The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, January 16, 1908, Image 3

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We Hear o f More Cures
Of trouble! originating in impure blood,
Idaho Exparim snt Station Telia About
ecrofula, lota of appetite, oetarrb, rheuma­
M a n u f a c t u r e and U ss.
tism, by Hood's Sarsaparilla than by all other
so-called remedies combined. Somehow
Conditions Affecting the Production
those cured by Hood’s seem to stay cured,
of industrial Alcohol in the Northwest,
and they gladly tell the good news to others.
ia ttie title of a bulletin recently issued
by the dtpartroent of chem istry of
S c ro fu la S oro—*‘My wife had a acrufn
lous sore on her leg for years. Many differ­
the I laho stare experiment station.
ent medicines gave but little benefit. She
The purpose of the bulletin is, as the
turned to Hood's Sarsaparilla and the sore
author states, to bring to the attention
Quickly healed. It is a good blood medicine."
of termers and others interested in the
J. N . D a f t , Crosby. Texas.
subject, the general priuciples underly­
A fflicted 16 Yeara-'*Hood s Sarsapa­
ing th e processes used in the manufac­
rilla has cured me of scrofula, with which I
ture and denaturing of alcohol. The
hare been troubled 16 years, and caused by
vaccination. My little daughter had a Flames Leap Through Hall a rd Peo­ opinion Is expressed that people in
scrofula swelling on her neck and Hood’s
this part of the country will receive hut
8arsaparilla also cured her." Mas. Nona
ple All Rush Out—Many Are
little benefit from tbe p resage of the
H d o h k y . Hugbey, Tennen«.
“ Denatured Alcohol Act” unless they
'tram pled to Pulp.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold everywhere.
see to it th at th is aloo~ol is made a t
In tbe usual liquid, or In tablet form called
home from home grown products. Sev­
S a r a a ta b s . loo Doses One Dollar. Pre­
eral crops are mentioned as being the
pared only by C. I. flood Co., Lowell, Mass.
ones to whioh people in the Northwest
100 ptrsona of this borough were killed will have to look as the most promis­
u n e uk i m
le a n .
in a theater fire and panic last nighl ing in alcohol manufacture, the most
"So your daughter made a brilliant and nearly three aoore injured, many of prom inent being potatoes and sugar
ihem fatally. A majority of the killed beets. It is not probable that individ­
"Not very," answered Mr. Cumrox.
were members of the leading families ual farm distilleries will ever be put
"Your son-in-law is of noble origin?" of the town.
ii t i operation. The idea ia advanced
"Yes. But I couldn’t pronounce his ' —'While the “ Scottish Reformation’’ of a community still, or a still owrfed
name properly the first time I tried.’’— was being reproduced in Rhodes opera and operated by a stock company, in
Washington Star.
house by Mrs. Monroe, of W ashing­ wthich the chief owners of the stock
ton, a tank used in a moving picture shall ba the producers of the raw m a­
F a i l e d t o R e lie v o »
scene exploded.
Immediately there terial. Figures are given illustrating
On the mighty deep.
waa a wild rush for tbe exits of the the relative efficiency of alcohol when
The great ocean liner rolled and pitch­ building. Men of mature years en­
comparer! to kerosene as a source of
"Henry," faltered the young bride, "do deavored to still the panic, but their light.
It w ill require some tim e to get peo­
you still love me?'
"More than ever, darling!" was Henry**. shrieks and screams of the terrified ple acquainted w ith the uses to which
a'chohol may be put, but it
*ervent answer.
greater part of the audience.
is confidently believed th a t there is a
Then there was an eloquent silence.
I t seemed as though nearly the en­ great future for this product right here
"Henry,” she gasped, turning her pale,
ghastly face away, "I thought that would tire audience made a mad rush for the in the Northwest.
exits the moment the exploeion occur­
make me feel better, but it doesn’t !"
Borax. Nature’s Disinfectant, Cleanser and Purifier
In their attem pts to quiet the great
Evf*ryo’'e r alizes the necessity of some crowd, thoee persons who were on the
Useful Hints tin Handling o f Cows
method of purification of 'inks, drains and
utensils in which may lurk the germ of stage accidentally upset the coal oil
Before Calving.
dreaded disease.
