ESTACADA ROORLSS i i y DIRECTORS: GRo. Iis n s. l’rcsi.knt A. K. S î ’ arks . Vice President ine Store of Quality Quality and Price C h a s . IV D u b o i s E. S. WOMER, Editor . nd Manager A re the tw o factors a b u yer should consider. l>e m ade on goods it Q u ality isn 't taken into Application fer entry as s t nd class matter at the postoff'.ce at Estaca Ja. Oregon, pending the fact. Almost any kiml of a price can \ amt. We a.tut to emphasize W e do not at anv tim e buv poor goods in order to m ake an appar A ll our good s are the regu lar standard grade? Published I very ihutsday Morning at » n th low price on them . ESTACADA, OREGON which bring satisfactory results to the consumer. Oh mpic i imond W Bine Str-m Corn Meal Gr.iluim Hams Hilton lard (lti/c!wood Boiler ll-.i/e wf»od Cheese SU B SCR IPTIO N R A TE S One yei S 1» not I lour SI’ RiMWATLK (Ti n i " " i . a s t x \ ! i : k > Sprinqwale. notes were too lute arrir in 'In st week to lie printed We did ii'ji receive them until late Wedli. d. y ev liinvi- To all our \ correspondents we desire to say til; t fo 'he 1' 'It!.»' news items \\e \\ e ’ 1 ke to have them ill liv ‘I'li M iy I'. M. Anything coming in later takes chances of Ix-iug crowed out for want of space. Editor. & e W | ( Meat Market Handles the best Fresh and Cured Meats Obtainable Cash paid for hides and Market Produce Home cured Hams and Bacon, and tendered Lard F. VanDuren Agricultural College H 0 W E let Estacada Q ;- W ? i ff Painting and Paper Hanging Ä s/ 10 an and Wriîiné miz m r* it n k « ; The Livestock Association began its in­ tial meeting tile 2 ist. T he exhibit itio if livestock stir]), surpasses that shown at of the Lewis & Clark Fix]*dtion, and the races will be the liest ever wit tossed here. The- great mile track just completed at a cost of $27,000, the immense barns and steel frame ampithcatre, give the grounds and surroundings an appearance of so- lidity ami permanence. T he track is considered the best drained that lias been built in ibis part of the United States. There is a steam railroad line into the grounds, in addition to a splendidly equipped electric line. *In fact the latter lias been tested and found capable of handling forty five cars at one time. Togather these lines will ri-li vc the grounds of 7000 within the first fif teen minutes after a meeting. Estacada Drug SCOTT Stero * ¡PERHAPS YOU MAY WANT! £¡¡1 “ jM A little of everything, perhaps only a Collar Button, perhaps a new pair of Shoes. if you only want to » J, 1 V A lw a y s glad to see you pay your respects. Pi W e a r e t a l k i n g t h r o u g h o u r H a t s y) i n o t h e r w o r d s w e a r e l e t t in g o u r ft F a l l L a d i e s H a t s ta lk f o r us. NVe hove Shirts to fit the figure and figures to fit tf e purse. O f course we want to win your trade; but we want to win 9 it rightly, not by o fferin g you cheap goods that cost little at first and are worth less afterwards. « New Goods Arriving NOW. Come In. You are always Welcome f T he advertiser is the “ man l>e- himl the g u n '' to a newspaper en terprisc the same as is a railroad to tile d velopment of a country. A community can get along without a liewspap. r, itt the same manner it can get along without schools, teachers, electric lights or railroads 3 It can get along. Itscitizens don't have to read by electric lights they can use 1 tallow dip. They do not I have to ride to the larger citivs on ' the cars, ilu-y can walk. Who a 11 mg us i it tlu . [»:• • r tlv-sc latt­ er means, to the progressive meth­ ods? Some do. They usually are given a notice in the paper if they Buffalo •ire found out. § I I s I RL 'ibWBER, These Cool Evenings You Need a SHAWL. WE HAVE THEM 41 T L -3 ^ A Typical Ranch-Holiday Bill's Void V/est Will Include a Scene Showing I'o In.' readers of the Progress \\i desire to say they \\i]l find it to tb ir int rest to patroniz p.