The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, April 09, 1908, Image 3

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    Pure Blood
H o o d ’s
S arsaparilla.
pim ples an d boils
scrofu la
that ap p ea r
a ll
o r eczema;
adapts itself eq u ally w ell to, and also cures, d y s­
m atism
a ll stom ach
an d
catarrh ;
tro u b le s;
n ervou s
rh eu ­
de b ility a n d that tired feeling.
S ttrs a ta b s — F o r thofce who p r e fe r m edicine in tab­
le t form , H o o d '» S arsaparilla is now put up in choco­
lated tablets called Sarsatabs, as w ell as in the usual
liq u id form .
Sarsatabs have id en tica lly the same
cu ra tive properties as the liqu id form , besides accu­
racy o f dose, convenience, econom y,—no loss by eva p ­
oration, breakage, or leakage. D ru g gists o r prom ptly
by mail. C. I. H ood Co., L o w e ll, Mass.
S h ift in g ; th e R e s p o n s i b i li t y .
Find Bottoms o f Many Ships Nnarly
K. Tyler, Burlington, Vt
«ays : " The «raie» of a large farm. 8«.
much to do and so little health to do it
with, caused almost a complete break
down : blood poor and thin : no strength
little sleep Hood 8 Sarsaparilla gave
appetite, uatural sleep, perfect health,
strength to do all my work."
W o u ld T a k a m C h a n c e .
Teacher— Mrs. Clubber, your little
Clarence frequently comes to school with
bis face unwashed.
Mrs. Clubber— Why, good gracious.
Miss Lipsicum, what do you keep a school
janitor for !— Chicago Tribune.
"N o t a cent,” replied the rich man
c o ld ly ; “ money la not good for the
“ W ell,”
the applicant,
“ just pretend tlint you have a grudge
against me.” — Philadelphia Ledger.
Mothers will find Mrs Winslow's Soothing I
Byrup the best remedy to use for their children I A German biologist has calculated that
Auring the teething period.
the human brain contains 300,000,000
nerve cells. 5,000,000 of which die and
The thimble was at first worn on the are succeeded by new ones every day. At
thumb and was called ‘‘ thumbed.’*
this rate we get an e n tire ly new braiD
A cork carried to a depth of 200 feet every sixty days.
below the surface of the sea will not rise
D o m e s t ic A m e n it i e s .
again owing to the great pressure of
Knicker— I ’ve waited an hour for you
to get your hat on straight.
P I T « St. Vitus* Dance and all Nervous Diseases
Mrs. Knicker— Well, I ’ve waited longer
I 11 V permanently cured by Dr. K lin e’s Great
that for you to get your feet qd
Nerve Restorer. Bend for F R E E |2tr1al bottle and !
treatise. Dr. It. IL K lin e, Ld., 931 Arch bt., Phlla.,Pa. atraight.— New York Sun.
W a ste of E n e rg r.
Absen ce
o f M in d .
The prize hen resolved to quit laying. | Exhausted by the labor of carrying the
” It seems so utterly
absurd,” she furniture out of the building, the man
clucked, “ for a $500 fowl to spend her I whose dwelling was ablaze from cellar to
time and strength in turning out eggs at : garret mechanically rolled a cigaroot and
IG cents a dozen.”
turned to one of the firemen.
Perching herself on her exclusive
“ Have you got a match?” he panted.
roost, she eyed the common barnyard hens
“ A match?” growled the fireman. “ If
Below her with lofty disdain.
you want to light that thing go and touch
it to your house!”
N o T im e fo r T h a t.
Philanthropic Woman (giving him a
coin )— You work, I suppose, when you
can find employment?
Saymold Storey— Work? When I ain’ t
eatin’ and sleepin’, ma’am, my entire time
| is ockypied in solicitin’ work !
f o r In fa n t* an d Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
B i^ T u r i of
B e g g in g
B e a t « W o r k in g ;.
As Clean A t When They Left
Hampton Roads.
Magdalena, Buy, A p r il 7.— (V ia Han
D iego)— The work of preparing for the
C aliforn ia reception, now but ten day*
distant, is already in progress among
the battleships of the Atlan tic fleet.
E very ship not engaged in coaling or
working on the torpedo range is udergo-
ing a thorough scrubbing, scraping and
painting from the water line to the
maetheads. E very inch o f the surface
o f the ships w ill be gone over and
cleaned and polished.
Divers have
been sent over the side of each ehip
and have made thorough inspections of
the bottoms.
