The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, July 30, 1908, Image 3

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A D V IS E D P E -R U -N A .
B. S Y L V E S T E R E. S M IT H , Boom
218, Granite Block, St. Loula, Mo.,
writes: “ Peruna la the best friend a
alck man can have.
“ A few months ago I came here In a
wretched condition. Exposure and
dampness had ruined my once robust
health. I had catarrhal affections of
the bronchial tubes, and for a time there
Was a doubt as to my recovery.
“ M y good honest old doctor advised
me to take Peruna, which I did and In
a short time my health began to im­
prove very rapidly, the bronchial
trouble gradually disappeared, and In
three months my health was fully re­
“ Accept a grateful man’s thanks for
bis restoration to perfect health.”
Pe ru na fo r His Patients.
A . W . Perrin, M. D. 8., 880 Halsey
St., Brooklyn, N. Y., gays:
“ I am using your Peruna myself, and
tra recommending it to my patients in
111 cases of catarrh, and find It to be
more than you represent. Peruna can
!>e had now of all druggists In this sec­
tion. A t the time 1 began using it, It
was unknown.”
Venezuelan Consul Expelled From
Willemstad, Curacoa.
People o f Island Demand
Against Venezuela and Cruiser
Gelderland Is Sent.
Suit to Pravant Lumbermen
Getting Reduced Rate.
Portland, July 27.— W hile the re­
duced tranmscontinental rates on lum­
ber shipments from Oregon to the Mid­
dle W est w ill go into effect on all lines
on August 15, the W illam ette valley
lumber mill men have not won their
final round, since the Southern Pacific
company has opened fire from a new
quarter and sued in the Federal court
tor an injunction against the Inter­
state Commerce commission’s order
cutting down the $5 rate to San Fran­
cisco and bay points.
The new attack
by the Southern Pacific company w ill
again check the lumber industry in the
valley, as it clouds the future with un­
Temporary injunctions are regarded
as very dangerous to business pros­
pects, and especially so in this case.
Although the railroads propose to give
a bond to indemnify lumber manufac­
turers in event o f losing the railroads’
case in court, the alleged bond does not
prove to be any protection to the lum­
per industry. No n w lumber mill is
going to start up and no old mill is go­
ing to resume business on the promise
o f a railroad company to reimburse the
mill should a lower rate ultimately be
I t is believed by well-informed law­
yers that there does not exist more
than one chance in 100 for the South­
ern Pacific company to win any import­
ant ground in the fight against railroad
regulation as a result o f its newest at­
tack upon the validity o f the Hepburn
law. Should the company win this
suit it would destroy the Interstate
Commerce commission as at present
created and organized.
Willemstad, Island o f Curacoa, July
28.— The population here made a big
demonstration against Senor Lopez,
the Venezuelan consul, who retires,
when he sailed on the steamer Mara­
caibo today. A large m ilitifty force
protected Senor Lopez on his way to
the steamer and soldiers are patrolling
the streets. The populace is overjoyed
with the order o f the governor exiling
the Venezuelan consul.
C l i m a t i c I’ r o d l i r a l l l r .
The principal club here admitted
“ I am older than I look," said the mat­ everybody today on account o f the
ron at whose house the sewing circle had occurrence, and there was grt at joy
met. “ More than forty winters have
manifested when it became generally
passed over my head.”
“ Then you haven’t lived long In this known that Senor Lopez had left.
The public demands from the govern­
climate, If that's all,” observed the elderly
spinster. “ I've sometimes seen as many ment protection against Venezuela, and
insists that a naval force shall be sent
as forty winters here in one spring.”
to declare that the traffic in arms and
P e r s o n a A n G r a t ia .
ammunition shall be free and to compel
“ I haven’t heard of you going out to Venezuela to respect the Dutch flag.
Subbub's to dinner lutely.”
The Dutch cruiser Gelderland, arriv­
“ N o; he says I can’t do that any ed here this morning and went first to
the quarantine station.
The cruiser
“ Why, I though you were his closest had as a passenger M. de Reus, the
Dutch minister who was expelled by D O U B T S U L T A N ’S GOOD FAITH .
friend. What's the matter?"
