The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, February 27, 1908, Image 3

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Women Worry
M ore than men, «ays Dr. McComb, and
one reason Is that their nervous organisa­
tions are more delicate. True, and Hood's
Sarsaparilla Is lust the nerve-builder, ap­
petite-giver, and blood-purifier they need
I n d i g e s t i o n 3 Y o « r s - * * l was troubled
with indigestion for three years. I read ot
Hood's Sarsaparilla and tried it. A fter tak
lag a number o f bottles I was completely
cured.” Mas. J. H. H a l l e y . DeSoto, Mo.
N o r v o u s , In P a i n , N o A p p e t i t e —
“ Had poor health for years, pain In shoulders,
back and hips, with constant headache, ner
vousness and no appetite. Took Hood's Sar­
saparilla. rained strength and can work hard
all day. eat heartily and sleep w ell." Mae. E.
G in iL fl, Moose Lake. Minn.
R h e u m a t i s m - " ! had rheumatism in one Attempt to H .y O f f On* Law Against
e f my anklet, but Hood’s Sarsaparilla soon
gave me permanent relief.
I recommend
Another and fcacapa Penalties
Hood's Sarsaparilla." M bs A mn H utchinson .
Completely Foiled.
Lafayette. Col.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold everywhere.
In the usual liquid, or in tablet form called
• a r s a t a b e . 100 Doses One Dollar. P re­
Washington, Feb. 25.— One of the
pared only by C. I. Hood Co., L ow ell, Mass. main contentions by which the ra il­
Ü. S. Suprema Court Upholds
tikins Law.
I t S u rp ris e d H e r.
“ W hen m y huabnud « 11.1 In Spain
laat y ea r,” sa id Mrs. S w ellm an , “ ha
■ucctedcd In bu ying In qu lta a lo t e f
th e k in g's w in es.”
“ W e ll, w e ll,” ex cla im e d
M r*. Nu-
rltcb , “ tbe Idee o' bu yln' second band
w in e s !” — P h ila d elp h ia Praaa.
PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to oure any
case of Itctaln?, BLinJ. Jleedtn, or Protruding
P ile , in 6 to 14 day* or money refunded. 50c.
V n e im A lle n .
“ N ot mentioning any namea,” said Da-
cle A llen Sparks, “ I ’» e noticed that the
only effect an exalted position seems to
bars on some men is to make them light
beaded. Th ey can't stand tha rarefied at­
. at. Vitos’ nasce ana all r. Cry Oil. Disease.
I p.rmaii.ntlr curisi br Dr. K lin .', ureas
_S.rv. Restorer, seed for PRICE istrici bota* sed
treaties. Dr. R. IL Kl Ine. Ld.. Ml Area SL, PkÜA.ta.
I’ r . u t r o . a H o r r o r .
" W e ll, what do you w ant?” tha proof­
reader asked,
A s he eyed the intruder w ith doubt.
" I 'm just a loafin'," answered the hyphen,
And the proofreader hustled him out.
— Chicago Tribune.
Mo hers w ill find Mr«. Wlnelow1« Boothia,
Byrup the b et remedy to use tor their children
during the teething period.
roads which gave and the corpora­
tions which received rebates hoped
to escape punishment was swept
away today by a decision of the
United States supreme court.
decision vitally affects the case un­
der which the Standard Oil Co. was
fined $29,2 40,000 for the same point
was raised.
The case upon which the decision
was rendered was instituted in the
United States District Court for the
District of Minnesota, which court
fined the Great Northern railroad
$1,000 each for 15 violations of the
first section of the Elkins law.
The alleged offenses against the
law were committed during the sum­
mer o f 1905, and consisted in grant­
ing concessions to the W. P. De-
vearaux Company on its shipments
of oats and corn from Minnesota to
points in Washington.
The com­
pany admitted the concessions and
fought the prosecution on the ground
that by amending the Elkins act so
as to provide for punishment by im ­
prisonment rather than by fines the
Hepburn law had so m odified the or­
iginal law as to accomplish its re­
peal and render punishment under it
impracticable. Today’s decision was
announced by Justice W hite and a f­
firm ed the finding of the District
Court and the United States Circuit
Court of Appeals.
Explosion Averted by Instant Obedi­
ence to Hurried Signal.