Many of the vessels are nearly as
clean as a hen they left
Roads, according to the reports of the
divers. The long tim e spent at anchor­
age in the bay has done more to foul
the bottoms than the trip around the
H orn.
The work of coaling for the final leg
o f the long voyage is being pushed with
a ll speed. Last n igh t the crew of the
M aine worked all night taking coal from
a c ollier alongside and stowing it away
in the bunkers.
A d m ira l Thomas has issued a tenta­
tive program for the fleet for the dates
A p ril 11 to A p ril 19, which includes
the departure of the fleet from Magda­
lena at same hour not yet fixed on
A p ril 11 and its a rriva l at Ban Diego
at 1 p. m. A p ril 14. The program
quotes from the official program of the
reception com m ittee in San Diego, g iv ­
ing the details for the four days the
ship« w ill be in port there.
A d m iral Thomas has also issued a
lengthy detailed order, on the form a­
tion of a brigade of Bailors and marines,
for parade duty in San Diego, San
Francirco and other cities, it provides
for the formation of a fleet naval b rig­
ade o f more than 5,000 men. The total
is made of 64 com paniescf bluejackets,
four from each ship, and 16 companies
uf marines or one from each ehip.
I t hag been proved that no few er
i than 32,000 beggars are at present mak­
l a g g e a t i n g a n Im p ro v e m e n t.
Customer (at dairy lunch counter) — ing a better living in Vienna than or­
You have to pay out a good deal of money dinary workmen. One notorious fam ily
for the ginger you use, do you not?
o f professional beggars recently gave
Proprietor— Ginger? Why, no ; gin­ a grand ball and a concert at a local
ger’s cheap.
Customer— Then why don’t you feed
Flibberty— ‘ ‘When I begin to suspect
■ome of it to your waiters?
that I ’m working too hard at my business
and consult my doctor. I f he says
Th ere is m ore Catarrh in this section o f the
country than a ll otuer diseases put together, I ’ m all right I go back to work.”
and u ntil the last few years was supposed to be
Jibbit— “ There’s nothing original in
Incurable. For a great m any years doctors
pronounced it a local disease and prescribed that idea.
Whenever I get uneasy about Seven Are iKilled and IOO Wounded in
lo ca l rem edies, and by constantly fa ilin g to
Liebon Election ;Riote.
cure w ith local treatm snt, pronounced it in ­ myself I apply for another thousand or
curable. Science has pro>en catarrh to be a two of life insurance.
I f I pass the ex­
constitu tion al disease and th e refo re requires amination I know I ’ m O. K .”
Lishon, A p ril 7.— Seven persons were
constitutional treatm ent. H a ll’sCatarrh lu r e ,
shot to death and 100 others wounded
m anufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
C a u tio n s.
Ohio, is the on ly constitutional cure on H e
by soldiers last evening, after the vot­
market. It is taken in tern ally in doses from 10
Loralne— Is it true that you are en­ ing in the elections in thiB city had
drops to a teaspoonful. U
direetly on the
blood and mucous surfaces o f th e system. gaged to Fred?
ended. The riotin g was widespread and
T h e y offer one hundred dol lars for any case it
Clarice— N o ; I have not given him a such was the confusion during the v io ­
fa ils to cure. Send fo r circulars and testi­
definite answer yet.
I want to wait lent oonflict between the populace and
Address: F. J. C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
and see bow he looks after the football the municipal government that the
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
game is over.— Judge.
Take H a ll’s F a m ily P ills for constipation.
guardsmen, m istaking the in fan try who
ha I been called out for rioters, fired a
A a an In v e s tm e n t.
A F la t t e r e r .
“ A man,” said the philosophical board­ v o lle y into th eir
“ Yes, ma’am,” the convict was say­
wounding three of the soldiers.
ing, ‘‘ I ’m here jis t for trying to flatter er, "is like a gold mine. You never know
The n igh t was one of terror for L is ­
what’s in him until you have run drifts
a rich man.”
through him, as it were, and explored him bon, which seemed suddenly aflame
.“ The idea !” exclaimed the prison vis­ in all his levels.”
w ith revo lt. Bands of men ran w ild ly
“ That’s why I take mighty little stock through the streets, brandishing weap­
“ Yes, ma’am. I jis t tried to im itate in men,” remarked the pessimistic board­ ons, w h ile the sharp crack of rifles was
his signature on a check.” — Tit-Blta.
heard in various sections.
Lisbon remains practically an armed
Large numbers have been ar­
rested. The people are now iD a state
of feverish unrest and it is feared there
may be a recurrence of the bloodshed.
m m OIL
2 5 c .-A L L DKUGGJSTS-SOo.
