The Estacada News B LO O D Y FIG H T A T PEN REV.SIO N ASSURED . Three Montana Lifers Make a Mac Oath for Liberty Extra Session to Be Called to Go Over Tar ff SLAIN BY HUNDREDS C A U G H T IN T R A P Death March in C all» wood Schoo Led to Locked b oor. Deer Lodge, Mont., March 10.— War­ Cleveland, O., March 6.— Twenty- Washington, Murch 9.— Plans fertile den Frank Conley, of the Montana fonr hours after the disaster which revision of the tariff have teen agreed state penitentiary, waa fearfully wound­ caused the death of appioximateiv one- upon by the Republican leaders, in­ P L A N I NEW N U T IN Y A M H IL L O W N E R S P R O T E S T TA X E 8. ed Sunday morning and his first assist third of the school children of Collin­ cluding Roosevelt, Speaket Cannon, ant warden, John Robinaon, was k ill­ wood, the death roll numbers 184. Of Senator Beveridge and Representatives these 1J7 had been ident fled at the ed, when three 11 fe convicte, George -ifty California Pistachio Received at Claim Lard la Worth but 76 Cents Payne, Dalxell and ¡Sherman, the three Ruck, W. H. lfayee and another wh<«< Lake Shore morgue, while 27 bodiea latter being u.ern' e.-s of the house ways McMinnville. Instead o f S3 Por tcre. remain there in a condition of mutila­ name is not given out, made a dash fo> and means committee, wno will frame Klamath Falls— The California A McMinnville— The Walnut club, of tion probably forever beyond recogni­ liberty in the penitentiary office at fc the new law. this city, has received through its sec­ Oregon Land company and the Oregon o’clock. It is thought the warden will tion. An extra session of rongrers will be M ilitary Land Grant company, owners retary, W . H. Latourette, a present of The work of digging in the ruins of called immediately after the expiration live. of thousands of acres in Klamath Robinson’s throat waa cut from ear >0 pistachio nut trees from the govern- of the present congress next spring and Disaster at Subuib o f Cleveland Dee the la k e View school house in further A R .ium a o f tho L w i Important but to ear and the jugular vein whs severed. nent experimental 'a-inat Chico, Cal,, [county, have brought suit through their a bill will be drafted reducing some of starch for remnants of children still olatee Many Homes— Teachers missing began with the break of day. Conley’s throat was gashed and be was for distribution to the members of Ihe 1 attorneys, Noland A Smith, against the high schedules in steel and i'On Not Lata Intareating Eventa stabbed several times in the shoulder club. The pistachio is a native of I Klamath county relative to 1906 taxes and equalizing others. Dawn found mothers and fathers wait­ If the Dsiuo- Die With Their Flecks, o f the Peat Week. and groin before he was able to draw Western Asia, but is grown in England on their lands. Assessor J. P. Lee val- i rits are successful in the national dec ing about the ruined building, after bis revolver and shoot two of the and France. It is believed that the | ued them in 1906 at $3 and $6 per acre. tion next fall, President Roosevelt will having spent the night in an effort to similarity of the Willamette valley c li­ - The companies appeared before the assailants down. Convicta Hayes and call congress immediately after the re­ King Alfonao w ill viait Barcelona in Cleveland, O , March 5.— Penned in find their children’s remaine(in the ex­ b >ard of equilaziation, objecting to the Rock were both shot down by Conley mate to tboee two countries will insure sult la known, ■> that the tariff can be temporised morgue. Little was brought defiance of bomb throwera. the successful growing of the nu‘g here. | assessment, but the board sustained rrow hallways, jammed up against forth during the day that would satisfy after the latter had been wounded. revised by the Republicans. The nuts are very high priced, and are I the assessor. Mayor Buaee, of Chicago, has taken doors that opened only inward, 170 The attack on the prison authorities their longings, anil it was believed last Senator Beveridge, who presented a atepe to keep all anarchlsta out c f the and a subsequent effort to escape has, used principally for flavoring the more I The complaint 6)ed states that lands measure providing for a tariff commis­ children in the suburb of North Col night that al) the bodiea that can be I adjoining will not sell for more than 60 expensive confectionery. city. according to the prison authorities sion, had a conference with the presi­ removed from the ruins have been tak­ The Walnut club is active in intro- cents per acre, as all lands in that re- dent today. Later he conferred with lingwood yesterday were killed by fire, District Attorney Jerome, of New tins afternoon, been long planned by en ont. lucing