üXctttô NO. 24 of E ST A C A D A , OREGON. VOL. 4 L O CA L N EW S AND PE R SO N A L M ENTION GOLD HAT PINS GIVEN AWAY W e are giving away some heavy gold plated “ Swastika” hat pins. Call in and see them, and learn about it. Get one for your wife or your mother, or mother-in-law. Good way to win her confidence T H U R SD A Y , M AY r8, 1908. $1 A Y E A R Estacada State Bank Capital, $25,000 W E HANDLE THE BEST H. D. Trapp has been quite sick. W. H. Holder lost a horse last week valued at $250. OFFICERS: Geo. Estes, President. S. W. Stryker, Vice-President The Socialists will hold a politi­ L. E. Belfils, Cashier cal meeting in Oddfellow hall this GROCERIES, DRYGOODS evening. Oregon Nursery STOCK The Estacada State Bank has two very nice cottages to rent at mod­ erate prices. H. J. Kasper of Portland is doing the work in the meat market for a few weeks. i Just think, here it is close to the middle of May, and is in order. Have you yours ready? If not call and see the many nice things we have to offer you. And the price. You remember, we told you recently that we are willing to di- vide with you, and live on a small profit. Now, don’t think we intend to give you cheap goods. Not so. Dales never do that. W e will give you the best possible for the price. DIRECTORS: For every member of the family Geo. Estes, S. W. Stryker, T. Yocum, John Zobrist, Albert D. Schmidt F. J. McHenry will deliver a lec- 1 ture on Prohibition Saturday even- ■ ing in Garfield Grange hall From present indications the ber- ' ry crop around here is going to be a I big one. Strawberries, especially, “: are very promising. Walter Suuffin and Henry Trapp J/r J | have already received their supply x I of strawberry crates aud boxes. ja 1 ^ both Business and Residence, and Property near Estacada Rev. M. B. I’arounagian, pastor of the M. E.' church, will preach a Memorial sermon for the Old Sol­ diers next Sunday morning, May 31. All veterans, their wives, wid­ ows, sons and daughters, are espec­ ially invited to be present. f cQTe Meat Market W Handles the best Fresh and Cured Meats Obtainable VanDuren & Gerber, Joint c. n . and Invite you to examine them Sparks’ Store y Æ ¡pr . k iS' * Memorial Services mer wear, on our shelves Farm THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n s a c ts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u sin ess f t ' r •gagja 1 WEB ? Dr. James Vinton Scott was a f , 1 member of the class that graduated 1 Going anywhere? Going to trav­ from the North Pacific Dental Col­ el? If you are, you will need either James U. Campbell, candidate for the a trunk, suit case or telescope. We For SHOES. SUMMER SUITINGS, g lege in Portland last week. Legislature on the Republican ticket, is Two games of ball were played have a new supply of these goods. making bis fight on his past record. LIGHT UNDERWEAR, NO TIO NS, g at Eagle Creek Sunday between the Also, shawl straps, Etc. Etc.— H. Mr. Campbell is making very few prom­ ises; he stands squarly on statement No. South Portland and the home team, Cooper & Co. I, and for measures that will be for the Millinery and Straw Field Hats g the latter winning both games. Charles Bronson and family ex ­ best interests of the taxpayers. His rec­ Albert Bitzer, of San Francisco, pect soon to move to St John where ord in the last legislature is a sufficient a former Roseburg friend of Cash­ Mr. Bronson will be employed in a guarantee that he will carry out every plank in his platform if it is possible. ier Belfils, was here Monday. He brick factory. It was said of him that he was the best is on his way into the Canadian parlimentarian and ablest debator in the Oratorial Contest country to enter the cattle raising House of Representatives at its last ses- On Friday evening the public will i sion, and was a credit to his constituents. business. His well-known stand for honesty, econ­ C. E. Kilgore arrived here Mon­ have the pleasure of listening to an omy and reform was commented on by oratorical medal contest between a day from Chicago, and will make the press throughout the state. this his home. He is a brother of few of the young ladies in town. A vote for Mr. Campbell meaus a square Mr. S. N. Kilgore who has bought The program will be rendered iu deal for everybody. a fine farm iu the Springwater coun­ the Methodist Episcopal church, and in addition to the speaking a try. number of musical selections will be Miss Carrie Doe, a sister of H. I By our Wayside Reporter given. Three gentlemen from out V. Doe manager of the Ha/elwood Cash paid for Hides and Market Produce of town will be asked to act as judg­ creamery, is here on a visit, and es to decide the contest. The con­ thinks this the nicest town on the H. B. Sarver was seen in Estaca­ testants will be Miss Lora Stormer, ] ( Home cured Hams and Bacon, and rendered Lard ) [ map. Miss Doe’s home is in Salem, da Friday. Miss Kittie Ellen Reagan, Miss where the asylum is and the legisla­ Road supervisors D. M. Marshall Mary Dale and Miss Edna Miller. ture meets. Orders Promptly Filled for Out-of-Town, and City Trade No admission will be charged, but and G. B. Linn are, each in his re­ Will Cary was at The Dalles and a free offering taken to help pay ex ­ spective district, doing some fine road work. other places up the Columbia last penses. Miss Inez Krigbauin returned week and made final prbof on bis Monday from a visit to her sister timber claim in Wheeler county. Sore Nipples P R O P R IE T O R S Any mother who has had experience at Orient. Milt Oakley and John Bates were with this distressing ailment will be plea­ The road between .Yocum’ s and his witnesses. sed to know that a cure may be effected