The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, February 20, 1908, Image 3

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P E R U N A E D I T O R I A L N O . i.
Dr. Hartman ii now offering Pernna to the public as a regular pharmaceu*
tical product. It is just as ethical as any compound put up tor the medical
Profession. No straining of medical ethics can find any fault with i t TH E
'R IN C 1PA L A C T IV E IN G R E D IE N T S are prominently incorporated in the
label on the bottle, that tho people may know that the claims made for Peruna
. have a true justification.
Assays Over Six Hundred Dollars
to the Ton.
The only departure we shall make from medical ethics in the conduct of
Peruna affairs in the future, is the fact that we shall continue to advertise anc
sell our product TO TH E PEOPLE.
I f we would agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only,
then the medical fraternity would be obliged to reoognise Peruna ss being
Appearance» Indicate Qrealest Strike
entirely within their approval.
W e shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. W e shall continue to
convey to the people our claims for Peruna as a household remedy. W e shall
continue to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to use
our medicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things
o f benefit to the home. W e shall continue to do this, whether the medical
profession like it or not.
W e are proposing from this time on to take the public into our confidence.
Notwithstanding that some imitators and substitutors will be attempting to
put up something which they consider just as good as Peruna, we are going to
draw aside the veil o f secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exaotly
This ought to disarm all honest criticism. W e expect, however, that crit­
icism w ill continue. On some pretext or other those who are envious of the
success of Peruna w ill continue to find
fault But we are determined to give
People Who Object to such
people no just
Liquid Medicines Can
It has become a household word in
Now Secure Peruna
millions o f homes. Our faith in the
remedy is stronger than ever. Every
year we expect to establish new plants
in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this valu­
able household remedy.
W E C LA IM P E R U N A TO BE A C A TA R R H REM EDY. Buy a bottle and
try it. I f it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped you.
I f you want us to we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it
to us. W e w ill add no words, take away no words. I f you wish us to we w ill
publish your portrait in connection with i t W e w ill not do this without your
written request, without your entire consent.
Peruna has cured thousands o f people of chronic catarrh, in many phases
and locations. At least, that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited
testimonials. Peruna w ill cure many thousand more, in spite of fabricated
slanders to the contrary.
W e guarantee that every testimonial we use is absolutely tr u e -in the
exact language o f the testifier.
W e guarantee that every photograph published is the photograph o f the
person whose name it bears, that every word o f every testimonial was author­
ised by the hand that signed i t
W e are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are,
by dealing squarer than they dare to. W e are determined to meet falsehood
with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity.
W e know that the users o f Peruna w ill appreciate our stand. W e believe
that the dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. W e expect even our op­
ponents w ill be obliged to acknowledge finally that Peruna is not only an
honest and useful romedy, but ona o f the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD M EDI
C. Gee Wo
The well known reliable
Root snd Herb
H ad
T a lk .
“ Now, Bridget,” said
Mrs. Hiram
Often, sternly, “ tills sort o f thing won'l
do. There Wouldn't be any work don«
in this bouse at all If I didn’t keep
after you and tell you what to do.”
"Share, ma'am, it might be worse,"
replied Bridget. “ I might refuse to dc
what ye tell me.”
Hits made a life study o f |
roots and herb*, and in thut '
M e m b e m h lp L im it e d .
study di wove red and is aiv. !
in « to the world his wonder*
“ Your husband spends all his evenings
ful remedies.
at home?
Isn’t he a member of anj
No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used—He Cures
Without Operation, or Without the Aid of a Knife lodge?”
lie guarantee» to Cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, i
“ O, ye s ; he belongs to the Ordor ol
Throat. Ilheumuttam. Nervousness. Nervous Debility,
Stomach, Liver. Kidney Troubles:also Lost Manhood. Thoroughly Reconstructed Husbands, bul
Female Weuknees and A ll Private Diseases.
Just Received from Peking, China—Safe, Sura
and Reliable.
If you cannot call, write for sympton blank and circa*
lar. Inclose 4 cents in stamps.
UB 1-2 First St., Oor. Morrison.
Portland, Oregon.
Please Mention This Taper.
W h e e lb a r r o w .