new varieties of products to th e ! gion are arid, uncultivated and far Speaker Cannon and Repri sentative by smoke and beneath the grinding York, aaya the chargee againBt him are Rock and Hayes, who were cellmates. The coronei’a inquest was begun yes­ The soil is of a soil of this vicinity. Last, year a few ¡from transportation. Payne, Dalxell and Sherman. It devel­ heels of their panic stricken playmates terday, when a number of witnesses Both were armed with penknives, the false. olive trees were set out on tracts of land ¡pumice Btone formation, and whatever The awful tragedy occurred yet ter were examined without, however, de­ oped that the commission plan is not blades of which were sharpened like In the New York to Paris automobile iwned by its members, and this spring | timber grew there has been removed. acceptable, and it was agreed that a razors. The three coDvicte were brought veloping any testimony that was be­ race the American car is far ahead of 4 great many more are being planted, The 1907 valuation was 76 cents per resolution shall be adopted by the pres­ day morning in the public school of to the office of the penitentiary Sunday An investigation North Collingwood, ten miles east of yond mere opinion. the others. acre, which the companies regard aa ft baa been proven tiiat the almond tree morning by Deputy Warden Robinson, ent congress directing the secretaries of conducted by the Collinwood school fair. They have refased to pay the will fiouiish here and bear an excellent this city. A t 10 o’clock last night 165 The janitor of the Collinwood school to be tried for some trivial infraction state, treasury, agriculture, commerce board, which lasted far into the night, The fig, likewise, has 1906 taxes and the land ia listed as de­ declares he fastened the doors open at of the prison rules, and Conley was quality of nuts. and labor and diie tcr of the census to corpses were in the morgue at Colling- brought forth these facta: equaled the California fig in excellence, linquent and will be sold unless the the first alarm of fire. waiting to sit in judgment. gather such data as w ill be useful to wood, six children were still unaccount­ That one of the inner doors at the county is restrained by the court. The moment the men entered the and yet the possibilities of Yamhill cli­ congress in revising the tariff. The incident of the seisnre of the ed for, and all the hospitals and houses West entrance of the school was closed mate and soil have been but half tested. Representative Sherman, with the and fastened, while children were p il­ Japanese ateamer Tatsu Maru by China office door Rock turned swiftly upon fer two miles around contained numbers Big Copper Strike. Robinson, who was closing the door be- approval of Speaker Cannon, ia circu ing np against it in the passage; that has not yet been settled. of children, some fatally and many lees SE M I-IN D U S T R IA L S C H O O L. Baker City— A new, extensive and lating a petition among members of the hind the men, and quickly drawing the partitions in the vestibule narrow­ John F. Stevens, ex-engineer of the knife, he began slashing at the deputy very important copper strike has just house which requests the ways and seriously injured. Two teachers also ed the exit by at least three feet; that Panama canal, says the big canal will warden’ s throat. Robinson was unable James Withycombe So De crid ei Ag been made in the Goose creek district, means committee to sit during the sum­ lost their livea in an effort to save their the flames came first from a closet be­ be of little value after it is finished. about three miles southeast of the mer recess for the purpose of gathering charges. to retreat or move before his throat was low the stairway at the East entrance; ricultural College Eagle mountain pro)>erty and 1 % miles data to aid the membere in framing a All of the victims were between the the closet contained lime and sawdust; Admiral Goodrich says American cut w ide open and be sank to the floor Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­ from the Poormsn mine. The devel­ new taiiff law. Many signatures have ages of 6 and 15 years. The Bchool three little girls had been found hiding battleships are-equal to those of any dying. At the same moment that Rock at lis— At a meeting of the San Grael so­ opment thus far done has exposed 40 already been procured and the commit­ contained between 300 and 326 pupils in play in the closet earlier in the other country but could be made much ciety in tho opera bouse, Dr. James feet cf ore and the fall width of the tee will sit. tacked Robinson, Hayes also pulled out and of this entire number only about morning; there was but one fire escape better. a knife similar to that of Rock