The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, February 13, 1908, Image 3

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Thousands Are Sick
With the grip, cold«, fevers, rheumatism,
neuralgia. Many might be well If they bad
only taken Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great
blood purifier and health-regulating medi­
cine. It is a wonderful preventive as well
as cure. Keep It In your house and take It.
W 'lh o u t H o o d ’ s - I h a v , taken
H o od s S arsaparilla fur in digestion , ami
recom m en d it to others fo r that com plaint. It
ex cellen t m ediein e and 1 keep It on
A . S. H aaTH . A dam s Centre, N. Y.
^ W n o y T r o u b l o - 'l had kidney trouble.
. , ,nt* recom m ended H o od ’s Sarsaparilla,
tried one b o ttle and found I was better, took
tn ree m ore and recovered .” B k n j . L jcvink . M)
V illa g e S treet, Boston. Mass.
1 s an
n d l c e — “ I hail a s e v e r* ease o f
Jaundi.-e and fe ll from 145 to 90 lbs. in w eigh t.
A frien d a dvised taking H ood’s S arsaparilla
and when I had taken three bottles was up
ad on m y fe e t.” .J o s e ph L e w is , 19 A lp in e
treet, Boston, Mass, r
Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is sold everywhere.
In the usual liquid, or in tablet form called
8 & rsa ta b S e lot) Doses One Dollar. Pre­
pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.
M a a c u l ln e B r u t a l i t y .
Mrs. Jenner Lee Ondego had been com­
pelled to abandon a contemplated trip up
the Nile, in consequence of the financial
•tringency, and was weeping softly.
“ Crocodile tears,” commented her un­
feeling husband.
The French government has adopted a
method o f treating macadamized roads
with hot coal tar thinned with about 10
per cent of oil. The cost is said to work
out at about eight-tenths o f a cent a
square yard.
Korea is probably more responsive to
missionary effort lhan any oriental coun­
try. A Methodist missionary writes : “ It
is my honest conviction that had we the
proper missionary force Korea would be a
Christian nation in five or ten years."
Red seems to be the most popular
of national colors, if flags may be used
as enterions.
O f the twenty-five tend­
ing national flags nineteen have red in
them. No other color is so much used.
Experiments made by German scient­
ists show that butter keeps best when
preserved with from 3 to 5 per cent of
salt. I f the proportion of salt is higher
than that the results are less satisfac­
W hat
F a r.
W ife — Must you go to the club to­
night, deur?
Husband— I t Isn’t absolutely neces­
sary, but I need the rest.— Life.
N e e r a a l t y fo r A c t i o n .
Nan— I was astonished to learn that
L il Billiwink had gone and married that
Sprigging boy. Why, she’s a good ten
years older than he is.
Fan— I know it, but it had narrowed
down to a choice between him and his
father, and she had to decide quick.
S id e
I.lfflit a
M y th o lo g y .
Boreas, the son of Astreeus and Aurora,
had started out to see the world.
“ Here’s where I blow myself,” he said,
taking the air line route for the south.
Finding no trouble in raising the wind,
he has been blowing himself ever since.—
Chicago Tribune.
The Queen o f Italy offered an interna
tional cup to be presented to the first
aeronaut who succeeds in crossing the
Alps by balloon.
O W A R D e . BU RTO N.—Assayer ara Chemist,
Leadville, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold,
vvr, Jii’uu,
vjuiu, on
v c i, 75c;
cots , vjruiu,
L**ad, 71
f l j ; Gold,
Gold, out
60c; ; kiiuu
Zinc or
Copper, $ 1 . Cyanide tents. Mailing envelopes and
full price list sent on application. Control and Cm-
lteiereuce: Carbonate Nar
Ire w
work solicited.
Reorganization ol Postoffice De­
partment Recommended.
mule T eam
Send^Troops Against Afridis.
Steel-Glad Grabber
ll a p l . Jt, Strong. Jt,
Wrtt. for D aini, tl.. Clrral.r n d P ria i
JOHN S. BEALL, M n a fià ir e r
821 H .w tb o ra . A v .a a a
Fonlaad, OrafriB
X flW D lj
Franco Travals Again.
art th* men who
put them to the hard­
est tests in the rou^h-
est weather.
« oriqmol
Oet the
TowerS Fish Brand
mode since 163«
9. N . U.
V a lla jo ,
11.— B o ile r
tubes on the cru iser St. L o u is blew
ou t at noon tod ay w h ile th e St. Louis
was o ff S eu silito.
