The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, April 09, 1908, Image 2

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    The Estacada News
lu lle d E u h Thursday
.............. O R E G O N
I d a Condensed Form for Onr
k Resum e o f the L e t s Im portant but
N ot L e s s Interesting Even ts
o f the P a s t W eek.
The torpedo flotilla has reached Mag­
dalena bay for practice.
K ng Edward ig severely criticised by
his people for leaving his poet at a
Naval experts say many new records
were made hy the battleships fleet at
Magdalena bay.
Howard Gould is suing his wife for a
divorce. Drinking is her worst offeDse,
according to bis story.
Oliver C. Dallas, under arrest at Hel­
ena. hag admitted making many false
reports on mineral surveys.
Harriman denies that he has main­
tained a monopoly of the transportation
business in Oregon and California.
H O P E L E S S S P L IT .
Many C h a rg e s in B ritish Cabinet to
Fo llo w as Result.
Interstate Com m ission Cannot Agrae
on Sp o k an e Rate Caza.
London, April 7.— Great Britain
in a peculiar position, being without
either premier or miniatiy. The long
expected resignation of Sir Henr
Campbell-Bannerman, the prime min
later, wag officially announced Satur
day night. According to the court cir
cular, he resigned on the urgent recom
mendation of his medical advisers, arid
as the constitution provides no auto­
matic successor, it resting with the kirg
to choose a new head of the gc\en,
merit, and in aocoidance with the cur
tom and precedent, the whole cabinet
lesigns with the premier, no step to
appoint a ministry can be taken until
Herbert H. Asquith, chancellor of the
exchequer, who lias been summoned to
Biarritz for the purpose, has seen the
The position of the country is quite
unprecedented, there being no previous
example of a change occurring in the
premiership while the sovereign war
abroad. On this account the course of
procedure to oe followed is in sc
Sir Henry’s condition remains un
changed, according to the physicians'
The king, [in telegraphing
his acceptance of the premier’s resign»
tion, conveyed an expression of his re­
gret and esteem, with beat wishes for
Sir Henry’ s recovery.
Washington, April 6.— Alter havin
the Spokane rate case under considers
tion for more than one year, the Iu tir
state Commerce coinmitaion is appar
ently hopelessly divided legardiug tt
decision which should be rende,ed
The case Is the D.o-t important upon
the dockets of the commission, aud up
nn It hinges the entire rate fahiic of the
United States.
If the ccmmisslon^ehould decide with
Ibe shippers of Spokane, the theory up
on whioli the railroads have made rates
from the earliest days will be upset and
pa-t decisions on the short aud long
haul clause of the commerce act w ill be
more or lees nullified.
On the other
hand, if the commission refuses te dis
turb the pieeent adjustment, a long sti
toward establishing the justice of the
ratemaking methods of tiie railroads
will have been taken. Rec. gniziug tie
import of the case, the commission went
into a moet careful and elaborate inves­
tigation and bearing of all the facts and
listened to arguments from a largi
number of the business. ad and
commercial lawyers in the West.
Since Ihe arguments were heard the
commission has had numerous confer
ences regard ng a decision, and it de
velops that there are at least three dil
ferent views which thus far have proved
The commission has
struggled in vain to get a major ty re­
port and apparently is in a deadlock.
The case is one which had been both
ering the railroad* in the Northwest ior
years prior to the commission’s being
given greater powers. Owing to water
competition, according to the railroads
the rates to Spokane from the Eastern
seaboard are the rates to the Pacifie
coast, plus the local rates from the Pa
cific coaet back to Spokane. The latter
city insists that this is unfair.
G r c w jr s Get A rch ite ct's D raw ing: —
Soon S ta r t W o rk
F ru it In W illam ette Valley Pro m isee to
D o Unusually W ell.
Salem— Climatic condition* dur ng
the past winter have been ix-eptron-
ably favorable for all farm crops and
the present fair weather is considered
ideal for fruit.
The cold spring lias
kept the fruit trees back, thus protect
ing them to a large extent from danger
of injury from frosts and late rains.
Grower» expect tair weather through
the blossoming period and with such
conditions prevailing a full cropof fruit
w ill “ set.”
Apples in Ihe Willamette valley were
a short crop last season and with even
fair conditions this year the trees should
bear an immense crop.