ami Withycombe, director of the experi­ ledge has not yet been determined. It 80 are known to have left the building and its use was never taught as a part China Is about to spend $60,000,000 started for Conley. The latter retreat ment station, defined the Oregon Agri­ is thought that the ledge w ill widen unhurt. It will be several days before of the fire drill. DEM ANDS ARE MADE. in naval construction. The govern­ ed to the rear of the office before the cultural college aa a semi industrial to 70 or 80 feet. The discoverers and the exact number of killed is known college. He said that at one time ment w ill also borrow large sums to be oncoming de perado. owners of the claim are C. C. Cox and Before Conley the ruins may still contain other Japan's Minister Presents Ultimatum SIDE OF R AILRO A D S. used In railroad construction. could draw his revolver, however higher education meant training of the Frank Keating, of this city, and M. T. bodies and the list of fatalities may be to China intellect exclusively and that this was Weum, of Minneapolis. Samples of inertased by a number of deaths among An alarm of fire at I.ees Summit, Hayes had slashed his throat, cutting an extreme view, especially noticeable the ore exhibited in this city show Pekin, March 9.— Japan’s ultimatum the children who are now lying in the Contend Low Lumber Rate Will P re­ Mo., caused the 400 school children to him from the left ear to a point undoi in Europe. Later many countries in great copper values, and mining circles in the care of the Japanese steamship vent New Construction. hospitals hoveling between life and rush out of the building in a panic. No the chin. The convict, seeing his in Tatsu Maru was presented to the tiead death. tended victim getting away, grappled Europe adopted the other extreme, are considerably excited. attention was paid to the fire drill. Washington, March 6.— Argument of 'raining young men solely for the in of the Chinese Foreign board today, and with him and stabbed him several The school house was of brick, two the Pacific Coast lumber case was re­ Hearst papers are accused of inciting durtries, and in tit is manner crowded the board has the matter under consid­ times in the shoulder and groin. stories snd an attic in height. The sumed before the Interstate Commerce Market Day Not Success, anarchy. out the humanities from the livea of eration. Although bleeding terribly. Conley- number of pupilB was more than norm commission yesterday. La Grande— I-a Grande’s first mar­ J. D. Kerr, the great industrial masses. Atueri The Tatsu Maru was seized off Macao Portugal seems to be drifting toward managed to draw hia gun from bis ally large and the smaller children had representing the H ill roads, frankly ket day was not quite the succeed that pocket and fired four times with the cans, who thought the industrial phase waa anticipated, at least ftom the on February 7 by Chinese custom’ s been placed in an attic of the building stated that tlie Northern Pacific and a republic. weapon pressed against Hayes’ abdo- of school training bad been overworked, standpoint of those who brought live­ cruisers on the charge that her cargo of There was but one fire escape and that Great Northern have reached their ca­ Colorado has ha l 20 homicides al until it became a fad, have taken in arms and ammunition was intended for was in the rear of the building. There men. stock to be auctioned. Prices offered pacity for handling traffic. He said as ready in 1008. As Hayes sank to the floor. Rock termediate grounds by the introduction in moat cases were so low that the Chinese revolutionists, although con­ were two stairways, one leading to the development of the Piorthweet con­ of industrial colleges, In lieu of the signed to a merchant of that place. The Black Hand leaders are meeting their rushed at Conley, who emptied the two door in front and the other to a door in owners preferred to withdraw their tinued, traffic would grow. Therefore match in New York. remaining cartiidgea in his gun into European theory of industrial training property from sale. But the merchants steamer ia now being held at Wham- the rear. Both of these doors opened existing roads must increase their ca­ achoolB. poa, on the Canton river. Rock and lie latter also went down inward, ami it is said that the rear door of the city made every effort, and were pacity or new roads must be built, but The death list in the Collinwood die The irreducible minimum of the The third oonvict who had been called was locked as well. eminently successful, to give the visit­ he declared no new roads would be aster has reached 174. Japsdiese claims is the restoration of Has Shearing Record. to the “ carpet,” took to his heels at When the flames were