* .ir ítflCflfco NO. 16 of VOL. 4 E S T A C A D A , O REG O N , LO C A L N E W S A N D P E R S O N A L M EN TIO N OllR CASH SYSTEM ; : Capital, $25,000 in Portland, Sunday. Cash, Big Sales, Small Profits IN S E A S O N N. / N WE WANT I DIRECTORS: Ed. Scott is papering and paint­ ing the new residence for the Cary brothers. Geo. Estes, S. W. Stryker, T. Yocum, John Zobrist, Albert D. Schmidt mi ai ui s Postmaster J. T. Meyers of the Dodge postoffice, and J. W. Marrs, were in town Wednesday. L . L. Simpson who purchased H. W. Green’ s barbershop fixtures, : opened shop, Tuesday, in the old drug store stand. I Millinery for Spring of 1908 9 a Our pictures are now on inspection and sale. Come and Look. All are W elcom e 1 KJ D A L E ’S | $ io a week $ 2 a day The Hotel Estacada , A L L M ODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S % One o f the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited C U P I D C U P I D F L O U R F L O U R Those who had charge of the work of entertaining the teachers at dinner Saturday wish to thank all who, in any manner, assisted with the dinner. Do not forget the drama, “ Dia­ monds and H earts" which will he given Saturday evening by students of the Estacada school. A pie so­ cial will take place after the play. Remember— Cleveland's Baking Powder in 3 lb cans only cost $ i and 5 lb cans S i.65. Both these cans have the metal handle under the regular cov­ er. They are useful when empty. Recommended by-H. N. North. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Shankland of Sellwood spent a couple days of last week at the old home near Estacada. While here Mr. Shankland rented a portion of the farm to Everett Mil­ ler fo r the coming season. On March 28th John Zobrist e x ­ J. F. LO V ELA C E ecuted a deed for Lot 2 in Block 1 FLOUR ------- > — — E S T A C A D A , O REGO N and Lot 7 in Block 12 of th e-Z o ­ Cupid Flour is made by the Hood River Milling Co. Hood River, Ore­ gon from the finest hard wheat that money will buy. The Hood River Milling Co. takes special care in the manufacture of this special Stand­ ard Brand of high patent Family Flour. E very sack is guaranteed or money refunded. When you get Cupid Flour, you get the B E S T brist Addition to Clias. Shutter. The actual purchase price paid for this property was $150 . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of E s ­ tacada were here last week for a visit with Mr. Jones’ father, B F. The visitors I F I A V p l a f P *s our Agent at Estacada, you will make* no mis- Jones, of 492 Tenino *** * * L U V take in using Cupid Flour. T ry it today, Price formerly resided in Sellwood and ' are well known to a number of our is reasonable —--------------------------------- citizens.— Milwaukee Bee. H. R. Mill Co. A Warner Telle Hew to ReSeve Rbeee- ■Mtic Pains I have )>een a very great sufferer from the dreadful ciesense, rheumatism, fo ra number of years. I have tried many me­ dicines but never got much relief from any of them until two years ago, when T 1 «ought a bottle of Chamberlaid’a pain balm. I found relief before I bad used all of one bottle, but kept on apply ing it and soon felt like a different woman. Through my advice many of my friends have tried it and can tell you how won­ derfully it has worked.—Mrs. Mary A. Cole, 140 S. New St. Dover, Del. Cham­ berlain's pain balm is a liniment. The re­ lief from pain wpich it affords is alone worth many times its cost. It makes rest and sleep possible. Sold at the Estacada drug store. Liyery, Feed & STABLE ' W . A. Sale JO N E S PRO PRIETO R Good rigs and careful drivers always SPECIAL Given ATTENTION Hunting and Fishing Parties WOOD & LUMBER Local and Long Distance Telephone Of Miss Lylith Moore who will he here on Apr. IX, the Tacoma Daily News of March 28, says: “ Miss Lylith Moore elicited much praise on the delivery of her dra­ matic selection. It was a pathetic recital and given in a finished man­ ner. Miss Moore will give readings in Seattle, Portland and Tacoma.” When it has been used by the best cooks for the past 40 years, surely it must be of fine quality. Cleveland’s Baking Powder. Ask H. N. North r- tacada on Wednesdays. Clackamas an d In v ite yo u to e x a m in e th em Sparks’ Store County TAXES For County Commissioner $3,000 to loan in amounts to suit the borrower. Bank of Estacada. THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n