In answer to a question how to “ dry
Health is a question of cleanliness and burning oil ecat'ered in all directions,
preven ion.
and the lamps which were ured to light off” the m ilkirgeow , Prof. J . H. Frand-
Most people are famiinr with ihe use of
son, of Idaho experlmeat station, gave
disinfectants in t eir ordinary sense—a I the opera house exploded, throwing the
of which are either unpl asa tly associated blazing oil over the terror stricken the following suggestions:
The trouble with many dairymen is
with di.-agreeablc odors <>n which are de­ people, who were fighting frantically
pended o kill the germ of contagion (which to gain the exits. In the mad rush a that in drying np cows they are afraid
aininfectanis must of necessity b**ofa more
or lehs dangerous ch *rac er), and must be section of the floor gave way, precipi­ .to atop milking as long as the cow
used for this purpose and no other, and in tating scores of persons to the base- shows any tendency of giving milk.
con-equence must be kept from children m eat.
In many they do not realize th at to con­
and ca eless handl ng.
It was scarcely five minutes from tinue milking through the entire year
T ere is, however, within the reach of all
of 11 our readers a simple, safe and econ­ the time of the explosion of the tanks is an exceedingly bad policy. In ordi­
omical article that will not only answer for until the entire h eart of the structure nary cases it is desirable th a t the cows
everv disinfecting purpose —but can also seemed a roaring furnace. There was should he dry from a month to six
be used fora multitude of domes ic clean­
a m a l sctamble to the stairway, and weeks. The object being to increaee
sing and purifyi’ g purposes—Borax
Bo ax is a p ¡re, wh te earniless powder scores of women and children were the supply of nourishment for the
coming direct from Nature’s laboratoiy ; in knocked down and tram pled upon, growing foetus as well aj enabling the
fact Borax has of en been called "Nature’s many of them doubtless being crushed cow to improve her physical condition
Cleanser and Disinfectan .!
Two tablespoonfuls of Borax in a pailful to death. At least 50 persons, realiz­ before the time of calving. When it is
of hut water poured down the sfreased-chuk-
ing th at exit by the stairway meant thought best to hasten “ laying off,”
ed i pip
or flushed ... through a dis- almost certain death, riaked their lives start by not milking the cow clean.
" a sink
ease-I den drain, cleanses and purities it,
by jumping from the windows. Limbs Thia will generally decrease theam ount
1 aving it cl an and“sweet.
Bed clothing and clothes used in a sick were broken and skulls were crushed by to a point where it is safe to skip every
loom can h e made hygienical!y clean and this daring method of escape.
other milking.
In about a week the
snowy-white, if washed in a hot -olulion of
Ia the meantim e a relief corpa was milk will generally be reduced to such
Borax water.
Kitchen and eating utensils used during at work at the entrance to the theater, proportions as to justify milking only
illness will I e kept from ail possibility , t endeavoring to release those who were every other day. Generally soon after
e B ngion if Borax .s used when washing edged in the doorway and unable to ex­ th 's it will be safe to A scontince milk-
tic m. Pure as snow and liarmle s as -all. tricate themselves. Many persons who In* altogether.
and beca se it esn be used for almo-t every
The “ drying off” is most easily ac­
domest c and medical purpose, Borax must etherise might have made good their
be con ldered the one great household no escape from the furnace were held in complished when cows are fed on dry
______________ _
check by tbe awful jam at the doors. feeds as much as possible.
There are a few persistent milkers
As the flames cut their way toward the
N e w M e th o d .
front of the building, wemen could be which can be done more harm by a
Do you wish to chooee a wife!
seen tc clasp th eir hands and fall back forced "drying off” than to let them
VTlip a »in.
milk up to calving, but such cows are
Or select your lot in life!
into the flames.
Flip a coin.
Once the doorways were clear, the decidedly few in numbers.
Of two erile make no choice.
rescuers dragged many women and
Bare your time, and etrength, and role. children from the stairways leading tc
Publications for F arm ers.
There's a better way! Rejoice I
the balcony.
Some of them were so
The following publications of interest
Flip a coin,
badly injured th a t they died before to farmers and others have been issued
reaching the temporary
hospital. by the Agricultural department of the
L s t i i s g t h e C a t O a t.
Amelia—Herbert, dear, your office Is on Skulls were cruehed and the faces of Federal government and will be fur­
some of the victims were so horribly nished free, so long as they are avail­
Orange street, isn't it?
mutilated that they were barely recog­ able, except where otherwise noted,
Herbert—Yes; why?
Amelia—That's what I told papa. He nizable. In one instance, the skull of upon application to the Superintendent
made such a funny mistake about you the a child, apparently about 10 years of of Documents, Government Printing
other day. He said he'd been looking yov age, was crushed almost into a jelly.
Office, W ashington, D. C.:
up in Brad street.
To add to the terrible disaster, the
Farm er’ Bullein No. 158.— How to
fire apparatus became disabled and the
Ferry’s Fra* Scad Book.
structure was left entirely to the mercy Build Small Irrigation Ditches. By C.
