T h is A dvertisem ent Of Hood's Sarsaparilla la to remind you of Ha great merit as a blood purifier, appetlte- gtrer, and as a nerve, sd h srl) and di­ gestirá tonic. Nothing else like it, no other baa so good a record, no other will do you so much good. It cures. S c r o fu la IS Y e a r * - " Hood'S Sarsapa­ rilla baa cured ine of scrofula. With which 1 have been troubled for 16 years. My little daughter had a scrofula swelling on her neck and Hood’s Sarsaparilla also cured her.'' M ks . G. M okkis , Annandale, Minnesota. D y sp e p sia - “ I was troubled for months with dyspepsia and could not eat anything without distress. 1 began takiug Mood’s Sarsaparilla and was soon improv­ ing. I took it steadily until 1 was cured." L ydia M c W heklbr . Athol. Mass. R h e u m a t is m '-" ! was severely afflicted y. ..M rheumatism, • uwU| my uj t knees « it e m badly um ii) swollen. BWUllCII. with Hood s ¡Sarsaparilla helped me after other medicines failed and it has lengthened niv life.’’ J essie K illmer . Middle Grove, N. Y. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is sold everywhere. In the usual liquid, or In tablet form called S a r s a ta b s . 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre­ pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. U eoloiflcal. Miss Dora— Papa, Jack told me the ether day that you wouldn't believe he had money enough to support me unless he showed it to you. Has he done it? Prudent Papa— Yes, dear. He proved It by the testimony of the rocks. Habitual Constipation M ay be permanenti), ov ercome by proper sonal e ffo rts 'w ith th e a ssista n ce of the onf» Truly b e n e ficia l laxative remeily, S yrup of figs aiul D uirojSer una, w h ic h e n a b l e s on e to form regul_. h a b its d a ily so that assistance to na­ t u r e may he gradually dispensedvath when no li remedies, ............................. n atu re and not to Suppli at functions, w hich must depend ulti- m a te ?ly l upon p r o p e r n o u ris h m e n t, proper efforts.and right living generally. 'To get its b e n e fic ia l e ffe c t s , alwiys buy the genu in e figs^ E lixir'tfS en n Q b manufactured by the C alifornia F i o S y r u p C o . only SOLO BY ALL LEADINC DRUGOSTS one size wily, regular price 50f p*r Bottle. Am It Seemed to Him. “ Rome people," remarked tlie demor­ alizer, "never seem to be around when wanted." "W ell,” rejoined the moralizer. “ it if better to be absent when wanted that to In? present when you are uot want ed." Few men m Kurope have had a more striking career than the Kev. l)r. Bishop Cabrera of the Spanish Reformed church, who was educated to the Catholic priest­ hood, but embraced the Protestant faith and became a voluntary exile to Gibral­ tar, when he returned to lead the Evan­ gelical party after the revolution in 1868. HARD RAP AT UNIONS Three Advene Decisions by Sa­ premo Coart In a Month. AFFECTS BOYCOTTING PRIVILEGE Muil Not Intarfara With Ir s Mate Carlona About It. Commerce or Plaintiff Can Get Mamma—Go to sleep tow or the gol* li us will get you. Three Timae Damages Robbie— Will they come right ln her« after me? Mamma— Yes, they will Indeed. Washington, Feb. 4 .— Yesterday for Robbie— Then I’ ll stay awake, Vaust the third time within a month the Su­ I want to see what goblins look like.— preme court of the United States pro­ Philadelphia Press. mulgated an opinion construing laws adversely to the contentions of organised 1 PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. labor. The first of the decisions was PA ZO OINTM ENT is guaran teed to cu re any case o f Itch in g . B lind. J le e d in g or P ro tru d in g rendered on January 6, in the case of Piles in 6 to 14 d ays o r m on ey refu nded. 60c. some railway employes who sought to secure damage« under what is known Hla K ick. a« the em ployers’ liability act, which "W hat is he mad about?” law the court held to be unconstitu­ “ You know he kicked last night be­ tional. The second important finding cause he fiad not been given a larger in this line was announced January 23, hall in which to make his speech." when the Krdman arbitration act, for­ “ Y es; well?” bidding the discharge of employes be­ “ We printed it ‘lager hall.’” — Hous­ cause they are members of latxir unions ton Post. was also declared invalid. The verdict rendered yesterday was the case of Shake Into Your Shoes. ' , Loewe versus Lawlor, the latter a A lle n ’s Foot-Ease. It eurea p a in fu l, swollen, sm arting, sw ea tin g feet. Makes new sh oes easy. member of the Hatters’ union and the 3old b y a ll D ruggists and S hoe Stores. D on ’ t former a hatmaker of Danbury, Conn. accept an y substitu te. Sam ple FREE. Address The oase involved the applicability of A. S. O lm sted, L© R o y , N. Y. i the seventh section of the Sherman Side Lights on H istory. anti-trust law to conspiracies by labor The cackling of the geese had saved unions to boycott articles entering into Rome. “ How mortifying!’’ exclaimed the Ro­ interstate trade. Under the terms of mans. “ Posterity will get the impression that provision the complaining party that we averted destruction by following may collect three times the amount of his loss, if the charge is sustained. the advice of the street corner orators!” The union fought the caBe on the The historians, however, have been care­ ful to place the credit where it properly ground that the law was inapplicable belongs. to such organizations; hut the court, whose opinion was announced by Chief S c a t t e r in g S u n s h in e . “ Children make life lots brighter Justice Fuller, failed to accept this view, and in effect held that the unions and happier.” could not be permitted to interfere by “ Yes," answered Mr. Sirius Barker. boycott with the free exchange of com ­ “ If It weren't for children we wouldn’t merce between the states. There was have any excuse for going to the cir­ no dissenting opinion. cus In summer nor for fooling with me­ chanical toys during the holiday«.” — DRAWING TO CLOSE. Washington Star. Evidence in Hall Land Fraud Case Is Nearly All Submitted. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. The Kind You Have Always Bought AVegelable Preparation for As similatlng ite Food and [Mula imgdtcSiOBiachsandDowsof B ears the I n f a n t s /C Signature h ildrkn Promotes DigestionOieerfiil ness and RestContains Kilter Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. N o t N arco tic . í of SOLEMN WARNING TO CZAR. A y r afoii OcSSnXUfhaA flmvtiiSmJ- étrfimm* Jk M tU rt- ß s s S fa*. HirmSrtJ- Aperteci Remedy forConsflp- tton, Sour Stomach.Dlarrtm Worms .Convulsions.Feverish n ess and Loss o f S leep . Facsimile Signature of new YORK. A t b m on th s ol»l D oses - ) J C lN T S Exact Copy of Wrapper. Portland, Feb. 4.— Harry K. Northup last night positively identified govern­ ment’ s exhibit No. 7— Putnam’s map to Hall showing the alleged unlawful fences«of the Butte Creek company in 1900. W ith this identification Heney considers that the government's case against John H . Hall has been strength­ ened materially. At last night’ s ses­ sion of court Northup testified that from 1899 until 1904 he was employed as clerk in The Dalles land office, and identified the township map offered in evidence by the government as the one he prepared personally for M r. Putnam in November, 1899. Final arguments in the trial of John H. Hall will probably begin this after­ noon. This morning Francis J. Heney will complete the introduction of re­ buttal testimony for the government. Hall may be recalled further to testify iu his own defense, bat it is believed all evidence will be submitted in time for the closing argument to begin be­ fore court adjourns this afternoon. lì! Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VMS C EN TA U R COM PANY, NEW YORK C IT Y . H ig h e s t Q u a lit y More Converts Every Year E very day in every year that com es, m ore house­ w ives are giving up their exorbitant priced Baking P ow ders and turning t o K C , the honest and reliable, w hich has stood so W ill the test o f years. T hey are BAKING POWDER costs one third the price o f pow der any­ w here near K C quality, and makes better, purer, m ore healthful baking. 'P e r fe c t Results Russian Paper Hints He May Share Carlos’ Fate. St. Petersburg, Feb 4.