stacttòn NO. 47 of VOL 3 MST A C A D A , O REGO N, LO CAL N EW S FARMERS for the O CTO BER 3 1. 1907. $i A YEA R THE ESTACADA STATE BANK Mrs. H. V. A dix and little son came out to their home, Saturday. Transacts a General Banking Business H. J. Hahn, a former Ca/adero merchant, is in town from Seattle. Paid üp Capital, $20,000 X Merchant Cooper was purchasing goods in Portland Tuesday. Get our Quotations on Your Supplies TH U RSD AY, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Epperson and children went to Portland on Tuesday. & Farms and City Lots Eor Sale Clark Possou of St Johns visited at home over Sunday. W e can furnish you with all your needs and wants at prices that are what they should be DRY GOODS The Estacada Pharmacy carries the Victor and Edison phonographs and supplies. See ad. A card reading, “ Closed. For Sale” was placed on the front door of the Portland Restaurant Monday morning. H. N. North j Drafts Issused Good in any Part of the World The safest and Cheapest way to send money 5c for sums up to $10 and 10c for sums up to $100 Mrs. Ballard Looney returned home last week from Virginia. She had a fine visit with her mother and folks at Vesta, Vir. and seeing the Jamestown fair. But Old Oregon is all right. NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS W E A R E A G E N T S FO R T H R E E OK T H E B E S T F I R E IN S U R A N C E CO 'S $ O. W. Olson and wife were guests $ Sunday at Fir Lodge. Mrs. Olson $ spent all last week with Mrs. Heyl- P IG S FO R S A L E B U Y A N APRO N $ man. I have several young pigs for sale. D A L E 'S have some ready made $ kitchen aprons of good quality ging­ , On Friday of last week Miss Alice R. C. Herring, Estacada, (ire. ham. Call and see them. We want the people to see what we have in our store Cunningham, wh o was visiting her FOUND brother, W. A . Cunningham, and A bunch of keys on ring, Call I A residence and property, one of mother and family for several weeks at The News office. departed for her home at Sacramen­ the finest and best in Estacada for to. sale. See or write W. W. Boner, H O U S E K E E P IN G ROOMS Estacada, Ore. It is pumpkin gathering time. Two young ladies want out >r two Invitations are out for a H9II0W- furnished rooms for light house­ © H. W. Downing came over from e’en party given by Miss Ruth Dale keeping. Inquire of The N vs. McMinnville Tuesday evening and at her home this evening. remained over to meet his former i i x neighbors and old friends. They Merchant H. N. North is having 19 have sold their farm at McMinnville a large storage shed built at the | By our Wayside Reporter • i • and may conclude to change loca­ hack of his store. X»»4*4«4«4«4«4-4«P4««>»4*4«4»*4«4*4«*»*4«» --------------------— tions. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert ar­ W E W ISH TO C A L L YO U R rived here last week from Minneso- j Walter Snuffin picked 24 boxes A T T E N T IO N TO OUR F IN E L I N E OF hogs For Sal« ta and will remain here. Mrs. G il­ of Mugoon strawberries Sunday. bert is a sister of Mrs. H .E . Stubbs. Bent Sarver has returned from I have ten .shoats which I will Underwear Oil Coats Rubber his Eastern trip and is doing busi­ sell.—J. P. Stein man. Mr. Miller who owned the Ridge­ Boots Rubbers Umbrellas way place a short time last summer ness at the old stand. He reports Hats Caps Shoes Etc Etc has purchased the Brown place on having had a good time and the first thing he did after he got home the river flat at Barton. was to go into the hills after deer. Mrs. R. Kinimel and son have John Kreiger is reported to be .».i»4..M .4i4^ 4.4**» 4* 4*4*4* 4*4*4« 4*4*4*4* ■».»■» ■» ■M *»» 4«4»4« returned from Oregon City where sick at the home of his daughter Mrs. Kimniel was nursing a sick in Portland ; a letter came Sat. call­ daughter. ing for the family to come over. Attention is hereby called to sec­ Mrs. Ballard C. Looney has re­ Strawberries continue in market from the Snuffin, Lingelbach and turned from Virginia where she tion 2 of the Rules and Regulations has been visiting during the sum­ of the City Water Works, viz: Rhodes farms. Our Ladies’ and Misses’ Hats for Fall and Winter Section 2. Any person or family mer; her husband went to Portland Miss Cecyl Stephens, who lias wear are in line with the new prevailing fashions using the water for any other pur­ to meet her. lieen out on a visit to her sister, Mr. Glazier who has been work­ pose than stated in his application, Hats Trimmbed or made to order to suit Mae, and Mrs. Heylman, has been ing as engineer at Linn's mill dur­ or allowing another not connected quite sick with .brain fever, but un­ ing the summer has returned with with the main to draw through his der the skillful care of IJrs. Olson his family to his home in Portland faucet, will be charged additional­ & Co. is convalescent. and the mill has shut down for the ly at schedule rates. One detection