-rsons Varied sec-nos of W estern life will be presented with Buffalo who advertise tl.v;r ipxxls in this Bi d’s W ild W t 1 during its forthcoming visit to Portland. There ]>a[xr. If you wish to buv some­ thing hunt up the ailv-. rti • -tttent will 1 ■ n excitinj Indian battle, an ttack upon an emigrant train column and t ho has whal >' « a hold-u - , t a railroad-train and, as a particular typical W estern want and i . ing yon to , scene, “ A H oliday at T - E Ranch.” T lte pleasures and pastimes and deal with him. If von i s help you of the plainsman will be re-enacted with the same fidelity to real something to fell 1 t hely sell it hv advi rt etng. fife as marks all the leatures with Buff alo B ill’s exhibition. T - E ' ' '......m it, coM a.l.s, O n , _ . . wh.rt he expects to attend school i i viti your ms] et ii ni. want your Ranch is the mountain home of Col. W . F . C o d y ( Buffalo B i l l ) and take a course in pharmacy. business. _ in W yo m in g, near C oby, a bustling city of five thousand inhabi- Owir . to the ex|*rience he has ha while i t business be will 1-c able to W hen do you want t . t.ik■ \, nr tants which has been named after him. T h e ranch house and its con.; ‘ e the c • r-c in two years. stamp Are \ i>n in favor of modern surroundings will be depicted as faithfully as circumstances will W< angratul.ite all parties con- methods in \ot.i community? It so permit and the amusements of the frontiersman will be shown, cern .d in their new relations and g t '. in line and Us them It is said hope their highest ambition may lie “ B y their w> rks you shall know attained. Mr. A. N. Johnson the th em ." pure-baser is well known in l'staca- Will exhibit at Portland Sept. 25, and 26. iYiUNR & Co.36,B^-d-“» New York F IR E John j à the Plainsmen's Pleasures T h ey also have ICE fo r Salt- knows tke Present condition of the same; also fliat said William W. Weltmer has wholly abandoned said tract of land ever 60 YEA R S ’ since making said entry; that said entry- E X P E R IE N C E Morrow, the Kstacada liverv-stable man never before or after making said entry established his residence 011 said man, was up with a party from that land; that said land contains no improve­ place. ments of any nature whatever; that n 1 | portion of said land was ever cultivated John K- is building a bung­ and that said claim is to-day in its origin­ T rade M ark * alow on hi* ranch. D e s ig n s al wild state of nature; and that the said j C o p y r ig h t s A c . alleged absence from the said land was | A n ron e Bonding a sketch and description may — A Dodger. 'illicitly ascertain our opinion free whether on not due to his employment in the Army, Invention is probably patentable. Comnmnlca- lions strictly confidential. HANOBOQK on Patents Navy or Marine Corps of the United sent free. Oldest agency fo r securing patents. taken through Alumi A i'o . receive States as a private soldier, officer, seaman tp Patents r ia l notice, without c harge, !u tho E. r . Surface Disposes i or marine, during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the Uni­ A handsomely lihistrnted weekly. la rg e s t cir­ o f any cclentlflc Journal. Term s. a of his Business inter­ ted States may be engaged. Said parties culation i are hereby notified to appear, respond, ,; four tuontha, $1. Solti by all nowsdcalersi j and offer evidence touching said allega- Brunch OiYice. 625 F 8t^ Washington. D. C. ests in Esiacada | tions at 10 o’clock a. 111. on Nov. 4U1 1908 j before the Register and Receiver at the Mr. K. F. Surface lias been i United States Land Office in Portland, identified with Ivstacada since its Oregon. - , • .