Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 28, 1909, Image 2

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    The Estacada Progress
b M c d Cacti Thursday
Would Discourage Emigration and
Continue Friendl/ Relations.
Washington, Jan. 26. Marquis Ivat-
sura, prime minister o f Japan, and
Count Komura, minister of for ign
affairs, recently explained at Tokio to
Francis B. Loomis, commissioner-gen­
eral to the Japanese exposition, in a
series of interviews of uncommon in­
terest and of gieat political import­
ance, the attitude and position of the
Japanese government in respect to the
General Review o f Important Hap­ I main questions at issue between Japan
penings Presented in a B rief and ar.d the United States.
“ I was deeply and agreeably im-
Comprehensive Manner for Busy
Readers— National, Political, His­ ] pressed,” said Mr. Loomis, ‘ ‘ with the
direct, explicit and what seem* d to me
torical and Commercial.
satisfactory statement of Count Komu­
ra, minister of foreign affairs, respect­
ing the United States. His utterances
The Oregon Short Line is surveying were frank, clear and cordial.
for a new road along Snake river.
‘ ‘ Count Komura and Japan’s aspira­
A Thurston, Oregon, farmer was tions were for peace and that, so far as
found dead in bed after an attack of the United States was concerned, his
country most heartily desired to pre­
serve unbroken anil unimpaired the his­
The House has refused to increase
tory o f the frim ship b tween Japan
the pension of the widow of Rear-Ad­
and the United States. He said the
miral Ooghlan.
people of Japan had long felt that the
The Duke de Abruzzi is the only man United States had been not only a kind
who has ever reached the top o f Mt. friend to Japan, hut a very dependable
and helpful one, and that this govern­
St. Elias, Alaska.
A prominent congressman saysJa ment earnestly d*sired this amicable
relationship to continue and would loy­
pan appears to have the power of veto
ally endeavor to do its utmost to main­
over American legislation.
tain it. He declared the actions of
A Denver woman has been stealing this governm nt had borne out its
to ward off starvation, and left a note words and pr mises.
for one of her victims asking forgive­
“ In the matter o f emigration of Jap­
anese laborers, ” said Count Komu a,
A universal earthquake has been re­ ‘ ‘ we are doing our utmost to work in
corded by observatories all over Asia. harmony with the government of the
It is believed to have centered in Tur­ United States and to meet its wishes.
We ar- energetic in discouraging emi­
gration to the United Stat* s and else­
The Atlantic liner Republic was where except to Corea, Formosa and
rammed in midocean by the liner Flor­ parts of Manchuria. It is the definite
ida. Wireless messages for help saved policy of the government of Japan to
all on board.
concentrate its surplus populations—
Three Russian desperadoes killed that which is disposed to emigrate in
three persons near London, England, these parts o f the Orient which I have
and wounded five others. When close­ mentioned. There is opportunity fora
ly pursued two of the thugs committed very large number of our peop’e in Co-
n a. They can be of general assist­
ance in modernizing the development
Jay Gould has volunteered as proba­ of that country and can add vastly to
tion officer in New York.
its productiveness, and at the same
The Japanese government is cutting time better their own class.
expenses everywhere possible.
Indications are that floods in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho are over.
Monday, January 25.
Salem, Jan. 25. Plans for two ex­
tra circuit judges in Multnomah, each
to be paid $3000 by the state and $1000
by the county, appeared in the house
today in a bill o f Representative Jae­
ger. of Multnomah.
The responsibility of stockholders in
banking corporations will be increased
c onsiderably if a constitutional amend­
ment, proposed by Representative Pur-
din, is adopted by the people. !t pro­
vides that stockholders in-banking cor­
porations shall be liable severally for
all of the indebtedness of such corpora­
tions and that stockholders in all other
co:p »rations shall be liable lor the
amount of their stock subscribed a d
paid in.
Further demands for Normal school
aid developed in the house this after­
noon when Applegate, of Douglas, in­
troduced two such measures. One
calls for the appropriation of nearly
86000 to cover deficiencies resulting
from the operation of the Drain Nor­
mal school for the year ending July 1,
1908. The other asks for an appro­
priation o f $20,000 to meet the ex­
penses of that institution for the bien­
nial period ending December 31, 1910.
Muncy, o f Curry, revived his bill
providing for a reduction in the fee
charged mining corporations for filing
articles of incorporation and otherwise
exempting such companies from the
payment of any other assessments to
the state.