Cherry, pear
and prune trees are apparently in -per­
fect condition and there seeinb to he no
reason why a bumper crop should not
be realized. Tne high prices scoured
in recent years for fruit has encouraged
the growers to do more extensive prun­
P A Y S $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 F O R O R C H A R D
ing and spraying that ever before, with
Dr. F. C Page, o f M ed fo rd . B u y * 258 the result that the quality of fruit har­
vested will be exceptionally good. Tne
A c re * in Ashland D iatrict.
Ashland — The papers have been coming of fair weather has set the plows
drawn at Ashland in what it is believed going in all orchards and cultivation
is the biggest orchard sale yet consum will this year be unusually thorough.
mated in the hiBtory of the Rogue
W ill S e e k Isolated Land.
River valley.
Tire property involved
Union— Property in this county which
is tire orchard and farm of County
Commissioner Joshua Patterson, locat­ has been lost to the assessment rolls is
ed in Talent precinct, four miles north about to he discovered and made to pay
of Ashland. Two hundred and fifty its share of the expenses of county aqd
eight acres was the acreage involved in state government. It is said that nu­
the deal, 130 acres being young orchard merous tracts of isolated land have nev­
of four and five-year-old apple trees in er been located by assessors in listing
fine condition, the remainder being properly. J. T. Williamson, of La
farm lands suitable for fruitgrowing, Grande, who has made a business of lo­
but implanted to trees. The consider cating land for a number of years, has
arranged with the county commissioners
ation in the deal was $52,^00.
to do the work on a percentage basis.
S e t Out M any G razes.
The early records are very poor and w ill
Grants Pass— One of the largest ship require much work.
meets of Tokay grape cuttings was un
loaded at the depot this week that has
$ 2 ,0 0 0 Raised for Diking Fund.
ever been received in one lot in South
Freewater— A largely attended meet
ern Oregon.
One hundred thousand ¡Dg of ranchers, interested in control!
cuttings were consigned to W. B. Sher­ ing the flood waters of the Tum-a-lum
man, who is setting out 80 acres in ihe i nd Walla Walla rivers, met last week
foothills just outside of the city limits in Badgero’ s hall.
About $2,000 has
overlooking town. Several other con- been subscribed for the project, and the
gignmeuts of small amounts have been work of diking the river has already
distributed to various other fruit grow commenced.
Twenty-three thousand
ers. Growers feel jubilant over the a res of land in this valley are irriga­
outlook for grapes and are hustling to ble, of which there are - 6,000 acres
get well rooted vines to plant and in nr>w under cultivatiou producing excel­
some instances Willamette valley nurs lent crops.
erymen have been unable to fill more
than half the orders.
T h e Dalles to Have Float
M iltor— Plans (or the new warehouse
and cold storage plant to be erected by
he Miltou Fruitgrowers’ union have
been received from the architect, F. E.
Finkenhiner, of W all» 'V a lla , and pre­
parations ■ rj b in g made to begin work,
l'he building will have 18-ioot walls,
wiih a f II basement. The second itory
will be used as a box factory and for
storage purp> ses
Half of the basement
will be used for cold rtoiage, the re­
mainder for storage of fruit i aud ber­
ries awaiting si ipment.
The plans are now to construct the
building of concrete.
Large shipping
platforms w ill surround it on two sides
and one end. The building will lie 40
feet wide and 100 fert long, with freight
elevators at each end.
It w ill have a
ca racily of handling $o0l','IUU worth of
fr lit during a season.
Important Legislation Pending at
Katlopal Capital.
Dry F a rm H om estead
B ill,
in W h ich
W e it is G re atly interested,
im ong M easu res.
U P P E R C O U R T T O D E C ID E .
R u ef A sk s That Ju d g e Dool ng B e
Fo rb id d en to T ry H im .
San Francisco. April 3 . —With the
views of Judge Maurice T. Pooling, as
announced front the bench, that an im­
munity contract is non existent in law,
illegal if entered into by a district at­
torney and unenlorceable by a defend­
ant, indicating a probable advere ruling
on the objection of Abraham Ruef to
turther proceedings against him be­
cause 1 f the promise of immunity made
him by the prosecution but afterwards
repudiated, Ruef, through his attor­
neys, today made application to the
State Supreme court for a writ of man­
date and petitioned for a writ of pro­
hibition. The application and petition
are identical with the ones denied yes­
terday by the District Court of Appeal.