• c 1 1 ,1 The said contestant having, in a proper Hist inception of being platted as a 4 ' * ‘ 1 affidavit, filed August 15» 1908 set forth FARMERS! PROPERTY town, as well as its incorporation as fttct, ,vhicil show that after due diligence OWNERS! a city. He b .ing one of the cotin- person 1 service of this notice can not be H ow about you r crops? vilmtn by appointment, to fill an made, it is hereby orilem! and dirvctt.l Flow about you r buildings? uiiexpirctd term of the original o r - ’ suc*'"ot'c e ’* R'vcn by -b'e a,,,l H ow about you r furniture? Rani/alion of the »city, whuff’, office !>rolxr piiblRatiiiii. A L G E R N O N S. D R E S S U R . R egister. iie ti-Mgiieilonlieconting postnraster. R o ckw o o d , O regon He also is at the present time a da aud'surrounding country. He Phone G r e s h a m , 311 111 -ml 1 r of the present city council, being engaged for the past co/.ipk- Represents the being elected at the last city elec-(,,f years in the jewelry business, Oregon Fire Relief Associa­ tion. He has been postmaster since We have no doubt that heNvill be tion of McMinnville the resignation of Dr. Havilmid equal to the emergency in his new And six oth er lines o f fire insur­ March ist 1,906. Mr. Surface pnrch-! business venture, ance aseil the Estacada Fhartnacy which R em em ber he is an insurance he has conducted since that time 1 M e ate in receipt of the report m an, th orou gh ly responsible and reliable He 1 - .s beet) interested and aided in ! of t,:e Juvenile Court for Multno- the development and growth of our '«ah Co . Oregon. An examination WRITE HIM city and at all times willing to lend of ils P -i^ s very clearly that O r leave word at this office hisaid and council in matters pertain- il is n,ucl> more commendable to ing t . the city's welfare. He has society- that this form of pt-.nisli- al\va\sheen especially interested ill or reformation is bringing the matter of education, taking an l*U er results to the community advanced stand on all matters [>er- than the old practice of incarcera- taining to our schools. Mr. Surface Ung the young criminals with the as will be seen by reference to our °ld ones. la-t week's issue, has sold to A. N. Advertising does not pay, if you Johns,m his present business inter- have nothing to sell or nothing to W . A. JONES e-a- m l has also tendered his resig- accomplish I’ R O P R IK T O R r.ali . ns postmaster. T h e sale in- The Smith, Cary Co. firm, for thc building as weil as the only the si rt time they have been Good rigs and careful d rivers alw ays ;■ k ixttirv-. an 1 good will of the open for -iiuss van fee! proud of S P E C IA L A T T E N T IO N Est, adu pharmacy. Mr. Surface hat tii ve don-. In addition Several parties passed through ^ Dodge for the mountains to hunt for big game. Scitnliiic fltmrkan. I Physician and Surgeon OFFICH, ADJOINING RKSXDBNCE Local and Long Distance Telephone The d octor’* phone can lie con ne etcì I with your hom e plume at n igh t if re­ quested. One lung ring. Orders Promptly Pilled for Out-of-Town, and City Trade The social and program that was rendered Saturday evening was a PRO PRIETO R Thursday, September 24, 1908 success. The sum of twenty one do'lars and twenty seven cents be­ Notice for PrhKrdtion T he Missouri riv .r valley is one F R E S H V E C E l A B L E S & L R U I T ing taken in Everyone appeared D epartm ent of the Interior. I . S. land to enjoy themselves. The Progress Ilice at Portland, O regon, July 23, 140S. of the most successful hoc, section ot ~ D eliverin g iven s. attention the United States, and corn has al­ last week giving the S p l i n g w a t c l Xtuiee is hereby given F r e i O. Uil- Corvallis, Oregon ways been the basis '-1 this indus­ items g u t things mixed. Where it ers ■ : Cortland, O regon, win», on July 23 /> Offers collegiate courses in Agri try. Today one of the most popu­ -tilted the proceeds from the social] »?