The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 19, 1907, Image 3

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    The Kidneys
When they are weak, torpid, or atamani,
the whole aystem suffers. Don't neglect
them at tbla time, but heed the warning ol
the aching back, the bloated tace, the aallow
qpmplsxlon. the urinary disorder, aud begin
treatment at once with
Small Chance Congraaa Will Reform
Sixteen Battleships Start Out tor
Pacific Ocean.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
which contains the best and safest curative
it la One That Brings Forth Ad­
miration o f Every bpeciator,
Many Being Foreigners.
Id l'oint Comfort, Va., Dio. 17.—
een hard hitting, gleet belted Amer-
buttlegbipg, guiig bristling and
y of girth, but gpurkling white in
t immaculate dressings of peace,
ted away yesterday under the daz-
. C
Washington, Die. 16.— It can be
st ited un the highest authority that if
the subcommittee of the house commit­
tee on (tanking anil euirency now deal­
ing with the subject can have its way
uo effort will be made by the present
congrtge to adopt legislation iemedial
of the present financial condition. All
the energies of that committee will be
diiected toward the framing and pass­
age of laws mine general in character
and which will be intended to preclude
shrinkage of the circulation, entailing
widespread financial distress.
The subcommittee held a four hours’
conference today with its chairman,
Representative Fowler, of New Jenny,
at which the b ill which the subcom­
mittee has undertaken to draft was
earnestly discussed, but no decision as
to its precise character and scope Was
reached. It is not likely the subcom­
mittee w ill be ready to report on the
bill until after the holidays. Men high
in the world of finance w ill be given an
rtunity to appear before the com-
>e to present their views ou the
wed measure.
ich time w ill be spent in both the
> and senate in considering the bill
reported, and it ie the hope of
lembers of the iianking committee
he finances of the country will
>o adjusted themselves by that
hat there will be no nec«esity lor
ition looking to the correction of
it conditiona.
For that
There is one thing that w ill
cure it— A ye r’a H air Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
w h ic h c a u s e th is d ise a se .
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap­
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
to you— healthy hair, no dan­
druff,no pimples,no eruptions.
T h e bee*, k in d o f a t e s t im o n ia l—
“ S o ld l o r o v e r s i x t y y e a r a .”
Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Maas.
▲Lao manufacturara of
M a k in g T h in g » E v e n .
Customer (to watchmaker)— I told
you that my watch lost half an hour
every day, and now that you’ve repair­
ed It It gains half an hour.
Watchmaker— Well, don't complain,
tt’s onlv working to catch ud lost time.
v u m p e n a a iio n .
The private soldier in the regulhr army
wiped his perspiring forehead.
“ I didn’t mind spadin’ up the colonel’s
garden, and whitewashin’ his barn, and
I for Their Lives Until Troops that sort of thing,” he said, “ but how the
Arrived in Golofield.
Sam Hill can a man do all this and main­
dfield, Nev., Dec. 16.—•Delrga- tain his position in society on $13 a
tions from the Woman’s club, of Gold­ month ?”
field, ami from the chamlar of com­
S id * L t r h t a on H ia t o r f.
merce, Merchante’ association and Min­
George Washington had lost the battle
ing exchange called on General Funston of Brandywine.
this afternoon to acquaint him further
“ The prohibitionists are carrying ev­
with the conditions which have prevail­ erything before them in Kentucky and
ed in Goldfield previous lo the coming Georgia, too!” he groaned.
of the United States troops and the sit­
Climbing hastily on the nearest water
uation which led to the sending of Gov­ wagon, he gave the order for retreat.
ernor Sparks’ dispatch to Washington Not so if you stop at the Carroll Inn—
—‘-'-lg (j)at trcop, be gent here.
3ood place to display one’s apparel In;
of these delegations doubtless was
Where all the day long
ise of the efforts that are copstant-
You may revel in song,
eing made to have the troops And carol in Carroll Inn, Carolyn.
—Chicago Tribune.
neral Funston said, after the con-
ces were over, that the statements
a revelation, especially those made
ie women, who are wives of ptom-
t citizens of Goldfield.