discovered the built to haul lumber unless they had a ing farmers much more than the usual the steamer, as well as of her cargo, Japan says she will use force with the first of the battle, but was quickly Pendleton— A. T. H ill, who broke value for their money. teachers throughout seem to have acted guarantee of a rate that would be re­ Bargains China only as a last resort. captured and plate 1 in hia cell. The the world’s sliei p shearing record at abounded in all the mercantile estab­ and L.e payment of a full indemnity. with courage and self possession and to munerative. I f the old non-compen­ Action is demanded within a “ reasona­ authorities refused to give out his name Beardsley, Arizona, is coming to Uma­ lishments. Hundreds of country peo. have struggled heroically for the eafety satory lamb r rate is continued in The Knickerbocker Trust company ble tim e.” In case of default or post­ until tiiey had investigated whether be tilla and Morrcw counties to shear this pie thronged the streets. of their pupils and marshaled the little effect, money cannot be procured and of New York, Is to reopen. ponement, Japan, according to the was concerned in the plot or whether spring. He w ill join a shearing crew ones into columns for the “ fire d rill,’ railroad building w ill atop, he said. terms of her ultimatum, w ill “ take Nine Chinese have been sentenced to he had merely been called to the office at Heppner about March 16. H ill which they often practiced. Unfortun Mr. Kerr denied that the lumber Huge Timber Tract Leased. immediate action.” death in Boston for murder. at the same time as the other two. sheared 326 sheep in nine hours at ately the line of march ¡ d this exercise men would be injured by an increase. Klamath Falls— J. F. Kimball, tim Japan expects a reply by tomorrow. Beardsley, breaking the former record her cruiser for the Weyerhaeuser Lum­ had always led to the front door, and They would still make a big profit, he The Interstate Commerce commission of 310 held by Jack Wyr.n, of New ber company in this region, has just She will not tolerate China’ s offer to the children had not been trained to declared. The Booth-Kelly o. mpany w ill enforce the 0-hour law on all rail­ ARE FIRE T R A P 8 . investigate the case. She insists upon Mexico. The ciew of 30 men in which closed a deal with J. D. Elder, of Lake seek any other exit. The fire came in Oregon, which is not operated under roads. H ill worked on the record breaking day county, for the leasing of 63,400 acres an apohgy for the hauling down of the from a furnace situated directly under favorable conditions, could, on the Franklin’ s house in Paris has been T oo Many Flimiy Buildings Are Con- Japanese flag on the Tatsu Mara and sheared 6,672 head in nine hours. of timbered grazing lands. This is the this part of the building. basis of an advanced rate, still earn 31 structrd in America. dimoliahed to make way for a more she will not accept mediation, affirm­ Morrow and Umatilla county sheep largest tract ever leased to one man in When the children reached the foot per cent annually on its investment. modern building. ing that China is in error and that the of the stairs they found the flames Washington, March 10.— In a state shear easier than the sheep of the Some companies could make larger this section. M r. Elder w ill pay 4 facts are incontrovertible. Professor Quaekenbos, ex-professor of merit made public laBt night, Richard Southwest and it ia ezpeoted that Hill close rpon them and so swilt a rush profits, others not so much. Relative cents per acre the first year, with the Baron Hayaahi, the Japanese minis­ Columbia university, announces that L. JIumplirey, engineer in charge of the w ill beat his Arizona record with the privilege of extension for another year was made for the d or that in an In to the arguments that lumber cannot ter to China, in delivering the ultima­ he had a medicine that will make bad structural material laboratories of the Heppner crew. at 4 cents. He owns 27,000 heed of tum, made reference to Japan’s s\ m- stant a tightly packed mass of children move into competitive territory under government, discusses recent tiro hor­ men good. an advanced rate, Mr. Kerr showed that sheep that are now on the desert. He pathy tor China in the mutter of con- was pRe d against it. rors and asserts that fire traps as bad After the fire had practically burned the St. Psul & Tacoma Lumber com­ Pendleton Wants Demonstration. A part of fhe battleship fleet is sched­ expects to drive them to this immense traliand traffic in arms and explained or worse than that which cost the lives itself out the work of rescuing the bod pany, of Tacoma, paid 55 cents into uled to return by way of the Hues (anal Pendleton— The