Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 04, 1909, Image 3

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    Disease Germs
m e r e ly
Cannot harm healthy human
bodies. We cannot have healthy
bodies unless we have pure blood,
- t h e kind of blood that Hood's
Sarsaparilla makes.
This [¡rent medicine tins an un­
equalled, unapproached record for puri­
fying and enriching the blood.
It cure» scrofula, concilia, eruptions,
cutarih, rheumatism, anemia, nervous­
ness, that iitd feeling, dyspepsia, loss
of appetite, general debility, uud builds
up tl 10 w hole system.
Ust It W 'I rv In tho u«n*l liquid form or io
chocoltttud tablet form called •Suibatubs.
No Uae,
A c c id e n t
Hearing a noise in his henhouse at 8
a ru., Mr. Kajones hastily dressed hiu*-
a« If and went out to investigate.
H e found a visitor there.
“ \Vha»t are you doing here?” he da-
n/i' uded.
“ W ak in’ do chickens, to give ’em break-
fils’ ,” answered an apologetic voice. “ I
alius do it ’ bout dis time, sub.
golly, I done made a mistake an’ got in
somebody else’» henhouse!”
T hen the owner o f the voice made a
hasty exit through the hole in the roof,
aud all was still.— Chicago Tribune.
S tu nipedl,
Elderly Customer -C u n you tell my fo r­
tune, madam?
Fortune T eller (looking at his hand) —
G raciou s heaven, n o !
Nobody could do
It. B ut I can tell your past, sir. You
are an old time baseball catcher.
“ A nything I cau »how yon, sir?”
“ Y e s ; I want to get some kind o f toy
f o r my 3-year-old hoy.
H ave you any­
thing that’s indestructible?
ha can’ t break the first time he plays
O n ly O n e “ B R O M O Q U I N I N E ”
with it? ”
That is L A X A T I V E P R O M O Q U IN IN E . Ixx>k
“ I think so. W e have some toy flat- fo r the fiignu'ure o f E. W. G R O V E . Used the
w orld o v e r to Cure a Cold in O ne D ay. 25c.
“ H ave they got handles on ’em ?”
I lia
P r iv ile g e .
“ O f course.”
“ H a v e n ’ t you given y o u r s e lf a little
“ W ell, they won’ t last him five inin-
m ore sp a ce a b o v e tlie e a r than you a re
•tes. Show me something else.”
en titled t o ? ” asked the v is ito r o f the
N o A r tfu iiie n t T h e r e .
a rtist w h o had p a in ted Ills ow n p ictu re
“ H a ven ’ t you any regular occu p ation ?” by the tim e-h on ored m eth od o f look in g
“ Yes, ma’am, my regMer trade iu sweep-
In the glass.
ln‘ hhe leaves oiT’ u tho roofs of people’»
“ Y e s ,” he a d m itted, m o o d ily , “ but it
” 1 can’ t see how you cun make a living seem s to m e yo u h a ve a right to m ak e
y o u r s e lf a high brow in y o u r ow n p ic­
at that.”
I f y o u d o n ’ t, w h o
*‘ I don’ t, ma’ am. H ave ye got any cold ture, h a ven 't y o u ?
v ittles?” — C hicago Tribune.
w ill? ”
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
T his w on d efu l man has
m ade u life stu d y o f the
p r o p e r tie s o f R oots.
H erb s and D arks, and
Is g iv in g th o w orld tho
b en efit o f h is services.
N o M e r cu r y , P o is o n s
o r i-,fU i£s U s e d . N o
S Î Q Î fS i O p e r a t io n s o r C utting
G u aran tees t o c u r e C atarrh, A sth m a . L u n g .
S tom a ch and K id n ey troub les, and ull P riva te
D iseases o f M on a n d W om en.
J u s t r e ceiv ed fr o m P ek in , China- s a fe , su re
and reliable. U n fa ilin g in its w orks.
