Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 11, 1909, Image 3

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Monday, February 8,
! ed over the veto with only two or three
Salem, Feb. 8.— Enactment o f anti- ( negative votes.
Japaneae legislation by any other au­
thority than congress is disapproved by
T h u rs d a y , F e b ru a ry 4 .
a majority ul the members ot the Ore­
S lem, Feb. 4.— Another o f the
gon legislature, as disclosed by a poll
Multnomah county salary-raising bills
taken today. Sentiment against any 'passed the house this morning. It was
legislative disturbance o f the Japs is
that affecting the salaries o f the depu­
especia ly strong in the senate, where
ties in District Attorney Cameron's
23 o f the 30 memb rs are opposed office.
either to taking the initiative or en­
Salary-increasing bills will have no
couraging agitation of the subject by place in the Oregon legislature if the
memorializing congress. The 60 mem­ bill introduced in the house this after­
bers o f the house are more equally di­
noon by Representative Buchanan be­
vided on the subject. O f 50 members comes a law. It classifies the counties
questioned today, 31 expressed thfin- o f the state according to population
seives aguinst Japanese
exclusion, and prescribes a scale o f salaries to be
while 19 contended that the little paid the various officers according to
brown men should be excluded from that classification.
this country by congressional act.
Advocates o f
Senator Bingham is having great school education in this state today
dilliculty in getting the people who fa­ scored a notable victory when Repre­
vor an anti trust bill to agree upon a sentative Hawley’ s bill, requiring that
measure that forbids all kinds of at b ast six months’ school be taugbt
trusts. The letters he is receiving up­ annually in every school district in the
on the subject o f his anti-trust bill in­ state, pa-sed the house with only one
dicate that eveiy man who is interested dissenting vote—-Hatteberg o f Marion.
in a tru t or combination or pool wants
Against a vigoroJS fight waged by
every trust “ knocked” except his own. Representative McCue, o f Clatsop, the
Vigorous opposition from the leading bill abolishing compulsory pilotage on
business and manufacturing interests the Columbia bar passed the house this
o f Portland has developed to Represen­ morning by a vote o f 48 to 11, one ab­
tative Bean's insurance bill, better sent.. This bill was introduced by
known as the Clemens bill, to the ex Representative Mahune for the Mult­
tent that the probability o f its passage nomah county de'egation and hail the
in its present form is slight.
indorsement o f the Portland Chamber
Particular exception is taken to that o f Commerce and the Port o f Port and.
provision o f the bill which reduces
County Clerk Fields has renewed his
from $50,000 to $25,000 the deposit efforts to secure enactment o f a law at
required o f all foreign fire insurance this session providing for the appoint­
companies before they can engage in ment o f inspectors o f election in this
state. Such a bill failed to pass the
A fter an extended hearing this even­ house earlier in the session. The bill
ing upon Senator Kellaher’ s bill to introduced in the house today, how­
prohibit bleaching o f fluur, the senate ever, differs from the orginal measure
committee on industries decided to re­ in that it npplies only to Multnomah
port the bill without recommendation. county, and then only to precincts in
Without a word o f debate, the bill which 300 or more votes are cast. Or­
for a water code, introduced by the ir­ ton of Multnomah presented the bill.
rigation committee, pas-ed the house
Kellaher’s bill requiring toilets on
this aflerno n with only five votes all interurban passenger cars was in­
against it.
definitely postponed in the senate this
monring, but not until after a vigorous
Saturday, February 6.
fight for it by Senator Kellaher and
Salem, Keb. 6 .— What are commonly Chairman Coffey, o f the railroads com­
known as the salary grab bdls will oc­ mittee.
cupy a considerable part o f the time of
Pademonium reigned in the senate
the legislature this week, unless the just before adjournment this afternoon,
two houses mark out a definite plan of and President Bowerman was kept
defeating them or passing them and busy with his gavel attempting to re­
then follow the plan without much dis­ store order. House bill 77, by Haw­
cussion. Many o f the bills are pend­ ley, to provide more funds for eommun
ing and it is practically certain that schools, had been referred to the com­
nearly all o f them will meet the gover­ mittee on education, o f which Cole is
nor’ s veto when they reach the execu­ chairman. Senator Bingham, o f the
tive office. The present outlook is that committee on assessment and taxation,
few o f the salary bills will get through moved that it be referred to his com ­
the senate over the governor’s veto, mittee. The motion carried.
though some o f them may.
