The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, January 16, 1908, Image 4

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M K o '. sjh i . u very pk&saiit surprise
Edward has had the misfortune to
m orning jret badly hurt twice in the last
year while shoeing horses, which
he thinks i, quite enough. He may
try his luck at farming in old Web-
Entered at the poctofflce in Estacada, Oregon
I foot.
second class mail
H. Cromer is having some good
w rk done on the road. The plank
......... il 00
One year
so road is crawling right along; that
S ix months
is what we need and like to see, the
more the better. *
----------------------------------------- —------
Springwater Grange had their
This very numerous Heney affair iastalation of officers at their meet-
js getting heinously monotonous.
ing last Saturday. Brother Chit-
wood of Damascus acted as iustall-
It was clear 1 tst Sunday and Mr. '» « officer £S iisted bV Brolh r Hon‘ -
Mount Hood looked cooly towards er Douglas, master of the Eagle
Creek grange. All enjoyed a good
Miss Saint Helens.
time and a ‘ p'endid dinner
C. M. Folsom wJBiansaeting bus­
It is said that W . J. Bryan would
iness in Oregon City Tuesday.
make a pretty good minister. 1 ut
A Subscriber.
for his love for politics.
A $35 Instrument
These are sold for casfi or on easy pay men. s. Every instru­
ment is guaranteed.
A good supply of the finest records
The county court has confirmed
Mrs, J. P. Irtin is visititg at
the appointment of I). N. Briden- -^rs-
B- Bawling,
siine as a sp.cial deputy sheriff for
Willie Davis is sick with pneu-1
this part of the county
inonia at the home of his father-in-,
law T. E. Huxley.
What opportunities there are in
I i l i l
Dr. A dix and family and W . W. a » s w t t I' h ........I
this part of Clackamas county for a
W. A. H E Y L M A N
Boner and wife were guests at din-1 I GF: o . C B R O W N E L L
host of young men to gain health
and wealth clearing the wonderful­ ner at Orchard Home, Sunday.
B R O W N E L L and H EY LM A N
ly rich soil of the native fir trees!
Mrs. W. R. Blackburn of Oregon
j The
Road overseers for this part of
the county for 190» are, G. B. Linn
district 4, Henry Johnson district 9,
D. M. Marshall district 10, Henry
Cromer district 33, and Fred Ger­
ber district 12,
City, was visiting her sister-in-law,
Mrs. W. M. Yonce, and family last
E s ta c a d a
D ru g
S t ore
All kinds of Legal Business promptly attended to
Estates and Probate Matters carefully taken care of
E. G. Barger is visiting with j » i l l
his cousin, L. J. Palmateer, and the
rest of the folks.
Mr. Barger is
with Neustadter Bros., Portland,
1 Manufacturers of “ Boss of the Road
Proprietor Foster of the townsite Overalls.”
of Eagle Creek has been successful
The votunteer fire boys gave the
in obtaining from the county court
an order vacating the streets of that town a little excitement Tuesday
thriving burg.
Merchant Elliott evening. A practice stunt had been
was opposed to the idea of having planned, and at about 8 o'clock the
the city's broad, beautiful avenues fire bell rang causing the innocent
ones to run and rubber. A bond-
fire had been started in the park,
The American people ought not and the hose company charged on it
to complain.
The American girls at full speed. The alurnt showed
who marry foreign nobility with the boys are ready for work, and ]
nothing but debts and other unde­ the water supply good.
sirable things as assets are infinitely
small compared to the thousands
who have better sense.
But there
are always a few homely ones in ev­
ery class who must be disposed of
some way.
l u ll|| i|,,| ,,| i.| n | i,| n |
| | .| .| | ,,|
It is necessary, almost, foi business men to
have. Printed stationery is a convenience,
a recommend, and it is better and just as
cheap as buying store stationery, a little at
a time.
