The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, July 16, 1908, Image 3

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Bridges and Sidewalks Swept
Away by Water.
W afer Pours From Hillside Down Dry
Canyon, Swelling Willow Creek
to Raging Torrent.
A Remarkable Recovery.
Mrs. Frank Stroobe, R. F. D. 1, Apple*
ton, WU., writes: “ I began using Peru-
na a few months ago, when my health
and strength were all gone, and I was
nothing but a nervous wreck, could
not sleep, eat or rest properly, and felt
no dosiro to live. Peruna made me look
at life In a different lig h t, as I began to
regain my lost strength.
“ I certainly think Peruna is without
« rival as a tonic and strength builder. "
OW AIID E. BU RTOM .-Assajrer a r t Chemist.
Leudville, Colorado. (Specimen prices: Gold,
Silver, L. ad, f 1; Gold, Silver, 7i c ; Gold, 60 o ; Zinc or
C'eupcr, frl. CyanlUo tests. Mailing envelopes and
füll price list sent ou application. Control and Uin*
pi re wtiric solicited.
Iteiereucet Carbonat« K at
tloual Bank.
You can get a Splendid Premium for
100 Coupon values or (ess. represented
by Carton Tops and Soap Wrappers from
" 2 0 Mule Teem Borax” products. Free
Cata’ogue showing 1000 presents FREE of
Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal.
Local agentH wanted. Write for money making plan
A New and M odem European Hotel, catering
particularly to State people. A refined place for
ladies visiting the city, close to the shopping
center. Rates reasonable. Free Bus.
N. If- CLARKE, (late of Portland Hotel) Mgr-
Heppner, Or., July 14.— At 3:30 yes­
terday afternoon a cloudburst brought
water in torrents from the hills about
town, driving W illow creek out o f its
banks and threatening for a time a
repetition o f the disaster of June 14,
Bridges at the upper end o f town
were carried away, sidewalks and
fences swept down the streets, and
many houses filled with tw o or three
feet o f water, the receding flood leav­
ing behind a trail o f mud and de­
bris. Several houses were partially
In a few instances people living in
the path o f the water had to be car­
ried to places o f safety, but the
greater part o f the population, rem em ­
bering the experience o f a few years
ago, fled to the hills as soon as the
storm assumed dangerous prop or­
The electric pow er station was
quickly put out o f business, and the
city was in darkness last night.
No lives were lost, and it is not be­
lieved that damage to crops will be
For several days the weather has
been excessively warm, with an un­
usual amount of humidity in the at­
Atm ospheric
were very similar to those which pre­
ceded the great flood of 1903, and yes­
terday afternoon when dark clouds
began to gather to the south o f town,
preparations were made by many to
seek safety in the hills.
Railroads Threaten to Enjoin Decision
o f Com m ission.
St. Helen’s Hall, Portland, Or.
Resident and Day School for
Catalogue on Request.
“ T H E S C H O O L O F Q U A L IT Y
Better each year, and larger. W e now
have two floors 65 x 100 feet. Thorough
work tells the story. It counts in the
end, and we admittedly lead in this re­
spect. Get our catalogue, pen work, etc.,
then judge for yourself as to quality.
A . P. A R M S T R O N G , L L . B., P r in cip a l
T e n th and M orriso n
P ortlan d, O r e g o n
Seattle, Wash., July 14.— Lum ber­
men report that the industry is as
badly paralyzed as before the recent
rate decision by the interstate com ­
merce com mission, on account o f ru­
mors that the railroads are con tem ­
plating enjoining the decision o f the
com m ission in the federal courts. If
this should be done, the effect would
probably be to continue for possibly-
as long as tw o years the uncertainty
prevailing previous to the decision.
Robert B. Allen, associate editor of
the Pacific Lumber Trade Journal,
said yesterday that he had been in­
form ed on reliable authority that the
either to take a straight appeal to the
federal courts or to enjoin the de­
cision of the com m ission. The for­
mer course would leave the rates es­
tablished by the com m ission in force
pending the decision o f the appeal,
which the lumbermen state would not
seriously embarrass them in going
ahead in securing business and resum­
ing the industry.