diversified farming range about April 1. that China conld not expect medial! in ies was begun by firemen and railroad of so many school children at Collin­ this dietrict for years and made good and w ill also visit a number of Euro­ wood, O., exist in nearly every village plan of the O. R. A N. officials lias met so long as she did not admit the parti­ employes from the Lake Shore shops profits. This is higher than the pro­ pean countries. with the approval of the Commercial Sal* o f Big Grain Farm. cipation of the Portuguese. and town and in many ( f the Jarge The railroad company turned over one posed new rate. association, which has appointed a Pendleton— The sale of the Cooley Illin ois Central directors are work cities. of its buildings near by to be used as a committee to confer with the officials IN FE C TE D R ATS ARE FO U ND farm for $42,000 is one of the largest Ing on a plan to raise $30.000,000. He urges the passage of laws to pro­ temporary morgue, and thither the W A N T F O R E S T PRESERVED. hibit the occupation of anything except having the demonstration work in real estate deals made during the past charred and broken little bodies were King Edward Is on a visit to France charge. This committee will endeavor few months in Umatilla county. This Citizens' Committe Authorizes Addi­ removed as fast aB they could be dug a structure of tlie tiighest fire resisting and oalled on the French president. type, especially when it is used as a to induce the Harriman ag-nts to ex­ is a big tanch in the Cold Springs coun­ tional Expenditure!, from the ruins. W ithin five hours Wholesale Lumber Dealers Approve Two women have been arrested at school, theater cr other structure in tend their instruction lecture train inti try that has been farmed by A . B. Coo­ Policy o f Government. fian Francisco, March 9.— The bac­ practically all had been removed. They Napa, Cal., f«r passing counterfeit which people assemble in large num this country. An effort will also be ley. The sale waa made to Arthur teriological reports of the Federal were placed in rows in the Lake Shore Washington, March 6.— The conclud­ made to have the railroad people estab­ Scott, of Athena. There are 1,120 money. beta. health officers state that infected rats shops. ing feature of the 16th annual conven­ " I t is a matter of record,” be said, lish a modern experimental farm in acres in the farm and 600 acres of were found in nearly every district of Identifications were made only by tion of the National Wholesale Lumber The Interstate Commeroecommission this county where It can be demon growing grain is included in the sale. the city last week, only the Sunset snd means of clothing and trinkets. The Dealers’ association was a banquet at says It is not opposed to the Fulton bill “ borne out by statistics, that this conn strated that the summer fallow is a The purchaser hag had years of experi try spends enormous sums of money in Richmond districts being immune. The fire had swept away nearly all reeem the New W illard last night. as has been stated. wanton waste of land. ence in growing grain in Umatilla providing equipments in fighting fires, greatest percentage of infection is re­ blance to human features in the ma­ The principal topic ol discussion yes­ county. Charges have been filed against Chan­ while foreign countries spend their ported from the North Beach district jority of instances. Distracted parents terday was forest preservation. The cellor Day, of Syracuse universitv, for money in building structures which 8tar Rout* Beats Train. and in the Western addition. In all goon began to gather and the work of report of the committee on fori stry de­ speaking ill of President Roosevelt. Cannery for Independence. offer the greatest resistance to fire. The The Dalles— According to E. L. Bolt­ buildings where infected rats were identification of the blackened and clared that the lumber dealers realixe Independence— An enthusiastic meet found, walla and flocre were opened, mangled corpses began. Buits'for the illegal outting of timber per capita loss in this country yearly on, of Kingsley, the people of that sec­ the inevitable shortage in the timber The grewseme task of taking out the supply which must be felt in the very have been filed In the United States exceeds $6, against an annual loss in 21 tion of Wasco county are dissatisfied ing of citizens and farmers last week and the places thoroughly fumigated. of the principal cities of Europe of 33 with their present mail service. The decided to take steps toward establish­ The citirena' health committee has au­ blackened torsoes and bits of human near future and arc doing more prob­ oourt at Helena against several firms. cents per capita. Estimating the pop­ mall