J. H. Reid, wife and family were winter. will be sufficient for such charge. Portland visitors Tuesday. The above will be strictly enforc­ ed. By order of the City Council. The band boys meet every week The Ladies’ Aid will hold its an­ A. N. JO H N SO N, in Fraternity hall for practice. At nual election of officers Friday af­ present there are only seven of eight Recorder. ternoon at 3 p. m. at the home of in the band, but more will take up $2 a day the work later. Cashier Belfills of Mrs. E. Surface. All old members Joseph B. Raney the Estacada State Bank is acting are urged to come and bring as many as instructor, and the boys have al­ new members as possible. All la­ ready got a good stajt in the prac­ dies interested in the work of the Joseph B. Raney died last Friday tice work. j night at his home at Boring. His Aid are invited to attend. A L L M O DERN C O N V E N IE N C E S ' death came while asleep and was Reception to Rev. Parounagian ; caused by heart weakness. The re- and Family mains were taken to Springwater One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast TO GFiT T H E B E S T for burial. Rev. Parounagian con­ The Methodist Episcopal church ducted the funeral services at the was the scene last Friday evening FIR and CEDAR Local and Tourist Trade Solicited grave on Monday. Mr. Raney was of quite a gathering of people from nearly 62 years old. and a bachelor. here, Currinsville and Zion who met He had been a resident of Oregon , at a reception given to welcome the ! in Oregon go to R. Fanton’ s for thirty years. new pastor. Rev. M. B. Parouna IN S U R E YO U R B U IL D IN G S & C O N T E N T S IN mill 12 miles east of Estaca­ j gian, and his wife and children to da for them, or send orders to his address. : : : : : : : their new home. The evening was spent by the people and their pastor Fir Shingles................. $2 10 and family getting acquainted with . Red Cedar........ ........... $2 25 A T H IL L each other. Refreshments were This barlier is here to stay Of Portland, Oregon served in the League room follow­ D E L IV E R E D TO ESTACADA IN C O R P O R A T E D 1904 Nothing but firstclass work done ing wliich short talks were given by OK SUKROUNIHNC.S It has a good record and in a few years has become the Standard HAIRCUT 25c SHAMPOO 25c Rev. Parounagian, Mr. Demov and F ir Shingles..................f> 2 50 Insurance Company for Farmers SHAVE 15c Cedar ............................ $2 65 others. A t the close of the even­ OFFICERS, H. W. SruuhaM, P m J. J. Secy. & T ru i ing the pastor and his wife were Until further notice, DIRECTORS, F. Oronee, John Dcininger. Henry Roth, J. E. Seifer, A. P. Chrirterjen MASSAGE & CHILDREN'S HAIR­ tendered a little surprise in the form C U TTIN G A SPECIALTY R. F A N T O N , It offers at the same time the very cheapest and the very safest of a gift consisting of various pack­ . ^ R e in su ra n ce in O r e g o n „ ^ J ages and parcels which in many Ore Estacada, For further information applv to R F D i cases exceeded the 16 nr. they were FORMALLY OP PORTLAND supposed to weigh. Estacadd, Oregon $ $ $ $ $ We have just added a new stock of goods to our store for the Fall and Winter trade. These are a letter grade of goods and are what people are looking for to furnish their homes with. A R T S Q U A R E S , R U G S, S E W IN G S T A N D S, W ILLO W R O C K E R S , H U SK DOOR M A T S H. Cooper & Company Order your Fall and Winter Clothing Now * f NOTICE To Water Consumers BLANKETS and COMFORTS MILLINERY “ D A L E’ S SHINGLES FARMERS Fire Relief Association A. E. Sparks THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n s a c ts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Capital, $ 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Money to Loan on Real Estate INSURANCE T h is bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. New Patterns Dress Goods Ginghams Prints and Notions HOWE LOOK HERE! W. Hoffman HENRY TRAPP, Agent N E W S T Y L E S AND A GOOD S T O C K T O S E L E C T FR O M 8 The Hotel Estacada . The Farmers9 Mutual GROCERIES T H E B E S T IN T H E M A R K E T The Bank of Estacada reopened this morning for business as usual. Winter f Quinsy. Spruins And Swpllioqs Cured Mayor and Mrs. Haviland and “ In tyovember, 1901, I cought cold 8 *, son, Billy, were in Portland yester­ had the quinsy. My throat was swollen day. | so I could hardly breathe. I applied and Ralph Lx-mon arrived J Cham l*?r lain's ¡win balm and it gave me . home last week. Walter is quite relief in a short time. In two «lays I was all rig h t.” says Mrs. I. Cousine of Otter- over the attack of typhoid. Farmers wanting insurance should Irtrn, Mich. Cham lterlain'spain balm is read the ad in this paper of the a liniment and is especially valuable for Farmers’ Mutual Fire Relief Asso sprains and swellings. Fnrsnl*- !>v I sta- cada J>rug St«*r< H. D. Trapp, Agent.