NO. 1 5 ok VO L. 4 E S T A C A D A , O R EG O N , LO CAL Is a great benefit to our customers as well as We are enabled to sell goods cheaper, and more of them. Our big reduc­ tions on many staple goods continues : ; : f Cash, Big Sales, Small Profits GARDEN TRU CK IN SEASON I ■ ... H. N. North ^ We of s x wish to thank our many patrons Estacada and vicinity for — Splendid — -— Help during — our | their February further while you help us ^ HOW? W. S. Irwin came up from Cor- | vallis last week to spend a short time here seeing after his farm, and , visiting relatives and friends. © EVER YBO D Y L IK E S A PRETTY /» W E W IL L H ELP M AKE T 9 I F Y O U W I L L CO M E A N D S E E US. © W I L L T E L L YO U HO W | HOME I T SU CH W'E # D A L E ’S ^ John B. Haviland took another 1 party of timber claim locaters into | Northern California last week. E. F. Surface and Mrs. W. A. Heyl- 1 man were among those who went to take up claims. | It was decided to be best for Mr. Lloyd Yocum for him to remain in the hospital a few weeks. He is at the Good Samaritan. j The Hotel Estacada A L L M O D ERN C O N V E N I E N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast CUPID F L OUR CUPID F L OUR F LO U R E S T A C A D A . OREGO N J. F. L O V E L A C E - Cupid Flour is made by the Hood River Milling Co. Hood River, Ore- gon from the finest hard wheat that money will buy. The Hood River Milling Co. takes special care in the manufacture of this special Stand- ard Brand of high patent Family Flour. Every sack is guaranteed or money refunded. When yon get Cupid Flour, you get the B E S T J. F. Lovelace is reasonable Mrs. W. M. Yonce had a visit from her sister, Mrs. Sarah Ford, last week. Also from Miss Grace and Myrtle Clow, Dolly Greufield, and Sam Grout. Remember— Cleveland’s Baking Powder in 3 lb cans only cost $ 1 and 5 lb can-. $1.6 5 . Both these cans have the metal handle under the regular cc 1 er. They are useful when erap j Recommended by H. N. North. ¡ The village board met Tuesday evening, passed a few bills, talked about extending the water main in the upper part of town, and dis- solved to meet again in two weeks. A t the masquerade skating party at the rink Tuesday evening, the is our Agent at Estacada, you will make no mis­ prizes for costumes were given Miss take in using Cupid Flour. T ry it today, Price Mary Womer, a decorated set of Haviland china plates; and Frank Jones, a pair of kid gloves. H, R. Mill Co. C m m Rev. M. B. Paroun^gian began a series of revival meetings at Cur- rinsville last Friday. He is being assisted in the work by Rev. H. E. Stubbs. Harmon Green wishes to sell his residence property. The place will pay $ 10 a month rent which makes it a good investment for someone at $800. the price he asks for it. Local and Tourist Trade Solicited of Stomach Trouble C R A W F O R D BROS. When a man has trouble with stomach ... A N D POSSON.... you may know that he is eating more than he should or of some article of food C O N T R A C T O R S & B U I L D E R S or drink not suited to his age or occupa­ Are now ready to take work tion, or that his bowels are habitually constipated. Take Chamberlain's stom­ on any kind of building, give ach and liver tablets to regulate the bow- estimates, and figure on any els and improve the digestion and see if building proposition. the trouble does not disappear. Ask for sample. Sold at F.stacada drug store. Estacada, Oregon Dr. Adix Will Build J. H. Dowty has sold his stallion j Bob to a party who has taken the Dr. H. V. Adix is asking for es­ horse to Eastern Oregon. timates and costs for a building to Miss Ruth Dale and Mr. L. E. be built on his corner lot on which Belfils became members of Centen- the phone office is. The building ( nial Lodge of Rebekahs at a meet­ will cover the whole lot, 24x100 and ing last week. will be two story. The phone of­ fice will be moved onto the next lot Estacada will have its first teach­ and will front east. ers' institute on Saturday 28th when the lo'ial teachers and those who . can get here easily will hold a day’s i session at the school house. LISTEN YO U NEW S general election. Sale, and we want to help you still ^ M A R C H 19, Mr. dnd Mrs. L- E. Woods of Portland visited at J. R. Towns­ Read Dale's ad? end’s last Sunday. Mr. Woods, Born, on Sunday evening, 15, to who made his wealth while in the Mr. and Mrs E. W . Jockimsen, a meat business here with his father- girl. in-law, is now with a Portland-San Frank Morris and Harmon Green Francisco steamship company. have been purchasing cattle for their The Sunday School Workers of ranches out in Idaho. all Church denomitiationsof this part The heavy rains of the first of the of Clackamas county are holding an week have caused more or less dam­ institute in the Presbyterian church age in Oregon and Washington. in S] ringwater today. Plans and Alma and J. A. Upton of Iloa- methods for the advancement and quirn, W ash., are here loooking up be ttering of the Sunday School are farm lauds. under discussion. * H. Pierson lost his most valuable Doctor and Mrs. H. V . Adix horse Monday by death caused by were in Portland Tuesday to attend fatty degeneration of the heart. the funeral of a friend of theirs Mrs. E va Kessler began work as who met a peculiar form of death in stenographer for a Portland busi­ Seattle a few days ago. The gen ness firm, Monday. tleman was standing by the kitchen Edwin Bates has purchased an stove with one hand hold of the tea­ acre of land of B. O. Boswell, and kettle, and without letting go of the will build a house and move to kettle he reached out with the oth­ town. Mr. Bates paid #300 for the lot er hand and turned on the electric Petitions are being circulated by light and was instantly killed. The friends of prohibition to have the remains were brought to Portland j liquor question voted on at the next for burial. OUR CASH SYSTEM to ourselves. TH URSDAY. The play A Loyal Friend which was given at the grange hall at Garfield last Saturday evening, was a great success. The play was very successfully rendered. The gross receipts from the sale o f b a s ­ k e t s amounted to $ 6 5 . 