s a c ts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u sin ess mm Capital, $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 mm Money to Loan on Real Estate INSURANCE This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If yott have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no To the Republicans of Clackamas property of our own for sale and can push your sales County:— The undersigned announces him­ N ew Furniture self as a candidate for county cotn- Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing A visit to the furniture store of missioner of Clackamas county sub- papers of every kind H. Cooper & Co. will convince any- ject die will of the Republican ( Our rate of Exchange and Discounts will he gov- ) one that they can get what they j voters at the primary election on ( erned entirely by the Estacada Money Market. ) ( We shall try and govern our business so that the ) want in furniture right here in Es- Ap*-'1 « 7 ; as a businessman and one ( rate will be as close to 10c pr $ 1 0 0 as possible, it ) tacada. A new and more extensive niuch interested in the development ( being the usual rate throughout the state ) stock in nearly all lines has been of Clackamas county, If I receive put in. Also, a higher grade and said nomination and am elected to more expensive line of goods. The said office, 1 pledge myself to use new furniture includes some very abiIities and 1)est effor,s in the beautiful iron bed steads, commodes Promotion of the interests of said and dressers, rockers, center tables, count>’ and Awards a progressive couches, art squares Etc. Mothers administration of county affa.rs a- will be particularly interested in the lon* «onm ical and business lines. ^ R O B E R T S. COE, new baby carriages and go-carts Canhy Precinct. that have just recently been received » at Cooper’s store. See them before For County Assessor going elsewhere. BECAUSE To the Republican voters of Maybe you did not know we had it. Maybe you thought Grandma Sulcr’s Birthday I Clackamas County: we could not make the price. Maybe you forgot that we I am a candidate for the office Another year rolled around and of County Assessor. If I am nom­ are the oldest house in town. Maybe you forgot to fig­ Thursday March 26 finds Grand­ inated and elected I promise the ure in the freight. ma Suter still here able to receive people of Clackamas County a just Maybe you forgot we can sell goods as cheap as a number of friends who came to and fair administration in accord- any country store this side of Portland. Don’t make the celebrate her 88th birthday. The ence with the laws without fear cr party came as a surprise: they mistake again. favor. I have no "Special inter­ were, Mrs. Wilburn, Mrs. Mary ests” to serve. My motto is Hon­ Young, Grandma Judd, Mrs. G lo v­ esty and impartiality.” Ginghams Prints Hose Outing Flannels er, Mrs. Garret, Mrs. Trullinger, W. H. Holder Mrs. Boyce, Mrs. Case, Mr. and Yugar Tees and Coffees Spices Canned Goods Mrs. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Flem- Those Dill Pickles ing, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Nield, Josi- ah and James Suter, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Suter and family. Dinner z ( was served after which the guests were favored with some sougs, one W IL L A T T E N D TO YO U R W A N T S of which was a war song in honor of the oldest son. and civil war vet- erah Josiah Suter. The singing was well rendered by Mr and Mrs. We are equipped to manufacture $500 5 years' time, 6 pr. cent. L. I . SIMPSON Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, from 40,000 to 30,000 of the liest PPPW - $2000 3 “ " 6 one song calling for an other. A Cedar Shinglg».each day, and will 1 HAIR CUTTING AND SH AVING AT $800 3 “ “ 6 little more friendly chat and the deliver them in Estacada at POPULAR P R IC E S $500 2 » " 6 guests departed, all expressing Or the purchaser can get them at Massage, Scalp Treatment and L a ­ Also private money to loan on good wishes for Garndma’s future dies’ Shampooing, Specialties the mill. terms and in amounts to suit bor­ health au(i happiness. In spite of her advanced age and 5 years wea When wanting shingles examine Shop in the Druq Store Bldq. rower. Certificates of deposit on Or­ egon City Banks taken in exchange ry confinement to her chair, she for first lien real