THE ESTACADA P U B L IS H E D ' T H U R SD A Y NEW S M O R N IN G H. A. W ILLIAM S Entered et the poMOfftce In Estacada. Orejón, as second class mail SUBSCRIPTION RATES One y e a r............................................. - ........... »1 00 S ts m onths.......................................................... 50 Thursday, July 16, 1908 The rains have been the means of saving many timber claims from being burned over. There are in the State of Oregon, according to the last report of the state bank examiner, 195 banks. The other day a passenger on a St John car suddenly became dumb. Evidently very few sensitive people ride on the St John cars. It isn’t every country village that has such a great drawing card as has Lincoln, Nebraska. Wise men from all directions are on a pilgrim­ age to the place. One way towards helping to make your town have a neat appearance is to be careful about the rubbish you have to dispose of. Don’ t put it in the alley or on some adjoining property to become an eye sore and a disease germ spreader. Burn it, or have it hauled out to the garbage crematory. Every man has his idea of what political bossism is. Here is a little of what Boss Guffey of Pennsylvan­ ia, a democrat, has to say of Bryan: “ A boss of the most tyrannous and proscriptive sort, he has made it his business to threaten with destruc­ tion every man who ventures to ob ject to the Bryan monopoly of tin- party. ” Guffey had to take a back seat, and that is the trouble. Bryan would have none of Guffey’s guff. A R A C E PRO BLEM If an elephant takes two paces to the mule’ s three leaps and one pace of the elephant equals two leaps of the mules, how far apart will they be on Nov. 4th next, and which will be in the lead? Answer to ap­ pear in issue of Nov. 5th. The man on the mule has been in the race before. Contributed. Those who have met and heard Rev. B. F. Rowland preach in Es- tacada when he was presiding elder of this district will lie interested in the following, taken from the Paci­ fic Christian Advocate of Ju ly 8 “ The Rev. Dr. B Rowland, wife and son, have been having some thrilling experiences in Ohio. We take the following from the paper of Freeport, Ohio, of June 24th Last Friday evening as Rev. B. F. Rowland, wi*e and son, Raymond, were out driving, they had a thrill­ ing experience by lieing caught in a cyclone when going up the hill near the residence of W. L . Rowland, two miles southeast of Freeport. They stopped the buggy and Mrs. Rowland laid down beside the hedge fence, while Mr. Rowland held the horse. Ahead of them four trees fell across the road, one of them within a few feet of the horse and Fuggy. The air was full of flying limbs, while just over in a field an old barn was being scattered about. They were badly frightened. Rev. Rowland and family reside in Port­ land, .Oregon.’ ’ have Moved Here The Western Banking Company has recently sold to the Kern Park ; | By our Wayside Reporter 4 Wood Yard Co. 600 cords of wood, Clyde Schock is running Boner’ s all to be shipped out of Ivstacada stand this week. and Morrow station. William Palmateer came aver from J. A. Reid and family drove over Tuesday, Road Overseer D. M. Douglas last week to meet his wife to Uncle James Gibson’ s last Sun­ Marshall of the Garfield district re­ who was at her father, James G ib ­ day. ceived a rock crusher for use in his son's They returned home Mon­ Traffic Agent W. P. Mulchay of district. It was sent over by the day. Mrs. Palmateer had been at the P. R. L & P. Co., was in the county commissioners. The ma­ Forest Grove for several weeks. city Tuesday. chine is of 150 yards capacity when [ Walter Lemon, Bulger Crigbaum Miss Enola Oakley, of Ballard, worked at full force. Rock on the arrived here last Saturday. She Galloway place will be used for road and J. Patterson went up into the