Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, October 08, 1908, Image 3

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    All Humors OUTS LOOSE
Are Impure matters which the skin, liver,
kidneys and other organs cannot take cure
of without help.
Pimples, boils, eczema ami other erup­
tions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling,
bilious turns, fits of indigestion, dull head­
aches and many other troubles are due to
them, '»'hey are removed by
rarm ers See Necessity o f Getting Out
of Old Ruts.
hy W . D. Foster. Foreman State College Experi­
ment Fanil, i uiiim i, Wuah.
a large acreage, since he cannot grow
wheat enough to make more than a bare
living. The dairy cow opens the way
to a more lucrative pursuit. Trained
effort, however, is required to handle
this opportunity to the best advantage,
and there must be concentrated and
conscientious effort on the part of the
dairyman and every member
of his
It is not my intention to say what
kind of a cow is the best for dairy
purposes. That is a problem which
dairymen should decide for themselves,
but, as a rule, the cow to keep is the
one which you fancy most and is best
suited to the surroundings you have to
offer. Pedigree will not make a cow
give milk, but pure bred sires are nec-
essary in order to have high class
grades. Therefore, it is necessary to
keep a pure bred sire at the head of
the herd and also to be very careful in
the matter o f selection,
Insist that the sanitary conditions
around vour stable are the best pos-
sible. Be prompt at milking time. Give
the herd .the best of care in the matter
of feed, salt and water. Keep the cows
clean, and permit no one to use rough
methods or use obscene language in your
cow barn. Have a great big heart for
your “ jo b .’ ’ Your work must be done
right; and assuredly, the farmer who is
willing to adapt himself to the require­
ments demanded by the country will be
a successful dairyman.
An up to-date farmer nowadays must
study the, problems that confront him.
Bulyarid Procldims Independence dnd Consequently there must bo a moving
out of the old ruts, and the adoption of
Austria Ordbs Territory.
improved and new methods.
In the eastern part of Washington
the growing of wheat is an almost ex-
farming industry, but I believe
In usual liquid form or in chocoluted
Prince Ferdinand Declares Himself *be present state of affairs in this re-
tablets known as S a rsa ta b s. 100 doses $1.
x ah d i
1 spect will in the future become merely
ar °
u Sar,ans War Ap- a meraory erf the past. There will bo
O n iU a lo n « o f H U t n r y .
pears Improbable, as Sultan is changes. The younger generation of
“ My kingdom for a horse!“ shrieked
Not Ready, While New Czar is farmers that is growing up around us
Richard 111.
will assuredly adopt different methods,
Fully Prepared.
Instantly nn agent of Lloyd’s came out
If I can read the signs of the times
from behind one of the painted trees in
correctly, I believe I can safely pre-
tire background.
diet that the state of Washington will,
“ Your majesty,” he said, “ we will in­
Constantinople, Oet. 0__ Bulgaria has in the near future, become a great dairy
sure your getting safely out of this scrape declared her independence of Turkey state. Even now the fanner who has a
for a much smaller premium than that.” ami is marching her troops to the fron­ few good cows and “ ’tends to busi-
Hut King Richard contemptuously ig­ tier in preparation for war. Turkish ness” is never bankrupt. He has in his
possession a certain producer of value,
nored the offer, and the next moment the troops are also advancing.
ear» of Richmond was upon him,
Austria Hungary lias given notice to With milk and butter he can go to
the powers that she intends to annex market twice a week, instead of once a
N o M in i o f T r e e s .
permanently to her dominions the Tur year, and in many respects he is free
“ Did your ancestor» have u family
kish provinces of Bosnia and Herze from the annoyances that harass the
tree, Mr. Maguire?”
But there are some
govina, which she has occupied i
“ Family tree, is It, ma’am? One of governed under mandate of the great things he must attend to if he would
ine ancestors controlled th’ Intire tim­ powers for .‘10 years.
Many people there are, indeed, who
The proclamation of Bulgarian in
ber privilege of the garden of Eden.” —
not make even a bare living
pendence was made by Prince Ferdi
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
cows. To use a familiar ex­
naml in the presence of his cabinet at
Tirnova, the capital of the ancient pression, “ They are not built that
way.M Nevertheless, it is certainly
kingdom of Bulgaria. The cabinet in
the prince at the frontier yesterday true that no matter how the farmer is P rofessor Thornber Tells How to
built, the cow is built to yield value
Procure Best Results.
and journeyed with him to Tirnova.