The farm er's sou looked up from the
»porting page.
“ By heck?’ he said, " I wish we had
one o' them there hossless carriages."
“ W e have,” returned the farmer,
“ and now that you mention. It, you
might Jest as well git It and fetch up
a load o’ turnips from the three acre
l o t ” — New Orleans Tim e»-D em ocrat
I t D i d n 't
H im .
“ I saw a statement In some paper
recently that an umbrella would last
longer If It was always neatly rolled
up when not In use.”
“ There’s nothing to I t
I bought a
fine umbrella a week ago and I never
had it out of Its case and yet some­
body stole It three days after I bought
I t ” — I'lillndeli-bbi
D a m p er.
Marlon— I showed papa those reraes
you wrote me. and he seemed ileased.
H arry— He did?
Marlon— Yes. He said ha was glad
to see you were not a poet.
An Englit.ii lum iu Madrid gave King
Alfonso bis hist laste of gingerbread, snd
now be can't get enough of It, and some­
times goes to the convent himself for it.
so far as I know he's the only member
there is.”
T le m n r k a b le .
Ever M a d » in State— O r »
S eem i Unlimited.
Reno, N ev., Feb. 1 8 — A t the 60-foot
level of the lease of John Kearns, on
Balloon mountain, at K a vh id e, today,
Tom Kearns set off a shot that uncov
ered a breast of ore lite ra lly a liv e with
gold and assaying clear across the six
loot opening more than $600 per ton In
gold and silver, m aking it by far the
largest gold discovery in the history of
Nevada, if not in the world.
The strike is only a short diatance
from th * estate o f the Balloon H ill
com pany’ s property which sold last
week for $600,000.
N ot since the dig
covery o f Tonopah has the excitement
been so Intense in Reno. Tonight more
than 200 residents of this city, many
o f them business^'raen and others clerks,
left for the scene.
This rush lias been
goin g on for the past ten days on re­
ports o f strikes from the camp, but the
confirmed story o f the Kearns strike
this afternoon has added to the excite­
The population since last week lias
grown to 6,000 and is being added to as
rapidly as conveyances can carry for
tune Beekers to the camp. The ore to
a ll appearances is in place.
The vein
forms a contact between the main back­
bone of Balloon h ill and joins the coun­
try rock to the west, which is altered
porphyry. The gangue is in a moder­
ately solidified kaolinized rh yolite car­
ryin g about $3 in gold to $1 in silver.
Rushirg Troops to Fr ntier to Fight
8t. Petersburg, Feb. 18.— The alarm ­
ist reports of the p ossibility of h o stili­
ties between Russia and Turkey, w h ich
have permeated a ll stratas o f Russian
society, have assumed the proportions
of a veritable war scare, to which the
sensational press is devoting its biggest
The situation is taken seriously, not
o n ly in m ilitary circles, but also by
conservative politicians.
M. Gutch
koff, leader of the m ajority in the
douma, announced his intention to
n igh t of raising at the next m eeting of
the com mittee of national defense the
question o f the n ation’s readiness for
war. This, he believes, is of the most,
v ita l importance, in view of the news
from the Caucasus and a ll parts of
H e also purposes to in terp el­
late the m inister of communications on
the a b ility of the railroads to transport
troops qu ckly to the frontiers.
The douma, according to M . Gutch-
koff, w ill be gu ilty o f crim inal n egli­
gence if it perm its the country again to
be drawn into a war for which it is
w holly unprepared. The surest means
to avoid a rupture, lie said, is serious
preparation for any even tuality.
“ .She’s the most remarkable elderly
woman I ever saw.”
S W E D E N F E A R S R U S S IA .
“ Doesn’t show her age?”
“ Not that. Doesn’t seem to rtgrel
Strained Relations O ver Coaling Sta­
It.” — Louisville Courier-Journal.
tion May Bring W ar.
One o f the
o f the happy homes o f to-day is s
vast fund o f Inform ation as to the
best methods o f prom oting health and
happiness and righ t liv in g and know­
ledge o f the w orld’s best products.
Products o f actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world
wide acceptance through the approval
o f the W ell-Inform ed o f the W o rld ;
not o f Individuals only, but o f the
many who have the happy faculty ol
selectin g and obtaining the best the
world affords.
