The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 05, 1908, Image 3

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    Pure Blood
Is certain if
you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
This great medicine cures those eruptions,
pimples and boils that appear at all seasons;
cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or eczema;
adapts itself equally well to, and also cures, dys­
pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu­
matism nnd catarrh; cures nervous troubles,
debility and that tired feeling.
S a rsatab s— F o r th ose w h o p r e fe r m e d icin e in tab­
le t fo rm . H o o d 's S a rsa p a rilla is now put up in c h o c o ­
la te d tablets c a lle d Sarsatab s. as w ell as in the usual
liq u id form .
S arsatabs h ave id e n tica lly the sam e
c u r a tiv e p ro p e rtie s as the liq u id fo rm , b e sid e s a ccu ­
r a cy o f d ose, c o n v e n ie n c e , e c o n o m y .—n o lo ss b y eva p ­
ora tion . b reak a ge, o r leakage. "D r u g g is t s o r p ro m p tly
by m ail. C. I. H o o d C o.. L o w e ll. M ass.
Say* Pe-ru-ns is a Valuable Nerve a ad
Blood Remedy.
Farmsra May Mali« It Futura Fual of
ths Waat.
B y F n d W . L e w i.. S e c r e t « ? W u h ln a t o n
G n n j f . T u m w .t e r . W u b .
Attempts to K’ll Chief Sh’ppy, o!
Chic; g : Police.
Mrs. C. K. Tyler, Burlington. Vt,
sa ys: “ The cares o f a large furtn, so
much to do and so little health to do it
with, caused almost a complete break
down: blood poor and thin: no strength,
little sleep. Hood s Sarsaparilla gave
appetite, natural sleep, perfect health,
streugth to do all my work.”
Assailant 8lain by Chief After Wound­
ing Four Persons—Dead Man
Had Plotted Long.
Chicago, Match 3.—The would be
aaeaaein of Chief of Police George M.
Generul Robert E. Lee was indeed
Octave Thanet tells a story of an old Shippy was last night identified aa Uus-
fully Washington’* equal as a hero and darky in Florida who was anxious
arua Averbuch, a Russian etudent of
a gentleman and much his superior as fcarn to read, so that he could read tht presumably anarcnietic tendencies.
a soldier. It is only in the larger polit­ Bible. He said that if he could read th«
Chief Sbippy, attacked in hie home,
ical or semipolitical sphere that he Bible he would want nothing else,
friend of the narrator taught him
No. 31 Lincoln place, at 9:30 a. m.
6tands lower and there perhaps only
read. Some time afterward she visited yesterday by Averbuch, ehot and killed
because his opportunities were so his cabin and asked his wife how hia
the latter, but r o f until hie assailant
much smaller.—London Times Review Bible reading was getting on.
had stabbed him in the atm and shot
of Trevelyan’s History.
“ I*ws, Miss Fanny,” said this person and dangerously wounded Hariy Ship­
“ he jes’ suttinly kin read fine. He’s don«
K oepa Them A w a r.
got outen dc Bible an’ into de newspg py, a eon of the police otfioial, and had
wounded James Foley, a member of
First Landlady—“ My boarders loaf pers.”—Indianapolis News.
the police department detailed ae
around the parlor every evening, much
Bessie Farrell, 1011 Third Ave.
to my annoyance. Does yours?”
The younger Sbippy was eaid at a Brooklyn, N. Y., is president of ths
You buy a book and hope to reap
Second Landlady—“ No, indeed! My
late hour laat night to have a good Young People's Christian Temperance
A profit quite extensive.
daughter is learning to play the
chance of recovery. Neither of the Association. She writes:
The style may be a little cheap,
“ Peruna is oertainly a valuable nervs
But the paper’s right expensive
other men wae dangerously hurl.
—Washington Star.
Averbuch's attempt upon the cbief’a and blood remedy, calculated to build
H e C o u ld I m p r o v e I t .
life wae the fourth effort he had made up the broken down health of worn out
" I went to the theater last night'
1’lh !
to accompiiah hie purpoee. Twice on women. I have found by personal ex­
“ What did you see?”