San Francisco, Feb. 25.— An act
«if hugging delusions.
of heroism performed by three blue­
Said He— Well, we are not to blame.
jackets on the United States cruiser
Tou women are such delusive «m a­ Maryland during the recent target
practice held at Magdalena Bay, was
all that prevented a repetition of the
How’s This?
Georgia disaster off the Massachu­
We offer One Hundred Dollsri Reward forsny setts coast last year, when Lieuten­
esse of Catarrh that cannot be cured bjr Mall’s
a n t Goodrich, the son of Adm iral
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHKIf EY A CO., Tolede, O Goodrich, and 13 o f his shipmates,
We, the undesigned, have knows F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him met death in the explosion of one of
perfectly honorable In ah buisnese transactions 'the big guns.
I end
_ l a financially
__l.ll.. .k
l. to carry out any obliga­
* "•
It happened while the Maryland
tion made by n l. firm
| was having her try at the navy rec­
Wholesale Druggist*, Toledo,O ord.
A fte r the second or third shot
H all'« Catarrah Cure la sken internally, act­ from No. 4, one of the Maryland’s
ing directly upon the blood and mucoue ear-
face, of the system. Testimoniali sant free, ! eight-inch guns, J. J. Donnelly, a
fr ie s 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all Drug g lata. 'seaman, acting as first loader, dis­
Take Hall’s Family Pills for Constipation.
covered that two balls o f fire were
spinning around within the screw-
S tB n s l
box. This fire should have gone out
A tired feeling once
of the muzzle of the gun but it had
Came over the busy be«.
failed to do so.
T w a s when a budding poet
W ithout the loss o f a moment,
Rhym ed it with vis-a-vln.
Donnelly hastily signalled J. C. King,
the hoisting man, to lower the am­
Good Judge,
munition car into the handling-room,
Americana ae judge« are keenly dia- and King, with the assistance o f J.
oriminatiDg. They measure everythin, Green, the rammer man, compiled
by the success it attains, which meth­ with the form er's request upon the
od, considered in the light of the com- instant. Tw enty-five seconds elapsed
men experience of mankind, ii cer­ before the fire in the screw-box was
put out, but in that brief time a
tainly not a bad one. The high stand­ great disaster was averted
ard of intelligence and dlaoernment I,
this country, where ednoation is thi T R Y IN G T O G t T ENOUGH MEN
rule and not the exception, render, ii
difficult and surprising to find a general
Railroads Hava Ten Day* B efore New
national success not based on actual
Law Takes Effect.
worth. Hence it waa that with tha
Los Angeles, Feb. 2 5.— W ith less
presentation of St. Jacobs Oil they cor
rectly judged it at once, and decided than ten days until the new federal
that rate intrinsic worth only could b< | law lim iting the hours of labor of
the source of its success. Tbs decisioa ' certain railroad employes shall be-
Icome effective, Los Angeles railway
with them was equivalent to an adop­
| officials are preparing as best they
tion; and it is a rare thing to find 1 jean for the necessary changes which
fam ily without St. Jaoobs Oil in ths must be made.
Approxim ately 140
new telegraph operators w ill be re­
quired in the territory governed by
Los Angeles general offices. The
“ Yes, air, this town Is booming,” said Santa Fe will need the greater por­
I f it keeps all its
tbe prominent citizen, proudly. “Only tion o f these.
last week the new railroad was fin­ offices open it will require 81 men on
its coast line in addition to its pres­
ished and started running trains."
ent force. There is a possibility that
"And is it successful?"
it w ill not be able to get that num­
“ You bet It is. Just ask that m u ber at once. I f so, it w ill be neces­
over there?”
sary to close a few offices all or a
part of the time until the additional
“ Who's he?”
men can be found.
•The receiver.”— Cleveland Lsader.