For half a century thousands and of the flames. It is almost certain not T. Johnston and J . D. Stannard, assist­
thousands of farmers and gardeners a vestige of the bodies of the unfortun­ ants in Irrigiation investigations, office
have regarded “ Ferry's Seed A nnual" ates who were overcome by the smoke of experiment stations. Pp. 28. figs. 9.
This is a reprint of an article in tbe
as the best guide not only for the buy­ and perished will ever be found.
ing of seeds, bat for their planting and
Had the women and children heeded Yearbook of the depaitm ent of agricul­
care. Daily reference to its text and the warning of the c roler beads in the ture for 1900, entitled “ Practical Irri­
illustrations proves it to be the actual audience, the horrible loss of life might gation,” giving methods for laying out
beginning of a successful season. The have been avoided, but there was the and building small irrigating ditches,
new edition for 1908 is now ready for usual panic and stampede which invar­ using only such implements as are
free m ailing to all who writa to the iably follows snch a catastrophe. Tbe found on moat farms or can easily be
made by the farmer.
publishers for a copy.
flames spread rapidly and communicat­
Farm ers’ Rulletin No. 187.— Drain­
It is a high tribute to the house of ed to the other parts of the building.
D. M. Ferry A Co. th a t two genera­ Men, women and children rushed for age of Farm Lands. By C. G. E lliott,
tions have planted Ferry’s Seedff, each the rruiny exits of the building, and drainage expert, irrigation investiga­
succeeding year adding to the confi­ the weaker sex and the children were tions, office of experiment stations.
dence th at “ seed trouble” w ill never trampled and maimed in the mad rush Pp. 40 figs. 19. Explains the effects
and advantages of drainage and de­
arire~wben Ferry’s seeds are planted as to gain the Btreets.
scribes implements and methods suited
“ Ferry’s Seed A nnual” says they
to a variety of conditions in humid and
should be.
Big Firs in K ansas C<ty.
irrigated regions.
Another remarkable feature devel­
Kansas City, Mo., Jan . 14.—The
Farm ers’ Bulletin No. 203.—Practi­
oped by the house of Ferry is the m eth­ Union station annex was destroyed by
od of distributing seeds to dealers fire early today. The Union station cal Information for Beginners in Irri
throughout tbe country so th a t the proper Was saved. The burned build­ gation. By 8. Fortier. Pp 40. fige.
lanters everywhere can secure at their ing contained the receiving offices of 25. Thia gives suggestions as to the se­
ome store exactly w hat they want the Adams, Wells-Fargo and Pacific lection of an irrigated farm, tbe ac­
when they want it, with the absolute Express companies, branch mailing quirement of a water right, the ptepar-
assurance th a t it is fresh and fertile. room of the poetofflce.The offices of the ation of land for irrigation, the con­
Everyone should send at once to D. M. Fred Harvey Eating House company, struction of farm ditches, and the ap­
Ferry A Co., Detroit. Mich , for the the Pullman Palace Car oompaDy’s plication of water to crops.
Farm ers’ Bulletin No. 270.—Modern
*908 edition of “ Ferry’s Seed A nnual.” linen room and the Railwaymen’a Y.
Convenience for the Farm Home. By
M. C. A. rooms. The loss is estimated Elm ina T. Wilson.
Pp. 48, figs. 27.
T h t P . o r C a t.
A young wife called her husband on a t close to a quarter of a million dol­ This discusses heating, water supply,
and sewage disposal for farm homes,
tha telephone to tell him a tale of woe lars.
and the arrangement of houses and
In tear-choked accents sha sa id ; “That
you, dearie? Well, you know th at love­
Farm ers’ Bulletin No. 277.—The Use
ly chicken pie I made you—th at horrid
Alcohol and Gasoline in Farm En­
old cat came In and ate it up before 1
Senator LaFollette, fl’ed with the In­ gines.
By C. E. Locke and S. M.
could stop It?”
He answ ered: "Never mind, dar terstate Commerce commission today a Woodwad. Pp. 40, figs. 12. Thia gives
petition asking for a reduction of 25 the general resntla of experiments In
ling'. I'll get you another cat."
per cent in the lower berth rates of the the use of alcohol in the ordinary in
Pullman company, and the fixing of ternal combustion engines on tbe Amer-
rates for upper berths at one-half the esn market, with some discussion of
lower berth rate.
