Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 17, 1908, Image 3

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o f the H air
There are four verses. Verse
1. A yer’s Hair Vigor makes
theliairgrow. Verse2. Ayer’s
Hair Vigor stops falling hair.
Verse 3. Ayer’s Hair Vigor
cures dandruff. V erse 4.
Ayer’s Hair Vigor always re­
stores color to gray hair. The
chorus is sung by millions.
*' Before lining Ayer's Hair Vigor I had very
thlu Htitl very poor hair. Hut I continued to
unethe Vigor until my hair greatly improved
In every >vay. I have ...... I it ,,ir anil on for
the past ten years."— Mus. M. D iu m m o n d ,
Newark, N J.
Made by J. C. A yor Co.. L o w o li, Mass.
A lso manufacturera o f
It « ‘ v « * r »iil
K o r in ,
** Scran ley, havjB you abandoned the lec­
ture platform for good?”
“ I have, liorroeks. I married a gifted
and eloquent woman and I ’ m the audi­
ence now.”
O W A R D K. B U R T O N .— a stuyer tu . Chomlst.
I.cudville, Colorado. Specimen prices: (¿old,
Silver, I. ad, i l : Hold, Silver, 7 . •; Gold, 6u<-; Zinc or
Copper, fel.. Cvuniilo test*. M ailing envelopes and
B ill
' ‘ “ list ‘ sent ‘ on ap; pildatI n. Control and Urn
pire work solicited.
li Uwluruuce: Carbonaie N »
Il ou al Baux.
ressen t
m a p le in e
2a?anTlLt 35CT3.ATÄU fiDGCfRS
A N e w P a r lo r C a r d G a m e
Go to your D ealer and buy a pound package o f
“ 20 Mule T e a m " B O R A X .
Cut o ff the top
panel from pack acre mid mail to Pacific Coast
liorax Co.. Oakland. Cal., with 4c in stamps and
the VVHlZ Runic w ill be prom ptly sent you pre­
W H IZ the N e w Parlor Card game, is composed
o f 44 handsomely printed cards inclose«] in a Map
case with full and com plete rules fo r playing. En­
tertaining, instructive, and can be played by all
the fam ily.
S im ilar gam es cost 50c in the shops. You can
g et it F R E E .
This sterling household remedy is most
successfully prescribed for a “ world of
troubles.” For derangements of the d i­
gestive organs it is a natural corrective,
operating directly upon the liver and ali­
mentary canal, gently but persistently
stimulating a healthful activity.
beneficial influence extends, however, to
every portion o f the system, aiding in the
processes of digestion and assimilation of
food, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad
breath, irregularities o f the bowels, con­
stipation and the long list o f troubles
directly traceable to those unwholesome
Kasparilla dispels drowsi­
ness, headache, backache ami despond­
ency due to inactivity of the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic o f the highest value.
I f it fails to satisfy we authorize all
dealers to refund the purchase price.
H o y t C h e m ic a l C o .
Portland, Oregon
F ire .
The S o n g
I f ly e r s
IS x p i'iia lv o
She wu8 u splt'iiilhl «ci’ vunt, but she
Ibln’t know any thing about gas to
■talk with, bo lie went to the kitchen
with her to explain about tin* range.
So that she could see how It was up­
rated In* lit each o f tin* many burners.
W hile still explaining a message call­
ed him from the kitchen and he left her All Oregon Joins in Honoring Athletic
saying, “ I guess you will tiiul that It
will work all right now, Martha.”
Sons at Portland.
He didn't see tin* cook again for four
or live days, then, u | m > u entering the
I kitchen, he said, “ Well, Martha, bow s
Smithson, Gilbert and Kelly Receive
that range doing?”