One of the products o f that class
1 o f known com ponent parts, an Ethical
remedy, approved by physicians and
commended by the W ell-Inform ed ol
the W o rld as a valuable and whole­
som e fam ily lax a tive is the well-known
Syrup o f F igs and E lix ir o f Senna. Tc
g e t Its beneficial effects alw ays buy
the genuine,
by tht
C aliforn ia F ig Syrup Co., only, and
, fo r sale by all lead ing druggists.
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa­
ture of Clms. II. Fletcher, and 1ms been made under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
** Jnst-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger the
health o f Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is C A S TO R IA
Castoria is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allavs Feverishness. It cures Diarrhtea and W in d
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nml Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regidates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
B ean the Signature of
W *4
In Use For Over 3 0 Years.
T H t C t S T t U A C O H M IIV . T V « U M Í V •TWtfgT. N S W V O « « CITY.
r w iia m .
“ W all,” aald the atatlatlral boarder
leaning back In bla chair, “ we hare at
this meal the representatives o f two
w idely separated generations”
“ How la that i ” asked the lnqulsl
tlve boarder.
“ The hen we have been trying to eat
was In all probability the great grand­
o m e le t"— Chicago
Tribune. ___________________
H a a lt y U s h e r s .
The church was packed, eren the
aisles lined with chulrs. Just before
clergyman, who loved order as
did the Gospel, thus admonished bla
“ In passing out, please re­
main seated until the ushera hare
removed the chairs from the aisles.”
— Llpplncott’s.
F o ll o w i n g :
A Matter o f Profitable Interest
to the Farmer and Dairyman
First Magnate— Why do you always go
east on this line?
I t ’a not nearly as
short and direct as some of the others.
Second Magnate— I know it, but in
The problem of keeping sweet all the
utensils used in connection w ith m ilk trying to get passes I have ulways found
this to be the line o f least resistance.—
and cream Belling, and butt r making,
Chicago Tribune.
has been a serious one with the farm er.
H e has come to realize fully that the
P ro x im ity .
Wareham Long— How near did ye ever
slightest taint or hint o f stateness left in
a can, tin or churn may ruin a whole come to bein’ rich?
Tuffold Knutt— Well, I wui next thing
output; th at the tain t which is le ft is in
to a millionaire wunst. Me an’ ole Mun
the form of bacteria which grow and
toburn happened to go on a toot the same
m ultiply in m ilk or butter, producing night, an’ they put us in adjoinin’ cells
disastrous results.
at the p’ lice station."
The farm er has learned that hot water
T h o T u r n in g o f th e W o r m .
won’ t rim e away the greasy residue in
Mollis— I wish you were more like
dairy utensi s.
H e has learned that soap leaves a Mr. Simpson.
Coddle— My dear, i f I were more like
residue of ita own which is, if anything,
worse than the m ilk or cream residue, Mr. Simpson, I should have m arried a
and it is little wonder that there lias been woman more like Mrs. Simpson.— St.
a constant clamor for a dairy cleanser Loula Po»t-DI*pntch.
and sweetener that w ill meet modern
A few of the largest creamery establish­
ments have called experts into coi m l
tation on this problem and have with
this scientific aid h it upon a product of
of naturo which e xa ctly fills the bill—
Scientists have long known borax as
a cleanser, a sweetener and an ant Be| tic
destroyer of bacteria and germ growths.
Destroys all th at is harm ful and pro­
motes and p rereives freshness, sweet­
ness und purity, relievin g the dairyman
and dairy housewife o f drudgery and oi
needles-i work and worry.
ItB cheapness and value should give it
first place in thu necessities of every
The cow ’ s udder is kept in a clean,
healthy and smooth condition by wash­
ing it with borax and water, a table-
spoonful of borax to two quarts o f water.
This prevents roughness and sorenesi
or cracked teats, which make milking
tim e a dread to the cow and a worry to
the milker.
The modern cleanser of all dairy uten­
sils consists of— one tublespoonful of bor­
ax to every quart o f water needed. Re­
member— a tablespoonful equals foul
Be sure that you get pure borax. Tc
be sure, you must get “ 20 Mule Team
B orax.”
