The Estacada News E ST A C A D A ORBGON NEWS O F J E WEEK ln a Condensed Form lor Oor Busy Readers. h Resume o f the Lees Importent but Not Lett Interesting Events of the Pest Week. Mrs. Alfred Vanderbilt has secured a divorce. President Fallieres, of France, is visiting K ing Edward. A Seattle woman sent her daugh­ ter for a doctor and then committed suicide. W. T. Hamilton, the last living of General Custer’s scouts, has just died at Butte, Mont. The Presbyterian general assembly will seek a closer union o f the Pres­ byterian churches. Thaw has been declared still insane but he will try to avoid returning to the Matteawan asylum. Senator Slayden, o f Texas, is op­ posed to the Seattle fair and says the country is tiring of expositions. There is a desperate effort in con­ gress to pass a currency bill by hold­ ing up the public building bill. Fully a quarter of a million men employed in English shipbuilding yards have accepted a cut in wages. More than 100 government meat in­ spectors held a conference in Chicago on the enforcement of the new meat inspection law. M ARK PAC K A G E S IN FU LL. FAVO R S BIG FLEE T. Railroads Put Additional Burdens ’ on Smell Shippers. Great Lesson Taught by Cruise, Says Admiral Evans. Chicago, May 26.— Bes*les deter mining to increase freight rates 10 per cent, the railroads in the “ official clas sification’’ territory have agreed to add considerably to the burdens of the shippers of package freight. A t the same meeting at which the rate in creases were decided upon, the repre sentatives of more than 400 railroads agreed that after July 1 they will not receive for shipment any packages in less than carload lots which are not marked plainly with the name of the consignee, the station and state of consignee, the station, city and state of destination. It is estimated that this action will save the railroads in the territory east of the Mississippi River and north of the Ohio River to the seaboard, at least $2,000,000 annually in loss and damage claims. On the other hand, it will cost the shippers of package freight probably as much, or even more, to perform the actual work re quired in marking the shipments as prescribed by the railroads. It is also stated by the shippers that it will make impossible any secrecy regard ing the identity of the customer» of any business house. On the contrary, any business house may, after the new rules go into ef­ fect, station men at railroad ware­ houses and learn in detail all about the shipments of competitors, to whom shipped and in what amounts That this will have a tremendous ef­ fect upon this class of business is con fidentiy asserted. It has been the custom of the ship­ pers to mark their packages with an initial or some hieroglyphic, the key to which is to be found on the bill of lading It was the theory that this would save the time and labor of the shipper and throw a certain amount of secrecy around the conduct of his business. Washington, May 25.— Admiral Ev- acis, in an interview with W . S. Meri- weather, told of the results of the cruise o f the Pacific and its benefits and the future policy and prospects of the American navy. "W hat, in your opinion,” he was asked, ‘‘is the most vital question af­ fecting the navy today?” “ The shortage of officers and men, particularly officers,” Admiral Evans replied. “ W e have not a battleship in commission today with a sufficient number of officers properly to look out for her battery. Those wc have are excellent, but they are so over­ worked that they arc giving way un­ der the strain. Men can be trained for duties on shipboard, as has just been shown in the cruise of the A t­ lantic fleet to the Pacific, but not so with officers. “ In case of a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we would find ourselves seriously handicappd from this cause.” The Admiral was then asked what was the chief lessrin to be drawn from the cruise of the battleship fleet. “ There are two,” he replied. “ First, the absolute necessity for two fleets, one on the Atlantic and one on the Pacific; second, that we took the fleet to sea with one-third of the men un­ trained and arrived at the Pacific en­ trance to the Straits of Magellan and Magdalena Bay absolutely in condi­ tion to go into an engagement.” “ W hat should be our future naval strength, and how distributed?” “ Forty-eight battleships with the necessary cruisers, torpedo boats, sub­ marines and auxiliaries. T hey should he distributed— 24 on the Pacific and 24 on the Atlantic.” The Oklahoma legislature has passed a law which provides for a penitentiary term for any employer who refuses work to a man because WHOLE S T A T E S T O R M -S W E P T he is a member of a union. Pinkerton detectives are also barred from the state. Texas Suffers Untold Damage From Wind and Rain. Peter Daly, the actor, is dead. Austin, Texas, May 26.