Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 11, 1909, Image 2

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The Estacada Progress
Imrad Cadi Tfcufxd.*
California Solons Must Be Shown A c­
tual Danger.
Will Arrive February 22 Few Repairs
Gibraltar, Feb. 8.— While heavy
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 9.— Positive
information that anti-Japanese legisla­
guns boomed a parting salute and
tion will involve the United States in
drowned the cheers o f spectators and
trouble with Japan is all that will pre­
Favorable Progrese Reported by Mine the playing o f “ Home, Sweet Home”
vent the final passage o f Grove L.
Directors at Albany.
by the sixteen bands of the American
Johnson’ s Japanese school bill in the
Albany— A smelter for the Gold battleship Meet, the great white ships
assembly next Wednesday morning.
The lower house has taken Speaker Creek mining district this summer is got nder way at 11 o ’ clock this morn­
Stanton at his word and awaits en­ assured by the action o f the board of ing and slowly and majestically left
lightenment upon the great secrets of directors o f the Black Eagle Mining
their anchorages in the war basin here,
General Review o f Important Hap­ state, publicly or privately. If the and Milling company. Following the
penings Presented in a Brief and conversation o f members today reflects meeting o f the stockho'ders o f the and started on the last lap o f their rec­
Comprehensive Manner for Busy the sentiment o f the assembly, the company at Gates, in which the smel­ ord-breaking cruise around tl e world.
Readers— National, Political, His­ slightest official intimation that legis­ ter project was indorsed, the directors
For the greater part o f the last sec­
lation adverse to the interests and wel­ took official action authorizing con­
torical and Commercial.
o f their 45,000-mile cruise the 16
fare o f the Japanese in this country struct:© i.
About 35 stockholders o f the com­ ships will proceed alone, in double col­
may cause international complications
pany attended the meeting at Gates umn formation; but about 1,000 miles
Ottawa proposes radical senate re­ will be sufficient to kill every anti-
the follow ing directors: . off their home coast they will be met
Japanese bill.
. . lL
4. n .
If, however, this official information R. F. Shier, present president and
American manufacturers fear pro­ cannot be produced by Stanton, if he manager o f the com pany; S C Soren by the North Atlantic fleet, in corn-
Arnold, and es­
posed revision o f French tariff.
can’ t “ make good,” then the assembly
The government will probe four more will demonstrate that the speaker may tors o f the mine; Wiiiiam H. Looney, corted by his ships to their final an­
of Albany; F. W\ Angel, Jr., who re­ chorage at Hampton Roads, from which
cry “ w olf” but once.
big packing firms on rebate charges.
Stanton's dramatic pleading for de­ cently came here from Michigan, port they started their world-cruise
Secretary Garfield admits he is not lay Friday is the talk of the legisla­ where he was interested in mines, and
handicapped by limitation o f secret ture. In both houses the members are invested in the Gold Creek district, December 16, 1907. The big fleet is
asking, “ What in the world did he and J. H. McConnell o f Shedds. The expected to arrive at the Roads again
directors re-elected Shier president and on Washington’ s birthday,
The nation is " preparing to honor mean?”
Arrayed against Governor Gillett, manager and elected McConnell vice- makes the time o f its voyage around
Lincoln’s 100th birthday anniversary,
Stanton and the conservatives, how­
February 12.
the world exactly one year and 68 days.
ever, is a strong anti-Japanese force enson treasurer.
On this long cruise no serious acci­
England is worried over the revenue
which is merely conciliatory. The
dent has marred the logs o f the big
problem. She must raise $100,000,000
postponement o f final action on the
white ships, though the vessels have
extra this year.
school bill was in the nature of an
Salem -A t an enthusiastic meeting seen ample excitement. They have
A wireless telegraph operator was ' armistice and back o f that action is a o f fruitgrowers at the board of trade been through a strenuous target prac­
badly burned by a stroke o f lightning determination to pass every anti-Japa- rooms it was voted to go ahead with tice in the Philippines, have visited
during a storm at San Francisco.
j nese bill if the speaker cannot make the organization o f the Salem Fruit Japanese waters when the relations be-
The “ Merry W idow” hat is laid ***>•••• suggestion that information Union, nearly every grower present tween the two countries were in an
aside, giving place to a shape that w° uld be submitted to show the folly signing the preliminary articles. Tern- j unsettled condition; and more lately,
looks like an inverted flower pot.
|o f antagonizing Japan. The propo- porary officers were elected and over . jn the latter part of their voyage, have
j nents o f the anti-Japanese measures $1,000 subscribed on the spot.
