The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, May 21, 1908, Image 3

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to Itself
In selection, proportion and combination
Of ingredients.
In the process by which their remedial
values are extracted and preserved.
In effectiveness, usefulness and economy,
Curing the widest range of diseases.
Doing the most good for the money.
Having the most medicinal merit,
A nd the greatest record of cures,—
Streetcar Strikers Wreck Cars
With Dynamite.
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablets known us S a r s a t a b a . 100 doses $1.
Police Find Box o f Explosive Intend*
Something to Amuse Baby
ed for O the r C a rs— Attempt
at Arbitration Fails.
A funny book in colon* called “ Jingle E o o k "
sent F R E E to any mother sending name and ad­
dress o f her baby and tops from two pound car­
Cleveland, O., May 19.— A Broadway
tons o f “ 2U Mule Team" Package Borax, with 4c
in Btamps. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oak­ street ear was partially destroyed by a
land, Cal.
dynamite torpedo last night. While 25
Farm or Business
for sale. Not particular about location.
Wish to hear from OWNER only who will
sell direct to buyer. Give price, descrip­
tion and state when possession can be
had. Address,
Rochester. N. Y.
T h e V ic to ria n E n g lis h . •
passengers were in the ear, no one, for
a miracle, was seriously hurt. A panic
followed, and a mad rush for the exits
was made.
A suburban car was also damaged by
the explosion of powder on the track.
The floor of the car was smashed
through, and fine woman was severely
A fter 1 o ’clock yesterday morning a
Detroit avenue ear was dynamited near
One Hundredth street. The trucks were
badly damaged, but the single passenger
and the crew were uninjured.
A t 12:30 o ’clock a small box, which
the police say contained deadly ex­
plosives, was found on the tracks at
Broadway and East F ifty fifth street.
The box was discovered with a car less
than 500 feet awdy.
At 1 o ’clock rioting began near the
Winderaere barns, in East Cleveland,
when strikers cut six trolley wires.
Linemen for. the Municipal Traction
company turned out in force to repair
the damages, but wore driven back by
a gang of three hundred men.
The England which spoke the lan­
guage which was already dying In the
eighteen-six ties was before all things
a world of the country. The sights and
sounds of nature played a far greater
part In the lives of the mass of the
people than they do to-day. This Is re­
flected, for Instance, in the way in
which birds and animals were spoken
of and the names given them. I have
myself once or twice heard old people
In the country speak of the hen as
“ Dame Part let.” One is familiar with
E N D IN S I G H T .
the phrase from hooks, of course— it Is
Chaucer’s “ Pertolette”— but once or Lawyers Begin Argum ents to Ju ry in
twice as a child I actually heard It. I
Ruef Case.
suppose it would be impossible to heal
May 19__ -Taking of
It anywhere now.— London Outlook.
testimony closed and arguments were
begun today in the trial of Abraham
$100 Reward, $100.
Ruef, on the charge of bribery. Assist­
The readers o f this paper w ill be pleased to
District Attorney Heney opened for
learn tnat there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its the prosecution, ami was followed by
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Henry Ach for Ruef. Ach did not finish
Cure is the only positive euronow known tothe
medical fraternity. Catarrh be ng a constitu­ until a late hour tonight. Tomorrow
tional disease. requires a constitutional treat­ Heney will close, and it is expected that
ment H a ll’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, Judge Dooling will deliver his instruc­
acting directly noon the blood and mucous sur­
faces of the system, thereby destroyingthefo in- tions to the jury late in the afternoon.
dation of tlie disease, and giving t e pat ent
Preliminary to the opening of the ar­
strength by building up the constltu'ion and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­ guments, three witnesses were briefly
prietors have so much faith In itsm rativepow- examined. G. H. Umbsen, the real es
ers hat they offer OneHundred Doliarsforany tate man, was questioned by Mr. Ach
-ase that it fails to cure. Send for list of
regarding the checks which were passed
Address F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
when the Parkside money was first
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
drawn out of the Union Trust Com­
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
pany’s bank, and later, in two portions
of $15,000 each, from the ( ’rocker Wool-
T a k i n g N o C h a n c e «.
