of engineers have exam­
ined the whole work and they say it is
good; that it shall go on as it has gone
on; that the organization o f the isth­
mus, the American push and the goixl
feeling that there exists commends it­
self to them as men who undertook
great works of that class and convinces
them that the canal is now an imme­
diate prospect.”
Memorial Will Mark Humble Birth­
place of Lincoln.
North and South Unite In Paying
Homage — President Roosevelt
Speaks to Assembled Host at
HodgenviUe, Ky.— «claret Lincoln
One o f Greatest Two Americans
HodgenviUe, Ky., F’eb. 13.— Hence­
forth the birthplace ol' Abraham Lin­
coln is to be marked by a pile of stone.
The emancipator of a race and, more
than that, the liberator of the thought
of a nation, builded his own monument
in the heart o f the world, and appro­
priately the physical structure that has
now found a beginning at the place
where Lincoln first saw the light takes
the simple name of a memorial. It is
to be a simple but classic building of
granite and it is hoped that it may be
completed Bo/ne time next fall, when
the then president, W. H. Taft, will
officiate in dedicating it, as the presi­
dent, Theodore Roosevelt, yesterday
officiated in laying its foundation stone.
The cornerstone laying took place
after appropriate forensic ceremonies
were participated in by the president.
Governor A. K. Willson, o f Kentucky;
ex-Governor Joseph W. Folk, o f Mis­
souri, president of the Lincoln Farm
association; lion .’ Luke E. Wright,
secretary of war, who is an ex-Confed-
erate soldier; General Grant Wilson,
of New York, who represented the Un­
ion soldiers, and I. T . Montgomery, o f
Mississippi, a negro and an ex-slave
With one exception, the orators, repre­
senting not only the conflicting sides
in the great struggle, but the present
generation as '.veil, the two great par­
ties, the white and black races and the
different sections o f the country, spoke
from the same platform and with the
same flag, a splendid new specimen of
the stars and stripes, fluttering over
Six or eight thousand people were
present. Many of them had come on
special trains from Louisville and other
Kentucky centers. The bulk o f the
assembly was composed, however, of
the country folk from I.aruo and adja­
cent counties. There was a notable
absence of negroes jn the crowd, but
those pre-ent were- weflged in with the
whites, showing that none had been
kept away by race prejudice.
Among those who had been expected
to be present was Mrs. Ben Hardin
Helm, the only surviving sister uf Mrs.
Lincoln, 92 years old, but sbe was kept
at her home in Louisville, much to the
regret of all, by her infirmities.
The exercis s were conducted under
a tent, erected alongside the cabin in
which Lincoln was born 1(10 years ago.
The weather was sufficiently disagree­
able to render the tent useful. The
president and his immediate party ar­
rived shortly before 1 o’clock after a
drive over a heavy red clay roRd from
HodgenviUe, and five minutes after­
ward Governor Willson called the as­
semblage together uud introduced Rev.
E. L. Powell, o f the First Christian
church o f Louisville, who pronounced
the invocation.
The president was frequently inter­
rupted by applause. Mr. Roosevelt
confined himself closely to his manu­
script, except at the beginning he de­
parted from it to make zeply to com­
plimentary allusions to himself by
Governor Folk.
Black Hand Agents in Gotham Use Rocky Mountain Plain to Blame for
Elevated Cars.
Latest Blizzards.
New York, Feb. 16.— The neighbor­
Chicago, Feb. 12.— A t last the trou­
hood of Second avenue and One Hun­ ble-maker in things meteorological has
dred and Sixth street, which is largely boin run to earth. The secret men of
inhabited by Italians, was thrown into the United States weather bureau bnve
confusion late tonight by the explosion put their fingers on the capital offender
of a bomb dropped to the street from a to blame for the major portion o f the
passing Second avenue elevated train. squalls, gales, hurricanes, drizzles,
The explosion wrecked the windows of deluges, blasts and blizzards that afflict
a number o f stores on Second avenue mankind.
and caused slight inujries tp passersby.
The Rocky mountain plateau is the
This is the second time in less than guilty party, according to Professor
three months that the neighborhood W illis L. Moore, chief o f the govern­
has been visited by bombthrowers. ment weather forces, who is in town
The same method o f dropping the mis­ this morning for a three days’ visit.
sile from a passing train was used.
His arrival was made signal by the
The bomb is believed by the police declaration that the
long distance
to have been intended for Joseph weather forecast is a success, and that
Arana, whose apartments face along the weather office has proved its abil­
the elevated railroad structure and to ity to detect approaching storm areas
whom a number of Black Hand letters more than a week in advance.
have been sent recently.