A ll dealers. A dainty book in colors,
cal ed “ Jingle Book,” sent free to an>
Mother sending name and address of hei
baby, and tops from two pound cartoru
of ” 20 Mule Team” Package Borax, with
5c in stamps.
Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oak­
land, Cal.
A t J am estow n .
r - T A St. Vitos' Dane« mod all hervou « III....«—
r . l A prrm .n.n tlr cured by Dr. K lld -'l O r e l
F i.rv . Restorer. Kend for FHKK 92 trial bottle end
treatise. Dr. U U. Slide, Ld.. Ml Arch Ht., PbU»..l>»
P r o b le m .
“ Do you think It la aa easy to make
a fortune as It used to be?” asked the
ambitious youth.
"E asier,”
answered Senator Sor­
ghum. “ The problem la to do It In
■ueb a way that your friends will con­
tinue to speuk to you."— Washington
_________________ __
VTow It M i g h t H a v e H a p p r u e f l.
“ Why, Col. Corpuscle, are you alive
y e t? ”
“ Am I alive yet? Why shouldn’t I be,
“ You must pardon my surprise, colo­
nel. I could almost swear I read your
obituary a year a g o !"
“ It i* quite likely you did, sir. The
papers down my way have had ray ohitu-
ary in type for years, and it is possible
that one of them may have run it in by
H e ir
S h i f t i n g t h e B u rd e w .
H ad
Mo hers w ill find Mrs. W inslow *« Soothing
Syrup the b c »t remedy to use fo r th e ir children
du rin g the teeth in g period.
M o rn P a r e n t a l W i s d o m .
Tommy— Paw, what ia a professional
Mr. Tucker— A professional secret, my
boy, is something that everybody knows
but only a select few are supposed to
know. For instance, it's a professional
secret that every doctor administers bread
pilla once in a while.
P r o b a b le .
“ I sometimes think,” said Dubley,
“ that It would be interesting to traca
the origin o f some o f the common
phrases o f the day.
F or Instance, I
wonder who originated the expression,
‘I t never rains but it pours.’ "
“ Very lik ely," suggested Kidder, nlt
was Noah."
P rop er
“ W hat do I get for thla stunt?” ask-
ed the vain, but execrable, amateur.
“ I f I were a police m agistrate," an­
swered the manager, “ you would get
90 d a y s ; but, as I am aot, you’ll simply
get out."
Steel-Glad Grubber
How's This?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? C a n ’ t do It?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know A yer’s
Hair V igor! H ere’s an intro­
duction! May the acquaint­
ance result In a heavy growth
of rich,thick,glossyhair! And
we know you’ll never be gray.
I think that Ayer’s Hair Vigor Is ths roost
wonderful huirgrower that was evsr mads. 1
have used it for toiue time and I can truth­
fully a r t that I am gieatly pleased with It. I
cheerfully recommend it ha r splendid prepa­
ration.” - M isa V. Bam K. Way land, Mich.
Muda by J. C. A yar Co.. Low all, Maas,
▲lao monuffceturers o f
1 .
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by H a .l’g
P e s s im i s t ic V i e w .
Catarrh Cure.
F J. C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo, O
“ L ife ,” remarked the optimist, “ to
We, the undersigned, have kn >wn F. J.
Cheney lo r the la*t 15 years, and believe him made up o f aunsbiue and sorrow.”
perfectly honorable in alt bufaneas transactions
“ Yea,” rejoined tbe pessimist, “but
and fin ancially able to carry out any o bliga­
tbe trouble la there are about nlna
W A L P IN O , R IN N A N & M A R V IN ,
ahndowa to one sunshine.”
W holesale Druggists, Toledo,O
Hall’s Catarrah Cure is aken in tern ally, act- 1
C o u l d n 't K e e p S t ill.
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­
faces o f the syBtem. Testim onial? sent free. !
“I suppose," remarked the young man
P rice 76 cents per bottle. Sold by a ll Druggists. 1
who had Juat returned from a trip
Take H a ll's Fam ily P ills for Constipation.
abroad, “ you love Mlsa Naggaby «till? “
“ Well, not exactly,” rejoined his ax-
“ I admire that parrot of yours,” re­ chum. “ W e are married now and aha
marked the visitor, rising to take his de­ keeps me continually on the lump."
parture. “ I t ’s the most sensible bird I ’ve
seen for a long time.”