An injunction, on the other hand,
would probably result in a continu­
ance of the business on a bond basis,
which would force the lumbermen to
make all shipments under bond to pay
the higher rate should the courts
finally overthrow the decision of the
interstate com m erce com mission.
C ou rse.
Weeks— I once knew a man who
really enjoyed moving.
Seeks— I don’t believe it.
D oes Considerable Damage in San
Weeks— It’s a fact.
You see, he
Bernardino Range.
lived in a houseboat.
San Bernardino, July 14.— The most
St. Vitus* Dance and all Nervous Diseases disastrous forest fire in many years
. . . w permanently cured by Dr. K line’s Great has just swrept the south slope of the
T ervo
C Re;
Restorer. Send for F R E E f 2 trial bottle and San Bernardino mountains, burning
treatise. Dr. 11. IL K line, Ld..931 A rch bu, Phil*.,Pa
a path 12 miles in length and three
miles wide, destroying the Ben Bur­
G a t h e r in g : M a t e r ia l.
“ Aw, me good man,” affably spoke the nell apiary and several houses on the
foreign tourist, putting his head out F. M. Brush ranch. The fire origi­
through the car window as the train stop­ nated east o f Verdem ont from a spark
ped at a station, “ may I awsk the name of from a Santa Fe locom otive, it is
this chawming little village?”
Several recently com pleted fire­
“ Rubberneckin’ ?” said the rude native
breaks were encountered, but the
on the station platform.
“ Thanks,” rejoined the foreign tourist, flames jumped them without difficulty.
jotting it down in his notebook. “ What Late last night a shifting of the wind
remawkably odd names they have for enabled the fire-fighters to get control
o f the flames on the mountains a mile
towns in this country!”
above the low er T o ll House inn.
Tommy (aged 10)—Dad, what Is tht
G reeks to Build Warship.
bone o f contention?
San Francisco, July 14.— It became
Mr. Ileupeck—The Jawbone.— Illus­
known here yesterday that the Greeks
trated Bits.
living in America are to build a sec­
A l w a y s th e U n a t t a in a b le .
battleship here and present
Small William, whose stomach had
been taking a day off, was trying to it to the G recian governm ent. M ore
make a next morning breakfast on grape than $60,000 has already been raised
for the new vessel, which is to be
” 1 wish,” he said, looking enviously at called the Greek-American. The plan
the generous supply of food on his little was started some time ago in New
sister’s plate, “ I was well enough to eat Y ork, but has been kept a secret.
Greeks from all over the United
bacon and eggs, too.”
“ Huh!” exclaimed his little sister; “ 1 States have contributed to the fund,
$2 000 having been raised here
wish I was sick enough to eat a grape
during the last tw o weeks.
M y Ha is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only
hair-food you can buy. For
60 years it has been doing
just what we claim it will do.
It will not disappoint you.
•• My
n T hair
I I X I I omh ! to be
■ ■a very abort. — —-
lalns Ayer’a Hair Vigor a short tina« It « ■
*> (trow, and now It la fourteen Inch«« 1® W
(in reenlt
reuní to
«•> tu
•• »*»•
rhla aeema « Iplendld
* afUr^belng
any ' hair."—
hall “ M
Hmoat without anj
“ M . J. H. F i m ,
a . to lo .
t r J. 6 . i r e Co.. U n U , K m .
i i j e r s ^ n c ^
N o . 2 * —o a
! T tT H K lV w r i t i n g t o x l T e r U M W p l M M I
1 $Y
m e m l» n th is p a p e r.
Dies Four Days A fter Prom otion.
Peking, July 14.— Interest is being
manifested in the appointment o f a
successor to Thom as W . Haskins,
w ho died Saturday night, four days
after being ordered to the American
consulate at Sw atow
Haskins’ death
occurred at Poi Tai H o, a seaside re­
sort. Haskins was form erly a resi­
dent o f L os Angeles, became a stu
dent interpreter in China. July 18
1902. He was appointed assistant
secretary to the legation in China,
July 4, 1904. He was prom oted to
consul at Swatow, Wednesday.
Trial Marriage P roposed.