The News prints all kiuds of
Anderson - Albricht -
Hey I man Case
And would lie pleased to print yours
In Court
The fact that the saloon and the
drink habit are Both rapidly grow­
ing in disfavor all over the country
causes some prohibitionists to think Jam es and Mary
that prohibition is growing stronger
Bring Attachment Suit to
with the people. This is a mistake.
Compel the Payment of Mo­
More people are becoming republi­
cans, and living up to the principles
ney Held In Trust B y the
of the party. There is some con­
Bank of Ëstacada
solation in this for the democrats,
■ uorc drinks for them.
Central Garticki
( TO O
Tim ber Lard. Act June 3. 1873
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­
Notice for Publication
gon for Clackaoia* County
United States Land office. Portland. Oregon, Nov.
1 9. 1 907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance
Viola 31 . Ashhaugh, Plaintiff
with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3,
Physic.ati and Surgeon
1 878. entitled An act for tho sale of timber lands in
Successor to Drs. Sm ith and Babcock
Otto C. Ashhaugh, defendant
the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and W ash ­
ington territory," as exten d ed «) all the public land
Office and residence, up stairs in the Es
states by act of August 4. 1392, Jam^a A . C. Talt
tacada Pharmacy Building
of Portland, county of Multnomah state of Oregon,
In the name of the state of Oregon vou
has this day filed In this office her sworn statement
Entrance between drug store and Sixirks
• » .
1 are hereby required to appear and an- 7627. for the purchase of the W ‘ ? of n w tf, se ‘4 ofnw
store, on Broadway
I swer the complaint filed against you in V&nw!-« of sw H of section 2 6 in township 3 S range
the above entitled suit, on or before the 5 E.and will offer proof to show that the land sought
27 day of February. 1908, said date being is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for a gri­
cultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said
the expiration of six weeks from the first land before register and receiver of U S land office at
publication of this summons, and if you Portland. Oregon, on Thursday the 13 day of Feb­
William K. Haviland, M. D.
fail to appear ami answer said complaint, ruary. 1908. H e names as witnesses:
V . S. Howard
of Portland. Oregon
for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
D. B. Howard
of Portland. Oregon
to the court for the relief demanded in
Bissell. Oregon
Office at drug store
- -
I the complaint, to wit: For a decree dis-
A . J. K ltzm lllerof Bissel. Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
I solving the 1 >onds of matrimon^now ex*
discribed lands are requested to file their claims In
Hotel Estacada.
Call Bell & Phone islM,K l>etween
this office on or before ssid 13th day of February
This summons is published by order of ; 1908
lion. Grant B. Dimick, judge of the
Algernon S ^ J re s s e r. R egister
D I2 F 1 0
county court for Clackamas county, Ore­
gon, which order was made and entered
Dr. J . V. SCOTT,
on the 14 day of January, 1908, and the
Tim b er land. Act June 3, 1878
Notice for Publication
Of rooms 41-3 Hamilton Bldg. Portland time prescribed for publication thereof is
six weeks; date of first publication being
United States Land O ffice at Portland, O re.D ec.
Will visit Estacada every Saturday 1 January 16, 1908, and the date of la > i_l 6 . 1907. Notice is hereby given that In complianc
] with the provisions of the set of congress of June 3.
publication, February 27, 1908.
and Sunday.
1878. entitled 1 A nact for the sale of timber lands In
the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and W ash­
ington territory.” as extended to all the public land
Attomev for Plaintiff
OJfiee with Dr. H. V. Adix
Administrator’s Notice
Dimick & Dimick,
| In the County Court of the State of Ore­
gon lor Clackamas Cohnty
In the matter of the Estate
Attorneys at Law
J i f X o r t a r y Public, General Law- Sarah B. Ingle, deceased
Notice is hereby given that the final re­
Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b ­
port of the administrator with the Will
stracts furnished
annexed of the above entitled estate has
been filed in the above entitled court and
February 3, 1908, at the hour of 10 o’clock
a. m. in the county court room in the
county court house at Oregon City, Ore-
OFFICES: 2, 3 & 4, ANDKESEN BUY. gou, is the time and place fixed by sai l
court for hearing objections, if any, to
O reg o n C it y
O reg o n
said report.