is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. purposes. It is likely the crusher hills near Roaring River for a pleas­ ure trip; they expect to stay alxnit Reed, and the family. will remain in this neighborhood. three weeks. Mrs. Edward Francis and Miss Win. Porter, R. G. Palmateer. Nona Heckinger of Portland, are Have Moved Into Larger and and Curtis Wilcox each have taken visiting at the home of Everett Mil a party of men into the mount lius. Better Quarters ler, Mrs. Francis’ brother. Henry Boen has moved his fam­ E. F. Riley and Frank B. Riley, Childrens’ Day exercises will lie of Portland, the proprietors of the ily on a place neat Fauton’ s shin­ held next Sunday morning directly Clackamas Title Company, have gle mill. Oral Palmateer is visiting his after Sunday school. All are in­ moved their offices from their old grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Shank- vited to attend. location in the Chamber of Com­ land. Two lots 100 by 100 feet, house merce building, Portland, to much Mrs. Effie Jones is over from- and all outbuildings, well, fenced; ; larger quarters, rooms 509-10 11 in Portlaud on a visit to her mother j the same building. Both Mr. Riley, only $ 3 75. Easy terms. A bargain near Currinsville. Sr., and his son are well known to Bank o f Ivstacada J. J. Davis is taking a load of 1 great numbers of Clackamas county residents, and visitors to the City supplies up the Clackamas river for Bridge Nearly Finished ' are always welcome at their offices. Dupt. U. S. Surveyor S. E . Gordon LO C A L N E W S Olds & Reed have the new bridge at this point about completed. The job of painting it has been sublet to Mr. Mohler of Oregon City, and the shingling and enclosure work is I ic­ ing done by a Portland firm. The people have been passing on the bridge since the Fourth, although real heavy loads have not been per­ mitted to go across. The bridgq is going to be one of the very best of its kind in Clackamas county. New Generator Arrives The new generator ordered by the P. R L. & P- Co. from the manufacturers at Schenectady, to put in the power station near here arrived here Tuesday evening. It will be put up at once, and will be in operation by August 1. Three generators will lie running by Oct. 1, and the plant will then be of the same capacity as before its destruc­ tion three weeks ago. The machin­ ery just arrived from the P'ast filled four cars, and came thru by fast freight, making the trip in 14 days. Doctor’s New Building The frame of the new building of I)r. II. V’ . Adix is up and work on it is well under way. The building which is of the bungalow pattern will have twelve rooms all on the ground floor, several of them will be used as the doctor’s professional suite. The main part- on the east side will lie their living apartments. There will be no upstairs. A fire­ place is being built in the large liv­ ing room. The building will be fitted throughout with all the con­ veniences. Program for Children’s Day A view in the harbor of Portland on the Willamette river, near where the Portland HENRY V . ADIX, M. D. • Railw ay Light & Power Company is building a large freight warehouse Physician aud Surgeon * * * * * “ Our Song of Praise” School O ffice a n d re s id e n c e , u p s ta irs in t h e E s ­ Psalm t a c a d a P h a r m a c y l’. u ild in g Prayer E n t r a n c e b e tw e e n d r u g s to re a n d S p a r k s s to r e , o n B r o a d w a y Greeting Mary Womer Local and Long Distance Telephone Rec. “ Cluster of Violets’ ’ Pri­ mary Class T h e d o c t o r ' s p h o n e c a n h e c o n n e c te d | Song Intermediate Class w i t h y o n r h o m e p h o n e a t n i g h t i f r e ­ “ The Natural Boy” Zelca Coop q u e s te d . O n e lo n g rin g . "W hat They Stood F o r” Inter­ mediate Girls Song Primary Pupils “ Now” Joseph Demoy “ Giving to Jesus” Minerva