ESTA' Stessi NO. 29 o r VOL. i Bank Estacada Capital, State $25,000 ESTA CA D A , OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRU ARY 18 içoo Day starts Out To Livery, Feed $i A Y E A R Sale LOCAL NEW S AND PERSO NAL MENTION ---- — * ----------— ---------- L. G Herring, u former resident of Estacada, but now of C lackanias Chas. Day, a wood cutter at Ore, was in our city on Monday. PROPRIETOR Morrow Station started out to be a OTFICERS: Good rigs ami careful drivers always Arthur Berman who used to be at bad man on Saturday. Mr. Day SPECIAL ATTENTION Geo. Estes, President. S. W. Stryker, Vice-President the Estacada Pharmacy has been is well known in Estacada having Given Hunting and Fishing Parties visiting friends in our city the past on various occasions taken his L. E Belfils, Cashier week. phonograph to the pavilion to en­ WOOD & LU M BER tertain at the dances. He was al­ Local and Long Distance Telephone E. M. Miller, Real Estate Oflicer Mrs. Geo. F. Bonney visited at the home of Jier daughter, Mrs. ways a very quiet man and never W. I). Hayes, from Friday till took part iu society and having few companions. He was not given to Monday. drink for he never was seen about M Iv. Church-----Next Sabbath T. H. Crawford of LaGrand Ore. the saloon. and J. M. Crawford of Cheney He is reported to have been act­ ro a. m. Wash, brothers of Mrs. J. E. Craw­ ing strangely for a couple of weeks. Sabbath School it a. 111. ford visited at the Crawford home Having set fire to an out building j Preaching at ' League 7 p. m. last week. on Friday night, so it is charged, Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even­ Harry Robeson whohasdeen liv- and lay in wait, as he told in the « .,* * • • * 7 p. m. Ing at the Stubbe home was taken morning, for someone to come and ing back to the Boy’s and Girl’s Home put the fire out, when, as he says, Church of Christ— Next Sabbath iu Portland last week so we have he intended to shoot. been informed. On Saturday morniug about nine Bible School 10 a. in. A baby girl came'to'the home c‘ o’clock he had some of his belong- it a. ni ngs packed up and he requested Preaching at L. M. Henthorn on Thi.rsda; Mother and daughter are getting Arthur Howard to help him carry Young Peoples’ Meeting 6:30p. 111. his bundles down to the river where Preaching along nicely. 7 p m. Except Sugar by the Suck a boat used to cross the river was. Prayer Meeting on An alarm of fire was turned in on NOTARY PUBLIC ON OUR STA FF Mr. Howard refused to help him, Sunday evening about nine o'clock. Friday Evening at 7 p. m. when he pointed a gun in his face It was occasioned by the burning C O R R E S P O N D E N TS — E. \Y. Sewall, Pastor and demanded that he comply at out of a flew in the residence of once which Mr. Howard did. On Merchants National B a n k 01 P o r tla n d Al. Close. No damage resulted. the way down lie informed Howard Free Methodist Church —Feb. 27 National City Bank or N ew Y o r k FOR S A L E — Dining room table, that two companions were waiting kitchen cabiuet, two rocking chairs for him 011 the other side of the Sabbath School iron bed, mattress and .springs, river and that they intended to rob Preaching 7 . P- M. heating stove and cook stove. a bank and that he would then send -Rev. Roper of Gresham — E. P. Scott Howard some money. After cross­ Don’t forget the Veteran Male ing the river he headed for the E S T R A Y NOTICE Quartet at the M. E. Church Sat­ plank-road leading to Oregon City urday evening Feb. ao. The Quar­ and Mr. Howardt*,me to Estacada A black, jersey, three year old, and called for Sheriff Beatie at heifer strayed from my ranch at tet is composed of old soldiers. Oregon City to inform him of the harvest time Right ear, half up­ The young people of Eagle Creek incident. per crop, branded n i on right hip. Grauge will give a dance in their Louis Gerber and George Schultz, — Ed. Wanacott. hall at F.agle Creek on Saturday evening Feb. ao. The public are had started from Estacada to go to Logan with a buggy and Day was invited. A fifte e n d o lla r B r u s s e ls R u g G iv e n A w a y standing by the road side and came The wood plant of the Western up to them as if to enter into con­ Lumber & Fuel Co. is just now eu versation." Day-Wd they were just Notice pf dissolution is here! y We keep a Full Line of Goods. AH Prices iu Plain gaged in getting out four carloads the people he was looking for and given by tile firm of Schmidt, Cary Figures. New arrivals of Goods right along We­ May of cross-arms for the B. R. Electric that they should get out and let him & Co. doing a venerel feed busiuess Co. of Kansas City, Missouri. ar« agents for have the buggy and horse as lie in the city of Estacada. The interest Another business change has needed it, they thinking he was of the Cary brothers being purchas­ Boye Needle a.