The state-
ts, he said, showed that for days 'ELLS HOW TO MAKE A SIMPLE RHEU­
women of Goldfield had lived in a
i of constant terror, until the com-
>f the troops though no instances of
hing more than trivial annoyances Prescription Given Which Sufferers of
i cited.
Dread Disuse Can Easily Make
Up and Try at Home at
Smell Cost.
W O M E N IN T E R R O R .
hor again, reviewed the passing
lie blue of the sky, the stretch of
en eea miles, the glistening of spot-
i hulls, the curl of foam-created bow
,ee, the cheering of ealore afloat and
inde ashore, the breeze-blown strains
“ Anld Lang Syne,” floating across
i waters, the blare of trumpets, the
File of drums, the flash of signals and
m o rlrpfl
IV lC lu
\ y ---------- ---
You run no risk in sending
your mail orders to ua. We han­
dle reliable goods only and guar­
antee perfect satisfaction both as
to price and quality. Send for
our new reduced price list.
New Fall Stock Women’s Tail­
ored Suita, Skirts, Waists, Hos­
iery, Muslin Underwear, Corsets,
Gloves, Dress Goods, Table Lin­
ens, Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc.
McAllen & McDonnell
Cor. Third and Morrison
Portland, Oregon
The store noted for Beat Good»
a< Lowest Pricer,
Find Santa Claus in Picture and
W in a Fine Reward Free
For eve rx correct solution o f this pus-
*!e, w e w ill giv e, absolutely free, a Mu­
sic Book, co n ta in in g 5 j good o d favor-
te N a tio n a l 8 >ng<s w ith words and mu­
sic (o n ly one book to each peri-on) a so
many oth er valu ab e prises- free. E v­
eryon e should know these songs—send
D irection s-Mark outlines of
Santa Claus p la in ly, cut adv. out, place
In envelope, enclose stamp for reply and
mail to our address below.
Washington St
Car Park
Attaches ol lureiftu
- — ---- —
ssies at Washington and many cor-
jpomients who have seen war service
. foreign journals jjeely declared that
■stenlay’s naval display was the most
iipressive they had ever seen.
c ility with which the big vessels were
. indled, the manner in which they
vVre maneuveied into single column
frTmation, and the perfect alignment
which was mainta neil tothe southward
turn from the cape called out the warm­
est admiration. The thrill of tlie beau-
tiful marine picture was felt until the
last wind blown spiral of smoke was
lost on the horizon.
The first part of the fleet’s journey
will briLg it to Tiinidad on Chrl-tmas
eve, and thtre, amid the heat of the
tropics, the Cl r stmas celebratior s will
he held. Hundreds of good-bye tele­
grams were fla-hed to the ships by
w irelye telegraph as they left the road-
stead and ha I turned down the south
ern coast.
These vessels made up the fleet which
sailed yesterday under command of
Rear Admiral Robley D Evans:
Connect cut, 16,000 tons; Louisiana,
16,000 tone; Kansas, 16,000 tons; Ver
mont, 16,000 tons; Georgia, 14,948
tons; Virginia, 14,948 tons; New Jer
sey. 14,948 tons; Rhode Island, 14.948
tons: Minnesota, 16,000 tons; Ohio,
12,500 tons; Maine, 12,500 tons; Mm
souri, 12,500 tons; Alabama, 11,525
tons; Illinois, 11,525 tons; Kearsarge,
11,525 tons; Kentucky, 11,525 tons;
Culgoa, supply ship, 5,725 tons; Gla­
cier, supply ship, 7,000 tons; Panther,
repair ship, 3,380 tons;
tender, 975 tons.
G o ld M o v e m e n t 0 1 0 6 ,3 6 0 ,0 0 0
winners w il be n«»>ded promptly by
Destiny is Union With United States
or M orerchial Independence
Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 1§.— The inde­
pendence of Canada is now being open­
ly discussed and in a measure promoted
befoie some of the most important pub­
lic bodies of the dominion. Today the
idea of Canada as a nation is looming
large on the public mind, and it has in
a very short space of time marvelously
( hanged public sentiment in that re-
Speaking before the Canadian club at
Ottawa, J. 8. Ewart, K. C., ol Toronto,
predicted that Canada would yet fill an
position in the world.