Chinas« Boycott Against Japanese
Goods Spreading Rapidly.
A p ril 7. — The tn ycctt
against the Japanese arisin g out of the
trouble between Japan and China over
the seizure and subsequent release of
the Tatsu Maru, Is spreading rapid ly.
Mass meetings have been held with
the object o f im pressing upon th e C h i­
nese the necessity o f m aking the b oy­
cott of Japanese products and manufac­
tures as far reaching «8 possible.
Despite a torrential rain today more
than 1,P00 women dressed in w h ite as
an em blem o f mourning attended a
m eeting held for this purpose.
Ford to Face Jury.
San Francisco. A p ril 7 .— Superior
Judge Law lor today ordered tl e trial o f
Teas— And what do you think? Mr
T ite y L . Ford, ch ief counsel for the
Goodhart hadn't been alone with mi
United Railroads, accused ol the bribery
fo r five minutes before he offered to
of Supervisor Coleman, set for Thurs­
kiss me.
day m orning at 10 o'clock, after deny­
Jess— Yes, th at’s one thing about
ing a motion for a change of venue on
M a k i n g a S t a r t.
Jack Goodhart ; he’s Just aa soft-heart­
the grounds o f prejudice.
Im m ediate-
“ I am glad to hear. Miss Bertha, that
ed and charitable aa he can be.— Phil­
you have decided to become a part of the Iv follow in g this ruling. Attorn ey A . A
adelphia Press.
Moore, representing the accused, asked
church militant.”
•jaauyajoj aqj Aq pajujaao ja ie j 8qti'Jd3
“ Why. I haven’ t gone so far as that leave to interpose a plea of “ once in
-Su 4 ([Bins b i q in o tm g jp aaqj puB pad yet, doctor, but I ’ m to be— er— a part of jeop ardy,” and moved the court fo o r­
-d u S si ned aqj qoiqM S n iso p Aq ‘saaiid the church social.”
der an acquittal.
M oore was allowed
eqi( sdjpuBq SBq aauap ja A a p t iq j ,
to enter the supplemental plea.
E x p e rie n c e .
The one hundredth anniversary of the
pening of the port of Rio de Janeiro,
irazil, to international commerce is to
ue celebrated in that city next year by a
national exhibition of industrial, pastoral
and artjjroducts. from June 15 to Sept. 7.
R e a l C h a r it y .
puB jsru pafios jo uad aq) jo saSpa
dJBqs aq) q )iM )no aJB suaSug aq) ua)jo
A id a p a t *aoi)oaaaoo fjq ) a; X )(n o g ip ssa|
j o ajorn paouauadxa s.\Bq qsap b )B qjo.vv
oqM saosuad )so jç . Jdpjoq aq) m o jj suad
Ajsn j SaiAOinaj j o ; | 00 ) •
e| eouaiuaAuoo aoqjo p a t qsap M an y
The curious fact is noted by Prof.
Lamdain of Breslau that careful meas­
urements of the intensity of gravitation
In different parts of the globe show this
to be greater on islands than on conti­
N o t A ttra c te d .
“ Are you Mme. Bombazino, the beau­
ty specialist?” asked the fair caller.
“ Yea. ma’am.” answered the elderly,
square-jawed matron. “ What can I do
for you?”
“ Nothing!” said the caller, making a
hasty exit.
“ Mr. Addemup, what system of book­
keeping have you found to he the most
satisfactory?” asked the tiresome caller.
“ Keeping a bank book,” answered the
busy man at the desk.
H er
O e n e r o a lt y .
He— I wish that you were poor, so
that you would be w illin g to marry
She— Evidently I am far more gener­
ous than you. I wish you were rich,
so that I might be w illing to marry
V n c e r t a ln
In v e s tm e n t .
Legal Adviser— You’re like all the other
successful pugilists. You make scads of
money and then throw it away.
Chuffy de Champ (ya w n in g)— O, I
reckon to.
I ’ m educatin’ me youngest
brudder to be a lawyer.
Thare Im Only One
“ B rom o Quin Ino "
L a x a tiv e B ro m o Q uinine
r m wmma
n o
Always remember the full name.
lo r
to «
m t
lie .
a oolo
oat .
Ingredients Necessary In tha Manu­
factura o f This Product.
By J. Shirley Jonee, Chemist, Idaho Experiment >
Station. Moscow.
Jackies Preparing Atlantic Fleet
tor Grand Parade.