Atlanta, Ga., July 14.— Drop-stitch
hose. V-shaped lingerie, cosm etics,
artificial teeth, puffs rats and padd-ng
are the weighty matters which are
being gravely discussed by the co m ­
mittee on ways and means o f the
Georgia legislature. A ccordin g to the
provisions o f Glenn's measure, any
marriage which has resulted from ar­
tificial attractions offered by the bride
shall be declared null and void.
Can Inspect Bank B ooks.
San Francisco. July 14.— The state
supreme court yesterday made an o r ­
der directing Receiver Le Breton, of
the wrecked California Safe Deposit
9t Trust com nany to permit all par­
ties interested to inspect the books
o f that institution now in his charge.
the finding o f feasible projects. Tbit
involves not only the feasibility of con­
structing the plant, but. also, the pos­
Paper Presented at Recant Meeting
sibility of securing good title in ad­
o f Oregon State Grange.
vance to the necessary water supply.
I f clear title to sufficient water cannot
By John M. Lewi«, State Engineer.
be assured in advance, on account of
our poor laws, then we should not com
Laws o f Other States.
plain because O regon’s rightful share
Oregon, Washington and California o f this fund is not expended within
have the poorest water laws o f the her borders.
State Control.
western states. Colorado profited by
The conference o f governors now in
the mistakes of California. Later W yo­
ming and Nebraska adopted laws which session at Washington, D. C., to devise
have been taken as models by other some plan for the conservation of our
states, except that adjudications of the great natural resources will doubtless
early rights are made by the courts in­ have but little to say with respect to
stead of J>y appointed boards, as in the conservation of water on the non-
these states. '"The water law defeated navigable streams o f the states. This
by our legislatures of 1905 and 1907 is entirely a state problem and we
followed closely the laws recently en­ i alone must be responsible for the use
acted by Utah, Idaho, North and South or abuse of this necessity of life. Any
Dakota and Oklahoma. The Canadian new policy devised^by this conference
law has been declared by resolution of for government control of navigable or
the American Irrigation Congress to interstate streams can affect Oregon
be the best of its kind on this conti- I but little.
The conservation o f this great nat­
nent. All these modern laws are based
upon the water laws of Italy, which ural resource in the interest of poster­
have developed through centuries of ity cannot only be accomplished with-
experience. Thus Oregon has no lack 1 out sacrifice or cost to the present
of precedent, and should profit by the generation, but to its great benefit and
experience of these other states and profit, if we only will.
We resented bitterly the offer ot
President Roosevelt, through his recla­
Arguments Against 8tate Control.
mation department, to assist us in the
The water code presented to the last framing o f creditable water laws. We
legislature provided a comprehensive are now persistently disregarding the
system of titles to water and for pro­ warning of our worthy governor, who
tection to vested rights through state has well said that 41 the great uncer­
control of diversions from public tainty as to titles to water, the wide
The leading arguments by difference of opinion among the ablest
the enemies of this bill were as fol­ water lawyers as to what the water
lows: That the state officer in charge law o f this state really is, and the vast
would have the power o f a czar; that amount of capital that is already in­
the burden on taxpayers would be ex­ vested in this state in works depending
cessive; and that the appointment of upon the use o f water, make it abso
an unlimited number of water masters lutely necessary that Oregon at an
was the basis o f a machine to control early date place upon her statute books
the politics of the state.
a complete, concise and definite code of
The penalty necessary to enforce the law governing the use and distribu­
proposed law was that no right to the tion o f water, patterned after the mod­
use of public waters should th er^ fter ern laws of Wyoming, Idaho and Can­
become vested except by direct grant ada, where titles to water are as se­
from the state. The great power com­ cure as titles to land. Oregon’s sin, not
plained of was the authority of the so much of commission as of omission,
state engineer to refuse any application in this matter, is becoming notorious
which did not conform with the law. among the states of the west, where the
To pass the bill without any means of diversion and use o f water is neces­
enforcing it would have the same effect sary, and if persisted in will greatly
as defeating the bill, which was the re­ retard the settlement of lands already
sult desired.
reclaimed, and discourage further de­
Under the proposed law, no state velopment o f our great water re­
control could be had until the deter­ sources. ”
mination by the courts of all vested
rights to the use oL water from a given
Therefore, no water master
could be appointed until such time.