“The 'Great White Plague,’ my son,**
Sunday he vieited the house, but wae perience that it acta as a wonderlul re­
“ A play called ‘Hamlet.'**^
Said the Injun chief, in a passion,
unsuccessful in finding his intended storer of lost strength, assisting ths
“ How was It?”
“ Is that wicked, thieving race
victim at home. At 7 o'clock yesterday stomach to assimilate and digest the
“ Fair; only fair. A good, lively sex­
That calls itself the Caucasian !**
morning he made hie third appearance, food, and building np worn out tlaaues.
tet would do It a world of good.”—
but was informed by a servant that the In my work I have had occasion to re
E choes
o f
th e
P a st.
Washington Herald.
Wagner was writing the music of ths chief could not be seen till 9 o ’clock. commend it freely, especially to wo­
When he returned at 9 o ’clock the chief men.
N o A ffin ity .
“ I know of nothing whloh is better
“ I intend to produce something,” he was on the point of leaving for his
He— I have made a discovery.
said, “ that will go thundering down the office. When ad mi ted at the front door to build up the strength of a young
She—And what Is it?
Averbuch handed the chief an envelope mother, in fact all the ailments pecu­
“ You have spent $500 for dresses
How well he succeeded let the ages bearing his name and address, but the liar to women, ao I am pleased to give
this year and $1*00 for hats!”
bear witness.
latter, having heard of the previous it my hearty endorsement."
“ Well, what does that all prove.”*
Dr. Hartman has prescribed Peruna
visits to his home, suspected that
Id ra n te
G lo r y .
“ That you are not my affinity!”—
The young man was admiring her beau­ something was wrong and seized him for many thousand women, and he
Yonkers Statesman.
by the arms. The envelops which wae never fails to receive a multitude oi
tiful and abundant hair.
“ What a wealth of it there is!** he found later to be only a ruee to gain letters like the above, thanking him
U n c le A l l e n .
“ Goliath wielded a big stick, all right,” exclaimed. “ Whén you loosen it I sup­ entrance, contained only a blank sheet for the wonderful benefits received.
ol paper. The quickness with which Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative
quoth Uncle Allen Sparks, during an in­ pose it drops to the floor.”
“ Hugh !” broke in the little sister of the chief acted upon his suspicion
terval in the conversation. “ What put
“ It drops on the doubtless saved his life.
the everlasting kibosh on him was that the young woman
O v e rd id
he didn’t know how to speak softly.”— floor !”—Chicago Tribune.
though slight in build, proved in hie
Hospital Physician (to reassure him)
Chicago Tribune.
desperation almost a match for the —That snake you see is not a real one
D e p lo r a b le B u s in e s s E r r o r .
chief, who is muoh laiger, and the you know.
T be
R ig h t
E nd.
“ Did you ever make a mistake, do^
Delirium Tremens Patient—You see it.
latter found himself unable to hold
One day Percy, aged 3, was play- tor ?”
his assailant and search him for weap­ too, do you, doc? Ah, ha!
fug with the tall of a big dog.
“ Yes, once I was called In by a pa­ ons at the same time.
He therefore
“ Look out,’* said a careful aunt; tient and diagnosed his case as stom­
called to hie wife, who was in the next
“he’ll bite you, dear.”
ach ache—I only learned the following room, asking her to ascertain whether That is L A X A T IV E BROMO QUININE. Look
“Ob, no, auntie,” he said. “ I’se not day that he was rich enough to have the man naff a weapon in his pockets. for the sign atu re o f E. W. GROVE. Used the
W orld over to C ure a C old in One Day. 26c.
at the bitin’ end.------Harper’* Weekly. appendicitis.”—Die Muskete.
Mrs. Shippy discovered a revolver in
H er
L o v in g
F r ie n d s .
