'• V * •? ' -}< fe ? NO. 46 o r VOL. 3 E S T A C A D A , O REGO N, LO C A L N E W S Chippaway I $1 A Y E A R 1907. _____ Í GROCERIES Transacts a General Banking Business Paid up Capital, $20,000 j TH E BEST IN THE MARKET H. W. Blood is painting his re-i- [ dence on Main street white. The Clear Creek Co-o* erative Creamery paid 35c last m< it!i icr I butter fat. Farms and City Lots For Sale Doctor and Mrs. C B. Smith and ! son Sim were in Estacadu Tuesday. They are in Oregon City for the rest of the week. Water-proof and High Cut SLICKER SUITS DRY GOODS j Have you paid all your city tax- J es? Sewer assessment, dog tax and j poll tax? If not, avoid notoriety by seeing the city tax collector about: the matter. We can fit you out with a full outfit in Wet weather Goods H. N. North NEW HOUSE X Quite a number of people from I here attended the Gresham fair. The Best Shoe for the Logger Hand Made throughout O CTO BER 24, THE ESTACADA STATE Foggy in the lowlands. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dubois were I in Portland, Wednesday. Loggers ¡ TH U RSD AY, NEW STYLES AND A GOOD STOCK TO SELECT FROM Drafts Issused Good in any Part of the World The safest and Cheapest way to send money 5c for sums up to $10 and 10c for sums up to $100 A. E. Sparks The Epworth League meets at 7 o’ clock every Sunday evening in the M. E. church. FURNISHINGS A Hindo who was in town last week made the statement that he i could lick any three Americans. He W E A R E A G E N T S FOR T H R E E OF has, perhaps, brought the occult 1 $ We have just added a new stock of goods to our store $ T H E B E S T F IR E IN S U R A N C E CO’ S science with him. $ for the Fall and Winter trade. These are a better grade $ Julius Meilike of Sprihgwater is % of goods and are what people are looking for to furnish $ P IG S FO R S A L E B U Y A N APRO N $ their homes with. A R T SQ U A R E S, RU G S, S E W IN G $ marketing his grain and is well sat­ $ ST A N D S, W ILLO W R O C K E R S, H U SK DOOR M A T S $ isfied with the good roads, good I have several young pigs for sale. D A L E ’S have some ready made crops and good prices. R. C. Herring, Estacada, Ore. kitchen aprons of good quality ging­ We want the people to see what we have in our store ham. Call and see them. W. S. Russ has sold his property FOUND in Estacada, lots 2, 3 and 4, block | Call A buuch of keys on ring, 15 to Anna Marchbank for S650. A residence and property, one of at The News office. the finest and best in Estacada for Mrs. Mark Cameron who has Ireen sale. See or write W. W. Boner, at a Portland hospital for two weeks H O U S E K E E P IN G ROOMS j Estacada, Ore. where she underwent an operation, Two young ladies want one or two returned home last Sunday. furnished rooms for light house­ Mrs. C. S. Allen was well enough keeping. Inquire of The News. § By our Wayside Reporter I last Saturday to return to their home ! * X + + . , . . r .l.-;.^..,.-r-U S.S--r * G - . - K + S . - r + a . ;< at Morrow. Clark Posson came up from St Last Sunday Dr. and Mrs. W. i Johns and spent last Sunday at G. T. Hunt lias been laid up for W E W ISH TO C A L L YO UR K . Haviland entertained Mrs. J. P". home. alxiut a week caused by coming in A T T E N T IO N TO OUR F IN E L IN E OK Boo; of Goldfield, and Miss Grace The Close Brothers have rented too close contact with a moving log Lewis of Portland. the Ilenry DuBois farm. Mr. Du- lie is able to be around again. Underwear Oil Coats Rubber W. H. Holder received word last Harmon Green was so well taken Bois may move to town or build a week that his father had died in Boots Rubbers Umbrellas 1 with the irrigated land and scheme house at the sawmill. Iowa; the deceased was over 85 out ill Idaho that he took 80 acres Hats Caps Shoes Etc Etc \V. B. Warfield has put . quirk years of age at the time of his death ‘ near Shoshone. The land is situa-1 lunch counter in the re Mrs Opal Crecraft of Montavilla ted near the water ditch, and under I hungry uiugham's to satisfy tl began teaching in the Bowman irrigation will grow most anything tummy school house last Monday. man wants. h 1 a About fifteen young p< Mrs. F". M. Gill has been confined E. S. Shankland of Sellwood vis­ most pleasant time a 1\i.:s. E. S. to her home because of illness Mon­ ited his people and old home near Womer's Tuesday eveiling It was day and Tuesday. Estacada last Sunday. a surprise on Sim Smith. Jim Sevier and Joe LeCroix of If out of work and want an easy, Viola were out in the hills east of Mayor and Mrs. Haviland went money-making job there is a chance