“ Oh, tlie sorrow of it !” sobbed the worth Bank. Joseph E. Green, of the
Parkside Company, was recalled by Mr.
fair maid. “ Last night I refused Mr. Heney to show that William H. Crocker
Blank and this morning his body was had not been present at the meeting of
found in the river.”
ex Mayor Schmitz and William J. Din-
“ Poor fellow !” murmured her glr* gee. Dingee followed, and be contra­
friend. “ I suppose he was afraid you dicted Green by saying that, to the best
of his recollection, both Mr. Crocker
might change your jnind.”
and Mr. O ’Brien were present at the
R e c k le s s n e s s .
Ruffon Wratz— What’d you do if you
wuz as rich as Rockefeller?
Greasy Grimes— I ’d build a marble pal­
ace with sixty rooms in it, all lined with America, Germany and Japan Hold O ff
gold leaf, an’ call It me bungalow.
W orld Powers.
London, May 19.—Limitation o f naval
T h o se D e a r F rie n d s .
armament may shortly be agreed to by
Nan— This is Jack’s latest picture. the European powers, according to a
Don’t you think lie looks better in profile statement made by a high British gov­
than in a front view?
ernment official, who said:
Fan— Much better, dear. It doesn’t
“ While England has no immediate
show his bald spot.
intention of issuing invitations to a
congress for the reduction of warship
I n H i s E le m e n t .
construction, nevertheless work is be­
Greasy Grimes— You look as if you’d ing done to bring about an understand­
managed to git in de swim somehow.
ing among the powers to this end. The
Tuffold Knutt— Yep: I ’m a Fust Ward efforts that are being made are unof­
floater now.— Chicago Tribune.
ficial, and considerable headway already
has resulted. Within a year is it very
probable the ground will begin to be
cleared for an understanding.
“ Three governments at present stand
opposed to armament limitation. They
of the Well-Informed of the W orld has are the United States, Japan and Ger­
many. Apparently it has now become
always been for a simple, pleasant a set policy of the United States to
and efficient liquid laxative remedy of lay down two battleships of the Dread-
known value; a laxative which physi­ naught type yearly. This means that
cians could sanction for family use America will never enter any interna­
tional agreement that will not recognize
because its component parts are her right to mantain a fleet superior
known to them to be wholesome and to the mikado’s. No present hope ex­
truly beneficial la effect, acceptable ists of Japan acquiescing in such a
to the system and gentle, yet prompt. proposal, and so%it is hopeless to ex­
pect the Americans and the Japanese
In action.
can be counted on to sign a naval re­
In supplying that demand with Its duction pledge.”
excellent combination of Syrup of
H ard Tim es for Actors.
Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali­
New York, May 19.— The coming sum­
fornia F ig Syrup Co. proceeds along
ethical lines and relies on the merits mer gives every promise of being the
hardest one in years for the members
o f the laxative for Its remarkable
of the theatrical profession. It has
been a long time since there has been -is
That Is one of many reasons why disastrous a season theatrically, as the
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is one just closed, and there is no prospect
of any better times for the actor for
given the preference by the Well-
many months, in fact, until after the
Informed. To get Its beneficial effects election next fall. In the height of the
always buy the genuine— manufac­ season it was estimated that more than
tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., 2.000 actors and actresses were out of
work in New York, the largest number
only, and for sale by all leading of unemployed in the profession for
druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. many years.
G eneral D em a n d
D o
c k ' s
K ru .e
Him .
‘That new preacher you have is a
tty wide-awake young man. isn’t he?“
‘Yep. Keeps right on preachin’ when
rybody else is asleep."— Cleveland
For the
I"o succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, cour­
age, strength. How is it with
the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate ? Do not forget
A y er’s S a rsap arilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
T h e eb lM rra I W R poM lbly h ave ***> 4
health unle*« the bowels are In proper eoadl
Non. A • 'u «rt«h Mver / * »• • » coated ten *» « ,
bwrf breath, constipate* howele. C orrect all
these hr cl rin g small laxative doses o f A y e r's
Pills AH vegeta b le. sugar coated.
A iters
Made hr * . C. Ayn O*., Lowell. 1
Also nan affect arer* of
Pi tit natm.
A OL E ci te.
T ire d by Kaiser’ s Visit.