Averbuch’ s pocket, but before she could
O u ts id e o f H is P r a c tic e .
C h ild P u n is h m e n t .
Nan— Where do poor, dear Lil and the
“ All that is the matter with you, sir,** remove it he struggled loose from the
Never punish a child for a first of­
said the eminent physician, after a thor­ grasp of the chief and, drawing a long husband she has managed to get at last
fense. When about to punish always ough examination, “ is lack of nutrition. knife, etabbed he chief in the arm expect to spend their honeymoon?
be very sure that you are punishing You don’t eat enough.”
Fan—There won’t be any honey moon.
Thereupon the chief grappled again
him for a fauit and not simply be­
“ I eat all I can hold, doctor,” said with his assailant, who drew a revolver She’* a wasp.
cause the wrongdoing has caused you the attenuated caller.
At that moment Harry Shippy, 19
annoyance. Remember that It is not
“ Then you need to have your capacity years old, came rushing down the stair­ M o hers w ill fin d Mr*. W in slow 's Soothing
Byrup th e b est rem edy to use fo r th eir ch ild ren
wise to Inflict corporal punishment un­ enlarged, and that’s a case for a surgeon. way to his father’s aid. Averbuch fired d u r in g th e te e th in g p er io d .
less every other method has failed to Five dollars, please. Good morning.”— two shots, one of which struck young
Chicago Tribune.
On E d g e .
impress the small offender.
Shippy, who fell seriously wounded.
The stranger was looking at the net­
D iffe r e n t.
Before Averbuch could fire again, James
It is predicted by a very modern archi­
A woman’s “slim and willowy**
Foley, the chief’s driver, attracted by work of railway tracks that monopolised
tect that the house of one large room,
When she is sweet sixteen ;
the shooting, ran to the door and seized the lake front.
"They call this the Illinois Central, do
a small kitchen attached and an enormous
But when she is at middle age
The asvasein straggled
they?” he asked.
inclosed porch, with facilities for outdoor
They call her “long and lean.*
—Houston Post.
“ Yes,” said the old resident.
sleeping has come to stay.
shot, which pierced Foley’s han 1.
“ H’mph! It looks more like the Illi­
Thereupon both Mr. Foley and Mr. nois Marginal.**—Chicago Tribune.
Shippy emptied their revolvers into
Averbuch’s body. One bullet entered r y # St.
at. Vitus'
D a n c e ana all Nervous
by Dr. K line's Ureal
the man’s breast near the heart and F rió P««“ lanently
* Bend cured
for F R E E f 2 trial bottle and
N e r v « R e s jtorer.
another paased through his head. The treatise. Dr. R. 1L K lla«, Ld.. SSI Arch BL, PhUa-.P*
revolver dropped from his fingers and
H ad N one.
he died without a groan.
“Going to write a book, • h f'
"Yep, thought I would.”
"Gong to tell about your early strug­
For Infants and Children.
Seattle Fair Bill May Not Get By Its
"Nope; never had no early atruggles;
House Opponents.
didn’t get married till I was past 40.*'
— Houston Poat
Washington, March 3.—The mei
here of the Washington congressional
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
delegation are somewhat concerned over
lo ca l ap p lica tion s, as they ca n n ot reach the
the manifest unfriendliness shown by bv
diseased p ortion o f the ear. Th ere is o n ly one
the Republican leaders in the house w ay t o cu re d eafn ess, and that is b y con stitn -
a l rem edies. D eafness is cau sed b y an in-
toward the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific expo­ tion
flam ed c o n d it io n o f the m u cou s lin in g o f the
sition bill. While they feel reason- E u stach ian Tube. W hen th is tube is in flam ed
h a r e a r u m b lin g sou n d or im p e rfe c t hear-
My certain that they will ultimately rou
ng, an d w hen it is en tirely closed , D eafness is
Becure an appropriation for government the result, an d unless the in flam m ation cau be
o u t an d th is tu b e restored to Its norm al
buildings and exhibits, they realize taken
co n d itio n , h earin g w ill be d estroyed fo r e v e r ;
that the opposition of the “ strong men” , nine cases o u t o f ten are caused by Catarrh,
w h ich is n o th in g bu t an inflam ed c o n d itio n oi
of the honse is likely to make it difficult the m u cou s surfaces.
to get as much money as they really We w ill g iv e One H undred D ollars fo r any
case o f D eafness (ca u sed by catarrh ) th at c a n ­
need, and they believe that a further not be cu red by H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. Send for
reduction in their bill will be injur­ circulars, free.