Free school books furnished by dis­
tricts is the object of a bill by Repre­
sentative Jones, of Clackamas.
Salem, Jan. 25. Bills creating fully
200 new jobs, many of them on fat
pay, have been introduced in the Ore­
gon legislature, loading up taxpayers
with more than $1,000,000 salaries and
expenses for the ensuing two years.
This estimate does not include increas­
ed pay for county officials, outside of
Multnomah, w^iose rush for “ more”
has produced a big crop of new bills.
Nor does this estimate include the cost
of numerous proposed boards, per diem
“ expense” to be fixed by the legisla­
ture. The new jobs are to have the
titles of commissioner, inspector, dep­
uty clerk, stenographer and so on. Of
this enormous amount of salary and ex­
pense money that will be asked of the
taxpayers, the senate leads with bills
proviidng for $818,000, while the house
has under consideration measures that
provide for $219,100.
Eighteen Injured on a Portland Sub­
urban Street Car Line.
Outweighs All Others, is View Taken
by Roosevelt.
Washington, Jan. 22.— In convarsa-
Portland, Jan. 20. Eighteen p r ­
* "
' tion » ith Am e of his visitors, particu­
isons were injured, one fatally, in an !
More Mone/ tor Fair.
larly iSenab ra Flint, o f Colorado, and
accident at Williams avenue and Cher­
Portland An up|>eal for an addi­ Fulton, ot Oregon, President Roosevelt
legislature put on the economy brakes ry street at 2 :30 o'clock yesterday af­
hard this sission wrill go dow’n in his­ ternoon when the trailer of car No.
today Went so fur as to say he thought
tory as the most extravagant thut ever 353, of the St. John line, jumped the exhibit at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific nothing pending in congress or any of
sat at Salem. It is sure to go down as track in whirling around a curve, hurl-
the differences between himself and
the most expensive.
j ing both the motor ear and trailer a missioner» to the legislature. It is bo- congress were of half the importance
: lieved by the commission that the ad- o f the Jupanese-Culifornia question.
Appropriation bills galore have been distance of 100 feet.
introduced, and the session is only one-
There were 66 passengers on the 1 ditional money is necessary to properly He urged Ihe necessity of California’s
“ We congressional delegation using its influ­
third through. The calls for cash will ears. A few jumped as the ears leaped represent Oregon at the fair.
amount to fully $5,500,000, and may , from the tracks in their wild fligh t; have expended $400,00 on the building, ence :is freely i s possible against what
refrigerator might be resented by Japan.
reach $6,000, • »00
! others Were hurled through windows | including grounds and
Four bills have been passed by the and still others were pinioned on the I plant,” said M. I». Wisdom, one of the
Mr. Flint and other Californians
hou e and six to the senate, among sidewalk and in the street beneath the 'commission, and $10,000 for publicity, 1 have told the president plait Jy that,
them being:
j mass of debris.
Both motorman and
: while they are willing to help him,
Extending until March, 1911, time | conductor stayed with the cars.
They the additional money in order to prop­ j they do not place much confidence in
erly present the fisheries, livestock, the figures of the governm. nt us to the
in w'hich appropriation for purchase of w’ere uninjured.
Oregon City locks shall be available;
Accidental breaking of the air pipes dairying, poultry, mineral and educa­ I decreasing number of Japanese in this
California 1 country. The facts dispute the figures,
increasing penalties for highway rob­ is said to have been the cause of the tional features of Oregon.
bery; permitting banks to act as trus­ disaster. The break occurred several has an appropriation of $100,000, in they"declare, and add that the Japanese
blocks from the scene and was discov­ addition to an exhibit that is ready to are taking posses ion of whole towns.
Twenty-five now bills appeared in ered by the motorman, R. Gove, two be shown at any tim e.” The commis- | The president advised his California
the house today, among them;
blocks aw ay, as the cars approached sionw as given $100,000 at the last I visitors that he wi uld like to see a fair
Appropriating $15,000 to aid Mal­ the down grade leading to the sharp session o f the legislature with the trial given to the promise of the Jap­
heur county in improving Snake river curve at Williams avenue and Cherry tactit understanding that if the $50.000 anese to decrease the number o f their
additional were needed it could be se­ citizens in this country anti, if this
at Ontario; creating office of inspector street.
o f boilers; providing for state veter­
A telegraph pole and maple tree were cured the present session.
trial shows that there is no decrease,
inarian; prohibiting manfacture and snapped by the impact.
then he will no longer use his influ­
sale of cigarettes; appropriating $15,- there is a wide space of street at the
For Tuberculosis Fight.
ence, even alter he goes out of ottic •,
000 annually to aid government in intersection through w'hich the cars
Portland Physicians and others in to prevent hostile It gislation.
making topographical maps of Oregon. swept.