Mrs. W. J. Lewellen is out in the by applying Chamberlain's salve as soon Wagner’ s i s b e i n g opened up; Interior visiting a daughter, Mrs. as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off Chas. Duncan and Floyd Holder Regular Republican Nominee for Ora Zell, at Prineville, and a son, with a soft cloth before allowing the ba­ are doing the blasting. This is the way it goes: dollar George Lewellen, who is a merchant by to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with the best results. For sale ambition, selfishness, restlessness, at Moro. by the Estacada drug store. nervousness, dyspepsia, ungovern­ Wild strawberries were ripe over From Clackamas and Multnomah Counties able tempers, Hades all around. a week ago. The first that we have FOR S H E R IF F seen were picked by Mrs B. O. If someone should offer to sell Boswell on her Orchard Home sub­ you a OF P O R T L A N D urban ranch. They were of good GO LD BRICK size and very delicious flavor. you would probably take it to an Olds & Lindsey have a crew of assayer and be convinced it was ten men at work on the new bridge. genuine, before paying your money The bridge will be closed for a cou C. N. McArthur, the well-known Port­ for it. pie weeks, and again when the ap­ land lawyer, who was nominated for Joint If you are about to, buy some proaches are being put in it will be Representative in the Republican primar RBAL B8TATB, closed for another two weeks. It ies, is well qualified for the office to which it is quite as prudent to first ascer­ will not be closed to foot travel. he aspires. He is a native Oregonian, a tain that the title is free from defects Dr. S. W. Stryker who was in product of the State University, and has We have been making reliable been admitted to the bar of both the state Estacada Sunday, has ordered of Clackamas County and Federal courts. He is a fluent speak­ the Western Banking Company lum­ RICHARD L GREAVES the Republican can ABSTRACTS ber both rough and finished, for an didate for Sheriff has been a resident of er and a good parlimentarian. 1 and examining titles for 16 years. Mr. McArthur has extensive fanning elegant residence which he is going Clackamas county for 40 years; has spent It is our business to assist you in interests in the Willamette Valley and as to build at once in Sellwood, which practically all his life here, where he re­ his early years were spent on the farm, he will occupy as a home. The ceived his school education. For the last ' all the details of transfer of real 20 years he has been foreman in the property. Call and examine our his sympathies are with the common peo­ Western Banking Co. has ample or­ blacksmith Dept, of the Willamette Pulp ple. He is pledged to a platform that ders on hand to keep its sawmill & Paper factory at Oregon City, which Clackamas County records, taxrolls favors an honest, business-like adminis­ and planer running throughout the speaks very highly for him. Mr. Greaves plats, Etc. tration of public affairs and opposes all coming summer. Besides the above is a person well suited and qualified for The C LA C K A M A S TITLE c N. M c A rthur graft and humbug. He is a taxpayer 1 order, and material for the new the office of Sheriff, and should he be e CO M PANY bridge, they are cutting and ship­ ! lected the office will be in competent 6 0 6 - 6 0 8 C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E and a progressive citizen. hands. He promises conscientious and Mr. McArtber was reading clerk of the House of Representatives ping railroad ties on orders which PORTLAND laitlilul service aud courteous treatment in 1905, and consequently is familiar with the work of the legislature. 1 they have for some time ahead. E. F. and F. B. RILEY, ATTORNEYS to al). SEE D A L E ’ S W e have just put a new lot 0? shoes for Spring and Sum­ Jeweler Johnson put his visit to Two lots 100 by 100 feet with I the Sound cities off a week, and ex- house and outbuildings for sale on I pects to start north tomorrow. easy terms, or will trade for team 1 | Rev. Roper is the newly appoint- and wagon. A. B. Dean, Estacada ,' ed minister for this diocese of the Inquiries answered at The News He will reside at office. F. M. church. Gresham. Flies 1 Summer Cjothing Shoes Mrs. Eva Kessler spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Jones. TRAN SACTS A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S Louis Gerber is soon to start on a Writes Fire Insurance in Five of the best “ D O L L A R ” trip to Lake county. He will make companies. Handles Real Estate, Town Lots the journey on horseback. H. N. NORTH How Time AND The Ladies' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. H. Cooper at 2 o’clock Friday. W e have the agency for and are seUing all kinds of nursery of the Oregon Nursery Co. whose fruit trees, shrubbery and berries are known to be the best. Give us your next order WONDERFUL IN Capital, $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Money to Loan on Real Estate INSURANCE This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If yon have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind ( ( ( ( ( Our rate of Exchange and Discounts will be gov- erned entirely by the Estacada Money Market. We shall try and govern our business so that the rate will be as close to 10c pr $100 as possible, it being the usual rate throughout the state W. A. HEYLMAN, ) ) ) ) ) Cashier. Respect Old Age irandma will do your washing Representative FOR 20c m c a r t h u r Iteep in pace with the times and Tell your neighbor all about it HOWE’S $2 a day The Hotel Estacada A L L MODERN C O N V E N IE N CE S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Coast