T h is gre at m edicine cures those eruptions,
Trophy for Best Record
Seattle, A p ril 7.— A special to the
Times from Spokane, says that when
the A tlan tic fleet reaches Seattle next
month, the battleship or firet class
cruiser which made the highest score at
the recent target practiee in Magdalena
bay w ill be awarded a solid silver tro­
phy, valued at $1,500, presented by the
people o f Spokane. T h e enp is to be
com peted for annually by battleships
and cruisers of the first class of the en­
tire Am erican navy. Secretary M etcalf
announced that the trophy would be
Nebraska Returns B ow
Lin cold, N eb., A p ril 7.— Insurance
Auditor Pierce today decided to n otify
agen's of compsnlea organised nnder
the laws of California that they must
cease doing business in Nebraska. This
action follow ed a refusal of Com m is­
sioner W o lf, of C aliforn ia, to adm it
Nebraska companies. The action of
Inearance Auditor Pierce affects tbe
Firem en's Fond, of San Francisco; the
Hom e F ire A M arine, o f San Francisco,
and tha Pacific Mutual, o f Loa Angelea.
Four Big Colliers Arrive.
From tim e to tim e the members of
the experim ent station staff are aaked
for inform ation concerning the proper­
ties, com position, and methoda of man­
ufacture o f Portland cement.
inquiries are usually answered by the
station chem ist. Below is given a t y p i­
cal letter o f Inquiry on this subject,
and follow in g it is the reply given by
the station chemist.
W eiaer, Ida., Feb. 26, 1908.
I would like to know the ingredient
and proceea of making Portland cement.
Ie the body of clay or soapetone? I
think I have the raw m ateria). Please
anawer and oblige.— A . W.
A great deal of tim e and labor have
been spent by various chemists In in­
vestigating the composition and prop­
erties of Portland cement. The con­
clusions drawn from these investiga­
tions are not alw ay concordant, but no
one dissents from the view th at the
essential ingredients of this kind of ce­
ment are lim e, eilica and alnmlna.
Other elements are alw ays present,
however, among them being magnesia,
soda, potash, iron, phosphorus, man­
ganese, titanium , etc.
According to
Meade, good cements vary considerably
in com position, but the three im port­
ant ingredienst w ill run about as fo l­
lows: L im e, 58 to 67 per cent; silica,
19 to 25 per cen t; alumina, 5 to 10 per
cen t; and magnesia is allow able to the
exten t of 3 to 5 per cent.
The raw materials from which P ort­
land cement is manufactured are classi­
fied aa argillaceous and calcareous.
Some common forms of the first are
clay, shale, and slate, and o f the latter
limestone, marl and chalk. In these
tw o classes of raw materials are found
a ll the ingredients necessary in the
manufacture of Portland cement. In
the iron regions o f Pennsylvania, how­
ever, blast furnace slag ie made to re­
place the clay or shale. From what­
ever source the raw materials are o b ­
tained, the cem ent manufacturer must
see that they are so m ixed that the
product of calcination contains the im ­
portant compounds mentioned above in
the proportions that experience has
taught are the ones necessary in a good
cement. It becomes alm ost im perative
then that tbe chemical composition of
the raw m aterials should be known.
Althou gh the w riter is not personally
acquainted w ith the limestone regions
c f this state, it appears that there are
at leaat tw o localities in Northern Ida­
ho w here limestone is found in abund­
ance, and since clay is also present, at
least in spots, in the same distriot,
there seems to be goo£ reason for be­
lievin g that in the future a great deal
of the Portland cement used in this
state w ill be made at home.
O f In terest to Farm ers,
The follo w in g publications of interest
to farmers and others have been issued
by the Agricu ltu ral department of the
Federal governm ent and w ill be furn­
ished free, bo long as they are availa­
ble, except where otherwise noted, up­
on application to the Superintendent
of Documents, Governm ent P rin tin g
Office, W ashington, D. C.:
B u lletin No. 100.— R eport of Irr ig a ­
tion Investigations in C alifornia, under
the direction of Elwood Mead, expert
in charge.
Pp. 411, pis. 29, figs. 16.
Price, paper, 90 cents; cloth, $1.25.
This report deals with investigation
carried on during the summer of 1900
in coop eration with the California
W ater and Forest Association. In ad­
d ition to a review of the agricultural
situation in the state, it presents a
com prehensive discusión of the water
laws and customs under which irrig a­
tion is practiced in C alifornia as ty p i­
fied by tiie conditions in Honey Lake
basin and on Yuba river, Cache creek,
Salinas river, San Jeaquin river, Kings
river, Los Angeles river, Sweetwater
river and San Jacinto riv er. It de­
scribes the methods and means by
which water is diverted from these
streams and used for irrigation and the
indefinite and excessive appropriations
of water and the resulting litigation ,
and discusses the evils resulting from
absence of state control of streams.