Mr. Fulton, after h s talk at the
Oregon interested in the national light
The senate succeeded in getting only
As the cars le ft the tracks some of that is being made againstt uberculo- White house, said that the feeling as
19 new’ measures before that body to­ the passengers began to jump.
How sis, both to educate the public and to to the Japanese in his state was not as
day, among them:
so many of the 66 passengers escaped prevent the spread o f the disease, wilt aeute as in California.
Appropriating $2,500 annually for with their lives is remarkable.
present a bill to the legislature asking
experiment station in Eastern Oregon
Most of the passengers were women, for a state tuberculosis sunitorium.
in co-operation with government; cre­ few children being aboard.
The National Association for the Study
ating county of Nesmith from por­
and Prevention o f Tuberculosis is be­
tions of Lane and Douglas counties; to
hind the movement and will ask that a Studied Bank's System and Then Jug­
r*. gulate appropriation of water.
suitable building be constructed by the
gled Books and Checks.
New Panel for Calhoun Jury Melts stati and that not only may those suf­
St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 22.— Don Carlos
Wednesday, Januaiy*20.
Away Very Fast.
Wisely, after telling of having “ plant­
Salem, Jan. 20.— Confirmation of
and proper care there, but that the
San Francisco, Jan. 20. Yesterday’s sanitorium be made the center for edu­ ed” over $8,000 in the safety vaults
Chamberlain’ s election as United States
o f the Portland Trust company, dictat-
senati r was made today by the legisla­ proceedings, opening the second w’eek cating the people o f the state of the
i d a confession o f how he robbed the
ture, in the maimer prescribed by the of the trial o f Patrick Calhoun upon most approved preventive measures
Old National hank, of Spokane, to raise
Federal statute. The tw’o houses met an indictment charging the offer of a against the dreaded scourge.
money to leurn the plumbing trade.
in joint assembly, heard the reading of bribe to a San Francisco supervisor,
“ In Aguust, 1908, I obtained a posi­
yesterday’s journal, relating to the resulted in no addition to the three men
Farmers’ Course Begins.
tion at the hank as blotter cl rk for the
election in each house, and received who were temporarily passed last week
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­ laying teller,” suid Wisely in his
from President Bowerman, o f the sen­ and it was evident that many days
lis De-pite the extreme cold weather statement.
“ I worked overtime at
ate, the announcement that Chamber- w’ould elapse before the taking o f tea
timony wras begun. Out of 150 citi­ which has made it impossible for many night to svudy the bank’s system of
lain had been elected.
farmers to leave the farm, the number handling money. It took me just six
The only unusual event w’as the read­ zens summoned all hut 6 escaped ser­
attending the short courses at the O. weeks to find out there was a loophole
ing of the protests of the legislators vice before the opposing attorneys were
A. C. is almost double that of last in the bank’s dealings with the clear­
who had cast unw’illing votes for Cham­ given an opportunity to test them for
years. The total number registered to ing house through which 1 could obtain
bias and prejudice.
berlain and Cake.
The preliminary examination by date is 170, of which number 65 reg­ a large amount o f money.
Twenty-nine bills were introduced in
istered in the work given during farm­
"F irs t o f all I stole $1,000 in silver
the house today, among them the fol­ Judge William P. Law lor w as pro­
longed until within an hour of adjourn ers’ week, 18 in the course in dairying, from the vault and covered up the
lowing :
24 in the course in mechanic arts, 25 in shortage by making a fictitious entry
Providing for insurance department ment, and o f the men whose names
the course in domestic science and arts in one of the books.
Then, when a
and creating insurance commissioner at w’ere actualjy placed in the box, but
and 38 in the course in horticulture. check for $10,000 had passed through
a salary of $4,000 per annum; requir­ three were questioned. Two o f these
Many students are here from the most my hands and from the bookkeeper to
ing doors of public buildings to open admitted bias, and the third, a former
distant Eastern and Southern counties. the cashier and then to the statement
outward; regulating use of hatpins and streetcar conductor, who was discharg­
The counties are not as well rep­ clerk, I got it again and made another
limiting length to 10 inches; appro­ ed by the United Railroads company
resented as usual, which is probaby entry of it. A fte r it passed through
priating $130,000 for additional build­ prior to the first strike, had not been
due to the bad condition o f the roads.
the various hands a second time I stop­
ings at the Agricultural college; pro­ passed by the defense and was under
ped it again.