*,d Needle Threader taken place in EstacaJa. A. I) joking with them did not comply, ed by A. D. Schmidt, who under the Threads a needle In the dark firm name of A. D. Schmidt & Co. Schmidt has bought out the inter­ when lie suddenly pulled a gun aud ests of the Cary Bros, in the feed pointed it at them and told them lie will continue the business at the old Fstat>llih»d*lS9j Incorporated Iyoj store and will continue to carry on meant busidess. When the two stand, lly terms of the sale A. I). the same at the old stand. saw’tlie gun they decided he could Schmidt & Co. assume all obliga­ tions of the old firm. All outstand­ ***** The P r o g r e s s and ‘Human have it and got out. Day also ask­ ing accounts also are to be paid to ed them for money, saying he had Life for one year. Price of both tlie saidJA. I). Schmidt & Co. who $1.50 P r o g r e s s and Weekly gotten into trouble and wished to is authorized lo receipt for tile same Oregonian one year, $1.50 P rog ­ get away. They gave him five Thanking the patrons for the gen­ Statement of Taxes Will Be Furnished Upon Ap­ ress and Semi-Weekly Journal for dollars and Shultz informed him that it was all the money he had, erous share of the business they fa­ $ 1. so a year. so Day returned two bits saying vored the old firm with aud request­ plication In Person or By Mail Call and Exam­ We have several pieces of prop­ that would be carfare for him to re­ ing a continuance of the same for erty left with us to negotiate a sale turn with. Day only drove the the new firm we remain, ine the Duplicate Tax Roll. Telephones Main Goods sold on the Installment Plan for. Intending investors in Esta­ horse and buggy a short distance Vety Respectfully Your Friends A. D. Schmidt cada will do well to consult us as and tied it up land Gerber and 2 0 5 6 or Home 2056 W. F. Cary we may have just what you want. Shultz recovered it and went to the R. W. Cary Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office. home of J.rC. Young and telephon­ Mr. Frank Folsom, wife and ed to the sheriff and also to* Estafa­ The Ladies' Aid Valentine Social daughter, of Sprage, Wash., visit­ da, of their experience. \V. A. given in I. O. O. F. Hall Monday ed at the Fosson home and other Jones, the constable of this district evening was a pleasant affair and friends,^this week. Folsom is a made preparations and drove out focially enjoyed by those present. brother of Chas. Folsom iu Spring- to intercept Day, as it was consid­ The gross receipts were ¡£16.42 water. ered that he certainly must have from which some expenses are lo J. W. Reed has a crew of men gone insane In the party that be deducted and the balance will lie under T. J. ReagatFopening up a drove from here were W. A. Jones, applied to the parsonage fund. It INI new wagon road through the Park John Jones, H. W. Blood and Ed. was a very rainy evening which no to the site of theYiew Power Plant. Close. doubt kept many away. It was learned before starting It is intended to plank the road. that Day was at the home of J. C. Philadelphia Feb. 13 The In­ Little Pauline Kuhlman received Young, where he had gone into terstate Commerce Commission has a fall on Monday evening at the and at the point of his gun had de­ granted a permit for the free trans­ Aid Social which made the blood manded something to eat. On ar­ portation of the Liberty Bell and a flow freely from a cut in the fore­ riving at the place Day was found of Philadelphia policemen to first head. Dr. Adix dressed the wound standing on the porch and as W. the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Etposi- and she took in the balance of the A. Jones approached he informed tion at Seattle. Wash., and it is pre- Social. him thatjhe was willing to give up bable the famous old relic will be x Mr. Fred Morris and President his guns and liegau by handing taken to the Far West this Summer. Hufbert of the new power plant in over a riffle and three revolvers and Mayor Reyburu has received a num­ company with T. Yocum