— The tragic occurrences at Lisbon have created a deep impression on all sections of soci­ ety here, and the newspapers that ap­ peared today comment freely on the events that occurred. The Russ, in a daring style, draws a thinly veiled parallel between condi­ tions in Portugal and Russia and warns the government in almost so many words that there is danger of a similar event here. The Novoe Vremya, although attrib uting the direct execution of the plot to anarchists, tc whom ail government is obnoxious, also connects the crim e and the dictatorship of Franco, which met with both open and secret resistance from all political parties. SCENES IN EUROPE. President o f Washington Slats School Tells His Exparisncas. Following Is the add roes delivered by President E. A. Bryan, of the state col­ lege, to the wheatgruwers of Washing­ ton at their recent meeting in Pullm n, In which he recited various observa­ tions he had made during hia reoenily completed trip abroad: “ The one thing that impreeeed me while in Kurope was the fact that we Americana do pot fully realise the greatness of our own land, and its op ­ portunities, and the greatness and op­ portunities o f our own people as com ­ pared with our brethen in Europe. The opportunity for the average man is so much greater that we can hardly con- oeive the difference. In Europe a man is torn in a cla-s from where he cannot escape, and he accordingly fits himrelf for that class«. There is stratification after stratification, and it is practically impossible for an Individual to pass from class to class; and think that the freuuom of the American people is one of the greatest things whioh we have here. “ in Italy the poverty and distress were very interesting, although it ex­ cited the greatest pity. It seemed as if there were no end of beggars. They begged In almost every way imagina­ ble. W hole fam ilies oonld be seen begging together by means of musical instruments. In one case I noticed a woman holding an umbrella upside down to catoh the coppers, while the father played the guitar, and the ch ild­ ren each played some sort of mnsical instrument, and all were begging. Sev­ eral husky looking fellows dived into the sea to get coppers worth about a half cent, and begged the people to throw the coppers in. It seemed as if one-half of the population lived off the ether half. “ I was very much interested in the horses. The average horse in Paris for the heavy draft work is s very good an­ imal indeed. There were great num­ bers of magnificent stallions that would have sold in this market for from two thousand-to three thousand dollars, and they were all of a very high type. One thing that impressed me both in London and Paris was that the average coach horse was a much larger fellow than we have been accustomed to see for that work. I think that we people here in America should look toward breeding a larger animal that we have in the past, and unless we watch our­ selves, we will be inclined to breed down. In Naples there were many cab horses, and about ninety per cent of the cab horses driven were stallions. One thing that was very interesting to me was that they do not use the bit. They use an instrument that fits over the nose, and above the noetril is apiece which extends ont about three inches, and when pulling a horse to stop, they pull on the nose. “ In going up the Tiber river north of Rome, almost every wagon that I met was being drawn by oxen, either by tandem, or w ith a yoke. The oxen were all very strong fellows, quite large, well built, and had huge horns rising above their heads. There did not seem to be the beef type of cattle, nor was there any m ilk type. I sup pose their cows, were, of course, used for m ilking purposes, but they were not apparently bred to either type, but rather to the ox type. “ The poorer class of Italians do not know what it is to have meat in any quantity. The average man is.too poor to be able to buy beef, as they would have to pay not less than twenty-two cents a pound for it. Kids are used for flesh there a great deal. The swine there were very large, and rather more of the type of the bacon hog than like oar Berkshires or Poland Chinas. They use goats’ milk a great deal, and es­ pecially in Naples. In the morning you would see women and men driving goats around from place to place, as Hie customer has the