The Estacada News tesiled t s c h T hursday ESTACADA ......... ORBGON NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form (or Oar Busy Readers. FORTY MILLION BUAHELS. Oregon, Washington and Idaho Make Naw Record for Wheat. Total 1807 G'aln Crop. Bushels W h ea t ..................................... 58,000,000 Barley .......................................10,000,000 Oats .......................................... 12,000,000 T ota l ...................................80,000,000 Shipments b> Water to Sp-il I W heat B arley FLAMES Dfc VOUR C H ;1 SEA. Boston 8uburq Swept by Fire—Four Bodies Found. Boston, Mass., April 13.— F i r e yes­ terday devastated the m a n u fa ctu rin g , tenement and re ta il aectlons of Chel­ IN S T R U C T 8 U N A M E N D M E N T S PR O r EST LOSS OF HANGE. sea, burning over one s q u a r e mile of territory and leveling m any of the Miss Cornelia Marvin Gathers Data O regon Fhaepmen Want Fleck« Put elty’a best str u c tu r e s. L a te last night on Both Sides. Back on Reserves. four bodies h a d been recovered troni _____ ___________________ P e n d le to n — Because t h e n u m b e r the ruins, 'i k e fire s t a r te d a t lu:4U Salem —Miss Cornelia Marvin, ' ____ eecre- NO FREE FRANCHISE President Opposes Giving Away Water Rlgh's. « E S E S LINES OF NEW P0LI6Y CONDITION WORRIES DOCTORS. Admiral Evans Very Sick Man and Recovery Will Be blow. Paso Robbs, Cal , April 10.—Mrs. Robley D. Evans and her daughter, Mrs. Charlotte C. Marth, arrived here ahortlv aftri 5 o’clock yesterday after­ noon and juined Rear Aduitul Evans at the hot springs. Their coming cheered him greatly, and, it ia believed, will ha'-e a good i fleet. While hia rheumastism has almost disappeared as a result of the treatment at the hot springs and hia normal con­ dition hue improved greatly and he lias reg ined considerable strength, Dr. McDonald and L. E. Phillips, the phy- sican at the hot springs, admitted this morning lhat there were oilier compli­ cations which retard his rapid recovery and will make permanent improvement very slow. Lieutenant F! vans’ departure for Los Angeles to accompany his mother here was no doubt lurgely for the purpose of preparing her for the gieut change in her husband. That she would be grently shocked when she saa- him was admitted. But a mere shadow of his former eelf, his pale, drawn face furrowed with many deep lines, his thin, emaciated body, his knees and ankles so enlarged and deformed as to be very noticeable through his clothes, there is not much resemblance in the physical appearance to that of tiie man who stood on the bridge oi the Connecticut, leading his great fleet out of Hampton K ails, less than four months ago. He then wpighed 175 pounds, now he weighs barely 120. ..................................... 37,700,000 tary of the Oregon Library commission, ' of sheep a llo tte d to t h e forest re-'®; *“ •> a n d waa not u nde r c o n tro l uu- .................................... 1,057,000 has been a very effective worker in 8erves of Oregon ia 75,000 less th is *t g e “ '¿o“ston flre d e £ a r t m e n t “ Sh pments East by Rail to April I ??$*!? e!D? ,Dfio rm/a tlo,,>re^ rid ,n K year t h a n last, U m a tilla county st r e n g th a n d s te a m e r s from a dozen Oevelc pment of Water Power Rap d y 100,000 initiative and referendum laws which she e pm e n a r e p r otesting to t h e for- o th e r cities a n d towns went to the A Resume o f the L est Important but W h e a t .................................... Barley .................................... 2,724,000 have been subm itted to the people for Becomirg Monopoly—Would Re­ d e p a r t m e n t and application has »id of the Chelsea brigade, Not Lest Interesting Events Oats .......................................... 500.000 approval or rejection in June, She has i 3 v The fire o rig in a ted in t th e r e a r of igina quire Payment and Use. of the Past Week. gathered all the published m aterial she | been m ad e by t h e s t a t e association to m th e Boston Blacking Com pany's 8tocks on Hand April I. W heat .................................... 11,250,OuO can And on both sides oi every queetion p e rm it t h e sa m e n u m b e r In the r e ­ w orks on W est T h ird street, n e a r the Mining industries of Montana are Barley .................................... 1,850,000 subm itted, ami has been loaning th is | serves th is y e a r as was grazed last e a s te r n division of th e Boston & W ashington, April 14.— In a spe­ Oats ............................................. 2,210,000 material to granges, debating societies year. C u t ti n g down th e n u m b e r to Maine R ailroad, In close proximity reviving. be grazed In t h e re serves will cause to the E v e r e tt City line. A terrific cial m essage today veto ing a dam and other organizations t h a t will m ike Catholics of San F rancisco held P o rtlan d , A p ;.l 11.