W ednesday, F e b ru a ry 3.
Senator Selling, who is one o f the
Salem, Feb. 3.— Dizzy with the
leaders in the opposition to the salary
bills, was a strong advocate o f higher enormous demand for appropriations,
salaries for circuit judges. If the the ways and means committees are
governor should veto Hart’ s bill for an struggling to keep down and thiow out
additional $1,990 for the circuit judge bills that drain the state treasury.
in Baker county, the increase to be They are confronted with a big job.
paid by the county, it is quite likely Here are the totals o f cash calls:
Bills in senate, $1,385,891.10; bills
Selling w ill support the bill over the
in house, $1,860,581.69; recommended
by the secretary o f state, $3,407,-
F rid a y , F e b ru a ry 6 .
829.35; total, $6,654,212.14.
A fter allowing for duplications in
■ Salem, Feb. 5. Salary bill vetoes
were the occasion for another spirited these three classes, the total o f the ap­
tilt in the senate today, with Miller of propriation calls reaches $5,509,000.
Linn and Hart o f Baker exchanging From the looks o f things the appropri­
uncomplimentary remarks and Bing­ ations may reach $4,000,009 and cer­
ham o f Lane demanding unsuccessfully tainly cannot be held below $3,500,000.
that Miller apologize for remarks re­ This does not include cost o f increased
flecting upon the senate. President pay for county officers.
Some o f the dead appropriations are
Bowcrman was the unintentional cause
o f the wnole trouble, but the fact that $2,000 for an armory at Ashland;
the storm had an innocent origin did $10,000 for relief o f Italian earth­
quake sufferers; $3,000 for Oregon
not lessen its fury.
There were three o f the vetoed bills Humane Society; $15,000 for improve­
Grande Ronde river;
and they all passed over the governor’s ment o f th
veto by practically the same vote in $1,800 for messenger and janitor o f the
each instance. The bills passed over Supreme court; $150,000 for building
o f historical Bociety.
the veto w ere:
Another fire insurance bill was added
House bill 59, to increase the salary
o f the school superintendent o f Morrow today to the insurance lobby’ s list of
county from $800 to $1200, was passed troubles by the introduction o f Senator
over the governor’ s veto, Abraham, K ay’ s bill admitting foreign mutuals.
The insurance men are bothered bv
Kellaher, Miller o f Linn, Norton, Sell­
an anti-trust bill o f Senator Bingham's
ing, Sinnott and Wood voting “ n o ."
House bill 69, to raise the salary of which aims to put out o f business the
the school superintendent o f Yamhill rate trust o f insurance companies.
county from $900 to $1,200, was passed Bingham says that since insurance
over the governor's veto, Abraham, companies have been clamoring for
Kellaher, Miller o f Linn, Norton, Sell­ protection, he will see that the people
ing, Sinnott and Smith o f Umatilla obtain it.
Before the senate passed Senator
voting “ no.”
House bill 111, to raise the salary of Bailey’ s hill regulating the hours of
the school superintendent o f Sherman labor o f women, it amended the bill
county from $500 to $1,000, was passed upon motion o f Senator Selling by
over the governor’s veto, Kellaher, eliminating the clause which permits
Miller o f Linn, Norton, Selling and women to work in stores 12 hours a
day during the week before Christmas.
Smith o f Umatilla voting “ n o.”