Vienna, May 19__ Emperor Francis
Joseph is again slightly indisposed, and
this has made necessary the postpone­
ment of all audiences. The physicians
say there is no cause for anxiety, but
after the tiring duties connected with
the recent visit of Emperor William
and the German princess it is necessary
for his majesty to be careful. He
showed considerable improvement this
afternoon, and it was stated he expected
to be able to witness the procession of
80.000 Viennese school children in his
honor next Thursday.
French Surprise Arabs.
Paris, May 19.— A telegram received
here from General d ’Amade, the French
commander in Morocco, says that with
three brigades he made a forced night
march, and at daylight of Mav 10. with
a front deployed over a distance of
five miles, he surprised the Mdakea
tribesmen, driving them to refuge in
the mountains. The tribesmen aban
doned their cattle and munitions of
war. The French lost three men killed
and 22 wounded.
T ro o p s Leave Treadw ell.
Juneau, Alaska, May 19.— Forty
seven enlisted men and one officer left
Treadwell Sunday morning for Fort
William H. Seward. Alaska. These
troops have been staioned at Treadwell
for some time, owing to labor troubles.
It is thought advisable to leave a few
soldiers there, although the strike ia
thought to have blown over.
M exico Takes Steps to Improve Sit­ A dvtatafsi o f Correct Method» of
Growing and Marketing.
uation by Adjusting Duties.
Washington 8 to to College,
Mexico, May 18__ Limantour, the sec­ By S. C. Armstrong. Pullman.
retary of the treasury, being inter­
W e moat first find out what the ex­
concerning current
about the intention of the government isting demand Is going to be, and then,
to take some positive and active meas­ if possible, meet that demand; for 11
ures to improve the financial situation, we do not meet the requirement« of the
limited himself to saying that the only demand, come one else w ill, and we
measures proposed by the government w ill be forced to a lower level than we
for any such purpose will be presented should be. Consequ« nfcly, in the pro­
to congress for its action, and consist duction of wheat, we have to study the
in abolishing the duties on the expor­
tation of hemp, for the encouragement problems we meet from a competitive
of its producers in Yucatan. The sec­ standpoint; we must compete with
retary added: “ In reality, our economic somebody else who is growing wheat,
situation does not inspire either anxiety not out neighbor, necessarily, but oux
or fears of any class. There has never ne ghbor’ s section of the country.
been a period during the economic man will go where he can get the beat
stringency abroad and which has affect­ wheat, if he wants to buy, and if we
ed the whole world, that there has been have not the best, we w ill lose the trade.
in Mexico a moment of the fear of a
We of the wheat producing districts
panic or anything like it. Moreover, of Washington are fortunate in having
the attention of t&e government of
the beat country for the production of
Mexico to the financial condition is not
a thing of today or yesterday. I t be­ wheat on earth, and we should use the
gins always at the first sign of an epoch utmost diligence to see that we employ
of stringency in any of the money cen only the beet methods. I f we do this,
ters of the world; and this constant wa can place Washington at the head of
vigilance has never ceased. The gov­ the wheat producing regions of the
ernment, watching affairs in the moDev globe, and the brand of the “ Evergreen
world, does not believe any extraordi­ State" on a barrel or sack of flour will
nary measures are necessary in the be known as a mark of perfection the
present situation. The normal con­ world over.
dition is everywhere re-established, and
We, the public, should oommence to
our banks, following my instructions, raise the grade standard.
The state
have maintained a system of circum­
spection and caution, limiting their op­ grain commissioner is at present forcing
erations to affairs that offer ample se­ the purchaser to accept No. 2 as No. 1;
curities. The solidity of our banks is be­ we cannot expect to getaa much for No
yond doubt, and they are in a condition 1 wheat that tests 68 prunds as our
to meet whatever contingency. The faet neighbors can for wheat that tests bet­
that business conditions in Mexico are ter. Because thia state of affairs exists,
improving daily is very satisfactory to we are sending out, each year, wheat
tho government, and our financial con­ less sought for than wheat grown in
nections, though there has never been many other countries.
here grave fear of trouble. We are
We ahould insist that every grain
like an individual, who suffers an at­
grower in the state use suoh oare in the
tack of indigestion, which does not en­
danger his life of health, but for the produotionh of his wheat that the re­
moment annoys and takes away bis ap­ sulting higher standard will increase
petite, obliging him to let his stomach the demand for our wheat. I f we im ­
rest a little. This rest is, in both prove the quality of our product, the
cases, the only remedy necessary, effi­ state grain commissioner w ill be forced
cacious and beneficial.”
to raise the standard; and we should
in this way see that our standard la
above the standard of every other wheat
producing state.