Page We are now prepared to furnish “ A Clean Heart” Solo and Cho­ you with sewing machine needles & rus shuttles for any sewing machine “ Strewing Blossoms” Interme­ , made in the United States. These diate Pupils are made by the Boye Needle Co. of “ Keep on Doing” Mary Parou- Chicago, and are pnt up in nice, nagian. clean tubes, and everyone is guar­ "W aking Thoughts” Mary Dale anteed to be true. Call and see them Song School and also the needle threader with CEDAR & S H I N G L E S We are equipped to manufacture from 40,000 to 50,000 of the best Cellar Shingles each day, and will deliver them in Estacada at TO OUR TRADE FOR JULIUS KRIEGER ----- PROPRIETOR----- Estacada Agent Taken Up Trespass notices printed on good An unruly mare in answer to <> cloth at The News shop; 10c, three tray notice, light bay, weight 1.00, for 25c. scar on both shoulders; was seen For sale—Two fine residence lots first about Mch 15 or 20; branded on Main St. at top of grade, 100 x on left hip, 4 black points, small star in forehead, had 3 shoes on, a 100, $17 5 . Bank of Estacada. small white strip next hoof of right Two lots 100 by 100 feet with hind foot, right ear split, has wire house and outbuildings for sale on marks on breast. Owner can have easy terms, or will trade for team same by paying charges. Wm. Delap, and wagon. A. B. Dean, F'stacada Estacada, Oregon. Inquiries answered at The News SCO TT , & STUBBS O. W. P. & Ry. Cars leave Estacada for Port­ land: PRINTED I j J I 7:22, 9:22, 1122: A. M. and 1:22, 3:52, 6:22, 9:15 P. M. Cars leave Portland for Esta­ cada: STATIONERY! 7 : 1 5 , 9 : 1 5 , 1 1 : 1 5 A. M. and 1: 15, 3:45, 6:15, 7:25 P. M. Way freight leaves Estacada in the morning, daily except Sun. returning in the evening. T' C grave one. Mrs. C. B. Smith and son, Sitn, Thore are few middle class American families whose dress and have liven out at the old home at mode of living do not represent larger bank accounts than they possess. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. W ilcox's the Women of the upper entases giving themselves over to personal past two weeks. ornamentation, STRUGGLES FOR SOCIAL PRE-EMINENCE Will Cunningham has decided to and “the solemn sacrament of bridge whist.” Child bearing ia left move to Camas, Wash, where he | largely to the poorer classes. will open a saloon. Tho women of today, here in America are rushing into an IN ­ Conductor R. C. Reed and wife vn'-iety of today bolds a damning are enjoy mg an outing in camp on TEMPERATE ZONE, an 1 I brief aguin.-d them. Boulevard driveway. - M - tz a Tlmberland Act. June 3. 1 8 7 8 Freight also leaves Portland in the morning goes to Caza­ dero and returns to Portland It is necessary, almost, foi business men to have. Printed stationery is a convenience, a recommend, and it is letter and just as cheap as buying store stationery, a little at a time. The News prints all kinds of Farm for Sale Ed. Spulak of Michael Arquette of Algernon S. Dresser. Register. Co. E S T A C A D A -P O R T L A N D j A show case, counters, shelving, Going anywhere? Going to trav­ heater, stove pipe etc. for sale at el? If yon are, you will need either very reasonable prices, at this print­ a trunk, suit case or teleseojie.- We ing office. have a new supply of these goods. Also, shawl straps, Etc. Etc.