T ( it ATACA LF-.GGRES5 DIRECTORS: C ko . K s t k s , President A . K. S h a k k s , V ic e T i c si d e n t C has . K. D ubois F . S. W O M K R , Edi to r »nd M an a ge r fr.tsreJ at the poatofflc# In Estacada. Or«gon. as second class mail PuLUhed Every Ihurxday Morning (SWCADA. OREGON YIAR S* ■ XPMIKNCS gazine Hit of 1909 The Oregon llXCOKlx » A T t » j 60 Beginning in the January issue ut H 1 M A N I.IK K ,the Magazine About People and runni •ig l!’:'.meli the t *.•ivo 111 ' ¡ is o f 1 9 >< I lie j a’>!i*hed a story of his bovhootl T ra oc M ark b D e s ig n s nrovist lecturer and man of many 1 bv If oilier Davenpo: r, c :: to 5 : : sr . , - . C o p y r ig h t » A c . Anro* o »" m U i 'K tt»kelch anti dMeripi ion nia» li > d and votinu manhood is laid in¡ nub-lily lui .TUiii our opinion free i'-. Dave stories. The : 'CUC LÍ wnoi hor an . , i .bitbly imteiitnhlo. Coinmiinim. . .HI - •uUy.H.rrOdentG. HANDBOOK on kno.vn rh , • od tv. the ; e« Oregon nn 1 co.rcrs i ! * ¿t y . .,t f j i*o. ('Ido. : urnoaof tor aoourlitg patente. Lutin. in*ori through Munn à Co. recele» .".•nor of ai,V we have ever sj ta.1 fi í , ir ¡boat chamo, tntbo Mr. Dave; .port, ... piere and 1 y. " j follow Mr. Davenport through | met since the day , i f Aitemus Ward, 1 A h«n.I»om«l, l : i«lnii.a »Mllr. lamst alr- i:,*! . i , oí nnv ,-toii.ltíe toiirnal. Torma. O « this year’s issues o f H U M A N L IF E * the y«tr of laughs. T'irt í nr r ha.»l. Suhl brail ■ •■ •«oolm Mr. Davenport's articles will !>. id. rrat. l 1 himself, and the pictures he has UrjiLob e l • i» r m- Washington. 1). c. drawn, representative o f his many It lighrful —that is, delightful to read about — ad veil 1 ** 4 * !•*+• «ftM'iMt ft** «Mr lures, will constitute not the least p of th r.r. If you want to read this :;tor» tr ’ 1 " you wan: to see Mr. Daven­ port’s pictures o f himself from ar . i>. ; man : d, It. lather, his family, and F arm ers ! property all of his Oregon friends, as otdv Mr. Davenport can draw them, be sure your name is OWNERS! entered as a subscriber to I i IJ MAN 1.1 KK — '.he best magazine, for the money, ever How about your crop«? published. Iiow about your buildings? II • about your furniture? Mr. Davenport starts his store at a very early age when Ins f.thtr tells him that tluv arc to move from their firm in Salem, Oregon, t > Silver ton, Oregon. This is a. J o h n B ro w n burg of some three hundred people. Mr. Davenport, in bis story, states that he feels H o c k w o o d , O re g o n Phono G re s h a m , 3 1 1 that the city i ; calling them and that his opportunities for studying art in the Latin Represents the Quarter of Silverton will 1 e exceptional.! g od. Oregon Eire Relief Associa­ i.ui Krancisco days, when he made vili la.TV Mr. The tv.ry w: tion of McMinnville HI NNY V. ADIX, M. D. I'hysiciaii Local ami Long Distance Telephone The doctor'« plioue enn lie connci-tait wills your house- plsoste sst slight it rc- |uc«lwl. O u t long ring. $c¡«si!it Jittterkan. of D r.L .A .W E L L S M U N W »Mew York SUBSCRIPTION RATES SI 00 50 Si* months Thursday. February 4 . 