(Signed) S. P. IN G L E ,
Administrator with the Will annexed of
the estate of Sarah B. Ingle, deceased
Members of tile Garfield grange
stra’g! te led the hall last Saturday.
In the Ciruit Court of the State of Ore­
It was ten ini lies out of plumb. A
gon for the county of Clackamas
1 little more than half the ceiling John Luscher, plaintiff
down stairs was finished.
A session of an hour was held, William Hawkins and
| and banks and banking were under Anna Hawkins, defendants.
To William Hawkins and Anna Hawkins
discussion. The next meeting will
j be on January 25 at 10 a. m. Dm
In the name of the state of Oregon, you
uty District Master J. I). Chit'-
.1 , are hereby required to appear and answer
of Damascus, will be presi ,t and the complaint filed against you in the a-
l>ove entitled suit on or before the 20 day
install the officers.
of February, 1908, said date being the
The Grange dramatic c 1 h prac­ expiration of six weeks from the first
ticed at the b a lla s t Satu:
even­ publication of this summons, and if you
fail to appear and answer, for want there­
B. C. Looney was elected to mem­ of, plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, to-
bership in the grange.
I wit: That you and each of you defend­
The Tracy school will begin next ants be compelled to set up in your an-
Monday, we hear.
! swer the exact nature of your pretended
! adverse claims to the following described
property, situate in Clackamas county,
Oregon, to-w’it: Beginning at the quart­
Three dozen good Plymouth Rock er section corner on the West side of sec­
liens for sale.
See J. A. Reid, E s­ tion 24 in T. 4 S. R. 1 E. of the- W. M.
thence East 80 rods; thence South 100
rods; thence West 80 rods; thence North
Too rods to the place of beginning, con­
taining 50 acres, and for a decree that
this plaintiffwas the absolute owner in fee
I. M. Park has ordered a cream simple of said described premises and
everypart tliereef on November 7. 1907,
separato .
and is now such owner and that the said
Mr and Mrs. Hal Gordon have
j defendants and each of you have no right
moved back to Dodge.
title or interest in or to the above de­
James Park lias returned to Sa­ scribed premises or any part thereof, and
for such other and further relief as to this
lem to school.
Arthur Howard is cutting wood j court may seem equitable.
This summons is published by order of
for W. J. Lewellen at Springwater.
Hon-. Grant B. Dimick, Judge of the
The young people of Dodge are county court of Clackamas county, Ore­
having great fun rehearsing for the gon, which order was made and entered
entertainment to be given Feb. 1st. on the 7 day of January A. D. 1908; first
Plymouth Rock Hens For Sale
The Estacada News
Job Printery
Corporations and
O ur M u lti- s.„, E- r (
Millionaires, kk , ■<
R. B. Beattie, sheriff of Clacka­
mas county, was in Estacada last:
Saturday evening and served at­
tachment papers against the Bank
of Estacada in an action brought by j
John Anderson and wife in the cir- , » !
cnit court to force the bank to pay \
T is gratifying to observe that our people have always taken
over $700 which the institution is j
time to consider the problems of the times REFO R M A C T ­ Program will be givi n next week, publication of this summons, January 9th
holding in trust. W. A. Heylman, j
I 1908, and the last publication thereof is
IN G .
A n interesting and important question today is Look for it. Every body invited.
cashier of the bank returned to Or­
February 20, 1908.
egon City with the sheriff and gave
whether great individual and corporate wealth is a menace.