— A terrific Good progress is being made on the Seattle fair buildings. wind and rain storm swept T e x ts The Northern Baptist convention from the Panhandle to the Gulf early for 1909 will meet in Portland. Sunday. The destruction to crops and A statue of the late Senator Hanna vegetables, trees and shrubbery was has just been unveiled at Cleveland, the greatest reported in years. Ohio. In numerous places houses were un­ Eastern railroads will resist the In roofed and small villages and hamlets terstate Commerce Commission’s rates in many instances were inundated by for accounting. the terrific rainfall which, in the space Thousands of people are swarming o f four houPs, reached seven inches in to the Puget Sound cities to see the many sections. Austin was in the Atlantic battleship fleet. path of the worst o f the storm, and A Hoboken, N. J., justice o f the for hours the streets were impassable peace says he married Anna Gould for either man or beast, electric light and Prince de Sagan before they left tnd telephone connections were» dis for Europe. ibled beyond immediate repair and The airship W hite W in g, built by many houses were unroofed. The agricultural sections of Central Baldwin, is making successful flights in N ew York. Baldwin was the in­ and Southern Texas have been im ventor of the airship at the Lewis and measurably damaged, according to general reports received here, badly Clark fair. A Chicago woman brought back to demoralized wire service occasioning slow and unsatisfactory reports from life after being pronounced dead is sorry she was revived. She says her many sections that are known to have suffered from the storm. soul traversed a beautiful country in spirit land. O K LA H O M A TIED C O M P L E T E L Y Crop failures in British East Africa it causing much loss o f life among tfce natives More than 40,000 deaths Muskogee is in Sorry Plight Without Heat or Light. have been caused by starvation and the government is feeding 50,000 Muskogee, Okla., May 26.— N ot a people. > railroad in Oklahoma is in operation, Bishops in the Methodist general con is a result of the heavy rains and ferenee passed the lie. cloudbursts that have occurred in vari France may have to recognize Mulai ous parts of the state during the past Halid as sultan o f Morocco. three days. The last road to suspend The late Governor Sparks, o f Neva operations was the Missouri-Kansas da. was a great cattle breeder. It Texas, which was forced to quit at Before the battleship fleet leaves for noon Sunday, when the bridge on the the Orient it will be reorganized. tain line at Ettfala went down T o add to the disaster, the main Inability to get a board o f arbitration is continuing the street car strike at supplying natural gas to the Indian Territory part of the state was car­ Cleveland, Ohio. ded away with the Clarksville briflge The Presbyterian general assembl) ■ate Sunday, and the supply o f gas wants congress to pass a law making ror Muskogee ami several other cities Sunday an absolute day o f rest. :n the southeast part of the state has Baron Takahira, Japanese ambassa been entirely cut off. Officials o f the dor to the United State«, says critics gas company say it will be a week o f his people are hasty and that war before repairs can be made so that •he gas supply can again he carried rumors are unfounded. \s natural gas is used for light and Admiral Evans has called upon the beat, business will he suspended president and received congratulations Elevators have been forced to stop on the successful trip o f the battleship unning, and hotels and restaurants fleet from the Atlantic to the Pacific. have practically been put out o f busi­ The government has started a suit ness. for a dissolution of the New Haven road’s merger with the Boston and Scale is Agreed Upon. Maine and New England trolley roads Kansas City, May 26.