Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 26, 1908, Image 3

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a sr A o 1 r \ s t
Thirty Known DtdJ dnd Many Injured
in Arkansas.
Tw o T w is te rs
S ta rt
Sam e T im e
and S w eep Path F o u r M ile s W ide
— C ro p s and F o re s ts Le veled to
G ro u n d —Several T o w n s A lm o t
D e m o lish e d .
M K. W M . fr. V AM LBLK G .
Mr. William F. Vahlberg, Oklahoma
City, Okla., w rites:
“ One bottle o f Peruna which I hav
taken did more toward relieving me of
an aggravated .case o f tatdrrh of llie
stomach, than years of treatment with
the best physicians.
“ I had given up hopes o f relief, and
only tried Peruna as a last resort.
“ I shall continue using it, as I feel
satisfied it will effect an entire and per­
manent cure.
“ I most cheerfully recommend Peru
na to all who may read th is."
Peruna is usually taken as a last re
Doctors have been tried and
Other remedies have been
used. Sanitariums have been visited.
Travel has been resorted to.
A t last Peruna is tried. Relief is
This history is repeated over and
over again, every day in the year. It
is such results as this that gives Peru
na its unassailable hold upon the peo
pie. We could say nothing that would
add force to such testimonials as the
above. That people who have had ca
tarch and have tried every other rem­
edy availal le, find relief in Peruna,
constitutes the best argument that
could be made.
1’ u p n 'ii
In c o m e .
“ But why are you in such a hurry to
got m arried? I lov© you aud you are
on the right side o f papa.”
“ I know, but It’s this keeping on the
right aide o f papa that Is worrying m e;
when we are married I won’t have to
let him win at poker when he plays.” —
Houston Post.
“ Yes,” related the suburban man,
burglar came around the other ulgLt
and stole every squeaky phonograph In
the neighborhood.”
“ G racious,” exclaimed the visitor,
“ and what are they going to give him
If captured?”
“ I don’t know, but I think they ought
to give him a monument.”
Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 24. Two
tornadoes, one north and the other
south bound, swept over West Arkan­
sas yesterday afternoon destroying
many lives and much property. All
means o f communication was cut off
and only indefinite reports have been
received from the districts visited.
From these reports it appears that at
ieast 30 lives were lost. The property
loss will reach hundreds o f thousands
of dollars.
One tornado started in the extreme
southwestern part o f the state and
traveled northward ft Rowing the sec­
ond tier qf counties from the western
boundary line.
The other started in
the northwestern corner o f the state
and went southward, to all indicat o is
following the second and third tier o f
The counties through which the tor­
nado passed are Lafayette, Columbia,
Miller, Pike, Howard,
Montgomery, Yell, Pope, Johnson,
Franklin and Carroll.
According to advices received, the
storm was at its height when it swept
through Piney, a German settlement
on the Iron Mountain railroad, be­
tween Knoxville and London. Late
reports from Russellville with which
communication can be had, are that
between 12 and 20 persons were killed.
Five lives are reported to have been
lost ten miles from Mulberry.
A re port from Fort Smith states
that 25 lives were lost in towns outside
of Pirey and Mulberry. This dispatch
decla es that the destruction of the
town o f Cravens was complete. Four
persons were killed, two were fatally
injured^and eight were missing at that
The tornado, approaching from the
southwest, crossed the Arkansas river
several miles south o f the settlement
of Piney and proceeded in a northeast­
erly direction. It swept through the
towns o f London, Wellerville, Jeshro,
Lodi, Lewisville, Paterson and Barry-
ville and outlying portions o f Mulberry,
either completely wrecking or laying
waste the larger part o f these places
and destroying timber
throughout the intermediate country.
Advices from Lewisville, in the
western portion o f Lafayette county,
report the destruction o f several build­
ings. Considerable property damage
and injury of several persons are re­
ported from Palmos.
In response to an appeal from Piney
for aid, a relief party, including three
physicians, left Knoxville, Ark., late
last night for that i lice .
S u b u r b a n ite .
“ I’ll soo,” said the wife, “ that you don’t
To ordor that ironstone china set !”
He missed his train, for she made him
While she tied a string around his finger.
— Chicago Tribune.