Men who cannot stop
The dispute with Bulgaria began in quite material in kind.
From Washington State College, Pullman.
for a rainy day,- will
regard to the control o f the Orient
find the greatest
In response to an inquiry from Sher­
to dairying in many parts of eastern
Diplomatic correspondent’
comfort and (reedorr\
the powers betrayed a serious Washington, of course, but where al­ lock, Professor W. A. Thornber gave
of bodily movement
lack of harmony and encouraged Bul­ falfa or clover will grow this hind the following discussion o f pruning:
And these
“ When trees produce too much
garia to take the bold step of today ranee can be overcome.
Turkey is convinced that Austria two valuable forage plants would grow wood, and not enough fruit, or no fruit
hacked by Germany, encouraged Bui
at all, it is well to prune them very
me land 8everely in the 8urnmer time, 8ay
garia to declare her independence in □ ot found at preent, . *f . the
. , iim .
. ,
order to strike a blow at the Kiamil was properly fitted to receive the seed. .
On the experiment station farm we about June; also cut them back at
ministry and compromise the new con
trees a
Varna and other Bulgarian towns are given splendid returns. Both alfalfa check, and make them produce fruit
Every garment bearing
placarded today with declarations that and clover are valuable for feeding Uuds, rather than wood. Here at the
I station, in the case o f young trees, we
the sign of the fish
the moment has now arrived to pro. cows.
guaranteed waterproof
Farsighted dairymen now recognize j do considerable early spring, or winter
claim independence, as otherwise Tur
Catalog free
key, on the strength of the treaty of the fact that there is a better method of j pruning, in order to- make the trees
Berlin, will demand the restitution «»i feeding dairy cattle than by pasturing, produce large quantities o f wood. We
especially in regions where land is a* ; are thoroughly convinced that it is
Eastern Kumelia.
valuable as it is in Washington. This well f 0r a yoiang1 tree to produce large
is by the proper use of soiling crops, quantities o f wood even though you
and sdos. A very indifferent mathe have to cut it out the following spring,
matician can figure that one acre of T, .
well tilled and seeded to some kind Th' s , ext,ra * rowth «*vei. a splendid
Favors Annexation Schem e—Advises
of a soiling crop will equal two !«id »o«1 development, and this is necessary
Turkey Against War.
one-half acres of the best kind of pas j before you can secure a good tree. In
Berlin, Oct. 6— The foreign office tr ture land for feeding dairy cows the case o f trees that have been graft-
day declared that Germany would su{
Therefore, even if one hap enough land ed, I would recommend that you re-
j *
port Austria Hungary in the event o to pasture a large herd of cows, it move the suckers just as fast as the
would bo unwise to do so. Every suc­ scions seem able to take care o f the
A modern leavener at
cessful dairyman wishes his cow to do entire food supply. In cases where
a moderate price; is 30
The Associated Press is authorized the best and yield the best return pos­ the tree is a very rank grower, I fre­
per cent, more efficient
to state that Germany associates hei sible in consideration of the amount of
quently leave a few suckers around the
self with the mediation proposals sul
than “ Trust” or Cream-
feed consumed and care given. The graft, so that the graft may become
of-Tartar products and
and not make such a soft
and Bulgarian governments.
She must not be permitted to roam all j hardened,
absolutely free from the
It is recognised officially that Bui day in search of food, even if requiring £ rowth.
health-racking Rochelle
“ Another good plan, at times feas
garia’s proclamation gravely compli only that necessary for a living, aside
Salts residue invariably
cates the situation, and until the atti­ from the production of milk. To give ible, is to keep an orchard in grass,
tude of the sultan is known the German a large amount of milk at night would and check the growth somewhat in
accompanying their use.
government is unable to foresee its be contrary to nature.
that way. The western soils and an
course of action, except that in no
The quicker you can get the cow excess o f moisture are very conducive
G e t it fro m y o u r G ro c e r
event will Germany bring pressure to “ filled up,“ the sooner she will lie to a heavy growth o f w ood; therefore
bear at Constantinople to influence the down and masticate her food. I ven­ it is somewhat advisable to grow grass
decision o f the porte.
ture to assert that when milking time in the orchard, with the idea o f check­
Should the Turkish government seek comes, if you have the right kind of a ing the growth in this way. Some of
the advice of the powers regarding the cow, and are the right kind of a mas­
our most successful applegrowers west
advisability of asserting her supre ter, she will not disappoint you.
maey over Bulgaria by military force.
