I - •- / & -----------— NO. 14 of VOL. 4 E ST A C A D A , O REGO N, LO C A L OUR CASH SYSTEM W e are enabled to sell goods cheapt*, and more of them. Our big reduc­ tions on many staple goods continues : ; : IN S E A S O N H. N. North Hans Johnson, of George, who ! was taken to Portland for surgical treatment, is said to be' rapidly re- ! covering. Y- ® k jgj We wish to thank our many patrons of Estacada and vicinity for their Splendid Help during our February Sale, and we want to help you still further while you help us ^ ^ HOW? f I LISTEN | EV ER YBO D Y L IK E S A /» W E W IL L H E L P O I F YO U W IL L COM E A N D S E E US. ^ W IL L YO U PRETTY M AKE HOM E I T SUCH ^ • WE « & T E L L YOU HOW ^ | D A L E ’ S $1 A Y E A R Clackamas County TAXES | $2 a day The Hotel Estacada A L L M O DERN C O N V E N IE N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Don't forget that Friday night is School children’ s night at the rink. Absolutely the best recreation and the best amusement possible to ob­ tain. Rock Crusher Stops 606-608 CHAMBER of co m m erce PORTLAND STATEM EN TS OF T A X E S W ILL PERSON OR BY MAIL. EXAM INE C A L L AND DUPLICATE T A X PHONES MAIN ROLL. 2056 OR HOME A2056 ! Furniture and Goods For Sale S a n d In v it e you to examine them j soon and Bronson-Lovclace Wedding of its crushed rock to Portland for street improvement, but since the Miss A va Lovelace and Mr. Cor- eitv is not asking for more rock the nelius Bronson were married on demand for it is light. Monday, the 9th, at Oregon City. The wedding took place at the par­ sonage of Rev. John Linden, pastor Replevin Proceedings of the Baptist church. The young Deputy Sheriff Charles Ely was couple were accompanied by Mr. The here on official business, Monday. and Mrs. John Bourbonia. Ed. Oblander, who owns the or­ iginal meat market property in E s­ tacada, occupied by VanDuren & Gerber, was out from Portland last Sunday. His visit was for the purpose of bride is a dauKhte* of Councilman serving replevin papers in a suit John F ’ Lovelace, and the groom a Ralph L. Shepherd, assistant sta­ ^ r' and ^ rs Chas. Bron- tion agent at Eagle Creek, has been brought by the Standard Wood Co. son promoted to general agent at Gres­ agaiiist Win.- DeW . *Ti#t plaintiffs son- T h *T «turned to Estacada state that they are the owners of Tuesday evening, and h aw ham. A worthy employe honored. 100 cords of wood lying on the land reccivin& congratulations of their Harmon Green wishes to sell his of Mr. Bowman across the river at many friends. residence property. The place will Estacada, which wood I)elap wrong­ Remember the masquerade at the pay $ i o a month rent which makes fully took possession of, supposing Estacada rink 011 the 17th of March. it a good investment for someone at it was the property of J. D. Forbes. | A special program of music has $8oo the price he asks. The wood is the property attached 1 been arranged for. Nothing but Mr. W. J. Emmett has sold the by J. F. Lovelace and is valued at Irish airs will be played. Prepare property where the family have #265. your costume now and secure one been living to Ed. Scott. Mr. and of those handsome prizes which will Mrs. Emmett will soon move into be given away. Eggs and Plants For Sale their new house at the corner of 5th Do Not Crowd the Season and Zobrist streets. Full blood S Buff Orpington eggs The firsl wilrm ,lavs of s PrinK '»ring with them a desire to vet out and enjov Dr. C. B. Charlton came out last for hatching, 1.2s a dozen, or J 3o : tlie exlim-ruting air and sunshine. Clin Saturday from Portland and went for $ 2 .2 5 . Also, some fine Logan dren that have been housed up all winter out to her timber claim east of town B e rry plants, 5 0 c a dozen, or 10 0 are brought out and you wonder where for a few days’ rest and visit with for $ 2 .2 5 . -W. II. Holder, E sta- tllev they all came from. The heavy w in -| friends. Mrs. Charlton has been in cada. j ter clothing is thrown aside and many j shed their flannels. Then a cold wave Seattle most of the Winter. , Sparks’ Store THE BANK OF ESTACADA T r a n s a c t s A G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s in e s s » Capital, $10,000.00 Money to Loan on Real Estate IN S U R A N C E This bank has the local agency foi some of the very best Frire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with 11s, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind ( ( ( ( ( Our rate of Exchange and Discounts will be gov- erned entirely by the Estacada Money Market. We shall try and govern our business so that the rate will be as close to 10c pr $10 0 as possible, it being the usual rate throughout the state W. A. HEYLMAN, ) ) ) ) ) Cashier. I comes and people say that grip is epi- | CEDAR SHINGLES H. R. Mill Co. When a man has trouble with stomach you may know that he is eating more than he should or of some article of food or drink not suited to his age or occupa­ tion, or that his bowels are habitually constipated. Take Chamberlain’s stom­ ach and liver tablets to regulate the I h » w - els and improve the digestion and see if the trouble does not disappear. Ask for sample. Sold at Estacada drug store. SHOES FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION IN FLOUR C«use of Stomach I rouble A N D BE CUPI D FLOUR J. F. Lovelace GROCERIES, DRY GOODS The CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY E. C. Suter, who has a fine farm J domic. Cold at this season are even more I EAGLL CREEK and home adjoining Eagle Creek, dangerous than in midwinter, as there is j much more dangerous of pneumonia* i was in town Thursday. Like all Eagle Creek has its a mature Dra­ Take Chamberlain’s cough remedy how- ; I others, Mr. Suter has been taking matic Club and all that, but it re­ ever and you will have nothing to fear. ! advantage of the exceptionally nice mained for its school children to It always cures, and we have never known ' weather to do early Spring work. 1 . . , .. . , 1 a cold to result in pneumonia when it show 11s a real delightful evening s . . . : , a . 0 was used. It is pleasant and safe to take The H011. W. H. Sampson, of ^ ~ 1 entertainment. T his they did Sat- children like it. For sale at Estacada Oregon City lias promised the Gar- urday night and they were well re. drug store. field Grange Dramatic Club to act ceived by a large and appreciative ' as auctioneer at the sale of baskets audience. The songs, dialogues, $ 3 ,ooo to loan in amounts to suit at the play and social next Satur- etc were foilowed by by a a basket W). the borrower. Bank of Estacada. day ni&ht- cial The bidding was lively, and -E S T A C A D A , O REGO N J . F. L O V E L A C E Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bridenstine the scene caused one to stop and •Cupid Flour is made by tlie Hood River Milling Co. Hood River, Ore- arrived here, Monday, from Beav- wonder if he were not on the floor gop from the finest hard wheat that money will buy. The Hood River erton, and were met at the train by - of the stock exchange instead of in | Milling Co. takes special care in the 'manufacture of this sj>eei'il Stand­ their son, D. \V. Bridenstine. It is W ilbem'sSiall, Fagle Creek. Miss ard Brand of high patent Family Flour. Every sack is guaranteed or their intention to buy a lot and put Stella Womer’s basket brought the money refunded. When you get Cupid Flour, you get the B E S T up a residence here. For a few days highest price. A neat sum was re- they are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. alized, which will be expended for is our Agent at Estacada, you will make no mis­ John Gilberts who are relatives of sehodl improvements, take in using Cupid Flour. Try it today, Price theirs. Egbert Foster is around again. is reasonable Mr, and Mrs. H. Pierson of the 1,avinK