privilege of hav­ ing the operation of milking performed in his presence. The goat selected is milked, and in many cases you w ill see a gnat being taken up in an elevator, or up a stairway, wherever the customer may be, and then milked in his pres­ ence. “ In Italy the tillage is of a very in­ tensified kind. There, many of the Italians have their own vegetable gar­ den, and raise their own vegetables. Here we pay twelve or fifteen cents a head for cauliflower, and in Italy yon can buy a dozen heads of cauliflower for six cents, and that w ill make it cleai why the Italian is able to live on s vegetable diet so well. The people train their vineyards upon trees, and in many cases there is hardly any top to the tree«, as they had been cut down to stumps for the vines to clim b on. I did not get a decent apple to eat until I was on board the ship, and had tome Oregon apples served to m e.” New Attack on Finland. 8t. Petersburg, Feb. 4.— The emperor today read a sharp rebuke to the Fin­ nish diet, which last session passed an appropriation of 20,000,000 marks ae the grand dncliy’ a contribution to the m ilitary defenee of the empire in lieu ot recruits, with a rider declaring that this was the final payment tinder the agreement of 1905 abolishing military service in Finland. The emperor an­ H orseradish S stss, nounce« that the disposition of the m il­ itary fond« of Finland are exclusively For cold meat. To four tablespoon­ hia prerogative and ignores the condi­ fuls of freshly (rated horseradish add tions. a heaped teaspoonful of granulated lugar, half a teaspoonful of ealt, a Carsor Keeps Rigid Watch. lash of pepper aud two teaapoonfuis of Paris, Feb. 4.— A dispatch from Lis­ prepared mustard. Add rinsfsr to bon rays the censorship maintained by make It smooth and creamy. To serve the Portuguese authorities makes the with hot meats, add two tablespoon- transmission of news difficult. Tele­ full of thick cream and best In a dish grams are mutilated and their trans let In boiling water. Do not lot the mission retarded. A censored dispatch mltfnr# twill received here today says that on Satur­ ( r y a l n l l l f f d F pe II. day evening sharp firing was heard in Make a syrup by boiling together a various quarters of Lisbon. In explan­ ation of this it is officially declared pound o f sugar and a gili of water, that armed hands tried to coerce two without stlrTlng. until a little dropped companies of infantry to join the revo­ Into Iced water becomes brittle. Take lution. The answer of the soldiers, from the fire, set in an outer vessel of however, was a volley. boiling water and add the Juice o f a liiarter of a lemon. Have the various Sealers Must Be Careful. fruits ready and ns dry as they can Victoria, B. C ., Feb. 4.— Advices he made, run a thin skewer through were received by the Empress of India sach and dip It In the syrup. Lay on that in consideration of the raiding of waxed paper to dry. In packing In foreign territory last year by Japanese tin boxes to keep clean, sprinkle esrh sealers, official notification has been layer with powdered sugar. Keep la iseued to the sealers about to leave s dry, cool place.____________ Japan to be careful not to trespass in foreign water. Notification is given by C s s s SsksS la T sw itM S . the Japanese Ccmmnnications depart- Select round, smooth tomatoes of oik ment that it has been decided to install form also. Cut a thin sites from ths wlrelees telegraphy on the six steamers top of each and with a teaspoon see Of of (he Nippon Ynsen Kaisha out enough of the pulp to admit as egg. Beeson the cavities with salt and Reassurances From Lisbon. pepper sad a tiny pinch ot onioa as Paris, Feb. 4.