These adjudications will be final, as Experiment Station Called Upon for
each basin comes before the court, in­
Advice on Various Subjects.
stead of constantly recurring, as under
From the W ashington State College. Pullman
present conditions. The water master,
A farmer writes from Seguin ask­
when appointed, will regulate the di­
versions of water in accordance with ing for varieties of apples to plant in
the decrees as rendered and the rights that locality. H e was supplied with
as granted under the new law. These inform ation as follow s:
new rights will not be subject to liti­
“ For winter apples, try the Baid-
gation. no matter how long the deter­ | win, Spy, N orthw est Greening, E.ig-
mination of the early rights are de­ i lish Russett, W agener and Grimes
layed, as these rights will be complete­ Golden. If you desire a few early
ly defined and recorded when granted. apples, plant Y ellow Transparent,
This determination of early rights may Duchess, Gravenstein and King. The
take from 10 to 20 years, judging from form er apples are the commercial ap­
W yom ing’s experience, where 18 years ples o f western W ashington. The
have been consumed in recording the experiment station has some knowl-
territorial rights under the new law. ! edge o f both the Delicious and the
The system of dividing the state into K ing David apples. They are com ­
districts, according to drainage basins, paratively new, and might succeed re­
with one or more water masters in markably well with you, yet your
charge of each basin, has been demon­ planting them w ould be m ore ar less
strated as the only feasible plan of o f an experiment..
protecting the interests of all con­
"T h e question o f peaches in your
locality is an undecided one. A few
The fees charged in the granting of grow ers report success with the Ale<-
titles by the state were intended within ander, and this is practically the only
a few years to more than riieet the cost variety that has been reported as sue
to the state. I f franchises to the use cessful from your section.. Y ou will
o f water were limited in time, and have practically no trouble in grow ­
ultimately a charge made for the use ing grapes, since some o f the best
of this public resource, the state water grapes we have are grow n over
department could, in time, be made to there.”
yield a large revenue to the state.
The cost of actual distribution was
G e n . P a lm a a T e a c h e r .
to be borne by the counties benefited.
“ Not loug since, while visiting In
Objecting to the bill on the ground of Cuba, I bad the pleasure o f renewing
C03t is false economy. It is like ob­
an old friendship with the former pres­
jecting to the appropriation of some
$12,000 annually to maintain a state ident of the island, Gen. T. Estrada
land department, which is a valuable Palma,” said 8. A. Sevier,
source of income to ¿he state, or like j “ Gen. Palma la living a quiet, se­
objecting to the cost of our police pro­ cluded life on his unpretentious coun­
tection for other property than water, try estate at Bayaiuo. He takes no
which protection saves annually to the interest In politics, but devotes himself
public far more than its cost.
to the simple affairs of rural life. Ills
State and Government Reclamation. I chief pleasure Is In teaching n little
Oregon has 400.000 acres o f govern­ band o f bis neighbors’ children to read
ment land withdrawn from entry, and write, and he devotes two or three
pending reclamation by the state under
hours a day to that task, while at night
tho provisions of the Carey act. This
area is equal to the combined area of be gives Instruction to a class com-
all irrigated land at the present time, (Kxsed of his farm laborers. He was
or nearly twice the combined area of n school teacher for a great part o f
the Klamath and Umatilla irrigation his life and In his latter daya Buds
projects o f the government.
satisfaction In his old profession.”—
During the firet six months of 1907 Baltimore American.
the state land board authorized the
sale of water rights to these desert
P r o d s e t e f T h r e e O r e s t M in d ..
lands, amounting to $4,692,700.
Although It was Abraham Lincoln
board put off this action until after
the adjournment of the legislature, in his Gettysburg speech who made
hoping that the legislation which they famous the phrase, “ government o f the
had recommended for the protection of people, by the people, for the people,”
settlers might be enacted. The state the father o f the sentiment was really
is now in. the deplorable position of Daniel Webster, who, 30 years pre­
authorizing the sale o f a commodity viously, bad S|x>ken of “ the iieople’s
which it owns, but over which it has
no control. It is attempting to super­ government, made for the people, made
vise the expenditure of millions of dol­ by the people, and answerable to the
lars in the interest of future settlers, people.” The next stuge in the crys­
without appropriating a single cent tallization o f the phrase was In 1830,
for administrative purposes.