I raced through the Mediterranean to
President-elect Taft is now en route are quite frank in saying that Stanton
It is proposed to incorporate at first • give succor and aid to earthquake*
to New Orleans, and says the canal rnust produce documentary proof o f the with a capital stock o f at least $6,000. stricken Sicily and Italy
work is progressing satisfactorily.
j imminence o f conflict between this The union may combine with th e '
California legislature is determined country and Japan and that nothing Northwest Fruit Association and use
the buildings which the association
to pass anti-Japanese legislation unless e ^se
kill the bills,
shown that international complications! rIhat Stanton will make good may be plans to erect in this city. Enos Pres-
would result.
inferred from the remark o f Governor nall, who has just returned from Indi­ Civil War Ravages Cities, Brigands
Gillett that Japan has served notice ana, said that Spencer & Hogan, of
Terrorize Country.
The American Red Cross society has upon the United States to the effect Marion, Indiana, wish to come here
London, Feb. 8.— Events in Persia
given $150,000 to provide homes for t^at any drastic anti-Japanese legisla- and build a cannery to take care of the
Italian children made orphans by the tion will be regarded as a breach o f lower grades o f fruit*
are marching toward a'crisis that will
recent earthquake.
necessitate Anglo-Russian intervention
Vice President Fairbanks has bought
“ You know what breach o f faith
Fruit to Replace Stumps.
on the largest scale unless the progrès-
out his partners in a 225-acre grape means in the parlance of diplomats,
Elgin A company o f local business 3iVes and reactionaries reach acompro-
said the governor. “ Between two na­
and orange farm in California.
men closed a deal for 160 acres o f j mjse as tQ constitutional government
tions it is a very serious thing. It stump land which they will immediate- . ,
, , ,
A hitch has occurred in Venezuelan may mean the end o f diplomatic rela­
negotiations over the case o f the New tions. It is unnecessary for me to ex­ ly take steps to set to commercial or- ln tht' immediate future and check the
York and Bermudez Asphalt company. plain the significance o f the recall of chard. The company comprises L. anarchy overwhelming the Shah’s do-
Denham, lawyer; G. E. Bailey, super- j mains. As European interest shifted
Knee bones and tendons removed an ambassador.”
intendent of public schools; Sherman f rom North A frica to the near East, so
The governor will not divulge the Chappel, druggist; Lee Tuttle, editor;
from a dying man were successfully
grafted upon the leg o f George A. nature o f the matter whith has been Dr. E G. Kirby, physician, and Lee now ]t 13 shlftln« from the near East
Kelly at the Georgetown University forwarded to him by President Roose­ Bell, real estate. Forty acres are now , to the middle East. Mulai Hafid gave
velt. It is, however, understood that under cultivation and will be set this way to Abdul Hamid and the “ Red
this, together with additional facts spring.
Sultan” gives way to Ali Mirza.
Americans are buying nine-tenths o f
relative to the diplomatic relations of
In overthrowing the governor o f Is­
the best examples o f the work of the
the United States and Japan, which
pahan and notifying the legations that
Push Crater Lake Road.
old masters in Europe, according to
will be sent from Washington by tele­
Medfort’— V delegation o f 50 of the all loans and concessions will be repu­
Eugene Fischoff, a well-known art
graph, may be submitted to the assem- leading busin« ss men o f the city, ac- diated unless approved by Parliament,
dealer o f Paris.
hly Tuesday. It is the opinion o f Stan- ¡
ailied b aevcral „ewspape
the Persian Liberals hurl a new factor
♦ « .
Vi *i ♦ f the
U 11 display
« liL i.t* a
I n a information
i n T A i* in Q T I A l l
The forest service proposes to c u t , ton
o * f T this
left Medford on the Southern Pacific into international relationships.
trails through the Lassen national for­ will end the Japanese embroglio.
Saturday for Salem, in order to push ! Prominence is given to an article in
est in California and have Angora
the matter of the proposed appropria­ the Kavkas, o f Tiflis, by an American
goats graze on the brush along them in
tion o f $100,000 for the building of the traveler who has crossed Persia re-
order to clear fire lines.
road from Medford to Crater lake. A t cently.