— A special dispatch to parsley. Drop an egg Into reek. Set the Matin from Lisbon, dated February the tomato« Into a well-battered pea, 3, 11:40 p. m., says: The town is very to which a very little water has twee qniet. The new cabinet w ill lepeal all added and bake about fifteen inlnutea the repressive measures of Franco and Season with butter and eervs each to­ set with great indulgence toward the mato on t slice of delicately brown people. toast. I I e d ic t tie off I k e 9 o « l . Why Refer to D o c t o r s C'han|i;e«l Ilia Mind. •‘Well, what are you doing there?” asked the lady, addressing a tramp who had juat climbed a tree In time to es­ cape a savage bulldog. "Madam,’ replied the hobo. “ It was my Intention to ask for a haml-out, but in the Interest of humanity I now re­ quest that you give any surplus food you may have on hand to my canine friend down there.” Because we mike medicines for them. We give them the formula for Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, tnd they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. They trust it. Then you esn afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. “ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral le m remedy that should be In every borne. I hitve used a frost deal o f It for herd coughs end colde, end I know whet e splendid medicine it le. I cen- not recommend it too highly.” — M a r e . E. C o h en , Hyde Park, Meet. \Æ ijers THOS. CALE. OF ALASKA MEMBER OF U. S. CONGRESS Medlt lm* and religion, which are too frequently regarded he mutually an­ tagonistic, should he mutually coiuple- I mentary. There are many diseases in I which the medicine o f the soul is u Wei Known on the Pacific Slope, hii I powerful adjuvant in the treatment of Washington Address Is 1312 9th St., I the body.— British Medical Journal. N. W., Washington, D. C No Tim e for Trlflln*. “ Hands up!” commanded the footpad. "Get out o’ my w ay!’’ thundered th© other man, scowling at him and striding on. "I huin’t got no time to fool with you. I’ m doin’ a ninety mil© walkin’ stunt.” by J. C. Ayer Oo., Low ell, A lso menufkoturere o f SARSAPARILLA PILLS. HAIR VKKML Isn’ t This A w ful f There once was a girl named Miss Mary, A yer’ s Pills g re a tly a id t h e Cherry Whose mother baked excellent doughnuts. P e c to ra l In breafclna UP • c o k i. On. day the girl married A man with a hare-lip. Let’s leau up against the deep river. -Denver Tost. M odern, or Not nt All. Geoffrey—Could you be happy In a modest little cottage, darling? Gwendolen— Not unless it is one of those lovely dreams in concrete, dear.— Chicago Tribune. A P P 10 tnfte Ír0a ft\iíi°tt T oí VíWWy, one end n d Y etto« ■two H ot H e r Fault. Tom— The average woman seem« to | lead an aimless life. Jack— Well, It’a her misfortune rath- \ ! er than her fault that she Is unable to \\ ~+throw s t r R lg h t . Not Ostensibly. “ I have always had a curiosity to know ! what horse meat tastes like,” said the reg- I ular customer. “ Have you any?” “ Not as such,” emphatically responded the butcher. t ,w o « ‘ e2 3 T ? *• ? o r e « 01' ’ \aJkd, In form ation . “ Paw, what is the ’great white plague’ Explained M echanically. “ When I am busily engaged in think­ the papers~talk about?” aNked Johnny. “ A big snowstorm, my son,” answered ing,” remarked the doctor, “ all the noises his father, wearily resuming the task of on earth can’t disturb me.” “ My «tors!” exclaimed the p r o fe s s o r , | trying to find hi, front sidewalk, in hia astronomical way. ” Do the wheels ( '. . U r Coin fort. in your head make to much racket as ail “ Do you oiler your wife comfort that?” »h e n »he weeps?” “ Wheu ahe doesn’t weep too often ; It How to Mako Your Milch Cowe More usually takes a new dross to comfort Profitable. her.”— Houston I’ost. W rite Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oak­ land, Cal., for “ SuccefBlul D airying,” Only One “ BROMO QUININE.” being valuable information on the moet Th at is l a x a t i v e b k o m o q t ’ iN iN E . Look profitable selection of cows, their feed- ¡o r the sign atu re ° t k . w . u k o v k . u .e d tbs ; , , ... . ... , W orld over to C ure a C old in One Day. 25c. ing and care, the handling o f milk to — Off Conrac Not. yield the highest price product and the “ Do you keep a servant?” protection and preservation of these “ No.” products from deteriortion; with arti­ “ Can’t you afford to?” cles on diseases of cows and recipes for “ Yes. but that’s got nothing to do their cure. The book is free. A poet with it.” — Houston I’ost. card request only is necessary. M o b e n w ill find Mrs. W inslow ’ s Sooth in g F ln tferln e Com parison. th© b at rem edy to use for th eir ch lld r e a “ Isn’t he a cute little darling?” aaio