T o his utter consternation she re­
Num ber o f T ro p h ies— Thousands
C h eer Big Parade— Climax o f R e­
“ Deed, sir, that's the best stove I
ceptions Given on Journey A cross
ever did see. That tire what you
kindled for me four days ago Is still
a burning, and it ain’t even lowered
15.— Crowds
S iitfue N lI ve.
laurel leaves, more modern and spec­
The prospective purchaser was taking
a trial trip in the motor car that had tacular, o f course, than the simple
been the most highly recommended to token o f victory o f ancient Greece,
him, and was speeding along in the coun- were pressed upon the brow s o f Or**
i r j .
go n ’s victorious athletes last night
"W hat clump of buildings is that over
on the triumphal return o f Smithson,
there on the right?” he asked.
"T h at’s the county poorhouse,” answer Gilbert and K elly from the O lym pic
ed the chauffeur.
games in London.
“ Well, don’ t stop here,” he rejoined
A ll O rego n joined in the demon­
nervously. “ I don’ t want to add another
to the list of men whose auiomobjles have stration. and no O lym p ic winner,
taken them to the poorhouse !” '— Chicago even in the days when poets sang
o f heroes and o f men w h o sailed fi m
the shores o f T ro y to bring back
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LO( ALA PPI.K'AT IONS, an Ihey cannot honor, ever received a m ore royally
teach t he seal of i lie disease, ( ’atari li Is n blond enthusiastic welcom e on his home
or constitutional tli ease, and In order‘ o cure coming. On their journ ey across the
it y<»u must tube inter« nl remedies. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is taken internal, v, and acts di- continent honors and attentions were
rectW upon the blood urn! mucous surface*. heaped upon them, and on their en­
Hall s Catarrh Cure is in.) a qua« k medic.lie trance into the borders o f their na­
t was preserl bed by on«» of tut* best physic „„s
in tins countay for years an«l is u regular ore tive state admiring multitudes con­
criptiou. It is composed of the best tonics tended to do them homage.
.¿n«nv i,e unbilled with the best bloo«l purifie-•
In Portland last night enthusiasm
acting directly on the mucous surfaces T he
perfect combination of the two ingredient! S IS reached a climax in a gorgeous
wliat produces Much wonderful results in i
pageant, rivalling in spectacular b ril­
Dig ( ntarrh Send for testimonial* free
liancy and display any similar scene
a i J‘ - h CHENKY A CO., Props ., Toledo, O
Bold by Driirgl-ts, |>ri. e 7V.
that has been presented in this city.
lake Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
A ged men and women participated,
children took part and small hoys
T h e L iiik I of the F re e .
"T h ere’s eight nations represinted In yePcd themselves hoarse in an in toxi­
this ward o f ours," said Mr. Ilallorau cation o f admiration.
T h e most spectacular feature o f the
to his w ife on his return from a i>olitl
demonstration was the big parade
t i l meeting. He began to count them Thousands o f persons witnessed it
off on his fingers.
and thousands cheered it as it passed.
“ T h ere’s Irish, Frlnch, Eyetalians, In every street through which the
Poles, Germans, Roossians,
Greeks parade passed sidewalks were lined,
while windows and every available
Mr. Ilalloran stopped, and began point o f vantage were crowded.
In addition to the individual trophy
a g a in :
presented by the City o f Portland to
“ There’s Irish. Frlnch, Eyetalians.
the hoys, each has also been the recipi­
Poles, Germans, Uoosiuus, Greeks— an’ ent o f a handsome troph y— the gift
ain’t it queer I disremimber the other o f each
respective O rego n
wan? There’s Irish, FrUich-----
claim ing one o f the hoys as a native.
“ Maybe ’twas Americans,” suggested Baker C ity on Sunday night pre­
sented Dan J. K elly with a loving
Mrs. Hu Horan.
“ Sure, that’s It,” said her husband. cup o f beauteous design, and last
night Forrest C. Smithson received
“ I couldn’t think.”
a similar trophy as the g ift o f the
Multnomah Am ateur A th letic Club.
“ Remember not to forgot” is an In­ Charles L. M cN ary, o f Salem, on b e­
junction fam iliar to every uge and walk half o f the citizens o f the capital,
of life. A w riter in London Opinion presented A lfred C. Gilbert with an­
gives the following as a specimen of other handsome cup.