Selling explained that he is a retail
It took the house just three minutes merchant and sees no reason why mer­
today to pass over (lovernor Chamber­ chants should be permitted to work
lain's veto three salary-grabbing bills their clerks more than 10 hours a day
which ha I been disapproved for the at any season o f the year.
reason that the increased salaries went
Tu esda y, F e b ru a ry 2.
into effect during the incumbent’s term
Salem, Feb. 3.— Salarvy log rollers
in each instance. Only three repre­
sentatives voted to sustain the gover­ in both houses discarding party, lines
today succeeded in overriding vetoes of
nor’ s veto.
The first bill to be disp >sed o f was Governor Chamberlain on bills to in­
that increasing the salary o f the school crease the pay o f the sheriff o f Harney
superintendent o f Polk county from ! county and school superintendent of
i Polk and to grant fees to the sheriffs
$901) to $1,200 per annum.
The other two salary bills also o f Malheur and Lake. The Harney
affected the compensation o f school veto must yet be voted down in the
superintendents with increases as fol­ house before becoming a law and the
low s: Morrow, $800 to $1,200; Sher­ two other vetoes must be so disposed
man, $500 to $1,000. Both bills pass- o f in the senate.
A il Physicians
M u s t p re s c rib o s o m e o f th e In ­
g re d ie n ts t h a t nro c o n ta in e d In
H o o d 's S a r s a p a rilla - fo r e ll tr o u ­
bles o f th e b lo o d , s t o m a c h , k id ­
n eys a n d liv e r.
They incimle sarsaparilla, stillingia,
yellow dock, gentian, wiid cherry bark,
mandrake, dandelion, juniper berries,
^ipMssewa, etc.
The combination and proportions arc
our own formula and give power to curt
oeyond the reach of any other prescrip-
‘ ion or substitute. That’ s whv it if
. Ue to get H ood’s and only H ood’s.
The Alaska-Yukon-I’ acific Exposition is within ten perc ent o f I eing ready
to throw open to the wurld. By May 1, thirty days before the day set for the
formal opening, it will be complete in every detail, with practically every ex­
hibit and every Pay Streak attraction installed, so that when the big day comes
on the first o f June, it will break all exposition records by being ready and
down to the minute on the day first announced.
The splendid buildings being erected by the United States government to
house the exhibits o f Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippines and the fisheries, are be­
ing rushed to completion and Canada's handsome structure is well under way.
Oregon and California were first to complete state buildings and Oregon’s
exhibit is now being installed. Other state buildings and the buildings of sev­
eral o f the provinces o f the Dominion are under way and will be finished with­
in the time limit.
The magnificent scheme o f electric illumination and decoration is ninety
per cent complete and the landscaping and gardening, which are to make a
brilliant feature o f the exposition, are as near completion.
Wi h its innumerable features so nea ready and with the northern railroads
pred eting an exposition transportation, through St. Paul alone, o f 1,000,000
persons, it would seem that the A. Y. P. E. is to be one o f the most notable of
exposition successes.
W R IT E S O F U N S T R U C K B L O W .
Is N o t
D e sire s U n d e rs ta n d in g W ith B rita in ,
B u t H as N o Confidence.
Los Angeles, Feb. 9.— Mrs. A. W.
Rhoades, o f this city, whose daughter
was mentioned in the Washington story
which was widely circulated to the
effect that President Roosevelt had
struck the young lady’ s horse while
riding past her on the road, has receiv­
ed the following letter from the presi­
dent on the su b ject:
“ My Dear Mrs. Rhoades:— I thank
you for your letter o f the 29th ultimo
and am glad to hear from you that your
daughter denied the story that I struck
her horse. O f course I never struck
her hor-e or any other lady’s horse.
The whole story was so absurd as not
to be worth denial. Numerous stories
o f this kind are started from time to
time by foolish or malicious people.