There are many different kinds of o f the Cascades, make a practice of
Germany will not be able to advise the crops that can be grown for soiling growing grass in their orchards to pre
The station does
porte to go to war. The Turkish army purposes. Winter rye, oats, barley and ! ven^ the growth.
• s not prepared, but the Bulgarian army oats mixed, peas and oats, clover, and not advise you to make use o f any
is ready.
vetch are some of them. A few will j kind o f fertilizer whatever. A small
suffice. Care, however, must be taken amount o f potash would serve the pur-
Servians Clam or for War.
not to sow too much at one time, with j pose to make the trees more fruitful,
Belgrade, Servia, Oct. 6.— The news the exception o f corn. That can be but under no conditions do we advise
of Austria-Hungary’s action with re­ planted in abundance, because as it ap­ the use o f barnyard manure, or nitro­
gard to the annexation of the prov­ proaches maturity it continues to make gen, since this would only exhilarate
inces of Bosnia and Herzegovina has good feed.
the growth. In your locality, I think
aroused Servia to the danger point.
We have grown at the college farm
you could grow , the
The streets this evening are thronged two ^ and u one-half
u o H im . a
i . i i . 3 i of
n peas
u i-a o d
u u o oats,
a is ,
T i
with a wild mob, many of the rioters which are sown on a north slope, the ! ern ^
Rhode Island Greening, Jona
discharging their revolvers and de­ steepest, perhaps, on the farm, ami from I than> and probably the Golden Russets
The station now
manding war with Austria, rather than this plot have harvested fivo and one- very successfully.
take annexation.
half tons of hav, in addition to having ! has specimens o f these apples from
pastured on the same plot for five | your locality, and they certainly show
weeks a small herd of the experimental up w ell.’ *
S end d e n ie r 's n am e a n d (o p f r o m p o u n d c a r ­
farm cattle. This is an example of
t o n o f ” 2 0 -M u le -T e « im ” B o r a x , a n d 4 c e n ts in
what can he grown on a small tract
A farmer residing near Larane in­
s ta m p s , a n d w e w i l l m a il illu s t r a t e d b o o k le t,
First Eastbound on New St. Paul Line carefully tilled.
g iv in g m a n y u ses f o r ’ ’ b o r a x in th e h o m e , f a r m
quired about the “ common sorrel.”
Starts Late.
The farmer who undertakes to man­
a n d D a ir y , ” a ls o t h is la c e d e s ig n , 1 5 b y 1 6
Professor Beattie replied:
in c h e s , o n c fo th re a d y f o r w o r k in g . FREE.
Butte, Mont., Oct. 6.—The first rog age a herd of cows under this system
“ This is not an extremely serious
ust make ample provisions. One ne­
A d d re s s P a c ific C o a s t B o r a x C o ., O a k la n d , C a l.
ular passenger train from Butte to Chi­
weed, although sometimes it does dam­
cago over the Pacific (.'oast extension cessity, of course, is a good stable.
of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul This, without elaborate surroundings, age. I f the sorrel has a tendency to
railway left this city yesterday sev­ can he built at a moderate cost. It choke out the crop, it is an indication
W ä S D O Ü G Iy A S
eral minutes late because of a tardy should be planned in a way which will that the land is rather deficient in
You could im­
milkman who failed to get around early enable the farmer to feed ten acres of | available plant food.
enough to supply the combination car good pasture to start off with in the prove the condition o f your region by
growing some crop o f alfalfa, clover,
with cream.
This car is one of Ihe features of the this ten-acre tract for night pasture vetch or peas, and plow such crops un­
St. Paul trains, and it was not in
der, as this would put humus in the
tended that on the first trip out of cows in the stable. He will also need soil, and improve its condition.
Butte the larder should go wanting. a mower and a horse rake in the field the West side, this weed is very abund­
The train waited for the milk vender to lessen the labor of cutting and ant in the worn-out soils, and the farm­
For the purpose o f winter dairying, ers find it desirable to ‘ lim e’ the soil,
Enormous Wheat Movement.
no up-to-date man would be without a to make more available plant food .” —
Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 6.— The Cana- silo. In this part of the state corn is From the Washington State college,
lian Pacific, last week moved an av past the experimental stage. It always Pullman.