By the purchase o f 160 acres imme­ Rebate Inquiry Extended Under Pres a largely attended meeting o f the Med-j “ By degrees chaos is spreading
ford Commercial club it was decided to everywhere, ’ he says. “ The turbulent
¡dent’ s Directions.
diately east o f the Union Printers’
_____ o _, ........
................... of call upon the members to volunteer, conditions are involving every populous
Home at Colorado Springs as a site of
Feb. 9.
the proposed national sanitarium of the f o u r additional packing concerns b.side 1 and most o f those present agreed to do center and organized brigandage is
The club will also aid any state making tire whole land a land o f ter-
National Lettercarriers’ Association, Morris & Co. will be conducted in Chi­ so.
the first step toward the actual found­ cago as a result o f the conference held road laws that may come up.
ing o f the home has been taken.
in Washington last week between Dis­
Wind Does Damage.
It was announced at the headquarters trict Attorney Edwin W. Sims a: d At
La Grande— Owing to the surface
o f the New York state branch o f the torney General Bonaparte.
Mr. Sims and his first assistant, soil being dry, the severj wind storm President Thanks Gillette for Aid in
American National Red Cross that fur­
from Ladd «a iyon, on the
*wv 4 for the
*..v. Jaro®8 H. Wilkerson, returned to Chi- which raged
Averting Trouble.
ther funds were not required
earthquake sufferers in Italy at this ' caK° to^ay prepared to renew the beef ( south, to Elgin, on the north, caused
Washington, Feb. 8.— Opinions differ
time. More than $900 000 has been ! inquiry. These investigations will not some damage to fall sown wheat. The
about the gravity o f the Japanese sit­
contributed to the American Red Cross. be upon an extended scale at first and path o f the storm was about five mil«>s
will be for the purpose of determining wide and 20 long. Residents o f Alicel, uation. Those best informed, as a
A panic among 800 girls in the con­ whether the packing concerns have ac- | Imbler and other small town9 were
rule, look on it as serious. Senator
vent of the Sisters o f Mercy on Classon cepted or solicited rebates from the 1 compelled to stay
avenue, Brooklyn, was averted Thors- j raiIroafis. Witnesses will probably be storms seldom do damage. It is not Perkins, o f California, does not agree
day, when they were quickly assembled ! cailed this week from the offices o f the believed that the storm caused serious with the chief executive that action by
for prayer on the lower floor. A big National Packing company, Armour & damage, probably $1,000 all told.
Califorina’ s legislature will contravene
factory building near by, occupied by Co., Sw ift & Co., and Schwarzschild &
the treaty rights o f the Japanese.
several small manuafeturers, was to­ Sulzberger, though no large number of
Klamath Project Held Up.
Senator Flint, o f California, however,
tally destroyed.
witnesses will be called at one time.
Klamath Falls—The reclamation ser­ feels greatly disturbed, as does the
President Roosevelt’s instructions vice has ordered all work stopped on I president, lest California may at this
The historic Lincoln coach in which
President Linclon rode to Washington that the inquiry be thorough will be j the Klamath project except on the first time pass legislation which will violate
for his inaugural ceremony was de­ followed to the letter in these late in-1 unit. The reason given is a desire to Japan’ s treaty rights and be consider-
stroyed in a fire the other day at vestigations, as well as in the Morris com pute the first unit and receive pay- [ ®d an unfriendly act.
The president is said to have fears
Sharpsville, Pa. It was the sole pas­ & Co. investigation, which is practic- ] ments from water users before pro­
that things may go so far that Japan
senger qeuipment o f the little Sharps­ ally concluded. The president and the ceeding further with the work.
will break off diplomatic relations with
ville railway, running between that department o f justice in no uncertain
this country, and he has sent telegrams
town and Washington Junction. It terms urged the prosecution o f the in­
warmly thanking Governor G illett and
was covered with sheet-iron put on be­ quiry, according to an official who was
Barley— Producers* prices: Feed, Speaker Stanton for their patriotic
fore Lincoln made his famous ride, and in close touch with the conference.
efforts in behalf o f the nation. He
$28 per ton.
was supposed to be bullet-proof.
Wheat—Track prices:
Bluestem, feels that at this time California has
Call for Men Frequent.
Only eight jurors have been secured
right to commit any act which
Washington, Feb. 9. - An official of $1.070/1.08; club, 9 7 c0 /$ l; red Rus­
in the Calhoun trial out o f over 500
might plunge this nation into war.
sian, 94c.
Oats— Producers* prices:
No. 1
partment o f commerce and labor said
Fire among the fleet o f flower boats today that within the last ten weeks white, $34 per ton.