“«. «• '•••c timber land application No. lar stock-fattening foods in the Mis­ ! held will be used to water pipe thi 0131 t< r iiortlicast quarter, section 26, culture, including Agronomy, Hor­ , , , , , township 1 south, of range 5 east of Wil- souri river region is a mixture 1 but dtugs, grind grain etc.,it should , l.inictte , . merulian. ., , lias tiled , notice of 111 ticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dai­ — — ■ w — » _t,T| alfalfa meal attd sugar beet pulp, have s.fid that Shibleys bought and tention to make final cash proof to estafi- ry Husbandry, etc.; Forestry, Do­ i t a wee k w which is produced in Colorado. Ad- H a ‘ --D set up a gasoline engine for the a listi claim to the land above described, mestic Science and Art; Mechanical before the ngi-ter and receiver of f . S. Klectrical Civil and Mining Kngi- vices recently received from that y I ove named purposes. l«m>l office ut IN . Hand, Oregon, on the neer; Commerce; Pharmacy. P ■ F! . - state show that numerous new mills tj T L - . The Dodge correspondent in last 9th day of Oct ' - 1 190S. Offers elementary courses in Ag- are being erected, atul certainly the j g B | F y ü H 'L '-’ j weeks is-ue wants to know what i- Claimant names as witnesses: riculture, Forestry, Domestic S ci­ Pacific Northwest should give thi , the matter with Springwater. No Adolf Wietlcrhold of Hissel, Oregon 1 . 1 , M ODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S ence aud Art, Commerce and Me­ industry every po- hhle encourage Harry A Filers of Portland, Oregon R. F. D. and asks if Springwater Perry Kit/miller of Dover, Oregon chanic Arts, including forge work, ment, and this i particularly tine is going to be behind the times all Andrew Kit/miller of “ “ cabinet making, steam fitting ma­ since the great interational concerns One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast the time. The Dodge correspond­ Algernon S. Dresser, Register chine work, plumbing, etc. like Swift eSt Co. and others have ent is the one that is behind the Strong faculty, modern equip­ decided to locate on the Pacific- time for not knowing that Spring- j Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Notice for Publication ment; free tuition; opens Sept. 25. Coast, and they are now spending water lias had R F. D. over a vear. R 93B- Department of the Interior, U. S. land Illustrated catalog with full infor­ millions of dollars in building their Olie day List week John Stormel office at Portland, Oregon, July 27, 1908. mation on application to the Regis­ plants at Portl ind. A good relia­ „0, and family were visiting their reía- ! Notice is hereby given that Charles 11 . trar free. ble fattening food equal to corn [| tives Slliblevs. While going home brown of Portland. Oregon, who, on Ju- would make this section of the United .. . . , . , , lv 27, 1908, made timber and stone Ann. I their hack broke down which frig h t-! ' , No. 0160 lor the west lian of Northwest States the very rich st portion of eueit the horses and they ran away quarter section 20. township 5 south, of ■ Ê w j our great Republic. -• ' ; It was lucky the horses broke loose range 4 east, Willamette meridian has ! from the hack before much damage filed notice of intention to make final No event has taken place in the was done. Mrs. Stormer and son, proof to establish claim to land above des­ cribed , before (lie register and receiver last year ‘ hat will be more benefic­ u ' P L I | Orel, were quite badly bruised. at Portland, Oregon, on the 13th day of ial to the Pacific Northwest that tile- October, 1908. visit of the delegates in attendance SBB Claimant names as w-itnesses; upon the National conventual of the DODGE F Turney of Portland, Oregon Am erican Association of Traveling (). M. Stafford of Portland, Oregon F IR S T Geor.