“ He tells me their cook doesn’t like President Castro. She has been order­
ed back to Venezuela to protect Dutch People o f Constantinople Accept His
me.” — Philadelphia Press.
interests as their condition is now con­
Irade With Stolidity.
Little Mrs. Hunter had heard so sidered alarming.
Constantinople, July 27.— The mo­
many Jokes about the brides who
mentous act o f the sultan o f Turkey in
couldn't market successfully that she
proclaiming yersteday the restoration
made up her mind that the first re­
o f the constitution o f 1876 has left
quest she made of the market man
would show her to be a sophisticated Interstate Com m erce Commission to the population o f Constantinople un­
moved. The aspect o f the city is to­
Investigate Rates.
“ Send me, please,”
day perfectly normal and there have
■aid, "two French chops and one hun­
Washington, July 28.— The Inter­ been no manifestations o f satisfaction
dred green peas.”—Judge.
state Commerce commission today is­ o f any kind. The stolid fatalism of
sued a statement that without waiting the Moslems, who for centuries past
s o r e r u ro a p .
“ One objection to your poem,” »aid th» for filing o f complaints it w ill institute have been accustomed to a regime of
editor, glancing through the manuscript, an investigation in its own motion for personal rule and who are not used to
“ is that Whittier once wrote a poem em­ the purpose o f determining whether political freedom, is thought partly to
advances in freight rates are justified. explain the apathy everywhere appar­
bodying substantially the same ideas,”
“ Do you mean to say, sir,” thundered
“ The commission,” the statement ent.
the six-foot caller, “ that I----- ”
says, “ has no authority to suspend a
Added to this is skepticism regard­
“ But you have improved on them, my proposed advance in rates and can or­
dear sir,” hastily interposed the editor; der reduction o f the advanced rates ing the durability o f the new era prom­
Furthermore, past experience
“ you have improved on them immensely.” only as the result o f an investigation ised.
and the fact that the sultan conceded
a re-establishment o f the constitution
P r e s u m p tio n .
Phisty— I suppose you think that if yot# effective, but the commission, while it under extreme pressure inclines the
Turks to the belief that the concession
had the regulating of the universe you
could make some improvements on the advancement o f rates, has almost un­ is intended merely to surmount the
present job, don’t you?
present troubles and avert the threat­
Kupbs— I don’t know about that, but I is understood that i f the tariffs filed ened disruption o f the empire, and that
think I could suggest one change.
1 with the commission show increases the earliest opportunity w ill be taken
should like to have things ro arranged the commission without waiting for again to suspend the charter o f liberty.
that when a man is having a good time the filing o f the formal complaints,
the days would seem to pass slowly in­ w ill institute an investigation on its
stead of quickly. I ’m about to take • own motion for the purpose o f determ­
ining whether or not the advances are
Waives Immunity and 'Denies Com pli­
-.A o n n w e n ta .
city in Land Frauds.
Dr. Griffin— I must say the world is
“ Such general information would
very ungrateful toward our profession. enable it to handle promptly any com­
Great Falls, Mont., July 27.— On ac­
How seldom one sees a public memo­ plaint which may be filed against ad­ count o f charges made in connection
rial erected to a doctor! Mrs. Gollght- vanced rates. The commission is hav­ with state timber land in the Flathead
ly— How seldom! Oh, doctor, think of ing a close check kept o f all advances valley district, an investigation has
in freigh t rates.”
been in progress at Kalispell before
our cemeteries!— London Answers.
Governor Norris, and land board and
C a n S uch T h in s ;« B e f
ex-Governor Toole, who was a member
“ O, Johnny, Johnny!” sighed Mrs
o f the board when the sales under in­
Lapsling. “ You’re so awfully hard or
vestigation were made.
The charges
shoes. This is the second pair I ’ve bought W reck* Buildings and Steamers and
are to the effect that the commission
Drowns Many Chinese.
you since we had that eqjinuptial »torn
favored the big land companies by sell­
in March!”
Manila, July 28.— A destructive ty­ ing to them through dummies valuable
phoon swept over Hongkong at mid­ timber land for less than it was worth.