As an additional honor. Dr. M o r ri­
what even the most cautious may come
son. on behalf o f the Multnomah
“ W hat’s that piece o f cord tied round Xthletic Club, announced that that
institution had voted a life mem ber­
your finger for?” asked Mr. Church.
ship to each o f the victorious trio.
“ My w ife put it there to remind me
to post her letter,” answered Mr. Chap­
“ And did you post it?”
M ajority in Maine Much Reduced in
“ N o ; she forgot to give it to me.”
Four Years.
A d v ic e .
Portland. Me., Sept. 15.— The R e ­
“ Never marry a man to reform him.
my dear,” counseled Aunt Hephzibah. “ If publicans carried Maine yesterday
you do reform him he’ll hate you for it, by about 8,000 plurality, as against
and if you don’t you'll always be pitying 26.816 in the last presidential year,
yourself for having married a man who and 8064 in 1006. A t m idnight re ­
turns for govern or from 468 out o f
wasn’t good enough for you.”
510 cities, towns and plantations
give Bert M. Fernald (R e p .), 72.177;
G en . C o rb in L i k e « O ld C lo t h e «.
(D e n i.), 64,003.
Ever see Gen. Corbin’s old shoes? lie Obadiah
had them made four years ago when he T h e same places in 1004 gave Cobh
(D e m .), 40,416.
went to the Philippines, and lie’s wearing
The well known reliable
’em yet. They’re great. The general de­ T h e rem aining places in 1004 gave
tests a new pair of shoes or a new suit Cobh 1630, Davis 730. T h e missing
of clothes. A young fellow came along to towns, which are small, four years
his place near Washington recently and ago cast 1630 Republican votes and
Root and Herb
730 Democratic.
said :
Dem ocratic
‘‘Sir, I don't want to ask for money,
hut I would be grateful if you would give more than 13,000 over that o f 1004,
while the Republican vote fell o ff
TTn* made n life study o f me an old suit of clothes.”
root a iirul herbs, and in thul
study discovered and is civ. i
“ Not by a good sight,” said the general, about 25 N). T h e Republican plural­
' in « to the world hiH wonder- j
"hut there is a new suit inside you can ity is the smallest recorded in a
» ful remedies.
presidential year in 25 years.
N o Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used He Cures have.” — New York Sun.
The tw o parties split even in the
Without Operation, or Without the Aid o f a Knife j
l i e guarantees to Cure Catarrh. Asthma, Lung,
N a tu ra l D ed u ction.
:.'o cities, each capturing 10 . T h e v o t­
Throat, liheumutism. Nervousness. Nervous Debility, |
Farmer Goatee— Ilo w ’d ye keep the ing was particularly heavy in the
h. .........
Liver. _______
Lost Manhood. !
f’emulo Weakness and A ll Private Diseases
rural districts, ow in g la rgely to the
boys out o f your melons?
Fodderface— Circulated
a popularity o f Mr. Gardiner among
lust Received from Peking, China—S afe, Sure
the farmers as head o f the State
and Reliable.
story about n ghost ha’ntin’ my place.
Grange, Patrons o f Husbandry, the
Farmer Goatee— W here’d ye hit the
Dem ocrats m aking large gains.
C O N S U L T A T I O N 1 -H R R
A ll four Republican candidates for
I f you cannot call, w rite for sirmpton blank and ciroo>
Inr. Inclose 4 cents in siami*».
congress w ere elected, and for state
auditor Charles P. Hatch, Republican,
1621-2 First St., Oor. Morrison,
Portland, Oregon.
Please Mention This Parer.
Kansas City Times.
o f Augusta, defeated his opponent.
C. Gee Wo
C h olera Proves
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
AVcgelable Preparation for As
similaiiii^ the Food and Retjuia
lin^ H ip Stomachs andUowlsuf
Promotes Diÿ’stionJClifprfii!
ness and Rest'Contains neiita
Opiitm.Morphirte nor Muerai.