R. Dodger
bond for his appearance at trial and j
Economists have always disagreed over the D E F IN I T I O N
Attorney for Plaintiff.
returned home. There is more his- of wealth. For us it will be enough to comi ler wealth ns all our
, ■ . I a I i i .1 ■ . ^
l|! '1 '|ll|ll|l ■»
tory in this action than we care to wor|,||v possessions. It has always been the t< ndcncy t.f man to aspire
By our Wayside Reporter | ! In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore-
chronicle, but the principal features t(> won]t|, a)„j higher conditions. This is the .U A IN S I’ U IN U O F
I gon for Clackamas count}*,
ill tlie affair
part, as fol H U M A X P R O G R E S S .
j John Rieffelbauch,
In our own country the result of tho aspirations of men for wealth
Miss Lena Kester finished her
A real estate deal took place be-
and higher conditions 1ms been the most marvelous growth recorded school near Linn’ s mill last week
tween one Frederick Albricht and
I Cynthis V. Rieffelbauch,
Anderson by which Anderson w m I bv history. Americans DO N O T H O A R D T l I E I l i W E A L T H . and left for her home at Hubbard,
j To Cynthia V. Rieffelbauch, the above
to sell Albricht a piece of land. They employ it in buying luxuries and in developing the resources of Ore la.>t Saturday morning.
Walter Shritier was compelled named defendant* In the name of the
Albricht, it is claimed, agreed to ' the country.
mill last week be- State of <)re«on- >ou are lu're,,-v reituire‘1
the deal providing lie was given a
W c can refute much that hus been said against our men of wealth. to close .. down his
i to appear and answer the complaint filed
1 caused 1 ' 1
clear title to the land freeot incufn-; The usefulness of these men lias N E V E R been appreciated. Shall cause of a wound on his In n
Success to The Estacada News; a
prosperous, happy year is the wish
of the writer.
Plows are running on most every
farm in this vicinity preparatory to
early sowing of Spring crops.
Wm. Palmateer of lone, was here
on business, and made his mother
and other relatives a short visit.
E. I.. Wonacott is having off luck
with his fine cows—one died and
another is sick.
Walter Shriller had the control-
ing cords to the little finger on his
right hand severed, and it left his
hand in bad shape.
Doc Palmateer and wife returned
last week from a week's visit up in
Washington county meeting friends
of long ago, some he luid r.ot met
branees. The deed was executed,
for 35 years, and some lie crossed
but before tbc papers were turned
the plains with in 18 5 2 .
They 1 1
over or any money paid, Albricht
talked over some of the incidents
that happened out on the plains, al­ concluded to investigate things, aniL
claims he found them unsatisfactory.
so of hardships endured while try­
I11 the meantime he hud Uposited
ing to make this country habitable
for those who came later. Doc still , 1
F.stacada with instructions to the
thinks his own mount liu home the j
hank to pay it over when Anderson
licit of all.
delivered the deed.
He later noti­
On Christmas Day there was a
fied the hank not to pay it ov.T at
family reunion at the home of R.G.
all. This action started trouble,
Palmateer. Those who were pres­
and involved the bank as the ecu
ent were, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Palma- j
tral figure. Tl e suit just brought
teer, Mrs. E. M. Horner, Mrs. Lee
will come up at the next term of.
Wills, and daughter Fay, and son
the circuit court
Mr. Heylman
Ira, Mrs. Louverbia Linn, husband
will file an interpleader's complaint
and son Alva, Mrs. Kate Stniffins
ami husband, Mrs. B -rt Stevens and and ask the court to compel Ander
sons Raymond and Orvil. and Mas­ son and Albricht to settle the mat-
ter lietween themselves, agreeing to
ter Richard Palmateer. A sumptu­
turn the money over to the one the
ous chicken dinner was served with
court shall decide is entitled to it.
many luxuries of the season. The
afternoon was very pleasantly spent
While Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Stubbs
were visiting at a neighbor's last
Sunday Mrs Stubbs was taken sud­
denly ill with uervolrs prostration,
Kdv ard L Folsom and wife of and she was removed to a hospital
Sprague Washington, arrived at where a little boy was born.