By doing thia, we
would cause our wheat to be quoted at
Appropriations Now Exceed Those of
fancy prices.
W e should make our
Previous Session.
product so good that we would be w ill­
Washington, May 18.— The present ing to have our name and address print
session of congress, to end this week, ed on it, so that as it goes out into the
is a record-breaker. The appropriations
markets of the world, people the world
of this session so far authorized exceed
those of the first session of the 59th over w ill know that we are proud of our
congress by more than $300,000,000. product.
The total appropriations made up to
this time aggregate approximately
$854,844,807. This amount will be in­
creased by the general deficiency and
omnibus public buildings bills and such
other measures as may go through be­
fore adjournment.
The session has also established a
high record for the number of bills,
resolutions introduced and considered
and for the transaction of executive
business. There have been 7,127 bills
introduced in the senate, and 21,940
in the house. In the senate 90 joint
resolutions were offered, of which 30
were passed and nine have become laws.
The senate considered 184 simple reso­
Up to this time 115 bills and 15 joint
resolutions have become laws. The
senate has passed 484 bills, 17 of which
were omnibus pension bills.
Valuable Information to Pacific North­
west Irq iire rs
By J. L. Ash lock, Washington Experiment Sta­
tion. Pullman.
Ryan__ “ Has mankind ever been ablo
to devise a fence that will stop an An
gora goatf Do coyotes annoy them !”
L. L. V.
“ There are no domesticated animals
that are as hard to keep penned up as
Angora goats. To secure them, a fence
should be of a kind that will not per
mit the animals to climb, and from
four to five feet high. It should be so
constructed that a goat cannot jump
over it, and preferably should be made
of wire instead of boards. A wire fence
made of woven wire and about fifty-four
inches high should hold them. Remem­
ber, that if the animals can get any
H O P M E N A S K P R O T E C T IO N .
sort of vantage from which to jump,
they will go over the fence. The goats
British Hold Great Demonstrationt Fa­ are pretty good on the defensive, hence
voring Im port Duty.
coyotes do not as a rule make much
London, May 18__ A great army of headway in attacking them.”
men and women interested in the hop
Glenwood, Idaho.— “ Is ‘ quack gra**’
industry in England, estimated to num­
ber more than 50,000, held a demonstra­ a dangerous pestf How may I kill
morning-glories f ”
C. B.
tion in Trafalgar Square this afternoon
“ ‘ Couch grass’ is another name for
in favor of imposing a duty of $10 on
every hundredweight of hops imported this pest, and it is certainly dangerous
when it once has escaped into a garden.
into this country.
Special trains brought in thousands In the Eastern States it is reported
from Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Worces­ ? uite often, but I have not been in
ter and Hereford, the great hopgrowing ormed that it is in the Northwest in
counties, while the east end of London, any great abundance. The morning
whence emanate almost all the hop- glory is even more dangerous than
pickers. furnished a contingent perhaps quack grass. Fall plowing and cover
twice as large as the growers and la­ ing with straw or manure are fairly
good means of destroying it, but it is
borers from the provinces.
A fter being marshaled on Victoria nearly impossible to kill it by fall plow
Embankment, the demonstrators with ing.”
banners flying and bands playing,
W olf Creek, Mont.— “ How much al
marched to the square, where English­ falfa seed should be sown per acre?
men with a grievance always have been Which is better, fall or spring seed
accustomed to assemble. Speakers from in g f”
W. C.
half a dozen platforms harangued the
“ I f moisture conditions are all right,
multitude on the ruin of the industry fall seeding will do in some regions.
through the dumping of American hops Spring seeding should be done so as
into England, and resolutions were to avoid damage by frost when the seed
adopted by acclamation calling upon is germinating. Twelve
to fifteen
the government not to delay in helping pounds per acre is about right for broad
to re-establish the industry and placing cast seeding, but i f a drill or seeder is
a duty on all imported hops.
used, ten or twelve will do.”
