OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK i Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. A Rakuma o f the Leas Important but Not Lesa Interesting Events o f tha Past W eak. A Montana forest killed for a deer. ranger Come sing a hale beigh-o * For the Christmas long ago, When the old log cabin horned us From the night of blinding snow, And the rarest joy held reign. And the chimney roared amain, W.th the firelight like a beacon Through the frosty window pans. Russian Peasants W orship Picture o f President Uewed rack TharsSey ESTACADA CHRISTMAS LONG AGO. R O U bfcV E L T A S A S A IN T . The Estacada News has been French troops have repulsed an at­ tack of tribesmen near Ain Bfa, Algeria. The Japanese ambassador to France denies that his country is alter another foreign loan. Carnegie won'd base the issue of pa­ per money on tire gold reserve instead of government bonds. Tbe Northern Pacific railroad will re­ dace grain rates from Montana points to 8t. Paul and Minneapoiia. Findlay, Ohio, was bsdly shaken by the explosion of a glycerine factory Much property damage was tustalned. Pan Francisco, Dec. 1 7 — Americans th nk a great deal of President Theo- do e Roosevelt, but it has been reserv­ ed for t ie Russian peasants settled in E.stern Hibeila to reverence the well anown picture, which shows the gleam of teeth, as that of a saint. That they do so is asserted to be a fact by Alex­ ander G. Denbigh, who arrived on the steamer Siberia, anil ia now staying at the St. Francis hotel. “ The people there are of tbe lowest class of Ruisian peasants, and know nothing about the cutside w orld," said Denbigh. “ In every bouse, no matter how poor it may be, there is sure to be an ikon of some kind, and if it is possible for the owner of the place, be also has a picture of a saint. “ The picture of our president has gone uvei tbe world, and can tie found in many queer places. I re me in tier asking one of my men from the Ural mountain distrct, who had never heard of Roosevelt, what picture he had in_his tent. He at once told me that if was one of 8t Peter— without the beard and with specs on. Curious to see such a picture. I went to tbe hut and found that it w h s a cliromo of the president of the United Slates. The man assured me that he had the best of good foitune since be tiad obtained the picture of tbs ‘holy saint.’ " M E X IC O 'S A N N U A L E X P E N S E H ill told the Interstate Commerce commission that it means a loss of (fill a cat to ktep the old lumber rate in What It Coals to Conduct Affairs of Southern R o u b le . effect. Mexico City, Dec. 17.— In congress Secretary Taft is having a rough pass­ age across the Atlantic and his vessel yesterday the report ol the minister of will l>e a day or two late in reaching finance was read and the budget for tbe coming year was made public. Tbe es­ New York. timated receipts for the coming year Goldfield mineowners have asked the total A103 3-5 OHO, while the expendi­ government to dissolve the Western tures will reach $103,303.843, leaving Federation of Miners and prosecute it an estimated ampins ol $181,158 The as treas« liable. total increase of this year’s budget is Liquor men propose to fight river and $8,606.375, the largest item in the in­ harlmr appiopriations by congress for crease lieing lor $1,367,580 for main­ dry stales. They say twi -thirds of the tenance of the department of war. national revenue is derived from tbe The revenues fur the fiscal year just liquor business. ended total $114 063,000, the expendi­ tures $100 308,133, leaving a surplus England has just been visited by a of $14,077,989. The surplus of the severe storm. previous year $.9,049,081, and the The Colorado State bank, of Durango, falling off nl the past year, was due to has suspended. large suits spent in public works— $17,- Min ster Limanteur main­ Tbe revolutionary agitation is grow­ 208,608 tained that the recent crisis In the ing in Portugal. United HiateH would make itself felt in Tbe Yaqui Indians are aggln on the the coin ng year in Mexico, in that in­ warpath in Mexico. vestments would lie curtailed. Inter­ The National Hank of Commerce, of est rates are higher, but this would on­ ly affect mining industries. Helieliev- Kansas City, will reopen. ed that in the end it wculd