Seven Ships on Pacific.
Hay— Timothy, Willamette valley,
at Canton, China, caused the death of fully 15,000 laborers could have been
New York, Feb. 8.— The congress
$160/17 per ton; Eastern Oregon, for the development o f the merchant
at least 200.
sent out to different parts o f the coun­
$120/13; alfalfa, marine o f the United States had for its
Colonel Goethals says warships may try if th y had had the means to trav­ $100/18; clover,
pass through the Panama canal by Jan­ el. Thousands o f applications are be­ $140/15; grain hay,
* , $120/13.
principal speaker tonight Congressman
Fresh fruits Apples, »Ho 2.75 box; j p McCleary o f Minnesota, who de-
uary 1, 1915.
ing received for work from the unem-
Spamsh malaga «rapes, $8 per barrel; | clar(.d the a(ioption o f the proposed
The American battleship fleet is p oye I. One suggestion which has
! ship subsidy bill was the only solution
some fund be persimmons, $1("1.25.
gathered at Gibraltar and will soon b en put forward is that
P ota toes-B u yin g
price, « (u l.2 G 'o f the
Mr. McCleary said
set aside by congress for
the _ use ...........
of the
start on its voyage home.
division in tra porting laborers, with Per hundred; sweet potatoes, 2 >„c per the Pacific 0 ce „
should be a great
Anti-Jap leaders in the California the understanding that the money pound.
American lake, but that today there
Onions— Oregon, buying price, $2 are but seven ships in the merchant
legislature defy Roosevelt and declare should be repaid,
that no alien shall own land in that
I marine on that body o f water now fly-
Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 i ing the American flag.
Lightning Strikes Wireless.
per sack; carrots, $1.25; parsnips,
San Francisco, Feb. 9.- -In a heavy $1.75; beets,
Prospects are that there will be a
Bryan in Auto Smashup.
deficiency o f $1,500,000 in the amount thunder storm which broke over the g^Yo^ p jr p<wnd.
Tampa, Fla., Feb. 8.— While return­
available for army pay during the year c '«y at :i o'clock this morning, William j Vegetables — Artichokes, $1@1 25
J- Smith, m anagerof the Massie Wire- doz . cabbaKP> 3c ib. - cauliflower, $2 ing from Sutherland college, where he
. . . . .
. . . . .
, | less company. at the station on the p p rcra te; celrry, $4.50 per crate; cu- delivered his lecture, "T h e Prince o f
Peace” this evening, W. J. Bryan
A plea to the Illinois legislature for Muffs near the Cliff house, was struck rnm»u.rq
* 1 tra . o -»r, k ,. y . i«t*„«0
A big auto­
the abolition o f the grand jury has by lightning and ,, lv the fact that he ^ ^ 2 5 ^ . 7 5 ^ b o x ; p a rle y ’, 30c do^ came near losing his life
struck a responsive chord with Chicago was sending a message instead o f r e - 1 cn; peas, 20c lb.; radishes,
per mobile in which he was riding threw a
I awyers.
reiving, saved him from instant death. ' dozen; spinach, 2c per Ib .; sprouts. tire on a bridge. Mr. Bryan was on
the side next to that, which struck the
The Oregon presidential elector who Before the fuses which protect the ]0c per l b .; squash, 2,^ per lb .; toma-
i woodwork and was jammed against a
operator burned out, enough electricity 1 ^oe{, $ i . 7 5 (#/ 2.25.
failed to reach Washington on time
' rail and suffered considerable injury.
may yet be fined $1,000, and may also passed to the sender to fcive Smith a ( Rutter City creamery, extras, 34c;
bad shock and burn his right arm from f anCy outside creamery, 32(</34c per At first it was thought his leg was
lose his mileage.
■ broken, hut when he arrived at Tampa
w nst to shoulder.
1 -•
lb .; store, 18(«/20c.
The Union Pacific is beginning to
Eggs Oregon ranch, 45(//50c per ' an examination showed that it was
rush work on its line from the Sound
Fall Through Ice and Drown.
dozen; California and Eastern, 45f«/50c only badly bruised.
to Gray’ s Harbor, in an effort to head
Woodshole, Mass., Feb. 9. While
Poultry — Hens,
13<r/13 k,c lh .;
off the St. Paul road.
