T II K K S T A C A I) A b ir th d a y s P U B LISH E D TH U RSDAY PKOPESSIOKAL CARDS N K \V S Time holds in his gift many future M ORNING fo r b o th th e h ost h o s te s s . HENRY V. AI)5X, M. D. Physiciaji end Surgeon Mr. K. fìlli of Dnfur, ami Ray j (ìill of Russtllville, futher and bro llier resjx-i. tivcly of F. M. fìill «ere out lare Satnrday and Suiulay. I t . A . W IL L I A M S at the postoffice in tstacada, Oregon, second class mail EA G LF C R ELK . w FEBRUARY 37, 19*18 The dance given Saturday night by Tent 86, K. O. T. M. was a The liquor question will no doubt huge si c ess. The masked skate at be voted on in every precinct in Estacada and the masked ball at Clackamas county at the next elec­ Boring didn't seem to lie much of a tion. The temperance workers are drain, as one of the largest crowds 1 going to force the bsue. that has turned out this winter at­ tended. All hands and the cook The county commissioners will be enjoyed themselves to til“ limit. An petitioned for a rock crusher by the excellent oyster supper was served tax payers of Garfield, Spring« a- by Mrs. Cithers. Mrs. J. J. Roper and Miss Maud l r and Eagle Creek road districts. We expect the board to grant the Desbro of Portland spent Sat. and Sunday with us. Mrs. Roper's petition and buy the crusher. brother, Ralph L. Shepherd, is as­ Mrs. Wuymire has been found st. ngent ( f the O. W. P. lines at »guilty of trying to injure Mayor this place. Saturday evening found Lane’ s reputation! It is a great, them at the dance with the rest of goj.l thing for the rest of tile angel­ the merrymakers. The Northwest Log & Lumber ic mayors in the country. Think of all the innocence th it «‘0111(1 have Co. has two camps busy turning bieu ruined had not this women, out piling for the East Side Mill & Lumber Co. at Portland. Waymire, been stopped! Although no one was hurt and but little damage done by moter The adoption by the people of to­ day, or any other day, of names 1405 leaving the rails at Goose Ck. spur last Saturday it delayed pas­ that have adorned American His­ senger trains the rest of the day. tory with brilliancy and honor has The new phone line is in w o r k - no perceptible (.fleet in making the ! ing order. It runs through the present generation a race of which Douglas settlement. the great men who are dead might feel proud. If they could look over The next social affair at this place- the galaxy of Oregon's land fraud- will be given March 7 by the school ers w hat a feeling of disgust would children. It is to be a Basket So come over the Founder of the New cial and Entertainment. York Tribune, and the ‘ ‘Little Giant" who defeated Abraham Lin­ coln for the United States senate in 1858. Slate Savings Banks I O tto C . A sh b au gli, d efendant Office an;l residence, up stairs in the Ks- T o O tto C . A sh bau gh th e above nam ed tacadn I* hart n ic y B u ild in g defendant: SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year Six months SUMMONS “ H IS M A S T E R 'S V O IC E " PH O N O G R APH S ‘ffie ' ¡ 1 Modern Music T H E S E IN STR U M E N TS A R E T H E POPULAR M USICAL I IN STR U M E N TS OF TH E D A Y These are sold for cash or on easy payments. Every instru- liient is guaranteed. A good supply of the finest records ------------------- I T he TO OUR F sta c a d a Drug ----- I S to re ! United Spates * and Of/lcd. Portland, Oregon. Feb. A ne«- postal la«’ was passed by 15. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that Thomas F. I McCabe of Sandy. Oregon, has filed notice of his in - the last congress establishing a new tent'.on to make final five year proof in support of his order governing the mailing of Sec­ claim viz: Homestead er.ty No. 13495 made Apr i . 1901. for the Southeast quarter of section 2. town­ ond Class Mail Matter. Under this ship 3 scuth, range 5 east, and that said proof will be order subscriptions to weekly news- ■ i-o' -? th . . . * * « and a Portland, , , ,. , : Oregon on March 28. 