Then she would pursue either one of
three courses— a union with the United
States as an independent republic, a
union with Great Britain as an inde­
pendent monarchy with her own sov­
ereign, or an independent monarchy
with allegiance tothe British sovereign.
Canadian opposition against the im­
p e r il government was directed not
against the king, but againBt tiie colo­
nial secretary, who is generally ignor­
ant of colonial matters.
Long List Yet to Harg.
8t. Petersburg, Dec. 16.— The autho­
rities have just completed their investi­
gation of the daring terrorist robbery
of October 27, 1906. Thirteen men al­
ready have been executed for connection
with this outrage, and 80 others are to
be tried for complicity.
The robbery
of October 27 was a daring affair.
bund of 15 revolutionists attacked a
ranliier of the custom house who was
proceeding in a carriage from the sub-
treasury. They wrecked the vehicle
All Quiet in Japan.
Tokio, Dec. 17.— The announcement with a bomb and made their escape
of the sailing of the Atlantic fleet of with $193,000.
the Unite I States navy has not been
Bankers Go Scot Free.
received by the newspapers of Tokio or
by the government officials. A ll public
Chicago, Dec. 16.— Five directors of
men who have been interviewed by the the defunct Milwaukee Avenue State
Associated Preen representative accept hank were freed today when Judge
the sailing of the fleet as a foregone Windes held that the statute under
conculsion and it is not likely that the which they had been indicted is uncon­
actual start w ill cause the slightest rip­ stitutional. Michael A. Labuy, Joeb
ple of excitement.
Everyone accepts luster, Marcus Kirkeby, Frank
the assurances of friendship offered by Crane and E. L. Johnson are the men
Paul O
America concedes the right of that na­ who profit by the decision.
tion to send its warships to the Pacific. Stensland, president of the hank, and
Henry Herring, cashier, who were
found gnilty of embezzlement and are
Another Mina Explosion.
YolaDde, Ala., Dec. 17.— A disas­ now serving terms in the sate prison,
trous explosion took place in mine No. w ill not be affected by the decision.
1 of the Yolanda Coal A Coke company
Agree on Incorporation.
at 10:26 o’clock this morning.
It is
Santa Rosa, Cal., Dec. 16.— Article»
impossible lo tell at this hour how
many are dead as a result of the explo­ of incorporation and by-iaws of th • Pa­
sion. the estimates varying all the wav cific Coast Hopgrowers’ union, the pur­
from 40 to 60. The work of rescue has pose of which is the combination of
been extremely slow because of the de­ hopgrowers of California, Oregon and
bris in the mines and the large crowd Washington, were adopted here today.
of women, children and sightseers at A committee was also named to visit
the opening.
The explosion is now Oregon and Washington to organize
known to have occnrred in either the growers of those states, and, when such
organization is effected, 10 of the 15
fifth or the sixth right entrance.
directors are to resign and give plaje to
five irons each of the states mentioned.
Short of Cash In Alaska.
Seattle, Dec. 17.— A special frrm
Buy Ties in Hawaii
Fairbanks, Altska. says;
Today the
I.os Angeles, Dec 16.— The Santa Fe
Washington-Alaska and First National
tank of Fairbanks will go on a clearing Railroad company has juat contracted
house basis.
Only $50 a day with­ for 5,000,000 road tiea in Hawaii, the
drawal w ill be allowed each depositor. biggest contract ever let for auch mate­
A committee of depositors representing rial to be shipped by water. The ship-
the Fairbanks Ranking company, which ments may result in the establishment
recently closed its dcors, reported today ' f a freight steamship line between San
The Southern
that the assets exceeded the liabiliites Pedro and Honolnin.
by 1354,815 and the hank w ill probably Pacific may also place similar erdera in
open on a clearing house baa's soon.
N ew Yotk, Dee 17.— The Gnarantee
Trust company today announced the
engagement of 1600,000 in gold fog im
Laiard Freree have engaged an
additional $1 600,000 in gold t<* im ­
port. This makes the total movement
♦ 106,351,000.
Old Suit Cleared Up.
