■ V rz t i «U . • ■ Hood’s S arsap arilla ATTACKS CONGRESS B u s u r p a s s e d all o th e r m e d icin e s , in m erit, •ales an d cu res. Its success, great as It has been, has ap­ parently only Just begun. It has received by actual count more than 10,000 testimonials In two years. It purifies the blood, cures all blood dis­ eases. all humors and all eruptions. It strengthens the stomach, creates an appetite and builds up the whole system. It cures that tired feeling and makes the weak strong. In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as S a r s a ta b s . 100 doses si. CANNON BAD AS THE OTHERS Railroads W ar« Aided in Stealing Rich M e r e ly m F ille r . Land* in the Weat—Sanator i St. Vitus' Pence ana all Nervous Diseases lermaneutlr cured by Dr. Kline a Ureal f ____ Heed for FR EK |2 trial buttle and N e r v « _V«*S«orer. R* s' treatise. Dr. It. H. Kil l»-, Ld. Ml Arch t i l., PhUa.,P*, Washington, Dec. 24.— Ex-Senator Pettigrew, of South Dakota, whose de­ feat for re-election was one of the things that most gratified the late Mark Hanna, has come out with a fierce de­ nunciation of congreeB as a b idy , in which he personally attacks Speaker ' ’ "Uapi. He declares that Mr. Cannon the railroads to steal public lands West. When the charges were it to Mr. Cannon’s attention, he “ When I am attacked by a man rutation and character I will de- lyeelf.” t i g r e s s is owned, body and soul, corporations,” iB Pettigrew’ s g shot. Continuing, he says: i a member of the senate for 12 i I do not hesitate to say that iads control a majority of the of the senate and they own e. is in 1898 that 1 endeavored i a law passed that would pre- e railroads from stealing the lands. Finally 1 seemed an nent to the sundry civil bill would have operated effectually 'eut the railroade from entering lands, but Allison and Cannon joth onto their jobs, tie bill wae reported back to the e about 5 o ’clock in the morning cue mat day of the session and it was passed. I did not know until after­ ward that Allison and Cannon had in­ terpolated a phrase of a few words, which virtually made nugatory the in­ tents and purposes of my amendment. “ This phrase was 'or any other claimant or pantentee.’ Under this wording the railroads were enabled to enter the choice lands of the West and they lost no time in doing it. “ It was the same way with the Union Pacific railroad bills. Hunting- ton jammed through the house a bill to have the government give up its Becond mortgage, which would have given the read m illions of dollars. He had a clear majority in the senate and the bill would have passed that body had not Borne senators talked it to death. “ It was the same way with the rail­ road pooling bill. It passed the house and would have gone through the sen­ ate had it not been talked to death The senators opposing these bills could have had $100,000 apiece to quit talk­ ing, and would have been allowed to vote any way they chose, because the railroads had enough votes to pass the measure without us.” Alliaon Helped. ;TS£, F e llo w F e e lin g . "Still rooting for the Oarl.eie Indians, ire you? What’s the secret of your lo M M s ^ t ' Jiahift red man?" Baltimore American. The cows udder is kept in a dean, healthy and smooth condition by wash ng it with borax and w ater; a table­ spoonful of borax to two quarts of water. Tills prevents roughness and coreness or cracked teats which make milking time a dread to the cow and a worry to the milker. C a llin g th e K e ttle B la c k . rustic was sitting on the bank of a stream when the parson’s daughter came that way. Punch gives the con­ versation : "W ell, miss, I be fair 'mazed wi’ the way o’ that ’ere fisherman, that I be I” aald the loafer. “ Why Is that, Carver?” asked the young lady. “The owd fool has been slttln' there fur the last six hours and hasn't caught nothin’." “ How do you know that?” “ I been a-watchln’ o' he the whole tim e!’’ A M u le Team 20 R E T U R N V IA S U E Z . BORAX Pick o f Evan»' S h ip } to Make Long O cean Trip. W ashington, Dec. 24.— “ The pro­ gram of the return of the battleship fleet is a matter that has been discussed among the officials of the Navy depart­ ment, but as yet no decision has been reached, and w ill not be for some time to com e,” says Secretary of the Navy Metcalf. The secretary’ s remark 'was called out by a wireless message from the flagship Connecticut, stating that Admiral Evans had authorized the As­ sociated Press to say it is his personal belief that the Navy department’ s pres­ ent intention to have the battleship fleet return by way of the Suez canal next summer or fall. As the presi­ dent, through Secretary Loeb, previ­ ously had spoken to the same effect, it seems clear that Admiral Evans’ state­ ment was not suggested by any definite move so far determined upon by those supreme in authority. In naval circles the opinion prevails that at moet only a squadron compseed of such vessels as the voyage to the Pacific shall have demonstrated to be “ the pick of the fleet,” will be sent through the Suez canal, while the remainder will take the shorter route around the Horn. Sam ple, Booklet and P a rlor Gam e, W hla lCc. Pacific Coast Borax Co., O akland, Cal. n g r a v in g E write us PLATES FO R P R IN T IN G HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon LEARN T O DANCE USIONS 260 W a lts. Two Step, Three Stem etc. Dance completely taaght and guaranteed In fonr lesaona P r o f W a l W ills o n , i t Mirya » M f, P o r t la n d . O r e g o n J P SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER! Mall un a n y R o od we will nend you beautiful photo en­ largement of name, framed in a hand rome frame like rut; outside meanure of frame 16x18 inch»**. We do all kind* of enlarging and kodak tininhing. Hend un your fl mu to be de­ veloped and finished. We pay return poet GEO. M. STR0.IG U 3 W. Park St. Portlsadr O f on DO YOU KNOW THE WET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded b y a i« d n » -i fhasuwF SUCKER? C l e a n - L ig h t P u ra b ie Guaranteed W aterproof »359 E v e ry w h e r e M ake» N .w W orld R ecord . San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 24.— A. Toepperwein today completed a ten days’ shooting series during w hich he shot at 72,500 targets and missed Dine. This breaks the w orld’ s record both as to number of targets shot at and the number missed. M r. Toepperwein cloeed the exhibition in whirlwind fashion, shooting at the final 6,500 targets and missing only one. Toepper­ wein used a 22-caliber automatic rifle and the blocks were two and a half Inches thick and were thrown at a dis­ tance of 20 feet from the marksman. Preparing fo r Struggle. Sacramento, Dec. 24.— In this city there are indications that the Southern Pacific railroad w ill not sign en agree­ ment with the blacksmiths, machinists or other departments of the railroad's shops, and that it i* preparing for a prospective strike. A stockade eight feet high, topped with barbed wire, is being built and in the enclosure a bnnkhonse 90 feet long and 40 feet wide is finished, and a dining room, cook house and outbuildings are going np. It is believed that nonanion men w ill be cared for inside the stockade. Agricultural College Makes Interest­ ing Experim nte. In taking a walk over the farm at the Oregon Agricultural college, looking for in ereetii g an w~*eaby m ad. Ca; alug fie*. W . L. D ouglas, Brotfetoe. Jleeg»