1908. He names thefollos/- papers must not lie delinquent long- j ing wit nouns to prove h'.s continuous reeldence upon er than one year to entitle the paper , ., , . . .. to be mailed at second class mail matter rates. The publisher must pay an advanced rate of postage on all newspapers sent out on which the subscription is not paid for more than a year. This will make it practically prohibitive for the pub­ lisher to semi out papers to sub­ scribers who are delinquent unless the subscriber pays the postage and that will make subscriptions much higher. We wish readers of T he N e w s to take- notice of this anil consider it. If your subscription to the paper lias expired do not de­ lay with your renewal. Dr. J . V . C all B ell & Phone SC O T T , D E N T IS T O f room s 41-2 H am ilton B ld g. Portland ♦ M* Will visit Kstacada from Saturday j at 1 till Sunday at 5:30 p. in. Notice for Publication READERS Kntrance betw een d ru ;' store and Sparks I11 the nam e o f the state of O regon you store, on Broadw ay are h ereby required to appear and a n ­ sw er th e com p lain t filed against you in Local and Lofig Distance Telephone T h e d o cto r's phone can be connected th e above en title d suit, o n o r before the w ith yo u r hom e phone at n ig h t if re­ 27 d ay of F eb ru ary. 1908, said d ate b ein g th e exp ira tio n of six w e e k s from th e first quested. O ne lo n g ring. p u blication o f th is sum m ons, and if you fail to appear and answ er said com plaint, William K. Mavüand, M. D. for w ant th ereof, the p lain tiff w ill ap p ly to the court for th e relief d em anded in PHYSICIAN ard SL'RGEON the com plain t, to w it: F o r a d ecree d is­ I Office at d ru g store - - Kstacada so lv in g the bonds of m atrim on y now e x ­ istin g between plain tiff and defend ant. . .... , R E S ID E N C E T in s sum m ons is pu blish ed by o rd er of H otel E stacad a. and cultivation of caid b id . v .r w. W. L. McCabe of Sandy. Oregon, J . Louth nor of J . Linhart Sr. of P. Pashol of Algernon S. Dresser, Register f20-m 26 Mortgages for Sale Tirr.l e.i 'a r i Act. Jur.« 3. 1 ; 73 In th e C ircu it C o u rt o f th e S tate o f Ore- Nolice lor Publication " g o n fo r C lack am as C o u n ty ; L firiO n .co m Pcrtiand. Oregon. Feb. 17. i 9 oa. ; V io la M . A sh b au gh , P la in tiff Noticela hereby rriven that in compliance with the vs J provUionsof the act cf Congres* of June 3 , 18‘. fi and entitled Aract fer the sa’e of tin ie r landa in the Mates of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washing­ ton territory,” ¿3 rxneaced to a'l the public lanu states hy act of August 4. 1892. Ka.eShea/Ie; of Oregon C.ty. towny yef Clackamas, state of Oregon has this day filed in this office her sworn ztaterr.er.t No 7692 for the purchase of the W 'i of s w ^ . so% of sw K ofSeeilcn 5 in township 3 South, range No. 7 East, ani will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to estab­ lish his claim to said land before the register and re­ ceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Thursday the 7 day of N*a/. 1908. She names a3 witnesses: Darwin Br/ui!eyof OregonCity Oregon B. L. Commons of Oregon City, Oregon Charles J. Bradley of Portland, Oregon J .W . W ebbof Necanicum, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office onor befere said 7 day cf May 1908 Alc.rnon s D r .» ., r . * , , . , H on . ('.rant B. D im ick , jn d g e o f t h e ; F27-a30 cou n ty court for C lack am as co u n ty, O re­ d . g o n , w h ich o rd er w as m ade and entered on the 14 d ay o f January, 1908, and the Timber land. Act June 3, 1878 tim e prescril>ed for publication th ereo f is Notice for Publication six w eeks; date o f first pu b lication b ein g United States Land Office at Portland. O re.Dec. January 16, 1908, and th e date o f last I 6. 1907. Notice is hereby given that in complianc with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. pu b lication , F eb ru ary 27, 1908. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Wash­ ington territory,” as extended to all the public land states by act ol August 4. 