The reduction is foreign experiments.
asked on all
T w o -E ss
sso a se
throughout the United States.
of the Well-Informed of the World haa Loftus represents the Minnesota Ship­
B eit two eggs separately and w ait
■always been for a simple, pleasant pers’ associst on, which started the Add to yolks one-half cup sugar; beat J
and efficient liquid laxative remedy of private car Investigation two years ago. then three-eighths cup boiling water
and another half-cup of augar and onw
known value; a laxative which physl-
fourth teaspoonfnl sa lt; beat again.
M asaacrsd by Yaquia.
clani could sanction tor family use
Visalia, Cal., Jan . 14.— Word of tbe Add juice and grated rind of one-
because Its componeat parts are
Now add
known to them to be wholesome and tragic death of Mark P.rkina, a prom­ fourth lemon; beat
inent mine owner of Mexico, and for- I alternately the whites at eggs and one
truly beneficial la effect, acceptable
mer resident of th is city, was rec ived level cup flour, sifted with one and one-
to the system and gentle, yet prompt. to lay by the young m an's parentr, Mr ha If teaspoonful baking powder. Bake
In action.
t n l Mrs. H . P. Perkins, of Visalia twenty-five minutes In a greased, par
In (applying th at demand with Its On January 2 las*. Perkins and nine per lined, shallow pan
excellent combination of Syrup of Mexicans were ambushed by Yaquia
■tern and wash the greefl Jr«pee,
Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali­ near the city of Sonora, Mexico, and
put them to a porcelain lined kettle and
fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along massacred, but one Mexican escaping
pour boiling water over them. Leave
ethical lines and relies on the merits Other particulars of tb s killing have this on for only a minute to loosen the
oot yet beea received.
of the laxative for Its rem arkable
skins, then drain. To each quart
of grapee add a cup of water, return
Mining Camp B um s.
T hat la one of many reasons why
Mexico City, Jan. 14 — According to to the fire and boll nntll tender. Strain
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna le _ telegram just received in this city, tha fruit and measure tha pulp and
given tbe preference by the Well- the great gold mining camp of El Or >, add to It two-thirds as much «ugar
Informed. To get Its beneficial effects o n i e p of the largest i n the republic, ia as there Is pulp- Put Into the preserv­
When the ing kettle and boll gently for about fif­
always bay the genuine—m aur'ac- be „’¡ng destroyed by fire.
.jspa'ch was died the principal hotels teen minutes more, taking care th at
tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., li
and tbe mors im portant buainess build­
only, and for sals by all leading ings of tb s camp had been reduced to tbe sugar and fruit do not scorch.
8kIm frequently while boiling. Pour
druggists. Fries fifty cants per bottle.
lute glase J a n and seal.
Hindred Die la Horrible Disaster
it Foyertowo, Fa.
General Demand
It Q u iets
the Cough
This is one reason why Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral is so valua*
ble in consumption. It stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But It does more
—it controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soothes, and
heals. Sold for 60 years.
•« A yer’i C h e rry P e c to ra l haa been a r e g u la r
Ufa p rM a rv e r to m *. It b ro u g h t iub th ro u g h
a s e v e re a tta c k of p n eum onia, a nd I fee l
th a t I ow e m y life to its w o n d e rfu l c u ra tiv e
p r o p e r tie s ." — W il l ia m H. T kl ' i t t . W aw a.
b y J . C. A y e r Co., Low ell*
A le o m e u u fk o tu re re o f
A u t / g f S
__ )
K iW
H a ste n recovery by k eep in g th e
bow eie re g u la r With A yer's Pills.
Vm der
th e
N ew
R u lin g :.
Hit Lawyer—The trouble is that
they’ve gotifcalf a dozen witnesses who
saw you whipping your wife. It will be
hard to establish an alibi in the face of
Prisoner—Gosh! I don’t need any
alibi. All you’ve got to do is to prove by
me that I was drunk.
T h a t T e rrib le B o y .
Mr«. Kerruthers (making a call)—Yea,
indeed, Mrs. Kajones, I put in nearly the
whole blessed day in the dentist’s chair.
Mrs. Kajones—I can sympathise with
you. I know how it hurts.
Mrs. Kerruthers—My dentist hardly
ever hurts me, though. He’s so careful
and gentle that I don’t mind it at ell. I
declare I slept half the time while be was
at work.
Johnny Kajones—That dentist wouldn’t
never do* for maw. When she goes to
sleep she snores like a thrashin’ machine.
Buy the Ingredients from Any Druggist
in Your Town end Shake Them
in s Bottle to Mix This.
A well known authority on Rheuma­
tism gives the readers of a large New
York 'daily paper the following valua­
ble, yet simple and harmless prescrip­
tion, which any on* can easily prepare
at home:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-halt
ounce* compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Bytnp Sarsaparilla, three
Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and
take a teaspoonful after each meal and
at bedtime.