■rage of fifty trains of grain daily to matures on the college farm. The cows
Thunder bay, according to a statement are fed the year around, and do well,
C e le r y S a la d .
given out by the officials of the com­ always having an abundance of silage.
One boiled egg, one raw egg, one ta
pany today. Never in the history of This process, in ray opinion, largely blespoonful salad oil, one teaspoonful
W . T j . D o u g la s m a k e s n nd so ils m o r e V
m o il's $ 3 . 0 0 a m i $ 3 . 5 0 sh o o s th a n a n y
the railroad has there been such a solves the pasture problem-.
white sugar, one saltspoonful salt, one
o tlio r m a iu ifa c tu r o r in t h e w o r ld , b e ­
quantity of grain transported before
Naturally, questions arise relative to
c a u se tlio y h o ld t h e ir s h a p e , fit b e tte r ,
saltspoonful pepper, four tablespoon­
a n d w e a r lo n g e r t h a n a n y o t h e r m a k e .
the close of navigation. Some block the expense connected with the feed­
'ides have been reported, but on the ing of sailing crops. Over in Ontario, fuls vinegar, one teaspooufui made
Shoes at All Prices, for Every Member of the
Family, Men, Boys, Women, M isses & Children
whole the movement to water has been which is without doubt a dairy coun­ mustard. Cut the celery Into bits half
W .L.D cnrtaa $ 4 .0 0 and $3.03 Gilt Edge Shoos cannot
enormous. The farm implement houses try. soiling and the silo go hand in nn inch long and seuson. Eat at once,
ba equal! i at any price. W. L. Oouglaa $2.30 and
$ 2.00 ehoea are the beat in the world
from the United States have don© an hand. Every farmer there will tell you before the vinegar Injures the crispness
East Cot or E yelet* I'sed Exclu sively.
enormous business in Western Canada that it would not be possible to keep 0f the vegetable.
a f f - T a U < * .V o M u h a t l t n t e . VV. L. D ou g la s
n am e a n d prt«’e is «tam p ed o n b ottom . S old
up the flow of milk in his herd without <
1 _______
this year.
eve ry w h e re , s h o e « m ailed from fa c to r y to any
part o f th e w o r ld . CataloirU“ free,
resorting to these methods. If the silo
M o ia ts e i C a k e,
t o . L. DOi aL A S . 15$ spark St.. Dm ckton. Mss«.
and soiling crops are necessary in a | One cup of molasses; one-half cup oi
Coal Bunkers Burn.
San Francisco, Oet. 6.— A fire smoul country where, as a rule, they have brown sugar; one-half cup o f shorten-
plenty of rainfall, how much greater is jng creamed with the sugar and mo-
lering in the bunkers of the Pacific h, ™ t v fnr their n.e in part* o f
, wo we,p la t e n e g g.; one te»-
Coast Coal company at Beale and Bry­ the Pacific Northwest where rainfall is
, . ..
of baking soda dissolved la
ant streets burst into flame early to­
• one «easP'X'n-
day, and for two hours threatened ad­
change of methods in farming is ne< s- ful of ginger; two cups of flour. Bake
jacent warehouses and shipping. After sary. Especially iz this true in the in a sheet in a shallow pan, well great-
a five hours’ fight the firemen had the case of the rancher who does not own ed, in a slow oven.
Maze under control, although relief
lines will be manned for a week or
R a la r d M a ffla ® .
S ta ffe d P o ta to e ® .
more until the mass is thoroughly
Scald a pint of milk and when Inks I Choose large potatoes o f uniform slzt
drenched. The flames devoured 4,000
warm add one compressed yeast and bake. When done, cut off the top
tons of coal and destroyed a portion of
the company’s offices and warehouses cake dissolved, half a teaspoonful of of each potato nnd scoop out the In­
salt, and two cupfuls nnd a half o f sides with a teaspoon. Mash the pota-
on the Beale street wharf.
flour. Beat thoroughly and stand aside toes soft with hot milk, and season
until very light— about two hours, with salt and pepper nnd several spoon-
Ten Victims o f Firebug.