E. E. Scott, coal
passer; F. Thom pson, w a ter ten d er;
E. W . B aker, firem a n o f the firs t
class, and O. L e w is , firem a n o f the
firs t class, w ere h o rrib ly scalded
w ith steam .
T h e o rig in o f th e ex­
plosion is not know n, but It is sup­
posed to have been caused by cold
w ater ru n n in g in to hot pipes.
It is
not b elieved any o f th e In ju red w ill
die. A rig id in ve s tiga tio n is under
B ordeaux, F ran ce, Feb. 11— Senor
Fran co, th e e x -P re m ie r o f P o rtu g a l,
w ith his w ife and son, le ft th is city
by tra in at 7 :4 3 this m orn in g fo r
M arseilles.
T h e d ep artu re was sud­
den, th e h otel a u th o rities b ein g n o ti­
fie d o f th e step at th e last m oment.
Senor F ra n co appeared rested fro m
his stay here.
H e is less depressed
and he w alked o v e r to th e tra in a t a
qu ick step. H e w as accom panied by
Fren ch detectives.
T h e re w ere no
people at th e ra ilro a d station '
ít a lo a
C alcu tta,
11.— T h e In d ian
go vern m en t has d ecided to send im ­
m ed ia tely tw o brigad es o f troops un­
d er M a jo r-G en era l S ir Jam es W II-
leres In to the B azaar v a lle y , on the
n o rth w estern fro n tie r, to punish the
Z a kk ak h els, a p o w erfu l tr ib e o f A f ­
ridis, w ho h ave been ra id in g v illa g e s
in th a t te r r ito r y and am bu shing
m em bers o f the m ounted police. A t
R a w a l P in d i, w h ere th e troops o f
th e tw o brigad es are m o b ilizin g fo r
th e exp edition , th ere is g re a t a c tiv ­
ity. It is said th e m ovem en t w ill be
a surprise to the d iso rd erly natives.
Boiler Tube* Explode.
8 u H a n d le d
G rabber
M a d .,
» t ill pall M O R S
Snow in South Carolina.
n e t m e n r »SJtmt
No. 7 -0 e
\ X ' H I V w r i t i n g t o a i T n r t l.a r a p]
f t *• o a t l«*a Itila
p ap ar.
James Oryden in Bulletin No. 9fl oi the
Oregon Kxper mei t station w h ijh has
S partan bu rg. 9. C., Feb. 11— Spar­
ta n bu rg is burled under seven in ­
ches o f snow. It is tb s h eaviest fa ll
in m any years.
U occurred last
n igh t and today.
T h e w ea th er is
now th e cold est o f th e w in ter— 22
d egrees ab ove sero.
The Ja r o f G ives cue to critics
C o u g h in g
Am ong other
I t is o f oourse worth considering by
the man looking for ■ location whether
W eetern Oregtn with its open winters
and freedom from enow and sero tem-
Commission Sugges’s Long Term Tor peraturee does not offer opportunities
for the production of egge and poultry
Hoad o f Department at High
that sre not found in Kastein and M id ­
Salary— Lost Red Tape.
dle W est states. That poultry th rive in
cold sections where snow and zero
weather prevail ¡ b not to be denied,
W ash in g to n , Feb. 11.— C on gress but the labor and expense o f caring for
tod ay received a p relim in a ry report them ie undoubtedly greater there. To
secure an egg yield in w inter where the
o f the Joint com m ission appointed
clim ate is severe entails m ore expense
d u rin g the last con gress to in ve s ti­ for housing snd more care in the feed­
ga te th e business m ethods o f the ing. I I is probably true tiiat the smal­
postofllce d ep artm en t and postoffice lest profile are made during the winter
s ervice and subm it recom m en dation s months though the prices are very
fo r le g isla tio n to e ffec t changes in much higher than in spring and sum­
th e ir ad m in istra tion .
T h e com m is­ mer, because the egg yie ld is so small
from the average ttcck as to leave little
sion, con sistin g o f Senators P en rose,
or no m argin o f profit. I t ie also true
C a rter and C lay, and R ep resen tatives
that the egg yield ie qulokly affected by
O v ers tree t, G ardn er o f N ew Jersey, changes in the weather, especially in
and M oon, points out many o b je c ­ the temperature.