Jury Prays fo r Guidance.
standing on a pond near here today, ' spring, large, 12ltt(«/13c; small, 18f«/
The yellow fever situation in the Charles Gottliehsen, wireless operator 20c; mixed, 12\>iz/13c; ducks, 18(«/
Suffolk, Va., Feb. 8.— Prayer for di­
Barbadoes is serious. The Danish and o f the revenue cutter Acushnel, broke ,2 0 c; geese, 10c; turkeys, 180/19c.
vine guidance was asked on bended
French authorities in the West Indies through the ice, and both he and Sea­
Veal Extra. 10(uT0K>c per pound; j kne<’ 9 by .t']e jury which^ today brought
have quarantined all their seaports man Oscar Rongve, also o f the Acush- ordinary, 7(//8c; heavy, 5c.
in a verdict of n.urder in the first de
against the Barbadoes.
Pork Fancy, 8C k 8 \ c per lh .; large, gree against Samuel Hardy. Hardy
was charged with the murder o f T. G.
(cue him, w* re drowned. Several o f 8(i 1 8 ‘ sc.
At the direction o f the secretary o f their shipmates endea vored to reach
Cattle Best steers, $5( k 5.25; me­ Jones at Holland, Va., last October.
war. an investigation into the mainte the drowning men from the shore by
dium, $4.25(/i4.50; cows, best, $4; The jurors upon retiring knelt in
nance o f automobiles owned by the tying their handkt rehiefs together to
medium, $3.25(</3.75; calves, $4.50(<z prayer, and on their return an hour
War department ha* been made, and as make a lifeline.
later with the verdict two o f the jurors
a result the secretary has eonciuded
Sheep Best withers, $5.25(1/5.50; were weeping. The murdered man was
that their use entails greater expense
Cold Weather Predicted.
mixed sheep, $3.50(u 5.25; ewes, $.450 to testify adversely to Hardy.
than horses and carriages.
Washington, Feb. 9. Following a (u4.75; lambs, $5 50(i/5.75.
N. P. Buying Tidelands.
storm, which will mo»e eastward from
Hogs— Best, $7; medium, $fi.25(<(>
The Philippine ge ieral assembly has
the extreme West tomorrow, a cold 6.75.
Wash., Feb. 8 .— The
opened at Manila.
wave, which now covers the North-
Hops— 1908, 6(//8cper pound; 1907, Northern Pacific Railway company has
completed the purchase o f all the tide-
The American battleship fleet is now ! » ca t, will prevail over the entire 2(0 3c; 1906, 1(0 1 tyc.
at anchor off Gibraltar.
I Northern section o f the country by the
Wool — Eastern Oregon, average lands on Grays hay and the last deed
j middle o f the week. Much lower tem- best, 10(</14c per pound, according to in the purchase was filed for record in
Prominent American horsemen will peratures will be experienced over the shrinkage: valley, 15(</11*L,c; mohair, the office o f the clerk o f Wahkiakum
make entries on English circuits.
Southern districts.
choice, 20<ji21c.
county at Cathlamet, yesterday.
Dozen Known to Hdve Been Killed In
Ealliny Buildings.
Property Damage Extensive— Falling
Bricks Put Oklahoma City in
Darkness Dwellings Demolished,
Wires Down and Great Suffering
in Alabama, Texas and Tennessee
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 6.— A storm
o f unusual violence equaling a tornado
in destructive energy at many points,
swept over parts of Texas, Olkuhoma,
Tennessee, Alabama and other South­
ern states today, leaving in its wake a
path o f ruin and death. Houses were
blown down, fields torn up, and the
country generally demoralized.
Six people were killed at Booth,
Miss., when the storm reached there;
three were killed at Stuttgart, Ark.,
and several were killed at Cullman,
A t Ennis, Texas, several residences
were demolished, though no loss o f life
was reported. A t Sulphur Springs the
storm wri cked eight dwellings, I ev-
eral people were seriously hurt by fly­
ing glass and debris.
In Oklahoma, at Muskogee, the wind
tore down several tall smokestacks on
factories, generally razed chimneys,
and did much minor damage, One of
the smokestacks was on the [lower
company’ s plant, and as the bricks fell
they era-heel down into the engine
room, ruining the dynamos and ma­
chinery, and leaving the city in dark­
Throughout the storm-swept region
wires are down, and in many places the
railroads are blocked by trees and gen­
eral debris blown on the tracks. Com­
munication between the different towns
is extremely difficult, and full details
o f the storm damage will not be learn­
ed until tomorrow.