Every-day Legal Knowledge
lor you L ib e r a i • xa rru n a tirn p rtvti« *«
- no d epo sit - n o o b l i g a t i o 10 b u y •»*»
Pi «mitant o f a n trw o Ju a b te la b o r a n d
m o n ayaavtn d C A L C U L A T O R F i t K B
T H a n c o c k B’d g
w S E A T T L E W A ir t
11** S
“ S E N D FOR IT N O W ”
The Beat FYuit Tree and Berry Plant
Catalog in the Northwest
J. J. B U T Z E R
192 Front St.,
Portland. Oregon
Money Panic in Japan. »
Berlin, Feb. 25.— The tightening
of financial conditions in Japan is
regarded by banks here as likely to
result in the transfer from London
to Tokio o f a large portion of Jap­
anese balances and somewhat to dis­
Japan’s balances In London are es­
timated at between $60,000,000 and
At the Japanese Em ­
bassy the news of panicky conditions
at Osaki, K yoto and Kobe is dis­
credited, but private advices to Ger­
man firm s trading in the Far East
confirm the scarcity ofmoney.
S a n ta
F e ’ a C r y o f M ia a r y
Topeka, Feb. 25.— On the Santa
Fe railroad 486 new operators w ill
For fresh­ be required, the Gulf lines excepted,
ness,purity and reli­ to comply with the provisions of the
ability .F errr'atoada
federal nine-hour law, to go Into
are ia a claaa by them­ effect March 4.
About 60 are re­
selves. Farmers
harecoufideace quired on the eastern grand divi­
la them because sion.
The ‘ officials do not know
they knew they
caa he relied ap­ whether they will be able to get the
ea. Doa’t experi­ requisite number o f new men or not.
ment with cheep
Notices were posted in the Santa
seeds—your sure­
ty tiesta buyia* Fe shops at Newton today that em ­
seeds scat out by ployes need not report for work till
a ce me tea tierna
About 200 men
sad trustworthy Monday. March 2.
are affect ad
Ferry’ s t o e d t o e e e I
te r ISOS 1 r - IF F ,. Address
B M FcsmACa-.fenMff.ttn.
and guaranteed
Suits >39« Shelters » 3 «
catalo «
rm t aw
All Oregon Represented by Floats In- ,
dicatlva o f Its Raaourcaa.
A. Doctors
M ed icin e
Portland’s great annual inatitulon, 1
tbe Koee Festival, which was inaugu- ,
rated last June under such auepich us :, will, this coming June, '
be consummated on a scale to broad
and grand that it will have a general
Ayer’» Cherry Pectoral is not
appeal to the whole state of Orgton,
ami an individual appeal to every com­
a simple cough syrup. It is a
munity in the commonwealth. The
strong medicine, a doctor’s
grrnd jubilee, which will be one round
medicine. It cures hard cases,
of pleasure for the whole week begin­
ning Monday, June 1, and ending in a
severe and desperate cases,
blaze of glory the following Saturday
chronic cases of asthma, pleu­
night, is not for Portland or Portland
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
people alone.
Ons of its moat spectacular and bril­
Ask your doctor about this.
liant ieaturea is to be the magnificent
MI hove «ted a greet dee! . ef Ayer*« Cherry
hard oolda on the
Pectoral for cough« end 1
street pageant. This is a competitive
— way*
-Jeye done j me greet
ehest. It has . el
event open to all cities and towns of
to certainly e moat wonderfal 001
Oregon outside of the Koae City. There
M 7j.
will be grand prizes, the capital prise
being a princely sum in cash with a
number of eoetly souvenir oups and
other trophies of great value and
Up to ths present tin e about SO
w ill h a sten recovery by «« k -
cities and tewna ef Oregon have bean Y au na
l n ( «n o o
i f A yor'a Filio a t b ed tim e.
heard from, each showing great inter­
est in tha special state parads, and
T h . N t a z a r a L im ite d .
several ol these towns, through their
“ Where ara all those honeymoon par­
business organizations and "boosting”
clubs, have sent representatives to this ties?" exclaimed tbe reporter as be
oity to oonfer with the Festival manage­ hurried into tha station. "Ara they
ment with reference to character of tbe gone ?”
floats which will make the most effect­
“ Yes.” laughed the station maste^as
ive showing for their communities.
he pointed to the turtle doves In the
Tha Festival association has secured waiting room, "fa r gone."
the services of a master float builder
from the East, who is now here with a
1'IN IS K Look
corps of assistants ready to advise with That la LA X A TIV E BROMO 8
VE. UiOd the
all who desire to enter the lists.
r te Cure a Cold In One Day.