1909 T w enty-one hundred and ninety pounds of p u blicity were forwarded to tiro* e st by the Portland Com ­ mercial C lu b last week. T h is was in addition to the six tons th. t wcu* two w eeks earlier. T h e priu - ers will soon he busy in turning our one million leaflets advertising the one-way colonist rates to Oregon p lints and these 'ea'lets w ill go cut throw, h the lioys and girls attend­ in g schrol, the preachers and churches. the hanks, husineis 1 ouses, factories, hotels, and the homes of Portland, whose exam ple in this w ork should he followed by every com m unity in Oregon. People can buy their tickets to al- jn ist every rail point in the state j just as cheaply as they can to P or'- j land, hut if th?y buy them only to Portland they w ill have to p ay lo­ cal rates from this city to their final destination. Jjp Libby, Engi iccr, who tfid the work o f four co ,ines and ir tw 3 M I . ï\ tJ . V v r * r * - - :n* - - T Jjpi ' srz I ; , K , /i . • - FIRE his first l-'ig hit as a ca rt »c;-.i ■ ■ ■■■ > ' m: - é r\ ^ -V - •' v' -< --çA v > -•» ... , ú / ■ :¡r • - v v : o* U- s - - -r -■ '‘- f . ■ ; ■: •. ft ■ j.. t'L tS 4 ( a-, ; i ' ' V r\v % "•' ’ • i '< ■ V. ■ i, i r •. T T ***>, k v . ~ ■ -a^J f ! f = - t ¿ r í A V r - >' !l \ i ! . V d - 5 » » - • " W e a lw a y s p la y e d as w e d ro ve out of tow n and w ith m uch effort the d riv e r h e ld the te » m " Send us you r subscription to HUMAN LIFE. W ecan start you w ith the January 1909 issue, this L the number in which Mr. Davenport’s Story commences, and we would call yo u r attention to our wonderful offer at the bottom of this advertisement. H UM AN LIFF. absolutely original. There is no other mag azirvi dealing with people cxc'usivcly. I: ¡3 Filled ft .“ i cover to co-. r v.itli ffor'a-s and pictures of people and will keep 1 1 • - en:’:re far.u y posted as t.) the actions and doing* of all the prominent people of the entire worlJ. It he» the greatest wri er in this country of vigorous, virile, | u r­ gent, forceful, piquant English, as its editor-ir.-chief. A llied Henry Lewis, the caustic contributor to the Saturday Evening Post, Cos- mopoiran, Success and many o’.her representative periodicals; tl:e authorcf “ The P evident,” “ The Bo: “ WolfvUIc,” “ Andrew Jackson,” and other books cf story a rJ adventure, every one sci; - tillating with strenuous life. b ' r . Lewis's fingers are upon «he p 11 c pulse; he knov.s what the public wants, and he gives them runni over measuie. H UM AN LIFE is up-to-date in its fresh, original matter from ihe best authors and the best artists, and filled to over­ flowing with human interest. You will find the g'cat and the almost great, the famous and sometimes infamous, described in H U VIAN LI FE,with .» knowledge of their little humanities that is engrossing. Among the well known writers of the day who contribute to HUMAN’ LIFE are Charles Edward Russell, Var.ce Thompson, Upton Sinclair, Dav’,1 Grahim Phillips, Elbert Hubbard, Brand W hitlock, David I asco, Cl ra Mortis, Ada Patterson, Laura Jean Libby, Nation Tcbcy and many others. H U M A N LIFE is unique in that its principal aim is to fell truth­ ful, fascinating, live, up-to-date human tales about real human people — rich people — poor people — good people — bad people— people who have accomplished things - people who ate trying to accomplish things — people you want to knew about — people that everybody wants to know .about. H U M A N LIFE gives you that intimate knowledge of what such people have done — .are doing — what they say — how and where they live and lots of first-hand information that you cannot find elsewhere. H U M AN LIFE is a great big magazine, printed on fine paper with colored covers and well illustrated, a magazine well worth $ i oo «year and we can strongly recommend H UM AN LIFE to our readers. E very man anil w om an in O regon should read HUMAN LIFE, the M agazine A bout P eo p le, d urin g ¡ 9)1 — do not fail to read the fo llo w in g m ost lib eral subscription offer and a c t at once. This offer is not good a lte r M ay Ist, 1909, The P r o g r e ss and ‘H um an L ife for one year. Price of both 5 