1892, Jacob D. Duback of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has Office with Dr. H. V. Adix SU M M O N S this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. In th e C iru it C ourt o f the S tate o f O re­ 7641, for the purchase of the Lots 3. 4.5 & 6 of sec­ gon for the cou n ty o f C lackam as tion 4 in township 6 S. range 4 east, apd will offer Timber Ian? Act June 3, 1878 proof to show that the land sought is more valuable John L u sch er, plain tiff for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, Notice for Publication vs and to establish her claim to said land before the reg­ United States Landoffic, Portland, Oregou, Jan 8, W illia m H aw k in s and ister and receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday, 1908. Notice is horby given that in compliance with A n n a H aw kin s, defendants. the 9 day of March 1 908. Ho names as witnes­ the provisions of the act of Ccr.rress of June 3, ses: 1878, entitled "A n act for the sale- of timber lands T o W illiam H aw k in s and A n n a H aw k in s Robert R. McAdams of Kern Park. Oregon In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and defend ants. Hiram B. Plummer of Sellwood Sta. Portland, Ore Washington territory,” as extended to all the public In th e nam e of th e state of O regon , you Thomas B. Bldwell, of Portland. Oregon land states by act oí Ai:pu£t4,1892, Thomas H.Ruddy Gjeruld Anderson of of Sellwood, county cf Multnomah, state of Oregon, are h ereby required to a p p earan d answ er Ar.y and all persons claiming adversely the above has this dry filed in this office his sworn statement th e com plaint filed a gain st you in th e a- No 7655 for the purchase cf the South '6 of the bove en titled su it on o r before th e 20 d ay described lands are requested to file the claims In this office on or before said 9th day of March, Northeast K and the South ' j of the Northwest M o f F eb ru ary, 1908, said date b e in g the 1908 of section 28. in township 2 South, range 6 east, exp ira tio n o f six w e e k s from th e first Algernon S. Dresser, Register and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul­ pu b lication o f th is sum m ons, and if you tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land fail to appear and answ er, for w ant th ere­ Timber Land Act June 3. 1 878 before register and receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday, the 30th day of March, 1908. He names a3 wiinesses: L. Wear of Cherryville, Oregon Peter Swan of Tom Leonard of Sellwood M. Stone of Cherryville Any and all persons c ’aimirg adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 30 day of March, 1908. Algernon S. Dresser, Register. $500 5 years’ time, 6 pr. cent. $2000 3 “ “ 6 “ $800 .3 “ “ 6 “ 2 “ ‘‘ 6 “ Also private money to loan on J 23 __ terms and in amounts to suit bor­ N O TICE rower. Certificates of deposit on Or­ egon City Banks taken in exchange In the C o u n ty C ourt o f the State o f O re­ for first lien real estate mortgages. go n , fo r th e co u n ty o f C lackam as j In the M atter o f ch an ge of Nam e Call, «'rite or phone of * JOHN W. LODKR, ^ Attorney at Law & Abstractor of ; A n eita E . H orn sh u h. Mrs. W. F. Murphy, Mrs. E. C. Land Titles, Oregon City, Oregon N otice is h ereby g iv e n th a t A n e ita E . ! H ornshuh has m ade application to th e a- Cornell and little daughter, Fran­ bove e n title d cou rt fo r ch an ge of name ces. all of Portland, were guests of 60 YEARS’ to A neita 1 C. M ay and th at the cou?Thas EXPERIENCE Mrs. H. Y. A dix at Tile Kstacada, G EO . C. B R O W N E LL. A tto rn e y for P la in tiff of, plain tiff w ill a p p ly to the cou rt fo r the Notice for Publication re lie f prayed fo r in said com plain t, to- United States Land Office. Ptrtland, Oregon, Dec. w it: T h a t you and each o f you defend- j 1 6 . 