8(111 B e a r i s h .
“ Spigelia,” said the ardent young man. night last night causing heavy loss of Several witnesses today testified that
“ what do you suppose your father will life among the Chinese residents and dummy names were used.
say when I speak to him about it?”
unroofing many buildings.
The ty­
When Mr. Toole wished to take the
“ He’ll probably say ‘Shucks!’ But you phoon caused tempestous seas, which stand attorneys for the complainants
mustn't mind that, Alfred, dear. He was resulted in several steamers being objected on the ground that to permit
on the wrong side of that corn deal, and driven ashore.
such testimony would grant immunity
it still crops out in everything he says.”
The British steamers Persia and to any person so testifying.
On be­
Schuylkill and the coasting steamers half o f the governor himself and the
G r o c n d le n a F e a r .
“ I did think,” said Cholly Snobberly, Charles Harden and Laisang were bat­ other members o f the board, the at­
“ of going in for politics, but I was tered against the shores, where at last torney general waived such immunity.
afraid I wouldn’t know Just how to reports they are still resting.
Mr. Toole emphatically denied the
The crew o f the British cruiser As- charges made by Prodger, as did Mr.
tweat my Inferiors, don’t y’ know.”
Galen, Secretary o f State Yoder and
“ Your Inferiors?” remarked Sharpe.
Mr. McCrea
“ Oh, you wouldn’t be likely to meet ing to rescue the Chinese crew o f a Superintendent Harmon.
also denied having made any such re­
mnv o f them.” — Philadelphia Presa.
the mountainous seas for over an hour, mark to Prodger.
The investigation
C rash !
the Britishers succeeded in rescuing w ill be continued and Governor Norris
The auto leaped from the high, steep six out o f a total o f 13. The remain­
insists he w ill go to the bottom of
ing seven were drowned. The property things.
Why, haven’t you heard the paneful loss on shore w ill be heavy.
Mount Baker in Eruption.
(The pieces of glads are flying yet.)
Edward Makes Peace Appeal.
Bellingham, Wash., July 27.— Mount
It landed on a conservatory I
London, July 28. — K in g Edward Baker is now a seething volcano, and
— Chicago Tribune.
opened the seventeenth international three craters are belching forth vapors
N o R ec o u rs e.
peace conference here today with a and sulphurous fumes, according to
“ Johnnie, I think I hear a thief H» strong appeal for peace. His majesty five members o f an exploring party
the dark closet beneath the stairs.”
said that he was glad his efforts to which le ft this city Tuesday and re­
“ I don’t doubt it; I hate known it bring about peace between nations turned last night. The main crater is
was there for some time.”
were bearing fruit.
Representatives now at least 40 fe et in diameter, and
“Telephone for the police!”
from every civilized country on the the intense heat caused by the interior
“ What’s the use? You can’t arrest globe were in attendance.
The con­ fires has melted the
gress w ill remain in session a week* around its mouth, causing numerous
8 gas meter.” — Houston Post.
addresses by distinguished diplomats landslides. The smaller craters, which
P r o u d P a p a ’ s O b s e r v a tio n .
from Europe and the United States are estimated to be about 800 feet
“ I t ’s hard to make some people re­ comprising the program o f the ses­
from the main one, are more active.
member," said the tiresome talker,
“ that they must not ’look a gift horse
Girls Sold as Slaves
•n the mouth’— ”
Ask Money to Reclaim Wet Land.
Corunna, Spain, July 27.— Dozens of
“ Yes.” interrupted Popley, "but I'll
Memphis, Tenn., July 28.— An effort young girls believed to have been des­
bet it’s still harder to make our baby
w ill be made to get a large proportion tined for the white slave trade which
remember that he mustn't put a gift
o f the government fund o f $38,000,000, is said to be flourishing in Cuba, were
horse in his mouth.----- Philadelphia for the reclamation o f w et lands in the
taken from the steamer Isla de Panay
Mississippi valley by the Mississippi here today, prior to her saiHng, osten­
Valley Drainage and Good Roads asso­ sibly for Teneriffe.