Occasionally I am obliged to deny
them, but as a rule I find it best sim­
ply to ignore them, because denying
them calls attention to them and gives
a chance to mischief-makers to mislead
well-meaning people by further repeti­
tions o f the stories. Sincerely yours,
Berlin, Feb. 9. -The visit o f King
Edward tomorrow is regarded general­
ly in itself as an event at the present
moment o f the greatest political signi­
ficance, and with the feeling that it
would be an excellent thing for both
nations if the meeting o f the two mon-
archs resulted in a mutual understand­
ing tending to allay international ten­
sion. From no quarter, however, is
! the expectation voiced with any confi­
d e n ce that the v is it o f the English king
| will produce direct tangible effects.
King Edward is accompanied by
| Queen Alexandra, and official circles
I welcome the royal visitors in the most
courtly tone, regarding their coming to
| Berlin as a return for the emperor’ s
visit to England, and are making no
comment on the political importance of
the event.
P re s id e n t Says R iding S to ry
W o rth D enial.
fie .
iB I& O J S
Beware of the Cough
that hangs on persistently.
breaking your night’s rest and
exhausting yoi with the violence
oi the i-arox\s M. A t * * 4 m m
of Piso’s Cure will relieve won-
dcrfully any ough, no matter
how fir auva
It soothes and leab the irritated
surfaces, clear the clogged air
passages and the cough disap­
A t all druggists', 2 5 ~U.
U v o a u t'iic e .
■ B
“ Is it true,” inquired the traveler who
was standing in front o f the Art In»ti- j
tute, “ that a confidence man once sold
these big bronze lions to a trusting stran­
ger for $7.*» or some such pitiful sum?”
I 'r c f c r r c d O n e G ir l.
H o p e Defer«*«!.
“ Yep,” said the policeman; “ the con
W hen J. M. L a m e , the author of
When first 1 sought the writers’ ranks
“ Peter Pan,” addressed an audience of men in this town are losin’ their grip. I My verse was taken in with thanks.
can remember when they wouldn’t sell
a thousand girls at Smith College dur­
nothin’ smaller than the Masonic Temple T is years since that Initial splash—
ing Ills first American visit of last
They’ ve never sent the promised cash.
to a \ |
year, a friend asked him how he hud
To wait and get no pay, I find,
O n 'y One “ BR O M O Q U IN IN E “
found the experience.
Is worse than having things declined.
“ W elb” replied Mr. Pnirne, “ to tell That is L A X A T IV E BROMO Q U IN IN E . Look
•In I >«• i !er
for the «ignatur«* of E. W . G R OVE. Used the
you the truth. I'd much rather talk n world over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow*« Soothing
thousand times to one gir! than to talk
Byrup the b » r.- ■ ?i • *<l v t" nsu ior their children
G e tllu iC A c q u it i net!.
luring the teething period.
one time to a thousand girls.”
“ My dad can lick your’n,” said Pad
C IT C St. Viti.9-
rvoun 1 ummsen p«nn«- Dick.'
1 fi lle r A «> O b l i g a t i o n « .
l l 1 J nently cured l»y Dr. i Ine'n (ireut Nerve Ko-
“ Maybe lie can,” answered the new
“ Senator, you surely will vote for tbla
■torer. Semi for FRFE $2 00 1 1 ml Dottle and treatise.
Dr. It. U. Kliue. Ld.. Utl Arch St.. l*hiludoli>hia. 1‘a. boy with the golden curls, “ hut I can measure.”
whale the everlasting daylights out of
“ Why should I?”
I ’.
O p in io n .
“ It's for the benefit of posterity.”