The Supreme court is a-ked to prohibit
Judge Dooliog from continuing the
trial of Ruef, and to issue a writ of
mandate ordering him to transfer the
caee 1 1 another department of the Su­
perior court.
Assistant District Attorney Francis
J. Heney this afternoon replied to the
argument of Frank J. Murphy, «h o
raised tiie question of the immunity
contract before Judge Dooling this
morning and contended that through
Ruef’s reliance upon tiie promise made
him, his constitutional rights were in­
vaded when he testified before the
grand jury and that he was entitled to
he placed back where he could attack
the validity of the indictmente.
Washington, April 4.— There are sev­
eral important b 11a pending before
senate and house, or in their commit­
tees, of great interest to the West, any
one ol which can probably be pasted it
Western senators and longressmen wi 1
vet together and make a united effort.
Most conspicuous among thorn at the
present time is tiie 320-acre dry farm
nomesttad bill, a measure that means
a great deal to the states west of the
Missouri river, in many of which set­
tlement is practically checked because
the best lands have passed to private
ownership, and what remains cannot
be successfully entered under the qxiet-
ing homestead law.
Another most meritorious measure
hanging in the ba'ance is the Borah
P R A C T IC E N E A R L Y O V E R .
bill, providing funda for building
schools, installing sewer and water sys­
tems and making other municipal im ­ Vessels at M agdalena B a y About to
provements in towns established on
C o a l and C lean Sh ip .
government irrigation projects.
San Diego, Cal., April 3.— Wireless
bill proposes to donate to such towns
reports received from Magdalena hay
all moneys derived from the sale of
state that the record target practice of
town iota, a fund which, in moat in
1908 lor the Atlantic fleet is practically
stances, will be ample for the purpose.
at an end. The Vermont, the last ol
Experience has shewn that towns on
the “ Big 16” to go upon the ranges,
government projects have been slower
completed the firing ol her 12 inch
of development than towns on Carey act
guns yesterday and today was complet­
projects. The latter have grown rapid­
ing her record with the rifles in the
ly. Large schools have been erected
secondary battery.
Most of the ships
adequate water and sewer systems have
also have completed their torpedo prac­
been installed, streets have been im
tice, so that little remains to be done
proved, etc., whereas in towns on gov
at Magdalena bay but to coal and clean
eminent projects the citizens have been
obliged to go down into their own peck
It iB said that ail of the vessels will
ets to provide and maintain schools and
take on sufficient ooal to carry them to
property holders have been compelled
San Francisco. In this way the ships
to bear the entire expense of all civk
w ill be open to visitors every day of
their stay at the various ports on the
The national drainage bill, which
coast. During coaling days all ships
contemplates the reclamation of swamp
of the navy are barred to visitors and
and overflowed lands in all parts ol the
practically all of the officers have to
United States, stands little cl a ice Ol
remain on board.
passing this session.
Though it is
The Connecticut, which brought Ad-
measure of great merit, there does not
m ral Evans to San Diego yesterday af-
seem to be that interest that is esaen
ternoo -, and which cleared again for
tial to force through a bill of such mag
Magialena bay at 4 o’clock in the after­
nitude and importance. It is difficult
noon, was 240 miles south at noon to­
to explain this lack of interest, too, for
day and will rejoin the fleet late to­
there is scarcely a state that has not
morrow afternoon.
some lands that would be benetitted by
The weather at Magdalena bay is re­
a national drainage law.
ported as cloudy and threatening,
There is one bill that congress will
these conditions having prevailed for
[•ertainly not pass this session, yet one
some time. No rain haa fallen in the
that should have been enacted long ago
hay, but a few miles inland it is said
a bill repealing the timber and stone
there have been heavy showers. White
act and submstituting some more prac
uniforms were expected to be worn, but
ticable statute providing for the dispos
blue has been the pretcribed color
al of government timber. It has been
nearly every day.
amply demonstrated that the timber
and atone act is vicious and unjust.
C O N D E M N S A L L P E N D IN G B I L L S .
The Canadian Pacific railway has de­
cided to build a second line through Ja p a n M uch Ir fluenced by Com ing ot
the Rocky mountains to the Pacific
A m erican Fleet.
Tokio, April 7.— A few days ago
The Italian car in the New York to Count Okuma received a deputation
Paris automobile race has arrived at from the Japanese residents of Sacra
Han Francisco and w ill take a steamer mento, Cal., and from the Japanese
lor Alaska.
newspaper men of San Francisco, who
Representative Hobson, of Alabama wished to solicit his views on the emi
says the navy needs more ships. That grar'ton problem. The count is report
F IG H T F O R S A L T B E D S .