New York, Oct. 6__ Fire Marshal Then add the yolks of two eggs well fuls of grated or Parmesan cheese. Mix
beaten, and fold in the well-beaten,! well, nnd return tlie potato to the skin,
Kelly announced today that the Black
and fold In the
well-beaten w hites.1 Pack the mass in well. Replace the
Hand is responsible for the incendiary
Stand aside for thirty minutes, and tops of the potatoes which were cut off
tenement fire yesterday, which cost bake In greased muffin rings or gem and return to the oven until hot all
1« yo u r r r o n th a im iln r In any way »o th e *bov®? I f
ten lives and resulted in the probable
■o. n o nee<i to w ea r a w ohlily. u n u sa b le p a rtia l plate
o r iH in tn »,-. o r d in a ry b rid g e w ork. Th® D r. VN ia®
fatal injury of several others. He says Dans.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
25 c•'FULL POUND- 25 c
S3 0 W SH O ES * 3 5 0
ayatem o f
T h® re s u lt o f 21 years’ e x p e r ie n c e , »h e new wnv o f
r e p la c in g te e th in th e m o u th —teeth in fa ct, teeth in
a p p e a r a n c e , te e th t o ch e w y o u r fo o d u p on , aa you
d id u pon y o u r n a tu ral one*.
O u r fo r c e ia *o o rg a n ­
iz e d w e c a n d o y o u r e n tir e crow n , b rid g e o r plate
w ork in a day if neceaaarjr.
P o s itiv e ly pninleaa ex*
t r a d i n g . O n ly h igh-claaa. s c ie n tific w ork.
D r W A. " iae. M an ager 21 year* in P o rtla n d .
S e c o n d F lo o r . F a ilin g H u ild in /. T h ir d nnd_ H m K
I P M . Sun-
fn g to n St reel a O fllre rou ra *» A. M
d a y«. • _______
t o 1 P _ ....
I ni«-*« L « tr a c tI n * . 5Lc. i-late®.
lap. P h o n e s A nnd M ain 2L29.
No. «1-0»
H E N w r i t i n g t o a d T ® r ti««r ® p l® a® e
m e n t io n t h i s p a p e r .
that two men were seen rolling a bar­
Sponge C ake.
rel into the building a few minutes be­
Four eggs, beaten very light; one
fore the fire broke out. Two explo­
sions followed almost simultaneously. cup of sugar, mixed with the eggs; a
Kelly says that certain inmates of the bit of soda the size of a pea dissolved
place had received threatening letters. In a tablespoonful of scalding water
one cup of flour; vanilla or lemon fla­
6 9 3 Miles Under Water.
voring. Mix well and bake In a loaf
Cherbourg. Oet. 6__ The submarine *>r in layer tins.
Em era ode arrived here today, after a
N e w U se fo r C a y e n n e P ep p er.
run of 81 hours, in which she covered a
distance of 693 mile« under water. The
To drive Men from a room, try til*
I V P « «rl
malnUinod a regular speed of follow ing: Clone the room tightly, arnol-
knot, an hour. The erew, al ller gome cayenne pepper on a hot coal,
though much fatigued, bore the severo
oi>en door quickly, and the flies tuny be
trial a«lmirabiv.
driven out easily.
P o ta to
S a la d .
Mix and boil together four tablo
spoonfuls o f butter, eight tablespoon­
fuls of sngar, one tablespoonful of
flour, one teaspoonful of salt, one tea­
spoonful of mustard, one cup o f sweet
milk; one-half cup o f cider vinegar;
three beaten eggs. Boil for five min- j
utes, then add four large cold boiled
potatoes, cut up small. Boll all to- j
gother for three minutes at the back o f ,
the atove, then take from the Are and
*et aside until cold. Tut Into a cold
bowl and garnish with slice* of hard-
boiled eggs.
Mrs. Wb kerslmm had advertised for
an experienced cook. The first appli­
cant who came in answer to the adver­
tisement was a stout, red-haired young
woman. Mrs. Whkerslmm pro|x»unded
several questions to her, which she an­
swered In a fairly satisfactory manner.
Then she asked her :
“ How long do you boil tea?”
“ Well, mem,” said the young wom­
an, “some* folks l»Iles It longer, an’ some
shorter. It’s all a matter o’ taste.”
“ But you do boil it, don’t you?”
“Oh. yes, cert'nly; but I’ ve alius
thought that two hours was long
enough to bile any tea. You can git
all the stren’tb out of it In that time.”
W hen the blood i ; pure and healthy, the skin w ill be soft, sm ooth, and
free from all blem ishes and eru p tion s; but when som e aeid hum or takes
root in the circulation, its presence is q u ick ly manifested hy som e form ol
skin disease. The shin receives its necessary nourishm ent and strength
from the blood.