“ Champ” Clark, the Missouri Congress­
man, never writes his full name, James
Beauchamp Clark, except on important
A "man, 32,” advertises in a morning
London paper that he is willing to "un­
dertake any adventure, however desper­
looks b e lte r-w e a rs longer
and gives more
bodily comfort
because cut on
large patterns, yet
costs no more than
the just as good kinds'
SUITS' 3 °-? 5 LICK[R 5 ‘ 3 Q?
Evrrr garment
-» O W t-ftf
bearina the
* j
sign of the fish jj
w aterproof
This sterling household remedy is most
successfully prescribed for a “ world of
troubles.” For derangements o f the di­
gestive organs it is a natural corrective,
operating directly upon the liver and ali­
mentary canal, gently but persistently
stimulating a healthful activity.
beneficial influence extends, however, to
every portion o f the system, aiding in the
frocesses of digestion and assimilation o f
ood, prom oting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad
breath, irregularities o f the bowel9, con ­
stipation and the long list o f troubles
directly traceable to those unwholesome
Kasparilla dispels drowsi­
ness, headache, backache and despond­
ency due to inactivity o f the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic o f the highest value.
I f it fail9 to satisfy we authorize all
dealers to refund the purchase price.
H o y t C h e m ic a l C o . Portland, Oregon
M ik a d o
E vid e n tly R esolved to O v e r­
lo o k N o th in g in C h in a .
London, Nov. 24.— Japan is watch­
ing closely the development o f affairs
in China and is preparing for whatever
emergency the crisis may bring, ac­
cording to advices received today by
the British foreign office.
Despite Japanese denials o f inter­
ference in Chinese affairs, there is
every indication that the mikado is
keenly alive to the possibilities o f the
Oriental situation and will not be
found unprepared in any event.
Chinese messages, reaching London
by way o f Japan, say that Prince Chun
is splitting up the Chinese army and
appointing division commanders with
separate authority, as he fears to trust
to a consolidation o f power under any
one general.
This is taken to mean that serious
disffection exists in the ranks o f the
army and gives color to the report that
a revolution is threatened.
T u n n e l U n d e r P e n ite n tia ry .
Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 24.— Fol­
lowing the discovery o f an attempted
jail break which would have released
hundreds o f convicts in the Missouri
penitentiary, a rigid investigation o f
the prison management was begun to­
day. The jail delivery is believed to
have been engineered by life sentence
The plot had been carefully
worked out and was discovered in the
nick o f time.
A long tunnel was
found, leading underneath the prison
yard to the wall. When discovered the
hole had been bored nearly through.
O P E N S F IN E S U B W A Y .
B o sto n T u n n e l C o s t $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 and
C a rs O f f S u rfa c e .
The Chinese Doctor
Thin great Chin*«* phy­
sician in well known
throughout the North-
we«t because o f bin won­
derful and marvelous
cures, and in today her-
■ aided by all hin patients
f h * the greatest o f hi«
J kind. He treat« any and
’ all diseases with power-
_________________ ___ 1 ful Chine»» roots, herbs
and barks that are entirely unknown to the nied
[«••I science o f this country. W ith these harm-
Jess remedies he guarantees to cure catarrh,
asthma, lon g trouble«, rheumatism, nervounnese.
stomach, liver and kidney troubles, also private
disease« o f men and women
Pst ients outside o f city w rit« for bleaks and
circulars. Inolos« 4c stamp.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
162M, first «»., ^ car
Pert land. Or.
H a d n 't
I nvi t es C o n s u m p t i o n
It wtakt-ns tbt* delicate lung tissues,
deranges the digestive organs, and
breaks dow n the general health.
It often causes headache and dizzi­
ness, im pairs the taste, smell and
hearing, and affects the voice.
Being a constitutional disease it re­
quires a constitutional remedy.
Boston,, Nov. 23. What is
claimed to the the most ccomplete and
perfect tunnel for passenger traffic to
be found anywhere in the world has
just been completed in this city, and
will he opened for use during the week.
It is known as the Washington street
tunnel and is designed to relieve the
congestion o f the narrow and crooked
streets uf Boston's business section.
The tunnel will he used to carry the
trains o f the Bot ton Elevated railway
company throug. the downtown sec­
tion o f the city. The old tunnel, known
as the Tremont street subway, which
was the first to be built in America,
will be employed exclusively for the
socalled surface car traffic. With both
tunnels in use the downtown streets
will he practically relieved o f all street
The new tunnel is 5,676 feet long.