Bulletin No. 105.— Irrigation in the
U nited States.
Testim ony o f Elwood
Mead, irrigation expert in charge, be­
fore the United States Industrial com­
mission, June 11 and 12, 1901. Pp.
47, pis. 12, fig. 1. P rice 15 cents. The
statement made before the Industrial
commission deals chiefly with the legal
status o f irrigation, touching on state
control, national aid to Irrigation, and
the disposal of the public grazing lands.
The necessity and possibility of storage
are also discussed.
Bulletin No. 133.— Report of Irrig a ­
tion Investigations for 1902, under the
direction of Elwood Mead, chief of Irri­
gation investigation, office of exp eri­
ment stations.
Pp. 266, pis. 12, figs.
16. Price 25 cents.
This bulletin
gives the result of the fourth season’ s
investigations cf the problems of ir r i­
gation, the results obtained in sim ilar
investigations in previous years being
reported in Bulletins 86, 104 and 119,
of this office noted above.
C a > »4
P a m p k la .
Peel tbe pumpkin, cot Into pleoea and
cover with boiling water. 9tew until
very tender, then rub through a colan­
der. Return to the Ore, bring to a hard
boll, aweeten to taste and, while boil­
ing. fill tha overflowing hot jara and
east Im m ediately.___________
The Evolution of
Household Remedies.
F r e e C o n s e n t o f th e P e o p le .
T h e “ pioneer American Democrat”
was the Rev. Thomas Hooker o f Con­
necticut, who, in a sermon in Hartford
In the year 1033, »aid, “ The founda­
tion o f «11 authority 1 h firstly laid in
the free consent o f the people.” There,
in embryo, were the Revolution and
the great republic.
In the “ Funda­
mental Orders o f Connecticut,” inspired
by Hooker and adopted at H artford in
[ 1038, we have the first written consti­
tution known to history that created
I a government. And that government
was as near a perfect democracy a9
the world has ever seen.— New York
For the
The modern patent medicine buxi-
neu is the natural outgrowth of tha
aid-time household remedies.
In the early history o f thia country,
E V E U Y F A M I L Y H A D IT S H O M E ­
H erb
T o succeed these days you
bitters, laxatives and tonics, w ere to be
found in almost every house, compound­
must have plenty of grit, cour­
ed by the housewife, sometimes assisted
a g e , strength. How is it with
by the apothecary or the fam ily doctor.
the children ? Are they thin,
Such remedies a* picra, w hich wag
pale, delicate ? Do not forget
aloes and quassia, dissolved in apple
A y e r ’s S a rsa p a rilla . You
brandy. Sometimes a hop tonic, made
A terrible noise o f thumping and > know it makes the blood pure
o f whiskey, hops and bitter barks. A
score or more o f popular, home-made «tam ping came from Bob’s room early [ and rich, and builds up the
one morning.
remedies w ere thus compounded, the
general health in e v e r y w a y .
“ Bobby, Bobby,” called his mother,
formulae for which w ere passed along
from downstairs, “ what U going o n '
The children cannot possibly have good
from house to house, sometimes written,
health unless the bowels ere In proper condi­
lip there?”
tion. A sluggish liver gives a coated tongue.
sometimes verbally communicated.
breath, constipate«! bowels. Correct all
“ My shoes,” replied Bob.
these by giving small laxative doses o f Ayer’s
The patent medicine business is a
Fills. A ll vegetable, sugar coated.
natural outgrowth from this w hole­
N o P r iv ile g e «.
Made Also
bw J. m
C. anufacturers
Ayer Co., Low
some, old-time custom. In the b eg in ­
of eU« Maas.
The business agent stuck his head in- j
ning, some enterprising doctor, im ­ side the shop door. A solitary man was '
pressed by the usefulness o f one of st work.
“ What are you doing here?” he de­
these home-made remedies, would take
____________ _____
it up, improve it in many ways, manu­ manded. “ Don’t you know this is a holi- ,
day ?'*
facture it on a large scale, advertise it
“ Not for me,” answered the solitary j
and Soap Wrapper« from
mainly through almanacs for the home, man, without looking up from his work.
and thus it would become used over a “ I ’m the boss.”
Products and exchange them for
large area. L A T T E R L Y T H E H O U SE-
A D e li c a t e T a s k .