when another great American, Theo­
Already the state has begun suit dore Parker, alluded to “ a government
against one o f these companies because
o f all the people, by all the people, for
of the sale o f some $100.000 worth of
water rights to intending settlers all the people.” Then In 1803 Lincoln
where there is no water to supply, and put the finishing touch and gave
the false economy practiced may ulti­ democracy Its watchword.
mately result in a demand upon the
legislature by these settlers that their
B e . . b a l l C r it i c .
loss be reimbursed. Tn this matter of
Huggins— What has become o f Fan­
reclamation by the state, or in any ning?
public or private reclamation, we are
Mugglna—Oh, he’e laid up; a victim
trying to build a great structure of
prosperity without adequate foundation o f baseball.
Huggins— I didn’ t know he ever play­
?n law to support the structure.
Oregon has contributed more to the ed the game.
Muggins— He doesn’t. He sprained
reclamation fund of the United States
government than any other state, and hla larynx telling the umpire bow
the return of this money depends upon things ought to be done.
F a ll
B a ck
U pon.
“ We put that motto back on the coins,
anyhow,” said the Congressman.
“ Yes,” answered the constituent, “ and
in view of what you fellows have accom­
plished during this session that motto
affords us our only consolation.” —Chicago
T r i b u n e . _______________
The city of Vienna is now trying to se­
cure control of mines in Moravia. The
reasons given for the purchase are the
high price of coal and the difficulty of se­
curing a steady supply for the municipal
gas and electric plants.
W is e
O w e.
T h ese
M e a n G ir l * .
“ Men are such strange creatures,”
remarked the young woman.
“ What’s ths matter now? Has some
one been proposing to you?” Inquired
her guileless companion.— Detroit Free
B a d o f th e H e s s e s .
Guest (In restaurant)— I say, wait­
er. have you any oysters?
Walter— No, aah. We all ain’t got
uo abell fish ’eeptln’ eggs, aah.
L ess
R est.
"That author keepa bis identity close­
Ethyl— How did you like the new
ly concealed.”
minister, Maud?
“ Y e s ; nntll I read his books I
Maud— He made an Indelible Impres
alon on me.
thought It was due to modesty.”
Ethel— Hot* so?
Maud— He emptied a cup o f tea on
“ N o; discretion.” —The Sacred Heart
to my new white tlfk dress.
■ r e . S i t e
ite r
iw c s p s n c w e e .
Mrs. Highaome (at the wedding)— How 1
O n iB M lg t s e l,
calm and seif possessed the bride is!
“ Still trying to muster up courage to
JonewSmith Brown Thompson- propose to the girl, are you, Algy? Don’ t
Mayhew-Sklies— It’s remarkable.
Why. be a clam.”
Blink: This la the first time ebo ever
“ Deah boy. I eawn’t be a clam, don’i
was married '—Chicago Tribuae.
yoa knots. Bhs says I’ m a lobetak.”
S . M ercy .
M istress-Sarah Jane, what baa hap­
8arah Jane— Ob, mum. I’ ve fallen
down tue stairs and broken my neck!
Mistress (firm ly)— Well, whatever
When bad blood is caused from an infection of the circulation by the
you've brokcu will be deducted from
your wages.— Sydney (N. 8. W .) Bul­ virus of Contagious Blood Poison, it usually shows in the form of ulcerated
mouth and throat, copper-colored splotches on the body, swollen glands in
the groin, falling hair, sores and ulcers, etc. These general symptoms,
M oth er, w ill find Mr*. W in .lo w 's S ooth in g
ly r u e the I k . » rem edy to u ie to e th eir oh.'kir ' a affecting all parts of the body, show how deeply poisoned the blood
t a r in g t h . t e .t h in g p eriod .
becomes, and emphasizes the dangerous character of the trouble. If allowed
to remain in the system the disease will finally wreck the health and break
f u e l s A lle n .
down the strongest constitution. No medicine can cure Contagious Blood
M?>ots of politicians,’’ remarked Uncle Poison which does not rid the circulation of every particle of the virus.