F J. CH E N E Y A C O .,T oled o, O.
Sold bv D ruggists, 75c.
When the senate passed the Piles T ake H all's F am ily P ills for con stip a tion .
bill it went to the house, and should
N o t s C ir c u m s ta n c e .
have been referred to the committee on
Enthusiastic Auditor (at the opera) —
Industrial arts and expositions, before Didn’t she do that aria divinely!
which the Humphrey bill wae pending.
Boarding House Miss—Huh!
Instead it was referred to the commit­ ought to hear that o* our graphopbone!
tee on ways and means on the lame ex­
cuse that the bill contained a provision
authorizing the admission, free of duty, From October to May. colds are the moat frequent
of exhibits from foreign nations. This cause o f headache. L A X A T IV E BROMO QU1.
N I N E removes cause.
E. W . Grove on box. 26c-
committee is antagonistic to the bill.
A n
E e g lls h
V ie w
o f
R obert
G ra d u a ted
fr o m
th e
B ib le .
The Kind You Have
Alw ays Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
VM S O K M TAU S • • S M N V , N S W V O S S C IT T .
1 . p o a it lr . proof » f t » « rett.UUir ■’ * r . « f . « n c , n p .
tienta Save is ua. S p e cia lists a l w a y s in a tte n d a n ce ,
aaaaring prompt and cosrteoua attention. L a d y a tte n d ­
a n t alvaya present.
R elia ble P a i n t « , D e n t t a t . — Oar repetition fo r
reliability and thoroughness ia ve il established. C le a n li­
n e s s , G o o d W o r k a n d Q u ick S e rv ic e .
“ A N D I T D I D N 'T H U R T A B I T "
P a in le s s E x t r a c t io n , SO c e n t s . E x tra ctio n P m
when plates er bridges are ordered. Plates f $ and up.
B e s t P la te W o r k — Perhaps yoar teeth hare became
so useless that it ia impossible to Irm ly set a a bridge.
Then the old stamps are removed v itfo n t casting yon the
slightest pain, and a plate h flned. I f the piste Its per­
fectly it will look ve il and perform its vork o f masticating
your food satisfactorily. W ith my ao years' experience ia
this vork v ill guarantee satisfaction ia every case.
C r o w n a n d B r id e s W o r k .— It’s a sham« to n o il
yoar personal appearance and rain your digestion from
the lack o f teeth to properly masticate year food, vh en a
bridge caa be supplied that v ill canae ae diaco
‘ ~
W . A . W IS E ™
. t i o m i i i
D 0 I N 8 WOR K F OR
ever, will ch ev yoar food property and thoroughly,
vh ile yoar looks sre improved beyond description.
A hollow tooth that is n ov useless can be filed and
crovned so that it is saved for probably a lifetime.
T o secure the best recalls you most secure the
highest grade e f skill.
Examination free and invited. W hen desired yoa
can have T . P. W ise or my personal service.