N o t N a r c o t ic .
B ea rs th e
S ig n a tu r e
Jtnpr i f OU ttSM XUntM M
Ermpkin Sen/“
jfm tn i ♦
Amnnsr/ - .
lit Cartone*Seda*
Aperfect Remedy forConsflpi
tton , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtion
Worms .Convulsions Jewrislt
n e ss and Loss o f S leep .
Facsimile Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
TMC «««T A W « COMMNT. N I « V O «« CITY.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 15.— It is an­
nounced o ffic ia lly that from noon
Septem ber 12 until noon yesterday
there w ere 256 cases o f cholera and
64 deaths in this city. T h e m ortality
since the beginning o f the epidemic
is over 25 per cent. One o f the v ic­
tims yesterday was a tenor belon gin g
to the famous choir o f St. Alezandre-
Nevsky, who was stricken after the
service. A council o f physicians has
recomm ended the closing o f the sa­
loons at 5 o ’clock on workdays, as
alcoholics are especially susceptible
to the disease.
Union is Sued as Trust.
San Francisco, Sept. 15.— D epo­
sitions are being taken in this city
in a suit brought by D. E. I.oew e &
Co., o f Danbury, Conn., against the
United Hatters o f North Am erica for
the recovery o f $100 000 damages a l­
leged to have been sustained by the
manufacturing company as the result
o f a b oycott declared against it by
the union. T h e action is taken under
the Sherman anti-trust act. and is said
to be the first effort to put the act
into effect against a labor organiza­
Harriman M akes Big P rofit.
Chicago. Sept. 15.— T h e net earn­
ings o f the Union Pacific and the
Pacific railroads for the
month o f July were the largest that
either o f these roads has reported
for that month in their history. In
the cases o f both, however, the gross
earnings showed a material decrease
as compared with last year. A good
show ing in net earnings was brought
about by a material reduction in op­
erating expenses.
T ak e Evidence on M erg er.
Salt Lake City. Sept. 15.— In the
federal court here an order was en­
tered yesterday appointing Sylvester
G. W illiam s, o f Denver, special e x ­
aminer to take evidence in the suit of
the United States governm ent against
the so-called m erger o f the H arri­
man Pacific railway lines.
G reat Aeronaut Excels Form er Feats
in T h ree Particulars.
Idaho Experiment Station Man Writes
Concerning It.
Washington, Sept. 14. In two flights
at Fort Slyer Saturday afternoon, Or­
ville Wright, in the Wright flyer, broke
three record«. Staying up nine min
utes and six and one third second in tin*
first flight, in which Major George O.
Squiers, acting chief signal officer, ac­
companied him Mr. Weight broke the
record for a two man flight, which he
established on Tuesday.
The first
fligh t wuh at 4:29 o ’clock.
In the second flight, which started
at 5:17, Mr. W right broke the record
for time and distance of a heavier
than air fly in g machine, which ho es
trtblished l y remaining in the air for
one hour, fourteen minutes and twenty-
four seconds.
In this fligh t he alv*
went higher than an aeroplanist has
ever gone, rising to an altitude o f 250
Mr. W right also maintained a higher
speed than in his other flights at Fort
Myer, traveling around the drillgrounds
at the rate o f 38.75 miles an hour on
the first fligh t, when M ajor Squiers
accompanied him.
The distance o f this flight was 5.88
Saturday’s flight,
W right broke tho world’s record for
time and distance for the fifth time
last week.
A crowd of 5.000 persons gathered to
witness the fligh ts and their enthusi
asm knew no bounds. It was all the
cavalry, detailed to guard the aceoplane
from damage, could do to keep the
crowd back. They cheered Mr. Wright
until he went away in the signal corps
By It. K. Hyslop, Agronom ist. Lfniver8ity o f Idaho
A gricu ltu ral Experim ent Station, Moscow.
C riticizes Both Dirigible Bal­
loon and Aeroplane.