1907 . Notice is hereby given that tn compliance ants be com pelled to set up in yn u r a n ­ with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, sw er the e x a ct nature o f yo u r pretended 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash­ adverse claim s to th e fo llo w in g described ington territory.” as extended toall the public land property, situate in C lackam as co u n ty, states by act of August 4, 1892, Della Duback of O regon , to-w it: B e g in n in g at th e q u art­ Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has e r section co rn e r on th e W est side o f sec I this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. j 7642 for the purchase of Lots 1 .2 7 & 8 of section tion 24 in T. 4 S. R . 1 E . of th e W . M . 4, in township 6 south, range 4 east, and will offer th en ce E ast 80 rods; th en ce S ou th loo proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for rods; th en ce W est 80 rods; th en ce N orth its timber or stone than for agrlculturrl purposes and 100 rods to th e place o f b e gin n in g , con ­ to establish her claim to said land before the regtster and receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday the 9 ta in in g 50 acres, and for a d ecree th at day of March, 1908. She names as witnesses: th i 9 p lain tiffw as th e a bsolute o w n er in fee Robert R. McAdams of Kern Park, Oregon Hiram B. Plummer of Sellwood Sta Portland Ore. sim ple o f said described prem ises and Thomas B. Bidwellof Portland, Oregon e v e ry part th ereef on N ovem b er 7, 1907, Gjeruld Anderson of Portland. Oregon and is now such ow n er and th at th e said Any and all persons claiming adversely the above d efend ants and each o f you h ave no rig h t described lands are requested to iile the claims in title or in terest in or to th e above d e­ this office on or before said 9th day of March. scribed prem ises o r a n y part th ereo f, and 1908. Algernons. Dresser. Register fo r such oth er and fu rth er relief as to this cou rt m ay seem eq uitab le. Notice for Publication T h is sum m ons is published by ord er of Land office at Portland. Oregon, January 11, 1908 H on . G ran t B. D im ick , Judge o f the Notice of hereby given that Charles M. Halberstadt co u n ty cou rt o f C lack am as co u n ty, O re­ of Molalla, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to g o n , w h ich order w as m ade and/entered make final five year proof in support pf his claim viz: on th e 7 d ay o f January A . D. 1908; first homesteadentiV No. 15768. made August 8 . 1905. publication of th is sum m ons, January 9th for ,lie Northeast C>uarter of Northeast Quarter of 1 1 . .. , . section 26, township 5 south range 3east, and that 1908, and the last publication th ereo f is said proof will be made before the register and receiv­ F eb ru ary 20, 1908. er at Portland, Oregon, on February 20. 1908. He names the fc’lowlng witnesses to prove his condn- W . A . D IM IC K , uous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; A tto rn e y for P lain tiff. Panics are caused by the people’ s lack of confidence in our banks and "If I had not come and spoken banking system. If the State of unto them, they had not had sin; On gon established savings banks but now they have no cloak for in the several counties of the state their sin ."— 22ii(l verse, chapter 15 with a central bank, people would of St John’ s. For his sermon text have confidence in the system and last Sunday Rev. Parounogian took the money would not be taken out the last thought in the above verse. and hidden in time of a scare. The His sermon was directed mainly to state could pay 3% on time depos­ : h ereby fixed th e 29 d ay o f F eb ru ary 1908 the excuse-giving habit many peo­ its and loan the money at 6% on last Thursday. Mrs. Cornell in­ j at th e hour o f ten o ’clo c k a. m . at the ple assume when they are asked mortgage security. The net profits vestigated the ice plant at the hotel j cou rt house in O regon C ity , O regon , as the tim e and place for a ll persons to ap­ why they do not become Christians of the business could be turned into with u view of installing one at pear and show cause, if a n y th ere be, and join the church. In