Later, when another
hibiting any candidate for office from interrogation by Assistant District
$10,000 reached the bank from another
Phone Line for Burns.
making pre-election pledges; appro­ Attorney Heney when the day’s pro­
Burns -r- Articles o f incorporation institution, I took the first one to the
priating $153,660 for land and dormi­ ceedings ended.
Every variety of excuse CQvered by were ii'ed a few days ago with the clearing house and got gold certificates
tories at Weston, Monmouth and Ash­
for it.
land Normal schorls; appropriating the statutes w'as employed by citizens county clerk by the Eastern Oregon
“ I left Spokane immediately after
$168,000 for salaries and expenses of wrho escaped service. Many depended Telephone & Telegraph company, with
getting the money and went to Port­
Weston, Monmouth and Ashland Nor­ upon the representation that their bus­ J. R. Jenkins, J. H. Jordan and E. T.
iness affairs would suffer irreparable Jenkins as incorporators. The prin­ land, where I opened an account under
mal schools.
the assumed name o f Harry Moore.”
A large proportion o f the bills in injury. Others presented physician’s cipal office is at Burns, and the cupital
certificates and half a dozen claimed stock is $10,000.
The intention of
both houses W’ere of a local nature.
exemption because of previous service the company is to put in a line from
in the National Guard. One talesman Burns to Lawen, which will connect
Tuesday, January 19.
Salem, Jan. 19.— When President
Chicago Meat Men Destroy Papers
Bow’eiman at noon announced that the his certificate of service in the militia, from Burns to Paulina, both of which
Sought by Government.
time had arrived to ballot for United
Jan. 22.— Smoke and ashes
States senator every inch o f standing
The police guard at the courtroom
have put an unexpected limitation
room in the chamber was taken. Prom­
Report on Stamp Sales.
upon the government’s investigation
inent citizens from all over the state w’as increased and few spectators
Portland The committee o f the Vis­ of the beef industry. Though the gov- -
were seated* by the side o f members gained admittance.
iting Nurses’ association which had emment’ s at orneys had been expect­
or sandwiched in the crow’d outside the
charge o f the recent Red Cross stamp ing to spring a new sensation in the
railing. There was a tense stillness
sale has rendered final rports as to the near future by turning their batteries
w hen the voting began, broken by ap­
plause when Senator Abraham, first on Adds $1.000,000 to Chicago Univer­ result of the campaign for funds to be o f investigation upjn other promin­
devoted to the war against tuberculosis ent packing concerns than Morris &
sity Endowment Fund.
the roll, cast his vote for Chamberlain.
Those who voted for Chamberlain
Chicago, Jan. 20.—John D. Rock­ which is being waged in all parts of Co,., tile news reached the district at­
and placed their protests in the journal efeller today added $1,000,000 to the the country. The total amount real­ torney’s office today that thousands of
are : Senate - Schofield o f Clatsop and endowment fund of the University of ized from the sale o f the stamps in docum. nts, claim files and letters had
Complete re­ been burned at the stuck yards by the
Johnson of Benton; Barrett of Wash­ CbLago.
The university founder’s Portland is $1,828.16.
ington did the same, but his protest by latest benefaetion was announced to­ turns from over the state are not in as packers, who did not relish the idea of
a Federal investigation.
some oversight is omitted.
night by Registrar Thomas W. Good- yet.
There was quick action on the part
Brady, Davis and Mahone of Multno­ spead after the receipt o f a telegram
of the Federal authorities when they
Ackerman O ffers Prize.
mah, Richardson o f Union and Muncy from John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Salem State Superintendent of Pub­ learned that valuable evidence had been
of Curry.
The gift, which comes in the form
Tomorrow noon, the two houses will o f the transfer o f securities yielding lic Instruction Ackerman has announc­ burned. Secret service men who work
meet in joint assembly and President an annual income o f $40,000, raises ed that his office would offer a prize of under the supervision o f the depart­
Bowerman will declare Chamberlain the total atnount of the oil king’s do­ $5 to the high school student submit­ ment of justice were hurrii d to the
nations to the university to $24,809,- ting the best drawing to he used as a stockyards to learn wbat employes had
The detailed vote in the house was: 666.98, of which $15,000,000 is for en­ cover page design fur “ Arbor day,” sorted the claims and burned the unde­
For Chamberlain — Abbott, Altman, dowment purposes.