Cub Bears for Warships.
Aberdeen, Wash., May 18__ George
Wolff, a business man, proposed a few
days ago that when the excursion from
this city by steamer to see the battle­
ship fleet leaves Grays Harbor, that 16
live bear cubs be taken, and one pre
sented to each ship. The idea at once
took popular fancy and up to this even
ing ten Teddy bears had been gathered
from surrounding towns, and the total
number necessary is expected to be
rounded up by Wednesday next, when
the excursion is promised by the cham­
ber of commerce.
T b t tie « t i e R o b e # .
“ Im m easurable are the rebuffs that
Grass Valley, Or.— “ Please tell me
concerning the comparative value of
wheat, hay, and carrots as a feed for
I. M. U.
“ Such a comparison is impossible,
since the feeds you mention do not fill
the same need. The food value of car
r<^s is ver^r low, but the effect they
have in toning up the system, and keep
ing it in good running order is very
important. A horse could eat a peck of
carrots per day to a very good advan
tag«, but you should not attempt to
substitute them for hay. The same is
true in making a comparison of wheat
and raw carrots for hog feed, although
up to the amount that a hog will eat,
the carrots will replace a certain por
tion of the wheat. I can safely say
that where carrote will yield twenty
tons per acre, you will find it highly
profitable to feed them to hogs to the
full sapaeity of their appetities, provid
ing you feed some grain in connection
with the corrots; but you will be un
able to keep stock hogs on earrote alone,
as they contain too small a percentage
of bone-and-muscle making material.”
Six Killed in To rn a d o .
New Orleans, May 18.—A tornado
swept across the central part of Louis
iana late this evening, killing six and
injuring more than 50 persons. Chat-
aignier. La., 150 miles northwest ot
New Orleans, was practically wiped out
of existence, f ’hataignier was a place
o f about 100 inhabitants. Crossing the
Mississippi river a few miles below
G e ttin g A c q u ain te d .
St. Francisville, the twister devasted
“ My dad kin lick your dad,’’ »aid the
one of the finest timber sections of the dirty faced boy.
state, destroyed many fine farm man
“ I don’t know whether he kin or not,”
sions. tore down all fences in its path raid the new boy on the other side of the
and injured many people.
back yard fence, “ but I ’ll bet my ma kin
outtalk your’n.” —Chicago Tribune.
Haskell Will Not Lose Power.
Missouri marketed 107,150,058 dozens
Guthrie, Okla., May 18.— Governor
Haskell today vetoed the Eggerman- of eggs l*»t y***’, for which was received
Davis-Redwine drastic antitrust act. more than $16,000,000. Added to this
He especially disfavored the section ■ re the Items of live and dressed poultry
giving the attorney general more power and feather*, making the comfortable sum
than the governor, by empowering him of nearly $40.000jOOO for poultry pro-
to go before one supreme judge an>i Inct* for tbe last year.
have a receiver appointed for any eor
A p p le Jans.
poration without giving the latter no
Make ■ sirup In your preserving ket-
tice. He favors the provision for im­ 0e from 6 pounds of sugar. When boil­
prisoning convicted trust mangers. A ing well, sdd 10 pounds of chopped ap­
bill conforming with Haskell’s sugges­
ple and six lemons sliced. Let cook
tions was immediately introduced.
until the fruit sinks. Then remove
from the fire and put Into gallon jars.
Chicago Employs Chinese Police.
Chicago, May 18.— For the first time Thia will keep for a year If tbe cruet
in many years, the Chicago police de­ which form* over the top aa It cools re­
partment has engaged Chinese detec­ main* unbroken.
tives to aid in preserving peace in
From Chicago the distance to Hong­
Chinatown. The result of the trial of
three Chinamen of murdering a wealthv kong is, via New York and Sues, 12,522
Uhinese merchant has ao exercised tho miles: via San Francisco, 8,906 mile*;
Chicago Chinese that further warring via New Orleans and Panama. 11,742
miles, and via Tehuantepec, 10,220 miles.
between the tongs ia feared.
What is P e-ru-na?
the helpers of the poor, the seekers af­
ter charity for their suffering brothers
undergo,” said a New York charity or­
ganization official. “ A friend o f mine,
a Methodist minister In a small west­
ern town, told me the other day of his
last rebuff, a not unkind one. Enter­
ing the office of the local weekly, the
Some people call P erana a gre at tonic. Others refer to P eran a as a great
minister raid to tbe editor:
catarrh remedy.