his closing the school fund and distributed an­ Alexandra Court. w h y th e petition of said p etition er should T rade M a r k s remarks the speaker said that it was nually to the several school districts D esig n s not be gran ted . C o p y r ig h t s A c . Several young people, among not necessary for anyone to be a of the state for school purposes. Dated January 25, 1908. ______________________ oh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an member of a church to be a hypo­ It is a well known fact that Oregon's them Miss Stella Womer, Miss Mae invention ----- «------------- ----------------- * Cotti mimico- G R A N T B. D IM IC K , is probably patentable. Coiiimuiijcn- I on Patents tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK ou ~ A ttest: C o u n ty Judge; crite; that there were a hundred irreducible school fund is small in Stephens and Recorder A. N. John­ sent free. Oldest aizency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muim & Co. receive F , W . O reenm an, C o u n ty C le rk , By B. hypocrites not church members to comparison to Washington’ s and son, Miss Maude Sturgeon and Ed­ tjiccial notice, without charge, in the A . S le ig h t, D epu ty. every one hypocrite «itliin the California’s and it is one of the win Mallory visited friends in the Carl Goranson of Molalla, Oregon A handsomely illustrâted weekly. Largest cir­ problems of the state how to secure' ’city Sunday. church. The sermon next Sunday culation o f any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a Order to Show Cause E. Lindquist of year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. Notice of Final Settlement J . Barnhardt of will l:e at 7 o’clock in the .'veiling. more money for the schools without In th e C o u n ty C ourt o f the State o f O re­ The Kstacada Band gave its first Ira Boyer of N otice is h ereby g iv e n th at th e u n der­ resorting to direct taxation. I be­ Uruuch Oflico. (525 F Bt.. Washington, D. U. Algernon S Dresser. Register open air concert Sunday at the park j i , gon for th e C o u n ty o f C lackam as sign ed A d m in istratrix o f the E state of lieve the State Savings Bank will In the m atter o f th e E state The people generally, a great ma­ A n d rew F . Peterson, deceased, has filed band stand which was built by the of jority of them, in Oregon and in solve it. Besides it will make a railroad. The concert was more of in the cou n ty cou rt of C lackam as co u n ty, Notice for Publication AVesley S m ith , deceased. BUY C L A C K A M A S panica practical impossibility in Or United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, Dec­ State o f O regon , h er final accoun t as such every other state, would like to see an afternoon practice, but the music j N ow at th is tim e th is cause co m in g on CO U N TY FARM S a d m in istratrix o f said estate, and that ember 31, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that in United States senators elected by a egon. This system was adopted in was enjoyed by many who were I to be heard on th e p etition of J. P. Sm ith compliance with the provisions of the act of congress M onday th e 30th d ay of M arch, 1908, at of June 3. 1878. entitled "A n act for the sale of tim­ New Zealand before the panic of the d u ly appoin ted, q ualified and a ctin g popular vote of all the people. Or­ six'iitling the afternoon in the park. 10 o ’clock A . M . has been fixed b y said ber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, ad m in istrator o f th e E state o f W esley egon's primary (lection law, especi­ 1893 and while there was a proper­ court as th e tim e for h earin g o f objec- and Washington territory" 33 extended toall the pub- S m ith , deceased: Lewi Gei! r lias bought practi­ ty depreciation of values of about ally that part of it hinging on state­ tion s to said rciiort, and the settlem en t I llc '!,nd s,ates ^ ,he act of Au^ust 4- John It appearin g to th e cou rt from said.p e­ . . ; G. Petei con of Kensington, county of Douglas, state cally all