Springwater So! .day evening, and last reports moth r and lad* arc
gave his parents,
r. and Mrs. C. doing nicely.
| against you in the above entitled suit on
wc ever forget what Americans of wealth— John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson, John Hancock, James Madison, Holiert Morris, George
Washington, all capitalist*— did in colonial tiuiesI A t the time of the
civil war, when the government was in financial distress, tho
W E A L T H Y M EN came to the resene. We ail know how Senator
p0|nn,| Stanford liestowetHiis wealth in founding a California univer-
ltv and that John 1). K >i-kefeller s m ar . bai t the C liteago tujivcr-
• ,
, ,
sity. I might mention eases without lum ber < f where the seeds of
education lmvo been sown broadcast from Maine to Texas by the rich.
Brightest among the galaxy of philanthropists shines the name of An­
drew Carnegie.
A great amount of wealth IN T H E H A N D S O F O N E M A N
enables him to direct it in philanthropy anil basiness in a way that will
cause it to bo of the greatest value in advancing tho welfare of the
countrv. Tho erv of “ tainted money’’ very often causes the spirit of
the donor to be U N D E R R A T E D .
While we now have billionaires, T H E PO O R A R E G R O W IN G
R IC H E R and the list of taxpayers longer. There need bo no fear for
the institutions of our country by the wealth of individuals. Great
capitalists an' usually self made, and they are u-uallv men of G R E A T
C H A R A C T E R as well as of great ability. Their wealth may be
abused in the hands of heirs, laiws could be passed to prevent such
Corporate bodies are often managed by irresponsible directors i
a manner that makes its wealth A M E N A C E .
It is here that the
law lias stepped in, and no doubt the enfon'enient of the laws will
eliminate the dangers.
by coming in contact with the saw. or before the 31st day of January, 1908,
“ The earth is full of/heaven and said date being after the expiration of 6
every common bush afire with God.” weeks from the first publication of this
, summons, and if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint, for want thereof,
During the past week the cream- ■ tjle plaintiff will apply to the court for
e ry at K s ti c id a posted th is b u lle tin : the relief demanded in the complaint to-
Butter fat at Kstucada, 3 5 > jC wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing l>etween the
Butter fat at Portland, 36c
plaintiff and defendant.
Butter fat at home, 3 3 * xj C
This summons is published by order of
Sweet cream is 2c premium.
Hon. Grant B. Hiipick, Judge of the
: 0. W. P. & Ry.
K S T A C A D A -P O R T L A N D
■ Cars .eave Estacada for Port­
! 7:37, 9 37. • 1 'X 7 A. M. and
! i:37. J
5:37. 9:05 P. M
; Cars leave Portland for F
7 :3 0 ,9 :3 0 , 11:3 0 A.
1:30, 3:40, 5:44'. 7 :15
V iu-.
1 ..
Main offices of the company: 132 1-2
First St. Portland. Oregon.
Algernon S . Dresser. R egister
Tim ber Land Act June 3. 1878
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office. Ptrtland, Oregon, Dec.
16. 1907. Notice Is hereby given that Incom pliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3.
1878, entitled " A n act for the sale of timber lands In
the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and W ash­
ington territory,” as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4. 1892, Della Duback of
Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office her sworn statement No.
7642 for the purchase of Lots 1, 2 7 & 8 of section
4, In township 6 south, range 4 east, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agTicuIturrl purposes and
to establish her claim to said land before the regtster
and receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Monday the 9
day of March. 1908.
She names as witnesses:
Robert R . M cAdam sof K e jn Park, Oregon
Hiram B. Plummer of Sellwood Sta Portland Ore.
Thomas B. Bldwell of Portland. Oregon
Cjeruld Anderson of Portland. Oregon
Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above
described lands are requested to lile the claims In
this office on or before said 9th day of March,
A lgern o n s. Dresser. R egister
Notice for Publication
Land office at Portland. Oregon. January 11. 1908
Notice of hereby given that Charles M. Halberstadt
of Molalla. Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to
make final fiv e year proof in support pf his claim viz:
homes ead entry No. 15768, made August 8 , 1905.
for the Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of
section 26. township 5 south range 3 east, and that
said proof will be made before the register and receiv­
er at Portland. Oregon, on February 20. 1908. H a
names the following witnesses to prove hi^ contin­
uous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz;
Carl Goranson of Molalla. Oregon
E. Lindquist of
J . Barnhardt of
Ira Boyer of
Algernon S Dresser. R egister
T I M B E R L A N D A C T J U N K 3 , 18 7 8
Notice for Publication
United States Land O ffice, Portland, Oregon. Oc­
tober 22. 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com ­
pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of
June 3. 1 878, entitled " A n act for the sale of timber
lands In the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington territory,” as extended to all the public
land states by a a of August 4. J892.