I f y ou ca n n ot call, w r ite fo r sy m p tom blank
and circu la r. In close 4 ce n ts in stam ps.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
The druggists have already been sup­
plied with the Peruna almanac for
1909. In addition to the regular as­
tronomical matter usually furnished in
almanacs, the articles on astrology are
very attractive to most people. The
mental characteristics o f each sign are
given with faithful accuracy. A list
o f lucky and unlucky days will be fur­
nished to those who have our almanacs,
free o f charge. Address The Peruna
Co., Columbus, O.
P r e fe r r e d
G ir l.
When J. M. Barrie, the author of
“ Peter Pan,” addressed an audience of
a thousand girls at Smith College dur­
ing his first American visit of last
year, a friend asked him how he had
found the experience.
“ Well,” replied Mr. Barrie, “to tell
you the truth, I’d much rather talk a
thousand times to one girl than to talk
one time to a thousand girls.”
A rt
C r itic is m « .
" I don’ t like marble statues,” said the
j fluffy young thing. “ T hey always look as
j if they had a cataract or 'Som ething o f
that kind the matter with their eyes.”
$ 3 0 0 'S H O E S $ 3 5 0
O W A R D E . B U R T O N .— A is a y e r a r3 Chem ist.
I<eu(JviUc, Colorado. Specim en p rices: Gold,
Silver, le ad, f I ; G old, S ilver, 7rm; G old, 60 c ; Z in c or
C opper, fcl. C yanid e tests. M ailin g e n v elop es and
full price list sent o u application. C ontrol and I’ m*
ire w ork solicited.
lteiertm css C arbonate Urn
ouol D ank.
The Reason I Make and Sell More Men's $3.00
& $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacturer
la becaaae I *tv« the wearer the beoedt of the rroat
complete organization of trained expert» and skilled
shoemakers In the country
The selection of the leathers for each part of the shoe,
and every detail of the making In every department, is
looked after by the best »hocmakers In the shoe industry.
If I could show you h o« carefully W. L Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand why they hold their
shape, lit better, and wear longer than any otner make.
My Method o f Tanning the Soles makes them Mors
Flexible and Longer VJearing than any others.
S h o e » fo r E v e r y M e m b e r o f th o F a m ily ,
l i e u , H o y » , W o r n « * n , »1 U s e s
4 'l i i ld r v n .
F<>r sal** by shoe dealers everywhere.
P A llT IB M I None genuine without W. I- Douglas
U n U I IU is t name a id prlee Miami* d on bottom,
fs e t Color Eyelets Used Exclusively. Catalog mailed fr*s.
W. L. DOIULAS, 107 S fork Si., Bna-kton, Haas.
can know every­
thing. To become expert
means to specialize. We aro spe­
cialists In producing the best flower
and vegetable seeds. In 62 years we
have become exports. Sow Ferry’s
Reeds and reap the results of our care.
For sale everywhere. Read our 1!X)9
cataloiruennd profit by our experience.
Sent free on request. Address
A F U L L P O U N D 2 5 c.
Q u a lity ^ ^ P H ^
Get it from
your Grocer
'^ ^ ^ ^ P u r it y
T he Pow er
Behind the D ough!
'M(F b a k i n g
2 5 Ounces for 2 5 Cents
A real pow er that raises and sustains
the dough with absolute certainty.
N o failures. A cake made with
K C cannot fall
9UtS MANf 4 *
W e insist upon refunding your
money if a trial does not con«
vince you*
“ S P E C IA L M E R IT ”
S C it H O O L SHOES without Mams—think
! T hey are
—s e a m l e s s s c h o o l s h o e s
strong and sturdy, have seamless uppers, tough
soles and double leather toes. By far the most
durable and lasting shoes obtainable.
"Special Merit” Seamless School Shoes "w ea r
like i r o n . " They wear just tw ic e as long mb
ordinary shoes with seams.
Made in all styles and sizes, for every day and
Sunday wear—for boys and girls.
Your dealer will supply you; if not,
write to us. Look for the Mayer
Trade Mark on the sole.
FR F.E—i t y tm w ill send n (ft* nam e o f a
d ea ler w h o d o e s m o t handla S pecial M erit
S c h o o l S h o e s, w a w ill sen d y o n free, p oet-
Goethals Says Warships May Then
Pass Through.