Japan could easily whip the United ed by the vernacular papers to have
States at present.
Deposits o f En o rm ou s Value Discov
out wherein lay the object of the dis­
On her return from San Diego to patch of the American
ered in Utah.
Mag dalena the Connecticut exceeded squadron to the Pacific at this time. A
Washington, April 6.— Title to lands
her trial speed, and that after the long good deal has been made of the move­
in the state of Utah containing salt de
trip from Hampton Roads.
ment by the European press and it was
posits of an extent and purity hitherto
not only unknown, but undreamed of,
A bitter prohibition oampaign in Illi- looked upon there as an occurrence of
unusual significance. Japan, however,
is involved in a sensational contest now
Bois is near an end.
had received the assurance of the
being fought out in this city.
Philippine Democrats have Indorsed
United States government that it was
38,000 acres of lands lying along the
Bryan for president.
not intended as a menace to Japan,
western border of Utah have been dis
Japan is to abolish the stigma of caste but was merely undertaken for the pur­
covered to be oveitopped with salt, and
on the lower classes.
pose of training officers and men.
an attempt is being made to acquire
Nevertheless, whatever the real ob­
them by the filing of placer mining
Great Britain is alarmed at the
ject cf the movement might be, it was
claims on the part of Individuals. The
growth of Socialism.
indisputable that Japan's emigration
vaule of the lands was today estimated
The chief of the Crow Indians defends policy had been considerably affected
by one of the claimants at $00,000,090
Indian Agent Reynolds.
thereby and it was not easy to sever en
Deposited by nature on the lands
Russia is inclined to the demands on tirely the dispatch of the fleet from the
The Dalles— At a meeting of the com over which the contest is being made is
policy Japan had lately pursued toward
a bed of pure salt, which in some places
the control of Manchuria.
Salem— The Oregon Railroad com­ meicial club it was decided that this lies to a depth of six feet. This salt is
the United States in this connection.
mission has rendered its decision in the city shall be represented at the rose of so fine a quality that it has been
Delaware Republicans w ill send un
instructed delegates to the convention.
O. R. & N. distributive rate ease, or­ show in Portland by a float to be de­ iound unnecessary to refine it. It can
dering a reduction in rates between signed aud constructed by J. W . Har­ be marketed direct from the deposit and
An entire trainload of oranges has
A committee haa
Portland and points east of The Dalles. per, of Portland.
tests have shown it to be 98 per cent
just been sent from California to Iowa
Eva n s 8 ays Voyage to Pa cific W as The reduction amounts to 3 cents a made a canvass of the business houses pure.
Elaborate preparations have
Japan is making extroaordinary war
W e ll Tim ed.
been made for the control of the land
preparations to continue the expansion
7 cents to Arlington, 13 cents to Pen­ an additional $ 100. The float w ill be by individuals, who have thus far kept
San Francisco, April 7.— Admiral
dleton, 18 cents to La Grande and Ba­ decorated with the products of thiB v i­ the discovery of the deposit out of the
Robley D. Evans, in an interview
ker City, and 19 cents to Huntington, cinity and w ill be one of the features of newspapers.
The old Fifth avenue hotel in New printed in the Chronicle today, said:
with proportionate reductions to other the spirit of the Golden West parade
York has closed and politicians are
For two or three months they were
"T h e greater interest cf the United
points and on other classes of freight
successful, but now the' state of Utah
States today is in tiio Pacific. The
Kates to The Dalle are already low
Dallas— Hon. W. C. Brown will be­ has awakened to the vast possibilities
The German diet lias forbidden the coining of the fleet to this coast has not enough, owing to water competition
use of any language at public meetings only demonstrated to the world that we All the commissioners concurred in gin the work of drilling for coal on his of this salt deposit and the aid of the
have 16 battler-hips which can be
but German.
properry in the northern part of this senate of the United States and the
New York Chamber Advocates Com ­
the decision.
president has been invoked in an effort
brought together for a long cruise at a
within a few days. Several good
mission on Currency System.