A sudden change
tio n a b le m ethods o f both d ep art-1 from m ild to cold weather means
ments. A m on g the recom m en dation s certain check in the egg production,
is a plan to p lace th e actu al d irec ­ and although the weather soon moder­
ates it w ill often take several weeks
tion o f the business o f the postoffice
before the egg yield gets back to where
d ep artm en t under th e service o f an
it was. The on ly way to prevent this
officer, with necessary assistants to is to provide housing that w ill protect
be appoin ted by the p residen t, "b y the fow ls from too sudden changes in
and w ith the ad vice and consent o f temperature. This entails more e x ­
th e sen ate,” fo r lon g term s, so as pense in housing and consequently dl
to insure the continu ance o f efficient minished profits, but w hat is o f more
U n der th e plan th e post­ importance ie the h igh ly artificial con­
m aster-gen eral, as a m em ber o f the
ditions that it necessitates.
cabinet, is ch a rgeab le w ith gen eral
I t would appear therefore that there
su p ervisory con tro l and the d eterm i­
are certain advantages that this stata
n ation o f qu estion o f policy.
T h e com m ission also recom m ends possesses over sections of the conntry
th at th e business o f th e dep artm ent where zero weather and snow prevail.
be d ecen tralized so as to a v o id the First, a m ilder clim ate and less severe
con gestion at the n ation al capita) changes in temperature than ie charac­
which im pairs the efficiency and in ­ teristic of Kaetern states. Second, in
creases the cost o f th e s erv ic e; th a t
scciions of the state w ith no snowfall
th e b ook keepin g, au d itin g and ac­
cou n tin g be sim p lified , u n ified and the poultry can range over the fields
c en tralized to secure g re a te r accur­ and find K iim al food and green food
acy, m ore p rom pt m ethods and e lim ­ which are often hard to get where the
in ation o f d u p lication o f w o rk ; and enow covers the ground.
that th e p ractice o f re q u irin g need­
The heavy rainfall of W eetern Oregon
less d etailed reports fro m sm all post and email percentage of sunshine may
offices be discontinued.
T h e m od er­
be set down as a disadvantage, bat
ate ap p lication o f the non-accounting
system to sm all offices w ill elim in a te when the nature of the ra in fall is un­
about 30,000, o r n ea rly on e-h alf, o f derstood it is doubtful whether it is
a ll th e postoffice accounts fro m the very m< o ’.i of a detrim ent. Owing to
present com plex repp rt and b ook ­ the m oderating influence of the Facifio
k eep in g system , o r w ould at least ocean these rains are warm snd have
g re a tly s im p lify the same. T h e com
not the ch illin g effect of the rains In
m ission says:
Eastern states. The temperature of
“ It appears to o obvious to requ ire W estern Oregon in the winter months
argu m en t th at th e m ost efficient ser­ is usually higher when it rains than
vice can n ever be expected as lon g
when the eky is cloudless, and the
as the d irection o f th e business is
as at present entru sted to a post­ fowls w ill usually be found out in the
m a ster-gen eral and certain assistants rain except when it is very heavy,
selected w ith ou t special re fe re n ce to which ie n<t often the case. One poul-
expedien ce and
q u a lifica tio n s
and tryman in M arion county Bald to the
subject to freq u en t change.
U nder writer in Novem ber, before the rainy
such a system a la rg e ra ilro a d , com ­ season set in, that be wished it would
m ercial o r in du strial business w ould rain, because, he said, his hens laid
e ve n tu a lly go in to bankruptcy, and better when it rained.
T h e explana­
the postoffice dep artm ent has averted tion of this, if it is true, may not be
th a t fa te o n ly because th e U nited
in the rain itself, but in the fact that
States trea su ry has been a v a ila b le
it brings to the surface -many an gle­
to m eet d eficie n cie s .”
worms, which supply the lack o f a n i­
mal food in the ration.
Lisbon, Feb. 11.— T h e bodies o f
K in g C arlos and C row n P rin ce Lu is
P h ilip p e w ere yesterd a y laid aw ay
beside those o f th e ir ro ya l ancestors
P r o f VVal W ills o n . IS Sellisr.
Hlrnli Bids.. P o r tla n d . O reg o n
in th e sacred sepulchre in th e P an ­
A g re a t crow d , n um berin g
s tru ggled
ou tsid e
cath ed ral o f San V icen te, seekin g to
en ter the v iew th e bodies b efo re the
d oo j^ w ere fin a lly closed fo r the
cerem on y. B ru sh in g hack the police
and th e gu ard o f R o y a l A rch ers, th ey
poured in to the church, sw eepin g
e v e ry th in g b efo re them .