Site o f Gatun Dam Approved by the
Engineers — President­
elect Taft and Party Examine th]
Cut at Culebra, and Are Much
Gratified at the Work Done.
1 aft's Expressed Wish About Inau­
guration to be Fulfilled.
Washington, Feb. 1. “ I want the
very nicest inauguration in history!”
That's whet W. H. Taft said to half
a dozen headliners in the house o f rep­
resentatives on the occasion o f his last
v sit to Washington, ami it goes to
show that folks don't know what they
are talking about when they say that
the president-elect is trying to dodge
all the frills and fuss and feathers at­
tending hiB induction into office.
Those members o f congress with
whom the president elect talked have
been doing missionary work to secure
pledges o f enough votes to insure the
passage o f the joint resolution autho­
rizing the use o f the pension office for
the inaugural ball. Four years from
now Wash ngton will have an
auditorium to hold the biggest crowd
that ever gathered to honor a president.
But this year it is a safe proposition
that the ball will be held in the pen­
sion office and it will be a wonder.
The programme is divided into five
important features and others o f less
First, the imposing military division
o f the pageant, which is being arrang­
ed on a big scale by Major-General J.
Frankl n Bell, who has been appointed
grand marshal.
Second, the civic organization divi­
sion o f the parade, with Major Thomas
P. Morgan, chairman of the committee
in charge, as marshal.
Third, the great display o f fireworks
on the White Lot, ju »t in front o f the
White House, in combination with the
illumination o f the streets o f Washing­
ton throughout the downtown section,
the dome o f the capitol and the Wash­
ington monument, and a drill and dis­
play o f pyrotechnics by the Republican
Flambeau club of Minneapolis.
Fourth, the inaugural ball in the
pension building, the biggest brick
structure in the world.
Fifth, the forenoon parade o f Amer­
ican veteran soldiers and sailors of the
G. A. R., the United Spanish War Vet­
erans and the Army and Navy Union,
which will form the esc/ rt o f honor for
President-elect T aft and Vice-Presi­
dent-elect Sherman, from the White
House to the capitol, where they will
take the oath o f office, preceding the
big parade and other features.
The latest reports from the chairman
of the general committee indicate that
the inauguration of Taft and Sherman
will be a record-breaker, both as to
features and attendance, and that there
will be many innovations.
Panama, Feb. 2.—“ Naval vessels
will sail through the lock canal by Jan­
uary 1, 1915,” declared Lieutenant
Colonel George W. Goethals, chairman
o f the Isthmian Canal commission and
chief engineer, today.
The fact that the present plan for
the lock and dam at Gatun is satisfac­
tory to the visiting engineers has
greatly encouraged people o f the canal
zone and fear o f delay in the comple­
tion o f the work has been relieved.
The engineers do not conceal their sat­
isfaction as to the feasibility o f the
Gatun dam.
Mr. Taft expressed the belief before­
hand that the opinions o f the engineers
on the Gatun site would be favorable.
Their findings, therefore, did not sur­
prise him.
Today President-elect T aft and the
engineers accompanying him went to
Culebra on a special train and carefully
examined the 14 miles o f Culebra cut.
All were much gratified at the great
amount o f work that has been done.
Before the party arrived all dyna­
mite was removed from the workings,
to prevent any possibility o f an acci­
That Mr. T aft is acting as pacifica­
tor in the strong post-election factional
feeling in the republic of Panama is
indicated by the fact that both Presi­
dent Obaldia and Senor Arias, one-time
opposition candidates for the presi­
dency, have been invited to American
Minister Squiers’ dinner and reception
to he held tomorrow in Mr. T a ft’ s hon­
or. Mr. T aft called this afternoon up­
on ex-President Amador, who is ill,
wishing to make plain that he desires
to treat ad parties alike.
He will hear both sides o f the com­
missary system controversy, but doubt­
less the commissary will continue, al­
though the so-called luxuries will be
eliminated. Mr. Taft has expressed Discipline and Advancement Are Main
full confidence in the judgment o f Sec­
Features o f Plan.
retary Root in this matter.