1.5 0 P r o g r e ss and W e ek ly O regonian one year, 5 *- 5 ° th . OFFIQES: 2, 3 S t 4, ANDKKSKN IIUA O regon When in need of n o tic e J. V. BARR CEDAR FANTON S H I N G L E S Cedar Shingles V /h e n in need o f F ir s t Class C e J n r S h in g les con su lt me. S h ingles d elive i'ed o r a t the m i l l Nos. I a n d 2 a lw a y s on hand. VI. A. Jones, Sales A gt„ vtpV* 3% f \Ve m anufacture all kinds of C edar Shingles and are prepared at a ll times to deliver the same. Alsc* to sell at the mill, h avin g stock on hand at all times four lots. T erm s to suit ! ivlonday J y Standard Lime and Sulphur Solution or Sole by Estacada Pharmacy ^ l ‘X i fr:*n ci*l and business interests of dead eighteen years) to the Duma* w h ,Vh arrangenn nts h ave’ ‘b een t u v «-¡her citv in the l uited States. I^us C em etery, j made for a pleasant MX'1.1 evenitig Made of b e st s u lp h u r and lim e , , , , Clear, cherry red, free from sediment Reasonable in price, its work is perfect No boiling to be done; save fuel labor and annoyance PORTLAND PRICES Subscribe for the PROGRESS $ 1.00 a Year E. W. Bartlett M orrow TIME CARD 0 . W. P. & R y . Co. KSTACADA-PORTLAND. Jan. 18 J. R. Townsend A g e n t— A . ❖ ♦♦■I NEW ; Fresh and Smoked Meats will be constantly kept on hand. Shop next to Residence on Main Street K. P . Scott, Estacada, Ore. y w hile the l uited States National * *• is expectetl to W present, and it is Bunk has advanced from *50 to Mr. Frank Forraan o f Antclo|w. the wish of the office’ s of the I > ’ k < jsioo pe-r month. T h ese are laiger Ore. came down to rem ove the re- »11 members make an earnest effort Estacada j Will be established in Estacada Mr, and Mrs. L eon C rapo called Mr. Blackburn of Oregon C ity * are alw ays gia 1 to g iv e these opin­ has moved into Roscoe Zcrks house rTTMT'-inr-^auj ions not for the sake of an argu­ ou I). L . D avis and w ife Sun day. - S S H E B R S B iH ,, .. c , Miss Jones of E stacada is assisting ment hut for the good of the com ­ Mr. Eugene 1 hompson of Port- .j , , ■ , r H $2 a day 5 to a w eek ,J . 1 Chas. Z erk , of this place, in Ins m unity. If you have anythin g land was seen in Barton w eek ago w t,rlc good to say of au individual or Sunday. ^jr an(j 5 frs d D avis spent thin r there is no question about it T h e tw o L aferty fam ily’ s of E s - . Sunday with Fosters and M eyers . 3 (L( of E agle Creek. geiting in. If >ou have an yth in g j taCada have m oved into town, A L L M O D E R N C O N V I-iN IE N C liS liar I to say. put it ill as good form 1 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nor- as the liad n c-s’ ’ wilt permit and it I ■ . . , , . ~ J!in- ,S 7 Centennial R ebel ah .-. ill likely get in. If. how ever, the ,aS‘ “ d a“ «h le r’ bodge No , 47 installed the offie rs One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast ojtimns of the pRtKiRESS are con- i Mr. C ra p o 's dance S atu rd ay f o r t h e n e w « e r m ^ I t h e n :g .,npo, • , sible for \ ice Cirand-ekct, «Mrs. ..idered a s.v .e r through w hich the , n,« ht w as a Kraml success. Maud H elfrich, and Sec’ y.-elect, Local and Tourist Trade Solicited icandlem o igc.-, back biter, and ' Miss Minnie Steinm an of Cur- M ay Scott, to be installed owing to " k n o c k fr " llca ts his villain y and rinsville and Eugen e M cConnell of the fact that both exp ect to leave tj Mfe destroying germ», a m istake has M ilw aukee called on Miss M artha -s bortly I he 1 -xtge elected M»rtle Mil er V . G . and E M. Miller, Wen made— It will not be printed. Burghardt M onday. 