Harriman officials announce that ex­ moment's notice, but it lias called the
to retain the product, which the com­
S h i a r Sp eep W ith M achinery.
specimens of lignite coal have been
Watson and Williams Their Choice for
New York, April 3.— None of the
tensive improvements to San Pedro bar attention of the people of our own
Arlington— Sheep-shearing will begin found in recent excavations, and the monwealth claims under a section of
National O fficers.
currency legislation now before con­
bor will be made by the Southern Pa­ country to the fact that we have a Pa­ at Smythe A Smith's plant, five miles
contour of the land at that place indi­ the enabling act making it a slate.
St. Louis, April 4.— For president of gress, with the exception of the Lover­
cific coast as well'as an Atlantic coast, south of here, this week. Sixteen cates the presence of a large deposit.
'he United States, Thomas E. Watson ing bill, which provides for the ap­
It is announced th afth e coal mine at and that it will lie defended just as shearing machines w ill be used, the Mr. Brown Is convinced that the pro­
pointment of a commission to investi­
of Georgia.
Hanna, W yo., in which a score of min­ much as every inch of land around New power lieing furnished by a six horse ject will pay, and will lose no time in
For vice president, Samuel W . W il­ gate the currency and banking systems
Forty thou­ making the preliminary excavations for
ers were killed, will probably never be York, and that our interests in the Pa­ power gasoline engine.
Then Com m ission W ill A ct on Open
of the United States, will have the ap­
liams, of Indiana.
cific today are greater than in the A t­ sand sheep will he sheared at this plant sinking a shaft.
■ng Po rtlan d Gatew ay.
This ticket was nominated yesterday proval of Ihe New York chamber of
tliia seasen, and an average of 2.000
A general strike In Rome has follow
"This is tiie short road to the coun­ heail daily it expected. Sheepmen re
Washington, April 6.— The Portland by the Peoples’ patty convention after commerce. This was tiie decision to­
B ig Batch o f ateelhead Eg g s.
ed a labor riot.
day when the chamber adopted the re­
tries of the Far East, w h ire the greatest port that the sheep are in good condi­
Oregon City— Superintendent Henry gateway case, which was argued last two stormy sessions, throughout which port of its special committee to investi­
Ruef a last objectionJto a trial has commercial development is to be. W ith tion, but that pasture is getting scarce. O’ Malley, of the United Statei bureau fall and which involves the shipment the Nebraska and Minnesota delega­
development w ill come war, hut it will This lias been one of ihe moat success­ of fisheries, reports that prospects are of lumber eastward from Puget sound tions, working in the interests of W . J gate and report upon pending legisla­
been overruled.
be a commercial war, fought witli ful lambing seasons known, hut few good for a t ke of 2,000,000 steelhead via Portland, w ill not be decided until Bryan, strove desperately to bring about tion. It is the belief of the committee
The Brasilian cruiser Burgamin Con-
that there is little chance o ' any cur­
brains and dollars and not with 10-jnch lambs being lost from any cause.
eggs at the Rogue river station, which the Interstate Commerce commission an adjournment til) after nominations
etant is to visit Honolulu.
rency legislation being enacted at the
guns. It w ill be generated by such men
lie haB just inspected. Superintendent
present session of congress.
Fig h t fo r W a te r Rights.
Andrew Carnegie lias given $8,000,- as Harriman, and the part ol the navy
O'Malley has just received 100,000
The committee’s ri p rt recommends
000 more to pension university profess­ is only to be always ready. We do not
Milton— Hearing of the Becond irri­ Rainbow trout eggs from the govern­ here. The commission will this week numbered, and without any chance
olan nor fight commercial battles.
gation suit in the involved water situa­ ment station at Baird, Cal., ami these hold its first conference on the lumber whatever of gaining their object, Ihe the enactment of a law providing for
“The coming of the fleet was most tion in thiB part of the Walla Walla will be hatched and liberated from rate case and its decision in that case Nebraska men fought desperately to the the appointment of a commiarion to in­
Hard times have forced Helen Gould
may not be forthcoming for many last, and, when Jay A . Forrest, of Al vestigate the currency an i banking eye-
to retrench her charities. Two indus­ opportunely timed by the president, valley is on, court being held here in Clackamas station.
weeks, though there is a disposition to bany, N. Y ., mounted the p'atform to terns of the Uni'ed States and other
trial schools in which she is interested and its arrival in the Pacific has result­ stead of at Pendleton because there are
ed in the present assurance of peace. about 360 witnesses
The first suit
settle this question with as much ex­ place Mr. Watson in nomination, they leading commercial nations and to re­
Bakin g P o w d e r Pla n t at Portland
are to close.