W hen, however, this vital fluid becom es a hum or-laden
stream, it can no lon ger preserve the healthy, natural appearance o f the skin,
but by its a> rid, im pure nature con tin ually irritates and innames the delicate
tissues and fibres and keeps the cuticle in a d o • ased and disfigured condition.
External applications cannot reach the blood, and therefore are beneficial
on ly for their ability to reduce inflam m ation, and assist in ki eping the parts
clean. T o cure any skin trouble the blood m ust be purified of the humors
that are causing the trouble. S S. S. drives out the hum ors from the blood
so that the skin, instead o f being irritated and diseased, is nourished b y a
A H a r d C ane.
healthy, co olin g stream.
S. S. S goes down into the circulation and
“ I I is wife earns her own money.”
removes every parti le o f im pure m ittcr, all a ids and hum ors, and restores
“ Indeed! I did not kuow she was the blood to its normal, pure condition, thereby cu rin g every form o f skin
disease or affection. Book on skin diseases and any medical advice free to
“ Oh, yes; hard at It all the time.”
all who write.
“ What does she do?”
“ Works him to give It up.”— New
t 'o r r e c t i n t f » M U a p p r r l i n i s i o n .
A Mu% I m l S p i d e r .
York Journal.
Philanthropic Housewife You ure sad­
The extraordinary musical sensitive*
M n n 'a N e w I .I d .
ly travel stained, aren’t you?
ness of spiders has several times been
Wareham Long (tackling t'he cold proved. Every one has heard of Pel-
There Is a new belfry covering for
the up-to-date man. It arrived from meat)—No, madam: ye couldn’t har’ ly li«son’s spider. Consoler of the unfor­
Baris and is called the King Edward call it stain. It’s jest dirt. It’ll warah tunate prisoner, it perished because it
hat. Tills masculine headgear is built off.
listened too closely to the captive's vio­
on the lines of the feminine flower pot M others w ill find Mrs. TVinslo-.v*s Soothing lin. The jailer saw it and crushed it
lid and Is blocked to resemble the hel­ Syruj* th«* b s ' remedy to use ioi their eh. lur a brutally. Gretry, the composer, speaks
met that the man who pounds the pave luring the teething per.oU.
o f a favorite spider which descended
wears. The hats are made of the same
F o r e b n ill n g i ,
along its thread upon his piano as soon
material us the ordinary black derby.
The tortoise, having won the race with as he played it. When giving recitals
Instead of a ribbon bow on the band the hare, was boasting of the exploit.
at Brussels Rubinstein saw a large
a buckle clasps it. Several people who
“ Some day, young fellow,” said an old spider issue from the floor o f the plat­
arrived from l’arls recently wore the tortoise, eying the braggart with dis­ form and listen to the music. He gave
new lid. They say the King Edward favor, "that speed madness of yours will three concerts at the same hall, and
hat was introduced to France on the be the death of you.”
on each occasion the spider appeared.
king’s recent visit.
— Baris Revue.
“ So there is a coolness between
V a c a t io n s ’ H a r d s h ip ® .
Count Fucath and his wife’s rela­
how ’s Thi;?
Gwilliams— Have a good rest at that tions?”
Wo offer One H undred Dollars Rew ard for any
summer resort up north?
of Catarrh that can n ot be cured by H&.l’g
“ Yes. They say his conduct wa* nasc
Sflint— I did, but It was pretty hard on
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHKNKY& CO., Toledo,O
the girls. They had to walk nearly a atrocious.”
We, the undersigned, hav«; kn >wn F. J.
“ Surely he didn’t bent his w ife!”
mile to mail their picture postcards.—
Cheney for th • la-t 1> \«-ar>, nnd believe him
“ No. But he beat his father-in-law perfectly hon orab «* in a i. buii-n« >s transaction«
Chicago Tribune.
financially a hi«* to carry out any ob lig a ­
out of several hundred thousand.”— and
tion made bv hi* firm.
H itfh te o a « K i c k .
Washington Star.
“The other day,” said the caller, “ I
W holesale Druggists, Toledo,O
H a ll’ s Catarrah Cure is ikeu lm e r n a ’ ly, act­
P o w e r f u l E x p lo s iv e ® .
sent you un item to the effect that I had
directly upon the blood and m ucous sur-
“ What are the most powerful explo­ ing
goue up into Wisconsin on a week-end
fa« cs o f the syst«*m. Test m oninb sent free.
sives known?” queried the yoyng man. Price 75 cents p«-r bottle. Sold by all Druggist*
Take H a ll’s Fam ily Pills for Constipation.