4 0 w h i c h w ill more than pay for the proposed im­ provements to the hall. Bill Sam­ son acted as auctioneer, and every body was well pleased with the ev­ ening’s entertainment. About Too people were present. Dr. C. B. Smith 1908. $1 A Y E A R Clackamas County TAXES W E HANDLE T H E GROCERIES, DRY GOODS M A Y NO W B E P A ID A T T H E O F F IC E S O F The CLACKAM AS COM PANY 606-608 C H A M B E R TITLE O F C O M M ER C E AND PORTLAND ST A T E M E N T S OF F U R N IS H E D iT 'O N P E R SO N OR BY E X A M IN E TAXES W IL E BE A P P L IC A T IO N IN M A IL . D U P L IC A T E CALL TAX SHOES AND R O LL. P H O N E S M A IN 2 0 5 6 O R HOM E A 2 0 5 6 Furniture and Goods For Sale s' and Invite you to exam ine them We are going to move to Idaho soon and are offering for sale any part of our household goods and furniture. H. W. Green and Frank Morris. Sparks’ Store Eggs and Plants For Sale Full blood Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, $ 1 .2 5 a dozen, or 30 for $2 .2 5. Also, some fine Logan Berry plants, 50c a dozen, or too for $ 2 .2 5 .— VV. H. Holder, Esta -1 cada. THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n sa cts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Insure your property with the Bank of F'stacada. W e repAseut two of the best insurance companies doing business in the United States. Our companies paid losses in full of the San Francisco fire. They stand at the head of the list. Take no chance with cheap insurance.— Bank of Estacada. Dr. C. B. Smith died on Saturday the 14th at the age of 61 years, 8 months and 4 days. The funeral was held Monday at Dunning’s un­ dertaking chapel in East Portland, under the auspices of the Oddfel­ lows. The members of Estacada R O L L E R S K A T IN G lodge 175, I. O. O. F. and Centen­ nial Rebekah lodge hired a special When indulged in regularly is rec­ car and went from Estacada to Port­ ognized to be one of the most health land, received the remains and the ful as well as the most delightful mourners and from there went to indoor exercises. Skating regularly Oregon City where the burial took Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and place at Mountain View cemet< i Sunday nights. Matinee every Sat­ with the impressive ceremotiic- urday afternoon at the Estacada the orders. Dr. A. Leroy, g n: ink. Free instruction given at all chaplain conducted the service times to those wishing to learn. the assistance of the lodge mt 1 The pall-bearers were, Wi Do Not Crowd the Season The first warm days of Spring hring Gwardle, M. H. Stevenson, Martin, W. J. Buxton, W . M. 1 ox with them a desire to get out and enjoy and B. Klotz of the Portland Relief ! the exhilerating air and sunshine. Chi! dren that have been housed up all winter committee. The illness that caused are brought out and you wonder where Dr. Smith’ s death was contracted they they all came ironic The heavy win­ in Chicago last summer while the ter clothing is thrown aside and many doctor was on a trip east. He was 1 shed their flannels. Then a cold wave a native of N. York, but spent the ! conies and people say that grip is epi- | demic. Cold at this season are even more past 30 years practicing medicine in j dangerous than in midwinter, as there is this and Multnomah counties. The t much more dangerous of pneumonia. near relatives are the widow, a son, Take Chamberlain’s cough remedy how­ Simeon, and two cousins, C. D. and ever and you will have nothing to fear. D. C LaTourette of Oregon City. It always cures, and we have never known a cold to result in pneumonia when it Tlu .oral decorations at the funeral was used. It is pleasant and safe to take ' very pretty, and were contrib­ [ Children like it. For sale at F.stacada uted by the Estacada school child­ drug store. ren, and Oddfellows, Fern Hive of laccaljees and the Centennial Re- $3,000 to loan in amounts to suit l>ekah lodge of Estacada. the borrower. Bank of Estacada. Capital, IN SU RA N C E This bank has the local agency for some of the very best F'ire Insurance Companies. Let 11s write your policy. : •• If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we property of our own for sale and can If you have no push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind ( ( ( ( ( Our rate of Exchange and Discounts will be gov- erned entirely by the Estacada Money Market. \Ve shall try and govern our business so that the rate will be as close to 10c pr $10 0 as possible, it being the usual rate throughout the state ) ) ) ) ) ♦ W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. r* TRY si K A T 15c AT SHINGLES JULIUS KRIEGER Real Estate .**+++ CEDAR The heavy rains brought Eagle creek up to the high water mark, and the little streatu took on such a current that all the approach on the | north end of the Eagle creek wagon We are equipped to manufacture bridge was taken out, and landed from 40,000 to 50,000 of the best up against the railroad bridge which Cedar Shinglos each day, and will is a couple rods below the wagon deliver them in Estacada at bridge. The washout of this bridge Or the purchaser can get them at takes out the last wagon crossing the mill. on the creek, and shuts off travel between the North and South sides. When wanting shingles examine For a time it was thought that the these. Orders filled promptly railroad bridge was endangered but so far trains have not been inter- l ferred with. The couuty will have the wagon bridge repaired at once. About fifty feet of approach, fifty -P R O F R itro R — feet high was swept away. Estacada Agent - A . Morrow $10,000.00 Money to Loan on Eagle Creek high and Doing Damage B E ST IN C. F. HOWE mm V 'K SE&SKSOBJ Why not subscribe today?