Mayor George H. Brier, o f Cullman,
Ala., wires that seven persons are
known to have been killed in that
county this afternoon by a tornado, but
that wire communication is cut off
with the stricken locality. A t Kayos,
a mining camp west o f Birmingham,
on the Southern railway, today, five
houses were blown down, but only one
man was injured, a Mr. Logan. The
property loss in the territory north o f
Birmingham is heavy.
California Legislature Pastes Sepa
rate School Bill.
Sacramento, Feb. 5.— With the de­
feat in the lower house today o f John-
-lon's two bills prohibiting aliens from
being members o f boards o f directors
and restricting them in residence dis
tricta at the option o f boards o f super­
visors, followed by the unexpected pas­
sage o f a third hill segregating Japa­
nese school children in seoarate schools
along with Chinese, Coreans and other
Asiatics, regarded as the most offen­
sive measure o f all, President Roose­
velt again has taken a hand in the
anti-Japanese legislation in the state
legislature, wihch for the last week
has drawn international attention to
Hardly had the bill passed before
Governor Gillett received the following
message from the president;
“ Your kind letter just received.
What is the rumor that the California
legislature has passed a hill excluding
the Japanese children from the public
schools? This is the most offensive
hill o f all, and in my judgment is
clearly unconstitutional and we should
at once have to test it in the courts.
Can it he stopped in the legislature or
by veto?”
The governor at once sent a reply,
the nature o f which he declines at this
time to make public and requested of
the president an immediate answer.
Pending the receipt o f another tele­
gram from the president, the governor
declined tonight to discuss the action
o f the assembly today.
The bill passed today, which was one
o f three anti-Japanese measures intro­
duced by Grove L. Johnson, places the
Japanese in the same classification
with other Asiatics and inserts the
word “ Japanese” in the present state
statute providing for the segregation
in separate schools o f “ Mongolian”
children. By this action the lower
house ot the California legislature has
taken the step which the board o f edu­
cation o f San Francisco intended to
take two years ago, but which was
dropped after the board and the then
mayor, Eugene E. Schmitz, were
called to Washington and had several
long conferences with the president.
Present Season Will Be the Last in
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 5.— Racing
in the state o f California received a
vital blow when the senate today, by a
vote o f 33 to 7, passed the Walker-Otis
anti-racetrack gambling bill, which
prohibits poolselling, bookmaking or
gambling on horse races. The bill
having already passed the assembly, it
will now go to the governor for his
signature, after which it will become a
Governor Gillett has signified his in­
tention to sign the measure if passed,
but it is believed that he will not take
this action until 30 days shall have
elapsed. As the bill permits pool deal­
ers and bookmakers 60 days in which
to close up their affairs, the present
season o f racing at the Emeryville and
Santa Anita courses will not be dis­
The Walker-Otis gambling bill is re­
ferred to as “ the Hughes law o f Cali­
fornia” in this section, inasmuch as it
follows closely the text o f the Hughes
bill, which was passed by the last leg­
islature in the state o f New York.
Violation o f the measure is made a fel­
ony, the punishment for which is im­
prisonment in the state penitentiary
and a heavy fine.
U . S . Grand Jury Acts on Oklahoir.a
Land Frauds.
Swindle Was Worked on Indiana—Lots
Bought at Half Price in Names o f
Dummies—Signatures Forged on
Refusal to Sign Quitclaim Deeds
—Conspiracy Is Charged.
Muskogee, Okla.,
Feb. 4.— The
United States grand jury for the east­
ern district o f Oklahoma turned into
court here today three indictments in
the Muskogee townsite land-fraud in­
vestigation and stated to United States
District Judge Campbell that they
would have no more such cases at pres­
ent. One indictment was
Charles N. Haskell, Clarence W. Turn­
er and Walter R. Eaton, the second
was against William T. Hutchings and
Clarence W. Turner, and the third and
last was against Albert Z. English,
Frederick B. Severs and Jesse Hill.
Each one o f these indictments first
recites that the United States has al­
ways exercised official functions in the
matter o f protecting the Indian tribes
in the enjoyment o f land set apart for
their use, supervising through the In­
terior depa' tment the selling o f such
land when this is done under the law
for such land, and also taking care of
the proceeds for the Indians, and then
the act of March 1, 1901, ia referred
Muskogee, Okla., Feb. 4 .- The gov­
ernment sprang a surprise in the Mus­
kogee town lots fraud investigation
here today when it was announced that
the probing o f the grand jury would be
extended to include alleged frauds in
scheduling “ individual blocks.” Many
persons built temporary fences around
whole blocks o f land and claimed own­
ership on the ground that these im­
provements secured deeds to the prop­
erty. It had been supposed that the
investigation would not take in so wide
a scope but would be confined to the
securing illegally o f town lots.