Hs states th at the Ingredients can bs
obtained from any good prescription
pharmacy at sm all cost, and, being a
vegetable extraction, are harmless to
This pleasant mixture, if taken regu­
larly for a few days, is said to overcome
almost any case of Rheumatism. The
pain and swelling, if any, diminishes
with each dose, until permanent results
arc obtained, and without injuring the
stomach. While there are many so-
called Rheumatism remedies, patent
medicines, etc., some of which do give
relief, few really give permanent re­
sults, and the above will, no doubt, be
greatly appreciated oy many sufferers
here at this tim e.
Inquiry a t the drug stores of even the
small towns elicits the information that
these drugs are harmless and can bs
bought separately, or the druggists will
mix the prescription if asked to.
R e s a rd la f
“Jack always cuds his letters to B .
hy saying, ‘I remain, yours forever,’ ”
said tbe girl who bad more money than
"Yes," rejoined her girl friend, who
had more beauty than money, "and if
you were poor be would probably re-
-ia in a bachelor."
W h a t t h e C lo th O o t l a
B o a to e .
If you go to San Francisco and meet
a friend be will ask you to stay a week
with him. In Omaha be will take yon
home overnight, in Chicago he will
take you out to dinner, In New York
he will hurry you off to lunch, in New
Haven he will hand you a good cigar,
and in Boston he will give you an ap
E uropean Labor L eaders Alarm ed
Over Increase In Homecoming
C ontingent.
FO R S T IF F N E S S , S O R E N E S S , S P R A IN O R B RU I8 «,
H undreds of D estitute A liens W aa.
d arin g Streets of P aris on
V erge of D estitution.
The increasing contingents of home­
coming Italians, Lithuanians and other
Mediterranean steerage passengers are
disconcerting not only to the steamship
^companies, who have Inadequate facili­
ties for dealing with such a suddeu and
unexpected traffic, but to the labor
leaders of Europe, who deny that these
newcomers have sufficient money to
pass the winter without working, and
declare that they will thus add to tbe
misery of what is sure to be a hard win
ter among tire European working
The figures given by the French la­
bor bureau as to the returulug emi­
grants are corroborated by Nicholas
Martin, agent of the American line,
who says that nil the steerage capacity
of every vessel has been taken until
Feb. 1, while thousands more will be
unable to return to Europe before
spring. If this keei» up, a Paris corre-
spotdent says, some special measures
must he taken to repatriate the hordes
of disappointed adventurers, for tbs
ordinary means are insufficient.
“To my knowledge several hundred
of more or less destitute aliens ure wan­
dering In the streets of 1’arls on the
verge of starvation, and the prefecture
police books will probably multiply this
figure by three,” said one of the officials
a t the ministry of works to tbe corre­
spondent "The best we can do Is to
expedite their return to their untlve
countries. Something like half of them
hare no more money than Is barely
sufficient to pay their fare."
Never since the first ship sailed out
of New York harbor has there been any­
thing like the present exodus of emi­
grants from that port. Day by day tha
crowds clamoring for transportation
abroad grow greater, with no prospect
of their reduction In numbers.
O n ly
S ig h t.
T h a t Is L A X A T IV E B R O M O Q U IN IN E . L o o k
fo r t h e s i g n a t u r e o f h . W. O R O V E .
U sed t h e
W o rld o v e r t o L u r e a C o ld in O n e D ay. 26c.
f -'a u i i i y
Ja r.
He (angrily)—So there was a man
after you when you married me, was
She—Yes ; there was.
"Poor fool! I wish to heavens you
had married him.’’
"I did."—Boston Transcript.
Mo ners will And Mr«. Wlntlow*« Soothing
Syrup t h e b a t r e m e d y to uge for their children
luring the teething period.
* 80 ( 1)0 JB 4 J 3 4 l |l UI pG[G[| U.I Oil
o u If
jo o d
A 'l^ U IU J J X « *
S t ic
- ju u in u o . ioui a q j p u n p [jo & » q j u i « j o j
-xKlns o u u.vwq j v q j so u o wtnqj j s j y Suvw
eif) UOUMIuq SIUTLIUB’SG.I jo u o t) jo d o jd
11 BUIS A‘je .\ n ST'««* ' O '
F o r In fa n ts an d Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Betti s the
S c h o la r.
. Aanayer ari Chemist,
l^ a d v M e , Colorami. Sp
S pecim
e cim e
en n p r ric e s : Gold,
Stive r, Lv-ad, |1 ; Hold, HU ver, 75c; Hold, M e ; Z in c or
o w a u d
Soulful Miss—You are familiar, I pre­
sume. with I be Portuguese Hymn?
