T HE B 3 T A C A I) A N E W S The Estacada State Bank, last week, sold lot 23 in block 7 in the original townsite to Ur. H. V. Adix H. A. WILLIAMS for $225. This lot is next to the corner lot on which the telephone Entered et the pestoNlce In Eatacada, Oretnn. ee second class mail office stands. I)r. Adix already- ---- r r 1 owned the corner lot and by pur­ S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S chasing lot 23 of the bank he now One year .................................................... 51 00 j S ix months ........................................ '50 ! owns 50 feet fronting on Main St. and 100 feet on Second St. being A P R IL 2, 190S the best corner in Estacada outside of the Broadway and Second street The O. W. P. railway company’ s corners. The building which the property in the Estacada school dis- ^ doctor expects to put up will cover trict is assessed at £300,000011 which all of the corner lot and a part of the company paid this district over 23. The ground floor will contain an office and reception rooms for $2. 100. in 1907 school taxes. tile doctor; also, a store-room which The upper story- Olds & Reed were the lowest bid-: will lie for rent. ders for the new county bridge to will be made into two flats one of be built at this point. There were which will lie occupied by Dr. and two other bids submitted. They 1 Mrs. Adix, and the other will be ranged from $5,800 to nearly $8000, for rent. This bank also sold, last week, and $5 and $4 a foot for the ap- lots 11 and 12 in block 17 to Mrs. proaches. Emma E. Scott for $225. These The walk crossing on 4th street lots include the corner and the lot near the church should lie fixed so to the south of the Scott home and that people could walk acro ss this, gives Mr. and Mrs. Scott 200 feet place without danger of slipping or on Curriu and loo feet fiont oil 5th falling. The grass is worn away, . street. These lots are an exception­ and the place being on considerable ally fine building site, are high and It is under­ of a grade causes it to be a danger- j dry and very level. stood that Mrs. Scott intends to put ou;> place. Nearly all the foot tra -1 up a residence on her recent pur­ vel gdes this way. W hy not make , chase, late in the summer. a good crossing here? The sale to J H. Helfrich by the hank of lots 5 and 6 in block 18 is Someone has suggested that pub­ also noted; price $ 12 5 . Mr. Hel- lic auction days ought to he held in fricli lias secured a sixty day option Estacada each month. It is an es­ on lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in block 18 in tablished custom in some places to tile Zobrist addition. hold auctions on one day of each The Estacada State Bank, March month. If anybody in the town or , 10, executed the following deeds country has anything they want to Lots 1 and 2 in block 31, 1st addi­ sell they are privileged to turn it in ! tion to Estacada to Frank O. John­ and have it sold on these days. The son of Waldport, purchase price. idea isn’ t a had one for some auc­ $225. And lot 12 in block 8 of the tioneer in Estacada to promote. original townsite to Mrs. Roliert L. Couch, 1420 8th Ave. Seattle, pur­ W . H. Mattoon, candidate for the chase price, $400. nomination of county commissioner, on the Republican ticket, was a vis­ Country property, lands, farms— itor in Estacada Friday, and was bargains in them town lots, hous­ looking up holes in his political fen­ es, for sale must he sold. %W. A. ces, but found little or no attention Heylman. being needed here. M a. Mattoon will get a good vote in the central and west part of the county, where By our Wayside Reporter he is well known. He is in close touch with the general business of " Miss Addie Kitching of Portland the county, ami is an open advocate is at Currinsville visiting relatives of goods roads to niurket, and safe and friends. bridges. Mrs. Opal Créerait closed the P U B L IS H E D T i l l JG SD A Y M ORN ING J The city' council met Tuesday ev­ ening. The bills of A Morrow for 22.25 and the Cary Hardware Co. for $18.08 were allowed. An ordi­ nance was presented reducing the sulary of the village clerk from $20. to $10 . After a lengthy discussion the hoard decided to extend the water pipe line 500 feet farther up the stream where the in take will be in a better location. An ordinance was iutdto luccd repealing all ordi­ nances which declared vacated