— H. Cooper & Co. A notice was made in our last is­ sue of the sale by the Estacada State Bank of a ten acre tract of land to S. A. Gorrell. The land borders on the west of town, and is partly cleared. Mr. Gorrell is an Oregon­ ian and has lived in the stale many years. He has been over the state considerable and knows it pretty well, and com hided this is about as T h e C r i m i n a l C l a s s I s G r o w i n g . B y W I L L I A M I. T H O M A S , A u l d i n l P r o fe s s o r o f S o c io lo g y . U m v c r s lt y good as any of it. Mr. Gorrell has o f C h icag o . secured of W. H. Wade a right to H E IN 8 A N E A N D H A B IT U A L C R IM IN A L C L A S S E S IN A M E R IC A the use of water from the brook that A R E IN C R E A S IN G M O R E R A P ID L Y T H A N T H E N O R M A L flows through the Wade place for P O P U L A T IO N . IN T H E M O R E I N T E L L I G E N T C L A S S E S T H E irrigation purposes. Mr. and Mrs. B IR T H R A T E IS L O W E R T H A N T H E D E A T H R A T E . Gorrell have already moved hereatid This, which means 11APID RACE DETERIORATION, makes will camp out while a new home is tho question of white or yellow supremacy in the near future a in course of construction. A. Morrow T IM E CARD office. M EETING wanting shingles examine Orders filled promptly , AND which any person can thread a nee­ The Bank of Estacada is prepared dle in the dark. If you don’ t be­ to take care of all kinds of legal lieve it, come and see. business. Settlement of estates especially. Joe Nicholson 1 25 In the Famous Springwater Country Walter Osborn 5 00 3 m ile s fr o m E s ta c a d a W. A. Hey 1 man 3 50 A. N. Johnson 5 00 62 acres, 35 cultivated, 3 acre A communication from J. Storm- orchard mostly Italian prunes, some er was presented to the board noti­ apples, berries and other" fruit; a fying the city of his withdrawal as dryer, good house, barn, granary Ordinance Introduced— Bonds a bondsman for the city treasurer. I and other buildings. 6 head cattle, ' Rejected— Resignation A c­ A new bond was presented with J. I 26 acres crop, 15 acres clover, and W. Reed and Geo. Estes as sureties cepted— Bills Paid a half interest in horses and inach- i but it was not accepted liecause the ine. On good road, one mile from ; sureties had failed to justify. An p. o. store and school. 720. New Councilman Appointed ordinance was introduced and given See or write ns first reading changing the meet­ The News, Estacada, Ore ings of the board from every two The lionrd of councilmen met in weeks to once a month. The ordi­ the mayor’s office Tuesday evening nance also razed the dignity of the Notice for Publication Land office at Portland. Oraron. July 1 1. 19 0 8 . and transacted business for the peo­ city clerk by lowering his salary j i Notice Is hereby riven that Hezekiah E. Carr of ple of Ivstacada. Councilmen Dale, from $ 10 to $5 a month. Council­ j Colton. Oraron, who. on October I I. 1 9 0 1 . made Howe, Surface and Lovelace, Ma­ man John F. Lovelace presented the ' homestead entry No. 1 3 8 9 0 , serial 1 3 0 4 9 for SH ne1-» & n e ^ n e\ S ec 14. town 5 south, range 3 east, yor Heyhnan, and Recorder John­ name of John Page for councilman j Willamette Meridian, la s filed notice of intention to son were present. The minutes of to fill out the full numlier which maketlnal five year proof to establish claim to the landabove described before the register and receiver the previous meeting were approved should lie on the board. Mr. Page at Portland. Oregon, on the 2 0 cay of Aug. 19 0 8 . ami the following bills paid— t was appointed. On motion the Claimant names as witnesses. John Arquette of Coi*tn. Oregon board adjourned. At Havens *7 00 Oliver Lafferty of i When ; these. PAINTING Paper Hanging COUNCIL HAS „ Or the purchaser cau get them at the mill. BUSINESS M a in o ffic e s o f t h e c o m p a n y : 132 F i r s t S t . P o r t la n d , O re g o n . 1-2 STATIONERY Notice for Publication And would lie pleased to print yours 4 - # 0 The Estacada News Job Printery 60 Y EA R S ’ /*• E X P E R IE N C E Department ofxthe Interior, U. S . Land office at Portland. Oregon. Ju n e 10 , 190 8. Notice is hereby given that George A. Bigelow of Portland, Oregon, who, on Ju n e 10. 