Omaha, Neb., Feb. 1,— “ The most
diffiuIt problem that confronts railway
managements today is the education
and training o f the staff to fill posi­
Has Increased $ 1 5 ,5 4 3 ,8 4 2 , But Cus­ tions.”
This statement was made by Julius
toms Revenue Is Larger.
Kruttschnitt, director o f maintenance
Washington, Feb. 2.— The monthly and operation, o f all the Harriman
comparative statement o f the govern­ lines, in explanation, in part, o f a new
ment receipts for January, 1909, shows plan o f railway organization which is
the total to have been $47,480,428 and being tried out on the Nebraska divis­
the expenditures $63,024,260, which ion o f the Union Pacific road. Under
leaves the deficit for the month $15,- the new scheme o f organization, if it
543,842, and for the seven months of proves successful, all o f the 100,000
the present fiscal year $79,814,443.
employes will be transformed into an
The receipts from customs during army, each member o f which can
January, 1909, amounted to $23,818,- aspire with hope to the highest position
870, which is a gain as compared with in the g ift o f the railroad for which
January, 1908, o f $547,264. The in­ he works. In fact, it is the purpose
ternal revenue yielded $18,672,084, as o f the Harriman management so to
against $19,744,888 for January, 1908. train this vast army that each private
The total receipts were about $2,- will becom.e fitted to fill the position
000,000 less fo r the corresponding next above him.
month last year. The expenditures,
To accomplish these purposes Mr.
however. Were $4,207,000 greater than Harriman has given his heads o f de­
for January, 1908.
partments carte blanche in the way of
The civil and miscellaneous expendi­ necessary expenditures, and his exam­
tures amounted to $17,244,182, an in­ ple in this respect must o f necessity
crease o f $1,800,000; war, $11,030,- have great influence upon other rail­
366, an increase of $2,200,000; navy, way managements.
$9,313,386, an increase o f $280,000.
The public works item shows a slight
The public debt statement shows an Graduate From Tokio University Is
increase for the month, less cash in the
Beaten by His Fellows.
treasury, o f $16,776,482.
Berkeley, Cal., Feb. 1. - Fololwing
the removal o f agitation for anti-Jap­
anese legislation by the state legisla­
ture, Kenji Kaneko, a graduate o f the
Ex-Dictator to Be Sued for instigat­ Imperial university at Tokio and a
student at the University o f California,
ing Plot to Kill Gomez
was attacked by eight white students
Caracas, via Port o f Spain, Feb. 2. this afternnon and chased off the uni­
— In accordance with instructions from
versity campus. As a result o f the in­
Senor Alcantara, minister o f the inte­
cident, the Berkeley Japanese associa­
rior, the attorney general will bring
tion, numbering about 1,000 members,
suit in the High Federal court against has declared its intention o f demanding
Cipriano Castro, ex-president o f Vene­ that the Japanese consul general at San
zuela, on the charge o f having insti­ Francisco make representations to the
gated the attempted assassination o f
American government through Ambas­
Gomez. Minister Alcan­ sador Takahira in Washington.
tara's communication to the attorney
Vice Consul General Takahashi,
general was accompanied by a large when seen at the Japanese consulate
amount o f documentary proof. The
tonight, stated that the alleged attack
minister writes :
upon a Japanese student at Berkeley
“ The documents show that the black, had not been called to his attention.
black conspiracy which happily was
“ It is a matter for the police court,”
frustrated by the presence o f the Su­ said the vice consul general. “ Even
preme Magistrate, was the result of
should it be officially reported to me I
the suggestions, advice and orders of consider it too trivial to pay any atten­
General Castro.”
tion to it .’ * ______________
Find No Fault With Dam.
Panama, Feb. 2.—The engineers ac­
companying President-elect T aft spent
today at Gatun with the chief engineer
o f the canal, Lieutenant-Colonel Goeth­
als. They had no fault to find with the
natural foundations for the dam and
regarded the plans for safeguarding
the dam as being complete. Mr. and
Mrs. Taft attended the
church today and later the president­
elect received the British minister.
The new Pacific channel to the canal
will be used for the departure o f a
steamship for the first time tomorrow.
To Fight Tuberculosis.