— After more In an address before the Bankers' han six weeks of negotiations, the club, of Chicago, Bryan said unless the 'ast details which have been standing people were assured their deposits were n the way of signing the final agree­ fully secured the government will have ment between the miners and operat­ to start banks. es of Kansas City. Missouri. Okla­ The Mexican government has start homa and Arkansas coal fields were ettled Sunday to the satisfaction of ed proceedings against Martin Jacoby millionaire and head o f a large mercan both sides. Monday morning a joint meeting of Hie house. He is charged with misap propriating between $3,000,000 and $5,- he operators and miners was to hr held, when the signatures of the prop 000 , 000 . **r officials were to be affixed to *' the In a speech at Harrisburg, Pa., Bryaa scale and the agreement and the ac- ■aid h« favored the direet primary. tion ratified. Oeveraer Sparks, of Nevada, is ver* lew, aad hi« physicians say he cannot Vehicle Falls Down Mountain. live. San Jose, Ca!., May 26.— Twenty- Major James P. Mctndee is to sue eeed Csionel Roessler as government en one students, half the graduating class of the Santa Clara High School, were giseer at Portland. Arbitration of the street ear strike carried 200 feet down a mountain side st Olsvelnnd. Ohio, has been arranged, when a carry-all toppled from the Mount Hamilton road at midnight hut seme rioting continues. Saturday night. The vehicle broke up One mas was killed and 10 injured when it started in its descent and In a big Chieago fire, whieh destroyed most of the young people slid in safe­ 0400,000 worth sf property. ty down the mountain side in tho A teraads passed through a farming cover of the vehicle News of the ac- ■eetisa near Clay Center, Kan., destroy 'idrnt reached this city early Sunday lag much property and killing three and a physician and nurses were dis­ r o b e d to the scene in an automo­ people. bile. The steamer Lusitania, from L ivsr post for New York, has beaten her for West Guthrie Under Water. met record for crossing tha ocean by Guthrie. Okla . May 2ft.— All W est several hoars. Guthrie is inundated with from seven Night riders continue to da much to ten feet of water rushing through damage by burning tobacco barns it *he streets. Train service on all roads Kentueky. in and out o f Guthrie is at a standstill Oklahoma's state guaranty law hat because of miles of rails being under stood tha test. A bank failed and in­ water and dozens o f bridges impassa­ N o attempt is being made to side sf na hour the depositors wars be bly operate trains east and west from iag paid ia full. Guthrie, while the Atchison. Topeka Roosevelt is preparing te veto the 3t Santa Fe south of Guthrie is im ­ public building bill if congress don’t passable at Seward, between here and aa aati iajunctioa bill, and the Oklahoma City. ats’s mail subsidy provision. Sentence Four to Death. M w Wood's suit against Senator St Petersburg. May 2ft— The court- Plat for divora« has been dismissed, aad •*•• has been arrested on the ground martial of eleven revolutionists, in­ that she trae B«T«r »arriad to the h i cluding four women, which began a few days ago. has resulted in the sen­ •tor. tencing o f four of the accused to Bryan Alabama primario« wort death and six to period* of penal » victory arar the truota. •ervitude. One was acquitted OREGON W O O L GOOD. C H E A P FU E L IN SIG H T. Secretary Smythe Praises Compulsory If Choppers Can’t Sell to Trust They Dipping Law. Will to Consumers. Portland.—Secretary Dan P. Smythe, Pendleton.— A fter futile efforts to of the Oregon Woolgrowers association, sell their wood to Pendleton and passed through Portland recently on his Walla Walla woodyards, ten wood- choppers of Kamela have pooled their way to Salem, where he represents the output and have placed an agent in third district of Oregon at the annual this city and will sell direct to the meeting of the state sheep commission. consumer. They have 5,000 cords in Mr. Smythe says the wool elip this year the pool and will fill this territory with cheap wood, they declare. The is as large as usual, and that the wool woodyards have large supplies on is of exceptionally fine quality. hand, owing to the fact that the mild A t this session of the sheep commis­ weather of the past winter restricted sion the eastern Oregon men intend to the sale, and have refused to buy the Camela pool, w hich is now being mar­ take some radical action to prevent fur­ keted here. Already several cars ther encroachments of Washington have been ordered from the pool and sheepmen in the Wenaha forest reserve. it promises to demoralize the wood Mr. Smythe, who is extensively en­ market in the inland empire. gaged in sheepraising himself, is em­ Keep Salmon Out o f Alfalfa. phatic in praise of tho compulsory dip Pendleton.