“ ‘ I am soliciting aid for a gentleirian
W h ic h o f these people are r ig h t ! Is it more proper to call P an in a a ca­
of refinement and intelligence who Is in
dire need of a little ready money, but tarrh remedy than to ca ll it a tonic t
0 o r reply is, that P eran a is both a '.onio and a catarrh remedy. Indeed,
who is far too proud a man to make
there can be no effectual catarrh remedy that it not alto a tonic.
his sufferings known.’
“ ‘ Why,* exclaimed tlie editor, push­
In order to thoroughly relieve any cate o f catarrh, a remedy mutt not only
ing up his eyeshade, ‘I ’m the only chap have a specific action on the mucous membranes affected by the catarrh, b a t it
in the village who answers tliat de­ mutt have a general tonic action on th e nervous system.
What’s this gentleman's
Catarrh, even in persons w ho are otherwise strong, is a weakened condi­
tion o f tome mucous membrane. There must be something to strengthen tho
“ ‘ I regret,' said the minister, ‘that I circulation, to give tone to the arteries, and to raise the vital forces.
am not at liberty to disclose It.'
Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the w orld has attracted to much attention
“ ‘Why, it must be me, said the edi- I
from medical w riters as H Y D R A S T IS C A N A D E N S IS . The w onderful efficacy
tor. ‘ It is me. It's me, sure. Heaven !
o f this herb has been recognized many years, and is g ro w in g in its hold
prosper you, parson, lu your good j
upon the medical profession. W h e n joined w ith C U B E E S and C O P A IB A a
work.’ ”
Is it a Catarrh Remedy , or a Tonic,
or is it Both?
W h a t M a k e « the H e a rt Beat?
trio o f medical agents is formed in P eran a w h ich constitutes a specific rem ­
edy for catarrh that in the present state o f medical progress cannot b e im­
proved upon. This action, reinforced by such renowned tonics a « C O L L IN -
S O N IA C A N A D E N S IS , C 0 R Y D A L IS F O R M O S A and C E D R 0 N SEE D , ought
to make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrh in a ll its stage* and locations
in the body.
, ,
jF ro m a theoretical standpoint, therefore, P eran a is beyond critioim . The
use o f Peruna, confirms this opinion. Num berless testimonials from every
q uarter o f the earth furnish am ple evidence that this judgm ent is not over
enthusiastic. W h e n practical experience oonflrms a well-grounded theory the
result is a truth that cannot be shaken.
Prof. Jacques Loeb, the celebrated
biologist, In his book, “ Dynamics of
Living Matter,” ha* shown that a strip
cut from the ventricle of the heart put
iu a solution of chloride o f sodium will
continue to beat for a number of days,
until putrefaction sets in. He says this
can be done with an ordinary muscle
after it has been extirpated from the
body. This would tend to prove that
the heart is a chemical machine and Manufactured by Peruna Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio
that it is all due to chemical action.
The muscular cor .traction is probably
W h C e r ta in ly P re tty D e a l.
W o u l d A a k N o M ercy .
due to the substitution of sodium for
A story is told of a naan who was
Mrs. Vick-Senn— What do you suppose
calcium salts iu the cells of the mus­ walking beside a railway line with a you would do if you were to meet th*
friend who was very hard of bearing. fool killer?
Her Husband— I ’d tell him I was ths
The difficulty of this theory Is that it
A train was approaching, and as It
does not explain the control of the rounded the curve the whistle gave one roan he was looking for, all right. I have
just given orders to have that new addi­
muscles. It is plain that the problem of those ear-destroying shrieks which
tion to the house torn down and built
of control Is not solved by the chemical seem to pierce high benven.
again exactly as you want it.
A smile broke over the deaf man’s
E x e m p lified .
M other* w ill find Mr*. W in*low *a Soothing
Geòrgie— Auntie, What does Irony
“ Man,” said he, “ that’s the first rob­
Syrup the best remedy to use fo r th e ir ch .'ldru i
du rin g the teeth in g period.
in I ’ve heard this spring!"