O f this amount the annual publication devoted to the sirable ones found on in the files.
Barrett, Bedillion, Brady, Brandon, more than $8,000,000 have been given observation of Arbor day. Details will is pro; osed to subpoena witnesses be­
be given out through a circular letter fore the grand jury to investigate the
Bryant, Campbell, Clemens, Corrigan, during the past three years.
Couch, Davis, Dimick, Dodds, Eaton,
For the first time on the occasion of to be mailed to superintendents.
Another venireman in the Calhoun Flotilla Arrives at Bay City 125 Days
Out From New York.
case reports an attempted bribery.
San Francisco, Jan. 26.— Weather­
A water-front fire at Galveston de­
beaten and stained by the storms of
stroyed $500,000 worth of property.
many seas, the lightship flotilla sailed
An anti-race track betting bill has into port today, 125 days out from New
been passed by the California house.
York. The little fleet, consisting of
The eruption of Lagnas, in the Phil­ three ligh'ships and thrte lighthouse
Saturday, Jan. 23.
ippines, has entirely changed the form tenders, made its voyage o f mor«* than
Salem, Jan. 23.— Senator Hart's
of the mountain.
tain Albert Mertz, who is in command, mine inspection bill provides for the
The California floods are worse in
is highly pleased with the performance appointment of an inspector who is to
some places, but for the most part the
of his staunch little craft. Out of be a deputy in the office of the Labor
waters are subsiding.
Callao, the lightships were taken in Commissioner, and give feis entire time
Cosgrove is on his way north to be tow by the ter ders to save coal, and to the inspection of mines. He is to
receive $4.50 per day and actual ex­
inaugurated governor of Washington 175 miles were covered in this way.
and will then return south.
The lightship Columbia River, No. penses while so engaged. The bill is
in general framed upon the plan of the
Harriman declares he will cut wages 88, will go north to guard the entrance general labor commission law.
o f employes in Wyoming if the legisla- of the stream af er which she is named.
Secretary of State F. W. Benson has
The Swiftsure, No. 93, and the tender
ruture passes a 2-cent rate law.
Manzanita go to the Straits of Fuca, asked the Legislature to arrange for
publication of a small pamphlet on
One hundred and seventy-five persons the * ntrance to Puget Sound. The Re­
are known to have lost their lives lie f and tender Sequaia will remain the resources of Oregon, giving au­
through heavy floods in the Transvaal here, and the tender Kuqui goes to thentic information regarding all por­
tions of the state, which pamphlet may
be mailed to people in the East who
The widow of Rear Admiral Coghlan
write for information. A t present
is in destitute circumstances and will
there is no public document which the
have to look for work unless the gov­
state officers can send in answer to
ernment grants her a pension.
such inquiries. The secretary’s idea is
bark on U. S. Cruisers.
that the pamphlet should contain infor­
Senator Flint, of California, says he
Charleston, S. C., Jan. 26. Presi- mation furnished by the several coun­
does not believe anti-Japanese bills
will be passed in his state, but says lent-elect T a ft and w ife and many ties, edited to see that it is correct,
newspaper correspondents, a corps of and that each county be assigned the
immigrants are still pouring in.
expert engineers and other distinguish­ same amount ot space in the pamphlet.
San Pedro harbor is to be extensive­ ed friends, will begin tomorrow morn­
The preparation of the matter for the
ly fortified.
ing a cruise that will end at New Or­ pamphlet would cost the state nothing,
The National Child Labor conference leans February 13.
and the only expense would be printing
Mr. T aft and his imm* diate party the pamphlets and mailing them.
is in session in Chicago.
will sail on the North Carolina and the
Senator Bailey’s bill to create a pub­
Marshall Field’s daughter has sued
others will go on the Montana. Both lic playgrounds hoard in Portland is
for the income of the estate.
boats will be crowded to the limit. likely to run against a constitutional
The Canadian Pacific plans to build Returning from Panama the T aft party obstruction. Wnile it does not ex­
another line across the country.
will he transferred from the warships pressly purport to amend the charter of
The threatened arrest o f 40 Pitts­ to the scout cruisers Birmingham an l the City of Portland, it creates a board
Salem for the trip up the mouth of the with power to levy a tax in Portland
burg councilmen has caused a panic.