Col. Lumpkin (just returned from a
trip abroad)—Er—no: I saw him, of
•ours»», when I waa in Europe, but I never
met ’iru. You mean King Carlos, don’t
b u r t o n
l, ,1 I vm
iu, nu t C
, M
, m
u ; lim
i; U
p p rr, VI. C y a n id e tents, at a ilin g e n v e lo p e s e n d
11 p rice lis t s e n t o n a p p lic a tio n . C on tro l a n d U m ­
p ire w o rk s o l i c i -
K c ie re n c e : C a rb o n a te N er
lion al B a n k .
W a lts . T w o 8«ep, T h r e e Step,
e tc . l»ance c o m p le te ly t a u g h t
a n d g u a ra n te e d In f o u r lessen«
P r o f Vi a l W llln o n , 1 « Melba* Bid».. Portland. Oregon
F o r fresh­
n e s s ,p u rity an d re li­
a b il i ty , F e r r y ’ s S s s d s
a re in a c la s s by th e m ­
s e lv e s. F a rm e rs
have confidence
in th e m b e c a u s e
t h e y k n o w th e y
c a n be r e l i e d up­
on. D o n 't e x p e ri­
m e n t w ith ch eap
se e d s —v o u r s u re ­
t y lie s i n b u y i n g
se ed s s e n t o u t by
a c o n s c ie n tio u s
a n d t r u s t w o r th y
F s r ry ’s S e e d A n n u al
fo r in « is F R E E . A ddrsss
0 M.h nsi ft Co .D uhoit .M k *.
and guaranteed
Dr. Evans, a witty member of th€
Parliam ent at Melbourne, was an old
man, and tbe other members jokingly
spoke of him as belonging to the era
of Queen Anne.
Every garment guaranteed
Clean - Light • Durable
Once, while making a apeeck, he re­
ferred to Queen Anne and was greeted
Slickers *399
with cries of "Did you know her?"
JOID tretsr
CATALoe met roe me as ***
Sow F lan s Adopted C ontem plate "What was she like?”
"Yes, sir,’’ replied the doctor, "I did
Many Im provem ents.
know her. The scholar U contempo­
In the irrigation division of the Ag­ rary with all time."
No. 3-OS
ricultural Department the three main
lines of work will be, as heretofore, dis­ Beware of Ointments for Catarrh th a t\
[ H E N w r itin g to a d v e r tis e r s p l« M «
m e n tio n t h is paper.
Contain Mercury,
semination of practical Information,
a s m e r c u r y w i l l s u r e l y d e s tr o y t h e s e n s e o f s m e ll
scientific and technical investigations, a n d o m p le t e l y d e r a n g e t h e w h o le s y s te m w h e n
and reporting on irrigation conditions e n t e r i n g i t t h r o u g h t h e m u c o u s s u r f a c e s . S u c h
I’ls y ln c " B r id le ."
a rtic le s s h o u ld n e v e r be u se d e x c e p t o n p re s ­
in certain districts. In view of the fact c r i p t i o n s f r o m r e p u t a b l e p h y s i c i a n s , a s t h e
"Do you remember before the wed­
that probably about 5,000,000 acres of c a n p o s s ib ly d e r i v e fro m t h e m . H s l l ’fcC stA rrh ding you used to call your wife a
land provided with water for irriga­ C u r e , m a n u f a c t u r e d b y F. J. C h e n e y & Co., ‘poem?’ ” said the bachelor caller.
O ., c o n t a i n s n o m e r c u r y , and Is t a k e n
tion will be available for settlement at l Toledo.
n t e r n a l l v , a c t i n g d i r e c t l y u p o n t h e b lo o d and
"Yes." sighed the domestic man, as
tbe close of 1908, It Is believed that In m u c o u s s u r f a c e s o f t h e s y s te m , i n b u y in g he twirled an alarm clock to amuse the
t’s C a t a r r h ( u r e b e s u r e y o u g e t t h e g e n ­
no other way can more good be done u lis
i n e . I t is t a k e n i n t e r n a l l y a n d m a d e i n T o l ­ baby, "and I still call her a ‘poem.’ "
than In supplying practical Information e d o , O h io , b y F . J . C h e n e y «it C o. T e s ti m o n ia ls
"You do? What kind of a ‘poem’ Is
fre e .
through publications and expert ad­ S o ld b y D r u g g is ts . P r ic e . 75c, p e r b o t tl e .
she now—a ‘poem of beauty’ or a
vice to the new settlers on this land,
‘poem of love.?’ "
and It Is therefore deemed advisable
"Neither! She Is a ‘poem of travel.’
to broaden the scope of this work so Norfolk, Mass., with a machine. The Always on the go and never at home."
as to make It valuable to every class peat is cut up by revolving knives like
of farmers dependent upon Irrigation a meat chopper and then pressed through
PILC S C U R fD IN 6 T O 1 4 D AY S.
and to every project, whether public or a die in a continuous bar, which is sliced P A Z O O IN T M E N T is g u a 'a n t e r d to c u r e any
e of l u l l i n g , B lin d , - d e e d in g o r P r o t r u d i n g
into briquetLes by a knife operated auto­ c P an
ile s in 6 to 14 d s y a o r m o n e y r e f u n d e d . 50c.