Seattle, Sept. 14.— Thomas A. Edison,
the noted inventor, who is taking a
vacation on the Pacific Coast, says that
neither the aeroplane nor the dirigible
balloon w ill successfully solve the ques­
tion of navigating the air. Asked if,
in givin g up the commercial side o f his
work, he would make a study o f the
airship, he said:
‘ It is likely that T shall pay some
attention to the navigation o f the air.
1 have done so in the past, but I had
not the time to make serious effort. I
am firmly convinced that the time is
near at hand when it will be possible to
sail through the air as easily ami as
safely as we now go by land or by
“ I have little faith in the aeroplane
or I he balloon as a means of aerial
The aeroplane o f the
W righ t brothers depends too much on
the personal equation.
Place some
other man in that earoplane and it
would not work. It depends upon the
skillful handling of the machine by the
“ It is also unlikely that the efforts
o f inventors who have pinned their
faith to the dirigible balloon will meet
with success. When you have some
thing that is lighter than air it is ap
parent even to the layman that it is a
toy of the winds. It is wafted about
like a thistledown when a strong wind
is blowing.
The aeroplane and the
dirigible balloon will be improved, I
have no doubt, but I look to see the
application of a principle different from
either in the successful airship.’ ’
D ecrease
o f 30,371 in Number Idle
Helps Railroads.
Chicago, Sept. 14__ Another big boost
toward prosperity is indicated by a
weekly report o f the car efficiency com
mittee o f the American Railway asso
ciation, which was issued Saturday.
The total of surplus cars on railroads
o f the United States and Canada has
been reduced to 222,632, a decrease of
30 371 since the last report. O f this
decrease, 21.723 are boxcars and 7,253
coal and gondola.
The decrease in boxcars is the largest
since the maximum surplus of 413,605
was reached. An increasing activity in
repairing ears is shown by a reduction
o f 7,662 in the number of bad order
Small shortages are reported on a few
railroads, the shortages totaling 1.418.
Regarding this condition, Arthur Hale,
chairman o f the committee, says:
“ W henever these shortages arc of
such a nature and extent as to justify
action by the committee, conditions are
brought to the attention of the roads
reporting a surplus, and arrangements
are made to transfer equipment to the
roads having use for it .”
Race Trouble Feared.
Seneca, Kan., Sept. 14.— A clash be
tween whites and blacks is feared here
follow ing an attack on Samuel Murphy,
a farmer, by two negroes, Jim and Allie
Johnson, Friday night. The negroes as­
saulted a white boy who taunted them
about a horse race they had lost, and
Murphy interfered in behalf of the lad.
A mob quickly pursuer and overtook
the negroes, and armed with ropes were
bent on a lynching, which was only
avoided by the pluck o f a deputy sher­
iff, who. gun in hand, stood in the door
of a vacant house and held the mob
at bay.
. 7 *5 o A L A S T IN G C U R E
There are certain mineral medicines which will remove the external
On account o f the numerous in
quiries com ing into our station, wc symptoms of Contagious Blood Poison, and shut the disease up in the
system for awhile, but when the treatment is left off the disease w ill surely
find it necessary to issue this press
return. Then the loathsome symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat,
so-called copper-colored spots, fallin g hair, sores and ulcers, etc., are usually worse
“ Alaska” wheat.
because the disease has made rapid progress on the internal members, and
T h is wheat, when given ample f.eld weakened the constitution and general health c f the sufferer.
S. S. S. is
space or conditions favorable to the the only remedy that can be used with p c feet safety in the treatment o f
individual plant, has a branching head Contagious Blood Poison, and with the assurance that a la ting cure w ill
This medicine, made entirely of roots and herbs of recognized
borne on a rather tough straw at a result.
curative and tonic value, antidotes and destroys the powerful virus of the
height o f between four and five feet.
disease, and by pu rifying the blood of every particle of the poison and
The mesh bears tw o and three ker­ enriching and strengthening the circulation, removes every sypmptom o f
nels. W hen grow n under close field the trouble. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up the disease in any way, but
conditions the bead tends to be much drives it entirely out from the blood, leaving not the slightest trace for
Home treatment lo ok with valuable information and
smaller, branches less, and the mesh future outbreaks.
bears from one to tw o kernels, very any medical advice desired sent free to all who write
seldom three. I f heads grow n under
these conditions alone were examined
the impression would be obtained that
Ileum o f Siitere«t.