The railroads ol Oregon, and the
whole West, in (act, are planning to
H ta In t e r fe r e n c e .
give special reduced rates on all lines,
Clttiman—-Look here, air, didn't yea
good for the whole week of the Festi­ warrant the boras you sold me yester­
val. Special low rates Irom Portland day to be without fault?
to all points in Oreogn.
David Harum— Yea. Ain’t be?
Every town in Oregon is Invited to
Clttiman— No, air, he Is not. He in­
enter eome characteristic float in the terferes. David Harum— Waal, I don't
" A l l Oregon’ ’ parade, and tha Faatival see as you her any reason fur com­
association invites corespondenoe and plaining’ about that. He don't inter­
personal conference with cities and fere with anybody hut hlmielf, doet
towns, large and small, in this all im­ be ?— Llpplneott’s.
portant matter.
O n t h e I n e t n l l m e n t F in n .
C w u id ii’ l Hlarna 'Kdaa.
Bald She— You men seem to bs fond
Black Hand thraata T a rro rzn
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 25.— Black
Hand Society notices, sent through
the malls and posted on doors and
fences, with the object o f frighten­
ing Italians who have offended the
society in the mining village of
Black Diamond, 25 miles from Se­
attle, reached a climax laat Friday
night when J. V itero was shot at
three times while m aking his way
One bullet passed through
his left arm and another cut his
Fabulous Btrika is Mad#
Rawhide, Nev , Feb. 2 5 — What Is
said to be the most wonderful strike
In the history o f m ining in Nevada
was made today on the Happy H ooli­
gan claim. Assays o f the ore show
values as high as $79,600 to the ton.
The ground has been purchased by
E W. King, a banker o f Boxeman,
1 Mont.
Publications fo r Farmsra.
The following publications ol interest
to farmers and others have been issued
by the Agricultural department of the
Federal government and will be fur­
nished free, so long as they are avail­
able, except where otherwise noted,
upon application to the Superintendent
of Documents, Government Printing
Office, Washington, D. C.:
Bulletin No. 119.— Report of Irriga­
tion Investigations for 1901, under di­
rection of Elwood Mead, chief of irriga­
tion investigations.
Pp. 401, pis. 64,
figs. 12. Price 50 cents. This is tbe
third of the annual reports of the irri­
gation investigations of this office. It
deals chiefly with the duty of water,
but contains also reperta from four sta
tlous In the humid ststee, where Irriga­
tion is not a necessity, but a means ol
increasing the returns from farm lands;
a report on the underground water sup­
ply of the San Bernardino valley Cali­
fornia, and the second progress report
on silt measurements.
Bulletin No. 86.— The Use of Water
in Irrigation. Report of investigations
made in 1899, unuer the suverpision oi
Elwoed Mead, expert in charge, and C.
T. Johnston, assieatnt. Pp. 263, pis.
50, figs. 18. F 'ice 30 cents. This bul­
letin explains the methods in use in
the arid states in the distribution and
use of water in Irlgation .
It gives a
large number of measurements made to
determine the duty of water and the
losses by seepage and evaporation from
canals, and discusses the methods by
which the water supply may be more
effectively and economically utilized in
the production of crops.
Bulletin No. 104.— Report of Irriga­
tion Inveetigations for 1900, under su­
pervision of Elwood Mead, expert in
charge of irrigation investigations. Pp.
334, pis. 25, figs. 29.
Price 50 cents.
This report covers the second year of
investigations relating especially to the
duty of water. The reports of the field
agents contain also a large amount of
information on laws and customs, agri­
cultural methods, crop returns and
other subjects related to irrigation. A
progress report on tbe quantities of silt
carried by a number of southern riven
is also contained in this volume.
Washington la bounded on tbe east
by the Capitol and on tbe west by the
White House. Between them flows a
restless stream of sightseers. There
may be other districts of the national
capital worth seeing, but only a Wash­
ingtonian knows I t The tourist has
time and strength only to bit the high
places. In New York there are prob­
ably as many toHrlata as in Washing­
ton. but with this difference, the New
Yorker does not mind mixing with the
tourist claaa In fact, if the tourist
have money and a fondness for Broad­
way and contiguous reaorta, the New
Yorker la more than willing, ao Mr.
Tourist emerges his identity with the
New York “ push.” Washingtonian»
never let you forget you are a tourist.