W h en th e doors e ve n tu a lly w ere
closed to the public, th e cerem on y o f
entom bm en t was begun. A ll th e m in ­
isters o f state w ere present. T h e pat­
riarch o f Lisbon, w ea rin g p on tifical
In the Laundry, Kitchen, Toilet and vestm ents, and assisted by o th er high
Nursery la a Cleanser and Purifier.
All dealers. Booklet. Sample and Parlor Card church officials, blessed th e sacra­
th e cath ed ral
Game ' W H IZ” 10c. Pacific Coast Borax Co . Oak m ent,
nd. Cal.
ch oirs chanted th e " L ib e r a M e ” and
to th e in t o n in f^ o f " D e P ro fu n d is ”
th e coffin o f th “ C row n P rin ce was
tran sp orted b etw een d ou ble ranks o f
archers, preceded by a lon g proces­
In a s im ilar m anner the body
o f the K in g was borne to the tomb.
D. M. F IR R Y 4 C O ., Detroit, Mlofi.
The clim ate o f Oregon from a poui
try man’s standpoint is discussed t j
Walts, Two Step, Three Step,
etc. Dance completely taught
and guaranteed in four lessons
f e r r y 's Reeds
a re th e best k n o w n and
th e m ost re lia b le eeeds grow n .
E v e r y p a c k a g e has behind It th e repu ta tion
o f a house w h ose business standards a re the
h igh est in th e trade.
Ferry’s 190» Seed Annual will be mailed FREE
to all applicants. It contains colored plates, many
enaraTings, and fall descriptions, pricesand dWectionf
for planting over 1*0 varieties of Vegetable and
Flower Seeds. Invaluable to all. Send for it. f
From Oregon Experiment
Station Bulletin.
recently been published.
things the writer says:
Eager Portugese Almost Create Panic
at Royal Funeral.
Turkeys are successfwljr raised in
Oregon, and turkey« are known to be
easily affe ted by rain, but the fact
that the rains are warm no doubt
largely accounts for the success in tur­
key raising in this state.
county in Oregon produces
times more turkeys than the state of
Rhode Island, noted for turkeys.
Another thing in favor o f the m ild
clim ate and freedom from snow Is that
the fow ls are able to secure practically
the year ronnd a ll the green food neces­
sary in the fields. And finally, the
fow ls in their search for food in the
fields get the exercise which in neces­
sary for it is worthy of mention in this
connection that the
largest special
poultry district ¡ d the United States is
found in Northern California, that has
no snowfall. That district ie somewhat
sim ilar to that of W estern Oregon, with
its open winters, m ild and humid c li­
mate and nearness to the ocean.
M y investigations of the poultry in­
dustry of Oregon have been confined to
the western pert of the state, the region
west of the Cascade mountains. This
section at the present tim e produces
more poultry products than the larger
area of the state east of the Cascades.
As the agriculture of Central and East­
ern Oregon becomes developed w e may
expect grrater developm ent of pou ltry­
keeping, and probably in tim e that
great agricultural area may produce
more poultry product* than the older
aecticn o f the ttate in W estern Oregon.
The clim atic conditions are different
east of tire mountains, the heavy rain­
fall ia absent and enow covers fhe
ground during part o f the winter
clim ate there ie more charai teristic of
the Rocky monntain region, though no
such severe weather prevails as in the
M iddle and Northwestern states. I f it
ahonld prove that a dry clim ate with
plenty of annshine bat lacking the se­
vere winter changes of temperature of
the East is the ideal one for pronltry,
we may expect a great growth of the
poultry industry east of the Cascades
in Oregon. Undoubtedly on the grain
ranches o f Central and Eastern Oregon
where food is cheap there is opportun­
ity for great profit In pou ltry raising.
Hammer blows, steadily ap­
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn membranes.
“ I always keep A yer’s Cherry Pectoral In
the bouse. It Rives perfect relief whenever
any of us have coughs or hard colds. I have
used it for a great many years aud so know
all about lt.” - M a ». M a b t O b i r t i a k ,V arya*
burg, V . Y.
A ijers
Also manufacturer# o f
sarsaparilla .
B ilio u sne ss, co n s tip a tio n retard re­
covery. Curo th e s e w ith A yer’s Pills.
L a illn s
E ffr r t.