It is fireproof throughout.
All the
steel construction is protected by con­
crete from rust or fire. All the doors
and ticket booths and escalator balus­
trades are escased in sheet bronze.
The telephone offices and package rooms
and electricians' rooms have tiled walls
o f masonry. The signs are o f metal
and the seats and benches o f cement.
There is not a bit o f wood throughout
the completely fireproof structure.
The tunnel was begun and finished
with no disturbance to the traffic over­
To insure against the cutting off o f
the current at any time and thereby
plunging the stations into darkness,
three different sources o f supply are
arranged for, each independent o f the
other, and all so arranged that should
the current he shut off from one source
it is instantly supplied from another
source automatically by an arrange­
ment o f the main switches.
The tunnel was built by the Boston
Transit commission and leased to the
Boston Elevated Railway company for
25 years from the beginning o f its use.
It is built through that section o f Bos­
ton which contains the highest priced
land, with due regard for the best feas­
ible grade and alignment with respect
to the narrowness and crookedness of
the streets. Its cost, together with
the cost o f its approaches and equip­
ment, is estimated at over $10,000,000.
C o lo n e l Z im m e rm a n D ead.
Brazil, Ind., Nov. 24.—Colonel W.
H. Zimmerman, aged 72, o f this city,
died yesterday at Macon, Ga., on a
train while en route home from Flor­
ida. He was colonel o f the regiment
In which President McKinley enlisted
a« a private and issued the commission
lieutenant to the young private.
O m issio n s
W o u ld
. ^ T £ R S ’ & T R A P P E R S ’ G U ID E , '¡.“J,!, t;
; ' , 1
Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 23.— “ There is
no law for the white man in Japan.
The treaty made between Japan and
Great Britain counts for practically
nothing since the time o f the school
trouble in San Francisco.“
This strong and amazing statement
was made by an ex-officer o f the Brit­
ish royal navy, who has been employed
for some years as a civil engineer by
the Japanese government and who has
just passed through this city on his
way home to England.
The information which this gentle­
man has to give with regard to the in­
dignities and inconveniences that he
says are heaped upon white men in the
mikado's kingdom should prove a sur­
prise to those who have been accus­
tomed of late years, at least, to regard
the Japanese people as being possessed
o f most friendly feelings toward the
people o f Great Britain. According
to the information he is able to fur­
nish at first hand, no white man is at
all safe in the ownership o f any prop­
erty in Japan unless he becomes a nat­
uralized citizen o f that country.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 23.— Czar Nich­
olas Saturday made his first appearance
afoot in the streets o f his capital since
his coronation. The occasion was the
funeral o f Grand Duke Alexis. The
czar, dressed in full uniform as an ad­
! miral o f the Russian navy, walked im­
mediately behind the royal casket, ap­
parently indifferent to danger. The
streets through which the funeral cor­
| tege passed were lined with a double
file o f troops.
Shots Fired by Servians.
Budapest, Nov. 23.— The Austro-
Hungarian patrols on the Servian fron­
tier are being strengthened in conse­
quence o f reports that Servian troops
recently fired across the Danube at a
po nt near Zemedria on a party o f Aus­
äär *
Sold By grocers.
O n ly
W ay.
“This bathing pool on the lot you
sold me is a fake,” blustered the irate
"in what way, sir?” asked the crafty
real estate agent.
“ Why, you told me I would find the
water up to my neck. Instead of that I
; find it only 12 Inches deep.”
“ Well, er— I meant you would find
It up to your neck, sir. if you Jumi>ed Ui
head first.”
"Motor lurries” is the name given in
Manchester, England, to power trucks.
These trucks pay well, provided they al­
ways have full loads to carry.
The Bengal government pays a reward
for sharks caught in the Ganges. This
varies from 25 cents for small sharks to
$1.50 for those six feet long.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
and Quality
*r * *
In Use For Over 3 0 Years.
Should rem em ber that ou r fo r c e is so org a n ized that W E C A N
W O R K IN A D A Y . i f net*.’ <ary. P O S I T I V E L Y P A IN L E SS
E X T R A C T IN G F R E E w hen p la tes o r b rid g es a re ord ered .
no u n certa in ty —but S P E C IA L IS T S , w h o d o the m ost scien ­
tific and ca re fu l w ork .