“ In your judgment,*’ asked rhe caller,
Which he proceid d to do. with neat­
“ Posterity may go hang! I know al­
“ what is the future of the aeroplane?”
ness and dispatch, and they were firm ready what posterity will say about me,
“ It’s all up in the a ir !” savagely an­ friends thereafter.
and I’m going to get even with it before­
swered the inform:!riot» editor, who had
hand. I shall vote against the bill just
made the same response to the question
R ecipe fo r Rheum atism .
to spite posterity.”
forty-seven times before.— Chicago Trib­
T o one-half pint gcod w hiskey, add
U n c le J e r r y .
one ounce syrup sarsaparilla, and one
“ I shouldn't wonder,” said Uncle Jerry
ounce T oris compound, which can be
P IL E S C U R E D IN 6 T O 14 D A Y S
PAZO O IN T M E N T is guaranteed to cure any precured o f any
dru ggist. Take .in Peebles, “ if there was something in this
case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
teaspoonful doses b efore each meal and idee that the condition of a man’s teeth
Piles in G to 14 days or money refunded. 50c.
b efore ret ring. F ollow ed up, this is lias a whole lot to do with his moral
< haraeter. The biggest liar I ever knew
G o o d F a m ily *
a sure remedy.
in my life wore a full set of false teeth.*
“ My daughter appears to have mar­
— Chicago Tribune.
Ilflin iln g H i« P a r d o n .
ried very happily,’•* remarked a lady.
T h e V . II.'« D n u g h l e r .
“ Her husband has not wealth. It must There once was a versatile kaiser.
Who in handing out Talk was uo miser;
Under a spreading Merry Wid.
be admitted, but he has fam ily.”
lie got a straight tip
The village beauty stands.
“ Yes.
I heard he was a widower
T o button his lip.
The beaut., a winsome girl is she.
with six ch ild ren !” a neighbor sniffed And now the kaiser is wiser.
With rings on both her hands;
— Chicago Tribune.
And clasped around her shapely arms
She wears two goldeu bauds.
S p e c u la tio n 's
C For A Infants
S T and
O Children.
D en ioraIIxln m
F.fTe ot .
“ How about your gold mining stock,
old chap? Still panning out well?
"Panning out?
Next thing to
it, though. It’s Petering out.” — Chicago
The Kind You Have Always Bought
There are more able-bodied men to the
total population in the Western States
of the United States and Canada than
anywhere else in the world.
A n o th er
S u ccin ct.
“ Hello. Swingle ! What under the sun
have you been doing to your nose?”
“ I called a bigger man a liar the other
day. Looks as if we were going to have
a snowstorm, doesn’t it?” — Chicago Trib­
ored woman w’ho used to do our washin’,
ma'am. Her other name was Jackson.
W bnt
W an
Cold beaten out Into a leat l-iwn.uuu oi
an inch in thickness becomes translucent,
and the light rays penetrating it give it
a greenish hue.
F in e
fr « it ,
Higgs— I overheard Graftlelgh boast­
ing o f his fam ily tree the other day.
Higgs— H ull! It must be a plum treo.
H orror.
Exchange Editor— Let me see— Mark
Twain had a degree of some kind con-
fuired on him. didn’ t he?
Literary Editor— Y es; since he incorpo­
rated himself I believe he has taken the
degree of Ltd.
Cologne, Feb. 8.— King Edward and une.
Queen Alexandra arrived here at 10:30
K new .
o ’ clock tonight and proceeded to Ber­
Teacher— Tommy, who was Cleopatra?
Tommy Tucker— Cleopatra was the col- j
“ Anything I can «how you, air?**
“ Ye*; 1 want to
some kind of toy
for my 3-y*ai o!d hoy. Have you any­
thing that's indestructible?
he can't break the first time he plays
with it?”
“ I think so. We have some toy flat­
“ Have they got handles on ’em?’*
“ O f course.”
“ Well, they won’t Inst him five min- '
utea. Show me Hom^thing else.”
H anded
H im .
Archbishop Farley Calls Modern Plays
Raynor— What have you done with all
“ O rgies o f Obscenity.”
your Christmas presents?