“ Ripsling, did you ever convert any­
body to your way of thinking by your
■treet corner oratory?"
“ 1 know of one, anyhow, and it made
a changed man of him.”
“ What is he doing now?"
“ He's in the insane asylum, Ruggles;
in the insane asylum. A glimpse of the
truth was too much for his modernized
R ocky.
Tenderfoot— I hear you have started
(p a new quartz mill. How are you do­
ing with it?
Mine Owner— Gneissly, thank you.
O p i n io n
C o n n o isse u r.
“ Mr. Spoonamore, don’t you think a
kiss 295 seconds in duration is a great
deal too long to be agreeable?”
“ Well, that depends entirely on the—
er— desirability of the kissee.”
P A Z O O IN T M E N T is gua anteed to cure any
case o f Itch in g, Blind. J lee lin g or Protru din g
v iles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c.
T r a i n in g :.
"W hjr, Nettle,”
said her mother,
“ what in the world are you pounding
your doll with your father's slipper
“ Because she refuses to obey me,
mamma,” replied the little miss. “ I ’m
not going to have the neighbors saying
that I spared the slipper and spoiled
my child.”
T h o .e
D e a r F r ie n d ..
Nan— I could wear us small a shoe as
you do if I wanted to.
Fan— Yee, dear— if you wanted to take
P r v b n b l e O u tc o m e .
Chronic Kicker— What do you eupposa
would happen to your boasted fleet if it
should get into a real battle?
Phlegmatic Citizen— O, I suppose we’d
get licked— same as we've always been.
8prain s.
A n y sudden turn or tw ist which may
throw a mem ber ont o f its normal po­
sition is lik ely to cause a sprain, which
is really a sudden and more or less ser­
ious arench or tw ist of a ligam ent or
o f the muscles con trolling the lig a ­
Use hot water for bathing the
sprain-; dry the surface and ap p ly St.
Jacob* O il as for soreness and stiffness.
H ave
The new ten-dollar gold piece has arrived,
And we got one in our clutches by a
Have you noticed that the breeches on the
turkey on the coin
Are considerably baggy at the knees?
— Houston Post.
Scald one cup o f milk and poor It
over s pint o f dry crumbs. Stand until
very soft, then beat Into them the beat-
en yolks o f four egge, tw o cupfuls o f
peeled snd chopped apples, a teaspoon-
ful o f mixed cinnamon snd macs, the
grated rind o f a h alf lemon, and all
the Juice, a quarter pound o f seeded
and chopped raisins and a cup o f sugar.
Beat all well together, foldin g In at last
the stiffened whites o f the eggs. Bake In
a buttered dish, covered fo r a half
hour, then uncover and brown.
hot with a bard sauce.
The W ar and Navy Departments ars suflfored intensely’with* the ?toh- f * ^
»he worst
trying to reach an agreement by which in»and burning: pustules would forms of skin trouble 13 Salt Rheum;
r u s t s itS f?Vorite Point of attack is the scalp
the marines are to be w ithdrawn from ! atlokyfluld;T
I the akin aud when scratched off sometimes causing baldness. Poison Oak
the Isthmus o f Panama and two regl
Wy ar-5,alV° «^agreeable types of skin
ments o f Infantry are to be sent to tak« 1 of W ? IV u ffered MOW L?
long years I was afflicted, but disease. I he humor producing the trouble
their places as guards. It la fu lly ex when I used 8.8. B. I found a per- lies dormant in the blood through tho
cure. There baa novor been
, ,
pected that before long two reglmenti feet
any return of the trouble.
*» inter to break out and torment tho
or foot w ill be on their way to th,
Btookman, Nob.
canal zone.
This divertin g o f army
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S.
regulars to a new field w ill mean that
It neutralizes the acids and removes tho
the forces In the United States aro to
humors so that the skin instead of being;
be depleted beyond that which officer*
irritated and diseased, is nourished by A
believe to be the danger point.
supply o f fresh, healthy blood. External
applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
T h e Infantry problem la one o f th*
while they soothe the itching caused by
most serious factors In the greater
skin affections, can never cure the trouble
problem o f the arm y’s weakness. On
paper w e are supposed to have 30,000 because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation
Infantrymen, but in truth we have noth and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin
lug like that number, aud unless th*
affection. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent fre$
Increase o f pay bill pass Congress, it li
to all who write. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
perfectly evident that the ranks will
be thinned still further. An army offi­
cer who knows conditions tells a W ash­
A i t O v e P N i;t h i.
ington correspondent that in a case of
Ilia F a lU ii» .