Auntie— It means to say one thing
D la c o v e rln g W r it e r « .
C o u ld n ’t Be Sn ob b ish .
and mean tbe opposite, like calling e
The rejection of u manuscript often
Mrs. De Style— I ’ve been sending rainy day a fine day.
left a pang, but the acceptable manu­ Mary to a fashionable academy, but
Geòrgie— I think I understand yon,
script, especially from an unknown she doesn’t 9eem to get on very well.
auntie. Wouldn’t this be irony: “Aun­
hand, brought a glow of Joy which
Uncle Jerry— No? She’s a pretty tie, I don’t want a nice big piece of
richly configurated me for all I suf­ bright girl.
fered from the others. To feel the
Mrs. De Styie— Oh! she’s bright and
R e v rra e E n g lla h .
touch never felt t>efore, to be the first very sensible, but-----
“ Johnny, don’t stuff yourself so. I f
to find the planet unLmagtned in the
Uncle Jerry— A h ! I guess that’s i t you ‘eat properly you’ll live long.’ ”
illimitable heaven of art, to be in at She’s too sensible to be affected by i t —
“ Nothin’ in that. paw. I ’d rutber e e l
the dawn of a new talent, with the Catholic Standard and Times.
long an’ live properly.”
light that seems to mantle the written
page, who would not be an editor for
such a privilege? I do not know how
it is with other editors who are also
authors, but I can truly say for my­
self that nothing of my o#n which I
thought fresh and true ever gave me
more pleasure than that I got from the
is most painful.
like qualities in the work of some
What's good?
young writer revealing his power.—
W. D. Howells In Atlantic.
F lu e n c y
o f Speech.
The common fluency of speech In
many men and most women is owing
to a scarcity of matter and a scarcity
of words, for Whoever is a master of
language and hath a mind full of ideas
will be apt in »¡»caking to hesitate upon
the choice of both, whereas common
speakers have only one set of ideas and
one set of words to clothe them in, and
these are always ready at the mouth,
so people come faster out of church
when it is almost empty than when a
crowd Is at the door.— Dean Swift.
C I T O s t- Vitus* D ance and a ll N ervou s Diabases
T l I u p erm an en tly cured b y Dr. K lin e ’ s U real
.Verve Restorer. Hend fo r F R E E |2trlal bottle and
irealise. D IL K lln o , Ld.,931 A rc h HL, l'Ulla.,1*«.
M uater’s .Title.
Gives instant relief.
Removes the twinges.
U S E IT, T H E N Y O U ’L L K N O W
^ ?
2fio.— A L L DRUG G ISTS—50o.
C a llin g
H I«
Shop T a lk B a rre d .
A tte n tio n .
Mr. Lingerlong— I had a queer adven­
Friend (at wedding)— Where are yofi
ture this afternoon-----
going to spend your honeymoon, dear?
Miss de Muir (with a swift glance at
Blushing Bride— ’Sh ! You mustn’t let
the clock)— You mean yesterday after­ my husband hear you ask that question.
noon, I presume.
Don’t you know he’s a beekeeper?
Prof. Key when head master of a
large London school was one of the
most genial gentlemen that ever filled
that position. He was fond of encour­
aging fun in his boys and was not un­
willing to recount occasionally during
class time when anything prompted It
the manners and customs of countries
he had visited. On one occasion he was
telling hi* class about Spain and said:
N o old sore exists m erely because the flesh is diseased at that partic­
“ Do you know, boys, that when a
ular s p o t; if this were true sim ple cleanliness and local applications would
man attains to eminence there lie is not
heal them. W henever a sore or ulcer refuses to heal readily, the blood is at
called ‘sir,’ but is given the title of
fa u lt; this vital fluid is filled w ith im purities and poisons which are being
‘don?’ ”
constantly discharged into the place, feeding it with noxious matter and
One of the boys here called out:
irritatin g and inflam ing the nerves and tissues so the sore cannot heal.