H u n te rs A llo w e d to K ill B u t F ive B ird s
Shyne— Made a large cold bowl of
a Day fo r O ne M o n th .
New York, Feb. 9.— “ The stage is
Salem, Feb. 9.— As amended by the worse today than it was in the days of
joint committee on game, the season paganism,’ ’ said Archbishop Farley in
for hunting pheasants has been short­ his sermon in St. Patrick’ s cathedral
ened to one month—October 15 to No­ today. The archbishop said :
vember 15. The limit has been reduc­ I “ The old preachers wanted us to be­
ed from ten to five birds a day. One lieve that we must live undefiled to be
concession was made to the sportsmen saved. All about us we have the men
in that hunting with dogs will continue and women who are setting evil exam-
to be allowed.
1 pies. Men hoary with age go to the
The season for duck-hunting on the public places and to the theaters in
Columbia river has been fixed from shamelessness and they bring with
September 15 to January 15. This them youngsters who cannot escape
CCauses the Sy stem
was a compromise by the committee to corruption. We see today men and
satisfy the conflicting interests that j women— old men and old women— who
appeared before it. The lim it will re­ ought to know better, bring the young
main at 50 ducks, but the sale o f this to the e orgies o f obscenity.’ ’
due Vo CowsV\\>aY\ov\;
game will not be permitted in the mar­
Wheat Market Soaring.
Acts uaVvmxMy, acVs\vu\y as
The committee tonight completed its
Chicago, Feb. 9.— May wheat dis-
examination o f the revised game laws
a LaxaYvve.
pla\ed a runaway tendency today and
as compiled by Secretary Eberhard, o f
made a new high record. The market Besljor
the Oregon Fish and Game a sociation,
opened with unusual excitement in the
and with a few slight amendments will
pit and early displayed such restive
r. port the original draft back to the
features that the leading owners not To
W s b&YVfcJxc'xoX eJJccXs.
house favorably tomorrow.
only sold heavily to check the advance,
always buy V\\e Qenuvcve,
W. L Finley, representing the Au­
but advised all their followers to do
dubon society, succeeded in having the
manufactured by the
likewise. This advice was followed so
open season for ducks shortened 15
promptly that the position at the close
showed the reverse of the early ten­
dency, May closing with a gain o f *4
M itc h e ll Fine U p A g a in .
cent, while other months gained
San Francisco, Feb. 9.— Contesting
% cents, as compared with Saturday’ s SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS
the attitude o f the defendant that a
one size only, regular price 50 * per bottle.
fine imposed against a man should not
The range for the day was : Open­
be enforced against his estate if he
ing, $1.10*»; high, $1.11*4; low,
should die before collection were made,
$1.10 *2 ; closing, $1.11
the government attorneys appeared be­
fore the United States circuit court of
Charged With Embezzlement.
appeals today to argue the appeal filed
S M B Costs SOc—90c per acre for seed. BWHIM
Guthrie, Okla., Feb. 9.— Samuel Mc-
by the government against David M.
t w o n d e rfu l gratis o f th e C en tu ry, yleld ln gD -n m
" ID t'His '<r i..i> p .T » .-i .■ a n d lo t s o f p .t.tu rc he
Dunne, administrator o f the estate o f Cowan, o f DegrafT, Kan., one o f the a -..l«‘M
. It »im p ly g r o w s , g r o w n .g r o w s ! C ut it tod ay
w «•« I»« 11 !<>. k • I ■ r tin* mow or u gn in , a i i
the late John H. Mitchell, formerly best known Indian authorities in the L E s " 'i o d on. hi 4 G ro
w s a n d flo u r ish « « e v e r y w her«*, o n eve ry
United States senator from Oregon, 1 country, was arrested here today on a ¡3 f irm In A m erica . Clu-ap ax d ir t f lu x u ria n t a i t e
I ' ■atom lan ds o r Ktrypt. Hi(f seed c a t a lo g fr e e or
who was convicted o f land frauds and
■ "«■'id IO C In s ta m p s a n d r e c e iv e K a m p l e o f this
o n d e rfu l g r a s s ,a ls o o l S peltz, th e ce r e a l w onder,
ing him with embezzlement and misap­ I J H w arley,
sentenced to pay a fine.