the streets in the west part of town. “ Statement No. 1” which is be- ing talked of so very much of lute, and which was thoroughly discussed on and off the political stump two years ago, reads as follows: “ I further state to the people of Oregon, us well as to the people of iny legislative district, that during my term of office I will always vote for that candidate for United States Senator who has received the high­ est number of the people’s votes for that position at the general election next preceediig the election of a senator in congress, without regard to my individual preference.” Teachers Meet in Estacada Fully sixty five teachers attended the Clackamas County Teachers’ association meeting in Estacada last Saturday, which was a very good success. Many home people were presi nt and the following interest­ ing program was curried out: "G etting R .-lilts in the Country- Schools,“ F. M. Gill. “ Primary Numbers,” Mrs. Jose­ phine Dishcr. “ The Needs of Our Country- Schools," general discussion. “ Expression in Grades Beyond the First.’ ’ Mrs. Josephine Lisher. “ Education for the Industries, with Special Attention to School Gardening," L. A . Read. The day was a profitable one for the on the applications of C- W . Kern of W elch ’ s P. O. Oregon, and W . J . Faubion of 1707 East 7th St., Portland.Oregon, received simultane­ ously. R/. A. B A L L IN G E R , Commissioner of ihe General Land O ffice. Approved February 26, 1908. F R A N K P IE R C E , First Assistant Secretary of the Interior. I beg to announce myself as a candidate for tin- nomination for representative in the 17th district, subject to the decision of the Re­ Dr. J. V. SCOTT, Tim ber Land, Act June 3, 1878 publican voters of Clackamas and DENTIST k Notice for Publication Of rooms 41-2 Hamilton Bldg. Portland Multnomah counties at the primary United Stated Land office, Portland. Oregon. Feb. 29, 1908- Notice is hereby given that in compliance election on April 17. with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, Will visit Estacada from Saturday ; jf [ an, nominated and elected I 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in states o f California. Oregon. Nevada and W ash­ at i till Sunday at 5:30 p. nt. will, during my term of office, sup­ the ington territory,” as extended to all the public land ♦ ♦ ♦ port a sane, business-like adntinis- states by act of August 4. 1892, Charles Benbow county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, Office with Dr. II. V. Adix j tration of public affairs. I will op- of has Portland, this day filed in this o ffice his sworn statement • pose graft, humbug and demagog- 7705, for the purchase of the W est half ofthe North­ Quarter of section 20 in township 5 S . range ism, and will work industriously for west 4 E. and will offer proof to show that the land sought the people of my district. I will do is more valuable for its timber or stone than for a gri­ purpose, and to establish his claim to said my duty as I see it and will not cultural land before register and receiver of U S land office at Attorneys at Law take dictation from any man or set Portland. Oregon, on W ednesday the 20 day of May 1908. H e names as witnesses: Nortary Ptihli- . General Law of men. I will vote for the Repub­ Ed. Turney of Portland, Oregon lican voters’ choice for United States J . C. Burke of Portland. Oregon Bowman setfool Monday; the term Practice, Mortgng - foreclosed, Ab­ O. M. Stafford of Portland, Oregon Senator. stracts furnished E. Burke of Portland, Oregon -s has lasted 5 months and Mrs. Cré­ — c . n . M c A r t h u r . Any and all persona claiming adversely the above erait has done her work to the sat­ lands are requested to file their claims In Portland, Oregon, March 15, 1908. discribed M O NEY LO A N ED this office on or before said 20th day of May. isfaction of all. 1908. C. R. Lovell has installed a gas­ ']■ Algernon S . Dresser, R egister oline engine on his place and uses O F F I C E S : 2 , 3 -S: - S D R E S E N I1 L D . it for chopping feed later on it may Notice for Publication O reg o n C it y O reg o n he used for sawing wood etc. Land office at Portland, Oregon, March 7. 