work for Japan and Russia have combined to good rather than evil. freete China out of Manchuria. The bridal gifta of Marshall Field’s daughter were stolen In England. The peace conference of the Central American republics has been concluded. Scotchmen In London are again adopting the kilt as a regular wearing apparel. The East has just exeprienceda great storm. Heavy snow fell and many wlrea are down. Premiums are being offered for the new gold pieces without the motto " I n God W e Trust.” A petition to allow women to vote on municipal affairs in Paris was greet­ ed with laughter by tbe council. General Funaton finds the Goldfield situation serious. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Leupp says Indians are losing millions yearly lit timber lands. A house- to- lions« canvsas at Mont n- ga i, W. V a „ shows 18 still missing as A result of the mine disaster. Plans are romplete for re-organising the Merchants’ National bank at Port­ land and it is expected to open soon. District Attorney Langdnn, of Han Francisco also admits that tbe evidence of Ruef w ill be required to oonvict Cal­ houn. The American Can company has con­ trol of the Pacific coast, having absorb­ ed the United Can oompany, of San Francisco. Goldfield mineowners have with­ drawn their new scale and opened nego­ tiations with the American Federation of Labor. The object seems to lie to get this organisation into a fight with the Western Federation of Miners. D. L. Anderson, president of the Foochow university, who has just re­ turned to this nnnntry, says China Is on the eve of a bloody revolution that w ill mark her entrance into the parlia­ ment of the world as a power to be reckoned with. The campaign against rats is being kept up vigorously in San Francisco. The Michigan elate treasurer Is to Ire removed for putting funds in a rotten bank. The great fleet of warships is ell ready to start on its voyage to the Pa­ cific. The presence of General Funston at Goldfield is believed to have a gonl effect. Bristol's nomination has been w ith­ drawn from the senate as district at­ torney for Oregon. Queen Carole, of Saxony, ie dying. Mrs. Longworth has undergone an operation for appendicitis, but there is nc fear of the results. Knropatkin has taken the witness stand In Is-half of Stoeesel and the gen­ eral itamls a better chance of being cleared. Two mail pouches containing vein- able packages were stolen from the Omaha pnetofiice, and nc trace of them has been iound. Senator Bourne, of Oregon, will con­ tinue his third firm agitation despite the statement issued by Roosevelt. Harry Orchard is not displaying as mnch bravado In telling the atory of hie crimes to the Pettilmne jury as he did at the first recital. Heney hea admitted that he needs Abe Rtief’e testimony to convict Cel- h mn and may yet grant the e»-hos» insu.a illy and get him on the stand State Attorney H eal) says hs will enforce the Snmlay closing law* in Cbi- D A IR Y M E N M E E T . W A N T a A N C I eifert H O A D . Successful T w o-D ay Convantlon Hold In Portland. Southern Oregon Hopes for Lessened Rates in Competition. Portland— The most Important m eet-! Grants Pass — The announcement ing of dairymen ever held in tbe state through the prtsa that Moffalt A W hite of Oregon was that which convened last are about to extend the Oregon Elec Thursday aud Friday in Woodmen of trie line through Rogue River valley the W orld hall, on Eleventh street, lias been received here with the great when the Oregon State Dairy associa­ eet satisfaction, ft has teen the dream tion held Its deliberations. The con­ of the citizens that some day another vention ball was crowded at both days' traosi ortation company would find its sessions with delegates and others in­ way into the valley. Tbe annulling of trains 11 and 12 by terested in the development of the dairy irduatry. The hall in the base­ tbe Southern Pacific oompany has ment of the Woodmen building, in aroused the people to greater activity which dairy produ ts and the most ap­ and to stand ready to offer an Induce­ proved dairy n ac.littery were displayed, ment to a competing line. The re­ sources from the mills and mines and attracted large crowds. The convection was called to order the products of the field have been car­ at 1 l o’clock