the beef in the Merrill val­ ment No. 1, is a step in that direc­ 40‘S, in Australia in 1893 there was lereo . | Qf Mfnnesota has this day fled in this office his sworn tition th a t it is necessary to sell the ley that w a s b e in g fed by the alfal­ S O P H IA P A U L S O N , n e e! statement No. 7647 for the purchase oftheSouth- tion. The hnv is not perfect. It an increase of about 23"« in proper­ w h ole c f the real estate o f said decedent fa growers, insisting of about 300 S op h ia Peterson, A d m in istratrix o f the . easf Quarter cf section 34 in township 2 S. ranee ty values in New Zealand. New to pay the deb ts of said d eceden t and the is new, and there are a few knot E state o f A n d rew F . Petereon, deceased. 1 i> E. w. M. and will off.r proof to show t h « th . Und head, sa\ • the Klamath Falls E x ­ exp en ses and ch arges o f th e adm in istra­ n Q * , sought is more valuable for the timber or stone there holes in it by which the wily poli­ Zealand has about the same popu­ L K e n CL h c l iu e b e l, | on than for agriculture purposes ard to establish his press. tion . tician can work his game. These lation and property value ns Oregon A tto rn e ys for A d m in istratrix . f20-m i9 claims to said lands before the register and receiver It is th erefore ordered b y this court Is this our Lewis Gerber? • at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the l7tfrdayof should be remedied by the law lie so if the plan «’as a success there, th at a ll persons interested in the estate March. 1908. He n&mesas witnesess: there is 110 reason why it should An Old Historic §uilding— A -------- F O R--------- ing broadened and simplified. If Every voter who wants to exer­ c f said deceased appear before th is court Herman Herbers of Portland. Oregon not succeed here. Oregon is now Fred Brakenbush of on th e 9 d ay o f M arch, 1908, at th e hour parties are to lie maintained, the cise his right to vote should take Store and Postoffice— Fritz Brakenbush of o f 10 o ’c lo ck a. m . of said day at the partisan should be restricted in the loaning $4,940,256 at 6 ‘S, an 1 has the first convenient opportunity that Edwin Westerman of *' courL roepn o f said cou rt at the court not lost a dollar for several years, Big Stock A ry or all persons claiming adversely the above primary law so that he shall be he can to register. The ejerieal IN SPRING W A T E R L A N D SE E house in th e c ity o f O re g o n C ity cou n ty of described lands are requested to file their claims In compelled always to affiliate with which speaks well for the state. force iniployed to keep up the regis­ this office on or before the 1 7 day of March. 1908. , Claclfntnas, state o f O regon , to show 0 - F. M. G il l . Henry Wilhern’s s t o r e Algernon S. Dresser. Register his own party. The law should not E n g le cause w h y an ord er should not be grant- tration records will have plenty to J9 M ch12 be discarded; it should be made - OREGON do the last few days without taking Creek was destroyed by fir e T i le s - ed to said ad m in istrator to sell th e fo l­ S T R IN G W A T E R The big stock of gen­ lo w in g described real estate a t private more perfect. Naturally it is diffi- care of a big rush. Reifister today day night. eral merchandise was a total loss. sale, to-w it: B e gin n in g at tlie N . W . cult to retain party adhesion with and you will have it all done. c rn er o f th e W 1-2 o f th e S 1-2 o f th e S. The postoffice was kept by Mr W . 1-4 o f S ectio n 31, T . 1, S. R . 4, E . of a popular election law, particularly Attorneys at Law Born, to the wife of Bert Cornett Wilbern in the store and everything tiie W . M. ru n n in g th en ce E . 40 rods to where a republican office seeker 1 lielonging to it was burned. The th e d ivision lin e b etw een the N. 1-2 and pledges himself to support a demo­ # ^ *N ortary ITiblic, General Law a 7 J 4 poll lid lx>y. j insurance a m o u n t e d t o a b o u t $ 1 0 0 0 tlle S- i-* o f th e S. W . 1-4, th en ce S . 