O u r force la ao organ ised th at w e co n do
y o u r e n tire C r o w n , B ridge an d Plata W o r k
in a d a y if n ece ssa r y . O u t o f to w n people
*o p u n s
Echo o f Haymarket Riot,
Denver, March 3.—The attempted
assassination of Police Chief Shippy in
Chicago dates back to the Haymarket
riot, in the opinion of Chief of Police
Michael Delaney, of this city,
“ It
ts largely through Shippy’ s efforts,’ ’
id Chief Delaney, “ that ana chieet
responsible for the Haymarket crime
were broken up and the members either
hanged, imprisoned or driven out of
the country. Since then Chief Shippy
has been connected with every import­
ant Chicago vase where anarthista have
been involved.’ ’
Gats Evidence On Rebating
8»n Francisco, March 3.— Raymond
' Benjamin, assistant attorney general of
the state, returned yesterday from Lne
! Angeles, where he had been investigat­
ing the alleged rebating practices of
\ the Santa Fe and Salt Lake railroads.
He brought with him a long report
prepared during the fortnight he spent
in the Southern city. On Thnrtdsy the
railroad commission will begin its in­
vestigation of the rebating methods of
the Southern Pacific company.
Averse to Jape aa CM'zsra.
Vancouver, B. C., March 3.— Whole-
aale objection* to the naturalintion of
Japanese, which it is expected will be
a test of eligibility of the brown men to
citizenship and the right* of fishing on
the Rritiah Columbia ralmon grounds,
have been filed by E. A. I,nr»« and
were today announced at the opening of
the March sitting of the County court.
th e
M ore
D e s e r v in g .
Woman of the House—A big, strong
man like you going around begging! Yon
ought to be aahamed of yourself!
Tuffold Knutt (touching his eyes with
a grimy handkerchief)—I am, mum. It
mortifies me 'most to death. Folks finer'*
ly treats me well on that account, mum.
and Quality
appeal to the Well-Informed In every
walk of life and are easentlal to per­
manent success and creditable stand­
ing. Accordingly, It ia not claimed
that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna la the only remedy of known
value, but one of many reaaons why
It la the best of personal and family
laxatives Is the fact that It cleanses,
sweetens and relieves the Internal
organs on which It acts without any
debilitating after effects and without
having to increase the quantity from
time to time.
It acta pleasantly and naturally and
truly aa a laxative, and tta component
parta are known to and approved by
phyelclana, aa It la free from all
objectionable substances. To get Ita
beneficial effects always purchase the
genuine—manufactured by the Cali­
fornia Ftg Syrup Co., only, and for
sale by all leading druggists.
Stm t,
Two yean ago tbe Grange, .» s ilt ­
ed by aome other organization*, went
to work to try and pasa a law that
would allow alcohol to be manufac­
tured and uaed for light and fuel,
without haring to pay the prohlbi-
ti e revenue tax, that had been re­
quired by the government, so as to
free the people of the country from
the tyranny of the Standard Oil Co.,
which has gradually raised the price
of fuel oil from a low price to an
amount that is paying tbe monopoly
extremely large dividend*, thereby
levying an unreasonable tax on the
consumer of the products of petro­
After a long and hard fight in
congress in which the Standard Oil
Company did their best to prevent
the passage of the bill, we conquered
and now a farmer, or several of them
may erect a still, and make alcohol
in any quantities, the same to be de­
natured, or poisoned, by officers ap­
pointed by the government, and may
then be used or sold to any one un­
der a permit which may be obtained
from the government.
It Is now our duty to get the ap
pltances far the use of the product
into general use, so that there will
be a demand for the alcohol, so that
there will be distilleries installed all
over the west, so as to use the waste
products of our farms to make fuel
for our engines, stoves, both heating
and cooking, and to give ua one of
the best lights that you ever saw.
I wish that it were possible for m .
to show the lamp with its beautiful
light, so that you could realize the
value of It as a light producing fuel.
Wherever I have demonstrated the
light, It has met with an enthusias­
tic reception and It is only a ques­
tion of letting people see the value
of de-natured alcohol, to insure a
demand that will fill our land with
distilleries, making our own fuel out
of the small potatoes, sprouted
wheat, small, and Imperfect apples,
and fruit of other varieties, and in
fact, anything that is composed of
sugar or starch.
A corn-field, with its stalks filled
with sweetness, will make large
quantities of alcohol, and a small
amount of land will raise enough
fuel to keep our homes well heated
and lighted for the year.