Resident women «lightly raise their
skirts with an Indescribable yet elo­
quent air when they happen to rub
elbows with a mere tourist of tha
same sex in a hotel or department
store elevator. A Washingtonian look!
straight ahead at nothing; the tour­
ist la known by the angle at which
«he crooks her neck.
Congressman Hobson of Alabama,
famous as the hero of Santiago and
later of several kissing campaign*, la
«aid to favor the establishment by the
government of an official weekly news­
paper for free distribution, for which
he wishes Congreae to appropriate
$350*000. This periodical would con­
tain a summary of the work of Con-
great and all departments of the gov­
ernment, ao far as It might interest
the public. He say* the Journal is in­
tended to form a connecting link be­
tween the government and the people,
and that the project grew out of hla
haring ascertained that a vast amount
o f valuable materia! did not reach the
people for whom it was Intended. He
thinks the publication of such a paper
will remove distrust and suspicion and
create a renewed Interest and confi­
dence among the masses in govern­
mental affairs.
“ H eredity,” the boarder with the rubi­
cund countenance was saying, “ account!
fo r nearly everything. F or instance, I in­
herited my eyes and the color a f my hair
from my mother’s people, my chin and
nose from my father’s aids o f tha house,
and------ ”
‘ You didn’ t inharlt that nose from any­
body,” interrupted the boarder with the
sallow complexion.
"Y o u bought It at
Pennies left In the boxes by rural
various placaa in this town and paid high
route patrons for the purchase of
prices for it.” — Chicago Tribune.
n o ta te s
u e a n lte .
Tha detsetiva waa tryin g to find «oat*
clew to tha whereabouts af tha missing
“ When your husband want out o f th«
bouse that morning, slamming tha deor,
he asked, “ did he say anything that gave
you an idea where he waa going?*'
“ AH he said was that he'd ha darned
i f he wasn’ t going to hunt some place
where he could read hla morning paper
la peace.”
S h e e n 's L o s e .
A nobleman agalust whom insanity
was imputed by bis relatives was asked
during tbe examination by Lord Lough­
borough, “ How many legs has a sheep?“
"Does your lordship mean a lire or
a dead sheep?” asked the nobleman.
“ Is it not tbe same thing?” said the
"No, my lord ; there la much differ­
ence. A live sheep has four legs, a
dead sheep but two. Tbe others are
W ar
It was at a theater in Mancbeiter.
The king, aged and infirm, wus blessed
With two sons. He was pacing up and
down the stage with a wearied, trou­
bled look, exclaiming aloud:
“ On which of these, my sons, shall I
bestow my crown?”
Immediately came a voice from tba
“ Why not 'arf a crown apiece, guy*
* «-? “ - LA»*on Mail
stamps from the carriers will be let
alone If the recommendations of
Fourth Aaalatant Postmaster General
De Graw and Superintendent Spill­
man of the rural delivery service la
adopted. In cold weather It has al­
ways been a painful duty o f the carri­
ers, this hunting around in the ice-
cold bottom of a matnl mail box with
bare handa. I t has been «aid that
sometimes fingers of carriers get ao
cold and stiff that they are unable to
write out money order receipt«. Tha
recommendation of the two officials la
that patrons place a small wooden box
'n the mall box, and therein put all
the pennies with which they wish to
buy stamps or anything else. The car­
rier could then, without removing hia
gloves, empty the contents and go on
hla way rejoicing, foiling the attack of
Jack Frost. I f the pennies are not In
the box the carrier will not be re
qulred to look for them.
• :— t-
E v ery part o f the body ia dependent on the blood for nourishment and
Strength. W hen this life stream is flow in g through the syatem in a state at
purity and richness vre are assured o f perfect and uninterrupted health;
Lecause pure blood ia nature’s safe-guard against disease. When, however,
the body is fed on weak, impure o r polluted blood, the system is deprived o f
its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble is manifested in various
ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skin affections
ehow that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too
much acid or the presence of some irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are
the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca­
tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood
disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains.
These impurities and paisons find their way into the blood in various ways.
Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the
avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and
form uric and other acids, which are taken up by tbe blood and distributed
throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is
another causa for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and
microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood in
Sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some
are so unfortunata os to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old
constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are
constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis­
ease, and uatil this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body ia sure te
Buffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. Is the best
remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any
and all poisons, auppliea the healthful properties it needs, and completely
and permanently cures blood diseases of
every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so
thorough that hereditary taints are removed
and weak, diseased blood made strong and
healthy so that disease cannot remain. It
cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores
and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagions
Blood Poison, etc., and does not leave the
slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of
blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature’s
reatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely
armless to any part of the system.
S. S. S. is for sale at all first class
0gU£ stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write«
D la o a a r a a t a e
P r ««p *c t».
T h e O rp h a n .
"This government Is becoming more
"Please, sir, will you give a penny to
and more centralized every year,” said a poor orphan7”
tbe student of politics.
"Certainly, my boy! Has your fath­
"Yes.” answered Colonel Stillwell of er been dead long?”
Kentucky, "lt’e getting so that tbe
“ No. air.
He's the orphan. Thtl
States don’t do much more than fur­ money’s for him.”
nish titles for battle ships and popu­
lar songs.” — Washington Star.
what CAUsrs headache
H I.
From October to May. colds are the moat frequent
cause o f headache. L A X A T IV E BKOMO Q U I­
“ Luckiest man I ever knew! Every N IN E removes cause. E. W. Grove on btx. 26c.
thing succeeded with him.
He had j
S o m e t im e s H a p p e n « T h a t W a y .
only to say what he wanted, and h t!
Thronging — Did you ever try making *
got It. Why, confound It, 1 was walk
ing with him one day— the very las' I comrade of your boy?’
Ph ogy— Yes ; but it didn’t work.
day o f hla life— anil he said to me found he was too old for mg.— Chicago
‘When I die, I want to die auddeu'y. j Tribung.
Got run over that very night. Evei
see such luck!” — London Mall.
Sunday island, in the Pacific. 1» really
the tallest mountain in thg world.
M a k in g I t W o rs e .
riset 2,000 feet out o f five miles of watar,
•ultor (tim id ly)— I — I wish to— to and is thus nearly 30,000 feet from has»
marry your daughter, sir.
to summit.
Pater (an grily)— What’» that, *Ir.
N o t th e S am e.
Where’» my cane?
“ I »upposo you hare been pinched
Suitor (h a stily)— Oh, sir— I didn’t
moan that— I don’t want to marry her by penury?”
“ No, mum; the cop’s name w a s
(furiously) — Don’t,
eh? O’ Brien ; he’» Irish.”
Where’» my gun?— Cleveland Leader.
P a la lfM
fe n c e r .
4 u lo r lo
H y p n o tis m .
Inquisitive Passenger— H ow are these
care heated?
Shivering Passenger— By suggestion, 1
There Is a prevailing opinion that
cancer 1» always pulnful from tbe be
ginning, whereas it is really painless In
the majority of cases. It is deslrablg
In n a ltln sr«
to ascertain how far the public ought
“ I ’m not going to that female barbev
to be instructed in the early signs of shop again. There’s a rude girl there,
cancer, with a view to the adoption ol don’t you know..”
earlier diagnosis and consequently ear­
“ What did she say?”
lier operation.— London Hospital.
“ Why, she looked at my mustnwsfc
and awaked me If I would bar* It
O, P r o f e a s o r !
sponged off or rubbed In.”
The professor was complimenting the
violin virtuoso on the excellence of his
M a c in g H o p e .
"Charles, flettr," said young Mrs. Tot*
“ By the way,” he said, “ do you play kins, “ why do you tail racing calcula­
the ‘Doctor of Divinity’ ?”
tions ‘dope?’ I thought that was •
“ That is a piece I have never heard
slang name for a drug.”
of,” anewered the violiniet.
“ You're quite right,' waa the answer.
“ Never heard of it !” exclaimed the
"Fiddle D. D. !” —Chicago "They call It that because all It gen­
erally gets you Is a pleasant dream and
aunqjjj, o»a.ijqk)— M¡ sipnf.q a rude awakening.”— Washington Star.