Mississippi river. This arrang ment and to purchase and manage property
An anti-betting law is sure to be will permit the North Carolina and and public institutions, w’hich property
passed by the California legislature.
Montana to assist in escorting home is to be owned by the City of Portland.
New charges of attemptied jury the hat'leship fleet on its return from
Friday, January 22.
bribing in the Calhoun case have been the world-wide cruise.
Salem, Jan. 22.- The senate passed Hatteberg, Jackson, Jaeger, Jones a large g ift to the university, Mr.
Utah May Be Made Dry.
four bills today and received six new (Lincoln), Jones (Douglas),
Jones Rockefeller did not add a sum for the
Creamery Installs Machinery.
The Illinois senatorial deadlock con­
Salt Lake City, Jan. 26. Prohibi­ ones. Those passed are :
(Clackamas), Libby, Mahone, Mariner, payment of an expected deficit. The
Shelburn— The Shelburn creamery
tinues and all legislative business is
Allowing members of congress to McDonald, Miller, Muncy, Munkers, budg t for the coming fiscal year be- has finished installing its new. machin­
tion that shall be state wide and abso­
held up.
lute is the intent of a hill introduced register without coming home; provid Orton, Patton, Philpott, Purdin, Rich­ gnnin gJu ly, 1909, amounting to $1,- ery. Operations began last week.
Mayor McClellan, of New York, op­ in the lower branch of Utah’s legisla­ ing tire escapes for all hotels and lodg- ardson, Rusk. Totol, 34.
350,000, w ill be covered by the uni­
poses municipal operation o f public ture yesterday. The measure, which inghouses; the nine foot bed sheet
For Cake Applegate, Beals, Bone- versity income. For the first time in
was drawn under the direction of the hill, and giving the Circuit judge of brake, Buchanan, Carter, Farrell, the history o f the Midway school the
Mahoney, institution is practically self support­
Governor Gillett says there will be anti-saloon league in this city, and Baker county an increase of $1,0U0 Greer, Hines,
— Feed, $27(n 27.50 per
ton ;
Mann, McKinney,
Mr. ing.
no anti-Japanese laws passed in Cali­ which is supposed to have th“ indorse­ in salary, to be paid by the county.
brewing, $28.
fornia for the present, at least.
Wheat— Bluestem, $1.05; club, 92c;
Eruption in Luzon.
of the dominant church in Utah, is limiting the legal rate of interest to 6
For Fulton Bean, Belknap, Bones,
fife, 92c; red Russian, 90c; 40-fold,
Floods are doing great damage, es­ drastic in the extreme. Supporters per cent, but allowing 8 per cent on Brattain, Brooks, Calkins, Conyers,
Manila, Jan. 20.—-The volcano of 96c; valley, 95c.
pecially to railroad property, in Idaho, of the prohibition hill assert that two- contracts.
Hawley, Leinenweber, McCue, Meek, Lagnas, in Tayabas province, which
Oats— No. 1 white, $33.50 per ton.
Washington, Oregon and California.
A movement has been started which I Smith. Total, 12.
thirds of the members of the house are
forms the southwestern part of the
Hay— Timothy, Willamette valley,
has for its purpose the annulment of
In the senate the vote in detail was Island of Luzon, became suddenly ac­
The senate of Tennessee has passed pledged in its favor.
$16 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $170/18;
the Statement No. 1 feature of the as follow’s :
tive between 8 and 9 o’clock last night,
a bill prohibiting the manufacture of
clover, $120/13; alfalfa, $14; grain
primary law.
Year’ s Yield $80.138,000
I Chamberlain Abraham, Albee, Bailey, and the eruption seriously damaged
intoxicating liquors and the house is
hay, $ 120/13.
The demand for a branch asylum | Rarrett, Bingham, Caldwell, Hedges, the surrounding country.