Chattel mortgages.
this wheat never bears but tw o ker­
nels to the mesh, a mistake which
Promissory notes.
some writers appear to have made.
T h e beards, while not numerous,
are dark in color and considerably
Loans.— Toledo Biado.
stronger than we find on our common
A N e w and Modern European Hotel catering
wheats, but not so long or stiff as
M oth ers w ill find Mrs. W in slo w ** S o o th in g particularly to State people. A refined place for
those found on the durums or maca­ Syrup th>- b '8* r«?:nedv to use f o i t h e ir cU. iar a ladies visitin g 'h e city, close to the shopping
iu r i u g th e te e th in g p er.tx L
roni wheats. T h e normal kernel i?
center. Kates reasonable. T ree Bus.
light in color, short and plump, with
N. K_ CLARKE, (late of Portland Hotel) Mgr.
A p p ortion in g tho Year.
an unusually open groove, which al­
lows the kerntl to be easily broken Now strolls tlie youth beside the sea.
in threshing. A cross-section shows
No longer grimly thrifty,
the interior to be white and powdery, For just lwo weeks’ vacation he
with com paratively little horny starch
Must save up coin for fifty.
The shrunken kernels naturally are
Washington Star.
C IT C St. Vitus' Dance nn<1
n o n « Diseases perma-
T ak in g everything into considera
» I I J neatly cured by Dr. i inn's (ireat NVrie he.
tion, I am led to conclude that this Bton*r. Semi for FREE $2 00 tntil bottle ami treatise.
is the E gyptian or M iracle wheat, a Dr. it. li. Kline, Ld., Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Poulard, and that it belongs to that (
SeekliiK u I ’ i l l l i i K E nvironm ent.
variety o f the E gyptian known a- i
Mrs. Raynor— Your brother Algy is
Eldorado, which is very closely re­
to spend ilie rest of the summer in
lated to the seven-headed variety.
T h e Poulards are peculiarly adapted a logging camp, is he? What is his idea
to dry regions, but never have been in doing that?
Mrs. Shyne— The poor hoy has taken
grow n to any extent in Am erica
T h eir yields have never proved to be a notion that he wants to wear a French
o f such a nature as to warrant their beard, and he’s going there to try to ruis**
the necessary foundation for it.
extensive grow th, even for stock food
And the in feriority o f the flour pro­
Shake In to Y ou r Shoes
duced from them has prevented their
A llen 's F<Jot-Ease, a pow der fo r th e fe e t. It eures
use to any extent for the production painful,
swollen, sm arting, sw ea tin g fe e t. Makes
o f bread.
new shoes easy. Sold by a ll D ru g g ists and Shoe
T h e high yields claimed for the Stor«*-*.. D on 't accept any substitute. Sarnplo
•-'RE” . Address A . S. Olmsted. L e Roy, N . Y .
wheat in this section o f the country,
in some cases 277 bushels per acre,
f t » F a u l t y Construction.
are fabulous. One o f the promoters
“ I \%ns away up in front,” Mrs. Lip-
states that from one head o f the sling was saying, “ and yet 1 couldn’t
E G G -P H O S P H A T E
wheat he obtained seven pounds; hear half the actors said.