London, Feb. 1. Following on the
lines o f Lady Aberdeen’ s campaign in
Ireland, a movement on national lines
is now being organized in this country
to check the scourge o f consumption.
It is to be inaugurated at an important
conference on tuberculosis at Caxton
Hall, Westminster, on February 16.
17, 18 and 19, at which many experts
will speak. An exhibition o f models of
sanatoria, nursing appliances, healthy
and unhealthy room-', compared food
stuffs, etc., will add to the value and
interest o f the gathering.
Ill-Fated Boat Mystery.
Norfolk, Va., Feb. 2.- Hidden be­
neath the turbulent waves that rol!
over Diamond shoals, 14 miles off Cape
Hatteras, N. C., the secret o f the iden­
tity o f the mysterious steamer which
went down there early yesterday, re­
mains untold. No clew to corroborate
the testimony o f those few aboard the
Diamond shoals lightship who witness­
e d , helpless to aid, this latest tragedy
o f the well-named “ graveyard o f the
A tla n tic" was obtained today.
Clash in Cuban Politics.
Havana, Feb. 1. The first serious
clash between President Gomez and
Vice President Zayas over political ap­
pointments, which occurred when the
proposal was made to appoint Ricardo
Amauto chief o f the secret police in
place o f Jose Jerez, has resulted in a
victory for Senor Zayas, who, it is be­
lieved, presented an ultimatum that he
would resign immediately if the ap­
pointment were made.
Bad feeling
exists between the men-
Railroad Shops Reopen.
Winnipeg, Feb. 2.—The railways
have given orders to start the Canadian
Northern and Canadian Pacific shops
tomorrow morning with increased staff
preparatory to the biggest raMroad
year in Western Canada's history.
Blizzard in Northwest.
St. Paul, Feb. 1.— A blizzard is rag­
ing in the Northweta with a50-mil«>
an hour gale blowing.
communication with the East was al­
most destroyed during part o f the day.
Trains are hours late.
Albany Man Gets 2 5 9 5 Eggs From
Dozen Fowls in Year.
Albany— A. S. Hart, o f this city,
has 12 hens which have laid 2,595 eggs
in the past year, and he claims it is
the champion laying brood o f the
world. Included in this flock is the
hen which recently established a new
world’s record by producing 256 eggs
in a year. An average o f 218 eggs for
12 hens is also a remarkable record.
The first o f the flock laid for the first
time on November 20, 1907, and the
last o f the flock completed its year
January 27, 1909. Hart has kept a
record by the trap-nest system. He is
preparing to substantiate the figures
by affidavits and claim some world's
records in the poultry journals o f the
Four hens laid more than 200 eggs
each, scoring, respectively, 256, 244,
216 and 205. Two laid 197 each, an­
other 194, and two 190 each. The
other three scored 178, 172 and 162,
respectively. All o f the champions
are Barred Plymouth Rocks.
S a a p le ln n a .
" A su sp icio u s quest Ion.-* s o ld
L a n ce ,■ N’ leoll, the e.n ln eh t N ew Turk
la w y e r, dlseusslt g it ce le b ra te d ease.
“ In fa c t, one o f thus» s u sp icio u s (loca­
tion s w h ich ca rr y their o w n co n v ictio n
w ith them . It Is Just su ch a q u estion
as a g ild e d y o u th n .ed
w a ite r lit a B ro a d w a y re sta u ra n t the
o th e r m orning.
“ •Was llia a k h ere last n ig h t?’ ha be­
“ 'Y es. s ir ,' the w a ite r an sw ered .
“ 'A n d ,' said th e you th , n ervou sly,
V a s I w ith h im ?’ "
M o th e r « w il l flrnl XIr*. W in s lo w 's P o o t h t n z
S y ru p tie- I, at r.
. -tv t.. uso t u r l n e i r c a h u r c a
l u r i u g ta x n o t h i n g p e r io d .
ill« *
C o n fu s io n .
“ A re yo u w o rk in g t o -d a y ?” asked a
rla ltor o f the poet. “ T h a t is, a re you
going to w o r k ? ”
fur It w a s q u ite evl-
ie n t tlint he w a s not w o rk in g at that
m om ent.
