NO. 20 of VO L. 4 E S T A C A D A , O R EG O N , LO CAL N EW S AND P E R S O N A L M E N T IO N OUR CASH SYSTEM Is a great benefit to our customers as well as to ourselves. We are enabled to sell goods cheaper, and more of them. Our big reduc­ tions on many staple goods continues : ; : PTTn '• n t’TTTT'I'TT The best remedy for cold ears is to rub them together. F The cup that really cheers is t* the coeoanut shell at a cool spring L along a «lusty road. Cash, Big Sales, Small Profits GARDEN TRUCK IN SEASON H. N. North A P R IL 30, | . Is there such another, pray, Wonder-making month of May? f F I ^ ^ ? Farmers are the most generous of men. After butchering they always give a hog a weigh. Do not buy all the machinery for yourself; remember your wife’s burdens might be lessened also. From May Farm Journal. 1 12 pupils in Estacada’s school. Merchant and Mrs. Win. Dale were in Portland, Tuesday. Editor Cleveland of the Oregon City Enterprise was here Tuesday on newspaper work. MILLINERY? TO SEE OUR DISPLAY OF If you havn’t, it is your move Everybody remarks about its beauty and the cheapness j^r in price g* I $ « ^ Also, Our S H 0 E S ■BHI2S5252223953 Is the wonder of all. We want you to kndw that we are Ki catering to your trade, and if style and cheapness will get it we will have it. We are aware that times are hard and money scarce, consequently we are willing to work on a smaller profit and would respectfully solicit your trade Come in, have a look. It wont cost you ^ a cent, if you dont buy Remember those Home Beautifiers. They are admired by all I $1 A Y E A R Estacada State Bank Capital, $25,000 OFFICERS: Geo. Estes, President. S. W. Stryker, Vice-President L. E. Belfils, Cashier Geo. Estes, S. W. Stryker, T. Yocum, John Zobrist, Albert D. Schmidt TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Writes Fire Insurance in Five of the best “DOLLAR” companies. Handles Real Estate, Town Lots both Business and Residence, and Farm Property near Estacada Four cottages in Estacada for Mrs. Kate Irvin was in town a- sale or rent .Bank of Estacada. shopping, Tuesday. Found— A small purse. Owner F. G. Eger was in town Satur­ can get same by calling at this of­ day soliciting aid for a new state fice.' guzateer. Mrs. Eva Kessler, of Portland, A reward will he given for the re­ visited her sister, Mrs. W . A . Jones turn of my small hay mare, little last Sunday. white on hind feet, and white strip Lots of the best land in the state in face. Joseph Nicholson. for sale near Estacada at from S25 to $ 75 an acre. W . A . Bard has two O. I. C. TAXES M A Y NO W B E P A ID A T T H E O F F IC E S O F The Father Berchtard Durrer of Mil­ male pigs, eligible to register, for 606-608 c h a m ber of commerce waukee held Catholic services in sle PORTLAND Estacada, Monday. When it has been used by the j STATEMENTS OF TAXES WILL BE J R. Townsend, the town’ s shoe­ maker, is adding considerable shelf best cooks for the past 40 years, j f u r n i s h e d u p o n a p p l i c a t i o n in surely it must be of fine quality. 1 p e r s o n o r b y m a i l . c a l l and space to his store room. Cleveland's Baking Powder. Ask e x a m i n e d u p l i c a t e t a x r o l l . Jordan Shull/ visited Estacada, H. N. North j p h o n e s m a in 2056 o r h o m e A2056 Sunday, and lie and Merchant C .F . Howe go; . o (or lessj trout out of Miss Maud Sturgeon visited some | Clear creek. friends in Portland, Sunday. Contiactor Olds, of Olds & Reed, J. D. Forbes has 6,000 cords of who have the new high bridge to wood yet to cut this side of Boring. build at this place, is on the ground The work of improving the town I Qp ABO U T 8 A C R E S with a crew of men ready to begin school property is in progress this Adjoining high bridge southeast of work. week under the direction of the Estacada The* government geological