Another good quality of this al­
cohol Is that it is perfectly clean and
healthful. There la no dust, smoke,
soot, or gas, developed in the burn­
ing of it for either light or heat,
and It does not vitiate the air in the
room, as It contains oxygen, in itself
and does not have to use the oxygen
out of the air in the room, so much
as any other fuel.
There is no wick-trlmmlng to be
done, as the wick Is never on fire,
and as far aa smoke is concerned,
the lamp chimneys will never need
any washing, so the lamps are much
easier to take care of.
You can turn it off until there is a
very small light, and so makes a per­
fect night lamp, as there is no gas,
as there is from a kerosene lamp,
to make the bed room a hot-bed of
There is another great boon to the
housewife In the alcohol flat-iron,
which will burn only about a cent’s
worth of fuel, rather than ten or fif­
teen cents worth as when you have
to use a stove of any sort. You can
take this flatiron into any room of
the house, out onto the porch, out
under a shade tree, or anywhere else
that you want to, as you have no
string" attached to you as in the
electric iron, and you do not have to
travel back nnd forth between the
Ironing board and the stove, as you
have always had to do, nor do you
have to stand near a hot stove while
you are doing your ironing.
Write to me and I will tell you
how you may procure these splendid
improvements, as the Grange Is an­
xious to get people to know of the
advantages to be derived from the
introduction of denatured alcohol
S tatesm an lik e
R o lle d
M Ineeaaeef.
H O W A R D E. BURTON.—Assayer a r l ChemlsV
■■ lecadville, Colorado, (specimen prices: Gold,
Sllrer, L* ad, . |1;
. . Gold, Hllver,76c:
jr .io c ; u
Gold, M e; Ztne
"upper, (1. Cyanide teatr
tents. Mailing envelopes Ï ■ 3
11 price list sent on appl 'llcatlo n . C o n tro l an d U m *
ire work solicited.
Carbonat« Nap
ouai Bank.
PA ZO OINTMENT is guaran teed to cu re any
case o f Itch in g , Blind. J le e d in g or P rotru d in g
Piles in 6 to 14 days or m oney refu nded. 50e.
A p p e a a ln g
T h ir s t
fo r
r p r r
The Beat Fruit Tree and Berry P la n t
Catalog in the Northwest
J. J. B U T ZE R
K n o w le d g e .
192 F ront St.,
Caller— I wish you would tell me whal
the real difference is between a Stradiva-
H ub and any other violin.
Information Editor—Well, sometime!
It is a s much an $5,000.
P ortla n d . O reg on
Furnish Your Home
Without Cost
Y o u C a n G e t A lle n ’ s r o o t - C a s e FREE.
W rite A lie n s . O lm sted, Le R oy, N. Y ., for a
free sam ple o f A llen ’s Foot-E ase. It cures
sw ea tin g, h ot sw ollen , a c h in g feet. It m akes
new or tig h t shoes easy. A certa in cu r e for
corn s, in g row in g nails and bunions. A ll d r u g ­
gists sell it.__25c. D on ’t a ccep t any su bstitu te.
N c
T im e
fo r
D e ta ils .
Aa American speeding over the con­
tinent of Europe In hi* automobile
asked hi* chauffeur, “ Where are we?”
"In Paris,” shouted the man at the
wheel, and the du*t flew.
"Oh, never mind the de'.aila,” Irrita­
bly screamed the American million­
aire, “ I mean what continent?"
Leather Goods. Pocket Books, Punten, Hand B ass.
Chatelalnen, Suit Cusen, Trunks. Collar and Cult
Cases, Razor Strops. Traveling Bugs, ’t o ile t and Sew-
inp Cases, Rain Coats. Umbrellas and Rubber Goods,
Jewslry. Clocks. Watches, Chains. Rings, Fobs,
Brooches, Barrettes, Hide Combs, B racelets. Neck
Chains. Etc.