— Thousands of salmon ning law passed at the last session of the legislature. He says Oregon sheep fry from six to eight inches in, length are now practically free from disease of are now running out into the canal every kind, and the wool is of a much of the Irrigon irrigation project and many of them are being stranded on higher grade than in former years. The administrtion at Washington has the bars, where they are perishing. favored the woolgrowers in the Ever Deputy Game and Fish Warden O. F. green State, to the detriment of Oregon Turner will take immediate steps to stockmen. Just what action will be have proper fish screens placed at the taken Mr. Smythe was not prepared to dam to prevent this destruction of say, tut he thinks the commission wil the young fish. The dam o f the Irri make recommendations that the for­ gon project is in the Umatilla River estry department at the national capital tw-o miles east of the town of Uma tilla. Thousands of fine salmon fry will not dare to overlook. are now to be found in the river and every effort will be made to prevent LEASE BIG T R A C T . them from running into the irrigation canals. Other canals on the river are Sheepmen Gobble'll0 0 ,0 0 0 Acres as properly protected with screens and ladders. _________ Overflow to Forest Reserve. W ells-Fargo to Build. Pendleton__ One hundred thousand Eugene.— The W ells-Fargo Express acres of fine range land has just been Company has begun the erection of a leased in Baker county by Morrow, Gil­ fine brick building on the Southern liam and Umatilla county sheepmen as Pacific depot grounds in which to an overflow range from their forest re handle its business in this city. The serve allotments. The land is logged- architecture o f the new building will be in keeping with that of the new off timber land, and lies in a strip 50 passenger depot, now in course or miles in length between Austin and construction and to be completed be Pleasant valley, in Baker county, and fore July 1. The W ells-Fargo build belongs to the numerous lumber com ing will be of brick and stone an 1 paniee of that district. It was leased will cost $4,000 to $5,000. It is prob for five years by Dan P. Smythe, of able the downtown office o f the com this city, and A. K. and A. Smythe, ol pany will be done away with when Arlington, William Smith, of Arlington, the new building is finished, as the and A. 0. Whittier, of Baker county. location is convenient to the business The sum of $8,000 was paid for use of section of the city. the tract for five years. Over 50,000 head of sheep will be held in the terri Pays Large Inheritance Tax. tory during a portion of the summer Ralem__ The second largest inherit It is well watered and contains fine mce tax ever paid into the state treas­ grass. _________ ury was received recently. It was the tax on tho estate of Amanda Reed, Hslt in^Timber Land Buying. >f Multnomah county, appraised at a Klamath Falls__ J. W. Alexander, of valuation of $1,385,919.89. The tax the Weyerhaeuser Lumber company, is was $7,141.40. The largest tax paid in this city on business for his com was on the estate of Henry Weinhard, pany. He states that he is not here to which amounted to $15,248.54. The ap buy timber, but that he expects to buy praised value o f the Weinhard estate when special inducements are offered. was but $1,381,967.22, but was left in a There is but little movement in tiinbei lump sura, while the Reed estate was in this section, and none is expected un divided among a large number of bene­ til after the presidential election. Whili ficiaries. the price of farming lands in this sec tion has increased in the past six Five Counties Join in Fair. months, timber land has decreased from The Dalles.— In connection with the $1.50 a thousand to 75 cents and $1 However, those holding claims are not fair to be held in this city in October, worrying over conditions, as they feel under the auspices of the Second East sure the slump in timber is but tern ern Oregon District Agricultural So ciety, will be a children’s fair in which porary. products grown or manufactured by pu pils of the public, high and parochial Whipping Up on Tule Contract. schools of the district, which comprises Klamath Falls.