-s tf. Itigclov, of Portland, ore- Passenger Agents. These men have Miss Margurite W ilcox, Miss Arnt Jarstead of Portland, Oregon S BO O KS T A B L E T S P E N C IL S $ traveled through Wa bington sj cut \da Roberson and Mr. Roy W il­ Algernon S. Dresser, Register three days thoroughly investigating $ CRAYONS RULERS PENS $ cox visited in Dodge. They com­ St attic where they held their con­ mended tlu beautiful scenery and W . C. W H I T F I E L D S IN K S W R IT IN G TABLETS’ S vention, visited interesting [»laces CO N TE ST NOTICE exhileratitig mountain air. on the Sound; then they c. me to Dupiirtmunt “ f the Interior, I’nited States THK NKW The Dodge Sabbath School gave I, d i d : •»dice, Portland, Oregon, Aug. 20 letncy Stationery, School Supplies Portland where they spent a day be­ an entertainment last Saturday- 190S. BLACKSMITH fore making the Columbia River Cigars, Post Cards, Fishing Tackle A sufficient contest affidavit having night. The features of the evening trip. Here they disbanded, going * ___ _ _ _ ______________ _ ~ were the singing by the Dodge hern died in this office by John S. Mai- to many points in Oregon, Wash­ quartett and the violin solo by Mr. comson' co“ tesl nt- aKuinst Oomcstca.l Does all k in d s o f w ork in his line and ington and down through Califor­ * ... . ,. .. , | entry No. 14630, made November 4,1902, S olicits a Share of you r Patronage b. Horner and Mr. J. Marchbank. !, ,r w ,.2 s w NIi ,.4 S\V imd N nia. T he T raveling Passenger A- The rust of the program was also j \v 1-4 SR 1-4 Section 27, Township 2 S., gents meet thousands <>f people and very good. T h e H otel Estacada j Range 7 K., by William W. Weltmer, influence a vast amount of travel. Contes'.ee, in which it is alleged that he desires to buy a lot of G1 c S S g Z g : 0 George Keller and family are visit is well acquainted with the tract of land C H IC K E N S ing in Aurora. embraced in the homestead entry», and T he Portland County Club and e. HENRY V. ADIX, M. D. Brown Livery, Feed & Sale STA B LE > the- .»mount of grain stored i tli ing they have shipper! i >u I already, of oats, and rcc-i ! i-'o on the way four car ioi,' u.loadeel in their build­ ing N' ' V rrvint is already a ques­ tion i a them. G iven lim itin g .and F ish in g Parties W hen in need of GROCERIES, CO NFEC TIO NARY, and PATENT MEDICINES D on’ t forget I can supply your needs, and solicit your patronage H . H ughes, - C a z a d e ro , O r e J . V. BARR B L A C K S M IT H Is still at the old stand and w illing to d o any of the work in his line G IV E HIM A C A L L PORTLAND RESTAURANT L . C. P O S S O N , Proprietor * + + + Hom e C o o k in g. Clean and C om fortab le Reds. Reasonable Rates. Transient Custom Solicited. Dr. TATE DENTIST W ill visit E stacada on F rid ay and'- Saturday of each w eek A ppoin tm en ts m ay be marie w ith Dr. A d ix . BONNEY, The Photographer Is prepared to do all k in d s o f w o rk in his line P A T R O N IZ E HOME IN D U S T R Y Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys at Law Nortary Public, General L aw Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b ­ stracts furnished M ONEY LOAN ED OFPICKS: 2, 3 & 4, ANDKKSKN m.IX O regon C i t y O regon CEDAR SHINGLES We are equipped to manufacture from 40,000 to 50,000 of the best Cedar Shingles each day, and w ill deliver them in Estacackv at Or the purchaser can get them at the mill. When wanting shingles examine these. Orders filled promptly JULIUS KRIEGER ---- PROPRIETOR---- Estacada Agent A. Morrow T IM E C A R D 0. W. P. & Ry. Co. K S T A C A IIA -PO R TL A N D ! Cars leave Estacada for Port­ land: 7:22, 9:22, 1123 : A M. and 3:52. 0 : 33 , 9:15 P. M. Cars leave Portland for Esta- cada: 7 1 5 , 9:15. 11:15 A. M. and I 1 :l 5- 3 45- h -.ty 7:25 P. M. i WOOD & LUMBER Local and L o n g Distance Telephone FOR SALE Freight also leaves Portland in the morning goes to Caza­ dero and return; to Portland Dr. A d ix wishes to dispose of The- lxidv of Win Henry Close MOM second-hand furniture. Per M ain offices o f the com pany: 132 1-2 was t ken on the p. m. car to Port sons desiring to see it can do so h l-.rst St. Porti ind,