— W ith th e de­ she e pm e n t o sell u n d e r forced con­ gale from th e northw e st, which a t special m ass to pra y for rain . p a r tu r e th is m o nth of seven c h a r ­ good use of it. Hi is work has been ditions since they have no ra nge for tim es h a d a velocity of 60 miles an bill, P re sid e n t Roose velt w arned con­ taken up as a part of the system of de­ th e s u r p l u s a n d this they claim is a hour, c arried b u rn in g shingles, e m ­ gress t h a t t h e r e a r e pendin g In this tere d ships now loading a t P o r tla n d T h e ba n d its who sh ot M arshall Mil­ bate libraries which Mies Marvin es ler a t Kent, W ash., a r e su r r o u n d e d and five lo ading on P u g e t Sound, the tablished nearly two years ago. The g r e a t Injustic e In view of the fact bers and m y ria d s of s p a r k s to a score session bills which propose to give g re ates t season in th e history of the t h a t th e season prom ises to be ex­ of wooden buildings, most of them oi away w ithout price st r e a m rig n ts by a large posse. N orth Pacific g ra in t r a d e will be plan is to provide d e la tin g societies cellent for both sheep and wool. cheap construction. capable of developing 1,300,Out) W h ile " p laying b u r g l a r ” a 16- practically over. T h ere a r e a few with material for discussions of all A m e e tin g of the executive c om ­ The fire s t a r te d a lm o st from the horse-power, whose production would year-old boy of Woodstock, Oregon, stra g g lin g Bhlps com ing a long for public questions. In gathering the m ittee of t h e Oregon W ool-Growers’ e x trem e so u th w e st section of th e cost a n n u a lly 25,000,0 00 tons of shot his 9-year-old sister th r o u g h the M ay-June loading, a n d a t least two material Miss Marvin shows no pa r­ association will be held here for th e city, a n d c u t a p a th to th e end of coal; u rg in g In vigorous t e r m s the heart. m ore s t e a m e r s will load w he at for tiality, but includes in the collections purpose of fo rm u la tin g a formal pro-I Maverick s t r e e t a t the e x trem e south- e stab lish m en t of a policy such as th e It Is now a g a in st the law to bind th e O rient, but th e m ovem ent has everything she can And on either side test to t h e departm ent. It is t h o u g h t e a s te r n end of t h e city, which bo r­ f ilibuste ring m in o rity in th e house the feet of wom en In China, a nd been so ra pid th is season t h a t May 1 of every question. The debate libra­ th e r e q u e s t to graze the sa m e n u m ­ d e r s Chulsea Creek. T his is a bout dem ands, which w ould sa f e g u a r d the many of the opium dens have been will find the business n e a r e r cleaned ries are loaned for a period of two ber th is y e a r will be g r a n te d a s th e one a n d a h a lf miles from w here th e g r a n ti n g of bridge a n d dam privi­ up t h a n In a n y previous “ big c r o p ” r a n g e in t h e reserve is im proving fire began. T he flam es spread leges a n d re q u ire t h e g r a n te e s to pay closed. year. W h e n th e r e t u r n s a re all in weeks, a nd when returned by one or­ from ye ar t o ye ar on account of t h e r o u g h th e h e a r t of t h e r e ta il bu s­ for th e m ; and defin itely a n nouncing The office of t h e a n a r c h is t paper for April, it will be found t h a t Ore­ ganization aro immediately sent out to h u s b a n d in g of tho grass by t h e f o r­ th iness section, which was a b o u t m id­ a fu t u r e policy on his p a r t with r e ­ La Questlone Soclale, has been dis­ gon, W a s h in g to n and Idaho for th e another. estry d e p artm e n t. way betw een t h e two e x tr e m e limits g a r d to pro m p t utilization of c on­ mantled and t h e p ri n ti n g m a te ria l first tim e In th e i r history, have M alheur, Umatilla, H a rney a n d re ac h ed by t h e fire* stru c tio n privileges by r e fusing his removed. shipped ( f lo u r I n c lude d), 10,000,000 B a k er co u n ty sheepmen have Joined Am ong th e s t r u c tu r e s destroyed s i g n a tu r e to a bill t h a t gives a n a d ­ INSPECTOR DOES THE WORK in t h e p r o te s t a n d e arn e st efforts will were 13 churche s, two hospitals, the ditional t h r e e y e a rs to th e Rain y Governor H u g h e s of New York, bushels of w he at, a n d still have some be m a d e t o secure ra n g e for t h e s u r ­ Public L ib ra ry , City Hall, five River I m p ro v em en t Com pany w ithin threatens to call out the m ilitia If on h a n d to tid e over t h e dull season Owner of Orchard Must Pay fer the u n til t h e new crop arrives. plus sheep. schoolhouses, 20 business blocks, which to build a da m in th e Rainy necessary, to stop race track g a m b ­ T he 1907 w h e at crop of t h e th r e e Spraying, However. nearly a sc ore of factories, a n d u p ­ River. ling in that state. sta te s was a r e c o rd -b re a k e r by n e a r ­ w a rd of 309 te n e m e n t s a n d dwelling R a in y river is th e oulet of Rain y GRAVE PERIL IN ANARCHY. Clears Columbia Channel. Falem—County F r u it Inspector E. Admiral Sebree and the officers ly 10,000,000 bushels, r e ac hing a lake, a n d form s p a r t of th e bounda ry The Dalles—The PotCand contract­ houses. and crews of the c ru is ers California g ra nd tota l of 68,000,000 bushels, C. Armstrong has begun a new phase Am ong t h e places b u r n e d were: betw een M innesota a n d Canada. It President Sends Vigorous Message to and Tennessee received a g re at wel­ and on account of th e good prices of war upon San Jose scale by hirin g a ors, WakeAeld A Jacobsen, who have F ro s t Hospital, C h ild re n ’s H ospi­ discharges into L ake of th e Woods come at E vere tt, W ash., e n r o u te to prevailing t h r o u g h o u t th e season. It gang of men to go into I be orchard of been dredging and otherwise clearing Bath Houses of Congress tal, Fitz Public L ibrary, S tanislaus is a b o u t 100 miles long a n d is na vi­ Seattle. moved m ore rapidly proportionately Rev. F. M. George, near L berty, and the narrow channel of the Columbia at Polish Catholic Church, C h e stn u t gable. Washington, April 10.