— It is stated here that Wasco, Crook, Sherman, Gilliam and Chief Engineer Hood has given irnpera Wheeler Counties, will be exhibited. tive orders that the dredging on the This adjunct to the main fair, which marsh for the railroad grade must be was a signal success last year, comes rushed or the contract will be forfeited as a result of agitation along this line The contract consists of a grade four bv the principals of the various Wasco miles along across swamp land, now rank Countv schools. with tules, and the agreement now if that crews must be worked day and New Fly Destroys Aphis. night in order to throw up the grade Milton— Local orchardists are much at the earliest possible date in order tc allow it to settle and dry before the interested in a new variety of fly which track is laid. has appeared in orchards in this section recently and which appears to be an Open Reserves June I. Pendleton.— Sheepmen of Umatilla 3nemy to the green aphis, a pest which county have received notice that sheep has done great damage to peach trees may be taken upon the Wenaha foresl this season. The new fly, which may reserve Juno 1, instead of June 15, the prove a blessing to the fruitgrowers, is date originally set. For some time sheepmen have been asking for the us< larger than the ordinary house fly and of the reserves on the Blue mountain* has wings long and slender and spotted earlier than usual, because of the dry black and white. weather prevailing this spring. Dan P. Smythe. secretary of the sheepmenV association, has received notice from Supervisor Schmitz that admission would be granted June 1. Sheep Dying in Eastern Oregon. Baker City__ Dr. W. H. Lytle passed through Baker City a few days ago on his way to Hkull Springs, where he goes to look after his interests at that place. It seems that a number of sheep at Skull Springs and in the vicin itv of Vale and Ontario have been lying, and it is Dr. L y tle ’s purpose to see if something cannot be done. The sheep this season are going to bring a better price than for many past years it seems and this trouble is the first that has been reported this year. The clip is to be very heavy. Daily Snowstorm « at Buckeye. Sumpter. — Superintendent W. H. Gleason, of the Buckeye mine, in the Cracker Creek district, reports opera tion at the property in full blast Crosscutting for the main ledge from the drift is in progress, and it is ex pected to encounter the vein in a short while. There is much snow in the vicin ity of this mine and it is a hard mat ter to get supplies in at present. Con tinned snow storms prevail almost daily at that altitude. Will Exhibit at State Fair. Oregon City.— The board of directors of the Clackamas Connty Fair associa tion has authorized the executive eom nutter to make a county exhibit at the state fair, which will follow the Claek amas countv fair. The board appropri ated $50 for premiums for juvenile exhibits and reappointed Thomas F Ryan. George Larolle and T. J. Gary as a committee to direct the affairs of thi assoc itai on. Bumper Crop Promised. Arlington.— Heavy rains throughout this section of Oregon a few days age have added many thousands of dollars to the wealth o f Gilliam and adjoining counties. The weather is warm and the farmers happy. Every one predicts a prosperous year for thie part r f the state. Hatchery Superintendent. Oregon City— W. H. Smith, of Park plaee. ha« been appointed superintend ent of the state fish hatcheries at Wal Iowa and Ontario. FIRE ON O LD V E SSEL. Sensational Naval Experiment Will be Tried bp Navy. COMPROMISEONFAIR Congressional Committees Agree on Seattle Appropriation. SPEND $650,000 FOR EXHIBITS Washington Delegation Highly Elated at Result—Useless Expenses Are Stricken Out. Washington, May 23.—The ceafee* ence committee on the sundry civil bill yesterday agreed to give $650,000 to the Seattle exposition. Fifty thousand dol­ lars will be cut off from the expenses o f the government board, which is re­ duced to three members, and uninter­ esting features of the government ex­ hibit are eliminated. There was no cut in the appropriation for buildings or the Alaska, Philippine or Hawaii ex­ hibits. The conference report will be agreed to today. The compromise is highly satisfactory to the Washington delegation. G O V E R NO R S P A R K S DEAD. Nevada Executive Killed by Oveawork at Extra Session. Reno, Nev., May 23.