N o . 4 8 -0 8
D r. W . A . W ise, M gr.. 21 years in P ortla n d . Second floor
F ailing b uilding. T hird and W a sh in gton streets.
O ffic«
hours: 8 A . M. to 8 P . M. S u n d ay s y to 1 P . M.
P ainless e x ­
tra ctin g GOe; p la tes $5 up.
Mrs. Upsome— Is your dentist one of
dbe "painless” kind?
Mrs. Oylwell— Not at all.
He’s so
sympathetic that he says it hurts him
Just as much as it does me.
A partm ent
A m en ities.
Third Floor Renter— When you buy
coffee why don’t you have the grocer
grind it for you?
Fourth Floor Renter— When you buy
a chuck steak why don’t you get the
butcher to hammer the daylights out of it
for you?
J lu d ly
K n it le d .
The timid young woman, who had let­
ters of introduction to the great man,
had ventured to call..
"You are ao busy, judge,” she said,
“ that I — I hesitated about
How many— er— days in tbs work
week ?”
do you
C hildren
Fash ion.
way w ai held to be not wholly respon­
Ku I l i e .
sible for 10 others because o f floods.
Hamlet had finished his soliloquy, and
The convictions on the remaining 10
were waiting to
counts will subject the company to a
fine o f from $100 to $500 for each ■ee what be would do next.
"N o,” they said, at last. “ He isn’t
C z a r N ic h o la s W a lks A b ro a d .
*-.129 *5^
“ Y ou’re always kicking about our hav-
1 Ing too many laws. I suppose you woulc
repeal the law of gravitation if you could.’
“ N o : that’s always rigidly enforced
It’s only the dead letter laws I’m after.'
Q u ite
going to do it. He taiks eloquently about
committing suicide, hut be lacks the sand.
Nothing doing."
Thus it appears that the original Ham­
let, like all his s i n.*qu»nt imitators, was
merely talking for piTW»t.—Chicago Trib­
Coughing Spells
are promptly relieved by a sin­
gle dose of P iso’s (Jure. The
regular use o f this famous re­
medy w ill relieve the w o r s t
form o f coughs, colds, hoarse­
ness, bronchitis, asthma and dis­
eases o f the throat and lungs.
Absolutely free from harmful
and ' op
' , ' »tea.
' ' • F
à 'll
or half
n.1'1 i.
century the h leh old remedy
in millions o f homes.
A t all druggists', 2 5 ct*.
W h a t is C A S T O R ! A
Wasps rank next to ants in point
insect intelligence.
New Jersey farmer declares his life
H uge S teel W o rk s in C h ic a g o to Re- was saved by ghost of his wife.
O pen in F u ll B la st.
M a k * a On« E x c e p tio n .
M u t r a t m i all Fur A m m a li
n.i w h ere to tra p , an d t„
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
eon tains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic
substance. Ils age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays l'e.erisiiness. It cures Diarrlaea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Pliittilciicv. It assimilates the I-'ood, regulates the
Stomach and ISowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tuo Children’ s Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
The world uses at least 170,000,000,-
truly as a laxative, and its com ponent
000 matches yearly.
parts are known to and approved by
A Hazleton (P a.) school teacher rest*
her pupils by allowing a ten-minute sleep. physicians, as It Is free from all
objection a ble substances. T o get its
The worlds Sun-.iay schools total at
beneficial effects alw ays purchase the
262,000. with !?•’>.,M‘r' “ »♦fondants.
genuine— m anufactured by the Cali­
The flounder Is said to deposit 7,000,-
fornia F ig Syrup Co., only, and for
000 eggs in the course of a year.
sale by all leading druggists.
Punctuation marks were first used in
i i'.j.-.-t #v«r written
‘ •* »
L- To o u r c iiiletiiar« t 2'» Mi t ic U n n n l in to
. t .. I ItoroT kttrartaanim ala
traps » 00 p. r hnitl*. S h ip v-mr
. i n . . . » , A u i J i m h B r w » . , W e o l . 121 M i n n e a p o l i s . M in a .
Tin- Kiiitl Vuu Have Always llowght lias born« the signa-
Hii’e «1 I lias, II. I letclirr, and lias been made under liis
personal supervision for over at) years. A llow no one
to deeeive you iu this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
“ diist-as-good” are lint Experiments, and endanger tlio
health o f Children—Cxpcrieneo against experim ent.