—In one of the While th e c o n tr a lto soloist of the t h a n any of Its predecessors. Not spray the trees. Heretofore enforce­ what is known as Three-Mile rapids, str e e t; F i r s t B aptist Church, Central "1 do not believe,” says the P re s shortest messages which be has yet Chicago Sym phony O rc h es tra was only was th e w h e at crop th e largest ment of the law has consisted of chop­ near this city, have completed their avenue; C e n tr a l U n ita r ia n Church, ident, " t h a t n a tu r a l resources should transmitted to congress, President singing a t the A rm ory In P o r tla n d on record, b u t barley, which ha s been ping down diseased trees, but th a t work and brought the dredge to The H a w th o r n e str e e t; St. L u k e's C a th o ­ be g ra n te d and held in undeveloped- one a fte rn o o n a c a n a ry dre w th e a t ­ steadily Increasing In prom inence as course is pursued only in tke case oi Dalles, where it is now moored. The lic C h u rc h (old b u ild in g ) , H a w ­ condition, e ith e r for sp ecula tive or Roosevelt yesterday called the attention t e n tio n of th e e n ti r e au d ie n ce by one of th e g r e a t staples of th e Paci­ trees t h a t have been rendered valueless removal of the rocks and reefs from this th o r n e str e e t; F i r s t Methodist E p is­ o th e r reasons. So f a r as I am aw are, nf that body to I lie necessity for further a li g h t in g on th e sill of an open win­ fic N orthw est, also established a new by disease and neglect. The George portion of the Columbia has coBt the copal Church, Carey avenue; Elm - t h e r e a re no a ssu r a n c e s th a t the legislation on the subject <>.’ anarchy. m a r k with a crop of nearly 10,000,- dow a n d singing lustily. s tr e e t S ynagogue; W a ln u t-s tre e t g r a n te e s (in t h is case) a re in any With the message be transmitted a re­ 000 bushels. Oats, exclusive of the orchard is one ol the most valuable in government about $100,000, and has oc Chelsea P r e sb y te r ia n be tte r condition p ro m p tly a n d prop port reviewing the legal phases of the Seven Jurors have been se cured to crop grow n in t h e L a C onner dis­ the vicinity of Liberty, but has become cupied several years, theugh it could Synagogue; C h u rc h ; P e o p le ’s Afro-M ethodist erly to utilize th is o p p o rtu n ity t h a n question by Attorney General Bona­ tr y Abe Kuef. have been Anished sooner but for the infested with stale. Mr. George spray­ tric t on P u g e t Sound, Is credite d with Episcopal C hurch, F o u r t h str e e t; they were a t th e tim e of th e origin al parte. The message of the president is It is now r e p o rte d t h a t A dm iral a yield of 12,000,000 bushels In the ed I d acres, but left 20 acres unsprayed. fact that it could not be carried on the U nlversalist C h u rc h ; Second Adven­ act g r a n ti n g th e privilege ten years as follows: t h r e e states. vear around, on account of high water. Mr. Armstrong will have it sprayed E v a n s Is on the mend. t is t C h u ic h ; New E n g la n d Telephone ago.” _________________ "To tho senate and house of repre­ T hese figures which show a g ra n d The Columbia is now free from impedi & T elegra ph C om pany’s c e n tr a l of­ E ig h t Jurors have been se c ure d to tota l of 80,000,000 bushels of the and charge the cost to th e owner. sentatives: ments to the Big Eddy, where it con When the work in this orchard is com fice; Austin & Y oung’s c r a c k e r fac­ SAN DIEGO GREETS FLEET. try F lre y La F o r d of San Francisco, t h r e e lea ding cereals, a r e compiled "I herewith eubmit a letter from the tory; Chaplis & Sodden Car Com ­ pleted Mr. Arm strong will p u t the nects with the portage road. for bribery. department of justice which exlains from n c cu ra te statistics, kindly su p ­ p a n y ’s shops; Rosenfelt B ros.’ th r e e - gang at work in other orchaids in the Salem people saw a s t r a n g e light plied by t h e ra il r o a d companies, story ra g-pic king factory; th e Tide California's Most Southerly Seaport itself. Under this opinion I hold that Pupils at Reform School. existing statutes give the president t r a v e li n g In t h e a ir for a b o u t half which m oved t h e big crop and by vicinity. In Gala Attire. Falem—The report of D. L. Looney, Oil C o m p an y ’s t h r e e im m ense ta n k s p ro m in e n t g ra in ex p o rte rs In various an h o u r Sunday evening. power to prohibit the postmaster gene­ n e a r thu e as t e n d of Margin street. Market Day is Big Success. San Diego, Cal., April 14.