from The Dalles for that region ing a cannery at this place. There will thorized the Federal health officers to remains was one of horror. A line of ably than any other agency to promote Governor Johnson w ill dedicate the ulation of the country at 8'),000,000 goes as (ar as Duftir by train. A [>etl- be another meeting of the citizens amt rescuers was formed, baoked by half a the cause of forestry. The report de­ monument erected by the state of Min­ the loss from fires here is $740,000,000. tiou is being circulated asking that the farmers at the opera honse, at which employ additional men, no limit beii g placed on the number. New gangs will dozen ambnlgnces. As the bodies were clares that with all the agencies at nesota on Shiloh battlefield on April 10 If we bad tire same conditions that pre­ mail be taken from the Great Southern time there will be prominent experi­ be organized and an effort made to ex­ untangled from the debris they were work they are hopeful that our forests A monmuent and statue of Shake­ vail in European cities our loss would and carried by wagon from The Dalles enced cannerymen, professors from the terminate ail the rats in the city within passed along to the stretchers, thence w ill still be presetved. Repeal of the to Dufur and then on to Kingsley, Tygh Oregon Agricultural college and others the next 30 days. speare will be ready for the 300th an be but $20,400,000 a year.” conveyed to the ambulances, where homestead law as applied to timber valley and Wapinita. This method to address the people on the profits niversay of his death and will be erect­ they were mercifully covered with lands is advocated, but the general for­ would deliver the mail at Kingsley al­ from a cannery and when the commit­ Japan's Move H gh Handed ed in London. blankets and then taken to the impro­ est reserve policy of tho government is D s nfect Wharves. tee appointed will report. most 24 hours earlier than according to Paris, March 10.— The French preea, approved. Sacramento, March 9.— The state vised morgues. A petition signed by 40,000 persons the present method. despite the Franco-.Iapanese entente, board of health today adopted a resolu asking pardon for Captain Van Hchaick, P O R T L A N D M A R K E TS . considers that the Japanese'government Senator Proctor Dead tion providing that all wharvts, grain M in e rs on N on-union Basis. under 10 years’ sentence for criminal has been brusque anil even high banded Dairy Industry Growing elevators, warehouses, stables and other Washington, March 5.— United States Seattle, Wash., March 6.— A cable negligence In causing the wreck of the Wheat— Club, 82o; bluestem, 84c; in its deliberations with China over the I-ehanon— The dairying industry is rat-lnfisted premises on, or situated Senator Redfieid Proctor, of Vermont, dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer from steiuner Gen. Slocum, whereby over matter of the seizure of the Tatsu Maru. becoming a large factor in Lebanon’ s valley, 82c; red, 80o. within a half mile from the bay of San died at his apartments at the Cham­ Fairtianks, Alaska, says: Nineteen 1 000 lives were lost, will be presented Barley— Feed, $26 per ton; rolled, The Tempe, in an editorial, points out business life. It is growing a great Francisco, or the inland navigable water plain here yesterday afternoon, after a operators on Vault creek, formerly to President Roosevelt. that there has la n extensive smuggling deal faster than the moat hopeful ever $22g30. connections therewith, must be disin- short illness, following an attack of the operating eight hours and paying $6. Data— No. 1 white, $27 p e r ’ ton; The first consignment of Easter bon­ of arms to South China, where there is thought it would. There is shipped fjeted within 30 days or sutler quaran­ grip. The senator’s son. Governor resolved to go on a ten hour $5 basis on widespread revolutionary agitation, from Lebanon cream to six different gray, $27. nets from Paris has arrived at New tine at the end of that time. The Proctor, of Vermont, was at the bed- March 10, and have to notified their Corn— Whole, $32.60 per ton; crack the chief iratigators of which are stu­ sreameriee. One lias a station hare York. meeting of the boaid was a harmonious aide when the senator parsed away. employes. Many men are arriving dents, who have returned front Japan, and having several wag ms out to gath­ ed, $33.60. one, the membere agreeing on every Senator Proctor was 77 years old. The daily over the trail and are being sent A fire in the suburbs of Tokio burned Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $17® and excuses over anxiety on the part of er up the cream, it of course lias the resolution. The general opinion seem­ senator had been ill and