Allen Sparks, “ turn up their noses at the S. S. S. is the one real and certain cure; it goes down to the very bottom of
vice presidency when they lack s million
the trouble, and by removing every trace of the poison, and adding rich,
miles of being in smelling distance of it.”
healthful qualities to the blood, forever cures this powerful disorder. S. S. S.
—Chicago Tribune.
is the most reliable of all blood purifiers, and its concentrated ingredients of
healthful vegetable extracts and juices especially adapt it to curing this
insidious trouble. Write for our home treatment book, which is a valuable
aid in the treatment of the different stages of the disease, and ask for any
'• G
uxir ernia
C lean ses tho System E ff e c t -
ually;Dispols Colas am tlneacl
aches due to Corvstip ion;
Acts naturally, acts Ir ruly as
a Laxative.
Best j forMen\\ijmpn an I ACUJ-
ren-younU and Old
y r u p
special medical advice you wish.
No charge for either.
In fo r m a tio n
C h e e r fu lly
D o le d
O u t.
R e m a r k a b le
P a rt.
Mrs. Chugwater— Josiah,
what is
Biggs— I fall to see anything remark­
Y9whr|H apoth- BS TH Ait O DILUN able about that man.
apothecaries’ weight?
Diggs— That’s because you don't
Mr. Chugwater— Apothecaries* wait? know him. Last winter I had a cold
It’s the interval that elapses between the for nearly two weeks and, although I
time when you give the apothecary a pre­
met him every day during that period»
scription and the time when he fills it.
Can’t you tell from the word ltaelf?— he never once suggested a remedy.
Chicago Tribune.
S ir
P h i li p
S id n e y
(M o d e r n ).
Mother— Oh, Bobby, you naughty
As homeward turn bis thoughts once more, boy. you’ve been smoking!
He mourns in language quaint.
Poor darling, do you feel very bad?
“Our speech is free, just as of yore,
Bobby (w ho has been well brought
But transportation ain’t !”
u p )—Thank you, I’m dying.— Punch.
— Washington Star.
T h e S t a t e s m a n ’ « K e N e c t lo n .
J i< > S
N e g a tiv e
F o o lis h
Q u a lity .
“ I never give medicine to my children,”
Nan— Why are you saving all of Jack's
said Mrs. Lapsling, “ that has any whisky letters?
Because he always adds as a ]
in it. Whisky is poisonous. It contains
too much refusal oil.”— Chicago Tribune. script, ‘Burn this !' ”
by whom it is manufactured.printed on the
front of every package.
one size only, regular price 50*p«r bottle.
N ot
So N o w .
Pope, who was struggling with his “Es­
say on Man,” had just written these
words :
“ Whatever is is right.”
“ It’s mighty lucky for me,” he reflected,
“ that tihe elevated loop isn’ t built yet.”
For well he knew it would be unsafe to
spring that proposition on Che public in
the opening years of the twentieth cen­
tury.— Chicago Tribune.
Q u ite the C o n tra ry .
“ You don’t seem to get along well with
Slithers. What’s the trouble? Is he so
hard to get acquainted with?”
“ Great Scott, n o ! He’s so hard to get
unacquainted with.”
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by loca l ap p lica tion s, as th ey c a n n o t reach the
diseased p o r tio n o f the ear. T h e r j is o n ly one
w ay t o c u r e d cainess, and that is by con stltn -
tio n a l rem edies. D eafness is eau sed b y a n in ­
flam ed c o n d it io n o f the m u c o u s lin in g o f the
E u sta cu ian 'l ube. W hen this tu b e is in flam ed
you h a ve a r u m b lin g sound or im p e rfe c t hear­
in g, an d w hen it is en tirely closed , D eafness is
the resu lt, an d unless the in flam m ation can be
taken o u t and th is tube restored to its norm al
c o n d it io n , h earin g w ill be d estroy ed fo r e v e r ;
nino eases o u t o f ten are caused by Catarrh,
w h ic h Is n o th in g b u t an in flam ed c o n d it io n ol
the m u cou s surfaces.
We w ill g iv e O ne H u n dred D ollars fo r any
case o f D eafness (ca u sed by catarrh ) th a t c a n ­
n o t be cu red b y H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. Send fo i
c ircu la rs, free.