St. Lnnie, Dec. 16.— The decision of
a jury >n the Prohate eonrt today on an
instrument of writing confirmed as the
w ill of So omen P. Sublette, a pioneer
who died in 1857, and title to 208 acres
of land in the eoothwes'em part of Ht.
Looii, valued at $2,500,000, it elea red.
To relieve the worst forms of Rheu­
matism, taka a teaapoonful of the fol­
lowing mixture after each meal and at
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
These harmless ingredients can be
obtained from any drugglat in the
■mailer towns, and are easily mixed by
shaking them well in a bottle. Relief
la generally felt from the firat few
This prescription, states a well-
known authority in a Cleveland morn­
ing paper, forces the clogged-up, inac­
tive kidneys to filter and strain from
the blood the poisonous waste matter
and uric acid, which cauaea Rheuma­
tism .
As Rheumatism is not only the most
painful and torturous disease, but dan-
(gerous to life, this simple recipe w ill
no doubt be greatly valued by many suf­
ferer! here at home, whoshould at once
prerire the mixture to get this relief.
f is said that a person who wusld
take this prescription regularly, a dose
or two daily, or even a lew times a
week, would never have serious Kidney
or Urinary disorders or Rheumatism.
Cot this out and prestr.e it.
Rheumatism prescriptions which really
relieve are scarce, indeed, and when
you need it, von want, it badly.
A f t e r u ia t h .
Visitor— How are conditions here? Flak
confidence returned?
Resident—Conditions are siowly get-
tling down to their former basts, but con-
adence has not returned. Moat of the
people atilt believe it was the children of
heir next door neighbors that carried
•way their gates.
To Bo
A v o id e d .
"D o you believe there la any future
for me iu politic»?'’
’’Yes," answered Senator Sorghum;
"but In these days of graft you want
to take mighty good care not to be one
of those fellowa who »tart In with a
Hue future and come out with a terri­
ble past.” — Washington Star.
T h em t h e F i r e w o r k s .
" I had a call from Mre. Multiplunk#
“ I beard ahe was going la for slum­
ming.” — Houston I’oaL
s > y r u p IP S
^OixirrfS ernia
c canses tlicC slem E
las an a lte a »
or lie.ii d u e to Consti] □ati
A rts naturally, ac
rujy as
« I jo x a liv e .
B est forMen\vi»mon and Child­
ily Dispels
ren-Voun g o anu vs.u.
To ¿et its l i
has tne Full name of the Com
F io S
t r u p
C o .
fcy w 6 i* it « m anufactured. printed en the
trent ef e v e r y p a r k n d r
one size only, regular price 50« W- kettle
” Is the ship stripped to repel board­
ers?” “ No, repel souvenir fleuds.” —
Cleveland I’ lulu Dealer.
Blnki— Does strong coffee keep you
awake? Jinks— How do I know? I
board.— Somerville Journal.
Nell— I think Maud has more coloi
than her sister. Belle— Yes; about 50
cents’ worth more.— Philadelphia Rao-
o rd .
“ Do you believe that the good die
youug?" “ I think they do, If ell my
wife telle me about her first husband
la true.”— Pick-Me-Up.
Cautious Customer (In drug store)—
How much do you charge for a dime's
worth of tooth powder? New Clerk—
“ The doctors have finally agreed
upon the cause of Markley'a Illness."
“ Ah, they’ve held another consulta­
tion?" “ No; postmortem.” — Philadel­
phia Presa.
Lawyer— As your husband died intes­
tate, you will, of course, get a third.
Widow— Oh, I hope to get my fourth.
He waa my third, you kuow.—Town
and Country.
“ I thought you were married, and
yet you’re eewlug on your own but­
tons." *‘ I am married, but I keep my
Independence, let me tell you."— Meg-
gendorfer Blatter.
Scribbler— I understand the Inmate»
of the Home for the Feeble-Minded are
going to publish a magazine. Qulbbler
— Isn’t the field rather overcrowded?—
Philadelphia Record.
W ife (looking up from her book) —
You know a great many things, John;
now, wh it do you think should be done
lu case of drowning? Husband—
Have a funeral, I should tbluk.