— “ I don’t fear death. I have done my best. I am tired and am ready to go. Good-bye.” Surrounded by his wife, three sons and a daughter, Governor John Sparks, conscious to the last, sank to death at 8 :30 yesterday morning, after uttering the above words. The illness which culminated in the governor’s death was directly due to overwork and nervous strain attend­ ant upon the extra session of Nevada’s legislature late last fall. Mr. Sparks was born in Mississippi, August 30, 1843, and came to this state in 1868, engaging in stockraising. He owrted large cattle ranches in Nevada and Texas, as well as a large cotton plantation in Texas. He was elected chief executive in 1902 and again in 1906 by large majorities. Lieutenant-Governor D. S. Dicker- son is now governor o f Nevada. He came to Nevada eight years ago and went to work in a mine at Cherry Tree. JU R Y F A ILS T O AGREE. Ruef Again Escapes, but New Trial Will Be Pressed. San Francisco, May 22.— Unable to agree, after being out almost 44 hours, the jury in the case of Abraham Ruef, charged with offering a bribe to former Supervisor Jennings J. Phillips, was dis­ charged at 5 o ’clock last evening by Judge Maurice T. Dooling. Thirteen ballots were taken, and the jury stood 6 to 6 from the outset. At no stage was there a chance for an agreement, the credibility of the witnesses being the main point upon which the jurors di­ vided. The failure of the jury to convict will not alter the attitude of the prosecution as there are numerous indictments pend- ing against Kuef, on one of which he will be placed on trial as soon as the state can make its arrangements to that end. In view of this fact the board of supervisors today appropriated $70,000 for- the continuance of the graft prose­ cutions. Resuming their deliberations yester­ day morning, the jury was called into court at 11:45 o ’clock by Judge Doo­ ling, but asked the court for more time. The request was granted and they re­ tired. When 4 o ’clock arrived the bailiff or­ dered the courtroom cleared, as Judge Dooling had decided to send for the jury in a short time, and there was a desire to avoid any demonstration on thfe part of the spectators. As a result attorneys directly interested and the members of the press were about the only ones in attendance when the jurors filed in and took their places in the box. Foreman Penny arose, and in response to the question of Judge Dooling said it was impossible for the jury to agree. Each juror was then questioned by Judge Dooling, and all agreed that they could not arrive at a verdict. Judge Dooling then formally discharged the ju ry - ___________________ Washington. May 25.— The most sensational naval experiment ever at­ tempted by this country will take BU I LD ¿TO ¿ PAC IFIC . place today in Chesapeake Bay, when the monitor Florida will be submitted Edwin^Gould Makes Announcement to bombardment by big guns and tor- for Western Pacific. oedoes to demonstrate the effect of modern projectiles upon the internal Los Angeles, May 22__ Edwin Gould, fittings and the structure of the fight­ pathfinder for the “ ocean to ocean“ ing craft of the American navy. railroad ambition of his brother, The Florida is so constructed and fitted internally in such a way as to Ueorge, announced that the Gould lines have practically the same strength of will not only reach San Francisco, but resistance as the latest type of Am er­ they will enter Los Angeles and tho ican battleship. ports of the Pacific Northwest, through A t first it was proposed to put live sheep in the turret of the monitor, but Portland. Mr. Gould arrived today this plan has been abandoned because from Texas in his private care “ Dixie.“ it i f believed the death of the animals Gould is a director of the Western would prove little as to the probabil­ rPacific, and makes the positive an­ ity of loss o f human life under similar circumstances. The plan to test the nouncement that the ocean to ocean E X T R A SE SSIO N C ALLE D . ability of the modern ship of war to Gould line will be consummated with withstand the heavy firing of the lat­ Che early completion of the Western est big guns has attracted much at Philippine Assembly Needs a Month Pacific into San Francisco, and that the tention in official circles and it is M ore to Finish Work. lines of the Goulds will also be extend­ looked upon as a matter o f great im- Manila, May 23.