No reports
also like to take similar action. Should
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 26.—One o f the
Fruits— Apples, 75c0z$3 per box;
it do so, the governor will use his veto. most important and interesting depart­ for Eastern Oregon is causing quite a Johnson, Kay, Kellaher, Miller (Linn). o f loss of life have been received. pears, $10/1.75 per b ox; quinces, $10/
mental reports ever Issued from the stir, as is also the talk of removing Mulit, Norton, Nottingham, Oliver, Loud reports, detonations and deep 1.25 per box; cranberries, $14.500/15
Rumor again says Abruzzi will wed government offices is that which has the capital from Salem to Portland. Selling. Scholfield, Sinnott, Smith. rumblings preceded the eruption and
per barrel; persimmons, $10/12.5.*
Miss Elkins.
were heard during the afternoon. Tel­
just appeared from the department of Some members W’ant the state fair Total, 19.
Potatoes— $1.250/1.50 per hundred;
moved to Portland also.
M. N. Johnson was re-elected senator
swvet potatoes, 2 ’ 4c per pound.
from North Dakota.
Onions— Oregon, $1.750/2.25 pet
Thursday, January 21.
Cake - Coffey, Cole, Mr. President. water.”
Canada valued at $86,138,000 in 1907,
Salem, Jan. 21. Unless the ways Total, 3.
The Missouri legislature has re­ as compared with only a little over
Vegetables— Turnips, $1.50 6T 1.75
Asia Minor Feels Shock.
R. S. Bean— Miller (Linn). Total 1.
elected Senator Stone.
$20,000,000 12 years ago. In that and means committees o f the Oregon
per sack; carrots, $1.250/1.50; pars­
nips, $1.500/1.75; beets, $1.500/1.75;
The Utah legislature has re-elected
T o Increase Attendance.
Government to Contest.
Yukon it is stated that the total pro­
asccrtlined, eight persons were killed! horseradish, 80/10c per pound; arti­
Reed Smoot to the senate.
duction of gold from 1895 to 1907 was
Salem Plans are maturing for a
Pendl ton Alleging that a number
chokes, $1.40 per dozen; beans, 2 ,„c
Thomas P. Gore has been returned $122,951,000.
material addition to the Oregon State of homesteaders in Cold Springs sec- j miles, northwest of this city, and at P‘ r pound; cabbage, 2 He per pound;
to the senate from Oklahoma.
fair and if an idea advanced by County tion o f the county have failed to com-
cauliflower, $2 per crate: eggplant,
California Race Tracks Doomed.
Superintendent of Schools W. M. Smith p’y with requirements, the government ble damage was done to buildings at! 11c per pound; parsley, 30c per dozen;
James P. Clarke will succeed him­
San Francisco, Jan. 26. That rac­ works out, patronage of the fair prom- has instituted a series of contest suits. |
self as senator from Arkansas.
peas, 20c per pound; peppers, 150/20c
ing in the state of California is doomed ises to be increased fully one-third. Attorney Fred C. Rabb, who is here came panic stricken, though no serious ’
Frank B. Brandegee has been re­ and that the present season at the fa­ He hopes to inteiest the county and repr* senting the government, refuses damage resulted. The earthquake was per pound; pumpkins, 10/1L4 c per
pound; sprouts^ 10c per pound ; squash,
elected senator from Connecticut.
mous Emeryville and Santa Anita state authorities in a scheme for a to divulge the full list o f claims to be felt here, hut there was no loss of life. 10/1 'ac per pound.
Hemmenway will be succeeded as course's will mark the passing o f the mammoth school fair, to be conducted contested, hut it*is rumored that a cir­ The American battleships Louisiana
Butter— City creamery, extras, 37c;
Senator from Indiana by Shively.
‘ ‘ sport of kings, is the opinion of the | in conjunction with the state exposi- cuit judge and attorney are among the and Virginia are here.
fancy outside creamery, 350/ 36c, store,
Roosevelt says Japanese are leaving , majority of race fol’owers at Sacra- ; tion. and to show here exhibits of ev* ry r umber. The action of the govern­
180/20C perpound.
Mexican Volcano Active.
The passage o f the Walk
character, all the handiwork of school ment is based upon petitions sent in by
United States without legislation.
F ggs-O regon ranch, 400/42L*c per
Otis anti-racetrack bill by an over­ children. He believes ths would inter­ neighbors who have made signed state­
Mexico City, Jan. 20.- The volcano dc/.en: Eastern, 300/35c.
Charles J. Hughes has been elected
whelm ng majority in the lower house est every parent in the state.
near the city o f Colima is in eruption.
Poultry— Hens, 12^0/13 per pound;
senator from Colorado to succeed Tel-j
has spread consternation in the ranks
It is throwing out a great quantity of spring, large, c l '.,20/13c; sma'I, 180/
Good Prices for Grain.