— Fe te superintendent of the state reform p a r ts of th e t h r e e states. T he figures St. R ose ’s R om an Catholic Church, days for the A m erican battleship ral from being used as an instrument Seven h u n d r e d Junks were sunk fall s h o r t of som e of t h e e a r lie r esti­ Baker City— Baker C ity ’s Arst m o nth­ school, shows that during the past Broadway, loss $25,000; St. Rose in the commission of crime, that is to a n d 2000 people dro w n e d In H ankow m ate s m ad e on th e crops, a nd n a t u r ­ ly m arket day was a pronounced suc­ quarter there has been expended as R om an Cath olic School, loss $40,- fleet will begin to day when t h e 16 prohibit the use of the mails for the C hina, as the r e s u lt of a m id n ig h t ally a r e se veral million bushels cess, hundreds of farmers having general expenses, $7,024.93, and from 000; S ta te Arm ory, loss $100,000; ba ttleships of th e n a v y ’s most not advocacy of murder, arson and treason, flood. sm a lle r t h a n t h e go v e rn m e n t figures brought in stock to be sold. Between the improvement fund $114.30. The Sacred H e a r t Convent, loss $40,000; able cruise cast a n c h o r off Coronado Beach, two miles from San Diego and i shall act upen such construction, F o u r " t r u s t i e s ” escaped from th e on oa ts a n d barley. 11 and 12 o ’clock there was a band con­ report, which was read and approved Y. M. C. A. building, loss $75,000; San Diego is crow ded with visitors “ Unquestionably, however, there W a s h in g t o n ’s 10,000,000 bushel cert by the Baker Concert band and at Salem p e n ite ntiary. They h a d been at the meeting of the board, consisting Boston E levated R a ilroa d sta tio n a nd a n d sightseers a n d never before in should be further legislation by con­ w o r k in g on th e a sylum for feeble­ crop of w he at dwindled to a b o u t 35,- 1 o ’clock the horse show was held. b a rn , loss $50,000; C ounty Savings th e h istory of th e city h a s t h e r e been of Governor Chamberlain, Secretary of 000,000; t h a t of Oregon was slightly gress in this mat'er. When compared minded. Hundreds oi hoises were in the parade. State Benson and Slate Treasurer Steel, Bank, Chelsea Savings Bank, Chelsea such a n e la b o rate decoration,, of with the suppression of anarchy, every T h e B. R. Lew is L u m b e r com pany u n d e r 18,000,000, a n d Id a h o 's was Im mediately after the parade was held shows there are 116 pupils in the lnsti T r u s t Company, th e P rovidence Co­ s tr e e ts and buildings. By day the so m e w h a t over 5,000,000 bushels. and tho Idaho & N o r th e rn Railway, broad t h o r o u g h f a r e s a r e a m ass of other question sinks into insignificance. the public wedtling, which was one of tution. There were 108 on January 1. o p e ra tio n Bank. of C oe ur d ’Alene, a re In t h e h a n d s T he fu n d s of all these b a n k s with colors, th e red, white a n d blue of the The anarchist is the enemy of human­ the chief attractions, took place. The Since then 25 have been admitted and of a receiver. t h e exception of the County Savings nation being m ingled with th e ye l­ ity, the enemy of all mankind, and his WILL GO ABROAD. crowds then went to the public auction, 15 discharged. One has escaped and B a nk a re still in th e vaults. The low a n d white, typifying th e Golden is a deeper degree of criminality than T h e selection of a Jury t o open the where thousnnds of d o lla is’ worth of one is on leave of absence. m oney a n d se c u rities of t h e County S tate— California. any other. No immigrant is allowed ballot boxes and exam ine th e ballots President Will Leave Matters Entirely stock was sold. The merchants of the B ank were ta k e n to Boston before T r iu m p h a n t a rch e s have been to ccme to our chores if he is an anar­ of t h e New York m ay o ra lty contest city did an immense business, having To His Successor. th e fire re ac h ed th e building. Work for Clean Dairies. erected a t m any stre e t intersections chist; end no paper published here or of 1905 h a s begun. MarshAeld—Mrs. 8. A. Yoakam, tbs and im m ense signs t h a t b u r n the abroad should be permitted in this W as h in g to n , April 14.— Should made special reductions for the day on Three persons were killed, several all of th e i r goods. hospitable word "welcome” t h ro u g h country if it propagates anarchist opin­ deputy dairy and food inspector, oi CALL JAPAN TO ACCOUNT. hundred in ju re d , a b o u t 10,000 m ade P r e sid e n t Roosevelt’s p r e se n t desires th e d a rk n e ss of t h e n ig h t are a m ong ions. THEODORE ROOSEVELT.” be realized, he will spend t h e first this place, is endeavoring to form homeloss and $10,000,000 worth of year a f te r his r e ti r e m e n t from office th e m any f e a tu r e s of th e e la b o rate Must Furnish Seat«. among the creamery and condensed property destroyed by t h e fire at In tr a v e lin g outside th e United Salem — T he ra il r o a d comm ission milk managers an association which Roosevelt Will Demand Facts Ab ut scheme of decoration. Chelsea, a su b u r b of Boston. THE LIABI ITY LXW. G overnor Gillette, accompanied by States. Mr. R oosevelt’s itinerary, In a decision, which follows in p a r t, will buy milk only from dairymen Mukden Affair. his e n tire staff a n d a distin guished however, h a s not been determ ined. c en s u re s th e Corvallis & E a s te r n Anna Gould has sailed for Europe. who keep their dairies clean and use W a shington, April 13.