“ Why, he hasn’ t uttered a single word
That is L A X A T IV E BROMO Q U IN IN E . Look
since you caine in,” said the owner of the for tho signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
W orld over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c.
“I know it.
That’s why I admire
N o t P r o fo u n d ly Im p r e s s e d .
Mrs. Upsome— So you took a tour
C h eered .
tlirough Switzerland, did you? What did
you think o f the Matterhorn?
A maiden who lived in Siberia,
Mr. Pneurich— To tell you the truth,
W here all is bo frigid and dreria,
I didn’t try it. I don’t think much of
F e lt sad, met a bear
foreign beverage», anyhow.
And when hugged said, “ 1 swear
H are
B ir d .
It does my heart good to be ueria."
Houston Post.
R ..I.«
W ill
a .4
H a .d l.d
I t Is perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the muscle»,
nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching with the pains of
Rheumatism the sufferer i3 apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
counter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment w ill quiet the pain tempo­
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism i» more
than skin deep— it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be
reached by constitutional treatment— IT C A N N O T BE RUBBED A W A Y .
Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
refuse matter, coming ia contact with the different acids of the body, forma
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of tha
body, and Rheumatism gets possession o f the system. The aches and paina
are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time
by surface treatment, they w ill reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma­
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease w ill shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system
Is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient become»
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from thesystem. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit­
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus­
cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed
PURELY VEGETABLE of both purifying and tonic propertie
just what is needed in every case of Rheu-
matism. It contains no potash alkali or other mineral ingredient, but ia
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and
barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and w rit«
us about your case and our physicians will give you any information o f
advice desired free o f charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism.
l l ■ S ira»».«,
pall M O R I
Jaques Mfg. C a
tb .a sap «(b a r.
Stands for
Q u a lit y
Econom y
P u r it y
In providing the family’s m eals.don’t
be satisfied with anything but the
best. K C {^guaranteedperfec­
tion at a moderate price. It
makes everything better.
b is
m a n í *
T r y and see.
Cleon Light Durable
Guamntmd “Merproat
and Sold Everywho»
‘ 352
T 8I
p. ». u.
$$81» »
n o
a -o e
j I T f T f 7 H m E N e n w t in r it a in t h g la t o p a a d p a f w r. r t i M ____________
n p ie »««l
^ ^ ^ P e r fe c t
Money back.
Is the man who
has tried to get
the same service
out of some
other make
M ig h t B e W e r e «.
Standard Declared Dividend
New York , F e t. 1*.— The directors
S a t Is m p a k le .
o f the Standard O il com pany declared a
' Do you believe that Mrs. Bradley
quarterly dividend of $16 per share.
T h e « m e amount was paid iu the c or­ was Incapable of choosing between
responding qnarter laat year. Standard right and wrong?”
“Nope; ebe chose wrong unerringly
O il is an unlisted stock. T h e amour t
every tim e"— Houston Poet.
o f stock outatandlrg ie $100,000,000.
B e a t.
O w n H a ir?
teeth o f tbe African negroes are gen­
erally ascribed to the food which they
est and to favorable climatic condl
tlons, but these Ignorant natives take
special care o f tbe teeth and are fa
m iliar with many remedies for tbe
treatment o f dental diseases.— M ud -
chener Medlxlulsche WocbenachrlfL
Mamma— “Tour overcoat will nerer
•t you this winter.”
Bobby— “I know It won’t, mamma,
but my skat as w ill; so don’t let's
worry.”— Puck.
H ie
Unde Ilosea did not feel able to con­
tribute more than 75 cents to the mission­
ary cause, and was not particularly en­
thusiastic about giving even that.
“ You ought to give as the Lord has
prospered you.” said Deacon Ironside.
“ I don’t think the Lord’ll ever accuse
me of bein’ ungrateful,” answered Uncle
Hosea. “ Six of my boys is preachers.”
P ly .