Silverware. Ten Sets, Coffee Hete, Mugs, Desk Beta.
I k Hi amia. Cake Dishes, Candlesticks. Ice Pitcher«,
Halt nnd Peppers, Napkin Rings. Jewel Boxee,
Knives, Forks und Spoons, etc.. Cigar and Cigarette
Cases, Puff Boxes, Comb and Brush Bets, Maniour«
Glassware. v Nappies, Vai__
m, Bpoonholders,
and Salad Howls, Bon Bon Dishes, Punch Bets, G o b -
lets. Tumblers.
! Games. Guns. Pistols, Air Rifles, Fishing T ack le.
1 Boxing Gloves, Tool ('bests. Baseball and Football
Goods, Cameras, Phonographs, Banjos, Guitars.
. Furniture, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Cutlery, Lam ps,
Baby Carriages, Beds.
S e n d f o r 4 0 p a g e FREE c a t a l o g u e lis tin g
o v e r 1 0 0 0 a r tic le s g iv e n FREE f o r p r e m iu m s .
Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal.
F e r r y ’* Reeds
a r e th e best k n o w n a n d
t h e m ost re lia b le seeds g r o w n .
E v e ry p a c k a g e has b e h in d It th e r e p u ta tio n
o f a h o u s e w h o s e h u s ln e i s ta n d a r d s a r e th e
* 4 " Y o u c a n g e t a s p le n d id p r e m iu m f o r 1 0 0
C o u p o n v a lu e s o r l e s s , r e p r e s e n t e d b y C a r to n
T o p s and S o a p W r a p p e r s .
C. Gee Wo
h i g h e s t I n t h e tr a d e .
The well known rellablo
F e rry ’s 1 * 0 * Seed A a a a a l will h i mailed F R E E
to all applicants. It contains colored plates, many
engravings, and full descriptions, prices and direction«
for planting over 1’jno varieties o f Vegetable and
Flower Seeds. Invaluable to a ll. Send for It.
D . M . F IR R Y A
C O ., D e tr o it, M ic h .
Hue made a life study o f
roots and herb«, and in th a t
study discovered and la giv­
ing to the world hia wonder­
ful remedies.
and guaranteed
Every garment guaranteed
Clean - Light - Durable
Slicker* *329
he Curat
N o M ercury, P o iso n s or D ru g s U se d —
W ith o u t O p e r a t io n , o r W ith o u t th e A id o f a K n ifa
He guarantees to Cure Catarrh. Asthma, Lung,
Throat. Rheumatism. Nervouanean. Nervous D ebility ,
Stomach, Liver, Kidney Trouble*: h I no I,o*tt Manhood.
Female Weakness and All Private Diseases.
Ju st R e c e iv e d f r o m P e k in g , C h in a — S a f e , S u ra
a n d R e lia b le .
If you cannot call, write for ay mpton blank and clrojfc
lar. Inclose 4 cents In stamp«.
1621-2 J* irat 8t., Cor. Morriaon,
Portland, Oregosk.
Plenno Mention Thla Paper.
¿aa: «i»
and Berk
N J . 1 0 — CB
H E N w r i t i n g t o a d w e r t ls a r a p l e a « #
m e n tio n th is p a p e r.
vs. Quality
In the matter o f food you can’t afford to
'sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Econom y
is right and good but Inferior food products
are dear at any price.
te r
is econom ical— not Cheap. T ty
It The best at any price or
your money back.
_ - ^ Gu.r.nt.«r
Ifln g .
One qnart of cbopped bolle-1 heef, 3
guara of rhopped apples, 1 ,unt of tno-
laases. 1 ptnt of lugar, 1 teacup of vine-
gar or eider. 1 quart of cbopped ralslna
er carreña, 3 tableepoonfule of clores
and cinnamon. 1 nutmeg. 1 gilí of hut-
ter; oook untll acaldad thnmgh. acal
la glara Jan untll wanted, or pack In
an earthen Jar and cover wltb im-lted
M onotony.