1 9 08, made ! tim ber land application No. 7781 for W e s t o f North w est % of section 2 0 , Township 5 S , R ange 4 E of | W illam ette M eridian, has filed notice cf Intention to m ake final proof to establish claim to land above de*- scribed. bofope the re g ister &, receiver at Portland. Oregon, on the 26th day of August. 1908. Claim ant nam es as w itn esses: a C harles Bcnbcw. E. T urney. George Turney and 1 C . E. Mack ail of Portland. Oregon. Algernon S . D resser. R eg ister J18 -A 2 0 Livery, Feed & Sale Notice of Final Settlement STA B LE N o tic e is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h e u n d e r ­ s ig n e d , a d m i n i s t r a t o r o f t h e E s ta te o f W. A. JO N E S P R O P R IE T O R G o o d r i g s a n d c a r e f u l d r i v e r s d w .iv s S P E C IA L G iv e n H u n t in g E is h ’.i « » tits WOOD & LU M 8LK L o c a l a n il L o n g D is ta n c e T e le p h o n e Notice for Publication Land Office st Portland. Oregon. May 4. 19 0 8 . Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the 1 provisions of the act of Concrete of ja n e 3. 1 878 entitled Anact for the safe of timber lards in the) F O R states of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washing- I ten territory." as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4. 1 892 Staphen N. Cregch of Port 1 land, county o< MuRncmah. state of Oregon has j this day filed In this office his fwern statement No j IN S P R IN G W A T E R L A N D S E E , 77 50 for the purchase of the Northwest Quartdr Ifc! , of Section Eight (8) in township 5 South, range | No. 4 East, and will offer proof to show j that the iand sought is more valuable for its timber j OR EGON or stone than for agricultural purpetes and to estab­ SPRINGWATER Real Estate Bargians A. M. SHIBLEY lish his claim to said land before the register and re­ ceiver at Portland. Oregon, on Friday the 24 day of July. 1908. He names as witnesses: H. A. Hostetter if Poniard Oregon K. C. Staples of W. L. Snyder of Bruce Wolverronof " *' Any and all persons c Aiming adversely *•»».' - e iearribwt lesdtare re , » ¡n i r tilo the*.' o t r j i r . this office on or before said 24 day of Ju y 1 70S Algernon S Dresser F e\* 111 1-123 m i n i s t r a t o r o f s a id e s t a t e , a n d t h a t M o n ­ d a y , th e 27 th d a y o f Ju ly , h o u r o f K> o’c lo c k a . 1908 , m ., h a s b e e n b y s a id c o u r t a s t h e t im e a t th e fix e d fo r h e a rin g o b ­ A t»an<1*' •••'? lllnatnitM wraklr. I «rant «It- je c t i o n s t o s a id r e p o r t a n d t h e fin a l s e t t le ­ m e n t th e re o f. MUNÌ] & Co.3c,B'5“h*ai New York A d m in is tra to r o f th e rn lallm •:* prien iltle l*>nrn:t!. T erm s, M a >. -.r”; t; u* r.< n th », $ i. bvid by e ll newertenlere. Brunch Ottico. 625 F FU W ashin gto n. D. C. J . F. SM IT H , E s ta te o f W e s le y S m ith , d ecea sed . D im ic k & P i m t c k , Attorneys at Law Xortary Public, General Law radice, Mortgages foreclosed, Ab­ stracts furnished MONK Y LO A N E D O F F IC E S : 2 , 3 O r j ' i '. on C i t y * & 4 . P rinnr ïr) vrv »r r\*-i*itincv WANTED 1 u o SS d u « 1' fot part ear fro will I.u direct root to barar. Gira prie*, d .tato »tato whaa * dricripljoa u rad . A d d reea ^ caa ba S.T. L A N D R K S K N BLl> O u n o o i. Subscribe for The News, \ C o u n t y C o u r t o f C la c k a m a s c o u n t y , s t a t e o f O r e g o n , h is fin a l a c c o u n t a s s u c h a d ­ Scktuific JUiKrica*. A T T E N T b >N and W e s le y S m i t h , d e c e a s e d , h a s file d in t h e T rade M a r k s D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . Anvono w u l l r . j a sket rh »».d description m ay quickly a s c e r titu o«ir oT'tnlon fre e w hether nn Invention Is p ro b ab ly piitontable. Coninmi.loA- *lmi&.ftrictly confidential. H/VlOCGOK on P aten t» ■eni, free. O ldest nconcy for iw u rim r patents. I*.,tonfa ».iken tbroujrh M unti & Co. re c e iv e f y . u i l II'. v If b o a t chnrgo, lu tho $! a year