confined to out to work in the minea. More men 400 houses and caused a loss of $2,- China under the cltcumstancee. biggest part of the trade. In 1907 this 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, ed to be that the situation is improving. his room at the Champlain apartment re working od the nonunion basis than 600,000. reamery paid out at the Lelunon sta­ $20021; clover, $14316; cheat, $16; for about a week. His ailment was ever, many nnion operators haviDg The house committee on expositions tion $21,116.27, which was an increrse itrain hay, $14016; alfalfa, $12®13; Japan's Naval Strerg h. diagnosed as grip, which later devel­ joined the Mir.eowner’ association and Bonus for Each Child. vetch, $14. favors appropriating $600,000 for the of m >re than $3.000 over 1900 and thne Tokio, Maroh 10. — Some reliable fig- prospecta are bright for a banner season. Sydney, N. 8. W „ March 9.— The oped into pleurisy, Fruits— Apples, $1®3 per box, ac- Japanese fair. urea ate now to hand ahowing the pres­ timra Eire amount paid out for 1906. 'onling to quality; cranberries, $8011 increase of population in the common- Japan threatens to use force unless ent strength ol the Japanese navy com- Ships Leave Magdalena Bay alth la notoriously slow, and the Haney Given Mnre 1 ¡me. pei barrel. Want Railroad Extended. China surrenders absolutely in the mat­ p m d with its strength when the war legislators of Weetern Australia, where San Diego Cal., March 6.— Wireless San Francisco, March 6.— The prose­ Vegetables— Turnips, 76c per sack; Condon— The farmers of Ihe South­ broke out. Details ate appended, but ter of the seised steamer. carrots 65c per sack; beets, $1 per the inhabitants number only two to the messages from Magdalena bay today cution in the bribery graft cases this ern part of Gilliam county are uniting the totals may lie briefly stated, viz square mile, have deteimined to take a state that the gunboat Yorktown left morning ag-iin a-ked for farther time Nine anarchist leaders have been One hundrid and fifty seven vessels of in an effort to secure the extension of sack; beans, 20c per pound; cabbage, 1 Lye per pound; cauliflower, $1.76; leaf out of the book of the French. there this morning for San Francisco to answer the affidavits filed by Abra­ arrested in Chicago. all descriptions, representing a tonnage the Arlington-Ci ndon branch of the O. celery, $4 2634.75 per crate: parsley, W ith a view to encouraging bigger fam­ direct. The lemainder of the second ham Ruef in hia motion for the vaca­ John McCourt, of Pendleton, has of 283,242 tons, before the war, and R. A N. aa far south as the Bin khorn 20c per doxen; peppers. 171yC per ilies, *n amendment has lieen inserted squadron, which means a ll the vessels tion of hie arraignment on the United been recommended for United stales 204 verse s and 616.082 tons at the country, a distance of at least 16 miles pound; radishes, 20c per doaen; spin in the income tax bill by the state leg­ now at Magdalena except the Califor­ Railroads trolley indictments, and waa present day. Further scrutiny of the fmm Condon. The reason is that m irh district attorney for Oregon. soli, 5c per pound; sprouts, 10c per islative assembly givli g an exemption nia, w ill sail on Sunday for San Fran­ granted until Monday morning by Su­ of $50 for every child np to the number cisco. The California w ill remain at perior Judge Lawlor. Assistant Dis­ Foreign diplomats discredit stories figures shows that Japan today possess- time is wasted every fail and winter in pound; squash. 101 t*c per pound. more than twice the number of bat- hauling the Ruckhnrn grain crop to of five in the family of a taxpayer the bay for several days thereafter and trict Attorney F. J. Heney gave as his of our military weakness and consider Oniuna— $2.60 per hundred. market, as it takes one day for the tleshipe she had before the war. Five children is evidently the lim it. the operator at the wireless station ex­ reasons fer not having the counter- Booeevelt a military genius. Potatoes— 40060c per handled, de­ Bnckhorn farmers to make one trip to pects to hear from the battleship fleet affidavits completed that the prosecu­ livered Portland; sweet potatoes, $3.60 The third of the Pennsylvania com­ the station and warehon-ee. Shivering in the Dakotas. Prizes fo r Aeroplanes. through the big cruiser about March 10 tion was going over the entile matter 03.75 per hundred. pany’s tunnels under the East river, St. Paul, March 10.— Eitrem ely oold thoroughly and carefully. Paris, March 9.