Cy. Sulioway, o f New Hampshire,
still retains hla place as the blggesl
man in the House of Representatives,
and ao far no one has appeared that
may claim honor to second place ahead
H ie S ya tem ,
of Ollie James, of Kentucky. Sulioway os ),QtI I! U1«*. Moqs O) jm if ‘.mo i
"IIow do you dispose of your garb­
Is something more than six and a half ;|dMgjuj jjqjouw eAiX pne Lijunoo sup oj
feet tall and weighs but a pound less ip>Bq ttcooo [j i As IUM ‘Mouif noi Suiq) age here?” asked the stranger, who
|8jy *qx »iqnoji «usui oj Jiafol s()»q £
was gathering data for purposes of
than 850. His breadth is proportionst,
fiBqj jeSu;s jjie«u3 « s.jqa A' bk ||H
with his height, and lie towers above C<*q j 'ijeM— no¿ qovqx ¿Ii if ‘ iu !* z 8 jio £ publication.
bis colleague, Frank D. Currier, as h« —j<#q)o jo Suiqiaiuow jC.iejjdj,—eoieu j*q
“ We always throw ours In the garb­
does above most all the members of
— jo B ujh Mau hi if i }» q j„ sifJBdg age can,” salil the man with the chi®
P o n t.
tbe House. He is one of tbe member! WHY ®I*>ail P*h>*ö*J
heard, “ hut I don’t know, of cour»«,
Said a poetry teacher named Pell,
-(■■JJJO .I A u io o | ') s ( u *||V a | ju ,|
who does not exercise his prerogative
about the neighbors.”
T o his pupil who w rote a rondel,
of taking hla luncheon on that aide of
‘ ‘You would nofc know from Petar*
A muse, should you meter !'*
the House restaurant where the sign
Thus gave he the young villanella.
proclaims "for members only,” but ÿ V V V N v r V v
— Y ale Record.
each day partakes of a s;>arlng lunch
W hat is said to be the largest tele­ on the public side o f the room, where
Idaho Corn Show.
graph circuit in the world is that be­ the motto Is that anybody's money Is
On the 2d, 3d and 4th of December, tween London and Teheran, the capital good.
1908, there w ill be held at Moaoow • o f Persia. %It is 4.000 miles long and ia
is most painful.
state oorn show under the management divided into tw elve sections.
The United States Mint at Phil..,lei
What's good?
of the Idaho Agronomy association. Not
Chinese coffins are made o f timber
only will there be a show, but also a eight inches to ten inches thick. It ia 183,598,943 coin«, representing a value
rousing program, which in itself would calculated, therefore, that over 8,000,000 of », a coneiderabls in­
pay the farmer to come to Moscow. feet o f timber ia utilized yearly fo r coffins crease over the prevloua year'» output
Tbs subject of corn w ill be taken up in China.
The total value of the gold pieces
and discussed from a practical and sci
coined was over $54,000,000, and of ths
L i v e a n d L e t L iv e .
entlfic point of view; the soil w ill be
“ Do you preach without note*,” quo sliver over $6,000,000, while pennies
considered in Its different phases; irri­
G ives instant relief.
and nickel* represented a value of over
gation and dry farming w ill be talked ried a member of the church commit
Rem oves the twinges.
abyut and the various live stock, dairy tee that was seeking a pastor to fill a
States coins, considerable work waa
U S E IT , T H E N Y O U ’L L K N O W
and horticultural aabjects will be con­ vacancy.
“ Well,” rejoined the good man with don« for the Philippine and Panama
2 5 o .— A L L D R U G G IS T S — 6 0 o .
There will be some good premiums * merry twinkle in hla «ye. “ I some governments.
offered to the winners of the show. times have occasion to use bank notes.”
Now Is the time to begin preparing by
The application of George M. Austla
planting some good corn and getting in
of New York for a restraining ordei
against Secretary Cortelyou, pi event­
Tell your neighbors about it.
ing him from allotting $21,500,000 of
Do not forget tbe data. Mark those
Panama Canal bond* to certain na­
days on your calendar and plan to coma. of the Well-Informed of the World baa tional banka, has I teen denied by Judg,
For further information address, R. always been for a simple, pleasant Gould of tbe Supreme Court of the Dis­
E. Hyslop, Superintended Idaho Ag- and efficient liquid laxative remedy of
trict of Columbia. Austin charged that
ennomy Association, Moaoow, Idaho.
known value; a laxative which physi­ the secretary had violated the law lo
Theoe may be made of biscuit (lough cians could sanction for family us* rejecting his bid for $3,000,000 o f bonds
tbe same ae apple dumplings, or of puff because its component parts are and aliotlng the bonds to nstlonaj
paste rolled into rounds six laches known to them to be wholesome and banka and other* at a lower figure.