— T h e a tta c k p a rty of guests, a rriv e d last nig h t In His plan Is to se e some of t h e rugged Provitious "of Measure Just Passed Nearly 5,000 acres of hops have been and little f r e q u e n te d po rtio n s of for R a ilr o a d Co., for th e ir p assenger the sanitary measures demanded by on Consul-General S tr a ig h t a n d the t h r e e special cars. Governor Gll- a c c om m oda tions on th e lines from by Both*Houses. se r v a n ts of th e Am erican C onsulate , plowed up in England. eign lands, as well a s to tra v e l the Albany a n d Corvallis to Y a qulna and the inspector. Any of the creamery a t Mukden, by J a p a n e se row dies led men who break the rule will be Aned, Washington, April 10.--As passed beaten t r a c k of th e to urist. T h a t Several Mexican towns have been Toledo: NEW ENGLISH C IBINET. Mrs. by a postm an h a s s tir r e d th e a d m i n ­ t h e p re sid en t will Indulge In his by I olh houses of congress, the liabil­ “ I t Is o rde re d t h a t th e ra ilro a d according to the agreement. shaken by an earthquake. istratio n t o action. I t is re g a r d e d as fondness for h u n t in g big gam e Is be­ c om pany d e f e n d a n t shall in th e fu Yoakam has been appointed to have ity hill iB expected to meet li e objec­ __ At the Los Angeles bearing Santa Fe lieved by those to whom he h a s con­ t u r e supply sufficient p assenger c a r s charge of the dairy exhibits at the a m uch m ore serious affair t h a n a p ­ Old Men Made Peers and Yourger tions of the United States Supreme pe ars upon t h e surface, a n d prom pt fided his intentions. officials have admitted rate discrimina­ Oonrt to the common carrier liability so t h a t all p assengers leaving C orva l­ state fair. Men Promoted. action will und o u b ted ly be t a k e n to It was a t th e re ce n t d inner of the lis or Albany w estbound a nd Y aquina tion. ob tain th e r e p a r a ti o n t h a t J a p a n has London, April 14.— Official an law of 1896, decided to be unconstitu­ Boone a n d Crocket Club in this city a n d Toledo e a s tb o u n d m ay h a v e a Mileage Book Hearing April 26, so f a r refused. A new copyright treaty has been en­ t h a t th e p re sid en t last told of his In­ nounc em ent was m ade to n ig h t of the tional by the court. The bill abolishes se a t a n d t h a t tho second-class coach A conference upon the su b je ct was new Cabin et a p p o in tm e n ts and they the strict common law liability, which Salem—In accordance with a stipu tered into by the United Statas and ten tio n s for next year. H e was told shall b e supplied with v e n tila to r s.” lation between the parties to the con­ held a t t h e W h ite House late to n ig h t a re identical with th e forecast m ade bars a recovery for personal injury or of the o p p o rtu n itie s for h u n t in g in Mexico. T he r a ilr o a d com pany will have 20 Alaska, a n d urg e d to a r r a n g e for 3 days in which to m ak e th e necessary test, the Oregon Railroad commission by P re sid e n t Roosevelt, Secretary by th e Daily C hronicle a few days diath ol an employe occasioned by the Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, ex­ t r ip there. This, ho said, would i n ­ lias Axed April 25 as the date for the T a f t and Sec retary Root. It was a s ­ ago a nd announced in these dis­ negligence of a fellow servant, li also premier of Great Brituin, is growing te r f e r e with his plan for foreign alte ra tions. hearing upon the application of the sum ed a t t h e c onierence t h a t Mr. patches, as follows: relaxes the common law mle which tr a ig h t h a d m a d e a re p o rt of the weaker. H e r b e r t Asquith, P re m ie r and makes contributory negligence a defense travel a n d would have to be consid­ Travelers’ Protective association for es­ S Incident May Manufacture S igar. to M inister Rockbill, a t P e ­ F i r s t Lord of th e T rea sury. io claims for such injuries, and per­ The Portuguese premier has offered ered, If a t all, a t som e f u t u r e time. Eugene—The promotion departm ent tablishment of a straight 2H-cent rate kin, and t h a t Mr. Rockhlll would Lloyd George, Chancellor of mits an employe to recover for an in­ Mr. Roosevelt Is quoted as adding fer mileage books on the principal c o m m u n ica te t h e facts to th e State t h e David his resignation, but the king has re­ of the Eugene Commercial club has re Exchequer. a t this tim e: roads in Oregon. The hearing will D e p a r tm e n t w ith o u t delay. fused it. L ord T w e edm outh, P r e sid e n t of jury caused by negligence of a co­ " I f W illiam H. T a f t Is n om ina ted ceived a quantity of sugar beet seed becommeoced at the office of the