I tell you
from these seven pounds he produced there’s something wrong with the agnostic
1545 pounds, or a yield in round num­ properties of that theater.” — Chicago
bers of 220 fold
It is from these Tribune.
figures that the yields noted in the
various papers, and in the circular of
A modern leavener at
the A d am s-H obe Seed Grain c o m ­
a moderate price; is 30
pany, o f Juliaetta, Idaho, are com ­
per cent, more efficient
puted. T *' show the ridiculousness of
than “ Trust” or Cream-
computing yields in this way. we de­
termined in a couple o f cases, the
of-Tartar products and
number o f grains produced from one o f the happy homes o f to-day is a
absolutely free from the
seed o f L ittle Club grow n under fa ­ vast fund of information as to the
health-racking Rochelle
vorable conditions in our breeding best methods o f promoting health and
Salts residue invariably
plat. One plant produced 1176; the
happiness and right livin g and know­
accompanying their use.
other 1800 kernels. N ow , reasoning
as this seed company has done, if we ledge o f the world’s best products.
should plant one bushel o f this Little
Products o f actual excellence and
Get it f,-om your Grocer
Club to the acre, we would obtain reasonable claims truthfully presented
1176 or 1S00 bushels. This would be
and which have attained to world­
a rather high yield, even for Idaho.
This year the com pany had 700 wide acceptance through the approval
acres in the wheat grow n on different of the W ell-Inform ed of the W orld;
farms in this locality. A thirty-acre not of individuals only, but o f the
M oscow,
threshed in the middle o f August, many who have the happy faculty of
went about th irty-tw o bushels per selecting and obfaining the best the
acre. Mr. Adams stated at that time world affords.
that his best yields had been thirty-
One of the products o f that class,
five bushels. H e supplemented this
remark, however, with the statement of known component parts, an Ethical
that his stands were poor in every remedy, approved by physicians and
case. But considering the large acre
commended by the W ell-Inform ed of
age, the fact that several different the W orld as a valuable and whole­
farmers gre w the crop, and the effect some fam ily laxative is the well-known
o f a close stand, noted above, we must Syrup of Figs and E lixir o f Senna. To
take this as an indication, at least, of get its beneficial effects always buy
the yielding pow er o f the wheat. This, the genuine, manufactured
by the
however, would not be considered an California F ig Syrup Co., only, and
extra large yield for this country.
for sale by all leading druggists.
T h e analysis o f the wheat upon
which the company appears to base
its hopes amounts to practically noth­
ing in determ ining the bread-making
quality o f the flour
It is true, that
way to the «U •
m i , t o in i -1 to wear a woMdy. unusable partial plate
bluestem wheat, which analyzes higher
or ill-fitting, ordinary I .- i < l « « ■ work. The Dr. Wine
in protein than Little Club, makes a
system of
better quality o f flour, but it is also
“ T E E T H W .T H C U T P L A T E S "
true that macaroni wheat, which an­
The result «>f -I yenrV « xpero-rn e. the new way of
alyzes higher in protein than Blue
re|’lii<-inn teeth in th«* ironth te«>th in fact, teeth in
ii|>l>«-arnnce. teeth to «-hew nur food u|on. hh you
stem, makes a low er class o f flour,
Said an Employer: “ Stick to quality. did iii-oii your natural «me - Our fore«> is *o organ­
and consequently is discriminated
iz'd we run do ><>ur entire < town, bri llo or plate
against by the miller. T h e low grade It will win out in the end.”
W e do work in n <lu> if nere .in ]\wUivel> painlesa e*.
flours turned out from our mills usu­ "stick to quality.” That is the reason truelin«. Only hmh «-lass. ,entitle work.
W I S E D E N T A L CO., IN C .
ally show a higher protein content
Dr. U A. WDe, Manager , 'J1 \( in Portland
than the patent. Corn has consider­ our graduates are so thorough and in
Si ..I.d l b er I e 1 1 1 ne leni din ;. I h i rd and \\n*h.
able protein, but the chemist seems such demand. Investigate our claims to in. ton n ets Olile.- I.oui-, " A M to S I* M Sun-
it to I I*. M Pa in leps I-xt raetiiiK, .V'e, platea,
unable to find any gluten (that all es
superiority. Catalogue, business forms Sf> up. Phones A and Main ’¿Fa'ti.