and J. W. about three hundred rounds of am­ ber of petitions from several Pacific Reed drove out in the country on munition. Coast cities requesting that the lx-ll Wednesday to look at a saw mill lie sent West and will recommend Dav was brought to Estacada that was for sale with a view of to the City Council that the request and as he had doned a false mus­ buying and moving it down to the tache and whiskers and had other be granted. new power site. disguises among his luggage, creat­ Fire at the residence of Principal ed considerable curiosity when he Chas. Day was examined on James and E. P Scott on Wednes­ was brought to Estacada about six Wednesday in the County Court an(I clog g in g of Strairer as they day morning did some damage to room before Judge Dimick and Dr. j agitators in other pumps. fiL the paper on the flue and might o’ clock in the evening. VV. A. f h e pump has Cylinder, porcelain lined, and being have resulted in a bad fire bad not Jones had previously telephoned Stricklaud and pronounced by them to be sane He was bound over to alw ays subm erged, the pump never needs priming. especially ft its timely discovery prevente 1 the Sheriff Beatie of the arrest and that suitable for the man who wants the best results but has a small M catastrophy. It was another case he would take him to Oregon City the grand jury. of the flue burning out. on the late car. Jones had no Woodward of Kagie Creek made I\t _ Frank friend , trouble whatever in making the » .. „ Lewis, an old time , inionnation agaimt w. Houghm-r (or of L. E. Belfils, was in the city on _ , , Wednesday afternoon lo king over ,r'P to ° re«on C ">‘ wherc a c,larRC assault. Constable Jones brought him to tile different business propositions insanity was made against him Estacada Wednesday evening where he C A R Y H ARD W ARE CO M PAN Y and lie was held for examination. ‘ g*ve bail for his appe**.»ncc Tuesday. here. Be ^Jad Man STABLE W. A. JONES CHURCH DIRECTORS: SERVICES Geo. Estes, S. W. Stryker, T. Yocum, During the month of Feb. we wifi allow $% Dis­ count for Cash on our entire Line John Zobrist, Albert D. Schmidt of Dry Goods Shoes, T R A N SA C T S A G ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Writes Fire Insurance in Five of the best “DOLLAR” companies. Handles Real Estate, Town Lots both Business and Residence, and Farm Property near Estacada and Groceries Sparks Store — AT TH E ANNOUNCEMENT Estacada FURNITURE Store Clackamas County" Taxes Dissolution Notice Now Be Paid at the Offices of Chari The Clackamas Title Company IN Picture Framing a Specialty. House Furnishers. Un­ dertakers. A Fine Line of Queens Ware on hand. PO RTLAND At 509—511 Chamber of Commerce Building Come in and see our stock and be convinced you can get A BARGAIN H. Cooper & Co. |One W e e k gf Our Feb-| ruary' Sale § Has passed with Gratifying Results’to us, and we hopeflL ¡¡Satisfaction to the many that have been to see us. Re-S' |member, these Sales are not of a lot of cheap, trashy goods® nade up Especially for Sale days, but are of the goods that^ lave been offered to you in our everyday business. ^ guard And while many have been to see us, Have You? th e^ ’time is passing, and Pennies Saved are Dollars Earned. ^Eara some Dollars by patronizing ^ Our February Sale | [Its Cash We Want This Month Not Profit^ Diamond Dyes 9 DALES j. w. M j. TH E BEAN L ITTLE GIANT has the largest air cham­ ber ever made on a Barrel Pump and holds sufficient air and liquid to keep the pressure even. For this reason it is the Barrel Pump on which the Bean Spray Co. ever recommended the use of a gauge. There is no stuffing so the pump runs easy. It wiil fit in any Barrel or Br because it rests on the ‘anchor’ at the bottom and top plates which clamp around the air chamber are adjustable. The pump is fastened in or removed by means of the four thumb screws, without any wrench, and without taking off a single part. The two valves and the plunger packing are all reached by simply removing two nuts from the piece marked “strainer.” The valves are made of bell metal and will not wear out or clog no matter what spray or paint is used. The two paddles of the “Rapid Mixer” work very close to the strainer and to the bottom of the barrel and prevent settling, move just twice as fast as the a 2 1-2 It is acreage. We have in stock several different Spray Pumps and Noz- zejS) prunjng Shears and Standard Lime and Sulphur Solution.