1908. Notice is hereby given that Martino Pezzelo C. M. Graham has sold his place of Barton, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention tc Directors’ Meeting to a man named Dicks of Portland ; make final five year proof in support pf his claim viz: homestead entry No. 14622, made Nov. ! , 1902, in a week or two the new owner for the Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter of A special meeting of the Board of expects to take posession. section 26. township 2 south range 4 east, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiv­ Mis* Eugene Deardorf of Damas­ Directors of the Estacada State bank | er at Portland. Oregon, on A pril 21, 1908. He cus is visiting at the home of Mr. was held in the office of the compa­ names the following witnesses to prove his contin­ uous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ny in their hank in Estacada Satur­ and Mrs. Thomas Huxley. Mario Boitano of Sandy. Oregon Directors present R. S. Coop went up to Mr. De- day afternoon. Antonio Garborir-o of Portland Luigi Vaiarette c f Sandy moy’ s homestead Wednesday to were, Geo. listes, John Zobrist T. Pietro Vaiarette of plant about 200 upple trees. Yocum and Albert D. Schmidt. Dr. Algernon S. Dresser. R egister. Mrs. Annie Krigbaum is in Port­ S. W. Stryker of Portland, the only T I M B K R L A N D ACT J U N K 3 , 1 8 7 8 land with one of her daughters who absent member, could not lie pres­ Notice for Publication is sick. ent because of professional engage­ United States Lard O ffice. Portland, Oregon. F eb ­ ments. After the meeting was ruary 27, 1908. Notice ish ereby given that in com ­ N O T IC E FO R B ID S called to order, President Estes laid pliance with the provisions of the act of congress oí June 3. 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber before the t-oard the call for the Bids will lie received at the Re­ lands in the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington territory.” as extended to all the public corder’s office up to Apr. 14, 1908, meeting and stated that the office of R E P U B L IC A N C A N D ID A T E land states by act c-f August 4. 1892. W'illiam H. for the extention of about 300 ft. of cashier of the Estacada State Bank Patterson of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of FO R R E P R E SEN T A T IV E Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn water main. Bidders to dig ditch, being vacant because of the resigna-1 1st. H e stands for Statem er 11 ,u" m<,n' No- 7704 f0-lh« ?urch*“ of ,h« N* of furnish all material and make box. tion of E. L. Fraley, who has been seW and s e V of of Sec. 26 in township 3 south employed by a Portland bank, it N o . 1. and has pledged himself j iange 5 east, and will offer pr^of to show that the lane Specifications at recorder’s office. sought is more valuable of its timber or stone than for A . N. Johnson, Recorder. would be necessary for the lioard to to v 0 (e for the people’s choice for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to elect a cashier, fix the amount of y g 5 ^ regardless of his said land before the register and receiver of the U S land office at Portland. Ore, oiv^Weclnesday the 20th his bond and determine his compen- . . . . . . day of May. 1908. H e names as witnesses: SI R VGWATER .... , . . . ........ • individual preference. sation. 1 lie board then unani- r Jam os A . C. Tait of Portland, Oregon jim e s P. A ltizer of Clatskanie. Oregon There have been several home- tnously elected L. E. Belfils cashier - nd- He stands for strict economy Edward N. Lovegren of Stevenson. Washington to serve during the pleasure of the in al> appropriations, and less state Hom er B. Baikmof Eagle Creek. Oregon seekers the last week looking thru Any and all persons claiming adversely the above hoard. His salary was fixed at $80 taxes. Springwater. described lands are requested to file their claims in Rev. Diven is having jxior health a month, and his bond at $10,000. 3 rd- He stands for more stringent this office on or before said 20 day of May. 1 908. A lg e rn o n s . Dresser, R egister It is feared that he will not be able which is furnished by the American hanking laws, affording protection m l 2 -m l 4 Surety Co. Mr. Belfils has been depositors. to hold nnd supply this field, hut it He stands for all proper is to I k ? hoped when the weather assistant cashier since last July and 4 th- settles ho will get lietter. It would is well qualified for the position of measures for the betterment of our lx- bad ’ for this chnrdh tg have to cashier. He was formerly employed] toads and public school system. 