Helen w as watching some flies on
the window pane, when she called to
Prosecutors in Conference
her m other: “ Mamma, come and see
Loe Angelee, Feb. 18.— F o llow in g the i f this Is the bosom f l y !”
report o f im pending Federal and state
‘7 1 )« bosom fly, c h i l d W h a t kind
prosecution of the railroads of C a lifo r­ o f s fly Is that?”
nia upon chargps of violation of the
“Oh, the one they aung about In
law, H. E . Duncan, special agent of church laat Sunday— 'Let me to thy
the Department c f Justice at W ash ing­ bosom fly.* ” — T b e Circle.
ton, was today in consultation with
United States D istrict Attorn ey Oscar
k Ceres While V o « W a l k . -----
A lien 's Foot K . . . Is a certain cum for hot
Law lar. Members o f the State R ill-
sweet lag, call us, end swollen, »oh Ins test. Solti
road commission and Assistant A tto r­ by a ll Druggists. P rice c. Don't accept any
ney General Raymond Benjamin ar­ substitute T ria l package F K IC . Address
A llen 8. Olmsted, L e'¡to y, 8. Y.
- A a a r» “
rived today for the purpose, it is said,
o f exam ining the books of ths Santa
ffc g r o M * T e e th .
Fe and Salt Lake R ailroad companies.
T h e whiteness snd beauty o f tbe
“ W hen I started In business,” said
Mr. Dustin Stax, reflectively. “ I re­
solved never to tell an untruth.“
“ And you kept your word?”
“ Yes. Whenever I had any delicate
business o f that aort on hand 1 hired
an expert ” —
ffrlu for Deacrtpilv. Clroal.r ud PrlcM
O n e E x c e p tio n .
" I nee that Friday comes on the 13th JOHN S. BEALL, Manufacturer
this week. Doesn't It make you feel 121 Hawthorn« Arena«
fl Portland, Orefc«8
creepy ?”
“ Me?
I'm not superstitious.
F r i­
day Is not the only day on which un-
lucky things happen.”
“ But all tbe worst things happen on
“ No, they d o n 't
I was married on
Tuesday.” — Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Th e
Is It Y o u r
The production of alcohol in Franc«
during the season of 1905-1906 is esti­
O f this
Savings banks are established in 228 i mated at 70,292,917 gallons.
schools in Scotland.
There are 25,712 i great quantity 84 per cent was indus­
N o t In t h s M u r k c t .
“ When I go into politic», I am go­ depositors, with $48,990 to their credit. trial alcohol.
ing to hire out my bralna to the best
paying aide."
“ But when people hire brains they
want furnlahed thoughts; not empty
flata."— Baltimore American.
A newly married couple was taking
In the Jamestown Exposition.
“ There’s our biggest man-of-war,
dear,” said tbe husband, pointing to
E p it a p h .
one o f the vessels In the harbor.
Just then a little tug was seen puff­ Traveler, pause snd drop s tear
For Timothy Squiggs, who once dwelt
ing arouud tbe big ship.
“ And Is the little one a tug-of-war. He vanished from our mortal sight
Tom ?” asked the wife.— Success Maga­ When he thawed a can of dynamite.
Piles in 6 to 14 days or m oney refunded.
Canada Will Stand by Japs
Ottawa. Ont.. Feb. 18.— The Japan­
ese consul wa* inqu iring at the depart­
ment today as to the truth o f a report
from Vancouver about the arrest o f two
Japanese under the Natal art. The
Justice department has no Information
but ita nfi'cers have instructions to
test every case by habeas corpus or
oth aiw ise, eo as to perm it the Japin
ese to land. As soon as the official
copy of the Natal act has been received
here, it w ill be disallow ed.
N o E q u a l —“ I can say from experience
that H o od ’s S arsaparilla is w ithout an eau al.”
E m m a L. B o w m a n . 11 Beacon St.. L o w e ll. Maas.
E c z e m a —” 1 bad eczem a and tried eve ry
th in g I heard of, but n oth ing helped me until
I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Th anks to this
medictne, I am now w ell.” G ko ku b V a n a l
s t y n x . South Bethlehem . N. Y .