bu­ school board. reau is taking measurements of the Epworth League business meet­ Clackamas river at Estacada, its swiftness, volumn of water and aver­ ing and social on Friday night, the | 8th. The league meeting takes age depth. place Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. M. A . Stubbs and Mr. E d ­ H. Cooper, our furniture and un­ ward Cummings, mother and grand­ Good for residence purposes father respectively of Prof J. E. dertaking merchant, and Jeweler Flowing Spring all the year Stubbs, spent Sunday at the home Johnson have turned florists, and Good for Fruit, Poultry or Gardening have started a small flower park by of Merchant and Mrs. Dale. Small Improvements the store to work as a side line. Some Cordwood and Cedar Posts VV. M. Wilson and wife arrived A L L M O D ERN C O N V E N I E N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast here Monday from Valdez. Alaska, on a short visit to J. R. Wilson and family. Mr. Wilson is a prominent business man and capitalist of that northern city, hut is out for his health, and will spend some time at Arkansas Hot Springs. He is a brother of our townsman, J. R. and has made a fortune of several hun­ dred thousand in the cold north. Local and Tourist Trade Solicited C l PI D F L OI R We have just put a new lot of shoes for Spring and Sum­ mer wear, on our shelves and Invite you to examine them Sparks’ Store THE BANK OF ESTACADA T r a n s a c t s A G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s in e s s CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY PRICE, $1,000 The Hotel Estacada For every member of the family Clackamas County FO R S A L E $2 a day GROCERIES, DRYGOODS Shoes DIRECTORS: Nice Little Ranch D A L E ’S WE HANDLE THE BEST IN AND W . M. Yonce was laid on the shelf the first of the week. HAVE YOU BEEN 1908. '■'TTTT'I' -j p Let the merchant advertise, L The fanner fertilize, The minister spiritualize, And the lawyer talkolies. E l^ie TH U R SD AY, FOR SA L E Charley Wonacott, of Portland, and brother, Roy, of Roseburg, came out last Friday to see Ed. and JOHN B. BOWMAN, family on the farm at Garfield. ESTACADA - - OREGON Capital, $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Money to Loan on Real Estate INSURANCE This hank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. have Real Estate for sale, list it with property of our own for sale and can ( ( ( ( ( Our rate of Exchange and Discounts will be gov’- erned entirely by the Estacada Money Market. We shall try and govern our business so that the rate will he as close to 10c pr 5 too as possible, it being the usual rate throughout the state W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. Respect Old Age Keep in pace with the times and Tell your neighbor all about it H O W E’S NEW BARBER SHOP! Handles the best Fresh and Cured Meats Obtainable PROPRIETORS Stallion “Nebraska Tom” Meat Market VanDuren & Gerber, ) ) ) ) ) FOR 20c Clydesdale ] ( Home cured Hams and Bacon, and rendered Lard have no push your sales Grandma will do your washing The Council Makes Laws H. R. Mill Co. us, as we If you Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind Mrs. Theodore Hoffman, wife of a prominent merchant of EauClaire, Insure your property with the W is., has been here visiting her old Bank of Estacada. We represent friends, Mayor and Mrs. Heylman. two of tile l)est insurance companies Ed. Hunt is clearing off a few doing business in the United States. acres in the bottom across the river Our companies paid losses in full FLOUR which he will make into a beautiful of the San Francisco fire. They - E S T A C A D A , O R EG O N J. F. L O V E L A C E park, and later lie may build a cou­ stand at the head of the list. Take Cupid Flour is made by the Hood River Milling Co. Hood River, Ore­ An ordinance was introduced at ple bungalow cottages on the place, no chance with cheap insurance. gon from the finest hard wheat that money will buy. The Hood River Tuesday’s meeting of the council which is delightfully situated for a Bank of Estacada. Milling Co. takes special care in the manufacture of this special Stand­ prohibiting junk shops, livery sta­ building site. ard Brand of high patent Family Flour. Every sack is guaranteed or bles and blacksmith shops from !