5th. He stands for the preser- give him up as every body' is favor­ in various positions by the South­ ably impressed with him as a pastor. ern Pacific Co. at Rosebttrg, serv- ' ’a1'0'1 of lhe Kr^ t natural resources ; , ! 0 . W. P. & Ry. Co. : of this state, including water pow-1 • The young people last Saturday ing them acceptably for 15 years, E S T A C A D A -P O R T I. A N D evening had a party at Rev. Diven’s resigning his position there last Ju ­ ers, franchises and etc. to the peo­ ple to whom tln \ belong. ; Cars leave Estacada for* Port­ The teachers und others who ly to take this office in the hank. 6th. He stain's for a square deal land: went to the teachers* institute th a t, to all and speci.r; privileges to none. was held in Estacada Mar. 28th re- | CURRINSVILLE 7:22, 9:22. 112 2 : A. M. and port a beneficial and enjoyable af-1 1:22, 3:52, 6:22, 9 :15 P. M. I will meet with The entertainmt and how social The Ladies' fair. Cars leave Portland for Esta­ Friday at 2 p. nt. The Springwater Sunday school given by the school Saturday night Mrs. J W. R cada : was enjoyed by a targe audience, ~ - had their animal election last Sun­ 7 : 1 5 , 9 : 1 5 , 1 1 : 1 5 A. M. and Next Sunday morning at the day. Result, W. J. Lewellen, Sup­ the hall l>eing full. The-drama. 1 :1 5 . 3:4s. 6 :15 . 7-35 P- M. erintendent; Win. Bard assistant; "T h e Cabbage Hill School" was usual hi ut of s vice A. N. Cross, Mis« Hazel Tizen, Sec.; Miss E th ­ very amusing and kept every body a Sunday school worker wilt give A ay freight leaves Estacada el Closner, Treas.; Erma Shiblcy laughing from start to finish. Miss an address which will l»e of interest in the morning, daily except Organist; Rose Closner Librarian. Rena Tycer of Oregon City sang a to all especially those who are in- Sun. returning in the evening. Good interest is being taken iu the solo and gave a tccitat.m. After tervsted iu church and Sunday Freight also leaves Portland Sunday School. the program was ended the bows school work. Mr. Cross has spent in the morning goes to Caza­ In the near future the teachers were sold by John Ely as autioneer. several years in this work, studying dero and returns to Portland and pupils of the day school are The $36.60. raised will be used to the subject and lecturing in different going to give a drama for the ben- buy maps for the school. states, ami he will be able to g iv e : Main others of the company: 142 1-1 fit of the school. The date will lie Mr. and Mrs. R Shankland are the l»est metods for creating inter- First St. Portland, Oregon. announced later. visiting Mrs N a r -. «ankland for eat and securing better atteudaucein «•♦ ♦ ♦ «■ a - ! ■ »»♦ ■ «. »♦ » »■»■ » »♦ ■ » » ♦ ♦ Dimick & Dimick, Walter A. Dimick î TIME CARD Signed: Grant B. Dimick, Judge. Attest: this 29 day of Feb. 1908. F . W. Greenmail, County Clerk, by B. A. Sleight, Dep. m5a2 Notice of Sale In the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon for the County of Clackamas In the Matter of the Estate of Wesley Smith, deceásed. Under an authority of an order of sale granted by the counfy court of the coun­ ty of Clackamás, State of Oregon, dated March 9th 1908, I will sell at private sale the following described real estate, to- wit: Beginning at the N. W. comer of the W 1-2 of theSi-2 of the S.W. 1-4 sec 31 T. 1, S. R . 4, E . of the W. M. running thence E. 40 rods to the West line be­ tween the N. 1-2 and the S. 1-2 of the S. W. 1-4; thence S. 16 rods; thence W. 40 rods; thence N. 16 rods to the place of beginning, containing four acres, more or less. The sale w ill be on or about the 4 day of May, 1908, and bids will be received at my residence about one mile north of Boring in Clackamas county, Oregon. Terms of sale, cash. J. P. SM ITH, Administrator of the Estate of Wesley Smith, deceased. mi2-a9 Darwin Bradley of Oregon C ity Oregon B. L . Commons of Oregon C ity. Oregon Charles J. Bradley of Portland, Oregon J . W . W ebb of Necanicum, Oregon Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 7 day of May, 1908 Algernon S Dresser. R egister. F27 -a3 0 Tim ber l*np Act June 3, 1878 Notice for Publication United States Landofflc, Portland. Oregou,’ Jan 8. 