lluite recovered from bis re- We are equipped to manufacture from 40,000 to 50,000 of the liest fabulously rich Springwater country cent attack of b'n P Rhodes is negotiating the j Cedar Shinglos each day, and will came to town Saturday with a load deliver them in Estacada at of lambs which they shipped to the sale of h's Property at this place. CUPI D F L OUR W E H A N D L E T H E B E S T IN M A Y NOW BF, P A ID A T T H E O F F IC E S OF We are going to move to Idaho are offering for sale any part of our household goods and The railroad company’s big rock furniture. H. W. Green and Frank On February 21 Gov. Chamber I crusher at Cazadero was closed up Morris. J. S. Regan who lain issued a notarial commission to last Saturday. of the work and j Cashier L. E. Belfils of the Estaca­ I I has had charge c tor *, Miss Anna Leone McBride, ’ pupil I gang there the pilst year says y 1 da State Bank. * the Suspension of work is for an in- ° f Frederick Zecli, and teacher in Mr. and Mrs. Guy Drill of Sher­ ! definite time. About 3o men were the von Meyerinck Conservatory, idan are here for a visit with Mr. employed at the works and they 8>ves piano or organ lessons in Es- ___ , , _ , . : tacada on Wednesdays. and Mrs. A lf Drill at Faraday Sta­ have gone elsewhere to seek em- 3 ton. The two Mrs. Drill are sixers. ployment. The company sold most I ^ 1908. + Ditty Miss Gertrude Morrow was in the ; aud two daughters, Mrs. Emma Tate of Crabtree, and Mrs. Bertha metropolis Monday and Tuesday. Moore of Seattle. The Ladies’ Aid will meet this week Friday with Mrs. W. A. Jones R O L L E R S K A T IN G A boy was born on February 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wonacott of IWhen iudul8ed in regularly is rec- Garfield. ognized to be one of the most health - ful as well as the most delightful A 1 1 -pound girl was born to Mr. indoor exercises. Skating regularly and Mrs. S. H. Hayes early Wed- Tuesday> TluirsdaV) Saturday and nesday morning, the . ith. , Sunday nights. Matinee every Sat- Julius Krieger & Bros, shipped a urday afternoon at the Estacada carload of 240,000 cedar shingles to rink. Free instruction given at all tl>e Portland market, Monday. j times to those wishing to learn. Cash, Big Sales, Small Profits GARD EN TRU CK M ARCH 12, At Dodge, Oregon, on March 8, Garfield Grange will meet at the I icjoiL, at 7:15 p. m., Mr. Whipple hall Friday. ! Nash died, aged 72 years and 24 Capt. Phil Shannon of Spring- clays. Mr. Nash was a native of water was ¡if town, Tuesday. York state but took up a permanent J. H. Hreck has, moved onto the residence in Oregon in 1877. He Mathew place which he has rented, leaves a son, Spencer N ashof Dodge Is a great benefit to our customers as well as to ourselves. N EW S T H U R SD A Y , ÎL CRAWFORD BROS. ....AND P0550N.... Portland market, receiving 11 Jic ts Those who t e n d e d Wilson & Or the purchaser can get them at a pound for them. They find sheep Gerber's ball at Estacada Saturday the mill. raising a very profitable branch of n,* ht are loud ,n their Praise of When wanting shingles examine diversified farming, and but little , that excellently managed affair CONTRACTORS & BUIUDKRS work connected with it. The Se,,wood L ,‘ mber Co’ and these. Orders filled promptly the Teitzel Logging Co. have sus­ Are now ready to take work The Bank of Estacada has nego- pended work for the time I icing. on any kind of building, give ti.i' ,d the sale of ten acres of Max The Maccabees will give a ball at estimates, and figure on any- .. at sell’s land one and a half mile |this place Saturday night for the building proposition. f. 11 town on the Garfield road to ' benefit of Mr. Wilbern. Everyone ----PROPRIETOR Win. Delap who is going to make cordially invited. Estacada Agent A. Morrow > fruit ranch of it. 1 rRY si (Alr ; 5c - A T ----- C. F. HOWE Why not subscribe today? JULIUS KRIEGER Estacada, Oregon 1 s