“ The newspapers,” said the orator
40 page Illustrated catalogue of 1000 articles giv e«
away FREE. Addrese
solemnly, “ do not tell the truth."
“ Perhaps not,” answered the editor w as origin ally one o f these
regretfully. “ W e do our best; but, you
old-time remedies. I t was used by the
know, there Is nothing more difficult
Mennonites, o f Pennsylvania, before it
than to tell the truth In a way that
was offered to the publio for sale. Dr.
won't put It up to some one to chal­ ■ ■ O P E N A I L . L T H E Y E A R
Bartman, T H E O R I G I N A L COM­
veracity.” — Washington
I C latsop B each
S easide , rison
P O U N D E R OF P E R U N A , is o f Men-
D irectly on the beach overlooking
■ nK
the ocean. Hot salt baths and
lonite origin. First, he prescribed it
N a m in g the T ig e r .
■ * * pUir
• * * » ■ for
« • flBklBf
Beeres-I I
for his neighbors and his patients.
u r r n HOUSE
u u a c ■ t ,0B
On the overthrow o f the monarchy
n r Man parlors. Electric ligh t*. F ir e - 1
Che sale o f it increased, and at last he
walks I
o f Louis Philippe a Sunday crowd vis­
istablished a manufactory and fur-
D R F n O N ” and drives. Men foods n spec- I
ited the Jardln d o« Plantes and waa
|B,ty> Kate«, $2.50 and $3.00 I
lished it to the general dru g trade.
per day. A®“ Special rates by the week. I
amazed to find the fine specimen o f the
DAN. J. MOOHE, P rop rietors
Peruna is useful in a great many
Bongal tiger still bearing the label of
dimatic ailments, such as coughs, colds,
“ Le T igre Royal.**
Nothing would
ore throat, bronchitis, and catarrhal
serve the furious crowd but that at
liseases generally. T H O U S A N D S OF
once on the spot the authorities should
change the name to “ Le T ig re Nation­
7SE OF P E R U N A and its value in the
al,” and they did.— London Academy.
reatment o f these ailments.
They :
T o F i t t h e C r im e .
tave learned to trust and believe in
“ I reckon I ’ m guilty, y ’r honor,” snuf­
Dr. Hartm an's judgm ent, and to rely
fled th« leathery faced old vagabound who
in his remedy, Peruna.
had been run in for drunkenness and gen- j
era! worthlessness, “ but it ain’ t my
G iv in g a n Illu s t r a t io n .
*3 6 0
“ Whose fault is it?” inquired the police
Voice (over the telephone)— “ Profei-
sor, I am getting up a special article for justice.
This trade mark
“ It ’s the fault o’ my brother-in-law an’
and the word
one of the illustrated weekly papers on
T ower on the
‘The Value of the Comparatively Unim­ my sister-in-law. They won’t let me live
buttons distin­
portant.’ Please tell me, for instance, one with ’em any more. When a feller’s in­
this high
of your methods of saving your odds and laws goes back on ’ im, y’r honor, he
grade slicker fro.
ends of time, by which you are enabled to cain’t help bein’ a outlaw.”
the just as good
“ Six months in the workhouse!” roared
do so much work without having to
j . tow ,, to
? *
the police justice.
The Professor— “ Always omitting the
*good-by’ when using the telephone.”
(Hangs up receiver.)
“ 20 Mule Team Borax”
Y e t,
“ Say,” wired the chairman of the Ske-
dunk campaign committee, “ can’t you send
us speakers of better caliber than the
chaps that talked here last night?”
“ W e’re merely firing the opening guns
of the campaign,” wired back the political
manager at headquarters. “ W e’ ll send you
some bigger bores after awhile.”
E v e r y case o f R heu m atism has its o rig in and its d evelo p m en t in th e
blood. I t is n o t a disease w h ich is con tracted lik e a cold, but it is in th e
blood and system b efore a pain is felt, and th e chan ges in th e w eath er o r
an y p h y sic a l irre g u la rities , such as a s p e ll o f in d ig es tio n , b ow el disturbance,
etc., are m e re ly th e e x c itin g causes p ro d u cin g th e pain s and aches, w h ich
F illin g a Need.
are th e natural s ym p to m s o f th e disease.
R heu m atism is caused b y an
“ Mister,” whined the small urchin, excess o f uric acid and o th er corrosive, ir r ita tin g poisons in th e blood, w h ich
as he shivered from hoad to foot, “ It are carried th ro u g h th e c ircu la tion to e v e r y p art o f th e system .