1 Sec y ., after w hich officers were in- Mr. A lbert Bartlem ay of Eastern stalled as follows: N ellie Currin N. Oregon is visitin g friends and ret- M yrtle M iller \ . G ., E. M. A s an evidence that Portland .io . . a M i l l e r Sec’ y .. M ay Y o n ce T reas., people are more and more interest­ 1 L. h . Itelfils, C h a p , M artha T ra cy £< ed iu the advau'-cm cut of O regon, Mr. I). L. D avis started M onday ¡W a r ., Florence Richards, Conduct- i the First National Bank and Ladd for Bunch grass to get a horse. or, G ra n v ille Linn, O uter G uard. A rch ie Yocum . Inner G u a rd : L u cv & Tilton have each notified the Reed. R. S. N. G ., Jno. T ra cy , I S. N. G „ Edw in Bates, R, S. V. G . Maud Sturgeon L S Y . G . Dr H enry V . A d ix O rganist. T h t n ex t regular m eeting of the L od ge w ill be W ednesday . eb. to. at w hich tune Mrs Cora Stuart Past Prw iden t of t)|e R lU .k;lh Ass< m,)ly KRIEGER BROS. &C 0 . ---- PROPRIETOR---- Meat Market T h is elegant home in E stacada i.^ for sale with either tw o or withi S a le T h e Fern R ock Farm of 144 a- cres has been platted in acreage, 10 acres and up, to plat. See D. Bri- denstine, Estacada R. F. D. N o. 1 -i-i * A Mr. C. L . W ilson has started his J. B. Sm ith and T om Custer h ave gone cu ttin g cord wood for Burg- s a w m ill up Mr. Roy W inters is W e want to repeat here w hat we hardt and H enkle. 1 doing his saw ing. have said liefore, that the columns R alph G ibson w ho has been a w - 1 Miss Florence D avis who has of the P k ik . k k . s s are open fo r two ful sick w ith chicken-pox, is able to I * * " » t i d i n g the holidays with sides of any question that w ill he of . . . r her people has returned back to , Bunch-grass. benefit to tin» com m unity, and we be around again. U m MONEY LO AN ED De; urent cf 'he Interior, United States Land GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARY; O.fi o. t rt 'd. Oregon. Jan. I 5th 1909. A v ! . Ant ,-ast affidavit having been filed In and PATENT MEDICINES s < ff ca by John S . Ma!comson. contestant, against Homestead entry No. 14630, made November 4. ] 902. fc. V . ' 1 1 S W 'i. NEJ*SWV. and NW!«SEV Don’t forgei I can supply your Se-.ticn 27. Township 2S. Rango 7E. by William needs, and solicit your patronage W. Woltmer Contested. In which It is alleged that is we'l acquainted with the tract of land ombraced in the homestead entry, and knows the present con- diti'- r I tne samo: also that said William W. Weltmer has who ./ abandoned said tract of land ever sir.ee H . H u g h e s , - Cazadero, O rei making said entry: that • »id entry man rever before or after making said entry established his residence on uz: i la- i; that said land contains no improvements of a y nature whatever: that no portion of said land .v. o ever cultivated and that said claim is today in Its oigiru-.: v/i!d »rate of na'uro; and that the said alleg­ ed absence from the said land was not due to his em- '-y:nci t in the Army. Navy or Marine Corps of the lb.Led States ar. a private soldier, officer, seam av or BLACKSM ITH nvrir.o during the war with Spain or during any other \va. which the United States may baengag- . b said parties are hereby notified to appear. r.*sp»jid 1> still at the old stand and willing to do > d of:or evidence touching said allegation at 2 any of the work in hi* line k p. it . n March It! 1909 before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office Ir Portland. Oregon. The said contestant having. In a GIVE HIM A CALL : r . j?. aJuj w ^e t s in fo rim r venrs. T h is same * L *um is a u U c r iU d b y the Portland Mr. Fred H inder of Parkplace, „ ■, . • , , „ „ O e w as seen on the stm -ts Sat R unw ay, L ig h t & Pow er Com pany. « a , seen ou the streets Sat- Appointment.'