. I . . ! . . * 1 . - t . j . . j , , t , . i —i . i W. King Sells Farm M O RN ING Another sale of real estate took | place last week. J W. King sohl A. W ILLIAM S | his farm to a man from Pendleton, ■ Entered ai ilio postoffice In Estacada, Oreg< j who expects to move on the nlace second class mall ___ with his family and work it. The price paid for the farm was >4000. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES S 1 00 ‘ Mr. King receiving a li' e more th.11: 5C ; onehalf cash and the balance in re a l! * 1 estate in Pcndletr . T ’ e Patik of Thursday, August 20, 1908 Estucada drew up the papers in the ----- deal. Mr. and Mrs. King will give N E W S P A P E R SOLD possession of the ranch at once. I have sold T he E sta cv d a ! N ew s and my connection with ti e J Mr. and Mrs. McMonigal, of Jen- ! nings Lodge, were visitors at the 1 paper, as editor and pi,Wisher, ends homY s , inday. Mr. McMoni- with tins issue. On Tuesday, the ^ an;, Merchant H o w e s r s n t a few 18th, terms were agreed to between . ., • ... ’ h years together in the Southern Ore- Messrs. Geo. Estes, A . li. Sparks ' . ,, , 1 [ gon mines. e Six years ago Monigal T T V l e . i . t i . i . i . i . t i - .i— i . . i . t r r * * - F I R E FARMERS! PROPERTY OWNERS! How about you crop*? How »bout your build ngs? How shout vonr furniture? John B ro w n R o c k w o o d , O ro g o n Phone ij HENRY V . AD1 X, M . D. / Physician and Surgeon CEDAR Office and residence, up stairs in the Es­ tacada Pharmacy Building Entrance between drug store amt Sparks store, on Broadway S H I N G L E S Local and Lo g Distance Telephone We are equipped to manufacture from 40,000 to 50,000 of the best Cedar Shingles each day, and will deliver them iu Estacada at The doctor's phone can be connected with your home phone at night if re­ quested. One long ring. G re s h a m , 311 FOR Represents the Oregon Fire Relief Associa­ tion of McMinnville Ai#! six other lines of fire insur­ ance . Remember he is an insurance man, thoroughly responsible and reliable /" A show case, counters, shelving, heater, stove pipe etc. for sale at very reasonable prices, at this print- | ing office. Or the purchaser can get them at the mill. When these. PAINTING Paper Hanging wanting shingles examine Orders filled promptly AND Notice for Publication Land office at Portland. Oregon. July 1 1, 1908. WRITE HIM Notice Is hereby gi/en that Hezekiah E. Carr of j Colton, Oregon, who, on October 1 1 , 1901, made Or lea\e word at this office I hemestead SM O O T o f U u h . Offers elementary courses in A g ­ be the rule for the day. — Morning JIH Americans won’t work any more. They are *0 busy spec- Attorney George J. Kelley of the riculture, Forestry, Domestic Sci­ for teachers certificates last week August 19, 1908. P. ft I. ft P Co and ft. M Town ence and Art, Commerce and Me- that was ever known in Clackamas 1 OreKon'an’ uhitil.g and trying to live off one another that they havo scud, advertising manager for It* I ^ atiic Arts, including forge work, county. The applicants for papers j abnuiloTied labor, '’and T H E F O R E IG N E R C O L L E C T S Ml'S. C h a S . C a S S id y company, spent a few days out on cabinet making, steam fitting ma- numbered 87. T H E W A G E S and scuds the money abroad. Roaring river fishing, rusticating 1 chh*e work, plumbing, etc. In ray state and in the Eitrr< trading states you C A N N O T F IN D Strong facility, modern equip- A Vallen of El wood was in the The death of Mrs. Charles Cas- and having a good time. J. J. Da AN A M E R IC A N L A B O R E R . All the work is performed by for- city Saturday. Mt. \ alien is a be- s5dy took