Bandon Puts in Bulkhead.
o f the opponents of the proposed law.
ashes ai d stones. No lava is flowing 20c; mixed, 120/13c; ducks, 190/20c;
The North Carolina legislature elect­
Klamath Fall: Wheat, oats and i Bandon—James Laughead, of Port­ and the people are not alramed. Seve­ geese, 100/11c; turkeys, 180/20c.
ed Lee H. Overman United States sen­
Fire Scares Passengers.
barley are now selling in Klamath land, has arrived here and will begin ral slight earthquake shocks have been
Veal— Extra, 100/ 10^c per pound;
Kenmore, Ireland, Jan. 26.- Twen­ county at $2.50 a hundredweight, and at once the construction o f a bulkhead reported, but there has been no dam­ ordinary, 70/8c; heavy, 5c.
TheNe w Hamsphire legislature re­ ty-four pa— ng fra on t *• packet from flour at $1.75 a sack. The shortage in on the north side of the Coquille river, age.
Pork— Fancy, 8018,‘ye per pound;
elected Jacob H. Gal linger United Liverpool to Cork had a thrilling expo- last year’s crop, as well as the amount to protect the hank from the breakers,
large, 80/8 He­
States senator.
rience on Saturday night.
Fire was of work going on in the county, has which dash agairst it constantly when
ll ops— 1908, choice, 7'yC per pound;
Dos Moines, la., Jan. 20.— Albert good prime, 6 ‘ a0t7c; medium, 5,‘ 20z
Senator Penrose was re-elected sen­ discover* d on the ship and with g n a t put up the price. A good many farm they come from the southwest. The
ator for the third time by the Pennsly- difficulty all the pass* tigers were trans- ers are still holding their crops, so it hat k has been w ashed away to such an R. Cummins was yest rday elected to 6c: 1907, 20/2.H e; 1906, 10/1 K..C.
ferred to a passing ship. They were is not like y there will he a serious ext* nt that the residence of the light- a six-year term in the United States
vania leigslature.
Wool -Eastern Oregon, average best,
Coe I. Crawford was the choice of landed at Holyhend this morning. The shortage before next summer, when the house kee per on the north side of senate. The two houses in joint ses­ 100114c per pound, according to shrink­
15 (d. 16 He;
the South Dakota legislature for Unit­ packet was (reached and bu ned to the railroad will be into Klamath Falls, the river is in danger o f being under­ sion will today make formal announce­ age; valley,
ment of the election.
choice, 18fq 19c.
water’s edge.
and shipments o f grain can be male.
ed States senator.
Recall Mayor Harper.
Los-Angeles, Jan. 22.— Two hundred
and fifty prominent citizens o f Los
Angeles, at a meeting today at the in­
stance of the Municipal league, voted
to prepare and circulate petitions de­
manding an election for the recall from
office o f Mayor A. C. Harper. It will
require the signatures of about 8,000
voters to call the election. The allega­
tions o f misconduct in office made
against Hari er are based principally
upon his ri cent appointment o f Chief
of I’olice Kern as member of the board
of public works and upon allegations
o f vice protection.
Aeroplane is Smashed.
Aldershot, England, Jan. 22.—The
aeroplane with which the balloon corps
of the British army is conducting ex­
periments again came to g rie f here to­
day. A fte r a couple of short flights,
Ca: tain F. S. Cody, the American in
charge o f the experiment work, started
on a more ambitious trip.
He had
hardly gone 100 yards at a height of
20 feet on his third trial when the lift­
ing fan buckled and the machine came
down with a thud and was badly
Captain Cody was not
More Lights for Pacific.
Washington, Jan 22.— For the light­
house establishment thro ghout the
United States, Secretary Stra s today
sent to congress estimates amounting
to $406,000. He asked among other
things $150,000 for a first-class s'eam
light vessel to mark Orford reef, Ore­
gon, a group of rocks extending two
and a half miles north and south and
one and a half mi'es east and west, and
$41,600 for six light and fog signals
in Puget sound.
Only One Pastes Mutter.
San Francisco, Jan. 22.— A single
talesman ran the gauntlet o f inquiry
yesterday in the trial o f Patrick Cal­
houn upon an indictment for bribery,
and 11 oth r->. whose examination occu­
pied the entire day, were challenged or
excused. The proce di-gs were almost
monotonous and th< re was not a sirg'e
clash between opposing attorneys.