port such measure "as may be found
Nol that I ever believed that there was
the Peacock M illing company
Portland— Portland is to be made the pedition as possible, as it involves the withdrew from the convention, attend­
necessary to place our currency and
Retired clearing house certificates of any actual danger of war. The people against numerous waterusers on the
manufacturing and distributing point lumber industry of the entire North­ ed by the Minnesota delegation.
lin k in g system on a sound basis, which
Chicago to the amount of $14,000,000 of both countries lealized too well what Walla Walla river. This second suit
for the Northwestern territory of the west.
is absolutely essential fer the perma­
have been sold to a cardboard factory a dreadful calamity such a war would
brought by the Irrigation union, Hunt’s Perfect Baking Powder com­
Confer Wiih Gcvernore.
nent welfare and progress of the coun­
and reduced to pulp.
have been.”
which has lands below Miltcnand Free­ pany, of Minneapolis. The plant will
F a s t V oyage Around H o rn .
Indianapolis, Ind., April 4.— John try.”
Charles Fisher, aged 17, dropped
water and which is trying to stop land be built during the summer. William
San Francisco, April 6.— The British Mitchell, ex president of the miners of
lead In the streets of Bedford, Ind. He
owners aheve them from using water to C. Rigg, of Minneapolis, vice president steamer Carlton, Captain Adams, which the country, is one of the five Ameri-
C o rean Revolt R eview ed.
Moves to Start Mines.
was addicted to the cigarette habit and
of the company, is at the Hotel Port­ arrived today, made the run from Bal­ •ans selected by President Roosevelt to
Tokio, April 7.— Advices from Seoul which they claim exclusive right.
Indianapolis, April 3.— The first offi­
had one in his month when death oamo.
land, and is making ail arrangements timore to this port with only one stop lie special guests of the big conference
say that insurgents are showing ln-
cial act of President Lewis, of the
App'e Land at $1,800 an A cre .
The proposition to build a new sub­ reased activity in the neighborhood
to locate a branch of the concern here. and that for ten minutes to enable the of state and territorial governors to be
United Mlneworkers of America, in
way in New York from the Battery to of Seoul.
T i ^ insurgent eleme it
assuming his office today, was to send
the Bronx, under Broadway and Lex­ haa been encouraged by the attitude of of orchard land that has taken place at
check valve. The voyage occupied 65 ference, which will last three days and telegraphic invitations to the operators
ington avenue, to cost $60,000,000 has certain members of the Corean court. Hood River was reported in the pur­
days and 14 hours.
The Carlton the sessions of which will be held in of the competitive field, consisting of
Wheat— Club, 83@84c; blueetem, brought 6,530 tens of coal for the Unit­
been approved.
the east room of the W hite House, will Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Privy Councillor Ynn lias demanded chase of 32 acres of bearing orchard
from C. K. Marshall for $36,000. The 85086c; valley, 83084c; red, 81082c. ed States navy, part of the 80,000 tone be presided over by Mr. Roosevelt. It
For the third time in six weeks the the suppression of the insurgents hy
and Illinois, to attend a meeting in
Barley— Feed, $26 per ton; rolled, being stored here for the use of the big
will be the first meeting in Ihe history this city Monday, April 6, with repre­
Ohio river at Cincinnati is shove Hood Corean troops instead of Japanese. He
$28030 per ton.
ofth e country of Federal and state and sentatives oi the miners, to make an
has objected to the employment of for­
Oats— No. 1 white, $27@28 per ton. vessels, the Carlton rounded Cape
territorial executives.
eigners. The insurgents have issued a set to young trees that have only been
effort to agree upon a call for an inter­
Corn — Whole, $33.60;
cracked, Horn.
A Chicago jury has decided that $60 violent circular demanding the expul­ in bearing a year or two, and the price
state wage convention and, if necereary,
hats are excluded from the "necessary sion of the Japanese from Corean ter­ paid is not regarded as high, owing to $34 50.
S m e lte r T r u it P a y s B ig Fee.
to decide upon a general resumption of
Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $17 per
household expenses" for which a hus ritory,
the standard varieties of apple trees
Increases F ire H azard.
Helena, Mont., April 4.— After a mining operations in the field.
ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $19920:
band is liable when incurred by his
and its localiin.
San Francisco, April 6.— The present year's contest, the American Smelting
clover. $14016; cheat, $15; grain hay,
wife without his approval.