T h e poet ran his Angers d istra cte d ly
throu gh his hair.
“ I h a ve so m an y Ideas,” he sighed . |
‘ S o m an y, m an y i d e a s ; but th ey are
all so co n fu se d that I re a lly h a ven 't
w orked fo r a y e a r o r tw o .”
I 11 3
Dr. It.
Ht. Vitiia' Dance ana "rv on i im ea«e* perms-
nently cared l y Dr. 4 in i-* Great Nerve Re­
Send fo r FREE $2 00 trm l hottln i»n<l treatise.
11. K lino, Ld., Oil Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
1 n ortM lI l»l«*.
“ O v e r here,” s a id the A ra b gu ide,
“ w e h a ve a n o th e r m um m y. F ro m the
co o k in g u tensils fo u n d n ea r her she
Brownsville'Raises $1 Per Capita for Is su p p osed to h a ve been a cook . F o r
t w o th ou sa n d y e a rs she has rem ain ed
Peblicity Campaign.
ju s t w h ere she w a s fo u n d .”
Brownsville— The Brownsville Com­
“ B o s h !” s co ffe d the A m e rica n t o u r i s t ,'
mercial club held an important meet­
“ th a t’s no co o k .”
ing Tuesday night, with the largest at­
tendance in its history and much en­
thusiasm. Again was the record bro­
ken. Brownsville has the distinction
o f being the only town in the Pacific
Northwest that has raised a publicity
fund o f $1 per capita without outside
Last night President Holloway an­
nounced that every single business man
in the city had contributed to the pub­
licity fund, which now reaches over
$.500 and is still growing. The whole
Calapooia valley is becoming imbued
with the publicity spirit and the citi­
zens are arranging to onctirbute liber­
ally. The Caiapooia valley is one of
the best in the state, but its resources
have never been exploited abroad to
any extent. It contains some o f the
best agricultural, fruit, grazing and
timber lands in the state.
To aid in placing Brownsville “ on
the map” the women o f the city have
become imbued with the spirit o f prog­
ress and enthusiasm and last night met
35 strong and organized an auxiliary
to the club. Much enthusiasm pre­
vailed. The object o f the women’s
club is to obtain chiefly a public park,
cleaner streets and alleys and to pro­
mote civic improvement throughout
the town and county. Officers were
elected as follow s: Mrs. Wayne Stan-
ard, president; Mrs. W. J. Hooker,
secretary; Mrs. Clara McCoy, treas­
“ Why not?”
“ W h o o ve r heard o f a ro o k rem a in ­
in g in c u e p la c e th a t lo u g ? ”
P IL E S C U R E D IN 6 T O 14 D A Y S
P A Z O O IN T M E N T is pruarantec«l to cu re any
case o f Itch in g, Blind, B leeding o r P rotrud ing
Piles in 6 to 11 days o r m oney refu n ded . 50c.
h o
lv in « l.
L ittle Joh n n ie, w h o is co n sid e re d the
Im age o f Ills fa th e r, w a s one d a y in his
m o th e r's w a y , w hen she t<«ld h im :
“ Y ou a re a lw a y s In the w a y .”
H e r e p lie d : “ I am Just Ilk« p a p a.”
— D elin ea tor.
M ppcd
11 uil.
U pgardson (m eeting h im )— Old chap,:
what will you take?
A tom — A further ride on the water
wagon. So lo n g !
It Cures While You Walk.
Allen’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot,
<weatitig,e*llu8,aii<t swollen, hc diingfeet. Sold
by all Druggists. P r i c e D o n ’ t accept any
«iibMtitute. Trial i.acU ge FULL. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy, 1,'. Y.
Hope O ffered .
W hen first I sou gh t th e w rite rs ’ ra n ks
My verse w as tak en In w ith thanks.
T is y e a rs sin ce that Initial splash—
T h ey’ ve n ev er sent th e p rom ised cash.
To w a it and get no p a y, 1 find,
[s w o rse than h a v in g th in gs d eclined .
— C levelan d PI**in Dealer.