Charles J .
Bradley of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. 7604. fo. the purchase of the NJ4 o f
nw'4 and w H of
of section 8 in township 3 south
range 7 east, and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable of Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to
said land before the register and receiver of the U S
land office at Portland. Oregon, on Monday the 20th
day of January. 1908. H e names as witnesses: Ed­
ward W hitney of Portland, Oregon: J W W ebb of
Portland. Oregon: Darwin Bradley of Oregon C ity.
Oregon: J W Faublon of Salmon. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the abov«
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 20 day of January. 1908.
Algernon S . Dresser. R egister.
n l4
Notice for Publication
United States Land O ffice. Portland. Oregon. D ec­
ember 31. 1907.
N otice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of congress
of June 3. 1878. entitled " A n act for the sale of tim ­
ber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington territory ” as extended to all the pub­
lic land states by the act of August 4. 1892, John
C. Peteison of Kensington, county of Douglas, state
of Minnesota has this day fled in this office his sworn
statement No. 7647 for the purchase of the South­
east Quarter c f section 34 in township 2 S . range
6 E. W . M. and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for the timber or stone there
on than for agriculture purposes and to establish his
claims to said lands before the register and receiver
at Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 1 7th day of
March 1 908. H e names aa witnesses:
Herman Herbers of Portland. Oregon
Fred Brakenbush of
Fritz Brake bush of
Edwin Westerman of
Any or all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before the 1 7 day of March. I 908.
Algernon S . Dresser. R egister
J9 M c h l2
years *
P atents
H. W . Blood came home last ev-
ning front down the Columbia.
D is io n s
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
Their civic pride prevailed on
A n ro n s nandlng a sketch and deeciinfInn may
alckly ascertain our opinion
opinim i fr e e w hether an
le p robably p aten t-*
tl nt Wednesday nu rning and a invention
tlonastrtctly conOdentiaL HAI
fo r
. r,.inil>er of our business men got to­
Patent« tabes tSroSrh »tu r n ip < 0 . receive
rperief wo«ice, without cha
gether and laid the plank connect­
ing Third St. with Broadway and
A kw»deofs*ty Meat rated weekly I a r e s * cir
eolation o f any actant Wc !• •ornai. Terme, 83 m
Main. The job was quickly done,
and the long, red tape of the town
government was not invoked. We
notice also some good work done by
W. A. Jones by his lwrn. Others
52 w e vk i. S i
Levs than 2C a w eek
might learn how.
Stìntine JimcrlcaM
W ay freight leaves Esiucada
in the morning, daily except
Sun returning in the evening.
4.-4. 1 * 4 « 4 *
county court for Clackamas county, Ore­
gon. which order was made and entered
on the 16th day of December, 1907. and
the time prescribed thereof is six weeks:
I Fate of first publication being December
20 , 1907, and the date of last puhliebtion
taring January 31. 1908.
Attorney for plaintiff,
states by act oi August 4. 1692, Jacob D. Duback of
Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregdn. has
this day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
7641. for the purchase of the Lots 3. 4.5 & 6 of sec­
tion 4 in township 6 S . range 4 east, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
ard to establish her claim to said land before the reg­
ister and receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday,
the 9 day of March 1908.
H e names as witnes­
Robert R . McAdams of Kern Park. Oregon
Hiram B. Plummer of SellwoodSta. Portland. O re
Thomas B. Bldwell. of Portland, Oregon
Cjeruld Anderson of
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file the claims in
this office on or before said 9th day of March.
n i