M u s c u l a r R h a u m a t i t m - “ M y father
had muscular rheumatism. W as confined to
his bed. H e took tw o bottle* o f H ood's S ar­
saparilla and was en tirely cu red ." B e r t h a
*«. F k k r in , B ox 1028, S prin gfield, Mass.
H o o d ’s S a rsa p a rilla is sold e v e ry w h e re
In tb e usual liq u id , o r in ta b let fo rm called
S a r a a t a b a . 100 Doses One D o lla r. P r e ­
p a re d o n ly b y C. I . H o od Co., L o w e ll.
Stockholm, Feb. 18.— The relations
between Sweden and Russia are decid­
edly strained at present.
The tension
has arisen because Russia insists upon
being released from the agreement made
when Sweden surrendered Finland, that
n o n a va l stations or fortificatio e should
lie established on the Finnish shores
adjacent to Sweden.
T h e pait taken
( l l r U to B o P it te d .
by Russia in the Norwegian in tegrity
I know o f many well-to-do middle-
treaty and her present attitude on the
Baltic “ closed sea question” also have class fam ilies where the daughters,
baring resolved the education o f ca­
greatly irritated Bweden.
W ar is feared in Sweden, because nary birds, are launched on a sea of
Russia for some tim e past has been pre­ gayety with a cargo o f pretty smiles
paring to establish a naval station on and frocks to captivate husbands.—
the western shores o f Aland island, London Madame.
which is 25 miles from the Swedish
coast and on ly a few hours by steamer
P A ZO O IN T M E N T is guaranteed to oura any
from Stockholm.
case o f Itch in g, Blind. Jleed ln g or Protru ding
Continued O ver Objection.
San Francisco, Feb. 18.— The tro lle y
bribery cases of Calhoun, M ullaly,
Ford, A bbott and 8ehm itz were contin­
ued today by Judge L a w lo r for one
week over the objection of Attorney A.
A . Moore, who declared that a ll the
United railroad officials were ready for
im m ediate trial. A ll the cases against
Ruef except the one which is now set
for trial were also continued after an
objection was entered by
H enry Ach on the ground that Ruef
had n evrr been arraigned or received a
copy of the indictm ent.
44 I ’ v e H i d Experience "
“ W ith H o o d ’ s S a rsa p a rilla , and am con ­
v in c e d it Is a grea t m ed icin e,” —th is Is tbe
substance o f 40,366 letters b y actu al count,
re ce iv e d in tw o years. T h e y tell o f cures
o f a ll b lo o d diseases, loss o f a p p etite, rbeum a*
tism , a fte r-fe v e r w eakness, that tire d feeling,
n ervo u s w eakness, d y sp ep sia, catarrh .
M t M R I S OF TH C F A M IL Y ,
M t N . » O Y » . W O M E N , M I S S I S AN D C H ILD R E N .
R ca— W . L . D o u a i , a m m haa M i d .. / > • in . . . % »
m a n ’a »H .H O . $ 3 . 0 0 a n d tS .H O a h o a a • *
t h a n a n , » t h a . m a n u f a c t u r a . An t h a ___
P a à m a r ié , b a o a u a a th a y h e l d t h a t . %
ah arna. f t f h a t ta r . m a a r l a n o a r , a n d
f t * * » p r a a l a r r a l u a th a n a n y mthmr
W. L Doojltt $4 and $6 Blit Edft Shoe* Cannot B« Equalled AI An? Prin
I Otampod
_ «F " • ' » F T I lM i.
W. t_ IV n .la . n .m . and p r ie 1.
«t.inpcA on bottom. 1
• Ü L " / . ,h? ’- * * ■•>•>-
1 -0 r m r a b m .
< :«i»i o . r r » t » i n , « M m *
Exelu K
N n «u b a t it i!« «.
H I»*« u
) n e 10c
10c ■
p a c le a s e o o lo r a s ilk , w o o l a n d c
Color more goods brighter and faster colo n than any other dye. One
equally w e ll
i t e for free booklet
and la guaranteed to g ive perfect results. Ask dealer, or w e w ill s e n d p o s t p a id a t 1 0 c a p a c k a g e W r rite
M O N R O E D R U G C O M P A N Y , , Quincy,
n e w to dye, MeactOand mia colera.