Cynlcua— I have been engaged to ai
leaat a dosen girls. Slllcua—Always
been unlucky In love, eh? Cynlcua—
Oh, I don't kuow. I've never married
any of them.— Philadelphia Record.
Butcher—Come, John, he lively now,
break the bones In Mr. Simpson's
chops and put Mr. Smith’s ribs lu your
basket. John— All right, sir; Just as
soon as I'va sawed off Mr. Murphy's
"George,” murmured the young wife,
“ am I as dear to you now as l waa
before we married?” “ I can't exactly
tell,” replied the husband, absent-mind­
edly. " I didn’t keep any account of my
expenses then.”
Mr. Chlpps (looking up from the pa
per)— The doctors have discovered an­
other new disease. Mrs. Chlpps— Well,
I wish they'd stop looking for new dis­
eases long enough to find a cure for my
old rheumatism.
Old Scotch farmer (having spent six
■once on a race ticket for a pony and
trap, value £50, aud having won) la
shown the prize. After gazing critical­
ly at It for some minutes: “ But
whaur’s the whup?”
Chaplelgh— I say, dwugglat, can you
—aw—give me aometblng to— aw—
bwlghten me up, doneher know? Drug­
glat—You’re In the wrong place, young
man. This Is a drug store, not a uight
school.— Chicago Dally News
“ What pleased me most," aald the
man who had been abroad, “ waa th#
wonderful clock at Strnaburg.’’ “Oh,
how I should like to aee I t !" replied
the Ignorant youth. "And did you tee
the watch on the Rhine, too?"
District Visitor— What has brought
you to the destitute condition? Appli­
cant— I t ’» my wife, mum. "Your w lft!
How Ie that?” “ Well, you see, mum.
I've got her three good situations, aud
I'm blessed If she could keep one of
“ Yes," said old Roxley, "my da ugh
ter la to be married next month to Lord
“ A h !” remarked the
“ everything’s settled, eh?”
“ Well, I guess not! You don’t ketch
me paying In advance.” — Philadelphia
“ Of course. Tommy,” »aid the Sunday
school teacher, "you’d like to be an an­
wouldn't you?”
"W ell—er—
yea'm,” replied Tommy, "but I ’d like
to wait till I can be a full-grown angel
with gray whisker».’’ — Philadelphia
First Summer Girl— Who Is that
clean-shaven, handsome boy? Second
Summer Girl -Oh, be’« an actor. First
Summer Girl— No; I mean the other
one. Second Summer Girl— Oh, lie
hasn't any money, either— Harper-»
Little Boy— Mamma, I wlah you’d
find out who It waa hypnotized me, and
punish 'em severely. Mamma— Whe at?
Little Boy— While you waa out I wae
pulled right Into the pantry, an’ forced
to eat a hull lot of those cakes you
«aid I mustn’t touch.
“ How are you, Broom?” naked a
bluff old aailor of a fop who waa al­
ways annoyed uuleaa he waa addressed
as Mr. Broom, and who responded,
“ I'd have you to know, air, that I’ve
a handle to my name.” "Oh, all right I
How are you. Broom handle?"
A lady baa a grumpy servant too lit­
tle given to washing. Other hints hav­
ing failed, the mistress aald, In a tone
of deep confidence, " I am told, Mary,
that If you waah the face every day In
hot. soapy water It will make you beau­
tiful.” “ Will It, now?" answered Mary.
■’It’» a wonder you haven't tried It
M ake
F a c e ..
Mrs. Gotham— Don't you think th#
taking of medicine should oe frowned
Mr». Fletbusb— Tee: why, even my
children frown at 1L— Yonkers States­
Seven men out of ten who get Into
trouble ir e able to trace their downfall
to side lasust
A stiff upper Up has nothing In com­
mon with a limber tongue.
Catarrh in not merely an inflammation of the tissues of the head and
threat, as the symptoms c f ringing noises in the ears, mucous dropping
into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, etc., would seem to indl-
cate | it is a blood disease iu which the entire circulation and the greatet
part of the system are involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an exceag
«1 u ic acid in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys a .d Bowels frequently bo-
com i torpid and dull iu their action and instead o f carrying elf the refnsg
and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system.
This is taken up by the blood and through Its circulation distributed to all
parta o f the system.