* may be made w ith Dr. A dix. O rego n C it y J. S ilv erto n T ro m b o n e la n d . W ELLS’ P o r t la n d W ill visit EüBuciila on Friday and- Saturday of each week ; ; ; of Q - 'y ’ “ ■ ■- Tí Barton Ì Or leave word at this office CONTEST I Coolidge and Jake McClaine, prominent bankers wid business men of Silverton in Daven­ port’s younger days D e n tis ts WRITE HIM 4 '» • ‘ Portland had fired me out ani the kind bartender of the St. Charle* Hotel let me sleep on the billiur I table, for wuich I was later discharged from the Good Templar’s LoJjre in Silverton'* D E N T IS T O F SHEARER AMD And .x other lines of fire insur- C '. u , V ’ • - A n enorm ous amount o f atten­ tion lu s been excited by th e in vi­ tation to C h icago, extended through the W ays & Means Com m ittee of the C h icago A ssociation of Com ­ merce, to send a hundred and fifty C h icago school hoys and girls for a tw o mouths' trip through the w est­ ern states. T h e com m ercial bodies of the w hole w est are joinin g with tlie Portland Com m ercial C lu b to insure acceptance of the invitation. H undreds of business men who do business w ith C h icago firm s are asking those firms to co-operate w ith Mr. H . A . W heeler, C h air­ man of the W a y s & M eans C om ­ mittee, 77 Jackson Boulevard, C h i­ cago, in b rin gin g this about. If any reader of this paper can help the cause by w ritin g a letter, he is urged to do so. Portland and V an co u ver, W a sh ­ ington are gettin g more and more chum m y all the time, and there has been no occasion when the people ot the tw o cities enjoyed them selves more heartily than at the launch­ ing of the new ferry-boat “ C ity of V a n co u v e r" from the St. Johns Ship buildin g C om p any’s yards at St Johns, last Saturday afternoon. T h is is a home built boat and for that reason the best. Kstacada also com es in for her share of the honors. Mr. I.a u ry y , of the E sta­ cada anti his help were conveyed by special chi fr o m Estacarla to the launching uml were the caterer.» serving luncheon to about tw o hun­ dred invited guests. Mr. L a u ry y reports h deligh tful time and that the laipicU ing w as very successful. Surgeon OFFICH, ADJOINING KliSIUHNCH I One year mid C ars leave Estacada for P ort­ land: 6:53. *. 9 . •». 3 . 3 . 9 Á . M. and P- M. C a rs leave Portland for E sta­ cada: 6 : 55 . *0:4«, A . M. and 1 2 :4 5 ,2 :4 5 .4 :4 5 ,6 :4 5 P . M . 1 1 Mail uml Express (no passengers! 'carried on this run) leaves Portland] for Kstacada 7:10 a . in. and 4:26 p. in.1 • .Leaves Kstacada for Portland 2:40 p. m. and 5:25 a. us. F reigh t a k o leaves Poet land in the m orning goes to C a za ­ dero and returns to Portland ' Main offievs of the company: 132 1-2 First St. Portland, Ofcgon. »■ »■ »,» »1» ».»■ » I' I Attorney at Law W. C. WHITFIELD Practice in all the Courts Special attention given to Settlement of Estates. rtT K NSW Collections promptly attend­ ed to. BLACKSMITH Office in Rank of Esticada Do«* all kin«)» of work in his line and! Solicit* a Shore of your Patronage More than tw o hundred citizens j of Spokane and the “ Inland Em- j pire” w ill reach Portland Saturday. Feb. 6, en route to California. T h e j arty is tinder the auspices of the ; Spokane C h ain W r of Commerce: ' Im m ediately upon th eir arrival the Portland C om m ercial'C lub w ill en- tertain the guests 011 a trolley ride o ver the city, and at a reception j and dinner at night. See FERRY For P ain tin g, Paper H anging an d Calcemi- ning. 1st class work. G u aran teed .