P r o m u t il is e
♦ I • runa Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio.
♦ Gentlemen: I have used Peruna
♦ aid find that it cannot be equaled as
♦ a tonic, as well as a cure for coughs,
♦ colds and catarrh.
♦ You are authorized to use my
♦ photo with testimonial in any pub-
♦ lication.
Joseph H. Chase,
804 Tenth St., Washington, D. C.
Cold and La Grippe.
Mr. C. Happy, Hardin, Ray Co.,
Mo., w rites: “ I can safely recom­
mend Peruna as a remedy that will
cure all catarrhal troubles.
“ It was o f great benefit to me, as it
cured me o f catarrh of the throat, and
I took a very bad cold and had la
grippe last February. It settled in my
throat and lungs. I took three bottles
o f Peruna and it cured me.
“ I highly recommend it to all who
are sick, and I am glad to add my en­
dorsement to that o f others.”
Pe-ru-na for Colds,
Mr. L. Clifford Figg, Jr., 2929 East
Marshall St., Richmond, Va., writes
that when he gets a cold he takes Pc*
runa, and it soon drives it out of his
system. For several years he was not
entirely well, but Peruna completely
cured him.
People who object to liquid medicine!
can now secure Peruna tablets.
For a free illustrated booklet en­
titled “ The Truth About Peruna,” ad­
dress The Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Mai’.e 1 postpaid.
H im .
“ I f my memory,” slow ly answered tho
reluctant witness, “ serves me rightly— ”
“ One moment,” interrupted the cross-
Cold Kills Loganberries.
Salem— According to
statements exam ining la w yer; “ please remember, Mr. I
Slick, that your memory is under oath.”
made by loganberry growers, the re­
cent freeze killed all kinds o f vines
down to the snow line, and there will
be no loganberry crop this year, exci pt
what berries will grow on the few
vines which, through neglect, were ly­
ing upon fhe ground and were protect­
ed by the snow. This will be a severe
blow to the loganberry industry, for a
beginning was made the past season in
finding a permanent market for the
fruit. There are also many reports
that rose bushes have been killed down
t y f i drn ^
T he c le a n e s t,—
ligh test. — a n d
m ost com fortable
at the sa m e tim e
c h e a p e st in the
end b e c a u s e it
w e a rs lo n g e s t
* 3 0 9 Everywhere
Every garment guar­
anteed waterproof
Catalog free
198231 P er Salzer's catalog pace 120 . |
I Largest growers of seed outs, wheat, baric..
■spelts, co 1 n, potatoes, gras see and clovers andfl
| farm seeds in the world. Big catalog free : or, I
■ send 10c in stamps and receive sample o i l
I Billion Dollar Gi ass, \ ii lding lO ton s of hay I
I per acre, oats, sueltz, barley, etc., easily wor :li I
I $10.00 of any man’s money to get a start with. |
I end c u il< g free i >r, ■ et d l4o an 1 we odd a I
I sample farm seed novelty never seen before!
Iiy you. SALZER SEED CO., SolPCLaCro1
.-,. Wit. I
N o . 6 -0 9
TH K W w r i t i n g t o »« lv cr tis er tf p l e a s «
U. o f O. Takes Up Wrestling.
University o f Oregon, Eugene— The
university students have taken up
wrestling with a great deal o f zeal.
Twenty or 30 are out on the mat every
afternoon. Joe I.a Salle, who had the
t i n e bruit.
match recently with O ’Connell in Port­
B ig gs I o v e rh e a rd G r a ftle lg h boast-
land, is being conditioned by Trainer
lug o f b is fa m ily tree the o th e r d a y .
Hayward and at the same time is
D igg*— H u h ! It m ust be a plum tree,
teaching wrestling to the students.
Bill Hayward is trying to arrange a
match with O. A. C. for the latter
part o f February.
m e n t i o n tlii.«i p a p e r .
A F la v o r in g .
It m ak e» 9
s y r u p L e tte r th a n M a p le .
Sold by grocer».
There are more able-bodied men to the
total population in the W estern State«
o f the F nited States and Canada than
anywhere else in the world.
Examination Dates Set.