to Portland to hear Sousa’ s band. Garfield looking for cedar last week; for you digging pipe line ditch for they want to put in a shingle mill H. R. Satcliwell and family of the city. $4 a day. if they can find the timber. Medford arrived here last week and Hats Trimmbed or made to order to suit Mrs. J P. Irvin was a visitor at J. J. Davis came down out of the will become permanent residents of mountain sides Monday, bringing Estacada. Mr. Satcliwell lias en­ the home Mrs. C. B. Rawlins Tues­ out the party of five surveyors who tered the employ of the Estacada day and W e d n e s d a y . have been up the river several weeks State Bank as timekeeper for the Henry Cromer, roadoverseer of surveying a site for an electric pow­ -- iwniill and other employes. Springwater, continues to improve ( ^ Z > ( C A 3 fé) er plant on Oak Grove river. Mr Mr and Mrs. A. E. Schultz were the road across the Clackamas. Davis thinks it is getting too la gut its of Estacada friends last Sun­ for any more mountain trips. day. Ye editor and wife had the There will be religious ser ices at pleasure, a couple weeks ago, of a í i o a week $2 a day the Estacada M. E. church ay visit with Mr. and Mrs. Shultz at fa following Sunday School, 1 Zion their new home at Montavilla. Mr. fa q This barber is here to stay fa in tile afternoon, and at Currins- Shultz bought a fine residence prop­ fa ++## fa fa Nothing but firstclass work done fa ville in the evening. erty on North Spencer St. getting it A L L M ODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S Theodore Wirt/, is handing out at a real bargain, and the family is ^ HAIRCUT 25c SHAMPOO 25c fa SHAVE 15c fa some pretty and useful gifts of the very comfortably located. Shoes & Clothing THE BANK OF ESTACADA H. Cooper & Company I V T ra n sa cts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s E s«» Capital, $6,000.00 Order your Fall and Winter Clothing Now S seS Money to Loan on Real Estate % f I I IN S U R A N C E This bank lias the local agency fot some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. BLANKETS and COMFORTS If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. property of our own for sale and can push your sales M I L L I N E R Y Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind Our Ladies’ and Misses’ Hats for Fall and Winter wear are in line with the new prevailing fashions D A L E S W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. :L I \ LOOK HERE! } The Hotel Estacada One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast " i * H Local and Tourist Trade Solicited 11 f i c a M B B a z s --------- — — ------ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------- - — TO LOAN $400 at 6 per cent. $ 6 0 0 .................... $ « 0 0 .................... J O 5 0 0 .................... See Bank of Estacada. Fruit Trees and Shrubbery For Sale I am selling nursery stock all kinds of fruit trees and shrubbery grown by the Wood burn Nursery, the oldest nursery in the state, all stock reliable. For particulars and prices call on or write E. L. WON- A CO TT, Estacada, Ore. Route 1. agent for this part of Clackamas •county. If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no I— i Let us write your policy. : : 240ACRE FARM FOR SALE I have a farm of 240 acres near town for sale. River runs through it. Riparian rights included. Good investment —G . W. Lockerby, E s­ tacada, Ore. A Handsome Mantel Clock Gven Away Jeweler A. N. Johnson is going to give someone a present of a very- nice mantel clock. Every dollar purchase at his store entitles the purchaser to one chance at getting the clock. It is a beauty, worth trying for. fa Sharpies Tubular Cream Separator ; Company. fa £ MASSAGE & CHILDREN'S HAIR- £ fa CUTTING A SPECIALTY || TO G E T T H E B E S T The Town Board W. Hoffman FIR and CEDAR The town couneif met Tuesday evening. The following bills were ordered paid— J W Antrim, $64 75 J F Lovelace. 4 25 Adolf Sagner, 55 00 Mr. Antrim is to quit the pump­ ing station Mr. Sagner has dug about Hoo feet of the pi}e living rooms and the First floor w ill lie occupied by a jx»*»l and billiard hall. Quinsv. Sprains and Sw e S o g s Cured “ In November, 1901, I eouglit cold & liad the quinsy. My throat was swollen so I could hardly breathe. I applied Cham berlain's pain b ilm and it gave uic relief in a short time. In two «lays I was all r ig h t." sa\s Mr<. I. Consine of Otter burn, Mich. Chumberlain’s paio balm is a liniment anti is especially valuable for sprains and swellings, Forsale by list 11- rad a D m ? Ston- I *