California Will Not Bar Alien Land
Owners and Their Capital.
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 4.— A fter a
debate extending from 11 a. m. to 5 p.
m. today, the assembly rejected the
bill drawn by Drew, barring aliens
from ownership o f land in California,
by a vote o f 48 to 28. The bill was
amended at the request o f President
Roosevelt and Secretary "Root so that
the clause applying it to Japanese only
was eliminated, making it apply to all
aliens, but the measure aroused such a
storm o f opposition that long before
the debate was closed by Drew it was
apparent that the measure would be
The result o f today’s contest is re­
garded as a fair test o f the relative
strength o f the two factions in the as­
Accepts fo r Calhoun Juror Talesman
sembly and as forehsadowing the de­
Who Has Many Opinions.
feat o f all measures that would tend to
embarrass the National government in
San Francisco, Feb. 6.— A tenth ju ­
its relations with Japan.
ror was temporarily passed today in
In substance the opposition to it was
the trial o f Patrick Calhoun, and the
more that it would drive at least a bil­
acceptance o f another was held in
lion dollars o f foreign capital out o f
abeyance pending a decision by Judge
the state than that it might jeopardize
W . P. Lawlor, to l> rendered tomor­
the present friendly relations with Ja­
row. John Scollard, a retail shoe
dealer, admitted a sympathy in favor
The proponents o f the bill contended
o f the president o f the United Rail­
that the state was being overrun by
roads, confessed a reluctance to accept
testimony o f the bribe-taking supervi­ Workman Digging on Site o f House thrifty Japanese who were gradually
gaining an impregnable position as
sors and did not approve o f extending
Makes Valuable Find.
landowners and whose government was
what he termed extensive immunity to
Oregon City, Feb. 5.— Valuable his­ trying to dictate to California regard­
criminals. Very much to the surprise torical relics supposed to have belong­
o f every person in the courtroom As­ ed to Dr. John McLoughlin were found ing legislation.
sistant D istrict Attorney Heney, first by workmen excavating here yesterday
ascertaining that the juror professed on the site o f the old McLoughlin SACRAM ENTO AGAIN RAMPANT
his willingness to try the case inq ar- home, which has been removed to make
tially as far as his prejudices would I way for an office building for the Haw-
Levee Bursts and Water Floods City
permit, ac"epted him.
' ley Pulp & Paper company.
o f Tehama.
Thirteen talesmen were examined ' One o f the workmen, Edward Surfus,
during the day, leaving 16 citizens of j in digging where the house formerly
Redding, Cal., Feb. 4.— The flood
the eighth panel to await interroga­ stood, brought to light an English burden was shifted today from Shasta
tion. A ninth venire o f 75 men was shilling o f the date o f '1801, bearing county to Tehama county. The crest
ordered returned next Monday.
the name and profile o f George I II; a o f the wave reached Red Bluff at noon,
silv. r dime o f 1836; several metal but­ when the river stood at 30 feet six
Settle War Indemnity.
tons o f a fashion o f long ago, and a inches, more than two feet higher than
Constantinople, Feb. 6.— At a cabi­ copper and brass vase. An old sword, ever before.
The levee north o f the town o f Teha­
net council today it was decided to thought to have been carried by Dr.
make a counter-proporal to Russia’ s McLoughlin, it was found had been ma broke and water ran six feet deep
plan, announced February 1, for a set­ used as a stove poker by the family re­ through the main street and was 16
tlement o f the Turko-Bulgarian diffi­ siding next door to the old McLoughlin inches deep in the railroad depot.
Every house in the town was flooded
culty. This proposal would include a house for a long time.
provision for immediate liquidation of | These relics will be preserved, and ard occupants fled to higher ground.
the whole war indemnity still due to if the house is bought by the city and A mile o f Southern Pacific track at
Russia. This indemnity amounts to j made a museum, as the plan is, they Tehama was washed away.
Division Superintendent Sherman,
$1,600,000 a year, which, in accordanc will be added to the collection o f Mc­
with the Berlin treaty o f 1878, Tur­ Loughlin relics which it is hoped to on a special train, left Red Bluff at 4
o ’ clock to relieve the people o f Tehama
key is to pay Russia for 100 years.
form here.
as far as possible. The river has been
falling at Tehama since noon and the
Bury Million for a Cent.