— The statutory time ed to Portland in the near future. p »rtance by foreign officials at the em­ Further, Mr. Gould declares that the for the adjournment of the Philippine Pacific Coast will be the scene of the bassies here. assembly having arrived with the work most extensive railroad operations ever of that body incomplete, Governor-Gen­ known. P A C IF IC M AIL IS PASSIVE. For many months it has been rumored eral Smith has called a month’s extra that the Gould interests have been se­ Would Not be Benefited by Proposed session. Prior to the adjournment of curing options on rights of way along the regular session, the radicals at­ the coast from the north shore of San Subsidy Clause. San Francisco, M ay 25.— The prog­ tempted to present a resolution favor­ Francisco bay to Eureka. The North­ ress of the postoffice appropriation ing immediate independence, but were western railroad, which ends at Willets, bill, now in its last stages before Con­ headed off by the conservatives under Mendocino county, is supposed to be gress, is being watched with much in­ the leadership of President Osmena. It the property of the Southern Pacific and terest in this city, especially with re­ is believed that the attempt to present Santa Fe jointly, but lately it has been gard to the ocean mail subsidy amend­ the resolution will be renewed during reported that part of the right of way between Willets and Eureka has been ment, agreed to by the conferees, but the extra session. The Philippine commission has re­ found to overlap other claims, and liti­ rejected by the House, which has jected the assembly bill providing for gation was threatened. asked for another conference on the measure. The proposed increased the teaching of the various Filipino di­ W R E C K IN BELGIUM . compensation to steamship lines di­ alects in the public schools, and has rectly affects the companies running substituted a bill creating an institute vessels from this port to China, Japan, for the studv of these dialects. Manuel Quescon, a member o f the Sixty Killed and Hundrecf Injured in Australia and the Philippines. Collision o f Trains. W hen asked what would be the re­ assembly, has been appointed delegate sult should the subsidy amendment be to the navigation congress, to be held Antwerp, May 22.— In one of the retained in the bill, F. S. Samuels, at St. Petersburg. He will sail tomor­ worst railroad disasters that ever oc­ manager of the Oceanic Steamship row, accompanied by his secretary, The­ curred in this country a great number odore Rogers. Company, said: oi passengers, the number being esti­ “ W hether v, e will resume running Sues to Recover Graft. vessels to Australia and carry the mated as high as 60, were killed today, mails cannot be determined for a time. San Francisco, May 23.—Joseph A. and at least 100 seriously injured in a Australia and N ew Zealand have made Sullivan, a retired capitalist, who owns collision between two passengers trains. other contracts for carrying the mails a block o f stock in the United Rail­ The trains were running at a high rate since we discontinued, and we do not know’ at present whether we could get ways Investment Company, today be­ of speed when the crash occurred. They that business again.” gan a suit in equity in the superior <’aine together with great force, throw­ Adolph J. Frey, assistant to the court to recover the $200.000 Patrick ing the cars from the tracks and piling vice-president and general manager of Calhoun, president o f the United Rail­ them up in heaps of riPns. Great d if­ the Pacific Mail Company, the Jap­ roads, is alleged to have paid, through ficulty was experienced in releasing anese and China line, said there was Tirey L. Ford, general counsel for that the imprisoned passengers. Twenty-two little prospect of the Pacific Mail corporation, to Abe Ruef for the pur­ bodes have been recovered, and search Auto to Carr y Tourists. pose o f influencing the supervisors to for more is being made in the ruins. Klamath Falls__ Captain J. M. Mein availing itself o f any increased allow ­ The collision occurred at Contich, six grant the company a trolley franchise. tyre, of the McIntyre Transportation ance. chiefly because o f the difficulty of securing crews composed largely of Interest on the above-named amount miles southeast of Antwerp. One train •ompany, has purchased an 11 passenger