com­ employe. The bill does not bar recov­ To Insure his doing so, cable m es­ the Council. Miassachusetts Republicans have a n d elected P re side nt, which would from the PaciAo Sugar Construction mission in the state house at 11 o'clock sages were se n t to n ig h t to both Mr. E a r l of Crewe, Sec retary of State ery, even thongh the injured one con­ elected uninstructed delegates to the be vory g r a tifying. It would m ake Im­ company, which a year ago built a big a. m. Rockhlll a n d Mr. S tr a ig h t a s k i n g for tributed by his own negligence to the for th e Colonies. possible criticism If I were abroad, sugar factory in Glenn county, Califor­ national convention. all the facts. A reply is expected t o ­ R eginald McKenna, F i r s t L ord of injury. The amount of the recovery Is to th e efTect t h a t I was dicta tin g to nia, for the purpose of testing the soil m orrow. A prom ine nt c ab in et officer Build Larger Grandstand. th e Adm irality. Roosevelt may send a special mes­ him a n d being followed, or t h a t I of Lane county as to its adaptability to diminished in the same degree with W inston Spencer C hurchill, P r e s i­ the negligence of the injured to the in­ Salem—The state fair board has or­ Bald to night: sage to congress on the question of the had d icta te d and h a d been t u r n e d the raising of sugar beets, and if the “I don’t t h in k I am b e tr a y in g any de nt of th e Board of T rade. down In my sugge stions." jury. number of battleships to be built. test is satisfactory steps will at once be dered an addition to the grand stand at se c re t when I say t h a t t h e decision W a lte r R uncim an, P re sid e n t of the taken to induce some sugar beet m an u ­ the fair grounds race track, Increasing to send th e fleet to th e Pacific was Board of Education. German building trades employers Crushed by Ice Floes. Decide Not to Bu’id Here facturer to build a p lan t in Eugene. the seating capacity 60 per cent. The largely de te rm in e d by t h e Insuffer­ have disagreed with their workmen and St. Jo h n s , N. F., April 14.— B rin g ­ The seed will be distributed among a grand stand will he exended forward able tactics of th e J a p a n e se in offi Portland, April 10.—That the pack­ (0.000 of the latter are out of work. To Investigate Whales. from the present front so that the front clal Intel c ourse.” ing tidings of th e sin k in g of th e num ber of representative farmere. ing firm cf Schwartzsehlid A Snlxtierger Chicago has Just received $803,810 s te a m e r G ra nd Lake, a n d th e serious row of seats will be on the line of the D u nkirk, Fra nc e, April 14.— The has given up all intention of hnilding a as its share of the net earnings of the Injury of se veral o t h e r s c a u g h t In the race track. W. E. MoElroy was chosen Ja c q u e s Cartier, b e arin g th e polar p.ant at Portland since being refused Detirn No Race Riots. Opens New Tunnel. street railway companies for the past grip of Ice floes, t h e ste am sealer, musical director for the fair of 1908. expedition, tinder co m m a n d of L ieu­ the privilege of building on the Zim­ San Francisco, April 13.— Speak­ Gold Hill— T. T. Barnard, supe rin­ year. New F o u ndlund limped Into port t o ­ te n a n t Benard, sailed from he re yes­ merman cite, in South Portland, is the e r s a t th e m onthly m ee tin g of the tendent of the Tin Pan mines on Galls terday. T he p rim a ry object of the statement of J. S. lleisey, Pacific coast Clerks and other officials in the var­ day leaking badly. Tho G ra nd Lake PORTLAND MARKETS. Asiatic Exclusion League, held yes­ was sh u t up In th e r e le n tle ss Jaws creeks, l a s been authorized by the com­ expedition Is to investigate the th e ­ manager for the company, who has just ious government departments at Wash- t e r d a y a fte r n o o n in th e hall of the of two g r e a t Ice floes u n til he r sides Wheat—Club, 84c; bluestem, 87o; pany lo st a r t a tunnel, and purchase ory t h a t whales, which a re now dis­ ingtno, 0 . C., have been warned not to San Francisco L abor Council, r o u n d ­ a p p ea rin g off New Fou n d la n d , have returned from New York, where he gave way a n d he r engines were power drills and any other machinery valley, 85c; red, 82c. mix in politics. crushed. H e r crew m ade th e i r e s­ necessary. A ten-stam p mill, with Frue Harley— Feed, $24.50 per ton; rolled, ly scored those who have been dis­ so ught re fuge in th e B a rebts Sea, In conferred with the heads of the com­ se m in a tin g r e p o rts t h a t th e league ex­ th e Arctic Ocean, t h a t Is alw ays free pany in regard to the matter. Mr. The American government is not cape. A catch of 20,000 seals went vannera, has been running continuously $27@28 per ton ; brewing, $27. pected to accomplish its purposes by of Ice, a n d o th e r scientific Investig a­ Heisey returned here to settle np some down with t h e G ra nd Lake. This likely to Intervene in Haytl. Oats—No. 1 white, $26.50 per ton; 1th day and night shifts since Decem­ inciting r iots in th e va rious cities tions, also will be made. The ves­ affairs that were pending. The 8 A 8. c argo was valu ed at $130,000 and ber 19, w ith a capacity of 30 tone a gray, $26. The Republican National convention was insured. a n d In San Francisco when th e b a t ­ sel c a rrie s a com plete e quipm e nt for people will locate at some other city. Corn — Whole, $33.50; cracked, tleship fleet arrives. These stories, oceanography a n d m agnetic appli­ day. The property is opened by a se­ will have two Taft delegates from New ries of Ave tunnels on the vein, aggre­ $34 50. which e m a n a te d from Vancouver, ances, supplied by Princ e Monaco York. New Emblem for Democracy. Lawmakers Stri e Snag The i Hay—Valley timothy, No. 1, $17 per a n d which c aused Chief Blggy to in­ Denver, April 14.