pIace last Saturday at the . ment; free tuition; opens Sept. 25. vis brought them in Suuday. e.g.irrs, mostly Greeks at present, and the moment they get their pay Illustrated catalog with full infor- lievtr in the small farm well tilled, home ten miles northeast of Ksta- they S H I P E V E R Y C E N T O F IT T H A T T H E Y C A N S P A R E Kills a Big Black Bear ; illation on application to the Rcgis- rather than in the iarge farm only cada. The funeral was held Sun­ from their bare living expenses to their homes in the old country. meagerly tilled, and thinks there is ! trar free. « day, Rev. M B. Paroiinngian con­ more profit in it for, the farmers. Tout means more (»rocks. I da not think that the postal bank, as ducting the -trvie.s at the farm Monday John Jones killed a big, I To illustrate: Mr. Vallen cut nearly r sidenee, and at the Sandy ceme­ suggested bv Postmaster General Moyer, or any other scheme o f gov­ black bear, and he wasn't out hunt­ seven tons of hay off'one acre this ernment guarantee would keep that money from going across the ing either. He was in company ! Little Jolinnie, aged six, had Lcen to season on which he had put a little tery. Deceased was born in Alle- church and had displayed more than ocean. I f the foreign r is paid more money than he actually needs to g :hny City 54 years ago. She was with Ed G ray coming in from camp usual interest in the sermon, in which fertilizer, and did a little extra la­ a member of the I.utheru denomin- lb.eon H E W IL L S E N D IT HOM E. To the Grand Harvest Ball at up Eagle creek, and was about 8 the origin ol Eve had b -en dwelt on at bor. Two grown sous survive Eagle Creek Grange Hall on Satur­ FCR H/.PS T H E F IN A N C IA L P A N IC W IL L T E A C H US A L E S S O N miles from town when they saw old some length. On- 1 is r turn from I e day evening. August 22, 1908, to 1 A N D SO Y E T IM E IN T H E F U T U R E T H S A M E R IC A N S W IL L QO The Knights of Pythias of St. bruin in the brush. Jones got off servi.et, there being £ .inpur y to dinner, j be given by the young people of the . BACK T O W O R K . IN T H E L A S T F t',7 Y C A R 3 C L R P E O P L E H A V E his horse and sent six bullets after 1,e h*'‘ di»l>l«>vd • ***» »i in John Castle will have tin ir annual H N Nor h i- Eagle Creek Grange 297, the pri ­ B EE N I CO C J 3 Y GAMBLiM-G A N D Z ~ Z Z ~ L A T IN O T O DO A N Y the uinnibl. four shots taking effect. pj, an<1 lHkc, >Stimr t)nie , (t„ excursion to Estacada todav. leav R I A L W O A X . T H E Y H A V E B EE N TO O M UCH E N G A G E D IN R O B ­ ce« is tot.« us£d in buying an organ B y hard lifting thevplaced th i dead i„. f , .... B IN G O N E A N O T H E R . * I for the grange. A bear on the horse and brought him*quietly in a corner with hi** hands j i* \ in and shipped him to Portland for tightly over his rib» and an expression Tickets, including lunch 75cts * there will 1 . a of E- h ula Ì.- pu pareti Refreshments will be served. Bruin weighed iy> j of awful anxiety on his face. “ Whv, wh.ft i n 1.trlh is lilt- nint*., r.r ' as follows l i \ .V . tat ¡inri lean lo l ike c ai of ail kintis of legal Good music. with his black fur on. I'd. .iked his mother in alarm. Settlement of estates Mack Thomas will be flow man­ bad some sport iu thc "M am m a," he answered, " I'm afraid men's race; 1 1 :1 5 . igX race, tor busuies*. ladies; 11:3 0 g ills’ footrace; 1:30 «specially, ager. I'm going to have a w ife." i SCO TT TIME CARD ' New York Dimick & Dimick, Real Estate Bargians A. M. SHIBLEY > Subscribe for The News, Agricultural College $1 a year W e A r e A f r a i d of Hard W ork* E v e ry b o d y Is Goinq 1