O a ts, C lo v e r s . (JraHsea, et<\, et<-. and ra*a
propriation o f Federal funds while su- i i -L-ri e. O r 5«end 1 4 c am i w e w ill a -ld 'a ‘-am ple
S fa r m seed n o v e lty n e v e r seen b y y o u b e fo re . &
N e b ra s k a T a k e s a H and .
I SALZER SEED CO., Bor PC l a Croese. WIs.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 9.— Representa­ Chilocco, Okla., from 1904 to 1908.
tive Jerry Howard, o f Douglas county,
today introduced in the house o f repre­ ments, which were returned on Friday
sentatives a bill to segregate Japanese last, cons'st of nine c amts alleging
and Chinese laborers from white w rk- embezzlement, and five for making
The 2
men. The measure provides that the false vouchers.
Men who cannot stop ,
(or a rainy day.- w ill' J '
find the greatest
v iV j 1
comfort and freedom- , IP ~
of bodily movement r r « ^
^ q W E /? s
l\ V > ^
Every garment bearing
the sign of Ihe fish'
guaranteed waterproof
Catalog free
V j T O w f R CO R o s s o r e
¡1 T T 7 H K N w r it in g t o a d v e r t i s e r s p l e a s e I
m e n t io n t i l l s p a p e r .
v >Y
U 5
C .
Of Replacing Teeth in the Human Mouth is the
Greatest Advance Ever Made in Scientific Dentistry
A f«*w years airo Marconi came before the world with the statement that he could
transmit rue av s through th«* air by elec tricity without the use of a ires. Every telegraph
operator in th " land scoffed at the idea and said it could not be done.
Lik« wise the Alveolar System < f replacing teeth in the human mouth without the use
of cumbersome and unsightly plates, which is the latest method to be adopted by scientific
dentis' nr,
If you have two or more teeth in either jaw, either tight or loose ones (we make the
loose ones tight and healthy) wo guarantee to put in for you a beautiful set of teeth that
can hardly I>e told from natural ones. All work absolutely painless.
T h ese T eeth W ill O u tlast T h o se W h o A r e W ea rin g T h e m
If we can beautify your appearance and build up your health with a new set of Alve­
olar System t< ei h. or enable you to do away with a wobbly, unclean, partial plate or ill-
fitting piece of ordinary bridge-work, wouldn’ t it be the greatest service that could
for you ?
□ 0
W e make
for advice
W e examine
The A L V E O ­
a i e - -is ?
V ’l
is to the old
time methods
what W ireles
is to the
your mouth
and advise
O 0
Japanese and Chinese must not work
“ It didn’t hurt a bit. Now for my Alveolar Teeth.”
Filipinos Want Home Rule.
in company with white men and must
In a rase like th«* above, all dentists throw up their hands and say there is no hope e x ­
Manila, Feb. 9. A group of Philip­
not be employed in the same building.
cept in the use of a false plate. The Alv«**,lar .System solve ih<* problem and now plates are
seldom necessary unless every tooth is gone. W e are positively painless dentists in every
Howard says his bill was evolved to pine assemblymen, headed by Felipe |
branch, and for 30 days w * make the following mon«?y-Raving prices:
eradicate conditions existing in South Agnncillo, has prepared a resolution
W a re h o u se B u rn s at A th e n a .
F ir s t C o n tra c t L e t.
for presentation to the assembly, di- j
2 K G o ld or Porcelain C lo w n s
$ 3 .5 0
Klamath Falls— The first large con­
recting the three delegates sent to 1
Bridge W o r k (all kinds) each tooth
$ 3 .5 0
tract for canal extension, under the co­ ger and the high wind combined caused employed in the packing houses.