Thursday by President E. ried for years by one railroad company, T. Judd, of the a-sociaion. Tom Rich­ with charges running up into th o u ­ ardson, of the Commercial club, wel­ sands of dollars. comed the delegates to Portland on be­ half of that organisation. In respond­ Want Graduates tor Teachers. ing to the aduress of welcome President University of Oregon, Eugene— Judd thanked the Commercial club for The University of Oregon is exper­ its reception aud Its efforts in making iencing tbe largest demand In its this meeting of the association a suc­ history for graduates, both men and cessful one. The speaker referred to women, to take princlpalships and the important position dairying in this positions as teachers in the high schools of tbe state. O f the fifty- state has reached in the last few years, three members of last year’s class, and said that this was the first time in twenty are teaching in the high the history of the state that the dairy schools and colleges of Oregon and industry had received the recognition the Northwest, and the demand was its importance should command and much larger than the supply. At the would fully pay the cost of promotion. present time there are a number of Papers were read by prominent positions vacant because there ia no dairymen and others from all parts oP one available who ia adequately pre­ pared to take them. The University the state. would be able next year to place as teachers some forty or fifty men and W A N T BRAND ON ALL SH O D D Y women, if its graduating class fu r­ nished that number. The class of W oolgrow ers W orking fo r Protection 1908 now numbers about sixty mem­ bers. o f tha Industry. Pendleton— In accordance with one of the resolution» pas-ed at the recent convention of the Oregon Woolgrowers' assoriati n, the recretary hag sent to the Oregon congressional delegation a request for an act compelling the brand­ ing of manufactured gondaand clothing, the obj-ct being to protect the public from shoddy and cotton counterfeits of woolen goods. The pure food law ¡ b cited as an example that it ie right l< r the government to protect the people from frauds, counterfeits and adultera­ tions of all kinds. Another resolution passed at the same time calls for t lie retention of the import duty on wool, woolen fabrics, hides, meat and meat animals, with the ob­ ject of continuing the present prosper­ ous condition of the wcol and livestock indu try. A h ! the revel and the din From without and from withm. The blend of distant sleigh belli With the plinking violin ; The muffled shrieks and ries— Then the glowing cheeks and eye*— The driving storms of greet Gusts of kisses and surpiise. Sing in again the mirth Of the circle ’round the hearth, With the rustic Sinbad telling us The strangest tales on earth ! And the minstrel bard we knew. With his “ Love-li-er so true,” Likewise his “ Young llouse-k'yarpenter," Aud "Lov-ed Henry," too! And forgetting ne'er a thing, L ift a gladder voice and sing Of the dancers In the kitchen— Clean from start to "pigeon wing I” Sing the glory and the glee And the joy and jubilee— The twirling form— the quickened breath— The sigh of ecstasy. But eyes that smile alone Back into our happy own— The leaping pulse— the laughing blood- The trembling undertone! I I o ! paid us off once more, With our feet upon the floor, But our heads and hearts in heaven. As they were in days of yore. — James Whitcomb Riley, in the Interior At J ohn Ü' aynçr ’ s C hristmas <37 ELIZABETH AYRES N ew Road la Under Way. Grants Pasa— The government is making good progress under the direct sup ervision of the local forestry serv­ ice, in extending a road down Rogue river into Curry county. This particu­ lar stretch of road will open up a wide latitude of country ricu in mineral and prolific of the best marketable pine. When this work has been completed, 10 per rent of the proceeds will be di­ verted to the school fund, thus increas­ ing the permanent means of keeping up schools. About $5,000 has been appro­ priated to be used in developing the highway, and it is expected that con­ gress will set aside $5,000 more to be used on this project. H E N John Raynor began to see tba holiday advertisements in the papers and to feel the Christmas flurry in the air, he announced to hia