Wages in the machine factories of Ger­
many advanced last year 10 to 15 per apppal to the W ell-Inform ed In every
walk o f life and are essential to per­
manent su ccess and creditable stand­
The Japanese have established a steam­
ship line connecting their ports with ing. A ccord in gly, it Is not claim ed
that Syrup o f F igs and E lixir o f
Senna Is the only rem edy o f known
Dresden has opened a bathing establish­
ment for dogs. It is owned and govern­ value, but one o f many reasons why
It is the best o f personal and fam ily
ed by the municipality.
laxatives Is the fa ct that it cleanses,
About 44,000 square miles of arable
land are available in Cuba for sugar cul­ sw eetens and relieves the Internal
organs on w hich it acts w ithout any
debilitating after effects and without
A sausage four feet long and one foot
thick formed the wedding cake at a Han­ having to increase the quantity from
time to time.
over butcher’s wedding.
B IG P L A N T R E S U M E S .
Chicago, Nov. 23.— All is joy in
South Chicago. The army o f workers
in the big mills o f the Illinois Steel
company is to have a real Christmas
this year.
The exuberant and unrestrained glee
and thankfulness were caused by an
announcement today by officials o f the
company, which employes a large ma­
jority o f the inhabitants o f the town,
that the shops would be running in full
blast by December 1. By that time it
is expected 12,000 men will be work­
ing in many departments o f the im­
mense plant.
About half o f the workers in the
mills have been unemployed for more
than a year, since many o f the depart­
ments shut down on account o f scarcity
. o f orders for steel rails and other pro­
Many o f the
j ducts o f the company.
others employed since a partial reopen­
ing last summer have been working on
a short schedule.
The re-employment o f thousands o f
men means much also to the merchants
o f the suburb.
* l!. ' ■ ■'
W e ll.
Dr. Joseph Samde, the royal dentist to
the Khedive of Egypt, studied surgery in
Chicago for three years.
Ttnw Furs an i Hid*« to ns than to
* v'
“ I am sorry to have to tell you,” said
the eminent surgeon, "that we shall have
to perform an operation.’ ’
The growth of girls is greatest in their
“ That’s all right,” answered tho pa­
fifteenth year; of boys in their seven*
tient. "G o ahead.”
‘ But the condition of your heart is
The tropical seas contain a greater per­ such that we do not dare to use any an-
centage of salt than those of tka more
"O, well ; tell me what the bill is going
northern latitudes.
to be, doctor. That will be sufficiently ,
Vanilla comes from a genus of climb­ stupefying.”
ing orchid which grows plentifully in tha
M ix fo r R heu m atism .
The follow in g is a never fa ilin g rem ­
How a busy man doesn’t love a per­ edy fo r rheumatism , and if follow ed up
sistently cheerful Individual who suc­ it will effect a com plete cure o f the
ceeds only in being noisy.
very w orst ca ses: “ M ix on e-h alf pint
The sum of $5,750 was paid in London o f good w hiskey with one ounce o f
the other day for an orchid— an Odonto- T oris compound and add one out
S yrup Sarsaparilla Compound.
glossum Crispaum Pittanum.
in tablespoonful doses before each meal
T he man who can say “ yes” and "n o ’ and at bed t im e .’ ’ The ingredients can
at the right time has a sufficient com­ be procured at any drug store and
mand o f anguage.
easily m ixed at home.
Australia exports 24,000,000 rabbit
skins a year. To kill this great number
costs about $325,000.
A l le n ’s F o o t-E a se is a ce r ta in c u r e fo r h o t,
s w e a tin g , c a llu s , a n d s w o lle n , a c h in g feet. Hold
b y a ll D ru g g ists . P r ic e 25o. D o n ’ t a c c e p t a n y
s u b s t it u t e . T ria l
pa ck ag e
F R E E . A d d re s s
A l ie n s . O lm s te d , L e H oy , N. Y .
J . _
Our m illion Immigrants a year are
bringing with them $25,000,000 a year,
besides their labor.
fb e art of glove cutting requires
great skill, and in France some o f the
best workmen are paid $100 a week.
M u./ Ä P L E I N E « t t e S h
H isto ry .
It Cures While You Walk.
An English brewery has given a con­
tract for a million labels per duy for the
present year.
Children have become the fashion,
C a ttle S ta rv e in C a rs .