Embarkation of
ciation, which began its annual meet­ many young women on the vessel
ing here today with delegates from aroused the suspicions o f the authori­
Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana and ties and a raid disclosed the presence
I f the convention suc­ o f many girls stowed away like slaves
ceeds in its effort to bring about a big once were in the African trade. Many
national undertaking,
thousands of o f them had been bought from their
acres o f land which now is worthless parents.
w ill be rendered valuable.
Chinese Steamer Line,
acts gently yet prompt­
Gusher Shoots Up 1,600 Feet.
San Franciaco, July 27.— A t the Chi­
Mexico City, July 28.— Flames are nese consulate here today it was admit­
ly on trie bowels, cleanses shooting 1,500 feet in the air today ted that active steps are being taken
| from the oil well near Tampico, which for the formation o f a fleet o f vessels
m e system effectually, | has been burning for the past two to ply between San Francisco and Chi­
weeks. Recent exeplosions have tom nese ports in opposition to the Japan­
assists one in overcoming fissures in the earth surrounding the ese steamship lines. The action ii
well and given new outlets to the fire. said to be the outgrowth o f the com­
h a b itu a l constipation Experts said today that 90,000 barrels mercial warfare now being carried on
o f oil are flowing from the well daily, by Chinese merchants against J apanese.
perm anently, lo get its making it the greatest gusher in his­ The opposition w ill be against both the
tory. There is little hope o f extin­ Japanese and the American lines.
ben eficial effects buy guishing the flames now.
W ool Market Reported Active.
th e < genuine.
Scout Cruiser Completed.
Dillon, Mont., July 27.— The past
lanu jnctured by the
Boston, Mass., July 28.— The Fore week has been very active in the wool
Salea amounted to 260,000
R iver Shipbuilding company today offi­ markets.
cially turned over to the Navy depart­ pounds at prices ranging from 14 to
ment the new scout cruiser Salem, 17>i cents. A t Lewiston the buyers
whose recent trials showed her to be and growers have deadlocked over
the fastest large ship o f the American prices, and the greater part o f the
three million pounds w ill be consigned.
KLDBrUAOiHC ORucasrs-òG's^aonu
§ y r u p tffT g !
c ^ O ix ir
J ìg S y r u p C o .
ts p r o flts b l«
F e e t o f th e H o ra e.
The usefulness o f a horse depends
largely upon the quality of his feet. I f
they are sound and well taken care of
he Is able to travel and work well,
but if they are defective and neglected
his usefulness is impaired and he can
not be depended on In any emergency,
as he Is liable, when his services are
most needed, to become partially if not
wholly disabled, resulting In serious
loss to his owner. But few horses are
born with perfect feet, yet the defects
by carefui treatment are often entire­
ly cured; also many horses with sound
hoofs are practically ruined by the
ignorance or carelessness of black­
The proper shoeing of horses and the
general care of their feet Is a matter
that should receive the strict attention
of every farmer, and yet. as a rule,
it is wofully neglected. The farmer
should have knowledge of the natural
formation of a horse's foot, so as to be
able to determine whether the animal
Is being properly shod or not, and
while that is being done he should
never go away and leave the smith to
slight the work to get through with It
or butcher Its feet If be does not un­
derstand his business.
While no definite rules for shoeing
horses can be given, some general prin­
ciples are acknowledged by all com­
petent horseshoers, namely, the heel
should never be cut except to remove
a ragged point. The same is true of
the frog, which is an elastic cushion.
Intended to reduce the Impact of a sud­
den shock to the foot. The butterls
Is an Instrument that may do an im­
mense amount o f damage In the bands
of an Incapable operator. Much mis­
chief Is done by it every day.
When the toe is too loug and projects
heyoud the hoof, it causes stumbling
ind It should be shortened. A hot Iron
ihould never be applied to the foot to
ascertain Its evenness, ns many black­
smiths do merely to save time, when
they know It Is not right. A seared
surface between the hoof and the shoe
makes the contact less perfect and the
shoe necessurily less rigid than it ought
to be.
The outside of the hoof should not be
rasped more than is necessary to clinch
the nails, as this thins the crust and re­
duces the strength of the bearing sur­
face o f the foot. Weakening nnd decay
are sometimes the result of this prac­
tice. Oil applied to the hoofs occasion­
ally during dry weather Is beneficial.