"20-lfU LE -T F.A M " Borax.
Hi, ] and 5 TV» carton«. Borax** Bath Powder (10 and 2Sc tina). Violet
across. Pinch up the edges to shape truly beneficial la effect, acceptable
Boric Talcum Powder. Boric Hpaneiee, Boric Acid. Boraxaid Soap Powder. ‘‘20-Mule-Team" Soap,
Q u «< cii o f Borax Soap. Boraxaid I .a undry Soap, "20-Mule-Team" Soap Chips.
Into cups. Arrange In a baking pan
Postmaster General Meyer's order I.
to the system and gentle, yet prompt,
and put a peeled (teach In the center of
Send for 40-Page Catalogue of Valuable Premiums We Give FREE
regard to tha disposition of souvenir
'n action.
Sprinkle with sugar and dot
Fcr T ot > r and Wrapper* from the above "20-MULE T E A M ” Products. You will And many articles o i
In supplying that demand with Its
Hou«<h »Id and Peraenal use thst you can ohtsin A B S O L U T E L Y FKEE. A ll you have to do is te
with butter, then bake In a hot oven.
excellent combination o f Syrup of ter office is a source of happineae te S A V E YOUR TOPS OH W R A PPE R S . Addra««
H i r k o r r H a t C a e k lM .
thousands of unfortunate children | P A C IF IC C O A S T B O R A X C O .,
O akland, C al.
Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali­
Two cup* of sugar, 2 eggs, half a cup
The card*, instead of being destroyed,
of melted butter, 6 tabiespoonfuls of fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along are now sent to the orphan asylums
milk, 1 teaspoonful of cream of tartar, ethical lines and relies on the merits and children's homes and hospitals Is
half a teaspoonful of soda end 1 cupful o f the laxative for Its remarkable Washington, where they give a delight
which even tbe Intended recipient
of chopped kernel* *tlrr*d into th* success.
That is one of many reasons why might not have fe lt
Syrup af Figs end Elixir of Senna Is
r reserves.
fo n ífiiS H O E S /ífS c r
Make a syrup of five pound* sngar given the preference by the Well-
Home of the government building*
and two cups water; boll UDtil clear. Informed. To get its beneficial effects
erected within a quarter o f a century
Wash, stem and seed one gallon char always buy tbe genuine— manufao
were designed by men who had rich
lies, drop In tba syrup and boll thirty turad by tha California Fig Syrup Co.,
Ideas In color, but who lacked In every­
minutes; shim well. Fill air tight Jar«, only, and for aale by all leading
thing else. Consequently harmony and
aeal and put In a cool placet
druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle artistic effects were not drawn upon
T a C la a a a B faal M a lta .
w t o l s e , w e a r / o n ss r, a n d
and these piles of tbe craxy-qollt or­
Y » / — I M S s iijr o f / t o r « « «
No. «-O «
P. N . U .
Cut an Irish potato In half, dip on*
der are out of place alongside the new
K xr fumetto»
, f the pieces In tbe brlckduet which
V. L. Oourtii $4 1 « SE Silt Edge Shati Cannot Bn Equalled At An j Pile*
1 ’ H r x w r it t a # to « A n
la* to
la at
bottom. 1
T h k c W#*
• C A t 'T l O S .
W. î* D 'Oflaa name a***1 prie»
*."4|>e«1 on bo»t"m.
la generally uaed for cleaning knlvaa. 1 X 11
which are worthy of the capital of a
a s a a lla a IN l i » . p .
n ahoe dyhj^^vFrywhsra.
*'i from
innn ’ a<-tnry
»■ * "i v to
•> ary w
i’ >ai»
.*' of the
»"a world
" 1 1 4 Ille »
W. L. U O IU LA S , lirvckwa, Me
Rub tba Made of the knife aDd tba
mighty nation.
■tain will immediately disappear.
G eneral D em a n d
mm oil
Premiums Given Away
W S&