Though oow and then a great man reaches
Renown, but little it avails.
He makes about the same old speeches
And tells about the same old tales 1
— Washington Star.
Agricultural Club Formed.
Boll »lowly together a pound of graa-
alated sugar and a gill of water. Do
not (tlr. Test by dipping the point
of a fork Into tbe syrup. W!ieii a hair-
like thread floats from tbe ■ Ip of the
fork take tbe syrup from the fire ami
beat It to a creamy (mate, if It be­
comes too «tiff to «tlr work with the
bands. Spread on the rake with a
knife dipped In hot water. If It be­
come« bard too soon set the veeeel con­
taining It In an outer rewcl of scald
Ing water._________________
By J. H. Frandson, Department o f Dairying, Idaho
Experim ent Station, Moscow.
A sudden Impetus was given the
agricultural interests of the Univer­
sity of Idaho on the 1 9 of December,
1907 when the students of that de­
partment organized an agricultural
club. It consists of students deeply
interested in agriculture, who are
doing all in their power to build up
a strong agricultural college in the
university. It is with a keen sense
of the needs of Idaho that the move­
ment is begun. Idaho is one of the
most rapidly growing states of the
union. Over 700,000 acres o f land
have been added within the last year
or two to the grants covered by the
irrigation companies. This will fur­
nish room for thousands of beautiful
homes in the near future. It is ob­
vious that scientific skill will be lir
brought about by this extended sys­
tem of intensive farming.
A publication known as the Idaho
Student Farmer will be the club’s
main method of Interesting the farm­
ers of the state In the work of the
agricultural college, and It Is hoped
by this method to get a great many
students from the farms. It is prob­
ably the only student agricultural
paper published In the colleges of the
northwest. The first and only num­
ber of the present scholastic year
will come out In a week or ten days.
The people of Idaho should re­
spond with the true spirit of an ener­
getic commonwealth. Send In your
name and address to the Idaho Stu­
dent Farmer, University of Idaho,
Moscow, and receive the flrit codt
It Is perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the m uscles
Oerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching with the pains of
Rheumatism the sufferer is apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
counter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo­
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more
than skin deep— it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be
reached by constitutional treatment— IT CANNOT BE RUBBED A W A Y .
Rheumatism is due to aa excess o f uric acid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation in the system o f refuse matter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
refuse matter, com ing in contact with the different acids of the body, forms
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of tha
body, and Rheumatism gets possession o f the system. The aches and pains
are on ly symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time
by surface treatment, they w ill reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack o f indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma­
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease w ill shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system
Is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient become«
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
o f a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit­
in g acrid and corrosive matter in the mus­
cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed
PURELY VEGETABLE of both purifying and tonic properties—
just what is needed in every case of Rheu­
matism, It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral Ingredient, but is
made entirely o f purifying, healing extracts and juices o f roots, herbs and
barks, i f you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use o f S. S. S. and write
us about your case and our physicians w ill give you any information or
Advice desired free o f charge and w ill send our special treatise on Rheumatism«
Pure and
W .L.D 0V G LA S
« t a n t a OTTHt faaiiiT.
M I N . a o v « , W O M E N , M i s s t , « N O C M IL O N C N .
p. w. L . r
ffrmn M f W Z w mmnutmmtu n r ht thm
• w s M T k ra a n ra thmy hm U f h . f r
•h.nm, ïh M M P , « . . . t . . f «. mnd
m ttvm m J
- w M
* . L Dougin «4 ind $5 Gil»
fk m m « e j r m th m r
Climi I« Equallad At Any Prie
J F C A ü T IO f.
W. f . Do, fias name and p r ie s t* «t imped on bottom. T i t h e N e * n H « tlte to .
jhdrt by the beet eh os denigre everywhere. s>h>>e« mailed from factory to any part of the worldi
•raie« Catalog free to aay ed d re-
%% . L . P U l ' u L A S , B m k