The scientific and technical InvestIgn- matically.
ttons will he a continuation and exten­
"It takes you a long time to pass a
sion of what has slrendy been done. The Pe-ru na Almanac in 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
given point," said tbe minute band, en
Prominent features of the work will be
The Peruna Lucky Day Almanac has passant.
to determine what becomes of the large
"I may be slow," answered the hour
quantity of water which Is annually become a fixture in over eight million hand ; “but it takes you all of sixty-aix
spread over cropped solla, involving a homes. D ran he obtained from all minutes to catch up with me.”
Be sure to inquire
study of evaporation, seepnge and rtlg- druiigists (ten.
P a n e » a n a all N e rv o u s D ti
trlbutlon of looses, with a view to ae- early. The 1908 Almanac in alreafly f p . * t | a O p St. e rm V a itu«’
n e n tly c u re d by I»r. K lln e ’a (Jrval
curing higher economy In the uae of puhlishe I, and the supply will toon be N e rv e R e s to re r. S e n d for F R E E |2 t r i a l b o ttle a nd
exhausted. Do not put it off. Speak tre a tis e . Dr. It. 1L K, Ld., M l A rc h 8 t.. P h l ls .,9 *
w ater; the relation of Irrigation water for one today.
W a y a l d e ( 'o i a m n n l n g a .
to quantity and quality of crop and the
Adam Zawfox—Ever ride on a street
adaptation of metboda to different Rolls
S e lf-P ro f e e l Io n .
’thout payin’?
and crops, and a study of the more
"You any your wife Is u poor cook?"
Job Sturky—Wunst. Tbe jigger on the
technical features of the measurement,
"The worst ever."
front end o’ the car picked me up an*
conveyance, storage and distribution of
me mighty near a block ’fore tha
"And yet you say that you eat all of
water on farms, and the various de­ everything that she prepares for the conductor found it out.
vices used for pumping.
table. How cau you do that if she
L o o k ln ir In t h e W ro n g P la c e .
In the study of Irrigation conditions can’t cook?"
Carrie—What a aweet, happy dispo­
In different localities emphasis la to he
"Great earth, man! If I don’t she sition Mabel bus. She can see beauty
laid especially on possible Improve­ will use up the scraps In some of those In everything.
ments of present methods which will how-to-utliize-left-overs dishes, and that
Ethel (jealous)—She can’t see it la
lead to a more economical use of water. will be my finish."—Judge.
her mirror.—Bostou T ranscript
C an
C opper
M ade!
That the recent experiments of Sii
LViliram Ramsay, the English chemist, are
not likely to result in the artificial man­
A Wonderful Record.
ufacture of copper is the conclusion of
Many so-called “ specific*”
ana President Ira Remsen, who recently made
“ oures” for rheumatism have already an address on the subject before the Sci­
been brought before the public; but entific Association of the John« Hopkins
when rheumatism, neuralgia and kin- j university at Baltimore.
Or. itemsen
dred diseases have become chronic and Mid that the experiment« in question
threaten set lorn results, you may rest indicated that the substance we call cop­
assured that they w ill help but very * per, and which we have hitherto regarded
little, If any.
Although not recom­ aa a «table elementary form of matter la
mended as “ infallible,” the peculiar capable of undergoing a very slight de­
qualities of St. Jacobs Oil especially composition, but while it is possible that
adapt It to those cases which may bi a minute quantity of the element lithium
termed “ chronic," and which have can be obtained from copper by the ac­
previously withstood all known “ spe­ tion of radium emanation, the change ia
cifics,” as well as the prescriptions of very «light, «nd it does not seem proba­
ble that any method can be devised by
’Be best physicians.
which It can be markedly increased.