16 crat for United States senator, and Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b­ The band boys will give a dance land t h e r i o u w i l l be m o r e t h a n t w i c e f « 1» ; ‘ b enee W . 40 rod»; th en ce N . 16 visa versa. The people have taken stracts furnished S a t u r d a y m e l l t a t t h e p a v ilio n , t h e i . .. . , w rods to the place o f hexin n in i;, contain . _ . . . ‘ . th a t. N o o n e s e e m s t o k n o w ho«- the primary law as the best there is j in g four acres, m ore o r less, and th at a proceeds from which are to t>e used c . 4. „s. the fire originated, of its kind, and they should lx1 more co p y of th is ord er be j u b lish td not less M ONEY L O A N E D for the band s benefit. the cause . , , ticed at 11 o olock, an hour a ft e r than four con secu tive w eeks in The E s t i­ willing to improve it than to dis­ is a fiood one. and those who dance {he s(ore had I(ee„ closed. It lla d ca dn N ews, a w e e k ly newspaper in said card it. The primary law is no o f f i c e s : 2, 3 cV 4, A N D R K SE N nl.D . will be helping a good thing along , gaiMd such hcad that nothing cou n ty and state. step backward but it is a step to by patronizing it. It takes a little Dated th is 1st d av o f F e b ru ary, A . D. O k EGON C i t v O r e g o n r could be saved. The Fleming res- ward a more popular government. 1908. money as well as hard ipractice to ., . £ ^ idence across the .street caught fire G R A N T B. D IM IC K . build a band. r »• . . . . , troni the sparks, but the bucket C ounty Judge. TO LOAN S P R IN G W A IIK It is necessary, almost, foi business meu to W. M. Fields and Chas. Tritnni, briKade which carried water from a have. Printed stationery is a convenience, two Michigan hoys, alighted from a near' bV crcek caved the building, . . . . . .. i_». «. « $400 at 6 per cent. '¡* * 1*-, . . T . ^ r ’ ! 1 T ’ l “ “ ,**l* ’i " V % M| " | l -} a recommend, and it is better and just as train here yesterday, and surprised ^Icn-'hant M ilbern exptets to enter Í $600 “ " ” His 67th Birthday cheap as buying store stationery, a little at their old friends, L. C. Posson and ! business a8ain in temporary quar- $800 “ ’’ " a time. The News prints all kinds of lid. Mallory. ters unt*l he can rebuild. 1 1500 ’ ‘ “ “ On Wednesday, the 19th day of ScRMific Jlmcrican M UNN & Co.3G,Br»"'^ New York BIG FIRE AT EAGLE CREEK Real Estate Bargians A. M. SHIBLEY Dimick & Dimidi, PRINTED STATIONERY! TIME CARD February, a few neighbor friends See Bank of Estacada. met at S. II Raney's to have a lit­ tle celebration on the occasion of his 67th birthday. A very agreeable time was had. j and all enjoyed the hoapitality o f , the home. Those who sat down to; dinner were, S H. Rainy at head W . A. JO N E S of table, and W. M. Warm c ’t at P R O P R IE T O R the foot; Mrs. Raney, Mrs. War-j nock, Mrs. Folsom, Mrs. Seltr.er, 1 » ock 1 rign niitl c a irfu l «lriverx alw ays Mrs. C. H. Gttttridge, Roliert Gut-'1 SPECIAL ATTENTION ridge and wife, P. J. Shannon, and G iw n H u n tin g and F ish in g Parties George and Willie Raney, and Dr. Wallens and wife. The guests ap­ preciated tlie turkey and other lux­ W OOD& LUM BER uries very much. We hope Father Local and L o n g D istance Telephone Livery, Feed . I & STABLE Sale Rev. Thompson of SoTwood gave the people of Kstacada a real treat in picture art and travel Tuesday evening at the church. Every­ one present hud a delightful trip through the Yelknvstone National Dark; saw alt the geysers, the bears, the crags, mountains, canyons, falls, and very many of the deep myster­ ies of nature. Mr. Thompson has! County Frirt Inspector A. J a grand subject, and with the as­ Lewis has Ixcn in these parts this sistance of Master Gilbert Charters, week lookn .. er orchards. Next V .rdi 4, there «ill be handles it admirably. The Epworth Wedtusd League will return the compliment a lar^e j ibh nveetlng^at Garfield by Rev. Parounogian giving his grange ball an I Mr. Lewis will lx. give a talk on fruit cul­ lecture, "Turkey .Sr Mohammedan­ preset ture >