Teheran, Nov. 24.— Street fighting
asserts u periodical that calls Itself
between the liberals and reactic naries
San Francisco, Nov. 23.— The South­ the W orld and His W ife. It Is the
is going on today in all parts o f the ern Pacific company was Saturday con­ smart thing to sit at meat with them,
city as the result o f the posting in the victed in the United States Circuit to pay deference to their opinions, to
mosques o f the shah’ s proclam ation! court on 10 charges of violating the encourage them in their ingenous flip­
withdrawing the promise o f a constitu­ law providing for the care and feeding
pancies. That Is an improvement on
tion for Persia. The clashes are not o f cattle during shipment.
O f the
the dreadful
tyranny o f our grand
serious, but it is feared the unruly ele­ original 22 instances o f neglect alleg­
fathers and grandm others; but the
ment in the population will get beyond ed, two were withdrawn, and the rail­
wheel has turned a little too far.
Reno, Nev., Nov. 24.“ Prominent
capitalists o f San Francisco are here
for the purpose o f completing a merger
o f the rapid transit holdings involving
$2,000,000. It is expected that an
announcement o f the plans will be
made within the week. The proper­
ties have been operated by the Farm-
1 ers & Merchants National bank and the
They are the Reno
Traction company, Interurban Railway
company, Reno Development company.
M oth ers w il l fin d Mrs. W in s lo w 's B o o t h ln g
B yrup th e b 8» re m e d y to uso i o t t h e ir cU Tdx a
l u r i n g th e t e e t h in g p e r io d .
t' r vmi
* 1 " r. * * t R e p o r t , S h i p p i n g T iìk s . a n il u i.o u t o u r
The pilgrim fathers had just landed at
• ik i
«¿LH S3
Plymouth Rock.
R adically and perm anently cures.
“ Just the thing,” they exclaimed with
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets
enthusiasm, “ for a New England farm I"
known as S a r s a t a b s . luo dose.-» $1.
'1 h i r a t f o r K n o w l e d g e .
Whereupon they proceeded to plant the
“ I will wait a few moments,” said the
tre e
of liberty right there.— Chicago
A 14 it I it * I A d v e r s e C o u d l d i o i i « .
lecturer, who had delivered an eloquent
Interviewer— May I ask bow you ac­ Tribune.
and instructive address on “ The High
quired your clear and luminous style of
Mission of Women in Our Modern Civil­
C I T C Ht. Vitus’ Danes und «rvoua Dtaea«*« perms-
I 11 3 ncQtljr cnr;d by Dr. i . ine a (ireut Nerve Ko- ization,” “ to answer any question that
Successful author— Do you think It’s a ■torcr. Send for FREE $2 00 trial Irottle and trenti««. may be asked.”
r it . 11. h i m * . L d . a l l A r c h b t . . P h i l a d e l p h i a . P a .
"There’s one thing I’d like to know.
luminous style, young man? Well, I ac­
Mr. Oroxtou,” spoke up a dyspeptic look­
quired it by long ami painful labor in
ing man with a thin, straggling heard.
Side l.ig h t* on H is to r y .
a dimly lighted back attic.
Cotton Mather was persecuting the New “ Where do they git the names fur all
these breakfast foods?”
Nor can panurgic craft iu making stitches. Salem witches.
With effort operose, particular.
“ I’m going to make it still hotter for
The women of Italy are much more
Transmute into a silken bag for richss
’em !” he exclaimed, vindictively.
A female swine's aihx auricular.
Misunderstanding this remark, some of industrious than the men.
the best citizens of the community, as
Norway has twenty hospitals devoted
Rain is never known to fall in tht we have every reason to believe, went
to the treatment of leprosy.
region between the first and second cata­ ahead und built Che fires.
racts of the Nile.
E x -N a v a l O ffic ia l M a ke s a S ta rtlin g
S ta te m e n t on J a p a n .
P e rs ia D enied L ib e rty .
control before nightfall.
Many ar-
rests have already been made.
liberals, on account o f the failure o f
the constitution, are in a belligerent
Miss Bcreecher— I wonder If Uncli
Jim remembered me when he made hi»
will? I used to sing for him.
Lawyer— Yes, he evidently remem ber j
ed you— at least your name isn’t men !
tinned In the document.
H o o d ’s S a rs a p a rilla
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