— A m onster gating over 1,000 feet in length. Another record breaking year for Washington, April 10 —Lawyers of new tunnel will open the vein under ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $17.50: vestigate th e organization, were Receiver for Lumber Con-piny, trans-Atlantic passenger business it in tiger, c o n stru c te d of pa pie r raache. the apex of the mountain. congress coniesa they have run upon a clover, $14; cheat, $15; grain hay, $14 b r a n d e d a s falsehoods. Spokane, W ash., April 14.— Ju d g e real question in the resolution intro sight. will welcome t h e delegates to Denver @15; alfalfa, $12. Woods of W allace has appointed •lured by Senator Elkins to suspend un­ Railroad Pays Half the Loss Eugene Buys Flags to Decorate I Fruits—Apples, $1@3.50 per box, Ilarriman has secured oontrol of the when they come to t h e Democratic National Convention J u l y 7. This H elena, Mont., April 13.— Resi­ F r e d B. Morrill of Spokane receiver til January 1, 1901, the penalties at­ Erie ralloard, giving him an ooean-to- emblem has been selected Instead of Eugene—The Eugene Commercial according to quality; oranberriee, $8@ ecean line. dents of Big T im ber, Mont., t h e town for th e B. R. Lew is L u m b e r company tached to the commodities clause ol th e prosaic donkey, as th e striped club has arranged lo purchase 60 Amer- H per barrel. of Coeur d ’Alene, Idaho, a n d also for the railroad rate bill. Members ol the ican and 60 » ennanta, to be used ! Vegetables—Artichokes. 7f»@90c per which was a lm o st e ntirely destroyed t h e Idaho & N o r th e rn railway. Mr. senate judiciary ronimittee have inves­ king of th e Jungle lends himself The Olive Street bank, St. Louis, as decoiation on Willamette street on do*en; asparagus, 9c pound; beans, 20c by the fire last m onth , have been more readily to th e purposes of o r ­ having a capital of $100,000 and de­ Morrill Is general counse l for both n a m e ntation. A special com m ittee of rpeeialday occasions. The mere),ants pound; cabbage, 1H<91%C ponnd; cau- notified by t h e N o r th e rn Pacific companies. N either com pany Is m o r t ­ tigated the Elkins resolution, and say posits of $350,000, has been closed. cttlip f* 1* w o rk pl»n§ a!:o will add their quota of decora- Mflower, 8 0 e 9 $ t; celery, $4 ro @ r per R a i l r o a d C o m p a n y t h a t t h e y wJH h e ga ged ui in cum bered with bonded that if it were adopted in advarce of paid 60 c ents on the dollar to cover Indebtedness. The receivership may May 1 it would violate the commodity for the suitable decoration of the A Chicago gtand jury la inquiring city. T he decision Is to erect a m a m ­ tions. The Arst u»a ol these new Aags crate; parsley, 25c per dozen; peas, 10c their losses This action Is ta k e n last only a few m onths. and pennants will be for the spring pound; peppers, 20c per ponnd; rad- T he E x­ clause so that the Supreme court of the Into oharges against doctors and law­ moth figure of a tige r a t Sixteenth from the fact t h a t th e d isa str o u s fire change National b a n k of Spokane United States would decline to take te, ttval of musio, to be held in Eugene, j ¡shee, 25c per dozen; rhubarb, $2@2.25 yers ol working up fake damage suits stre e t and B roadw ay avenue April 14 and 15. The Aags will belong P»f ct«te; spinach, 85c crate; sprouts, which left h u n d r e d s of people hom e­ caused th e receiv ership move by su ­ cognizance of test suits. against the city. less. was started by a sp a r k from a ing th e lu m b e r com pany and r a il­ to the city, and will be displayed on all 10c per ponnd, squash, l@ ll$ c ponnd N o rth e rn Pacific locomotive. The Last Link to Atlantic. Burn Railroad Property. Onions—Oregon $4.25@4.5U per hun­ decision is not t h e o u tg ro w th of civil road. The Navy department says at least public oocarons. B irm in g h a m , Ala., April 14.— The Rio Janeiro, April 10.—Serions riot­ dred. three war vessels will visit Portland suits, but Is a vo lu n ta ry action on Tramping Was a Faiure. ing broke out yesterday In the city ol Potatoes— 45@ 55 c p9i hundred, de­ the part of the ra ilro ad officials. during the rues carnival and a battle­ official a n n o u n c e m e n t by th e Illinois Invited to Viait President San Francisco, April 14.