E very
is so bitter cold. C-can’t ye r spare me m uscle, n erve, m em brane, tissue and jo in t becom es saturated w ith these
a nickel?**
acrid, irrita tin g im p u rities, o r coated w ith fine, in solu ble caustic m atter,
“ Yes, my boy,” replied the benevo­ and th e sharp, p ie rc in g pains o r th e d u ll, con stant aches are fe lt w ith e v e ry
lent old gentleman as he opened his p h ysical m ovem en t.
W h en th e b loo d is filled w ith uric acid p oison , perm a­
purse and fished out the coin.
n en t re lie f can n ot be e xp ected fro m lin im en ts, plasters, o r o th er ex tern a l
“ Thanks, mister.”
treatm en t. Such m easures g iv e te m p o ra ry re lie f, but in ord er to con qu er
“ And now I suppose you are going R h eu m atism and b rin g about a
Sometime ago, I had Rheumatism and had to
p lete cure, th e u ric acid and
to buy fuel with it?”
quit work. The pain in my back and between
o th er in fla m m a to ry m atter must be
“ N op e! An ice-cream soda.”
my shoulder* was so intense I could not rest or
e x p e lled , and th is cannot be done
sleep. I tried everything, but nothing did me any
M illio n « fo r P u b lic B a th «.
good till I heard of and took S. S. S. This med­
w ith extern a l treatm en t. S. S. S.
icine cured me sound and well.
It purified my
The Italian ministry o f public In­ cures R heu m atism because it is a
blood and made me feel like a new man.
struction has decided to reconstruct the p erfect and e n tire ly v e g e ta b le blood
Baths o f Caracalla to conform to de­ p urifier.
It goes dow n in to the
Anderson, Ind.
122 E. 19th 8t.
scriptions transmitted by history.
It circu lation , n eu tralizes th e acids,
I was severely troubled with Rheumatism. I
and any ono
Is also the Intention to have them used and d issolves th e ir r ita tin g d epos­
who has ever had Rheumatism know* how excru­
by the people as In olden times. The its w h ich are p ressin g on th e sen si­
ciating the pain is and how it interfere* with on*
reconstruction w ill cost millions o f dol­ tiv e nerves and tissues and produ c­
at v/ork. I was truly in bad shape— having been
bothered with it for ten years, off and on.
lars as the marble and statuary which in g pain, enriches th e w eak, sour
physician advised me to use S. S. S. I did
ornamented the baths nearly 2.000 blood, and rem oves e v e ry atom o f
so. After taking two bottles I noticed the sore­
years «g o have been removed to deco­ im p u rity from th e circu lation . So
ness and pain were greatly reduced. I continued
the medicine and was thoroughly cured; all pain,
rate churches and houses o f the aristoc­ instead o f b e in g a weak, sour
and inflammation gone. I recommend
stream, d is trib u tin g uric acid to the
racy In Rome.
S. S. S. to all Rheumatic sufferers.
d ifferen t parts o f th e system , the
U n c le J e r r y .
b lood is stro n g and h ea lth y and
80S E. Greenbrier St.,
Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
“ Speakin’ of these here State charita­ th erefore able to s u p p ly e v e ry m us­
ble ins’tutions,” remarked Uncle Jerry | cle, n erve, bone and tissue w ith n ou rish m en t and stren gth . T h e n th e in fla m ­
Peebles, “ I reckon they ain’t as black as m ation and s w e llin g subside, th e pain s and aches cease, and n ot o n ly is
they’re painted nor as white as they’re
R heu m atism p erm a n en tly cured, but under th e fin e to n ic effects o f S. S. S.
th e e n tire gen era l health is benefitted and b u ilt up.
In a ll form s o f R h eu m a­
E verybody Lau gh ed
tism , w h eth er acute o r chronic, S. S. S. w ill be found a safe and re lia b le trea t­
“ Perhaps you would feel better,” ment. S pecial book on R h eu m atism and an y m edical a d vice y ou d esire w ill
said the hopeful and helpful person, “ if be fu rn ished free.
T H E S W I F T S P E C IF IC CO ., A T L A N T A , G A .
you would do something to lighten the
hearts o f your fellow men.”
“ T h a t’s Just what I have been do­
ing,” answered Mr. Sirius Barker. “ My
hat blew off and I had to chase it two
blocks!” — Washington Star.
General Demand
o f the W ell-Inform ed o f the W orld has
W. L. D o u g la a m a k e a a n d mallm m o ra
m a n ’a 0 2 . BO. 0 3 .0 0 a n d 0 3 . BO a haem
alw ays been fo r a simple, pleasant
than any, other manufacture* In t h e __
and efficien t liquid laxative rem edy of
•*d their
fu t
noer, and
known value; a lax a tive which physi­
any other
ßtw m
cians could sanction fo r fam ily use !