These impurities in the blood Irritate and inflamg
the different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting
of a cold w ill start the secretions and other disgusting nnd disagreeable
symptoms of Catarrh. A s the blood goes to all parts of the body the ca­
tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full
feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever
comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and
I had Catarrh for about fifteen
J * \M3 disc* “ ’ » is * WaSt* of
r», and no man c o u ld h a v e time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays,
S,i7hr^ fi «J
washes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment
eg-an I 8. / s .fa m i does not reach the blood, and can, therefore,
I t h _n.
e n b f>esan
c o u ld se c a l i t t l e im p r o v e m e n t
f r o m t h e f ir s t b o t t le , a n d a f t e r do nothing more than temporarily relleva
t a k in g : i t a s h o r t w h i l e w a s c v re d .
the discomfort of the trouble.
T h i s w a s s i x y e a r s a g o , a n d I atm
must be
a s w e l l t o d a y a s a n y m a n . I t h in k
O a t a r r h is a b lo o d d is e a s e , a n d
k n o w t h e r e I s n o t h i n g o n e a rth
b e t t e r f o r t h e b lo o d t h a n S . S . 8 .
e time
strengthened and built up. Nothing equals
S. S. S. for this purpose.
It attacks the
disease at Its head, goes down to the very
bottom of the trouble and makes a complete
and lasting cure. S. S. S. remove* every
particle of the catarrhal poison from the
blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh
and healthy.
Then the inflamed mem­
branes begin to heal, the head is loosened
and cleared, the hawking and spitting cease,
every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health
restored. S. S. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts a* a
fine tonic to the entire system. I f you are suffering with Catarrh begin th*
use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will
»end you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical adviefi
Without charge. 3. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
Lapeer, Mich.
“ SL’
ie I t s o »
? ’
KD E. B U R T O IfA s s a y e r a r i Chemist.
The mattresses used in the German I^OWA
Leadvllle, Colorado» tt pec i men prices: Gold,
j j an»
O l« stuffed
3UIUCU with
wma little
m u e ivais
rolls v of i pa
pa- 8
11 Ter, Lena,,
In-ad, |1 i ; uaiU)
Gold, o
i i y u » 75c;
invi uutu(
Gold, 60c;
ew ; Zinc
Zina • O' «
pee and
p „ , and ar. .»id to be « (rest improve- full price list r
meut ou straw.
E oual Bank.
PAZO O IN TM E N T ie guaranteed to cure any
of Itch in g, Blind. Bleeding or Protru din g
P ile* In 6 to 14 da>* or money refunded. 60c.
W rite
n g r a v in g
a P re tex t.
Ardup had made half a dozen attempts
to borrow money of his friends, but one
tnd all had pleaded ths prevailing tinan-
:ial stringency.
“ That’s all pretense,’’ he said with bit­
terness, as he gave It up. “ it's nothing
but a ease of financial stingy—see?”
To such base uses of the lauguage may
Adversity bring a man.
O n ly
O rcgM
Walts, Two Step. Three Step,
etc. Dance completely taught
and guaranteed in foar lessons
P r o f tVai W illson. It S«lll»«-
Hirerb Bldg., Portland. Oregon J
St. Vitus’ Dance ana »11 Nervous Placases
iisntly cursd bv Dr. Kline’ s Ureal
iiorer. Bsed for If RK E #2 trial bottle and
r. It. H. Kll j «, Ld.. Ml Arch St.. Phil*..Pa.
D iffe r e n t.
'He Is perfectly at boms ou tbs plat­
“ You mean perfectly awn; from
"How ao?"
“ When ha’s at home be listens; when
he's on tbs platform ba ta lk »” — Hous­
ton Post.
Mall as *ny L
plofenre with h sta
order for U.W aa4
we will a«
been tiful
— —
« f*ai*e
Uranment of
framed in a haa£
some frame like e
outside ireaeura «
frame 16x18 lnonei
We do al)
flninhing, w
your ti ms to be de­
veloped and finished.
We pey retara posi«
C For A Infant*
S T and O Children.