1908. Notice is h erb y¿iven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled " A n act for the sale of timber land* In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington territory.” as extended to all the public land states by act of August4.1892, Thomas H . Ruddy of Sell wood, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement N o 7655 for the purchase of the South H of the Northeast M and the South H of the Northwest of section 28. in township 2 South.»range 6 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought I » more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul­ tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before register and receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Monday, the 30th day of March, 1908. H e names as witnesses: L. W ear of Cherryvllle, Oregon P eter Swan of T om Leonard of S ell wood M. Stone of C h erryvllle A n y and all persons claim ing adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 30 day of March. 1908. Algernon S . Dresser, R egister. J 23 Notice for Publication Land office at Portland. Oregon, Peruary 29. 1908 N otice is hereby given that Frances Poshall of S an ­ dy, Oregon, has filed notice of his Intention to make final fiv e year proof in support of his claim, viz*, homestead entry No. 1 3570, made Apr. 19. 1901, for the North east h Quarter o ^ e c t l o n 24. town­ ship 3 south, range 5 east and that said proof will be «fade before the register and receiver at Portland, O r­ egon. on April 1 3 ,1 9 0 8 . H e names the fol­ lowing witnesses to prove ^ i s continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Linhart of Sandy, Oregon Charles Linhart of Jacob Leuthner of T . F. McCabe of Algernon S Dresser. R egister 6 0 YEARS* E X P E R IE N C E '-Tnaoc M ark * D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly aacertnin our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictlyconfidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest aawncy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpceial notice, without charge, iu the Scientific A m e rica n Gentle and Effective A bandsomoly lllnatraf ed weekly. largest cir­ culation of any ecienttHo Journal. Terms, $3 a year; fourjpon th a,$L Sold byall newsdeniersu A well-known Manitoba editor writes: “ As an inside worker I find Chamberlain .38,Br#“"-7 . C25 Y BL. Washington. D. C. stomach and liver tablets invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural to sed­ entary life, their action being gentle and ■lURCKA effective, clearing the digestive tract and Yes, I Have Found It at Last the hesd. Price 25cts. Bam pies at Esta­ Found what? Why that Chamberlain’s cada drug store. salve cures eczema and all manner of itch ing of the skin. I have been afflicted for Insure your property w ith the i many years with skin deseases. I had to Bank of Estacada. W e represen t j get up three or four times every night two of the best insurance companies and wash with cold water to allay the ter Jo New York doing business in the United States. rible itchinK. hut si"ce using this salve ~ 1 1 f „ in December, 1905 the itching has stop- Our companies paid losses in fu ll: . . . ... . r r I ped and lias not troubled me.—Elder J. o fth e San hranctsco fire. They , T Gnglty Rootville, Pa. For by stand at the head o f the list. Take , the .Estacada Drug store. no chance with cheap insurance.— ' ________________ Bank of Estacada. LOST r Cured of Rheumatism Wm. Henry of Chattanooga, Tenn had rheumatism in his left arm. The strength seemed to have gone out of the muscles so that it w .s useless for w ork.” he says. “ I applied Chamberlain’s pain balm and wrapped the arm in flannel at night, and to my relief I found that the pain gradually left me anfftlie strength returned.” I f troubled with rheumatism try a few applications of pain balm. You are certain to be pleased with the relief which it affords. Sold at Estacada drug store A heavy, woolen tap robe was lost out of one of W . A . Jones’ liv- ery rigs last Saturday between E s­ tacada and Garfield. Reward for its recovery. -F O R - Real Estate Bargians IN S P R IN G W A T E R L A N D S E E A. M. SHIBLEY TH E NEW S 52 weeks, $ i Less t h a n 2C a week SPRIN G W A TER PRINTED STATIONERY! It is necessary, almost, foi business men t o have. Printed stationery is a convenience, a recommend, and it is better and just as cheap as buying store stationery, a little at a time. The News prints all kinds of BUSINESS STATIONERY Anti would be pleased to priut yours The Estacada News Job Printery OREGON