Byrup d u r in g th e teeth in g p eriod . ths fond mother, proudly exhibiting the No Head fo r Fractloaa. chernb. • "Yes." answered her bachelor brother. Grandfather (carving the turkey) — “ He’s funnier than one of these mechan­ Tommy, what part will you have? Young Grandson— Well, they’s six of ical toys. You don’t have to wind bin up.” us here, grandpa, but I don’t want no more’n my share. I’ll leave it to you. The In lffllu E T CONGRESSMAN THOS. CALE Hon. Tbos. Cale, who wag elected to congress from Alaska, is well known on the Pacific slope, where he has resided. His Washington address is 1312 9th 8t. N. W ., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C Pcruna Drug Co., Columbus, O lio. Gentlemen: I can cheerfully recommend Peruna as a very efficient remedy for Coughs and Colds. Thomas Calc Hon. C. Sl-rap, congressman from Virginia, writes: " I have used your valuable remedy, Petuna, with benefi­ cial results, and can unhesitatingly rec­ ommend your remedy as an invigorat­ ing tonic and an effective and permanent cure for catarrh.” M an-a-lin the Ideal Laxative O r v M u le T ea m BORAX Hample, B ook let, P op u la r Card Gam e “ W H IZ / 10c. P acific (,’oa.st Borax Co., O akland, Cal. LEARN TO DANCE W alts, Two Htep, Three Htep, etc. Dance com pletely taught and guaranteed In four leeflona P r o f W a l W illson, It Hslliar- Hirwh Bldg.. Port land. Oregon 1 SSEEDS m gr F or fresh­ ness, pu rity aud reli- B r ltla h e r . F u rry * The cold, self-contained Britisher is mostly a dreadful fiction, and in situa­ tions that seem to him at all emotioual he grows as snlffly weepful as any mat­ N a t u r a l M is t a k e . inee misa.— Sydney (N. S. W .) Bulle­ Mrs. Gaawell (making a call)— Ah, I see you have here a volume of poems. tin. I’ m ashamed to confess it, Mrs. Highmus, but I never could appreciate blank verse. H lp p o p h a g f. Mrs. Highmus— Why—er— that’s a cat; Hlppophagy being In low water In slogue, Mrs. Gaawell. these later days, somebody has set him­ self to show wbat an exceedingly re­ How's This? spectable history attaches to the prac­ We offer O ne H undred D ollars Rew ard for any tice. Among the ancient« especially in case o f Catarrh that ca n n ot be cu red by H ail's China, eating horse flesh was geieral, Catarrh Cure. F J C H E N E Y * CO., T oled o, O and It was only killed In Europe by a W e, the u n d ersign ed , have kn ow n F. J. C h eney for the last 15 years, and believe h im Papal decree of Gregory III., though perfectly h on ora b le In all buisnesa transactions why horse flesh should have been In­ and fin a n cia lly able to carry ou t an y oblig a- tion m ade by nis firm. terdicted does not appear. It was oniy W ALDIN O, KINNAN A M A R V IN , W holenale D ruggists, T oledo,O ths famine caused by Napoleon’s In­ Hsll’a Catarrah C ure ia sken in tern a lly, act­ vasion that revived the practice in Ger­ in g d irectly upon the b lood and m u cou s sur­ many, where it hus survled ever since. faces o f the system . T estim onials sent free. P rice 75 cents per bottle. Hold by all D ruggists. —London Globe.___________ Take H a ll’s F am ily P ills tor C on stipation. f t p fit. Vitus’ Dance ana all Picrvoua Diseases ■ f l u permanently cured by Dr. Kline’ s Ureal Nerve Restorer. Kend for FR EE 92trial buttle and treatise. Dr. H. IL K lU c, UL, Ml Arch fit., Pklla..Pa. T h lB f« that Had Helped Him. Reporter—-Senator, I bate heard that you got your start in life by selling news papers. Senator Lotsmun— Not quite correct, my boy. The fact is— but this is confiden­ tial, you know— that I got my start by buying one or two newspapers. Ferry’ s Seed Annuel luos 1: - KKK. Address FlMT A Co.. OdteiT, HNS. DO YOU KNOW THE WET WEATHER COMFORT AND PR O T E C TIO N a ffo r d e d b y o yreifr, J ***H S uperstition . SLICKER? Miss Ascurn— Don’ t you really be­ lieve I d dreams? Miss O’ Bull— No, Indeed! It’« super­ stitious snd besides It's a bud sigu when you believe tu them, for It al­ ways brings you bad luck.