U i W. Park St.
r ortludi OwM
Kind You Han Always Bought
Bears ths
Signature of
rs ris o u y
»C O M F O R T
c is a r .
on stormy doy»
by wearing a
Teacher— Tommy, the lesson speaks of
th* “ thr**d of lif*.” L)o«s that convey
my idea to you?
Tommy Tucker— Yes’m. That’s what
rou feel when you'v« got a stitch in your
to *»»
to« «»»»
State o f Ohio, C ity o f Toledo t
Lucas County.
j **•
Frank J. < honey makes o a tn th a t he is senior
partner o f the firm o f F. J. Cheney <tc Co., doin g
D u sin easlnth eC itv o f Toledo, County andState
aforesaid, and that said firm w ill pay th e sum
o f ONE HU NDRED D O L L A R « for each and
•v e ry case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by
th * use o f H a ll’s Catarrh Cure.
Clean - Light
O 4309 Everywhere
8 w »rn to before m e and subscribed in m y pres­
ence this ftth day o f December A D lHhfi.
• J TOwe« CO »04TO*« <J J a
Notary Public.
P. N. U.
H a ll’s Catarrh Cure Is taken in tern ally , and
acts Qlrectly upon the blood and mucous sur­
faces o f theuystem. «cu d fo rtestim on ia ls free.
F. J. CH K N EY A CO., Toledo,O .
8old by all druggists, 75c.
Take H a ll's F a m ily F ills for constipation.
Ns. 5 1 -S T
H E N w r i t i n g to s d Y s r t l i s n p l s s s s
m e n t io n t h is p a p e r .
H ith e r .
S lu b 47— What do the
ita n d fo r?
( nit \ o l d a l t l e
D e la y .
letters U. P. , “ You can prove au alibi on this charge
' ?an’t you?” naked his lawyer.
Copy Chopper— Depends on the ^on-
“ Yos’r,” said the captured crook; “ but
ext. Th*y may Rtnnd either for United we’ll have to wait a week or two. Th*
Presbyterian or for Hardman.
fellies I'm goin’ to prove it by ain’t out
j ’ jail yit.**
That I n L A X A T IV E BKOMO Q U IN IN E . Look
for the signature o f E. W. GROVE.
Used the
W o ild over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c.
Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow’ s Soothing
Byrup th»* b gt remedy to use for their c h ild r * j
du rin g i he teeth in g period.
University statistics of Europe seem
J he ruby is the most valuable of ths
to indicate that men are deserting the precious stones. A 4-carat ruby is quoted
practice of medicine and women are tak­ at about
and a ruby of 47 carats
brought $ 100 , 000 .
ing it up.
Drove all the snakes from
Drives all aches from the body,
cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and
$ 3.00 & $ 3.60 S H O E S T"V 0 i,"L.
^ - W IH O II
r OR
c F . - .a ,
$ 2 5 ,0 0 0
n v s r lffr if
i * t * e * m en’s W $ $& 50 sh o *s
| than mnymthmr m an* meturmr.
T H E R EASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by viore peo; 1«
in all walks oil if* than auy other make is tiera ise of their
excellent style, *«i*v-ftt»ing. and superior wnari-g qualiti**.
Th* Mission ofthelcatners and orher n.atcrials f« reach part
of th* shoe a id • / • t v detail of the m akingisloo:ed after by
th*most eomplefeorgari ation of superintendents, oremenand
skilled• loemakers, who reoei v* the highest » » | ^ paid i n tne
sboet ndnetry, and who'* workmanship cannot t e excelled.
If I could take you *to mylaraefactorieaat Brockton .Maes ,
and show you hew carefully W . L. Dougla« shoes are made. > ou
would'hen undervtand *h v thev hold theii shape, fit better,
wear onge" and are of grea'er value than anv other make.
M r $4.60 S M | i . f ) 0 OiLT EOQCShawm oannot Aw mawai
___ _____
C A U T I O N ! The genuine have W .
Douglas name and price «tamped on bottom T a k e
B e Rabat m ate. Ask your dealer for W . L. Douglas shoes. If he rannot eupplv you, send
direct to faetory. Shoes sent everywhere by mail Catalog free. W . L. Douglas, Brocktoa, .tt«gg»