sential part o f a good flou r). Even
if the chemist had found a high gluten
N o. 38-OS
content in “ Alaska” wheat, we would l*oi-(Ian«i Diisincss ( ' o l l c u c
still not be justified in concluding
Il E N w r i t i n g t o a«l v o r t ’ s e r s p l e a s e
T e n th and M orrison , Portland, O re g o n
AY m e n t i o n t l i l a p a p e r .
that the wheat would make a good
A. P. A R M S T R O N G . L L . B.. P R I N C I P A L
quality o f flour. The p roof o f the
wheat is in the bread it will make
promised to have a m illing test made
Upon our request the company ha«
soon. Until this test is made, how- .
ever, we must assume that the wheat '
will make no better flour under the \
name o f “ Alaska” than it did when i
known as “ W heat o f M iracle.”
In spite o f all the beautiful stories •
which have been written concerning
the origin o f this wheat, regardless of
the many wonderful things which i
have been imagined about its quality, !
and taking into consideration the im- j
pression as to yield, which has so 1
broadcast !
throughout the Am erican continent by j
this seed company, who advertise their
wheat for sale at $20 per bushel, we
have yet to find any point o f merit
In it which would warrant the public
paying m ore for “ Alaska” wheat than
the prevailing market price o f out
common varieties.
D evoted W ife ’ s W eary Journey.
14.— Mrs.
Henry Johnson, 56 years of age, slept
Saturday night in the city jail. She
has walked from Aberdeen, S. I)., near
lv 1,000 miles, on her way to join her
husband at Seattle.
Tie went to Se­
attle, got work and wrote for her to
come. She had only money enough to
reach Aberdeen. From there she start
ed on afoot. She arrived here at 11
p. in. and started out again at 6 a. m.
S o u t h e r n l l e s t e n ll u a r t i l t .
One quart sifted flour, one-half coffee
| She carries a telescope valise and lives
by charity. She is bright and cheerful, cup o f lard, one-half pint milk, one
but worn out and almost barefooted.
level teaspoonful salt. Rub flour, salt
and lard together until smooth, then
N ew California Regiment.
add milk. Beat twenty minutes, or un­
San Francisco, Sept. 14__ Recruiting til the dough blisters and pops when
is in progress for the organization o f a pulled apart. Roll out about a quarter
new regiment o f the national guard of o f an Inch thick, cut with small bis­
California, to be stationed at San Fran­ cuit cutter and prick each with a fork.
cisco, in conformity with a movement Rake twenty minutes In rather hot
which has been started by representa­ oven.. This quantity makes about
tives (t i commercial bodies of this city. thirty biscuits.
The action o f the business men of San
Francisco in reorganizing the national
guard has the sanction of Governor Gil
*‘ P o l « t o Me n d. * *
lett, who is ready to equip the organiza
This Is an excellent way to make a
tion as soon as it is mustered in.
broken enamel ware pot as good as n e w : j
Take equal parts o f soft putty, finely
N ew Jap Man to England.
sifted coal ashes and table salt. Mt c |
Tokio, Sept. 14. Taka Akira Kato,
arid pack It well Into the hole, or on
proprietor of the Tokio Daily, an influ­
ential .Japanese paper, has been appoint the place where the enamel Is worn or
ed ambassador to England, to succeed wearing. Place the pot on the stove !
Count Komura. who was recently re with a little water In It, until the j
called from England to assume the post cement hardens. It will last a long
o f minister o f foreign affairs in the new time. And take notice that this feclpe
cabinet. K ato is an influential citizen calls fo r nothing that cannot be easily
o f Japan. He has twice been minister obtained. Buy a nlekel’s worth o f putty
o f foreign affairs.
from any plumber.
One o f the
25 c -«F U L L F O U N D -' 25 c
vs. Quality
In the matter of food you can’t afford to
sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. E co n o m y
is right and good but inferior food produces
are dear at any price.
is econom ical—not Cheap. T ry
it. The best at any price or
your money back.
JA Q U E S M FG . C O .
^ tS „ » „ ft C
C a lc a lo .
Pure and