As an instance, Professor Moore
cited the eold snap, preceded and ac­
companied by much moisture and vigo­
rous air currents, that has just passed
over this city on its way to New Eng­
M issojri Courts Doubt Waters-Pierce land. When that storm was discover­
Company Quitting Standard.
ed, having just assumed malignant pro­
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 16. Hen­ portions, it was located in Eastern
ry S. Priest, o f St. Louis, and H. Clay Asia, but its baggage was checked
Pierce, chairman of the board of the right through.
Waters-Pierce Oil company, today filed
in the Supreme court of Missouri an
Across Land and Ocean.
Government Engineers Unanimous for acceptance o f the terms imposed upon
New York, Feb. 12.— A bit of wire­
Present Canal Plan.
less news from the American fleet
of the court. The tine of $50,000 was
Washington, Feb. 15. — Colonel paid. The ouster decree provided that reached here tonight. I t came from
George W. Goetlials, chairman of the the company must show to the court the battleship New Hampshire some­
Isthmian Canal commission, and the that it had severed all connection with
members of the board o f engineers ap­ the Standard Oil company, and a state­ probably flashed to that ship through Tw o Ministers Dismissed and Four
Others Resign.
pointed by President Roosevelt, who ment to this effect may yet be required American warships in the Carrihean
went to Panama with President-elect by the court. Judge Priest, however, sea and the Key West station.
Constantinople, Feb 12.— The new
The dispatch referred to the Ameri­
Taft, reached Washington today. The said that he believed today’s action
government seems to be on the edge of
board will re;ort unanimously in favor covered the case so far as the Mis­ can Pacific squadron, which left Callao, a serious crisis as the result o f the
o f continuing the lock plan. Colonel' souri corporation was concerned, and
sudden removal o f Nizami Pasha, min­
patch is as follows:
Goethals said;
ister of war, and A rir Pasha, minister
said he did not know of anything more
“ I repeat what I said to you a year that could be done.
Of marine, who, without public expla­
ago, and that is that the canal will be
nation, were replaced Wednesday by
71:47. A ll w ell.”
completed and ships w ill be traversing
Nazim Pasha and Husni Pasha, respec­
it by February 1, 1915. Work on the
waterway is going ahead splendidly. I
Kiamil Pasha, the grand vizier, in
Pendleton, Or., Feb. 12.— Though discharging the ministers, was actuat­
am to appear before the house commit­ war by Austria upon Servia early in
tee on apropriations Monday, when I April is predicted by the Daily Tage- often accused before, the Eastern wool ed by the necessity o f frustrating a
will be prepared to give an estimate of blatt today. The Tageblatt declares it buyers are coming into the local field, coup d’etat which was being arranged
possesses official information that un­ for the first time, with an openly-ack­ by the Committee o f Union and Prog­
what the canal will cost.
“ In my judgment, the character of less Servia ceases a campaign of insult nowledged organization. It is denied ress to establish a military dictatorship
the canal to be built has not changed and provocation Austria will take ac­ by the buyers, however, that the Orga­ under Frinre Yuss of Izzedin.
in the least.
The most acceptable tion. It is rumored Austria sought nization is formed for the purpose of
The affair is a climax to a struggle
plan is that of the lock canal, which is last Saturday to obtain the consent of in any way attempting to control the between the two rival reform parties,
that now under construction.
Any the European powers to a temporary price, declaring the individual buyers the Committor on Union and Progress
danger of ships bumping into the gates occupation of Servia. I t is believed will be free to bid any price they may and the Liberal Union. The crisis was
or other parts of the locks, about which Austria’s failure to obtain consent re­ see fit. They say the movement is further developed tonight by the resig­
some apprehension has been expressed, sulted from the opposition of Russia to merely to give them an organization to nation of the president o f the council,
deal with the organized sheep men in Hassan Fehmy, and the resignations of
will be entirely averted by electrical the scheme.
arranging the sales dates and other the ministers of justice, interior and
devices by which the vessels w ill be
similar matters.
German Immigration Increasing.
kept under control at all times.”
St. Paul, Minn. Feb. 16. According
Waves Destroy Harness.