“ I want to pay this bill,” he said at
emergency there would be less than
“ What an exasperating old cuss Hewll-
7,000 infantrym en who could be brought the hotel bar, “ but I think you have gus is in the matter
with anything like dispatch to any mude n slight error here in my favor. money !”
“ Why, I thought he was well flxed.
threatened point within the limits o f I'v e been rending over the extras, and
I cannot find that you hnve charged I didn’t suppose he ever had occasion to
the United States proper.
rro w any.”
There are two chief army measures anything for telling me you thought it
“ Great S cott! He doesn’t. What I
now before Congress, one dealing with
mean is that it’s exasperating to get turn­
the m atter o f the Increase o f pay and
ed down every time you try to borrow
l i e lim ite d .
the other dealing with the m atter of
“ So Burroughs owes you money. fiom him.”
the Increase o f the Infantry. A corre­
W ell, I think he'll puy you back some
W a y a ld e C o m m n n ln g i.
spondent says there la precious little day. but you can’t make him hurry.”
Wareliam Long— W ot started the hard
hope that both bills can pass. I t prob­
“ Don't you believe It. The mere times, anyway?
ably would he folly to pass the second »Iglit o f me walking along the street
Tuffold Knutt— We did, ye ole fool.
bill without passing the first, for it has made him hurry several
times We wus sufferin’ with ’em long ’fore any­
would be useless to provide for an in­ I a tel}'.” — Ph11 a del i >h I a Press.
body else caught ’em.
crease In the ranks if no Inducements
M o n t D ir e c t Ito n te .
were held out by which the increase
“ How did your husband get out of the
That Is L A X A T IV E BROMO O U IN IN E . Look
sou Id be effected.
building after he had located the gas for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
W orld over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 26c.
leak?” asked the reporter.
O b je c t io n s to A r m r L i f e .
“ As nearly ns he could remember it
In terview s with enlisted men disclose afterward,” said the woman, “ he went
N e ig h b o r ly C o r d ia lit y .
three chief objections to army life, and, out through the roof.”
Mrs. Gadder (rising to depart)— Well,
come and call on me some day.
in order o f numerical precedent, they
I t ’s your Yiirn now.
Ile p o »n ls e d III« F a l l l n » .
sank like th is:
Mrs. Chillicon-Kearney— Yes; I think
Woman of the House— A big, strong
M onthly practice marches.
fellow like you ought to be willing to It has been my turn for the Inst five or
Poor pay.
six times, hasn’t it?— Chicago Tribune.
work and earn his own living.
Non-m ilitary duty required o f the et.
Languid Lnuncelot— That’s wot ails
listed men.
me, ma’am. Me muscles is all right, but
Berlin authorities have passed a law
Borne o f the ranking officers o f tbs me will power is all gone.
putting a tax on cats, and now when ona
army have inveighed constantly against
of them is found without the metal tag
Nam e Had Encaped H er.
what they call the fo lly o f the frequent
which Rhows that the tax has been paid it
is chloroformed.
practice marches. The men are kept In
distinguished musician who had been en­
fine physical condition and as hard as
Mo aers will And Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
gaged at a high price to entertain hei
walnuts through the dally drills, the guests, "what was that lovely selection Byrup tho b st rem edy to use for th eir ch ildren
du rin g ih e teeth in g period.
guard duty, the good food, and the reg­ you played just now?”
ular livin g generally.
Yet they are
“ That, madam,” he answered, glaring
A t t e n t io n , O t h e r I la c h e lo r a f
compelled at least once a month to at her, “ was an improvisation.”
“ How is your Bachelor Girls’ Club get­
hike out on the road under heavy bur­
ting along?”
dens and tryin g conditions for the pur­ was an old favorite, but I couldn’t think
“ It expired by limitation Dec. 31, 1907.
You didn’t expect us to keep it up this
pose o f keeping in trim so that they
year, did you?”
w ill be ready for the field in case o f
Short-SI ifltted.
hostilities. T h e practice march, fa irly
K in d ly l u d e n t o o d ,
“ W h y don’t you fanners do some­
long continued and to come at long in­
“ I love a dim, religious light,” sh*
thing to Improve your roads?”
tervals, has its uses, and the men like
“ W h at for?” asked the old settler.
I t ; but they don't like It coming as it
was brought up iu Pittsburg,
“ It would improve the value o f your
does every three or four weeks.
too,” he said.
farm s.”