K i e lu H T t t y .
$4 and $5 Gilt fd g i Shoes Cannot Bo Equalled At Anj Price
because Its com ponent parts are ; W. f F L r Douglas
__ ______
A U T lO Y .
W. L. Do^/laa name . an«1
price _________..________________
is stamped on bottom. T n
H k f Hi«* N iih e d t ii t c .
Ilia *
known to them to be wholesome and
trated ran»loir free to any address.
W . I«. IMP I* M L A N , Iftro rk iu n , M aaa.
truly beneficial Ie effect, acceptable
to the system and gentle, yet prompt,
in action.
In supplying that demand with Its
excellen t com bination o f Syrup of
F igs and E lix ir of Senna, the C ali­
fornia F ig Syrup Co. proceeds along
la positive proof <>f the reliability and confidence our pa­ ever, will chew your food properly and thoroughly,
ethical lines and relies on the m erits
tients have in u*. Specialists alw ays in attendance, while your looks are improved beyond description.
assuring prompt and courteous attention. Lady attend­ A hollow tooth that ia now useless can be filled and
o f the lax a tive fo r Its rem arkable
'-•i so that it is saved for probably a lifetime.
ant always preaent.
keli.hle P .in l.M Dcntiata — Our rrpu t.llo. for T o secure the best results you must secure the
T w o yggs, one cup o f sugar, a pinch
of salt, butter the size o f a walnut
(m e lte d ), one and a h alf cups o f flour,
two and a h alf cups o f yellow corn
meal, tw o teaspootifuls o f linking pow­
der, a large tableapoonful o f molasses,
enough rich sweet milk to make a bat­
ter that w ill pour. M ix well and make
That la one o f many reasons why
In a hot oven In a loaf tin fo r thirty
Syrup o f F igs and E lixir o f Senna Is
minutes. ____________________
given the preference by the W ell- I
A government commission is struggling
with the problem of exterminating the Informed. T o get Its beneficial effects -
Nun butterfly, which has become a plague alw ays buy the genuine— manufac­
n Bohemia.
tured by tbe California F ig Syrup Co., i
only, and fo r sale by all leading
S p o n g e D ro p r a k e s .
Three eggs, one and o n e ha If cups druggists. P rice fifty cents per bottle
sugar, tw o cups flour, o n e b a lf cup cold
water, tw o tea spoonful« baking powder,
No. 16—O*
one tea spoonful extract lemon.
H E N w r i t i n g t o A d v e r t is e r « p l e a « «
the egge without set is rating, add the
m e n t io n t h is p a p a r.
sugar, water, flour and baking powder
sifted together, and flavoring.
In muffin pans or cups In quick oven.
reliability and thoroughneu it well established. Cleanli­
ness, Good W ork and Quick Service.
“ A N D IT D ID N ’T H U R T A B I T ’*
Painless Extraction. 50 cents. Extraction Free
whr n pistes or bridges are ordered. Plates
and up.
Best Plate W o rk — Perhaps your teeth have become
so useless that It ia impossible to firmly set a a bridge.
Then the old stumps sre removed without causing you tile
•lightest pain, and a plate is fitted. If the plate fita per­
fectly it will look well and perform its work of mssticsting
your food satisfactorily. With my ao years’ experience in
this work will guarantee satisfaction in every caae.
Crown and Bridge W o rk . — It’» • shame to spoil
your personal appearance and ruin your digestion from
tbe lack o f teeth to properly masticate your mod, when a
bridge can be supplied that will cause no discomfort what-
highest grade o f skill.
Examination free and invited. When desired jom
can have T . P. Wiae or my personal service.
Our fore« Is so organixed that w e can do
your entire Crown. Bridge and Plata W ork
in a day if neceaaary.
W . A . W I S E DENTfl?
SenaFrancieco, A p ril 7 — Since Satur­
day four British colliers, carrying 25,-
000 tons of eoal for the b ig fleet o f IA
N ew York hag 67,000,000,000 gallon*
battleship« from tba Atlan tic, have ar­
Color more r o o d , brighter and faister co lo n than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally w e n
rived at this port and are now moored o f water stored away In its mountain end Is cuaranteed to rivej^rtect^reeulta. Aak dealer, or w e w ill send p ^ ^ a l d atJOc ^ p a c V a je ^^ W rjte (or free booklet
in the stream.
Quincy, Illlnole,
| n o w to dye, bleacn$añd i