T o T e l l a H o r a e ’s A ffe .
E x p s H n c s IlB S w
In the eutlre realm of scientific In­
vestigation there Is nothing more Inter­
esting and marvelous than the growth
and development of plants from the
beginning or the germination of the
seed to the reproduction of the germ.
Each species of plant bus Its distinct­
ive character and life habits and only
flourishes where natural conditions are
favorable to Its growth. To attain any
degree of perfection, the soil and clim­
ate combined must be such as the
plants require, although a moderate de­
gree of success may be attained when
either of these factors are not exactly
suited to Its growth, but where both
are deficient In any considerable de­
gree the plant can not be successfully
grown, except by artificial means
whereby the npcessnry natural condi­
tions are created. I f the chemical com­
position of the soil is favorable, and
climatic conditions unfavorable, the
latter can be created artificially—such
as protection from cold a n ! excessive
heat and lack of moisture--and, like­
wise, If the soil is deficient In the
chemical elements which ti e plnnt re­
quires, they can be addej to. but In
either case the process Is laborious and
expensive and the results unsatisfac­
tory. All plants are indigenous to
certain kinds o f soil, and all soils are
especially adapted to the growth of
certain kinds of plants, and nature can
not be Improved upon In any way, nor
can her deficiencies be successfully
remedied by artificial means. In order,
therefore, to be successful In his busi­
ness, the farmer must "keep close to
nature anil mark well her ways.” He
must raise only such crops as are best
adapted to the soil of his farm, In ac­
cordance with
his experience, and
wholly refrain from extensive experi­
ments with such as are of doubtful
H ow
th e D ir t
F ile s a t
Panam a.
Lieutenant-Colonel George Ueuthals.
chairman and chief engineer of the
Isthmian canal commission, told Presi­
dent Roosevelt late In January that I
before January 1, 11115, the ditch which
la to bisect the vertebrae of the Ameri­
can continent will be completed and
that all will be In readiness for the
first trip to make the little pleasure
Journey from the Atluntlc to the Pa­
cific, so writes Iloy Crandall In the
Technical World Magazine. Inasmuch
as the colonel Is uoted for conservatism
and caution, It Is believed that he feels
deep down In bis own heart that at
least a year will be cut from that esti­
p is
fo r
H im .
Human Pincushion— What has be-
» m e of the glass eater?
Sword Swallower— Got a Job ns base­
ball umpire for the season.
Human Pincushion— Queer Job for a
glass eater, isn’t it?
Sword Swallower— Not at all. When
the bleacherltes start throwing bottles
at him he’ll Just smile and swallow
C au se
th e
T r o u b le .
The visiting parson was handing con­
vict No. 1313 consolation In small
“ You should not complain, my mis­
guided friend,” he said. “ It Is better
to take things as you find them.”
“ Youse is on de wrong track, parson,"
replied the prisoner. “ It was practicin’
dat theory dat got me pinched.”
Is It Y o u r
Ow n H a ir?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? C a n ’t do it?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer’s
Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro­
duction! May the acquaint­
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich,thick,glossy hair! And
we know you’ll never be gray.
•• I think that A y e r’s H air V l» o r is the moat
w onderful intir grow er that w » » e ver m od«. I
have used it fo r some tim e and I eon truth­
fu lly a*y that I am g ie a tly pleased w ith It. I
ch eerfu lly recotnrofnd it aa a splendid prepr
ration.” — M is s V . B r o c k , W ayland, M ich,
A yers
Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Dowell,
Aleo manufketurero o f
W A R D e . B U R T O N .—A saayer a r i Choi
H O l.eudville,
Colorado. Specim en p ric e «: <____
t S a ilver,
n » I T , i U.
i' U
U , V*
f l ; • Gold,
O U lU , 8Uver,75c:
D U v w , l-A . I G
v t old,
u i u , 60c;
w n . , «SI1SW
Zinc or
Ccpper, *1. Cyanide tests. Mailing envelope« and
full price list sent on application. Control and Um*
pire work solicited.