— Philadel­ phia Press. OLD S O R E S ^ H «Seeds a a class by them ­ selves. Farmers have confidence in them because th ey k n ow th ey can be relied up­ on. D on ’t exp eri­ m ent w ith cheap seeds— you r sure­ ty lies iu b u y in g seeds sent ou t by a con scien tiou s and trustw orthy house. Clean • Light Durable Guaranteed Waterproof *300 Everywhere 1 rowra co bovton us* FED AND K EPT OPEN J b y i m p u r i t i e s i n t h e b l o o d Whenever a sore refuses to heal it Is because the blood Is not pure and healthy, as it should be, but is infected with poisonous germs or some old blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have reached or passed mid­ dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally begun to decline, and the poisonous germs which have accumulated because o f a sluggish and Inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint Which has hitherto been held in check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, leg* or other part of the bodjr. The place grows red and angry, festers and eats into the surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn nicer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated. Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stuDborn, non-healing sore. The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble is an inherited one. Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the Sore, can _ dc any permanent g ood ; neither will remov- farao? fbur’ yesra’ standing?"X log the sore with caustic plasters or the was a small plmpl* at first but It surgeon’s knife make a lasting cure. If £ . 7 u £ ? i Y w ^ m S every particle of the diseased flesh were slarm.d about It and oonsultad taken away another sore would come, be- **T*r" /tha sora conftnS.d cause the trouble Is In the blood, and the treated m oVb’ e ______________________ t o »ro w worse. I s a w 8 . 8 . 8 . a d ­ v e r tis e d e n d c o m m e n c e d i t i use ooo c a n n o t , me .. c u r . a w , a y . cleans- and after u k ln * it a while I w ee T h e cu re m ust com e b y a th orou gh cl pore and neeirny rroro The In g o f th , e , b lood . In 8 . 8 . S. w ill be found , tt off 0 .8 . 8 ., and there hae not a rem edy fo r Bores and u lcers o f every kind, m *ny stgn of tbs sors sines It Is an unequalled blood purifier—one that I. S. 8. curad It. __ _ goes directly into the circulation and promptly cleanses it c f all poisons and taints. It gets down t j the very bottom of the trouble and forces out every trace of im­ purity and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the blood so that instead of feeding the diseased with impurities, it nourishes the PURELY VEGETABLE parts Irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, ail pain and inflammation leaves, the place scabs over, and when 8. S. 8. has purified the blood the lore is permanently cured. 8. 8. 8. Is for sale at all first class drug stores. Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advice M desire. We make no charge for the book or advice. __ THOS. OWEN W sst Union, Ohio. S.S.S. th e MWtrr «p rc/n c co.. A tlanta . ga * PUTNAM Steel-Clad Grubber Simple.#, Strongest, Essie# Handled Grabber Made. Will poll MORB and LARGER SUMPS wiih LB S S BXPENSB (ben any other. Wrl«» for Descriptiva Ciri «1er mmJ Price* JOHN S. BEALL, Manufacturer 221 Hewlborne Avenue Q Portland, Oregoe C. Gee Wo T h e w ell known re lin b l« CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR Tine mit'lfi a lif e etndjr off ro o f* and h«>rl>*. nn l o t Aianhooii. F e m a lo W*»nkneea and A ll P r i m t e Dieeneea. A SURE C AN C E R CURE Just Received from Peking, Chine Safe, Sue# and Reliable. IF YOU ARK A H .K T K D DOITT DKLAY. DT.LAYH AUK D ANithKOI M. C O N S U L T A T IO N I f 70« can n ot c a ll, w rite fo r *ympt4Wi b la n k and c l r « » la r In c lœ e 4 c e n t i lñ atairiw», THF T (ÍKK WO CHINKMjTaiFTtir IN R CO. 1 1-2 k iret Ht., Cor. M o r n »on, Portland, Pienee Mention Thle Paper. P. N. U. \V No. • OB H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t I « o r e pl< m e n t it ili t l d « p a p e r . FADELESS DYES Oolor m ot. good* brighter and faster colon than any othar dya. Ona 10c package colors silk, wool ard cotton equally wall and la guarantead to glva parfact rasulta. Aak da alar, or wa wlU aand post paldat 10c a package W "rite lor 1 rtr booklet hew to dya, Maachfiand mix colara. MONROE D R U G c o m p a n y , Quincy, Illinois,