family with an air of Inality, tinged with defiance, “you needn't »pact anything In the way of Christina« presents from me this year.” Why, John I” his wife exclaimed, “we ire not going to do very much. Juat a few gifta in the family to mark the day end then tha children think eo much of It.” The children!” John returned with Ine acorn, “they're grown now and it'« time for them to get over euch nonsense. Electric Line Great Boon. [ positively refuse to have anything to RE LIE F FOR V IC T IM S . Freewater— The month of November do with Christmas.” John Raynor persisted In making hlm- was a record breaker on the W alla Men Do More W ork W alla V alley Traction company's line. ■elf miserable and in bringing to bear Committa Taking Contributions to Be Klamath Falls,— J. D. Church, as­ They hauled out of this city over 90 ill the srguments he could think of Sent to Mononga. sistant engineer of the Southern Pa­ cars loaded with hay, apples and can­ igainit the prevailing manner of observ­ ing Christmas. Figuratively »peaking, he Fairmont, W . Va , Dec. 17.— The cific, has juat returned from the end of ned fruit. These cars were all for permanent relief committee, headed fry ! the California Northeastern railway points on the Northern Pacific railway. pounded the table and grew purple in the Governor Dawson, to provide for the and states tiiat the 360 men now at The apple crop has been excellent this face In his endeavors to hammer in his widows and orphans in distress through work for Ericson A Peterson, the con­ year and every apple of any account has »monstrances against holiday customs. In spite of himself he could not help the recent explosion at the mines of tractors, are doing more work than the been marketed. The second-class ap­ the Fairmont Coal company at Monon- 1,100 men they were working last sum­ ples were disposed of to the Freewater mjoylng the eights end sounds, heralding :he approach of the holiday aeaaon. The gah, todsy prepared an app-al for funds mer. The grade between Bray and the cannery The total valne of the fruit that ia being sent to chambets of com first townsite, Mount Hebron, Is about erop in this vicinity is estimated at |ala dress of the shop windows appealed to his color-loving eye, and when the merce and kindred organizations all completed, and Mount Hebron may re­ $500,000. Chrlatmaa greens began to soften the over the country. Contributions of main the terminus of the road .(or this {rim, winter streets with their verdure, clothing, toys for the orphans at Chriat- winter. However, as Dorris ia only 13 Boys Construct Wireless. :hey took him back to the daya when as a maa tune and similar dona lions are to miles distant from Mount Hehroo and Astoria— Astoria has a new wireless boy he roamed the woods in search of be sent to W H. Moo e, mayor of Mo- | the grade very easy, that town may be telegraph station that was built by pound pine for holiday decorations and nonyah. and chairman of the commit- the teimimia. school boys, and while it is crude in the cedar or evergreen tree on which his tee. looking afttr the temporary wants its construction, it works successfully. nother would hang their Christmas pres­ of the victims. Errb-yo Farm ers Interested. The lads knew nothing of the system ents. He felt a little of the old thrill of lelightful expectation when these things The appeal says that, fully 260 wid­ Albany— Linn county school children except what they gleaned from reading ows and 1.IHH) chi'dien are left witho"t are taking gieat interest in the new- descriptions of various plants in maga- ;ame back to his mind, but hia reverse mood waa the atronger and he persiated any means of support. As m ar as can subject of agriculture, the teaciiing of iznes. In constructing their plant, lie determined $50,000 from all sources which was hegnn this fall. No experi­ they trimmed all the limbs from a tree In keeping to his decision. Hs was firm until the night before lisa been aubreribed. The oo nmittee ment work has yet been begun in this on the hill and strung wires from its feds that a total of $200,018) will be re­ county, but in the seventh and eighth top to an old house in the vicinity. As Christmas. Then his wife and children broke bondage and discussed openly the quired to airy on the relief work All