Bryan Hopeful fo r 1912.
Grand Junction, Colo., Feb. 5.— The worst is over.
Tampa, Fla., Feb. 6.— Speaking to
commissioners today
an inunen-ie crowd at the racetrack to­ Mesa county
G N Earnings Fall Off.
day, W. J. Bryan said he bt ought to awarded the contract for burying the
the Democrats o f the South a message deceased paupers to a firm o f under­
St. Paul, Feb. 4.— The semi-annual
o f good cheer and declared there is a takers who will receive one-millionth statement o f the earnings and expendi­
steadily increasing sentiment that o f a cent for each body prepared for tures o f the Great Northern system for
makes for the growth o f the Democratic burial. Competition for the contract the six months ending December 31,
party. He predicted the masses would was exceedingly keen, one bid being 1908, shows a falling off in the road’ s
demand their rights o f the aristocratic received o f one-tenth o f a millionth of income as compared with the same per­
classei. Mr. Bryan said the president a cent for each pauper. One firm iod last year. The net operating in­
had taken to himself all the authority offered the county 10 cents each for come for the last half o f 1907 amount­
o f a czar in the manipulation o f his the privilege o f burying the paupers, ed to $12,858,712, while for the last
high office. He declared prospects but the county commissioners said they half o f 1908 the operating income was
could not accept a bounty on corpses.
were bright for Democracy in 1912.
$12,492,100, showing a decrease o f
$366,612, or a net loss o f 3 per cent.
Frostbite May Be Fatal.
English Cabinet Crisis.
The total operating expenses were cut
New York, Feb. 5.— Hon. James $35,981,881, or about 17 per cent.
London, Feb. 6.— Several leading
London newspapers publish the news of Knivett Howard, o f London, is lying
Wedding Hurries Action.
the crisis in the cabinet. The Daily at the point o f death at the Waldorf-
Chronicle, wh'le predicting that the Astoria, the result o f an experience
Helena, Mont., Feb. 4.— Immediate­
cabinet itself will not fall to pieces, while hunting in the frozen wilderness ly after hearing o f a Chinese-American
says that rumors o f impending resig­ o f British Columbia. Physicians state wedding yesterday, the
nations affect David Lloyd-George. that one o f Howard’s feet and several passed the miscegenation bill hurriedly
chancellor o f the exchequer; Winston | fingers will have to be amputated. and unanimously. Tfle intermarriage
Spencer Churchill, president o f the Howard is the only brother of the Earl o f all races and nationalities has b> en
board o f trade; Lord Morley, secretary o f Suffolk, who married Miss Daisy a subject o f comment throughout the
o f state for India, and John Burns, Loiter, sister o f Joseph Leiter, o f Chi­ state for many yi ars. Lately many
president o f local government board.
unhappy endings have come to light.
Provision has been made in the bill
for stem penalties to be inflicted upon
W ireless Ssves Mexican Ship,
Robs Store in Daylight.
Mexico City, Feb. 5.— Wireless tele­ those solemnizing such marriages.
Chicago, Feb. 6.— A bold daylight
robbery in the city ’s most crowded re­ graphy has saved its first Mexican
Ship C argo o f C o rp ie s .
tail street was successfully perpetrated ' ship. The revenue cutter Jose Yves
by a lone robber today.
The thief Limantour became disabled 50 miles
New York, Feb. 4 . — Five thousand
hurled a brick through the window o f off the coast near Culiacan a few days Chinese corpses bound for their final
the Jackson Jewelry company on State ago, according to reports received here, resting places in the Flowery kingdom
street and, reaching through the shat­ and her calls for assistance by wireless will leave Brooklyn Wednesday on the
tered pane, secured $4,000 worth o f were caught up by the Alamos, which steamer Shimoea.
The bodies were
watches, rings and diamonds, with immediately steamed out and brought disinterred from burying grounds all
the disabled cutter safely to port.
which he escaped.
over the United Statea.
Brinkley, Ark., Feb. 6.— Two per­
sons were killed and a third fatally
injured in a tornado which struck
Stuttgart early today.
The tornado destroyed one residence
and five barns besides doing consider­
able damage to property in the sur­
rounding country.
The residence destroyed was that o f
William Shorey. His w ife and child
were crushed by the falling timbers.
The storm did extensive damage to the
rice fields.