-—T he call Campos, and troop« were sent in today ship will be Included. Central Railroad t h a t t h e new Bir­ Salem—Governor Chamberlain has livered Portland. of th e ro a d ended in a tte m p te d sui­ to restore order. The Leopold railroad Butter—Fancy creamery, 27 He per Student Slays Governor. cide early th is m o rn in g for F r a n k has maintained exorbitant rate« on One of the largest grain Arms In m ingham division will be opened for received an invitation from President pound. Roosevelt to attend a dinner at the L em burg. April 13.— C ount An­ traffic April 19, calls a tt e n ti o n to the Willis, a 14-ye4r-old lad. who beat Londoo Is in trouble from over-specula­ Poultry—Average old hens, 14@15c d r e a s Potokt, Governor of t h e Aus- his way on th e b ra k e b e a m s to this freight in and cut of Campee. This tion. Its liabilities will exceed Its as­ completion of t h e last link In the W hite lloaea on Tuesday evening, May P*r, P°n"d : ml! £ L .¿ hick'‘.n ,• }*>'• tro-Polish province of Galicia, was city from Vancouver, British Colum ­ aronsed tire indignation of the people g re at H a r r lm a n t r a n s c o n tin e n ta l 12, when there will be an assemblage spring sets by nearly $500,000. chlckens, 16@20o: tnrkeys, live, assa ssina ted t h is a fte rn o o n by a s t u ­ bia. Dismal, travel, weary, hungry snd lest evening they descended upon of governors snd other officials to dis route, for by con tro llin g t h e Union 15@16c; dreseed, chotce, 17@18o; dent, Mleroslap SJoseynski by na me, and w ith o u t friends. Willis, a f te r the railroa t property and set fire to two The American consulate at Mukden Pacific, Illinois C e n tra l a n d Central curs the question on conservation of na­ geeee, live, 9c; dncks, 16@17e; while giving an audience t o a dele­ tra m p i n g the s tr e e ts for hours. In­ stations, 30 cars and eeveral ware­ has been invaded by Japanese and a of Oeorgla, th is system will extend tional resources. Governor Chamber­ pigeone, 75c(4tl; eqnabe, $1.S0@2. ga tion of stude nts. The a ssassin vested his last q u a r t e r in a room at houses. The railroad bridge over the lain hopes to be able to attend, but ia Chinese servant assaulted. No apology from th e Pacific to t h e Atlantic. fired t h r e e sh o ts from a revolver, all th e Hotel Fllm ore. a cheap lodging Parahiba river was destroyed. Kgga— Fresh ranch, lflc per doien. « ’raid that he will he unable to do to, has been offered and an inquiry is tc Veal—75 to 125 pounds, 8@9c; 126 of which took effect. The Governor house, w h e re h e t u r n e d on t h e gas owing to other preeeing mattei*. be made. Populism Wiped Out. to 160 pounds, 7c; 150 to 200 poundi, died soon a f te r w a r d , but first asked |a n d tossed him self on th e bed to die Glass Too III for Trial. his se c re tary to Inform his m aje sty Topeka, Kan , April 14.— T he Pop- S@6Vt c. San Francisco, April 10.— When the The Navy dpeartment is considering a t once: "T ell h im ." said t h e dying Trust Gata Can Factory, Flood Drowns 2 ,0 0 0 Chinese ullst p a rty In Kansaa la officially Pork—Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 7® man. "I was his faithful s e r v a n t ." bribery charge «gainst Lcnis Glaas, of the establishment on tho Atlantic and The Republican sta te canvass A atoria— T he form al t r a n s f e r of 7»*o; packers, 5@8H0- Shanghai, April 14.— Disastrous the Pact5c Telephone A Telegraph com­ Pacific cna-ts of home bases for the dead. lng board h a s refused Ita c a n d i d a t e s ! th e plan t of th e K endall Can Com- . _ . _ floods are reported to have occurred Hops— 1907, prime and choice, 4@6c fleets, where the enlisted men will be a place on th e official ballot because 1 pany was m ade last evening, but t h e ____, ., _____ ___, SiKty nin e Days in Trance at Hankow, in the Province of Hu pany, was call«! in Judge Lawlor’s afforded an opportunity to purchase the p a rty at th e Inst s t a te election detalla of th e sale r n n n o t be lea rned ” >'>• olds, 1 « 1 Ho per pound Loa Angeles. April 13 — Mrs. Ben- Peh It is stated that 2000 persons conrt this morning, hie attorneys staled their own homes and where the ships did not poll 1 per cent of th e tota l here. It Is u n d e rstood t h a t F. p. « o o i — r ^ s te r n Oregon, average nsst, Ish Hawkins, the woman who fell have been drowned Seven hundred that the defendant was very ill and vote of t h e s ta te , aa provided by th e Kendall, of P o rtland, who was m a n - »*@18# per ponnd. according to shrink- Into a cataleptic trance on February | Junks were sunk. The floods are said asked lor a continuance of two weeka. will call at regular intervals. new p r im a r y election law passed l n l a g e r of t h e local plant, become« »»e; valley, 16® 18c, according to qual- t, will tomorrow enter the Assistant District Attorney O'Gara was 69th day to be due to an unexpected freshet, Anna Gould rays she will not marry J a n u a ry . T he p a rty In 190$ polled Northweat m a n a g e r for the American Ity; mohair, choice, 28c per pound, of her sleep Her condition Is ap-,The water caught the people unex- made no objections. Judge Lawlor sat lbs Prince de Ssgnn. fewer than 1200 vote«. Can Company. I Ceeoars Baik—Soper pound. parently unchanged pectedly in the middle of the night the matter for May 13.