— M. Michel in has or 11 if she remains there. Butler— Fancy •reamery, 30036c New York, has been completed. Report of Insane Asylum. weather prevailed throughout the founded a world’s challenge enp of the per pound. Nathan Vidaver, deputy stale attor­ Northwest Sunday night and yeeterday. Salem— Superintendent R. E. Lee. Need Law to Deport Anarchists W ou 'd C lassify B-tnks. Pcullry— tverage old hena. 14c per value of $20,000, to be competed for ney general for New York, has been ar­ the warmest place in this region being Steiner, of the state insane asylum, In annually by aeroplanes After the first New York, March 5.— The advantage San Francisco, March 6.— Represent­ rested charged with attempted black- St. Paul, where the temperature was his monthly report submitted tn the pound; mixed chickens, 1301314c; spring chickens, 16016o; turkeys, lire, races aeronauts w ill be compelled each of the b ill introduced in congress by atives ol the San Francisco Savings four degrees below zero yesterday morn­ governor states that the new wing that 14 ® 16c; dressed, choice, 16017c; year to fly doable the distance made by Congressman Bennett, providing for Bank association appeared before ths ing at 8 o’click. Throughout North is being annexed to the institution will geese, live, 9010c; ducks, 16016c; the winner of the trophy the preceding the deportation of anarchists is ex­ special legislative committee on bank­ A receiver has been appointed for the Dakota at that hour the temperature be completed within 30 days. He also pigeons, 7 6 c 0 $ l; squabs. $1.6002. Weetern Maryland railroad on account year. The winning aeronaut, in addi­ pressed by Commissioner of Immigra­ ing laws today in order to make re­ of the rate law. This is another of ranged (rom 4 to 26 below. The crest reports that the new ward for the crim ­ Eggs— Fresh ranch, 18318f*c per tion to the cap, w ill receive $3,000. tion Watchorn, of this port. The com­ commendation* foi the amendment of of the cold wave extended from South inal insane will he occupied during the dcsen. Gould’ s lines. The trophy will be held by the aero missioner states that hs has always the existing laws. Ths chief recom­ The expense for the Daring his ornise on the Medlterra- Dakota to Winnipeg. The temperature coming week. Veal— 75 to 125 pounds, 9c; 125 to clnb of the country of which the winner done everything In his power to keep mendation was that laws be passed rose slowly during the day. keeping of each patient for the month 160 pounds, 7e; 1ST) to 200 pounds, 5 ia a native. anarch sts ont of the country, but says separating the three different kinds of nean Emperor W illiam will visit King waa $12.37, or 42 cents per day. he knows of no way in which they can banking known as trust business, com­ Victor Emmanuel, of Italy, and Em­ 061*0. Portugel Noi Invotyed. peror Fiancla Joseph, of Austria. Furnace Got Overheated now be deported. He favors the mercial business and savings deposits, Pork— Block, 75 to 160 pounds, 7 L a Grands After Settlers. l.isbon, March 10.— Investigatine in- 0 7 l%c; packers, 5& 6)*e. so they can be better rcgnlated. Columbus, O., March 9. — That ths passage of the Bennett bill. Mexico and Guatemala have adjusted rtltuted by Ihs Portogliele govertiment LaUrende— At least 26 fami Ilea from Hops— 1907, prime and choice, 41* fire in the Collinwood echoolhonse their dilpomatic difficulties. regarding thè Tsten Marn inrident, Idaho w ill arrive in LaGrende thia 38e per peund; olds, 1 0 fc per pound. New York Sparsa Rod. hich cost the lives of more than 170 R esto re Surveyor G eneral's Pay. An attempt la being mads to sell the hav* eliciteli from thè Pekin govern- weekwith a view to eecnring homes In ¡ Wool— Eastern Oregon, average best, children was doe tc an over heated far- New York, March 6.— By a vote of Washington, March 6.— The senate Jamestown talr site to the government. ment ths emphatlc aasertion that thè the valley. A local real (d a te firm has 183>0c per ponrd according to shrink­ nace ia the anbetmnee of a partial report 21 to 17 thè board of edneation defest- ' subcommittee on appropriations today Harriman’s men have l>aen elected iinre oorurred on thè high ava*, and had a missionary employed In Idaho age; valley, 18320c per pound, accord­ de to State Fire Marshal Creamer ed thè prò posai to reintrodnee corporei ! »g reci to ree torà to thè legislative b ill dlreetots of the Illinois Central rail­ that, therefore, thare wmt no violatimi and the Matee of the M id. I le W ert dur­ ing to fineness- mohair, choice, 290 tonight by the three deputise whn have pnniehment In thè publie se Tool« of thè proviaion increasing thè Belar! ss of way. Of thè law governici Portoci asteis. ’ Ing the paît winter. 30c. been inveattpting the causes oi the fire. ths city. eurvoyort generai to $3,000. ■TACABA OHMOON NEWS OF THE WEEK la a Condensed Form lor Our Bmsy Readers. Nearly 200 Children Roasted In School House Fire. FLAMES CUF OFF ALL RETREA