Reference! Carbonato N o
Uonal i
C IT C St. Vltu8* Dance and all Nervous Diabases
I I I O permanently cured by Dr. Kline’s Ureal
Nerve Restorer. Bend for F R K E $2 trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. li. ILlvllu e, LtL.931 Arch fat., PUlla..i,a.
O m la a lo n a
A N ew and Modern European Hotel, catering
particularly to State people. A refined place fo r
ladies visiting the city, close to the shopping
center. Rates reasonable. Free Bus.
H ia t o r y .
The war correspondents were compli­
menting Capt. Molly Pitcher on the con­
spicuous courage she had displayed at the
N. L CLARKE, (late of Portland Hotel) Mgr.
battle of Monmouth.
“ It was nothing,” she said. " I merely
K e e p s C h ic k e n s a t H o m e .
wanted to show that my other name isn’t
An Iowa man has designed an anti Coddle.”
For, verily, true bravery, unlike genius,
flying chlcken-wlng attachment having
In view to prevent the annoyance and v&unteth not itself, is not puffed up.
damages lncideul
D ld u ’ t L ik e th e P h ra s e .
to chickens scratch
“ Charlie, dear," said young Mrs. Tor-
ing in your neigh­ kins, “did you suy this tip on the races
bor’s garden. The was a ‘lead pipe?’""
device is attached
"Well, I don’t pretend to expert
to t h e chicken’s
wing. It Is made knowledge. But lead pipe somehow sug­
of parallel pieces gests plumbers. And plumbers are al­
St. Helen’s Hall, Portland, Or.
of wire bent Intp ways expensive.” — Washington Star.
Resident and Day School for Girl».
the form of an el
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’ s Soothing
Catalogue on Request.
ByrupWbe best remedy to uto tor Ihelr oh! klx~n
bow, with a book at the bend.
i"rlug the teethlug period.
To apply the attachment to a chick
en’s wing It Is slipped over the wing
M u tu a l K r la r tu u e r .
and by placing the parallel sides toward
“ Here is my seat, madam, but candor
each other the hook can be snapped In compels me to say that I think you are
position and retained by the resiliency as well able to stand as I am.”
“ Politeness compels me to say ’Thank
of the wire. The book will be on the
Inner corner of the wing and will pre­ you, sir.* ” — Chicago Tribune.
vent the device from slipping off. The
London theaters, music halls and con­
chicken will thus be prevented from cert halls provide seating accommodation
spreading the wing as required to fly for 327,000 people.
•• T IIE S C H O O L O F Q U A L I T Y "
and thereby unnhle to get over a fence
Into the neighbor’s garden.
Better each year, and larger. We now
have two floors 65 x 100 feet. Thorongh
H t in .e . o f C o ra C obs.
work tells the story. I t counts in the
For Infants and Children.
In some parts of Europe corn cobs
end, and we admittedly lead in this re­
are used for building purposes. The
spect. Get our catalogue, pen work, etc.,
cobs are collected and taken to a fac­
then jndge for yourself as to quality.
tory, where, heavy compresses crush
Bears the
A . P. A R M S T R O N G * L L . B., Principal
and mold them into blocks of various Signature of
Tenth and Morrison
Portland, Oregon
sizes, Just as bricks are variously
molded. These blocks are then bound
A a H e U n d e rs to o d It .
with wire so as to make them hold to­
N o . 31— OB
It was Dicky’s first day at Sunday
gether. They are then sonked In tar school, and be was telling bis mother
H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v . r t U . r a p lM M . I
to make them water-tight, and are about it.
m e n t io n t h l , p n p « r .
“ They sung the funniest banquet song I [ w
ready for use after this treatment Of
course, they are much lighter than
“ What was it?” she asked.
bricks, are always dry, and make good
P e u a lt l.s ot F a m e.