T h e o ry A d v a n ce d as to the
C on dition s P ro d u c in g Them .
R e d u c tio n .
Experts who have made Investiga­
T h e old nag was joggin g up the hill tions o f thej recent mine disasters, not­
frith the elopers.
ably those o f Mononguh and Jacob’s
“ Yes,” said the old nag, “ It ia rather Creek, have come to
the conclusion
tough pulling them up to the parson­ that the explosions are enused by c li­
age, but it w ill be easier coming back.” m atic conditions.
“ H ow §o?” queried the friendly
Supporting the position taken, It la
goose at the roadside.
a noticeable fact, they say, that the
“ Why, can’t you see that a fte r leav­ recent catastrophes tiave occurred at
ing the parsonage tw o w ill be mads about the same hour in the day, in a
one?” — Chicago News.
sone o f certain altitude. In about the
same longitude and In places where
how’s This?
clim atic conditions are similar.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fo r any
m ajority o f the mines operated to­
case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by H all'k
Catarrh Cure.
day are below the level o f the streams
F J. C H E N E Y A CO., Toledo, O
W e, the undersigned, have known F. J. In the same sections, and, owing to the
Cheney for the last 15 years, and b elieve h im
moisture, the outside a ir forced Into
perfectly honorable In all bulsnes* transactions
and fin ancially able to carry out any ob liga ­ the mines by the fans has been laden
tion made by niH firm.
with carbon dioxide moisture and oth­
W holesale Druggists, Toledo,O er impurities.
H a ll's Catarrab Cure is «ken in tern ally, act*
It Is suggested that If the air forced
lo g d irectly upon the blood and mucous sur­
Into the mines was gathered from a
faces o f the system. Testim onials sent free.
P rice 75 cents per bottle. Bold by a ll Druggists.
higher stratum and wne heated euffi
Take H a ll’s F a m ily P ills for Constipation.
clently end otherwise treated to re­
move the Impurities the accidents
H la P e r s o n a l V i e w o f I t .
Admiring Constituent— Senator, you would be less numerous during the
have your own opinion o f thia currency change o f seasons.
ven tila­
question, haven’t you?
tion w ith this purified air, it Is be­
Senator Lotsmun— Yes, sir, and I sup­ lieved, w ill remove to ■ great extent
pose I have answered It hundreds of the coal dust snd explosive gases
times. I t ’s nobody's business how a mao
which are found to s certain ax taut
gets his currency.
In every mine.
Austrian mines are provided with res­
ene chambers at convenient locations un­
derground. They are equipped with food
and conveniences for miners in cane of
Uaal.h Macmroal Sale«.
..rsak one-fourth pound o f macaroni
Into 2-lnch pieces, cover with a quart
of cold water, salted, snd boll briskly
until tender. W hip a half-pint o f whip­
ping cream, mix with one-half as much
boiled salad dressing, lesson and add
vinegar or lemon Jules to taste. M ix
the macaroni with this heap In center
of round dish and garnish with ■ bor­
der o f hot boiled fish, or o f overlap­
ping el ices o f cold m eat
When the blood is pure, iresh and healthy, the skin w ill be soft, smooth
and free from blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu­
M ilit a r y M en S a y F o rc e la R educed lation its presence i t manifested by a skin eruption or disease.
humors get into the blood, generally because of e t inactive or sluggish
B e yo n d P o in t o l S a fe t y f o r
condition of the members o f the body whose duty it is to collect and carry
th e N a tio n .
off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left
to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid
poison. The blood begins to threw off the humors and acids through the
pores and glands of the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Salt Rheum and skin eruptions cf various kinds. Eczema appears, usually
with a slight redness of the skin followed by pustules from which there
flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense.
It is generally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other part*
L o w P a y and R eq u lre m a n t o f H a r t of the body may be affected. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks and bleeds;
the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which are intended
P ra c tic e M arch es A r t M ain
to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a
P o ln ta o f A tta ck .
hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in tho
I suffered with Eczema for forty
o f. PimPle* and black heads whila
years and could find nothin» to A sonasis comes in scaly patches on differ-
acts gently yet prompt­
ly ontlxe bowels, cleanses
u\e system effectually,
assists one in overcoming
habitual constipation
permanently, lo get its
bene- iciol effects buy
the i enuine.
r anujnrtured by t h «
C alifornia
P c S y r u p C o .
m u > vruAffiNO DRucasr»-w «^M rru
N ew
N a t io n '.