estate mortgages. these. Orders filled promptly js in ^ session of all her faculties Call, write or phone vShnopinq Coiiqh and cheerful, with a chnst- JO H N W. LODF.R, I have used Chamberlain's cough rem- : edy in my family in eases of whooping Attorney at Law & Abstractor of jan' s ]10pe of a Iretterworld to come, ! cough, and want to tell you that it is the Land Titles, Oregon City, Oregon Gne whonl when he comes, the Mrs. Otto Kleatsch met with an accident one day last week which has confined her to her home and bed ever since. She was standing near a stump that her husband had a team hitched to and was trying to pull. The stump came out quickly in a hard pull, and a long root flew p^j-d trill find waiting, iiround and hit Mrs. Kleatsch on 3 Friend, the side hurting her quite severely. f a new lot mer wear, on our shelves 1 Mrs. Fred Davis of Garfield died Tues­ day follow ing a short illness. The funer­ al w ill be this afternoon at the church at Zinin. An obituary w ill appear in next w eek's paper. W e have just put of shoes for Spring 'and Sum­ A. E. Sparks went to Oregon Wood Choppers Wanted City Wednesday morning as a dele­ M A Y NOW B E P A ID Ten wood choppers wanted at gate to a meeting of the M. W. A . A T T H E O F F IC E S OF once to cut cord wood, at 90 cents a lodge. will have a formal opening on April 4 . cord. Pay every two weeks.— Syr And we would like to have every lady ( as well as every Kt The dishes that were left at the Groff Bros., Estacada, Ore. !£. gentleman) to call and look over the pretty new Spring ¿y Oddfellow hall Saturday can be The CLACKAMAS TITLE Syr Millinery. A t the same time we will show you one of the Jjft found at the telephone office. David F. Warner is just finishing COMPANY the work of clearing five acres of ® Prettiest, Best and C heapest Lines of f t A. T . Dorsey, who sold his shop rich bottom land on his farm near 6 0 6 -6 0 8 CH AM BER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND here to J. V. Barr, has gone up to town. Mr. Warner began last Fall Turner, Wash, afld opened a black­ to do this work, and has accom­ S T A T E M E N T S O F T A X E S W IL L B E smith shop. ^ That has ever been brought to this little city. ^ plished quite an undertaking. F U R N IS H E D UPON A P P L IC A T IO N IN County Commissioner John Lew- C A L L AND Miss Anna Leone McBride, pupil P E R SO N OR B Y M A IL . ellen was in Kstaeada, Saturday, on of Frederick Zech, and teacher in E X A M IN E D U P L IC A T E T A X R O L L . Our shelves are replete with New Goods and we county business. He came over the von Meyerinck Conservatory, P H O N E S M AIN 2 0 5 6 OR HOME A 2 0 5 6 want everybody to see them with the schodl ma’ ams. gives piano or organ lessons in E s­ SHOES GROCERIES, DRYGOODS For every member of the family Property near Estacada Everybody to know that our iff BEST IN Shoes Mr. and Mrs. J. J Marchbank were in Portland, on lousiness Tues­ day. Why did you do it? Merchant A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G B U SIN E SS Howe asks that question of you in T R A N S A C T S his ad this week. Writes Fire Insurance in Five of tfie best “ D O L L A R ” Mrs. Anna Reid of Portland vis­ companies. Handles Real Estate, Tow n Lots ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. both Business and Residence, and Farm W. Antrim last Sunday. © < 2 $ ® c § 8 > c ^ .c § © c * © c * 3 > I W E HANDLE THE AND Merchant H. N. North has been iu Portland and Oregon City since Sunday. H. N. North I mii . $! A YEAR W e Estacada State Bank Mrs. B. F. Bullard and little son were at Oregon City, Tuesday. GARDEN TRUCK 1908. OFFICERS: Qeo. Estes, President. S. W. Stryker, Vice-President Mrs. W. M. Yonce was a visitor < L. E. Belfils, Cashier Our big reduc­ tions on many staple goods continues : a, Louis Gerber is again assisting in in the meat market. W e are enabled to sell goods cheaper, and more of them. A P R IL “ Diamonds and H earts." Is a great benefit to our customers as well as to ourselves. TH U RSD AY, W . A . H E Y L M A N , Cashier. WHY DID YOU DO IT? CEDAR Howe or George S H I N G L E S NEW BARBER SHOP! JULIUS KRIEGER »RirroR- Estacada A eut A. Morrow — pp Mortgages for Sale best medicine I have ever n«ed.--W. P. BEST IN V E ST M E N T ! Gatton, Poseo, Ga. This remedy is safe The News one year for one dollar and sure. Sold at Estacada drugstore e«*