was bound for Brussels and the other and costs are also demanded by the automobile, and will put it on the line Americans, as the law would require, The complaint alleges that was going to Lierre. Three coaches of at a rate of wages permitting o f any plaintiff. etwoen Dorris and this city. A crew the suit is brought in the interest of all the latter train were crushed into kind­ profit. i f men is now working on the road be­ ling wood. The accident, which is the stockholders o f the corporation. tween Dorris and Keno, getting it in thought to have been due to mistaken Full o f Sfcotch Whiskey. c. 1.’Union that Germans are regardless defense proved he had not laid a hand in China are now being drawn up. The Barley—Feed. $25 per ton; rolled, o f French club custom, the black­ on Robinson, but he was found guilty site, which is on Stockton street, be­ >27(^28; brewing. $26. balling o f Ambassadorial Attache o f conspiracy. The jury recommended tween Clay and Sacramento, has al­ Oate— No. 1 white, $27.50 per ton; Hortsman might have been permitted hanging. Tw o others are charged and ready been purchased, and the building are yet to be tried. These are C. B. will be erected at an expenditure of to pass as a personal matter. Tray. $27. $50,000, which represents half of the Young and Orell Stevens. Hay— Timothv. Willamette Valley, $100,000 relief fund sent to the Chinese Sparks’ Secretary Dead. $17 per ton; Williamette Valley, ordi­ after the fire and earthquake. Big Pow er Project. nary, $15; F.astern Oregon. $18.50; Carson, Nev.. M ay 25— W R Davis, mixed, $16; clover, $14; alfalfa, $12; private secretary to the late Governor San Francisco. May 23. — A deal Telegraph Operators to Strike. Spark*, died at his home in thi* city which will ultimately revolutionize the alfalfa meal, $20. Chicago, May 22.— Members o f the D.avi* price o f electricity throughout the state Dressed Meata— TT^cs. fanev. per Saturday of stomach trouble vnind; ordinarv. 7(ff>7,4 f: large, ftc; was better known as “ R iley” Davis. of California, will soon be consummat­ Commercial Telegraphers union are real, extra, 7Hc; ordinary, 7e; heavy, H e served as secretary to Governor ed in the investment o f an additional again talking strike. They are plan­ Sparks since he first took office He $25.000.000 in the $12.000,000 power­ ftc; mutton, fancy, 10c. was a resident o f Davton. N ev . where house that is nearing completion on the ning a general tie op of the wires at Bntter— Extras, 24c per pound; faney, he held a number o f important posi­ north fork o f the American river. The the time of the rerubliean national con­ 23c; choice, 20c; store. 16c. tions Through the death of the late plant will be ready for operation in vention in June, it is said. They figure Poultry—Mixed chickens. 13f3>14e per Governor and his *ecretarv business October, but in the meantime eastern “that the moral effect of a strike at such nound; fanev hens. 14H@15e; roosters, in the state and federal buildings is at capitalists are making arrangements to a time may produce results within the aid. 9e; fryers, dozen. $4; broilers, a standstill. advance the enormous amount o f cap­ convention hall which might fce re­ doxen. $4.5oV??>5; dressed poultry, per peated later when the delegates meet ital. pound, le higher; ducks lft^ lT c ; geese, in Denver, and bring about a govera- Franz J o s e f in Serious Condition. Mfcte; turkeys, alive, 17@18c; dreeeed, niental investigation of conditions. Eight Perished in Fire. Vienna, May 23— F.mperor Franz 19<3>20e. Josef has caught a fresh cold and gen­ Chicago, May 23.—Although eight Hops— 1907. prime and choice. Favors Opium Conference. eral audiences have been suspended men are believed to have perished in 6 H « per pound; eld. lH ($ 2 e per pound.; The court phy*icians say they do not the fire that destroyed the Wintermayer Tokio. May 22.— The Japanese gov­ Wool— Eastern Oregon, average best. »onsider his majesty's condition alarm­ box factory yesterday, only two bodies ernment has signified its intention of tl(iD15e per pound, according to shrink ing. hut there is much uneasiness con had been recovered at midnight, when joining America in the latter’s effort« sge; valley. lffd fllH e . cerning him owing to his age and the search was abandoned until tomor­ *o secure the calling of an international Mohair— Choice, 19@19Vie per ponnd. continued ill health. row. I opium conference.