Blizzard Raging Again.
to word received here, 45 families are
Helena, Mont., Feb. 12.— Thomas
Redondo, Cal., Feb. 13.—The steel
Denver, Feb. 15.— The worst bliz­ scheduled to sail from Germany today
zard o f the winter is raging in the to take up farms in Pine county, Min­ Hamby, convicted in the Federal court pier and 600 feet o f approach o f the
mountains iof Colorado tonight, and as nesota. Their coming marks the be­ here today on a bigamy Charge, was Starr Wave Motor company disappear­
a result railway line* that have been ginning of a new immigration move­ not only fined $100 and sent to jail for ed in the waves today during the
tied up nearly a week, and which the ment o f German farmers into this state six months, but also sentenced to mar­ storm. The structure went out like a
officials believe were about to be open- and results fr»m the effort« of the Min­ ry an Indian woman. Hamby’ s first lump of sugar dropped into water.
id, will probably continue blockaded nesota immigration bureau. The pros- wife, learning o f his marriage to pret­ The pier went first and then the ap
for several days more. The Denver & Ip/etive settlers come from Galicia, ty Mary I.abrecht, a Blackfoot maiden, proach, until not even a scrap remain­
Rio Grande has called in its snow plows | where they have lived on small farms secured his indictment and a legal sep­ ed, except a small barge, which went
from Marshall and Poncha passes on and have saved small sums, but have aration for herself. Because o f the ashore. No one was on the pier at the
its narrow gauge line, but has thus far not enjoyed the political and religious first marriage the second was declared time. The pier cost $100,000, with
void. Judge Hunt instructed the mar­ the machinery, whii h had been design­
managed to keep open the traffic o f the freedom they desire.
shal to see that the order was carried ed upder the Starr patents to harness
Tennessee pass on the main line be-
Fear Trip May Ruin Bell.
out immediately.
the power o l the waves.
teewn Denver and Salt Lake.
Philadelphia, F'eb. 16.— The discov­
Students Slur Principal.
Long Chase Successful.
Plan Disaster Warnings.
ery today that the crack in the Liberty
Stockton, Cal., Feb. 12.— The citi­
Manila, Feb. 13. «- A ft e r months of
St. Petersburg, Feb. 15.— A report bell has extended 17 inches beyond its
has been presented to the Russian 1 original length caused the starting of zens of Sb ckton were greatly surprised tracking through mountains and dense
Met oroloigcal Congress, in session another move to prevent the proposed this morning on passing through the forests in the interior of the island of
here, on the use o f seismographs to trip of the old relic to the Pacific streets to find the fences, billboards Negros, a force o f constabulary has
prevent mine disasters.
These disas­ 1 coast. The second crack extends al­ and walls plastered with a large poster finally run down and captured two o f
ters are usually preceded for several most to the top of the bell, and any grilling Principal E. B. Wooten, o f the the murderers of H. D. Everett, assist­
days by slight movement« o f the strata sudden jolt may cause it to split in high sheool. It was an imitation of a ant director of the bureau of forestry
by which explosive gases are released , half. The committee o f the council theatrical poster, and, instead of'using o f the Philippines, and T. R. Wakeley,
or which indicate coming earth slides. having the proposed trip o f the bell in his correct name as star of the show, another government forester, who were
he was billed as “ Hank W. Booten,” treacherously killed by a band o f na­
The installation of seismographs would i charge will make a report Thursday.
starring in “ The Czar of the High tives while surveying and mapping the
give ample warning o f disasters aris­
School” in a three weeks’ engagement. island List June.
Teton Tunnel i* on Fire.
ing from these two causes.
Great Falls, Mont., Feb. 16. A
Tornado Causes Death.
Graft in Russian Army.
Not Satisfied With Law.
1 fierce fire is raging in the Great North­
Philadelphia, Feb. 12.— A ten min­
St. Petersburg. Feb. 1 3 — Irregular­
Des Moines, Iowa, Feb. 15.— A peti­ ern tunnel at Teton station, 50 miles
tion signed 1/y lO.l’fiO names was re­ east o f here, and it will be completely ute wind storm of almost tornado pro­ ities amounting to more than $1,000,-
ceived by Senator B. Cosson today ask­ burned out. A large force o f men is portions struck the upper part o f D» la- I 000 have been discovered as the result
ing for resubmission to the voters of at work in an effort to check the flames, ware and Southeastern Pennsylvania of an investigation which Senator Gar­
Iowa o f the state constitutional amend­ but as there is no water available, they this afternoon, causing the death of in is making o f the army quartermas­
ment providing for absolute prohibi­ cannot accomplish much. It is expect­ one man and a child and doing much ter. Several high officials are report­
tion. The signers are from pratcically ed that the road will be blocked for damage in the narrow path it made ed to have been implicated in the ir­
through the two states.
several days.
every town and village in the state.