E v ery p a rt of th e body ia dependent on th e blood for nourishm ent and
Strength. W hen th is life stream is flowing th ro u g h th e system in a state oi
p u rity and richness we are assured of perfect and u n interrupted h e a lth ;
Lecaiue pur* blood is n a tu r e ’s safe-guard a g a in s t disease. W hen, however,
th e body is fed on w eak, im p u re o r po llu ted blood, th e system is deprived ol
its stren g th , disease germ s collect, an d th e trouble is m anifested in various
w ays. P u stu la r eruptions, pim ples, rash es an d th e different sk in affections
■how th a t th e blood is in a feverish an d diseased condition as a resu lt of too
tnuch acid o r th e presence of som e Irritatin g hum or. Sores and Ulcers are
th e resu lt of m orbid, u n h e a lth y m a tte r in th e blood, and R heum atism , Ca­
ta rrh , Scrofula, C ontagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood
disorders th a t w ill continue to grow worse as long as th e poison rem ains.
These im purities and poisons find th e ir w ay in to th e blood in various w ays.
O n e I n SOO I n s a n e .
In Rome, In the golden age, a laborer
Often a slu g g ish , inactive condition of th e system , and torpid state of the
According to the report of tha New avenues of bodily w aste, leaves th e refuse and w aste m atters to sour and
only cost 8100, and sometimes, after s
great victory and au Influx of captives York State Commission ou Lunacy, tha form uric and o th er acids, w hich are ta k e n u p by th e blood and distributed
into the capital. It was possible to buy total number of persons confined in in­ th ro u g h o u t tb e circulation. C om ing in contact w ith contagious diseases is
strong, capable slaves for 85 apiece. stitutions for the insane in that Mtate is another cause for th e poisoning of th e blood ; we also breathe th e germ s and
211,357., This is a proportion of about
.Skilled slaves, men with
trades, one to every 300 of the population. Hia microbes of M alaria in to o u r lungs, and w hen these g e t in to th e blood in
brought higher prices. Cicero paid indications are that insanity has been Sufficient q u a n tity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some
81,000 for a scribe. Catiline bad e cook steadily on the increase since 1807. While are so u nfortunate a s to in h erit bad blood, perhaps th e dregs of som e old
tbat coat him 82.500. A gardener was the percentage of foreign born to the constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and th ey are
worth 8300, a blacksmith 8750, an actor population ia 20, the percentage of for­ co n stan tly annoyed and troubled w ith it. Bail blood is th e source of all dis­
85.000, a physician 810,(X)0.—Louisville eign-horn insane is 40. Insane patients ease, and u n til thi3 vital fluid is cleansed and purified th e body is sure to
of Irish and German nativity are on the suffer in som e way. F o r blood troubles of an y character S. S. S. is th e best
decrease, while those of Rusaia. Austria- rem edy ever discovered. I t goes down in to th e circulation anil 1 emoves any
Hungary and Italy are increasing.
and all poisons, supplies th e healthful properties it needs, and com pletely
The hero of the play bad jnst died t*
and perm anently cures blo<xl diseases of
slow, tremulous, wabbling music, but th« | Tha Evangelical general conference, at
every kind. T he action of S. S. S. is so
audience insisted on his coming befor« th« Its recent session at Milwaukee, took a
thorough th a t hereditary ta in ts are removed
curtain and kept up the applause for th« decisive step toward the union of tha
and w eak, diseased blood m ade stro n g and
«pace of five minutes.
Evangelical church and the United Evan­
h ealth y so th a t disease cannot rem ain. It
At last a aupa came out and stepped gelical church, adopting tha report of tha
cures R heum atism , C atarrh, Scrofula, Sores
committee on revis.on, which recommend­
"Ladies and gentlemen," he announced ed the appointment of a commission from PURELY VEGETABLE and U lcers, S k in Diseases, C ontagions
Blood Poison, etc., ami docs n o t leave th e
in a high-keyed voice, "he says he’ll havt each church to arrange details of tba
the curtain raised and you can look again union. It was also decided to open ns- slig h test trace of the trouble fo r fu tu re outbreaks. The whole volum e of
on bis cold corpse if you want to, but ha’ll gotistions with other Protestant churches, blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. I t is also n a tu re ’s
he d—d if he’« going to vi’lata the pro­ including the Methodists, Presbyterians, reatest tonic, m ade entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely
prieties and degrade hia art by coming tc Baptists and Congregation« lists, with a arm less to an y p art of the system . S. S. S. is for sale a t all first class
life* again befor« to-morrow evening ▼lew to a federation on all lines of church 1 «rug stores. Book on th e Mood and an y medical advice free to all w ho w rits.
Thanking you again, ladies and gentlcmaiv 1 work Into which denominational differ
TH C S W IF T S P C C IF IC C O ., A T U U fT A , C A .
I will now ratira."
encea do not enter.