C o llect M oney by Autos.
unsatisfactory condition of San Fran­
Refining company today admitted its
To Exam ine So ils.
Gold Key for the Admiral.
$14015; alfalfa, $12913.
Indiana Republicans are boosting for
San Francisco, April 7.— With a
Fruits— Apples, $103 60 per box, cisco’ s water supply, especially from defeat by «ending to Secretary of State
Klamath Falls— Through the joint
Seattle, Wash., April 3.— A solid
"flyin g squadron” of ten big automo- efforts of the Klamath Water Users’ according to quality; cranberries, $80 the point of view of protection against A. N. Yoder a check for $3,685, as a fee gold key to the city, made of Alaska
Are hazard, was forcibly outlined in a for the filing of a certificate showing an nuggets, is the unique token of hospi­
1 per barrel.
Germany is preparing to float a loan biles pressed into service for the occa­ association and the Klamath chamber
sion and a corps of volunteer coil lectors, of commerce, and the personal requests
Vegetables— Artichokes, 78090c per communication sent to the board of increase of capital stook from $66,000,- tality that w ill be presented to Ihe ad­
of $162,600,000.
extraordinary efforts will he made by of citizens of this section, a soil survey dozen; asparagus, 8® 10c pound; hearts supervisors today by the board of fire 000 to $100,000,000. The corporation miral in command of the big battleshi
Diamond workers of Germany are on the fleet committee to bring the tctal of of the Klamath basin w ill he made by 20c pound; cabbage, l ^ O l ’ kO ponnd; underwriters <.f the Pacific. The report contended that the payment of this fee fleet when it visits 8eattle next June.
■trike for higher wages.
the fleet fund to $70,tX)0, and to cease a corps of soil experts of the United cauliflower, $2; celery, $4.5006 per sets forth that the water system of the in New Jersey made its payment un­ It is to be of handsome design and w il
city is a gravity system, with "pres­ necessary in Montana, but Attorney
weigh about ten ounces. The key w ill
Representatives of national banks of work in that connection hy Wednesday. States Department of Agriculture. It is crate; parsley, 25c per dozen; peas, 16c
sures not standard,” an 1 says that the General Albert J Malen ruled other
be presented by Mayor John F. M iller.
Chicago condemn the Aldrich currency Before the collectors wind up their very urgently desired by the people pound; peppers, 20o per pound; rad
wise. The fee is the largest in the his­ A committee of the chamber of com­
efforts Tuesday night they will visit lhat the survey be made this summer, ishes, 30c per dozen; rhubarb, $2.50
2,300 ealoone and 600 restaurants with­ and assnrai ces have lieen received from per crate; spinach, 85c crate; sprouts, the city “ do not contain five days' sup- tory of the department.
merce today decided to call upon citi­
A St. Louie woman haa committed in the boundary of the city and expect
Secretary W it ion that it will be under­ 10c per pound, squash, 101 '« c ponnd. P lj. ”
zens to contribute a fund of $26,000 for
•ulclde to eecure insurance for an in­ the to secure pledges of between $15,-
Twenty-three Drow n« d
Onions— Oregons. $404 26 per hun­
taken as soon as possible.
the entertainment of the men and offi-
valid sister.
000 and $20,000.
Portsmouth, Eng., April 4.— A wire­ ceis of the fleet.
T h e Dalle* M ak es G ood B ric k
San Francisco, April 6.— Jmlge Lsw- less m«e->age received here states that
Potatoes— 50960c pet hundred, de­
Another rate war between trana-
Stolen B u tt it Found.
lor indicated this morning that he during the night maneuvers in the
livered Portland.
Just Paazes Contract Speed.
Atlantic lines Is expected. Steerage
Rome, April 7.— After a diligent land brick expert, whose opinion was
Butter— Fancy creamery, 25030c per would plao6 Tirey L. Ford, general channel the cruiser Rerwick ran down
rates are being out.