“ ‘ Hold the P ort; Fried Ham Com­
houses. This Is but one of the very
"Being the author of one of the ’beat
ing !* ”
mnny ways In which Europe shows n
sellers' of the year haB Its drawback*,”
says a woman writer of popular book*.
greater economy than Amerca docs. State of Ohio, City o f T o led o \
Lucas County.
j 88,
There Is little qver there which goes to
F ra n k J. uheney m akes oatn that he is senior “ Frequent requests for contribution* of
waste. Even the refuse and garbage a ftn e r o f the firm o f F. J. Cheney «fc Co., doing one's books to charity bazaar* are a
u sin esH in th oC ity o f Toledo, County and State
of Paris Is made to serve a purpose by aforesaid, and that said firm w ill pay th e sum tax upon good nature— and the pocket-
ONE HU ND RE D D O LLA R S for each and book.
No matter how flattering euch
being burued and converted Into pow every
case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by
demands may be, they are decidedly
the use o f H a ll’s Catarrh Cure.
F R A N K J. C H E N E Y .
expensive.” She went on to say that
Sworn to before m e and su bscribed in m y pres­
C ost o f F e e d in g H en s.
ence, th is 6th day o f Decem ber A D 18d6.
should she gratify all the person* who
Bulletin No. 116 from the West Vir­
N otary Pu blic. wrote to her for copies of her books,
ginia Experiment Station gives the
n a i l ’s Catarrh Cure is taken in tern ally , and “ because they could not afford to buy
first year's record with 600 hens.
It acts d ir e c tly upon the blood and mucous sur­
faces o f the system. Hem! fo r testim onials free. them," and respond to the constant
gives pictures and descriptions of
F. J. C H E N E Y A CO., Toledo,O . calls to devote the children of
8old u/ a ll druggists, 75c.
houses, method of handling, amounts,
brain to charities, It would cost her
T a k e H a ll’s F a m ily P ills fo r constipation.
kinds and cost of feed and egg produc­
from $400 to $500 a year, without
T h e ir S p e c ia lty .
tion. The cost of feed for the year
counting the time tost In wrapping,
“ I hate the man who brags and the
was 89 cents per head; total cost $1.42
j directing aud stamping.— New York
per head. The fowls averaged 113 eggs man who whines,” asserted the dog­ j Press.
each, valued at $2.43, so that each hen matic person. “ The man I like most Is
the man who takes things quietly.”
S n a o of ti I a g I t O v e r ,
returned a net profit of $1.01.
“ Well,” replied tho listener, “aren’t
Irste Individual— I'm going to sqnar*
there enough pickpockets and sneak matters with you right now! You'v*
llo t v to F e e d O a t S ila g e .
Owing to the constant coutnet o f the thieves to suit you?” — Kausas City been telling It around that I lie !
j The Other "Man— Nothing of the sort.
air with the top layer of silage It li Time«.
I All I have said about you I* that you
necessary to remove a horizontal layer
N o D a n g er.
i are habitually unveracious.
of silage to a depth of not less than
•‘Whatever you do, dear,” wrote the
Irate Individual (calming down)—O,
one and one-half Inches dally to pro trdeut lover, “ dou’t show my letters to : I don't mind that, if that’s all. I s o
vem any from spoiling. I f this fact you to any one.”
| knowledge I do get that way once In
is kept In mind when building a sib
“ Have no fear, dearest,” came the | awhile. But how can a fellow help it,
Its diameter can be made such as tc reply, “ I ’m Just as much ashamed of when everybody insists on treating him?
— Chicago Tribune.
make possible the feeding of a layet them as you are.”
T o o M o a o to n a ta ,
of this depth dally with the amount ol
And, with that, the engagement be­
“ Yes,” said Slangey, “ I tramped
live stock on hand.—John Michels.
came a matter of history.—Judge.
through Switzerland once.”
H as H e r D o u b t».
D i s t r i b u t i o n o f M a m m a ls .
“ Como o ff!” exclaimed Dowter, “ You
“ I know there are such things as rain­ never d id !”
The distribution of mammals over
the earth shows many curious features
“ Sure I d id ; on the level.”
through the window at the dismal pros­
North America, Northern Europe and
“That proves you're lying. It’*
pect outside; “ but I don’t believe there is
Asia have many families In common. really any such thing as a rain check. Or, simply impossible to tramp through
Such animals as wolves, foxes, hears, if there is, thciVs nobody that knows how Switzerland on the level.”— The Catho­
doer and moooe, leavers, squirrels and to use it.”
lic Standard and Times.
rabbits lire all around the Northern
Hemisphere. The tnammnls found on
isolated Islands ure of surpassing In
tcrest to the naturalists.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
At four years old eaefi jaw shows
four permanent teeth, whose tables are
worn to the same level. The dividers
are worn upon both o f their borders.