Albany— The semi-annual examina­
tion o f Linn county teachers will be
held in this city February 10 to 13, in­
Cold Injures Fruit Trees.
Echo— Advices from Hermiston are
that young fruit trees were injured by
the resent cold weather.
Barley— Feed, $27(0,27.50 per ton;
brewing, $28.
AVcgeii/l/le Preparai Ion for As
Wheat— Bluestem, $1.05; club, 92c;
similaliiiO the FoodantfRc^trta
fife, 92c; red Russian, 90c; 40-fold,
lintjilic Stnraadisandlkiwlsof
96c; valley, 95c.
Oats— No. 1 white, $33.50 per ton.
Hay— Timothy, Willamette valley,
$16 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $17(//18;
Promotes Di'AcsIion.ChmtVi
clover, $120i 13; alfalfa, $14; grain
nessi/ivl l’est .C ontoln s neither
hay, $120113.
Opium.Morphine norMuicnl.
Fruits— Apples, 75c0/$3 per box;
N o t N a r c o t ic .
pears, $10/1.75 per b o x ; quinces, $10/
1.25 per b ox; cranberries, $14.500^15
Jfecipr ofOU D t SM UH W R
per barrel; persimmons, $10/12.5.
fomjktn Seed "
Potatoes $ 1.25011.50 per hundred;
jUx Sinm *■
sweet potatoes, 2 )4c per pound.
!' '■
jdnhfM ♦
O nions— Oregon, $1,750/2.25 per
hmetnwtf -
Li Taricauk Soda *
hvrm Si'pJ-
Vegetables Turnips, $1.50 Or 1.75
Qvrtfkd Si/qT •
per sack; carrots, $1,250/1.50; pars­
mdiyra/ Fkmt.
nips, $1,500/1.75; beets, $1,500/1.75;
Aperf’ . 1 Remedy forrmrcfi”
horseradish, 80il0c per pound; arti­
tlon, Sour Stor.vKh.Dtarrhm
chokes, $1.40 per dozen; beans, 2 c
per pound; cabbage, 2!^c per pound;
ness anil Loss or S leep .
cauliflower, $2 per crate: eggplant,
11c per pound; parsley, 30c per dozen;
Facsimile Signature of
peas, 20c per pound; peppers, 150/,20c
per pound; pumpkins, 10/,1
pound; sprouts, 10c per pound; squash,
10 j 1 !4c per pound.
Butter—City creamery, extras, 37c;
fancy outside creamery, 350/3 6 c; store,
180/ 20C per pound.
¡uLu:*anl>: e
Eggs Oregon ranch, 40/'/ 42 \ c per
dozen; Eastern, 300/35c.
E xact C o p y o f W rapper.
Poultry Hens, 1 2 ^ 0/1 3 per pound;
spring, large, cl ^2(0 13c; sma’ l, 180/
20c; mixed, 120/13c; ducks, 190/20c;
geese, 100/11c; turkeys, 180/20C.
ten out info a i'>af 1
Veal— Extra, 100/10)jic per pound;
ID Inch in thick:.
• b<' o:n»*s translucent,
ordinary, 70/8 c; heavy, 5c.
Pork— Fancy, 8 0 /8 >yc per pound; tnd the light ra js p in t rating it give it
t greenish hue.
large, 80l8>$C.
Hops— 1908, choice, 7>ic per pound;
good prime,
7 c; medium, 5 d»0/
,6 c ; 1907, 2 6 z2 X c; 1906,
Wool- Eastern Oregon, a v e r a g e best,
100/ 14c per pound, according to shrink­
a g e ; T a lle y ,
m o h a ir,
choice, 18 ^ 19c.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thiriy Years
If« I'nm lllnr *nnn«l.
I • :
cia l)
I can't recall jro ir fa< e. Miss ■ ■ —
Woman -M oilin g»
T h e Rev. Dr. F ourthly M i-« Hollings­
worth, hut your voice has a fam ilial
Sprightly Y o o n ; W oman W ell, that'«
not so H’ rnng0, dr« tor : I h a rt b?en s in ^
ing in your choir !o. u >■ &r aud a hait.