Rockland, Me., April 3 — Facing ad­
counsel of the United railroads, on trial the torpedo destroyer Tiger. The Tiger verse conditions to ¡ay in the way of
search the police have found the tironze
Speaker Cannon has called for an in­ bust of Pope Clement V III, which was now in process of construction, regard­
Ponitry— Average old hens, 14016c for Ibe bribery of Supervisor Coleman was cut in half and speedily sank. highwinds and heavy teas, the armored
quiry into the paper truet in order to -tolen from the Villa Aldobrandini. ing brick lately burned heie by The per pound: mixed chickens. 12013c, next Wednesday, if he denied the de­ Boats from the Berwick and the crui er cruiser Montara exceeded her contract
The thieves gained access to the villa Dalles Brick A Tile company, lias made spring chickens, 16020c; tnrkeys, live, fendant’s motion for a change of venue Gladiator picked np 22 men, one ol requirements by a slender margin on
defend the tariff law.
by breaking open a window. The bust, a rrpirt aftet a careful examination and lf^ il7 c ;
dressed, choice,
16020c; when Ford’s attorneys fil d their reply whom died later from his Injuriea. It the Rockland trial coarse.
Her fastest
ANew York nniveraity student« have
which weighs fully 600 pounds, was leclares the brick equal to any made in geese, live, 801Oe; ducks, 16017c; affidavits tomor ow. Assistant District is believed that the Tiger had a crew of mile, which was made with the tide in
•truck because basers are punished.
Attorney John O'Gara today filed his 45 men and that all the other« were her favor, was at the rate of 23 8 knot*
found buried about half a mile from this state. Some of the casing brick pigeons, 7 5 c9 $ l; squabs, $1.5002.
The battleship Minnesota is now the villa. It was the evident intention delivered in this city hy mistake had
affidavit in reply to that of Tirey L. drowned.
Eggs— Fresh rsnoh, 16c per dozen.
an hour
The Montana made 13 rnna
flagship of the fleet, with Rear Admiral of ihe thieves to keep it concealed until been rejected hy the architect, which
Veal— 75 to 126 pounds, 8 06c; 12r Ford.
today, being started at a 16 knot clrp.
Thomas in commend.
an opportunity should oe afforded to led to the examination.
W ill Fig h t Two-cent La w .
to 160 pounds, 7c; 160 to 200 ponndt.
which was increased gradually to 22
P o lic e A ssist B urg lar.
Se a k for~bil.
6 0 6 S c.
Chicago, April 4.— A combined at­ knots.
Robbers dynamited the safe of the ship it abroad.
Philadelphia. April 6 — An amazing tack on the 2-cent passenger rate it
Pork— Block, 76 to 160 ponndt, 7 9
The Dalle*— Articles of incoropratton
bank at Mounds, Okla., ami after ob­
T ra n sp o rt Sh erm an Sails.
by the "Beavia-May Oil company” have 7><c; peckers, 5 9 fl^ e .
etory of alleged d.»honesty in the police promised by the rail-made lhat operate
taining $6,400 escaped.
Anarchy Rules in Hayti.
Hops— 1907, prim « end choice, 406c department of this city was told today
Ssn Francisco, April 7.— The trans­ been filed with the county clerk here.
Illinois, Minnesota and Missouri,
Parte. April 3.— A dispatch received
C utro has answered Secretary Root’*
by Harry R< thvnherger. ag d 19 years,
port Shermsn will aail at noon tomor­ The Incorporators are Georce K. Beavia, per pound; olds, 1 9 1 ^ 0 per porurd.
it p'obahie that the suits will be here today from Port au Prince, Hayti,
charges against the Venezuelan govern­
Wool — Eastern Oregon, average beet, who was arrested charged with larceny.
row for Manila with a large number Anna Mav and Dr. Harry f . McKay.
ed next week. The call for a confer­ saya that the sitnation there ia extreme^
ment with a complete denial.
if first clasa passengers besides 100 The capital stork is $30,000. The com­ 12016c per ponud according to shrink- The yooth made a confession, in which
ee to meet, at which officials cf the 1y grave and that complete anarchy pre­
A nnmher of Chinese firms are offer, enlisted men of the Twenty-flfth meet pany purpoe»* to engage in developing s«e; valley, 16414c, according to qual he saya he wzs aided and 'abetted in a Illinois road* w ill he present, was la­ vail«. The dispatch further declares
nnmher of bnrglarira in the wholesale med today, and p’ana for the fight will that American warship* are preparing
ing forfeits of $60 for every cent's artillery, and 130 recruit* (or the troops oil lands in the vicinity ol Dufar, Or., ity; m hair, choice, 26c per pound,
district of the city by fonr policemen.
worth of Japanese goods (old.
then then be laid.
in the Philippines.
at which place the head office it to he. I Casesra Bark— 3c par pound.
to laud marine*.