F. J. CH E N E Y & C O .,T oled o, O.
Sold bv D ruggists. V.^c.
l'a * e H a ll’s F a m ily P ills for con stip a tion .
G rea t E v e n t.
J o y o n c e m o re ru les tihe h o u s e h o ld ,
A n d b a n is h e s all g r i e f ;
A t la s t th a t p esk y ru b b e r plant
H a s s ta r te d a n ew l e a f !
— Chicago T r ib u n e .
“ O U C H , OH M Y B A C K
P r ic e 2 5 c
50 c
Saved by Joining
The Eilers 500 Piano Club
You with 499 others co-operate in wholesale buy­
ing, and besides, we do not collect from widows
and orphans o f Club members, all o f which is
fully explained in our New Book, “ An
. Invitation to Join in Who!esele buying,”
Ellers Piano
H ou «.. Portland,
Oregon: please Bend
on re9uest- Cut out and
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send Coupon today—the Club is filling fasL
to Join in W h o le * .1* b u y in g ”
353 Washington St.,
' p .' n . u '.’ '
Save the Babies.
NT ANT MOKTAUTY is something frightful. We can hardly realize thet of
all the children bom in civilized countries, twentytwo per ccnt^, or nearly
one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per cent., or more
than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen 1
.We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a mar
jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these
infantile deaths are occasioned by the uso of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children’s complaints contain more or less opium, or
morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria
operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of
Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the
pores of the skin and allays fever.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
AVcgelable Preparata for As
I n f a n t s /C
Promotes Digestionflwifid
ness and Rest.Contains miter
Opium Morphine norMineraL
N o t N a r c o t ic .
ftmpkw Seed *
JLx.Samm *
AcM feSdtt-
Mr*, W -
A perfect Remedy forComfiy
lion, Sour Stomach.Dlarrtai
Worms f onvulsions Tewrish
ness ani L oss o r S leep .
FacSinde Sign*rare <£
Dr. A. F. Feeler, o f SL Louis, Mo., says: “ I have prescribed your Castor!*
In many cases and have always found it an efficient and speedy remedy.”
Dr. E. Down, o f Philadelphia, Pa., says: “ I have prescribed your Cas­
toria In my practice fo r many years w ith great satisfaction to m yself and
benefit to my patients.”
Dr. Edward Parrish, o f Brooklyn, N. Y., says: “ I have used you r C as­
toria In my own household with good results, and have advised several
patients to use It tor Its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm.”
Dr. J. B. Elliott, ot New York City, says: “ Having during t h . p u t six
years prescribed your Castoria fo r Infantile stomach disorders, I most
heartily commend Its use.
The form ula contains nothing deleterious
to the most delicate o f children.”
Dr. C. 0 . Spracue, o f Omaha, Neb., says; 'T o u r Castoria Is an Ideal
medicine fo r children, and I frequently prescribe 1L W hile I do not advo­
cate the Indiscriminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria Is an.
exception fo r conditions which arise In the care o f children.”
Cr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says: “ Your Castoria holds tho
esteem o f the medical profession In a manner held by no other proprie­
tary preparation. It Is a sure and reliable medicine fo r Infants and chil­
dren. In fact, it Is the universal household remedy for Infantile ailments.”
Dr. H. F. Merrill, o f Augusta, Me., says: "Castoria Is one o f the very
finest and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my
opinion yonr Castoria bas saved thousands from an early grave. I can
furnish hundreds o f testimonials from this locality as to its efficiency
and merits.”
Dr. Norman M. Geer, o f Cleveland, Ohio, Bays: “ During the last twePr*
years I have frequently recommended your Castoria as one o f tho beat
preparations o f the kind, being safe In the hands o f parents and very ef­
fective Jn relieving children's disorders, while the ease with which such
a pleasant preparation can bo administered Is a great advantage.”
Bear« Signature of
th e
A l b m on th s ol«l
J 5 D o se s - J 5O N TS
^ b *aeMáae ^ i * * i r « n
I Copy o f Wrapper.
The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought
In Uso For Over 3 0 Years.
▼ M « e c s r r a w « o o n m n y , t t M u r r a y « t r i i t . m w t o r n o m r.