“ Well?” said the society editor.
“ Two primu donnas in one opera
“ Well,” rejoined the indignant caller, company,” replied the ex-theatrical
P u b l i c R h II i s o f I .n r v e C i t i e s .
“you printed it ‘weak kneed’ trip!”
manager.—Chicago X e w s.
Our present national movement to
get the denizens of our congested cities
f le M d lt o f III® O h n c r v a t lo R ,
W h e n ( l i e D i m e M n n e u m F i n ni c « !.
next to godliness is now progressing
"Conductor,” said the haughty passrt»- They got the fat woman out
ger, “you ought to know by this time that
rapidly, according to reports being re­
By using a pair of strong derricks;
I always get off at Goethe street.”
ceived by the Federal bureau of la­
And when she saw she was safe
“ I suppose I ought, madam,” respond­
bor, which show that about 40 of our
She promptly went into hysterics.
ed the street car conductor, touching his — Chicago Tribune.
big urban centers now provide public
cap, “ but that’s where most people fall
baths. Among these Boston takes the
T y p o g r a p h ic a l E rro r.
4own.M—Chicago Tribune.
Kutten— I was surprised when this lead with 1 0 public bathing beaches, 12
morning’s Thunderbolt, in referring to me, public floating huths and one public
“ I heard Crittick remark that some said I had a "Websterian intellect.”
pool. Next to this record of 23 public
of the passages in your comedy were
I)ryde— So was the editor. lie told me baths ranks that of Greater New York
worthy of Congreve,” said the play­ he wrote it "lobsterian.” — Chicago Trib­ with 20, and then that of Bhiladelphia
wright’s friend.
with 15.
“ M y!” exclaimed the playwright.
C J T C S t. V it u s ' iiu n o o a n d
«‘ rvon s u id p a m i p erm s-
l.o ® t It® P o t e n c y .
“ That’s too bad!”
1 1 1 3 n en tly cared b y D r. 1 Inn's G r e a t N e r v e R e ­
“ So you no longer use buttermilk?”
sto r e r . S e n d f o r FREE $2.00 tr ia l boftl»» a n d tr e a tis e .
“ Why. that means a compliment------ **
“ What’s the use?” returned Mr. Fair­ D r. It. 11. K lin e , L d ., 931 A r c h S t., P h ila d e lp h ia , P a .
“ It doesn’t. It means that he’s on to banks; “ if I drank a gallon of the stu ff,
e S t o n e D id I t .
me.”— Philadelphia Bress.
j a day the papers wouldn’t notice it.”— | “ What’s T h the
matter, old man; bust­
P r o te c tio n fo r th e T r a in T a lk e r .
Bhiladelphia Bress.
“ Silent” compartments in trains are as
“ ‘Busted’ doesn’t express It. I’m lit­
T h e P u r e ly P e r s o n a l In te r e s t .
necessary as “ smoking” or "ladies’ ” com­
“ Ought we not to do something for erally stone-broke.”
partments. Nothing is more annoying
“ What do you mean?”
when one is reading an interesting book, the preservation of our forests?”
thinking, or sleeping, than the conversa­
“Oh, what’s the use?” answered «Sen- I “ It was buying a soltatre ring for
tion—often absurd—of gossiping fellow Ì ator Sorghum, impatiently.
“Trees my girl that broke me.”— Bhiladelphia
travelers.—Gaulois, Paris.
can’t vote.” — Washington Star.
U n c le
J erry,
“ What they call ‘honor’ is a mighty
curious thing,” observed Uncle Jerry Pee­
bles. “ I know a man who would cheer­
fully starve himself to pay a gamblin’
debt, and he still owes the preacher that
married him twenty-seven years ago.”
T a k in g
C h an ce® .
Prospective Best Man— Got the mar­
riage license yet?
Prospective Bridegroom— No: I’ m not
going to get that until the last thing. She
may go back on me.
F U R S s E H lE
f o r BF>ot c a s h .