giades In all the schools of the coil - ty yet they have no sending instrument, In an unguarded mo­ checks should lie made payable to the one recitation each day is required in hut they are aide to inleicept messages doming holiday. ment his son inquired if a set of books Monongah Mines Relief committee, J. an agricultural text book. Reports re­ from North Head. they had purchased bad been delivered. FI. Hands, iicusurer, Fairmont, W . Va. ceived by Co nty School Superintend Without being told, his father knew ent Jackson state that probably treater Rrqusst Railway Service. those books were designed for him. They Rich Oil Strike interest is manifested in this study Salem— A large Dumber of farmers were something he had secretly longed Bantu Barbara, Cal,. Deo 17 — A te!« than in any other branch. and shippers residing between Tallman for, but had denied himself, because the and 8 elhnrn, in Linn county, have seeds, real or imaginary, of bis family epiione tnearage from Hanta Marta, 50 were his paramount consideration. And Inric rses Uniform Accounting. miles north of here, brought the infor­ complained to the railroad commission sow they were to be hia in spits of hia mation this afternoon that the Union Salem— Upon telegraphi • inquiry the because the Southern Pacific has aban­ leclaration there waa nothing he wanted. Oil company had struck a wonderful Oregon Railroad commisaion has wired doned its train service between the He began to wish that he had some­ gusher which threw a vast stream ol its Indor-ement of the action of the re­ two town* named. The complaint ¡re­ thing with which to give his family a petroleum over the derrick and contin­ cent ponference of stale railroad corn- cite* that traffic was abandoned because sappy aurprise. "They will give me ued to flow at tlie rate of 7,000 laurel» misaioners and representatives of some a bridge wa hed out abou’ a year ago. things, and they will give thing» to one a day. At the present piice of oil this of the most important electric railway The farmers want the commission to mother and there will be nothing from means $3 600 a day from this one well. systems in the country h-ld at Wash- order the railroad company to renew tie,'’ he thought. This ie the second largest gusher ever ington, D. C., Novembe 22 in deciding the service, Sitting alone with his paper, he heard struck in California The largest was to present to congress the necessity o f , mrreptltioue rustling« as of packages be­ a 10,000 barrel well, but it has since cooperation of the Interstate Commerce ing handled, and the low murmur of POR TLAND M ARKETS. roices from his wife and daughter, inter­ declined considerably. commission with the state tailway com­ rupted with little bursts of gay laughter W liest — Clnh, 82@83c; blnestem. missions looking lo the adoption of a uniform system of accounting for elec­ 84(3)85c; valley, 82@83c; red, 80081c. hat showed something joyous was going N ew U s e o f Epsom Saifs Oats— No. 1 white, $29: gray, $29. in. He had nothing for anyone, and to­ New York, Dec. 17.— Announcement tric railroads. Barley— Feed, $27.60; brewing, $31; morrow when they gave him tokens of of the discovery of the new anaesthetic, their thought and attention, he should rolled, $30. Water Reaches Hermit*on according to the American today, will feel like an exile from home, A sudden Corn— Whole, $32: cracked, $33. soon lie made hv the Rockefeller Insti­ Hermiston— Water in the distribut­ resolve took him in possession. Hay— Valley timo'hy, No. 1, $18 per tute for Medical Research. The new ing system of the government project “Alice," he called to his wife, “I ’m anaesthetic is nothing else than plain, hag readied Hemiaton. A good flow in tiff): Eastern Oregon timothy, $20(3) (oing out for awhile. Is there anything I common salts or, to give it its scientific the A line heralded the coming of 23; clover, $16; cheat, $16; grain hay, ran do for you?” name, sulphate of magnesia. It was water for irrigation next season and $16(316; alfalfa, $15; vetch. $14. “Nothing, thank you,” she returned, F r u it i— Apples, 75c@$2 per box; "unless you want to bring home some discovered by Ur Hamiiel J Meltszer, activities under the Umatilla govern­ 75c«$$l perorate; pears $1.25 randy for to-morrow. Oh, I forgot,” ahe one