Washington from the islands when the
Silver Fillings
2 5 c and 5 0 c
operative system, has been let by tie the destruction o f the Pacific Coast
' present congress convened, to keep in
R ussia B u lly in g C h in a .
company’ s
warehouse at
W e are ex p ert plate m ak ers
$ 3 . 5 0 up
government to W. H. Mason. The Elevator
Pekin, Feb. 9.— Fore’gn residents at touch with matters at th* capital bear­
was discov« red
contract comprises six and a half miles Athena. The
ing on the Philippines, t<> petit on con­
o f laterals in the lower project. The after the train had passed. The wind Harbin are alarmed at the activity
W rite for our Booklet, which will he sent free, ‘The Great. Alveolar Electric System .”
gress to abolish the Philippine Insular
bid was 22 cents for the first grade, 40
fast through trains
commission and substitute therefor an
W e do w.»rU for out-of-town people in shortest possible time.
cents second gra e and $1 third grade. short time the warehouse was a mass ' fortnight, in installing a municipal ad-
elective Filipino senate.
betw een
Paym nt will be made in scrip under
the co-operative plan, and this scrip a d ed some distance from the build! g and in overpowering Chinese authority,
Nevada Smothers Anti-Japs.
can be applied on payment o f water and as no other property was in imme­ collecting he ivy taxes and exercising
Carson, Nev., Feb. 9.— In the Neva­
rates. It is negotiable so that the
Drulbts of 5 lo 20 Years Active Practice in Portland
da legislature this morning the assem­
contractor himself will not necessarily
bly bill prohibiting Japanese and Chi­
and Washinqion Streets
apply it on bis own water rates.
Entrance 110 1-2 4th Si.
Office Hours: 8 a. m to 8 p. m.
nations, and that the viceroyalty o f nese from acquiring land or acting as
A 1171
Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12.
Plan Fine H ig h S c h o o l.
Mukden is excited over the situation.
A p p le C ro p N ets S 2 7 5 .0 0 0
This body, instead of referring the
Monmouth—The movement for a
Hood River— From H. M. Huxley,
measure to the foreign affairs commit­
M in is te rs T a b o o " S a lo m e .”
manager o f the Hood River Apple union high school for the two cities of
tee, postponed it indefinitely.
W M . M c M U R R A Y , G. P. A .
Growers' Union, it » a s learned that
A F lavorin g.
I t make* a
the total shipment o f apples by the un­
King Menelik Not III.
syru p better than M a p le.
ion for the season will be about 225
Addis-Abeba, Abyssinia, Feb. 9 .— ,
S o ld b y grocer».
cars. While several thousand boxes of the joint committee from the pr vjected house Thursday night, with Miss Mary
apples are still in storage here they territory to be included, which selected Garden in the title role, has aroused The local representative o f the Router
are all sold and will be sent to their a site just half way between Monmouth the opposition o f the clergy o f Phila­ Telegram company has been « fficially
purchas* rs when ordered. The num­ and Independence, on vhe county road delphia. Sev ral o f the ministerial requested to deny the report in circula­
ber o f cars o f strictly fancy apples and motor-car line. The vote o f the bodies adopted resolutions o f protest tion r- cently o f the serious illness of
shipped by the union this season is school patrons will be taken next June today. The house was sold out a few King Menelik. The king is now ab- Color more eoodj brighter and faster color» than any other dve One 10c pack ir e colors silk, w ool and cotton equally w ell
•nd is guaranteed to give perfect results. Ai»k dealer, or w e will ¿er.d post pair! at 10c a packaRe.^_Wnte for ree booklet
t sent on an automobile tour.
hours after the ticket-office opened
at the school election.
200, the other 25 cars being choice.
O. R. & N.
The Alveolar Electric Painless Dentists
h o w to dye, bleacliiand m i* coler».