In v e n to ry .
National iu *ta. »1,800,000,000,000.
Farm wealth, 17,412,000,000.
Mineral production, annually, »3,000,-
Export domestic merchandise, annual­
ly, »1353,718,000.
Manufacturing products, annually, $14,-
Live stock, total value. »4.878,000.000.
Heven cereal cropa, 1807, $2,378,000,-
Wheat crop, 1007, »800.000,000.
Cotton crop, 1007, »073,000,000.
Corn, 1007, »1,380,000,000.
Hay. 1007. »*100,000,000.
Dairy product*. 1007, »173.708,000.
Poultry and egg», 1007, 1*100,000,000.
Mousy In circulation, »3,280,000,000.
Money in federal treasury, »343,240,
Lumber production, 1007, $830,000,000.
Ils s s n t s
“ T aJ atod M o s e y ”
H is t.
In bis recent addrees at the annual
dinner o f th* New York Alumni Associa­
tion of Syracuse University, John D. Arch­
bold. the Standard Oil magnate, took oc­
casion to refer to “ tainted money” by
saying : “ I f I thought there was any taint
on my money I would never have offered
a dollar o f it to flyracuse University— my
conscience would not have allowed me. I
could not bare aaked Ood'e blessing on
■neh t gift. I have earned my money by
fifty years o f good, hard, conscientions
toil, and honest Intent In th* pursuit of
b rìi ness, or I would never bave giren *
dollar to further God's work.”
“ Y e s; and the more value we get up,
the more taxes we might have to pay.”
— Washington Star.
Rt. Vitus’ Pane© ana all Nervous Diseases
permanently cured by I>r. Kline's Great
- erve Restorer. Rend for F R E E $2trlnl bottle and
treatise. Dr. It. 1L K ll.v , Ld. »81 Arch St.. P b il*.,P *
f ; ts
A Ila re Com |»lal n t.
The rebuilding of Sau Francisco has
"Is n ’ t It strange," asks the first man, been hampered greatly by the exorbitant
"th a t so many men, after years o f ruth­ wage schedule. The rates exceed by •
less commercial praetlees, piracies one dollar per day the maximum scale in New
might almost say, a fte r they
have York.
climbed to the very pinnacle o f suc­
cess, should have softening o f
“ It would be stranger yet, infinitely
stranger," replied the man with the
corrugnted brow, " i f any o f them ever !
had softening of the heart.” — Puck.
C For A Infanta
and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
S o licit lid A.
"Cyrus,** hnslily exclaimed Mrs. Jymes,
“ you ought to be careful how you let
Fido eat out o f your hand !”
“ Why, there isn’t a bit of danger,”
Rnid Mr. Jymes. “ He wouldn’t harm a
“ O, I know there’s no danger to you,”
impatiently rejoined his wife.
“ 1 was
thinking of Fido.”
Boars the
j Signatare Of
C V iild n ’ t T a k e
Ih e
J o ti.
An inland graduate came to New
York to sock employment. Through ■
frien d he received an offer o f a plact
ns shipping clerk to a certain Arm. In
reply he wrote ns follo w s: “ I regret
that I cannot accept your kind offer o f
Envelopes were first used in 1839. Be­ a pow: .on
shipping clerk, but ths
fore that time one simply folded one’s
letter together and fixed it with sealing fact is that 1 am alw ays sick when on
the w ater.” — Success Magazine.
iiiíiíÍM Ü Ü iiiu iiÍH
S T I F F , YES?
O N C E .R E M O V E S T H E S T I F F -
Price Jfic end goc.
T rn
$ ^ 3 w 0 i 0 ^ S l i O E S / ^ $359
M C M Itn
or TMC F A M IL Y .
bmemtimm ihm jr h o ld thmlr
mhmfHfj ttt t mi Imp, wmmr lonQmp, mnd
mpm or prom t .*r vmlum th on mny othmr « c |
V .L Ooatlis 84 »nd 85 6*1 Ed»« Shoe« C im i B* Equalled At Any Prie*
• r- • 'A I T T I O « .
W. L. n m tfU * naine awl prlr» ¡a Namped <>n bottom.
... 1
Trek© * «» •tulretltat*.
to any part o f tbe world. IU a »
Sbuea Boat. led from
in s to au/ audima.
W. L. UUtWLAN, llrutLUB, Ma«*