of the Rickefeller experimenters ment reclamation project are under full peachea, . P” **>*’ cranberries, $9.60@12 laid In the next breath, “you won't want its greatest value is that it permits any headway. The water traversed the big to trouble about it. Never mind, we’ll sort of operation without any danger to fee«! canal a distance cf 26 mile« to the **** barrel. \egetahles Turnips, 75c per sack; manage some way.” the heart of the patient, as ia the tase reservoir gate, where it was turned It is astonishing how quickly one's through what ia known as tbe by pass carrots, 65c per sack; beets, $1. per with other anaesthetics. into the distributing system of ditches. neana, 709c per pound; cabbage, Blind can be changed. John Raynor's un- Isrwent a lightning transformation. He lc per pound; cauliflower, 76c0$l do«; , (Mill in Race for Senate celery, $4 perorate; onions, 15@20o boarded a car and rode to the shopping 8t. Paul, Dec. 17.— A special from Novem ber Ideal Month. iistrlct with hia mind filled with nothing per do*; parsley, 20c per dos; peas, lc j IVa Domes, Iowa, savs that Governor but Christmas presents. He felt like s Burns— N vember was a month of per pound; peppers, 8@17c per pound; boy turned loose with money to spend and Cummins, of Iowa refeiring to his sug ideal fall weather in Harney. There pumpkins, l @ l } $ c per ponnd; rad­ none to restrict hia fancy. He pushed gesled rand lilac v for the Repo Id ¡can were two flurries of snow, on November ishes, 20c per dos; spinach, 6c per and jostled and wrestled with the crowd, presidential nominal la «, said: " I have 16 and 23, but they were followed by pound; sprouts, 8c per ponnd; sqnaah, exhilarated by the contact with people nc thought of surrendering my candi­ pleasant sunshine and the snow di»ap- l at t i ce; per pound; tomatoes, $1.50 bent on holiday shopping. His past mood dacy for United states senator. The peared in a few days. There has been per box. ■lipped nway like a cast-off garment. He suggestion aliont the presidency is new a great deal of fall plowing done snd j O n:ons— $1.75@2 per cwt. ' bad caught the Christmas spirit and his here, although f have heard about it in the amount of winter wheat sown this I Potatoee— 40@60c per hundred, de- revulsion of feeling amounted almost to other states. I do not intend to do vear ts double that of any year in the livered Portland; sweet potatoes, $2.25 Intoxlcat ion. anything that will take me out of the history cf the country. "Then- you are, sonny," ha told a news- @ 2.50 per cwt. race lor senator." ooy, bestowing a dime in exchange for a B F Mu'kev Has R#»'|C"*d. paper he- did not want. F at Money Saves Life Ashland— Announcement hsa been He helped to “keep the kettles boiling" Ratter— fancy creamery, 32>y@35c Han Rafael, Cal , Dec. 17.— Stewart made at tha state normal school here per ponnd. for the Salvation Army Chriatmai dinner, Dnnistr, a prominent insurance broket that President B. F Mulkey would r e - j ! pnnnda, Veal— 5@fl 76 t^c. to 125 pounds, 8 @ 8 * e ; and he thought he had never heard a gay­ of Honolulu, while on his way to meet tire from the institution on January 1 1 125 to Block, 150 pounds, 7c; ponnda, 150 to 200 Pork— 76 to 150 6@ er sound than the jangling of tho bells the Salvation soldiers kept in motion to a party of friends last night, fell and w ill engage in the law and abstract 6>yc; packers, fl@6tge. call attention to their needs. through a rattle guard on the narrow hneinee* at Jacksonville as a partner in Poultry— Average old hena, 11 S i t Ha carried his merry mood home with gauge tracka of the Northwestern Paci­ the Jackson O unty Abstract company, li p per ponnd; mixed ebickens, 110 him and the moment he entered the door fic railrosd and caught hia font so that which maintains offices at Ashland and 11 S c ; spring chickens, lO i y A ll o ; his family felt the difference. he would have twen crushed to death Medford and will open one at Jackson­ roosters, 8c; dressed chickens, 13@13c; He could not keep hia secret until morn beneath an approaching handcar had he ville- turkeys, live, 14(3)16«; dreseed, choice, Ing. though ho told it only to hia wife. not ignited a clearing house rertlfiate 17@l8c; geeae, live, 9 0 1 0 b ; docks, 12 “ Here are some little things for you and use