Looked at from the side, the corner
*eeth are quite small.
show wear on both edges. The comer
teeth and the hook or canine teeth are
m evidence.
D e p th
C y c lo n e s .
From the study of clouds an official
of the United States Weather Bureau
concludes that the ordinary cyclones
wlii(4i traverse our country from west
to east are not more thnn two or three
miles in depth, although their diameter
is many hundreds of miles. In other
words, their motion does not affect the
upi>er regions of the atmosphere.
In the caBe of hurricanes, this au­
thority finds that the depth Is greater,
amounting to as much ns five or six
miles. But higher currents blow direct­
ly across the cyclonic and antlcyclonlc
areas which produce storms and fair
weather at the surface of the earth.
Tills new theory tends to offset form­
er Ideas concerning the circulation of
the atmosphere.
A s r le n ltn r a l
P e s t.
So great have keen the ravages
caused by the dodder— a leafless, twin­
ing, parasitic plant—that a decree hat
been Issued by the French ITealdent
prohibiting Its importation into the
country. It Is a veritable agricultural
scourge, attacking nnd destroying hops,
vines, clover, pens, tomatoes and many
other kinds of agricultural produce.
Once having found Its way Into any dis­
trict, It la most difficult to get rid of,
and constitutes a permanent source of
anxiety to the farmer. Cutting down,
burning and poison hare all been tried
with unsatisfactory results.
T h . C are o f S heep.
Overfeeding or sudden changes from
poor to very rich food, combined with
Rheumatism is caused by an excess o f uric acid in the blood, which is
want of exercise, If not nctual causes carried through the circulation to all portions o f the system. E very muscle,
will contribute lo the development ot! nerve, bone and join t absorbs the acrid, pain-producing poison, causing
the loss of wool among ewes.
aches, inflam m ation, stiffness and other well known symptoms o f the disease.
An English shepherd being askeo Permanent relief from the pains and discomfort o f Rheumatism cannot be
what he attributed bis unequaled sue | expected from the use o f liniments, plasters, and other external treatment
cess In the show ring to, replied: ’T c which does not reach the; blood, where the cause is located. Such measures
two thing*— always having my entri V g iv e tem porary relief, but in order to cure Rheumatism the uric acid and
S. S. S. cures
trained to walk In the baiter, and to at ! inflam m atory poison must be expelled from the blood.
It goes down into the
ways being polite to the Judge, no m a t1 Rheumatism because it is a perfect blood purifier.
ter what position he placed the exhibit circulation, neutralizes the uric acid and drives it from tlie blood. S. S. S.
expels the irritating, inflammatory matter which is causing the pain, swell­
in g and other discomfort, enriches the weak, sour blood, and permanently
I f the pasture Is poor the sheep eai.1 cures Rheumatism. In all forms o f Rheumatism, whether acute or chronic,
W a s te o f R n r r g r .
be kept In good flesh by feeding a little S. S. S. w ill be found a safe, vegetable remedy, possessing the properties
The Merinos and their gradra on ac­ grain.
needed to cure, and at the same tim e a medicine that builds up the entire
count of their dense fleeces stand ex­
Corn, oats and oatmeal Is a good mix system by its fine tonic effects. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice
posure to rains and storms better than tnre fed with such foods as rape, root* *ree to all who write.
the open fleeced coarse wool sheep, and ensilage and tnimliia.
Wheat or oats fed In a trough, one o,
yet It pays better to house nny kind of
sheep during storms than to take the two bushels for 100 head, should keep
chances of catching cold and being the flock In good shape.
Valuable Household and Fancy Articles FREE, in exchange for Carton
Have you thought out any way you
bothered with snuffles all winter. It re­
Tops and Soap Wrappers from “ 20 Mule Team” Borax and “ 20 Mule
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