>e- Mrs. M. B. Parounagian went to money refunded. When you get Cupid Flour, you get the B E S T ing located on Broadway, Main Sts. Forest Grove, Tuesday morning, to and Second St. between Broadway the state Sunday school con­ I F I m/fdarp *s our Agent at Estacada, you will make no mis- and Currin streets. Ordinances 51 attend vention. She was sent as a dele­ ’ * take in using Cupid Flour. T ry it today. Price and 52 were placed on their final gate from the Estacada Sunday is reasonable passage. Several bills were paid. school. Western Banking Co. $80 76 Will make the season of 190.S as follows: W. H. Kandle and A. M. Shih- Mondays and Thursdays at Sitter’s A. Morrow $22 50 A 1 Havens $ 3 50 ley were elected delegates from barn, Eagle Creek; Tuesday noon George Dale $2 25 Springwater precinct to the Repub­ to Wed. noon, Morrow’ s barn, E s­ tacada, and the balance of the week The hoard decided to connect the lican county convention May 9th. at my place, IJ 4 miles southwest of main water supply pipe with the Damascus. city pipe system and run the water D ESCRIPTION L. 1. SIMPSON Celebrate Anniversary into the upper reservoir. The su­ * # * ,* ,* “ Nebraska Tom’ ’ is coming 3 years perfluous dogs and eayuses running old; is bright hay; weighs 1750; 7-8 H AIR CUTTING AND SHAVING AT POPULAR PR IC ES Oddfellowsliip in the U. S. was Clydesdale; heavy boned, and good about town received special atten­ style and good action. Massage, Scalp Treatment ami L a ­ tion. and it was agreed to sell them 89 years old last Saturday and the TERMS Cash paid for Hides and Market Produce dies' Shampooing. Specialties to some condensed soup or glue fac- Estacada Oddfellow and Rebekah To insure mare to tie in foal jlio due lodges joined in having a big cele­ jtory. when mare is known to he in foal. Shop in the Drug Store Bldg. bration at Oddfellow hall last Sat­ Single service $5 cash. Farting j 1 urday evening. After an interest­ with or removing mare from county Rememlier w # Whooping Cooqli Cleveland’s Baking Powder in ing program, the lady Rebekahs will lie counted as foal. Mares must I have u*e«1 Chamberlain's cough rem­ Orders Promptly Filled for Out-of-Town, and City Trade i 3 lb cans only cost Jii and 5 lh cans served an elahrate dinner, which be returned and retried at proper edy in my family ill cases of whooping time or will lie counted in foal $ 1.6 5. Both these cans have the was thoroughly enjoyed. A t the Care will tie taken to prevent accident*, cough, and w«nt to tell you that it is the metal handle under the regular cov­ close of the banquet dancing and but will not lie rt.ponsible should any iiest medicine I have ever used -\V P. occur Gatton, Poseo, Ga This remedy is safe er. They are useful when empty music were participated in. The and sure. Sold at Katacada drug store evening was a >-ery pleasant one. Recommended by H. X . North. G. DALLAS. Owner C l PI D F L OI R Let us write your policy. : : 1 C. M ortW s for Sale #500 5 years’ time, 6 J2ooo 3 “ “ pr. cent. 6 $800 3 “ " 6 " *500 2 “ " 6 “ Also private money to loan on terms and in amounts to suit bor­ rower. Certificates of deposit on Or­ egon City Banks taken in exchange for first lien real estate mortgages. Call, write or phone JO H N W. LO D E R . Attorney at Law «Sc Abstractor of Land Titles, Oregon City, Oregon B E ST IN V E ST M E N T The News one year for one dollar