“Then, I suppose, sir, they would These im purities in the blood may be the remains o f some constitutional
call you Don Key?”
trouble, ti e effect of a debilitating spell o f sickness, leavin g disease germ *
The gravity of the class was com­ in the system, or the absorption by the blood o f the fermented refuse matter
pletely upset for the remainder of the which the b odily channels of waste have failed to remove. A gain the cause
afternoon.— Strand Magazine.
may be hereditary, the diseased blood o f ancestry being handed down to
posterity ; but whatever the cause, the fact that the sore w ill not heal shows
C onnlderate.
the necessity for the v e ry best constitutional treatment. There is nothing
In a country church one Sabbath, that causes more w orry and an xiety than an old sore which resists treatment.
as the congregation were rising for the E very sym ptom suggests pollution
first hymn, an old lady entered the and disease— the discharge, the red,
I want to recommend S. S. S. to any who or*
in need of a blood purifier,’and especially aa a
•hurch at the same time. She held up angry looking flesh, the pain and in­
remedy for sores and obstinate ulcers. In 1877
her hand, exclaiming:
“ Keep your flammation, and the discoloration of
I had my leg badly cut on the sharp edge of a
eats. Losh. ye needna arise, though I surrounding parts, all show that deep
barrel, and having on a blue woolen stocking
" vp coine In ” — London Express.
lown in the blood there are morbid
the place was badly poisoned from the dye. A
ind dangerous forces at work, con­
great sore formed and for years no one knows
what I suffered with the place. I tried. It
stantly creating poisons which may
seemed to me, everything I had ever heard of,
in the end lead to Cancer.
but 1 got no relief and I thought I would hava
ipplications are valuable on ly for
to go through life with an angry, discharging
.heir cleansing and antiseptic effects;
sore on my leg. At last I began the use of
they do not reach the blood, where
S. S. S-, and it was but a short time until 1 saw
the real cause is located, and can
| that the place was improving. I continued it
therefore have no real curative worth.
until it removed all tbe poison from my Mood
S. S. S. heals old sores by g o in g down
and made a complete and permanent cure of
the sore.
to the fonntain-head o f the trouble
' ’bttmyi®
250 Navy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
\nd d rivin g out the poison-producing
germs and morbid matters which are
keeping the ulcer open. It removes every particle of im purity from the cir­
culation and makes this life-stream pure, fresh and health-sustaining. Then
* *3 5 °
as new, rich blood is carried to the place the healing begins, all discharge
This trade mark
and the word
ceases, the inflammation leaves, new tissue and healthy flesh are formed,
T ower on th.
and soon the sore or ulcer is well. S. S S. is the greatest of all blood puri­
buttons distin
fiers and finest of tonics, just what is needed in the treatment, and in addi­
quish thia high
tion to curing the sore w ill build up and strengthen every part of the system.
grade slicker from
■the just as good
Special book on Sores and Ulcers and anv medical advice desired furnished
free to all who write.
■ ■
*5 1 Cursor B each
••T u g
S easide , O hedoh
Directly oo tlie heaeh overlooking
the ocean. Hot suit hath* and
I C uff H ouse KiViî; ffiffiT
- -
¡OF place
and steam heat. Fine walhs
o r n n y " *«d drives. He» foods a spec-
I U n O R R
K IIU I! laity. Kate«. $2.50 sad $3.00
per day. 89~Nperlsl raleni by the week,
D A N . J. HOOKE. Proprietor
No. 21-08
W . L . D o u g in a m a tr o n a n d matin
m a n 'a $ 2 . 3 0 . $ 3 . 0 0 n n d $ 8 . 3 0 1 a h o a l
t h a n a n y o t h a r m a n u f a t .___ __ In t h o
w o rld ,
b o c a u a o i h o y h o l d t h a l r
s h a p e , f i t bo tto m , arete
o r a o f m m a t mm malum t h i___
a h o o a fn th o w o r l d t o - d a y .
V .L D o u r!» $4 snd $6 Gilt Edge Shoe« Cannot Be Equalled At Anj M e *
H E N w r i t i n g to B d vertla er* p i «
m e n tio n th is p aper.
• ’ A IT T I O N .
W. L. !>'■» /las name and pH«* Is stamped on bottom.
Tn ke No *
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c p a ck er* colors silk, w o o l snd cotton equally w « R
and is guaranteed to * l v . perfect results. Aak dealer, or w . wUJ M nd post paid at lO c a package. W rite for - • « booklet
b o w t - dye, b l.s e Hand mix colors.
M O NR O E D R U G C O M P A N Y , Quincy, LUaole.