I O t o f t » - m o rn m o n e y f o r yo u t o «h i«. R a w F n r * an<l TTbb-s t o n® t h a n t o
Beil ut nom»;. W riti* f< r Pr;•;«_• Dint. .Market Report. Shi| pin»; '1 i,;s. anil about our
H U N T E R S ’ & T SI A P P E R S ’ G .t-atiuK
lì ! D all E
, f,;.i«'""-«
Fur A nim als Alt
lea th er
R -st tliinir on th e su b ject ever w ritten
« r rap p ers’ N vr.-ts. I »--
Tr ip ', «in n o I .n s. II w mi l wie- .. t
I ' r*V,1 r‘
' '* ' ’
I-i" V i i i• ■ I a. F rire. $'.* T " i iiin - u .i ■
bea u tifu l IP .!•«•*. Our M aznet-r H ut ;eid Decoy att rm t* 8 ‘" : mi N t tr ip *
B id es a u d Furs t o us an d C'A hight =t p n ce s . A u i l c r e e 1» ¿ i r o s . , D t-p L
M k 4 >0
. tr ip an-l t-. h e ,..m « a eue-
Hide* tann ed in to
* ' 00 l - r I...«( I«. Sh ip Tout
121 — ‘
"" —
A Flavoring.
It makes a
syrup Letter than T^Iaple.
H id .
Sold by grocers.
“ And you walked along the «liores of
the Mediterranean? Well, if I had been
there I should have brought away a lot
of pebbles os souvenirs.”
“ Gracious, I did ! I’ve got a lot of ’em
at home now that I shook out of my shoes
after I had gone back to the ship.”
P e c u lia r ity .
Jailer—He’s a queer case, that prisoner
in cell 27. Nothing suits him but silk
Visitor—Well, that isn’t a crime, is it?
Jailer— No; but when he got hia last
suit of it the store detective happened to
see him sneak it under his coat.
The Zambesi bridge is 420 feet above
the water, against 100 feet for the Ni­
agara bridge.
AVcgelable Preparation for As
s im iln iin ^ the Food jiklRpguia
lin g U ir Stnmadis and Rowels./
Promotes Dit«eslion.CVfrful
nessand Resi.Contalns neiitw
Opium.Morphine nor Miami.
N o t N a r c o t ic .
» a p t ¡ r o u ¡y .iiM n jm m x
fimpkui Seed“
JbcSmim *
/hcM U M s-
AmrSetd *
hpptm int-
biC arionJtU if
M rmStfd-
* "* * * r « lomr.
Apcrferl Remedy forfimsfips
t lo n , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms ,C onvulsions.Ffwr ish
ness and Loss o f S leep .
B E H N K E -W A L K E R S T U D E N T S S U C C E E D . W H Y ?
They are Trained for business in a business-like way.
Why not enroll in a reputable school that places all of its prraduates?
I. M. W A L K E R . Pres.
O. A. BOSS F. RM AN. Sec.
T lio K in d Y o u Ila v o A lw a y s B o u g h t, n n d w hich h as been
in u se fo r o ver 3 0 y ears, h as b o rn e th e sign â tnro o f
n n d h as b e e n m a d e u n d e r Ills per­
sonal supervision since its infancy.
A llo w n o o n e to deceive you in th is.
A ll C ou n terfeits, Im ita tio n s m id “ «Tust-as-good ” aro b u t
K x p crim cn ts th a t trille w ith ntid en d an g er th e health o f
In fan ts a n d C h ild r e n —E x perien ce again st E x p erim en t.
C astoria Is a h arm less su b stitu te fo r C astor OH, f-a re -
(forie, D rops a m i Soothing' Syrups.
I t Is Pleasant. It
contains n eith er O p iu m , M o rp h in e lio r o th er N arcotic
su bstan ce. Its a g e is its g u aran tee. I t «lestroys W o r m s
and allays F everish n ess. I t «-«ires D iu rrlu ea and W in d
Colic. It relieves T e e th in g T ro u b le s, cures Constipation
a m i F latu len cy. I t assim ilates tlio F o o d , regulates tlio
Stom ach nnd B o w els, g ivin g health y a n d natural sleep.
T h e C h ildren ’ s l ’ anaeeiv—'T lio M o th e r’ s F rien d .
Rears the Signature o f
Ftc Sinuk' Signature of
A t b m on th s o ld
j 5 D o s e s - J ^ C ents
Guaranteed under th* Food«
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 3 0 Years
TWC C IN TE U N C O M N M f , TT » U M » » ®TRCCT. NEW YO R® e r r » .